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August 11, 2009
Sara Fisher
Peter Runyon
Keith Montag
Bryan Treu
Robert Morris
Christina Hooper
Teak Simonton
Kathy Scriver
County Manager
County Attorney
Deputy County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
Clerk to the Board
Deputy Clerk to the Board
Jon Stavney
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Executive Session
There was none.
Consent Agenda
Chairman Fisher stated the fIrst item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows:
A. Approval of bill paying for the week of August 10,2009 (subject to review by the Finance Director)
Finance Department Representative
B. Final Settlement of Agreement between Eagle County and LaFarge North America for the 2009 Gravel
Road & Bridge Representative
C. Resolution Authorizing the Expenditure of Open Space funds for the Purchase of the Property Located at
6024 U.S. Highway 6 in Eagle County and Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Eagle County
Commissioners to Execute on its Behalf Any and All Necessary Documents, Instruments, Papers or Other
Forms Incidental to the Purchase of Said Property
Cliff Simonton, Community Development
D. Resolution 2009-078 for the Approval to Proceed into Phase IV of the Gypsum Ranch Sand and Gravel
Pit, (Eagle County File No. PR-2368, Special Use Permit No. ZS-00173)
Bob Narracci, Community Development
Chairman Fisher requested that Cliff Simonton present his PowerPoint related to Item C before moving to
approve the consent agenda as presented.
Mr. Simonton presented a PowerPoint presentation detailing the purchase of the property located at 6024
Highway 6 in Dotsero. He spoke about the benefits ofthe purchase. The property was 45.5 acres, highly visible
from the interstate, included 3000 feet of river frontage, had pond potential, was a fee simple purchase, and the
purchase price was $425,000 or $9,341 per acre. There were currently no conservation easements on the property.
He presented photos of the property and the surrounding areas. He stated that the property had great potential but
would require some work, which would need to include riverbank stabilization. OSAC unanimously recommended
approval of the purchase and recommended that a plan for future uses and improvements take place as soon as
Chairman Fisher believed that it was important to make sure the property was ready for public access
before opening it up to the public.
Mr. Simonton stated that the entire property was within the 100 year flood plane.
Commissioner Runyon asked if there were any disadvantages to the county waiting a week. He would like
to provide the public and Commissioner Stavney the opportunity to way in.
Mr. Morris stated that there might be an expiration date. He requested time to review the contract.
Mr. Simonton believed there was a deadline.
Chairman Fisher stated that a closing date was scheduled for Aug. 17th.
Commissioner Runyon wondered if there would be an advantage to purchasing the property with money
from the general fund money and allowing OSAC to purchase the property later in hopes of fInding additional
funding partners.
Mr. Morris stated that the subject came up; however, staff suggested that the property be purchased using
OSAC dollars due to current restraints on the general fund.
Chairman Fisher asked Mr. Lewis if this money was available in the general fund.
Mr. Lewis stated that there was money in the general fund for the purchase the property.
Chairman Fisher opened public comment.
Ms. Jena Skinner-Markowitz spoke about some of the split funding opportunities. She stated that the
property was one that had a number of interests over the years. It was an awkward location with water and sewer
so its development potential would be difficult. She believed the property had great education value and habitat.
Commissioner Runyon stated that there was a distinction between wetlands and floodplain. The majority
of this land was floodplain but did not preclude it from development. He would like the purchase to come from the
general fund with the intent of taking the time to look at the options.
Chairman Fisher concurred.
Mr. Simonton stated that it was very important that there be a clear time-frame for repayment by OSAC.
Mr. Morris stated that the board should go back to OSAC and request another vote to ratify the agreement.
He has no concern with the resolution as presented.
Chairman Fisher believed it was a good idea to purchase the property now and request that OSAC earmark
the dollars for next spring or so.
Commissioner Runyon moved to approve Resolution 2009-079 Authorizing that the Purchase of the
Property Located at 6024 U.S. Highway 6 in Eagle County and be purchased fee simple out of general fund and
Authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Eagle County Commissioners to Execute on its Behalf Any and All
Necessary Documents, Instruments, Papers or Other Forms Incidental to the Purchase of Said Property
Chairman Fisher seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared
Commissioner Runyon moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A, Band D.
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared
Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and re-convene as the
Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority.
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared
Eagle County Liquor License Authority
Kathy Scriver, Clerk and Recorder's Office
Consent Agenda
A. Adam's Mountain Country Club, LLC d/b/a Adam's Mountain Country Club
This is a renewal of an Optional Premises License (stand alone) in Unincorporated Eagle. There have
been no complaints or disturbances in the past year. All the necessary fees have been paid. An Alcohol
Management Plan is on file in the Clerk's Office and proof of server training has been provided.
B. Malibu, LLC d/b/a Malibu Restaurant & Bar
Resolution 2009-080 approving the application for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License submitted by
Malibu, LLC d/b/a Malibu Restaurant & Bar. These were the official findings of the Board, as mandated
by the Colorado Liquor Code.
C. Mountain Thyme Wine, LLC d/b/a Mountain Thyme Wine
Resolution 2009-081 approving the application for a Retail Liquor Store License submitted by Mountain
Thyme Wine, LLC d/b/a Mountain Thyme Wine. These were the official findings of the Board, as
mandated by the Colorado Liquor Code.
Commissioner Runyon moved that the Board approve the Liquor Consent Agenda for August 11, 2009
consisting of Items A-C.
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared
Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority and re-convene
as the Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared
Citizen Input
Chairman Fisher opened and closed citizen Input, as there was none.
Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and re-convene as the
Eagle County Board of Equalization.
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared
Eagle County Board of Equalization
Attorney's Office Representative
A. Resolution 2009-082 regarding petitions to the Eagle County Board of
Mr. Morris presented a summary.
Commissioner Runyon moved to approve the resolution regarding petitions to the Eagle County Board of
Chairman Fisher seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Runyon moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Board of Equalization and re-convene as the
Eagle County Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Fisher seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Economic Stimulus Projects Update
Tom Johnson, Public Works
Mr. Johnson stated that GEO would be releasing phase 1 and there would only be $2 million for the entire
state. The application was due August 28 and he asked the board for direction prioritizing the project list. The
current priority list included thermal solar at the Justice Center, significant photovoltaic (PV) at the Justice Center,
trading in some of the vehicles for larger hybrids, or solar PV at Miller Ranch and/or EI Jebel. He believed that all
were good solid projects. The large PV at the Justice Center was already happening so he believed the thermal
solar and Miller Ranch were the two priority projects that best fit the description from the Governor's energy office.
Commissioner Runyon leaned more toward the solar PV at Miller Ranch.
Chairman Fisher suggested that the Justice Center be placed at the top ofthe list and Miller Ranch solar
project be at number two.
The commissioners and Mr. Montag agreed.
Mr. Johnson spoke about the Tiger Grant application process. The team would have the first information
back shortly and everything was going well.
Work Session - Child Care Gap Analysis
Sherri Almond, Health & Human Services
Planning Files
There was none
There being no further business be , the meeting was adjourned until August 18,2009.
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Lott"~ Chairman