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March 25, 2008
Peter Runyon
Sara Fisher
Bruce Baumgartner
Bryan Treu
Robert Morris
Teak Simonton
Kathy Scriver
County Manager
County Attorney
Deputy County Attorney
Clerk to the Board
Deputy Clerk to the Board
Am Menconi
This being a scheduled Public Hearing, the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Executive Session
It was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed to go into Executive Session for the purpose of receiving
legal advice and discussing matters that may be subject to negotiations regarding open meeting requirements and
real property transactions pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402( 4)(b) and ( e) Colorado Revised Statutes. It was moved,
seconded, and unanimously agreed to adjourn from Executive Session.
Presentation - Roaring Fork Transportation Authority Bus Rapid Transit Project
RFT A Representatives
Kristin Kenyon, Director of Planning for RFTA presented an update and explained how development had
progressed in the last six months. Ralph Trapani was also present. She stated that big progress was made when
Eagle County joined in partnering to provide funds. RFTA's goal is to accommodate the increase and demand and
be more competitive with the private automobile. The project development process included scoping, data
collection, identifying a service plan, facilities plan, etc. They are in the process of preparing an application for
federal grant money. They are present today to get the board's thoughts on funding and the possibility of going to a
ballot question in November.
Ralph Trapani spoke about Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) services. He spoke about the new BRT line that
would provide a streamline service with limited stops. He spoke about the Peak period services proposed to extend
to a new Park N Ride in Parachute. There will be some additional services to and from Rifle along 1-70 connecting
back into Glenwood Springs. There is a plan to connect to Eagle County in the future. BRT is a fast frequent
service to get commuters up and down the valley. The current system from Basalt to El Jebel has about 7 trips per
hour in the morning. Under the proposed plan, this would increase to 28 trips per hour. He believes the El Jebel
and Basalt area is where there would be the greatest number of additional trips for RFT A. They anticipate ridership
growth to double by 2025. He spoke about the need for additional parking in the future. He stated that they
estimate future fleet and maintenance costs to would be 17.5 million by 2017, of that, 7.2 million would be for BR T
vehicles. Facilities and maintenance space is a major issue for RFTA. Growth is requiring an additional 74,000
square feet for the additional busses. There will be a master facility plan conducted in the near future. He spoke
about he details of the stations and Park N Rides. They are proposing light rail style stops. There are pedestrian
bridges or tunnels planned depending on the locations. They are also proposing some highway improvements to
allow buses to get around traffic congestion at intersections.
Ms. Kenyon spoke about the benefits to Eagle County. She stated that they would like to relocate the
current Park N Ride in El Jebel to a site along the corridor near the El Jebel intersection. There is also another
station planned for the Willits area. They are exploring the possibility of an underground parking structure that
would accommodate Park N Ride users and promote transit-oriented development.
Mr. Trapani stated that the estimated total costs for RFT A would be 179 - 191 million not including
employee housing which they estimate to be between 18 - 20 million. They believe this is a cost effective solution
to congestion management. They are proposing a 3-phase construction plan, which would take them to 2017.
Phase 1 costing 12 million, phase 2 costing 59 million, and phase 3 costing 82 million. The phase in plan would
give them more opportunities for bonding and financing the project.
Ms. Kenyon stated that they anticipate the federal grant process will take 2 years. She explained that a lot
of revenues come from Pitkin County and Glenwood Springs. They are getting about $34,000 a year from Eagle
County businesses in El Jebel from sales tax revenue. She believes it's going to be a challenge to figure out a way
to increase local revenues in way that is equitable to all of the jurisdictions. They are going to start a study that will
talk about the cost of how to connect ECO and RFTA through the canyon. They have heard from folks on both
sides of the canyon that this connection would be helpful. They have begun to meet with all the elected officials
and are looking at the funding options. They would like to here feedback from the board on the project elements, or
suggestions and about going to the vote in November.
Mr. Trapani stated that it has been a challenge to decide how to move the project ahead from a fmancing
position. They don't want to throw too much of this to the taxpayers. They've been told by their Washington
lobbyist at RFTA that this will be a well attended election and there might be some good opportunities this year to
get some ballot initiatives.
Chairman Runyon stated that clearly, the expense is in the stations and parking. The 200 million dollar
price tag is daunting.
Commissioner Fisher wondered ifthere was a bonding opportunity now.
Mr. Trapani stated that the RTA legislation does allow RFTA to bond. It would have to be carefully
analyzed to see the value of bonding. He is not sure if there is enough revenue in RFTA to pursue a bond issue at
this time.
Commissioner Fisher asked ifthere were a location identified for the maintenance facility.
Ms. Kenyon stated that they put a placeholder in of20 million but it's still a work in progress. They still
need to do a facility master plan to look at the operations and see where it would make sense to put the facility.
Commissioner Fisher stated that a multi use facility would make sense in the long run whether it is a coffee
shop, newsstand, etc. to produce some revenue that would help cover the cost of the facility. She wondered about
feeder lines to keep buses out of the residential areas. She would be interested to know what the Willits station
means to Eagle County. She believes that it's a pretty stiff time line but if the rest of the board concurs and they are
able to put together a plan then November would be the best possible time to understand the investment that the
community has in bus rapid transit. She is impressed with the forward thinking and visions that ECO transit and
RFTA has to better utilize mass transit.
Ms. Kenyon stated that the Town of Basalt had been working proactively to get a transit station in place by
the time Whole Foods opens. She stated that feeder lines are a great idea but the funding was not included in the
Commissioner Fisher asked if Whole Foods was a contributor.
Ms. Kenyon stated that they were a contributor and the private developer has come to the table as well.
Chairman Runyon wondered if she had a number in mind for the November ballot.
Ms. Kenyon stated that they would be working with their Board of Directors on April 10 to get the details.
The number has yet to be determined. She wondered if the board had any thoughts on a number.
Chairman Runyon stated that there were many questions that would need to be answered before he could
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Chairman Runyon opened public comment. There was none. He closed public comment.
Consent Agenda
Chairman Runyon stated the first item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows:
A. Approval of bill paying for the week of March 24, 2008 (subject to review by the Finance Director)
Finance Department Representative
B. Approval of the minutes of the Eagle County Board of Commissioners meetings for February 19 and
February 26, 2008
Teak Simonton, Clerk & Recorder
C. Resolution 2008-026 conferring Power of Attorney upon Bryan R. Treu, County Attorney; Robert L.
Morris, Deputy County Attorney and Christina C. Hooper, Assistant County Attorney to act as Attorney in
Fact for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, with respect to Letter of Credit No. NZS574157 in the
amount of $298,989.00 for the account of Palmero sa Ranch LLC
County Attorney's Office Representative
D. Agreement between Eagle County and Benje Bendele to provide sound services for the 2008 Fair & Rodeo
Fair & Rodeo Representative
E. Agreement between Eagle County and Carr Pro Rodeo to serve as stock contractor for the 2008 Fair &
Fair & Rodeo Representative
F. Agreement between Eagle County and Ryan Rodriquez for the barrel man specialty act at the 2008 Fair &
Fair & Rodeo Representative
G. Agreement between Eagle County and Mountain Valley Development for family support services
Rebecca Larson, Health & Human Services
H. Agreement between Eagle County and Basalt School Based Health Center for preventative health care
Rebecca Larson, Health & Human Services
I. Agreement between Eagle County and ThInkFirst for injury prevention services
Rebecca Larson, Health & Human Services
J. Agreement between Eagle County and Access Roaring Fork for after-school youth program
Rebecca Larson, Health & Human Services
K. Agreement between Eagle County and Darlene Hoffman to provide mental health and family parenting
Rebecca Larson, Health & Human Services
L. Agreement between Eagle County Health & Human Services and the Literacy Project for family literacy
Rebecca Larson, Health & Human Services
M. Resolution 2008-027 concerning appointment of Louise Smith to the Basalt Regional Library District
Board of Trustees
County Attorney's Office Representative
N. Business Partner Agreement between Eagle County and Eagle Valley Child Care Association for child care
Human Resources Representative
Chairman Runyon asked the Attorney's Office if there were any changes to the Consent Agenda.
Bryan Treu, County Attorney stated that he had no comments regarding the consent agenda.
Commissioner Fisher moved to approve the Consent Agenda, Items A-N.
Chairman Runyon seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared
Citizen Input
There was none
Commissioner Fisher moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and re-convene as the
Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority.
Chairman Runyon seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared
Eagle County Liquor License Authority
Kathy Scriver, Clerk and Recorder's Office
Mule Deer Foundation/Buckhorn Chapter
Annual Fundraiser
Ted Archibeque, Event Manager
Eagle River Center, 794 Fairgrounds Road-Eagle
Kathy Scriver
The Mule Deer Foundation is requesting a special event permit for their annual fundraising event, May 3,2008
from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Eagle River Center in Eagle.
* This application is in order, all requirements have been met, all necessary documents have been
received, and all fees have been paid.
* This is the first time the event has been held in unincorporated Eagle County.
* Public notice has been given by the posting of a sign in a conspicuous place on the premises on
March 13, 2008, 11 days prior to the hearing.
* No protests have been filed in the Clerk and Recorder's Office.
* The applicant has provided proof of server training and an alcohol management plan.
All findings are positive and staff recommends approval.
Ms. Scriver presented the application. She indicated that staff had no concerns with the application and
that the applicants, Ted Archibeque and Ed Oiler were present.
Ted Archibeque stated that this is the events 8th year. The event was previously held at 4 Eagle Ranch.
This is the first time the event would be held at the Eagle River Center and the first time they would be managing
the alcohol sales, security, etc. Cowboy catering will be catering the event. They established the Mule Deer
FoundationJEagle Chapter in the year 2000. The mission ofthe Mule Deer Foundation is to conserve mule deer
and their habitats through education.
Commissioner Fisher moved that the Local Liquor Licensing Authority approve the Special Events Permit
for The Mule Deer Foundation event, May 3, 2008, from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Eagle River Center.
Chairman Runyon seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared
Commissioner Fisher moved to adjourn as the Eagle County Liquor Licensing Authority and re-convene as
the Board of County Commissioners.
Chairman Runyon seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Planning Files
There were none
Attes .
There being no further bnsiness before the Board, the m~~.