HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/29/10 PUBLIC HEARING
June 29, 2010
Present: Sara Fisher Chairman •
Peter Runyon Commissioner
Jon Stavney Commissioner
Keith Montag County Manager
Bryan Treu County Attorney
Teak Simonton Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Consent Agenda
Chairman Fisher stated the first item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows:
A. Approval of Bill Paying for the Week of June 28, 2010 (subject to Review by the Finance Director)
Finance Department Representative
B. Memorandum of Understanding between the State of Colorado Department of Human Services and the
Board of County Commissioners for Eagle County, Colorado for the Colorado Works and Child Care
Assistance Program
Kathleen Lyons, Health & Human Services
C. Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Contact Amendment #1 of Master Contractfor the
Immunization Program
Anne Robinson, Health & Human Services
D. Resolution 2010 -072 Adopting the May 2010 Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan
Barry Smith, Emergency Management
E. Sub -lease Agreement between Western Eagle County Metropolitan District and Eagle County for Sheriffs
Sub Station in Edwards
Ron Siebert, Public Works
F. Resolution 2010 -073 Regarding Final Release of Collateral and Termination of the Warranty Period for
Two Rivers Estates
County Attorney's Office Representative
G. Final Settlement of Agreement between Eagle County and Shaw Construction, LLC for Eagle County
Materials Recovery Facility
Ron Siebert, Public Works
H. Consulting Agreement between Eagle County and Asset Valuation Advisors, LLP
County Attorney's Office Representative
Chairman Fisher asked the Attorney's Office if there were any changes to the Consent Agenda.
Commissioner Stavney asked for clarification on item E, sublease between WECMRD and the Sheriff
substation in Edwards.
Mr. Treu stated that it was the Field House in Edwards, anticipated on the Master Plan. The County added
$250,000 for the construction to obtain the space for the substation. There was no ownership, but a long term lease.
Commissioner Stavney asked for the comparison between the old and new spaces.
Mr. Treu did not recall, but felt it was significant.
Commissioner Runyon moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A -H.
Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Citizen Input
Chairman Fisher opened and closed citizen Input, as there was none.
Resolution 2010 -074 Designating Eagle County Housing and Development Authority
an Enterprise Fund
Alex Potente, Housing & Development
Mr. Potente stated that an enterprise fund was an entity under TABOR that did not receive more than 10%
of its revenues from state and local sources. It was a government owned business and received its fees from
developer and property management fees and program fees. On advice of counsel it was suggested that the
authority be designated an enterprise fund.
Commissioner Runyon wondered if at some point in the future the income was not sufficient to satisfy the
Mr. Treu stated that this could be possible and then by definition the fund would not be an enterprise fund.
Chairman Fisher asked about developer fees.
Mr. Potente clarified that developer fees were typically broken up into several years. He spoke about the
HUD funding which would help pay for managing the development and renovation administration. The costs were
less than if a private contractor handled the development.
Commissioner Stavney stated that the $500,000 would cover the overhead.
Commissioner Runyon wondered if there were performance bonds for liabilities.
Mr. Potente stated that R.A. Nelson, the outside contractor and the architect would have such bonds.
Chairman Fisher asked about Riverview repairs. She hoped that the families would be moved soon so
renovations could begin.
Chairman Fisher opened and closed public comment, as there was none.
Commissioner Stavney moved to approve the resolution 2010 -074 Designating Eagle County Housing and
Development Authority an Enterprise Fund.
Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and re- convene as the
Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority.
Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Eagle County Liquor License Authority
Kathy Scriver, Clerk and Recorder's Office
APPLICANT: Roaring Fork Conservancy
REQUEST: Special Events Permit (2)
EVENT: River Rendezvous
DATE OF EVENT: July 14, 2010
REPRESENTATIVE: Rick Lofaro, Event Manager
LOCATION: 2561 Frying Pan Road (Dallenbach Ranch) — Basalt
Roaring Fork Conservancy has requested two (2) special event permits for their annual River Rendezvous
Dinner /Dance event being held at the Dallenbach Wooden Handle Ranch in Basalt (un- incorporated Eagle County).
The applicant has requested two (2) permits, as Frying Pan Road divides the property. Permit 1 — Dining Tent and
Permit 2 — Auction Tent. The applicant expects approximately 300 -350 guests will attend this event. A licensed
caterer will cater the event and all their servers and bartenders will be server trained. The cocktail hour along the
river ends at approximately 7 -7:30 p.m. (per the alcohol management plan).
1. This application is in order, all requirements have been met, all necessary documents have been received,
and all fees have been paid.
2. Public notice was given at each location by the posting a sign in a conspicuous place on the premises, June
18, 2010, 10 days prior to the hearing.
3. No protests have been received in the Clerk's Office.
4. The applicant has provided an alcohol management plan per the requirements of the Eagle County Local
Licensing Authority and will provide proof of server training before issuance of the permit.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff findings are positive
Ms. Scriver explained the request and reason for two permits to cover the locations in the event.
Chairman Fisher asked about the event.
Ed Perregaux stated that there were only 45 unsold tickets left at $200.00 per ticket. There would be silent
and live auctions to raise additional funds.
Chairman Fisher asked about the Roaring Fork Conservancy.
Mr. Perregaux stated that the Conservancy tried to protect the rivers and water sources.
Commissioner Stavney moved that the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the Special Events
Permit(s) for the Roaring Fork Conservancy event being held at the Dallenbach's Wooden Handle Ranch in Basalt
on July 14, 2010 from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
DBA: Downvalley Tavern
REPRESENTATIVE: Andrew (Drew) Scott, Owner
LOCATION: 64 El Jebel Road — El Jebel, CO
REQUEST: Temporary Permit
DVT, Inc has applied for the transfer of a Hotel and Restaurant liquor license from Fabulous Food. Inc
d /b /a Blue Creek Grill and has requested a Temporary permit to allow them to operate during the period in which
the application to transfer ownership of the license is pending. The applicant has submitted all of the required
documents and associated fees for the transfer.
1. The premises where the alcoholic beverages will be sold have been previously licensed by the state and
Local Licensing Authorities, and were valid as of the date of receiving the application.
2. The applicant has applied on forms provided by the Department of Revenue and includes the name and
address of the applicant, the names and addresses of the president, vice - president, secretary and
managing officer, the applicant's financial interest in the proposed transfer, and the premises for which
the Temporary Permit is sought.
3. A statement that all accounts for alcohol beverages sold to the applicant are paid has been filed.
4. The application for the Temporary Permit has been filed no later than thirty (30) days after the filing of
the application for the transfer of ownership and the appropriate fees have been paid.
All findings are positive and staff recommends approval.
Ms. Scriver described the request. Drew Scott, applicant and owner was present.
Mr. Scott stated that the location would have Italian food with a bar. He stated that all staff hired had
previous restaurant experience. He had also hired Tim Harris to manage the restaurant. They will serve lunch and
dinner and provide indoor and outdoor seating.
Chairman Fisher asked about alcohol server training.
Mr. Scott stated that he would provide this information as soon as the restaurant was organized.
Chairman Fisher suggested that the Sheriff's office be invited in for a walk — through of the location.
Commissioner Stavney stated that the owner's experience with a DUI would hopefully help him be a better
Mr. Scott stated that he has a very different perspective about how much alcohol could be consumed prior
to driving a vehicle. He understood that one drink per hour was the limit.
Commissioner Runyon moved that the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the issuance of a
Temporary Permit to DVT, Inc. d/b /a Downvalley Tavern which will be valid until such time as the application to
transfer ownership of the license is granted or denied or for one hundred twenty (120) days, whichever occurs first;
except that, if the application to transfer the license has not been granted or denied within the one - hundred - twenty
day period and the transferee demonstrates good cause, the local licensing authority may extend the validity of said
permit for an additional period not to exceed sixty (60) days.
Commissioner Stavney seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Stavney moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority and re- convene
as the Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Planning Files
PR -2762 Colorado Mountain College Edwards Campus Expansion
Bob Narracci, Planning Department
ACTION: Statutory review by the Eagle County Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners
of Colorado Mountain College's Development Plans for expansion of the Edwards campus facility.
Proposed is an approximate 32,500 square foot addition to the existing facility and two new
parking lots. All lighting, architecture, exterior finishes and colors to match existing building.
LOCATION: Berry Creek / Miller Ranch on the north side of Miller Ranch Road and South of Interstate 70. East
of the Edwards Spur Road.
FILE NO. /PROCESS: PR -2762 / Site Specific Development Review
OWNER: Colorado Mountain Junior College District and Partnership for Education
APPLICANT: Colorado Mountain Junior College District
REPRESENTATIVE: Tab Associates, Inc. / Jon Keiser
This Planning Review proposal is to allow construction of a 32,500 square foot addition onto the existing
CMC Edwards Campus building and 128 new paved, on -site parking spaces. The existing structure is
approximately 30,525 square feet in area with 239 existing parking spaces. Upon completion of the
expansion, the CMC facility will include 63,025 square feet and 367 parking spaces. The building
expansion will employ the same architectural finish materials, colors and style as the existing CMC
Pursuant to the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch PUD Guide and Land Use Restrictions, the CMC Tract is
designated as Tract `A'. Per the PUD Guide, "If developed as an educational facility by either the School
District or Colorado Mountain College, the site - specific development review of this Tract as prescribed in
Section B.1. (of the PUD Guide) shall be utilized ".
Section B.1. provides that, "The proposed development of such tracts shall be reviewed in accordance with
applicable sections of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S. §22 -32 -124). Statutory provisions require the
School District (in this case CMC) to submit a site development plan to the Planning Commission prior to
construction of any structure or building. In addition to the type of information and level of detail provided
as part of the site development plan required by Statute, the School District (CMC) will provide
engineering detail for those elements of the site design which have potential off -site impacts, such as
drainage and points of access to public roads sufficient to enable the County Engineer to review and
provide recommendations to the Planning Commission ".
This Planning Review application process satisfies the above referenced statutory requirement for CMC to
provide Eagle County with an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed application. This is
essentially a courtesy review. Building permits and impact fees for the CMC Expansion will not be issued
or assessed by Eagle County due to the fact that all permitting for Junior Colleges in Colorado is
accomplished through the State of Colorado.
Section 9.2 of the land lease agreement between the Partnership for Education and CMC requires that CMC
consult in good faith with the local planning commission, board of county commissioners, building
department and other local authorities relative to the location of all proposed improvements on the
property. A copy of the lease agreement is attached.
The Design Review Committee for the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch PUD (comprised of representatives of
Eagle County, Eagle County School District, and the Edwards community at- large) is also required to
review the proposed CMC development on this Tract. The Design Review Committee reviewed this
proposal on Tuesday, June 15` and unanimously approved the proposal with conditions.
The Engineering Department has been providing direction to the applicant regarding issues pertaining to
traffic, access, road improvements and drainage since the onset of the planning process for this proposed
Surrounding Land Uses / Zoning:
Edwards Station
North: Gas Station, Fast Commercial
Food, Car Wash, General
Lube Shop
North: Battle Mountain Berry Creek /
High School Miller Ranch PUD
South: Berry Creek / Berry Creek /
Miller Ranch Pond Miller Ranch PUD
East: Battle Mountain Berry Creek /
High School Miller Ranch PUD
UP Railroad Right -
West: of -Way, CDOT Resource
Rest Stop
Existing Zoning: Berry Creek Miller Ranch PUD
Proposed Zoning: N/A
Current Development: 30,525 sq. ft. CMC Facility and parking
Site Conditions: Developed and vacant
Total Land Area: 16 -acres
Total Open Space N/A
Usable Open Space: N/A
Water: ERWSD
Sewer: ERWSD
Access: Via Miller Ranch Road
1999 The Eagle County Recreation Authority (whose interests were later to be transferred to Eagle
County) and the Eagle County School District (RE -50J) entered into a Intergovernmental
Agreement to develop the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch site on a joint basis.
2000 A PUD Sketch Plan was approved by the Board of County Commissioners.
2002 A Combined PUD Sketch / Preliminary Plan Berry Creek / Miller Ranch was approved by the
Board of County Commissioners in March.
2002 The final plat for the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch PUD was approved in May.2002 — PUD approved
2003 A Site Specific Development Review was approved for a 30,525 square foot CMC academic
building on this site (Tract A).
2004 PUD Guide amended relative to Day Care Facility.
2007 Tract A of the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch PUD was subdivided to create Lot 1 of Colorado
Mountain College at Berry Creek, which was subsequently conveyed by the Partnership for
Education to Colorado Mountain College. The balance of Tract A is designated as Lot 2.
2010 This Planning Review application for the CMC Expansion was received by Eagle County on May
7, 2010.
Eagle County Department of Environmental Health: The following comments are provided:
1) Erosion control: The contractor shall "minimize" off site soil tracking and that tracking shall be
"cleaned up to the satisfaction of the engineer and/or owner's representative." Dirt and mud that is
tracked off -site causes significant degradation to air and water quality and must be mitigated to the
satisfaction of Eagle County Code Enforcement. Failure to take actions to abate off -site tracking of
mud and dirt will result in cessation of work until compliance is obtained. We recommend tracking
pads be placed at each construction entrance for the duration of construction.
2) We recommend a Dust Suppression Plan be prepared for approval by Eagle County Environmental
Health prior to any site disturbance. The approved Plan must be kept on -site and be implemented at all
times during construction in order to continue with grading activities. The Plan must identify a point of
contact that is always available to take immediate action to abate environmental impacts. Failure to
conform to the Plans will result in cessation of work until compliance is obtained.
3) If light installations are allowed, time limitations on outdoor use along with down -cast, energy efficient
lighting is recommended.
4) We recommend that the facility design be reviewed by our ECO Build Specialist to analyze the project
pursuant to our draft ECO -Build Commercial regulations.
5) We recommend pursuing LEED certification for the project. In particular, studies have shown that
schools meeting improved indoor air quality and natural lighting /views as outlined in Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification significantly improve student attendance,
learning, and performance.
6) Stormwater should be managed in such a way as to allow 100% of surface runoff to travel through
bioswales, engineered wetlands, landscaped detention areas, and /or vegetated drainage features that
remove particulates and pollutants from surface runoff, provide onsite rainwater irrigation, and
maintain historical groundwater recharge conditions.
Eagle County Engineering Department: Please reference the attached memorandum dated June 7, 2010.
The following four comments are offered:
1) Additional flow generated by the CMC site will affect only CMC. The applicant is proposing a 100 -
year runoff of 25.2 cfs at the outlet culvert under the railroad. This runoff exceeds the original design
runoff of 23.0 cfs. The ponding from the 100 -year event only impacts the CMC site and the applicant
has indicated that they are willing to assume any risk and future impact from this additional ponding.
2) The traffic impact analysis for the expansion found that the intersection of Miller Ranch Road / CMC
Access / HS Access will experience some reduction in operational performance due to the site
generated traffic. The impact will be on the CMC access, which is expected to perform at a LOS E in
the year 2030 (37 sec delay). The current access is a single lane exit. We would suggest that the
applicant consider adding a right turn lane to improve the operation of this access.
3) Initial planning for Miller Ranch Road anticipated that a roundabout be constructed at the intersection of
Miller Ranch Road / CMC Access / HS Access. Again, because the operational impact is at the CMC
Access and is not anticipated to impact Miller Ranch Road, the applicant has requested that
construction of the roundabout not be associated with this expansion due to the cost of the
improvements. We would request that an agreement be put in place to define the appropriate trigger
for CMC to construct the roundabout for site access.
4) A Master Plan for the CMC site was included in the application that shows a new access to the campus
just east of the existing access. The location identified appears to be quite close to the existing access
and further review of the new access location will be necessary. If allowed, this new access may be
required to be a right -in / right -out only.
ECO Trails: The Miller Ranch Road Trail shall be repaired immediately upon completion of construction
or closure of the temporary construction staging area, whichever comes first. Trails asphalt shall be
replaced at 3" over 6" of compacted road base. Caution signs shall be placed and maintained on each side
of the temporary access drive stating, "No Pavement Ahead and Watch for Truck Traffic ", or similar
language. The signs must remain in place for the duration of project construction.
ECO Transit: Eco Transit has indicated that the existing bus shelter and routes will be able to support the
CMC facility expansion.
Additional referral agencies included: Eagle County Assessor's Office, Eagle County Attorney's Office,
Road and Bridge, School District, Sheriff's Office, Weed and Pest, CDOT, CDOW, Eagle County Health
Services District, Eagle River FPD, Holy Cross Electric, Berry Creek Metro, Edwards Metro, Eagle River
W &S District, Edwards Community Authority, and the Town of Avon.
Further, this land use application was referred for comment to every Home Owner's Association in the
Edwards vicinity that is registered with Eagle County, with no response received.
Findings addressed by this Staff Report are those related to consistency with the [1] PUD Guide, [2] the
PUD Preliminary Plan, [3] the Master Circulation Plan, and [4] the Master Drainage Plan.
FINDING: Consistency with the PUD Guide [PUD Guide, Sections B.2, D.2.]
The development occurring on this Tract IS consistent with the PUD Guide.
Uses and Dimensional Limitations
The Preliminary Plan approved for the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch PUD contemplates the development of
Tract A as a site for a college facility and other related educational, learning and training facilities. The
proposed development is consistent with the permitted uses stated in the PUD Guide for Tract A and
conforms to the dimensional limitations regarding minimum setbacks (20 feet), maximum lot coverage for
buildings (50 %) and all impervious materials (80 %), and maximum building height (45 feet).
The minimum number of parking spaces to be provided is to be determined as a part of this site specific
development review. The existing CMC campus includes 239 parking spaces. The Applicant proposes to
provide 128 additional parking spaces for this phase of development.
Please note that while the proposal complies with the specified use and dimensional limitations, staff
requests that in -lieu of constructing 128 additional paved on -site parking spaces, that CMC explore the
possibility of shared parking with the Battle Mountain High School site and /or the Berry Creek /Miller
Ranch Pond area parking lot.
FINDING: Consistency with the PUD Preliminary Plan [PUD Guide, Section B.2.]
The development occurring on this Tract IS consistent with the PUD Preliminary Plan.
The overall landscape plan for the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch PUD approved with the PUD Preliminary
Plan includes a streetscape /landscape plan for the Miller Ranch Road right -of -way. Landscaping detail was
shown along that part of Miller Ranch Road immediately southeast of its intersection with the Edwards
Spur Road, in the vicinity of the Housing Tract D, and in the vicinity of the Berry Creek Middle School.
Irrigation is proposed to be primarily by use of non - potable water. The overall landscape plan for the Berry
Creek / Miller Ranch PUD provides that landscaping and irrigation of individual sites are to be reviewed
during the site specific development review for each site.
The landscape plan submitted for this phase of the CMC development is consistent with the overall
landscape plan.
FINDING: Consistency with the Master Circulation Plan [PUD Guide, Section B.2.]
To date the development occurring on this Tract HAS been demonstrated to be consistent with the Master
Circulation Plan.
Per the Engineering Department comments:
1) The traffic impact analysis for the expansion found that the intersection of Miller Ranch Road / CMC
Access / HS Access will experience some reduction in operational performance due to the site
generated traffic. The impact will be on the CMC access, which is expected to perform at a LOS E in
the year 2030 (37 sec delay). The current access is a single lane exit. We would suggest that the
applicant consider adding a right turn lane to improve the operation of this access.
2) Initial planning for Miller Ranch Road anticipated that a roundabout be constructed at the intersection of
Miller Ranch Road / CMC Access / HS Access. Again, because the operational impact is at the CMC
Access and is not anticipated to impact Miller Ranch Road, the applicant has requested that
construction of the roundabout not be associated with this expansion due to the cost of the
improvements. We would request that an agreement be put in place to define the appropriate trigger
for CMC to construct the roundabout for site access.
3) A Master Plan for the CMC site was included in the application that shows a new access to the campus
just east of the existing access. The location identified appears to be quite close to the existing access
and further review of the new access location will be necessary. If allowed, this new access may be
required to be a right -in / right -out only.
FINDING: Consistency with the Master Drainage Plan [PUD Guide, Section B.2.]
The development occurring on this Tract HAS been demonstrated to be consistent with the Master
Drainage Plan.
Per the Engineering Department comments:
1) Additional flow generated by the CMC site will affect only CMC. The applicant is proposing a 100 -
year runoff of 25.2 cfs at the outlet culvert under the railroad. This runoff exceeds the original design
runoff of 23.0 cfs. The ponding from the 100 -year event only impacts the CMC site and the applicant
has indicated that they are willing to assume any risk and future impact from this additional ponding.
The Berry Creek / Miller Ranch Design Review Committee conducted its hearing on the proposed
expansion on June 15` 2010 and unanimously approved the project with the following conditions:
1) That the parking lot be visually mitigated by introducing more trees and fewer shrubs.
2) The parking lots need to include pedestrian walkway `cuts' through the landscaped islands to create
safer pedestrian movement through the parking lots.
3) CMC Campus Visitors can benefit from a small sign or signs that direct visitors to the front
entryway of the building.
4) The DRC is pleased that the mechanical equipment on the existing building, as well as the addition,
will be enclosed with a breathable architectural finish material.
5) Due to the fact that the addition is proposed to utilize the identical colors, architectural finish
materials and style, the DRC did not offer any further comment regarding architecture.
6) The DRC recommends that CMC tie the on -site pedestrian path into the regional bicycle trail
located south east of the site to facilitate safe pedestrian movement from the core of Edwards to the
CMC campus.
7) The DRC recommends that CMC review its plans with the Arrowhead and Singletree property
owners associations.
• Please note that building permits and impact fees will not be issued or assessed by Eagle County
for the proposed facility expansion. All permitting for CMC is accomplished through the State of
Pursuant to C.R.S. §22 -32 -124, the Planning Commission's (and BoCC's) authority is limited to reviewing
and providing comment to the School District.
• The ECPC noted that this proposed CMC Expansion is a huge asset to Eagle County.
• During their deliberations, the Planning Commissioners discussed storm water drainage, vehicular
access, pedestrian circulation, the possibility of creating structured parking or under - parking and
• LEED's standards for site planning takes into account overall site impervious coverage, parking,
shading, etc. The ECPC discussed the notion of structured parking or under parking to minimize
impervious site coverage. They also discussed the possibility of a shared parking arrangement with
Battle Mountain High School and /or the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch pond parking lot. Also, the
possibility of the applicant providing a monetary contribution to ECO Transit to provide increased
public transportation to and from CMC.
• Ultimately, in lieu of structured or under - parking, the ECPC focused on landscaping of the parking
lots and improved pedestrian circulation through the parking lots to the building entrance.
• The ECPC crafted a condition of approval that CMC collaboratively participate in planning for
future construction of the roundabout that is to serve the CMC site as well as Battle Mountain High
School well in advance of traffic level of service reaching the `D' category.
• The ECPC incorporated the Design Review Committee's conditions of approval as conditions of
approval for this planning review application.
The Eagle County Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the application with the
conditions delineated below.
Mr. Narracci explained the file. The proposal included a 32,000 square foot addition and 128 new parking
spaces. Architectural materials would be identical to the existing facility. This represented a courtesy review. He
showed the site plan. The landscaping would be consistent with that already on the site. He highlighted the referral
agency comments.
Commissioner Stavney asked whether the conditions aligned with the referral comments.
Mr. Narracci stated that there were a number of conditions related to the Miller Ranch roundabout. ECO
transit would provide adequate service to the facility. The expansion was an allowed use by right. The proposal
was consistent with the PUD preliminary plan. The Design Review Committee unanimously recommended
Chairman Fisher wondered how the parking lot square feet compared to the facility size.
The applicant indicated that the parking lots would encompass about 117,500 square feet.
Commissioner Stavney spoke about the trail that would tie the building to the recreation path. He
wondered about the school district and CMC being required to pay for the roundabout.
Mr. Treu indicated that the language dealt with the Miller Ranch Rd.
Mr. Narracci reviewed the suggested motion and conditions of approval.
Dr. Peggy Curry spoke to the board. She stated that the campus was the community's college and it says
that the county takes education very seriously. She knew she could not work in a better place. She spoke about the
number of students learning English at the college. CMC would pay the school district to provide disability
services. They have already expanded their parking lots. She spoke about the last request for expansion and
thanked Commissioners Stavney and Runyon for pushing them to plan further out. The budget for the new
construction was about the same as the original entire campus. The timing was great for this type of construction.
Mr. Montag spoke about his history with Ms. Curry. He stated that the campus was an excellent outcome,
which came from a bus tour looking at the architecture of other facilities.
John Kaiser, Tab Associates spoke to the board. He provided details about the expansion opportunities,
which would include an outdoor gathering space, small stage and other areas for students to remain on campus
between classes. They also intended to create pedestrian access points.
Commissioner Stavney wondered about covered parking. He acknowledged that this added great expense
to the construction costs. He spoke about the possibility of providing better lighting for the WECMRD lot so that
lot could become overflow parking for the college.
Commissioner Runyon shared the concern about parking in the future. He hoped future boards would
agree to address the parking.
Chairman Fisher spoke about the original expansion of the parking lot and recalled talking about a future
expansion. She wondered about considering this option due to lower construction costs.
Mr. Stavney asked about the plan.
Mr. Kaiser spoke about pedestrian access points.
Dan Dennison with High Country Engineering explained that the surfaces needed to be hard to
accommodate snow plowing.
Commissioner Stavney asked about item 4 related to LEEDS standards.
Tab Bonidy stated that the college intended to meet these standards, but there was no way to certify an
Mr. Kaiser showed the proposed easement for the ECO trail.
Mr. Bonidy stated the easement would be put in for the path, but would not connect at the property line.
Chairman Fisher wondered about the paths. She wondered about bike / pedestrian access along the Spur
Commissioner Stavney explained the route that would have to be followed. He agreed that another
connection to Riverwalk would be beneficial.
Commissioner Runyon agreed that a connection between the new facility and pedestrian accesses would be
Dan Dennison stated that they were working with the building management to improve the plowing in the
Commissioner Stavney asked about snow storage.
Mr. Dennison explained that these storage areas were on the ends of the parking lots.
Mr. Bonidy showed some architectural drawings and photos of the existing building. Part of the project
would improve the look of the existing building.
Commissioner Stavney clarified that this was only a courtesy review.
Mr. Treu stated that the PUD guide required a review and opportunity for the board to comment. The
county was the property owner. CMC was under obligation to hear the comments and in good faith consider them.
Commissioner Runyon inquired about the construction plan.
Mr. Kaiser stated that they anticipated about an 11 -month construction schedule beginning in August.
Chairman Fisher wondered if any conversations with CDOT had taken place.
The applicants indicated they were in this process.
Chairman Fisher opened and closed public comment, as there was none.
Commissioner Stavney moved the Board of County Commissioners approve File No.PR -2762,
incorporating staff's findings, and with the following conditions 1 - and including the added language to condition
7 and 8 - item f, and the addition of condition 9 and 10.
1. That CMC continues to work with the Engineering Department to resolve any
outstanding issues with the Master Circulation Plan and the Master Drainage Plan.
2. That CMC work with the Department of Environmental Health regarding erosion
control, dust suppression, outside illumination and storm water management.
3. That CMC work with Eagle County's ECO Build Specialist for compliance with the
County's green building criteria.
4. That CMC pursues LEEDS standards for the CMC Expansion. Studies have shown
that schools meeting improved indoor air quality and natural lighting/views as
outlined in LEED certification significantly improve student attendance, learning, and
performance. CMC to pursue LEED site planning standards to minimize the overall
parking impact through landscaping.
5. The Miller Ranch Road Trail shall be repaired immediately upon completion of
construction or closure of the temporary construction staging area, whichever comes
first. Trails asphalt shall be replaced at 3" over 6" of compacted road base. Caution
signs shall be placed and maintained on each side of the temporary access drive
stating, "No Pavement Ahead and Watch for Truck Traffic ", or similar language. The
signs must remain in place for the duration of project construction.
6. Except as otherwise modified by these conditions, all material representations of the
Applicant in this application and in all public meetings shall be adhered to and be
considered conditions of approval.
7. CMC to participate in planning for a future roundabout when traffic levels are
anticipated to reach a Level of Service D within one year and will provide for right
away for the roundabout construction. In addition, will provide for the roundabout
construction or whatever alternative traffic solutions deemed sufficient at no cost.
8. Incorporate DRC recommendations, as follows:
a) That the parking lot be visually mitigated by introducing more trees and fewer shrubs.
b) The parking lots need to include pedestrian walkway `cuts' through the landscaped islands
to create safer pedestrian movement through the parking lots.
c) CMC Campus Visitors can benefit from a small sign or signs that direct visitors to the front
entryway of the building.
d) The DRC is pleased that the mechanical equipment on the existing building, as well as the
addition, will be enclosed with a breathable architectural finish material.
e) Due to the fact that the addition is proposed to utilize the identical colors, architectural
finish materials and style, the DRC did not offer any further comment regarding
J) The DRC recommends that CMC tie the on -site pedestrian path into the regional bicycle
trail located south east of the site to facilitate safe pedestrian movement from the core of
Edwards to the CMC campus. The site plan should provide an easement for the future
possible connection of such connection.
g) The DRC recommends that CMC review its plans with the Arrowhead, Miller Ranch, and
Singletree property owners associations.
9. Additional need for future parking would trigger a feasibility review for underground parking.
10. CMC work with the school board, county, and WECMERD regarding pedestrian plan
throughout Miller Ranch to help safety, for pedestrians and inter -use of parking areas.
Commissioner Runyon seconded the motion
Chairman Fisher thanked the applicant for their efforts to expand the CMC opportunities. She suggested
that Pat Hammon be involved due to her interest in Freedom Park.
The vote was declared unanimous.
Work Session - Board of Health
Rachel Oys, Health & Human Services
Work Session - Board of Social Services
Rachel Oys, Health & Human Services
Strategic Planning
Kris Friel, Communications
Work Session - Continuum of Care Retirement Community RFQ
Alex Potente, Housing & Development
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned until July 6, 2010.
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Clerk to the Board • * Chairman