HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/21/13 PUBLIC HEARING
May 21, 2013
Present: Jon Stavney Chairman
Sara Fisher Commissioner
Jill Ryan Commissioner
Keith Montag County Manager
Bryan Treu County Attorney
Teak Simonton Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing,the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Manager Update
Keith Montag, County Manager
- Communications Update,Kris Friel
- Information Sharing
- Team Updates
- Meetings Attended/Future Meetings
- Discussion Items
1. Eagle River Preserve,Toby Sprunk
Attorney Update
Bryan Treu, County Attorney
Executive Session
Homestead sidewalks
Discussion of Cattleman's Club Request for variance from improvement standards
Legal advice pertaining to the appointment of Eagle County and RFVRPC
planning commission members
Consent Agenda
Chairman Stavney stated the first item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows:
2. Approval of Bill Paying for the Week of May 20, 2013 (Subject to Review by the Finance Director)
John Lewis,Finance
3. Approval of Payroll for May 30,2013 (Subject to Review by the Finance Director)
John Lewis,Finance
4. Eagle County Airport Renewal Proposal for Airport Liability Insurance with Chartis from Aon Risk
Kathy Lawn,Airport
5. Intergovernmental Agreement between Eagle County and the Western Eagle County Ambulance District
for CPR Education and Training
Jessie Mosher, Sheriff's Office
6. Ratification of Agreement for Professional Services between Justice Benefits, Inc. and Eagle County for
Professional Services in Assisting in the Application Process for the State Criminal Alien Assistance
Jessie Mosher, Sheriff's Office
7. Agreement between Eagle County and Vision Security, LLC for Fire and Security Alarm Monitoring,
Testing,Inspection and Repair
Ron Siebert,Facilities Management
Commissioner Ryan asked Ron Seibert about item 7. He explained that it would be an appropriation
change rather than a supplemental request.
Commissioner Fisher moved to approve the Consent Agenda for May 21, 3013,as presented.
Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Jessie Mosher,with the Sheriff's office explained the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program
Grant process.
Commissioner Fisher stated that she wanted to find the correct term for those in the country without
documents, or illegally.
Commissioner Ryan believes that"undocumented worker"was a better way to refer to these individuals.
Citizen Input
Chairman Stavney opened and closed citizen Input, as there was none.
Commissioner Ryan moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners and re-
convene as the Eagle County Local Liquor Licensing Authority.
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Eagle County Liquor License Authority
Kathy Scriver, Clerk and Recorder's Office
8. APPLICANT: X-Bar Fly, Inc.
TRADE NAME: Sato Sushi
REPRESENTATIVE: Peter Mueller, Owner
LOCATION: 56 Edwards Village Blvd. Suite 120,Edwards-CO
REQUEST: Change of Location
The applicant has requested a permit to change the location of their Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License
from Edwards Corner to 105 Edwards Village Blvd. E-101 &E-102 in the Edwards Village Center. Sato's remains
a popular,well established local restaurant.The location change puts the restaurant back near its original location
where it first opened in 1998.
The first order of business is to establish the neighborhood. The Board has been provided with a petition submitted
by the applicant and summary prepared by the Clerk's Office.
Staff recommends the following: All areas with a five-mile radius from the proposed location, including but not
limited to Arrowhead, The Reserve,River Pines,Homestead, Old Edwards Estates,Singletree and Cordillera.
Commissioner Ryan moved that the Board establish the neighborhood as recommended by staff. All areas
within a five-mile radius from the proposed location, including but not limited to Arrowhead, The Reserve,River
Pines,Homestead, Old Edwards Estates,Singletree and Cordillera.
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous
1. All members of the Board have been provided with copies of the petition submitted by the applicant. The
Board will consider the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood,the desires of the adult inhabitants of
the neighborhood and whether the existing licenses are adequate to meet these needs and desires,per the
Colorado Liquor Code, Section 12-347-301 (2) (a).
2. Public notice has been given by the posting of a sign in a conspicuous place on the premises May 10, 2013
and by publication in the Vail Daily,May 11, 2013 and Eagle Valley Enterprise,May 16,2013.
3. The location complies with distance requirements and applicable zoning laws of the county.
4. These findings have been made known, in writing,to the applicant and other interested parties, five(5)
days prior to this hearing.
5. All documentation is in order and all fees have been paid.
CONCERNS/ISSUES: Staff has no concerns with this request.
Ms. Scriver explained that the business was moving due to the opportunity to own the new space. All
paperwork and requirements had been submitted,but the diagram would be slightly different. The new location
would take three spots E101, E 102 and E 103 as well as the patio area.
There was much discussion about the reasonable boundary for the neighborhood considerations.
Commissioner Fisher wondered why the distance had changed.
Ms. Scriver explained that with past files a five-mile radius was allowed.
Commissioner Fisher expressed that before making a decision the board should be informed.
Chairman Stavney asked about the boundary and how it would be enclosed.
Peter Mueller explained that it would be a concrete enclosure and fencing between the two spaces.
Ms. Scriver showed the commissioners the new boundary for the proposed service area.
Chairman Stavney suggested approving the change of location conditioned upon the formal submission of a
boundary map satisfactory to the staff.
Commissioner Fisher asked to see the detail of the patio enclosure along with exit possibilities. She
suggested using the Down Valley Tavern example for reference.
Commissioner Ryan moved that the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve a Change of Location for
X-Bar Fly, Inc. d/b/a Sato Sushi,having considered the reasonable requirements and desires of the neighborhood,
the evidence submitted and incorporating staff findings. Such permit shall be issued upon the written findings and
decision of this Board and upon a final inspection of the premises by our Clerk and Recorder's Office to determine
that the applicant has complied with the site information that will be provided to staff and as may be required by the
Colorado Liquor Code
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Fisher moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority and re-convene as
the Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Ryan seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Planning Files
9. VIS-4065 Cattleman's Club Request for Improvements from Variance Standards
Ben Gerdes, Engineering
Carmen Weiland: Cattleman's Club Homeowner's Association,Applicant
Tracy Kinsella: Garfield&Hecht,P.C.,Representative
Note: Tabled from April 30,2013
Action: On February 19,2013 the Board of County Commissioners voted unanimously to approve with conditions
a request from the Cattleman's Club HOA for Variances to Improvement Standards for Dual Access,Emergency
Vehicle Turnaround Areas and Road Improvement Standards. One of the conditions of approval required the
applicant to improve a secondary emergency egress. It has become evident that this condition cannot be met. The
applicant is requesting that the BoCC consider their request for a Variance to Improvement Standards without the
condition of approval that would require a secondary emergency egress.
Location: West Lake Creek
Reference: Staff Report in April 30, 2013 meeting minutes
Commissioner Ryan moved to table file no.VIS-4065 Cattleman's Club Request for improvements from
variance standards until May 28,2013.
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Work Sessions (recorded)
10. Castle Peak Senior Care Update
Jill Klosterman,Housing
Open Session
Design and Entitlement Update
Financing Update
Executive Session
Discuss negotiations concerning fundraising
Legal advice regarding the following draft agreements: Right of First Refusal,
Ground Lease, and Development Services Agreement
11. Capital Improvements Projects Update
Tom Hyatt,Finance
Ken Whitehead,Public Works
There being no further business before the ard, e meeting was adjourned until May 28, 2013.
Attest: c z', ,� , - y� �`' K jLe.c.�
Clerk to the Board � * * Chairman