HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/01/03 Public Hearing JULY 1,2003 Present: Michael Gallagher Am Menconi Tom Stone Diane Mauriello Jack Ingstad Earlene Roach Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Attorney County Administrator Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commi Commissioners for their consideration: GENERAL FUND A & H GRAPHICS A-1 COLLECTION AGENCY ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS ADAM PLOTKIN ADAMS COUNTY ASSESSORS ADIRONDACK DIRECT ADVANCED LOCK & SECURITY AFFLECK PHOTOGRAPHY AILI FOSS ALL DOGS AND CATS ALLlANT FOOD SERVICE, INC ALPHA INTERACTIVE GROUP ALPINE LUMBER COMPANY AMADEO GONZALES AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC AMERICAN TOWER CORP AMERIGAS APEX SECURITY APOLLO CREDIT AGENCY APPRAISAL FOUNDATION ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES PC ARMA,INC ASPEN BASE OPERATON ASSOCIATED RECOVERY SYST. AT & TWIRELESS SERVICES AV TECH ELECTRONICS INC AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CK AVON COMMERCIAL OWNERS AVON POLICE DEPT B J ROWE BAILEY FUNERAL HOME BAILEYS BARBARA ROBERT BARNES & NOBLE BATTLE MTN HS SPEECH TEAM BEllA RAMIREZ BEN GALLOWAY MD BENJAMIN GARRETT BENJE BENDELE.: . BERNICE WHITE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT 195.00 17.36 50.00 43.02 760.00 819.25 558.50 875.00 93.24 10.00 6,067.28 100.00 50.00 59.40 487.00 875.00 302.89 227.50 41.98 24.50 2,355.50 1,098.00 402.74 50.00 4,429.62 126.00 1,933.61 2,012.99 11,382.52 45.54 720.00 186.00 250.00 108.96 1,120.00 24.15 1,430.00 364.38 5,000.00 102.30 1 07-01-2003 BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS BEST LOCKING SYSTEMS BEVERLY KUNKEL BILL LOPEZ BOB BARKER COMPANY BONDED ADJUSTING SERVICE BOSLEY MIKE BOYZ TOYZ & SONZ BRAD A KNIFONG BRATWEAR BRC/HARRIS INC BRUCE CAMPBELL BRYAN TREU C & H DISTRIBUTORS INC CALOIA & HOUPT PC CARMEN LOZOYO-VELEZ CAROLE KIPFERL CAROL YN SWANEPOEL CARTER & SANDS P.C. CASEY SMITH CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY CENTER FOR COMMUNITY CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING CENTURYTEL CERTIFIED BALANCE, INC. CHARLES B DARRAH CHEMATOX INC. CHRIS JUERGENS CHRISTINE L MOTT CIMA CITY MARKET #33 CLERK RECORDER AVON ANNEX CMR INVESTIGATIONS AND CO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION CO BAR ASSOCIATION CO DEPT OF HEALTH CO DEPT PUBLIC HEALTH & CO DEPT PUBLIC HEALTH AND CO WEST MENTAL HEALTH CODRESCU ENTERPRISES COLORADO DEPT REVENUE COLORADO DOORWAYS COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE COLORADO MOUNTAIN NEWS COLORADO STATE ARCHIVES COLORADO WEST MENTAL HL TH COLUMBINE MARKET COM-LINK CONTRACT PHARMACY SERVICE COPY PLUS CORPORATE EXPRESS CORPORATE EXPRESS IMAGING CRABTREES PHOTO WORKS DAILY SENTINEL THE DAN CORCORAN PLS DAN SEIBEL DARLENE MEDINA DARLING BERGSTROM MILLGAN SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE BROOM SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT 24.72 382.93 70.80 8,672.46 61.1 29.7 "T 35.18 61.00 2,400.00 617.00 136.25 326.57 86.25 206.39 1,853.14 151.80 67.62 28.02 39.00 2,400.00 67.75 605.00 346.07 16,335.65 750.00 27.40 565.00 27.60 1,725.00 1,800.00 350.5/ 86.~ 118.95 833.00 430.00 276.00 140.00 85.00 7,599.00 50.00 25.00 131.71 2,000.00 5,500.77 203.00 1,810.00 77.28 25.19 2,325.34 435.00 6,584.90 2,370.84 500.00 852.88 900.00 41 .40 350.0- 15.L 2 07-01-2003 DARRELL DIEFENBACH DATASTREAM DAVE MOTT DAVID A BAUER DAVID C LUGERT DAVID CARTER DAVID GUINNEE, DVM DEENA EZZELL DEEP ROCK WEST DEFENSE FINANCE/ACCOUNTNG DELL INC DENNIS KARPUSKA DENVER NEWSPAPER AGENCY DEPT OF LABOR EMPLOYMENT DIANE MILLIGAN DIGITALANNO COMPANY DISTRICT ATTORNEYS OFFICE DOCTORS ON CALL DON OLSEN DONALD SALEM DOROTHY SAVAGE DORSEY & WHITNEY DOSIA LAEYENDECKER DOUBLE M ASPHALT COATINGS DUFFORD WALDECK & MILBURN EAGLE AMOCO EAGLE CARE MEDICAL CLINIC EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS EAGLE COUNTY CLERK EAGLE COUNTY MOTOR POOL EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING EAGLE PHARMACY EAGLE RIVER WATER AND EAGLE RIVER YOUTH COAL. EAGLE VALLEY HS BAND EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING EAST WEST TECHNOLOGY EAU CLAIRE COUNTY CHILD EMC2 EMILIA GONZALEZ EMILY EWING ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD EPS DESIGN AND PRINT ESRI EVELYN PINNEY-LEVINE EXTENSION PROGRAM FUND FALCON ASSOCIATES INC FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY FAMILY VISITOR PROGRAM FARMER BROTHERS FARRELL & SELDIN FEDERAL EXPRESS FELSBURG HOLT & ULLEVIG FILE FINDERS L TD FINELlNE FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES FIRKINS GARAGE DOORS FIRST BANKS SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE 3,200.00 1,995.00 30.00 25.00 3.72 217.67 2,359.12 56.04 147.33 395.08 4,826.97 69.86 1,162.90 350.00 41 .40 4,000.00 237,781.50 955.00 7.11 13.80 27.60 14.46 90.00 10,650.00 384.67 336.00 3,887.00 7,130.00 25.00 681 .26 22.95 261.24 108.86 967.03 1,600.00 2,325.75 437.50 25.00 231 .68 108.00 1,000.00 82.00 9,769.36 3,000.00 40.37 1,776.87 90.00 1,710.84 174.55 693.00 36.36 457.14 478.50 30.00 545.00 4,591.00 452.50 15,515.78 e 3 07-01-2003 FISCHER & FISHER FISHER & SWEETBAUM FITZSIMMONS MOTOR COMPANY FOODS OF VAIL, HOME FRANKLIN COVEY GALLS INCORPORATED GE CAPITAL GEMPLERS INC GIRL SCOUT TROOP 292 GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE GLOBAL DOCUGRAPIX GORE RANGE NATURAL GRACE FINNEY GRAINGER INCORPORATED GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND GREATER EAGLE FIRE PROTEC GROSSMAN & GROSSMAN HAL BURNS HALL KYLE HART INTERCIVIC HAWTHORN SUITES HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH INSURANCE FUND HEATH MOSNESS HECKMAN & O'CONNOR HELLERSTEIN & SHORE PC HENRY SCHEIN HERMAN MILLER INC. HIGH COUNTRY COPIERS HOGAN & HARTSON HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC HORIZON ROOFING INC IAAO INTERMOUNTAIN LOCK INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE INTERNATIONAL FIRESTOP IRVIN BORENSTEIN JACQUELINE ALLEN JANE WEST JANET EVA REID JEAN NUNN JEANETTE HURSEY JEFFERSON COUNTY JEH/EAGLE SUPPLY INC JEROME EVANS PH.D JIM DUKE JODIE BRANDT JOHN HILDRETH JOHN KING JOHN LOWERY JOHN O'SULLIVAN JOLlE B RAMO JORDAN HALE JOSEPH L FORINASH JOYCE HANSON JOYCE MACK JP'S AUTO REPAIR KARA BETTIS, CORONER KELLY L1EKIS REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT 10.00 18.68 98.00 391.25 53.~ 309.7';,. 159.99 661.05 920.00 254.00 92.83 2,700.00 28.98 111 .23 5,393.77 360.00 25.00 24,600.00 18.53 243.92 414.00 241.07 8,290.33 47.01 28.10 6.20 19.01 479.04 426.05 930.47 287.69 90.( 85.01.. 22.50 200.00 99.00 38.64 453.43 120.00 10.00 92.40 212.95 50.00 86.00 637.50 9.60 38.64 43.26 41.40 103.02 87.49 175.00 24.10 12.90 15.18 86.25 151.. 313. 1,420.0 . 4 07-01-2003 KEN NEUBECKER KEVIN KROMER KIM JOHNSON KNOX COMPANY KUHLMAN & KUHLMAN PC LA QUINTA INN & SUITES LAB SAFETY SUPPLY LABELS DIRECT INC LASER JUNCTION LAURA FAWCETT LEATRICE V ASTEN LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS INC LEON COFFEE LEONARD VALDEZ LES OHLHAUSER LESLEE SCOTT, INC LESLIE KEHMEIER LEXISNEXIS LINCOLN COUNTY ASSESSOR LINDA HUBBELL LITERACY PROJECT L1ZANNELENNAN LORIE CRAWFORD LORMAN EDUCATION SERVICES M KELLY L1EKIS RN M. MATHIS MACHOL&JOHANNES MAGNETIC CONCEPTS CORP MAIN AUTO PARTS MAJESTIC TRAFFIC CONTROL MARGARITA CASIAS MARGERY STONE MARKS PLUMBING PARTS MARLENE MC CAFFERTY MARQUEZ DEBBIE K MARY A HOLLEY MATRIX DESIGN GROUP INC MBIA MCCAULLEY REBECCA T MCCOLLUM PATRICIA MEDICAL CENTER OF EAGLE MELISSA ZINTSMASTER MERCEDES GARCIA MICHELLE BALL MICHELLE MELLO MICRO WAREHOUSE MIKE GALLAGHER MIKE LEDERHAUSE MONUMENT AIRCRAFT SERVICE MOORE BUSINESS MOORE MEDICAL CORP MOTOR POOL FUND MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS MOUNTAIN ELEVATOR MOUNTAIN MOBILE VETERINAR MOUNTAIN STATES EMPLOYERS MOUNTAIN TEMP SERVICES MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE 41 .40 184.02 6.90 283.00 25.00 905.67 124.30 401.00 90.00 9.00 10.51 2,246.04 4,000.00 193.46 2,500.00 377.54 150.21 569.00 490.00 272.34 574.17 623.95 115.92 578.00 88.66 25.00 50.00 929.54 118.93 4,997.00 500.00 9.32 349.36 115.61 37.26 4.14 11,683.97 4,183.26 148.46 35.19 900.00 38.64 37.95 236.67 34.22 25.43 68.43 8.40 592.55 7,912.69 209.92 43,024.09 786.99 270.00 10.00 3,895.00 1,260.01 1,050.00 5 07-01-2003 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NETTIE REYNOLDS NEW PIG CORPORATION NOBEL SYSCO FOOD SERVICES NORDIC REFRIGERATION NORMAN L NUNN OLSON PROPERTY OMB POLICE SUPPLY OSM DELIVERY LLC PAINT BUCKET THE PAPER WISE PARSONS BEHLE & LATIMER PAT NOLAN PATRICIA HAMMON PAUL KUNKEL PEGASUS SATELLITE PITNEY BOWES INCORPORATED POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH PRCA PREEO SIVERMAN GREEN PREMIER ELECTRIC CO INC PRIMEDIA WORKPLACE PROFESSIONAL TREE & TURF PROMOTIONAL SOURCE PSS, INC PUBLIC SAFETY WAREHOUSE PURCHASE POWER QUARTERMASTERINC QUEST DIAGNOSTICS QWEST QWEST INTERPRISE NETWRKNG REBECCA GAD ELL RESOURCE ENGINEERING RICHARD KESLER RIPPYS LOCATING SERVICE RIVER OAKS COMMUNICATIONS ROBERT WARNER ROCKY MOUNTAIN RADIOLOGIS ROCKYNET.COM INC ROGER MOORE ROLF LIPPERT ROSALINDA VENZOR ROSIE MORENO ROTARY CHILD RUSS PAPKE RUTH LENZ SANDRA DONNEL Y SANDRA L SKILES SAWAYA AND ROSE SECRETARY OF STATE SERVICEMASTER CLEAN SHEAFFER KAREN SHUGHART THOMSON & KILROY SIGN ON DESIGN SIGNATURE SIGNS SILVIA LORENA DELGADO SINTON DAIRY COMPANY SKI & SNOWBOARD CLUB VAIL SOFTWARE SPECTRUM SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE 600.00 90.00 1,844.51 2,754.54 88.0 63.0J 2,680.00 47.46 418.00 513.49 1,038.00 50.78 225.00 51.75 25.20 76.89 92.25 2,444.20 25,000.00 43.18 8.00 388.00 798.00 847.70 1,003.03 3,104.38 9,090.00 44.93 448.58 9,744.62 1,034.94 28.9 25.5[ 8,146.61 16,070.00 12,519.55 37.26 286.00 150.00 40.54 54.69 250.00 907.80 3,000.00 213.90 18.60 10.35 132.40 50.00 10.00 33,692.67 99.80 25.00 616.50 212.50 693.85 553.22 925.( 313.61.1 6 07-01-2003 SPECIAL EVENTS SPIECKER HANLON & GORMLEY STATE OF COLORADO STEADMAN HAWKINS CLINIC STEPHANIE GLENWRIGHT STERICYCLE INC STEVEN J GOLDSTEIN STEVEN ROSE STOVE PARTS SUPPLY CO INC STRAWBERRY PATCH SUE MOTT SUMMIT LUMBER SUPERIOR ALARM SUSPENSE FUND SYBIL SETTERLlND SYDNEY PITTMAN SYLVIA SALAZAR THE BASALT STORE THE FLOWER MART THOMAS GOODREID TIMBERLINE AVIATION TODD A BURTON TODD PIERCE PHOTOGRAPHY TOM BRANDL TOM C STONE TOM TALBOT, DEPUTY TOWN OF EAGLE TRILlTERAL UNIFORM KINGDOM UNITED LABORATORIES UNITED PARCEL SERVICE UNITED REPROGRAPHIC VAIL ANESTHESIA ASSOC VAIL ELECTRONICS VAIL LOCK AND KEY VAIL MOUNTAIN RESCUE GROU VAIL POLICE DEPARTMENT VAIL TRAIL THE VAIL VALLEY EMERGENCY VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTR VAILNET INC VALLEY PARTNERSHIP VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY VERIZON WIRELESS, VICTOR CROCCO VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS VILLAGE AT BRECKENRIDGE VIOLA ULLERICK VIRGINIA CERISE WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY WAHRER JENNIE RN WASTE MANAGEMENT WELLS FARGO WELLS FARGO BANK WENDY BOGNER WEST GROUP WEST VAIL TEXACO WESTERN PAGING SERVICE REIMBURSEM ENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE PAYROLL EXPD SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE 44.00 13.02 5,475.00 2,771.00 36.00 285.48 16.98 34.50 172.72 185.00 90.00 748.30 584.00 77,067.85 90.00 54.00 13.23 40.00 139.00 3,333.34 535.38 25.00 137.50 35.59 88.86 356.90 2,385.70 29.45 1,936.80 551.84 239.01 921.21 855.00 1,070.00 26.16 61.68 12,767.54 1,100.00 900.00 5,304.43 14,507.68 67.80 5,938.52 4,655.85 2,200.88 10.00 61.38 1,085.40 105.00 13.80 430.00 261.42 95.00 286,548.00 1,650.00 86.09 854.00 10.37 8.00 7 07-01-2003 WESTIN WESTMINSTER THE SERVICE 261.00 WHITE & STEELE REIMBURSEMENT 10.00 WILSON GEORGE SERVICE 1,094.85 WIND RIVER TREES SERVICE 190.00 WORLDCOM SERVICE 5,810. WYLACO SUPPL Y COMPANY SUPPLIES 135.. ~ XCEL ENERGY SERVICE 83.55 XEROX CORPORATION SERVICE 5,211.11 YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC SERVICE 65.16 YAMPAH SPA & VAPOR CAVES SERVICE 220.00 ZANCANELLA & ASSOCIATES SERVICE 346.90 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL 12 & 13 643,751.04 1,836,990.69 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND ACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 108.00 AFFORDABLE PORTABLE SERVICE 134.00 BLAKE MARTIN REIMBURSEMENT 70.98 BUD JACOX REIMBURSEMENT 75.00 CANWEST VENTURES REIMBURSEMENT 300.00 COLORADO MOTOR PARTS SUPPLIES 6.98 COLORADO MOUNTAIN NEWS SERVICE 521.25 COPY PLUS SERVICE 14.05 DAY TIMERS INCORPORATED SUPPLIES 31.98 DEEP ROCK WEST SERVICE 37.25 DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMP REIMBURSEMENT 300.00 DIVISION OF LABOR SERVICE 75.00 DODSON ENGINEERED SERVICE 2,500.00 DOLAN CONSTRUCTION INC REIMBURSEMENT 2,050.l EDW ARD J LAWN REIMBURSEMENT 100.0~ ELAM CONSTRUCTION INCORPO SERVICE 3,882.55 FARIS MACHINERY CO SERVICE 4,539.00 GMCO CORPORATION SERVICE 20,182.17 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT 654.89 HERMAN MILLER INC. SERVICE 3,834.05 HOL Y CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC SERVICE 377.62 INTERWEST SAFETY SUPPL Y SUPPLIES 137.32 JA BASKINS CONSTRUCTION REIMBURSEMENT 100.00 JAMES G DUNN REIMBURSEMENT 100.00 JP TRUCKING, INC. SERVICE 61,967.78 KENWOOD DEVELOPMENT INC REIMBURSEMENT 2,000.00 LAFARGE CORPORATION SERVICE 164.11 LAKE CREEK METRO DISTRICT REIMBURSEMENT 2,000.00 LANDSCAPING BY REIMBURSEMENT 125.00 MATTHEW DIETZ REIMBURSEMENT 100.00 MOTOR POOL FUND SERVICE 128,586.67 NAPA AUTO PARTS-CARBONDLE SUPPLIES 53.69 PROPERTY IMAGING, LLC SERVICE 365.00 R C SMITH REIMBURSEMENT 250.00 RAY OR MELISSA ROMANIN REIMBURSEMENT 2,050.00 ROBERT SMITH REIMBURSEMENT 100.00 SAFETY & CONSTRUCTION SERVICE 1,886.89 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN SERVICE 885.59 SUSPENSE FUND SERVICE 5,709.0P WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SERVICE 19,219.1 WELLS FARGO SERVICE 27,321.44 8 07-01-2003 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY XEROX CORPORATION SUPPLIES SERVICE PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL 12 & 13 SOCIAL SERVICES FUND ACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS ARLlSS SIMS BASALT FAMILY RESOURCE BATTLE MOUNTAIN HS BETH HERVEY BOULDER COUNTY SHERIFF BUDDIES PROGRAM, THE CAROL PRATER CATHERINE CRAIG COLORADO WEST MENTAL HL TH CORPORATE EXPRESS CRAIG SMITH CSSDA DYNAMICS RESEARCH CORP EAGLE COUNTY PURCHASING EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFF EAGLE PHARMACY EAGLE RIVERVIEW EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING EDWARDS IMMEDIATE FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY GARFIELD COUNTY SHERIFF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH INSURANCE FUND HIGH COUNTRY COPIERS ISABEL SANCHEZ JERRI OLSON JOEL KARR KAREN LAJOY SMITH MA LPC KATHY REED LABORATORY CORPORATION OF LAKE COUNTY SHERIFF LITERACY PROJECT LYONS KATHLEEN MARIAN MCDONOUGH MEET THE WILDERNESS MESA COUNTY SHERIFF MICHAEL CLAUSSNER MOTOR POOL FUND NICOLE KELSAY NICOLE SISNEROS RED RIBBON PROJECT RESOURCE CENTER OF EAGLE RITA WOODS SERVICEMASTER CLEAN SUSPENSE FUND SYLVIA SALAZAR VANASK WAREHOUSE COMPANY VERIZON WIRELESS, WELLS FARGO SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT INV FD4128-DWC 545 IN AVON REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE PAYROLL EXPD 9 07-01-2003 4,894.18 111.66 65,643.65 363,565.84 99.90 17.91 8,506.95 354.41 780.00 30.20 1,882.68 12.08 118.45 3,371.07 119.51 121 .44 100.00 3,370.00 124.28 31.08 7.11 3,562.50 591.75 52.00 750.00 65.40 13.80 800.76 229.95 74.19 324.61 491.94 330.00 208.38 162.00 30.00 8,684.26 85.95 194.10 4,927.38 20.68 540.00 941 .44 44.85 103.41 1,047.34 12,023.00 80.09 252.00 6,169.65 111.78 166.92 380.27 18,425.34 XEROX CORPORATION SERVICE 500.94 YAMPAH SPA & VAPOR CAVES SERVICE 180.00 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL 12 & 13 39,412.17 121,025.9A. WRAP FUND EAGLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL SERVICE 125.00 MELISSA WILLIAMS SERVICE 465.00 TARGET STORES SERVICE 450.00 TOWN OF BASAL T SERVICE 375.00 1,415.00 RETIREMENT FUND SUSPENSE FUND SERVICE 65,673.96 65,673.96 INSURANCE RESERVE FUND AON AVIATION SERVICE 18,117.00 V ALLEY COLLISION SERVICE 7,681.85 25,798.85 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND AMAZON.COM SERVICE 415.5 AMERICAN CIVIL CONSTRUCTR SERVICE 54,4 78.4v ANIXTER COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 130.04 ARCO CONCRETE INC SERVICE 1,870.00 BAND B EXCAVATING SERVICE 95,151.92 BEAR PROOF INC. SERVICE 1,248.00 BIGHORN EXCAVATING, INC. SERVICE 1,000.00 DELL INC SERVICE 130,200.00 DON'S TRIMWORKS SERVICE 25,115.00 EAGLE V ALLEY TILE CARPET SERVICE 31,127.37 FLORIDA MICRO SERVICE 1,573.00 HEPWORTH PAWLAK GEOTECHNI SERVICE 11,363.00 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS SERVICE 839.40 MICRO WAREHOUSE SERVICE 839.16 OPTRICS ENGINEERING SERVICE 1,896.00 PARAMOUNT FABRICS INC. SERVICE 1,636.00 PLUMB KENDALL CONSTR. SERVICE 65,684.00 REDMON DRYWALL INC SERVICE 1,400.00 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAPH SERVICE 236.95 SIEMENS BUSINESS SERVICES SERVICE 21,828.50 STEVENS HOME CARE INC SERVICE 39,531.68 STORNETINCORPORATED SERVICE 322.42 SUN RAY SERVICE 1,816.78 489,703.15 SALES TAX E.V. TRANSP. 10 07-01-2003 A1 AUTO ELECTRIC COMPANY AMERICAN MANAGEMENT AMERICAN PUBLIC TRANSIT AT & TWIRELESS SERVICES BILLINGS KAR KOLOR INC BOB'S PLACE BROADWAY BAR & GRILL BRODY CHEMICAL CASTA CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING CHINA GARDEN RESTAURANT COLLETTS COLORADO MOTOR PARTS COLUMBINE MARKET COLUMBINE STORAGE CENTER CORPORATE EXPRESS CUMMINS ROCKY MOUNTAIN DDI EQUIPMENT DEEP ROCK WEST DESIGN GLASS INCORPORATED DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES EAGLE COUNTY FAIR EAGLE COUNTY MOTOR POOL EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY FEDERAL EXPRESS FIESTA'S CAFE FIREBUSTER SOLUTIONS G & K SERVICES GAY JOHNSONS INC GENERAL ELECTRIC GILLIG CORPORATION GORE RANGE BREWERY HEALTH INSURANCE FUND HILL & COMPANY HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC IMPACT GRAPHICS & SIGNS KKCH RADIO KTUN-FM RADIO KZYR-COOL RADIO LLC LAWSON PRODUCTS LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS INC LUMINATOR M & M AUTO PARTS MAIN AUTO PARTS MAIN STREET GRILL MOTOR POOL FUND PAZZOS PIZZERIA QUILL CORPORATION QWEST RON E BECK SAFETY KLEEN (WHICITA) SAN DIEGO COUNTY OF THE SATOS SUSHI BAR SCULL YS ART OFFICE AND SERVICEMASTER CLEAN SUMMIT LUMBER SUSPENSE FUND THE FRENCH PRESS SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REIMBURSEMENT SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE 218.07 1,795.00 6,739.00 158.00 344.10 65.00 50.00 395.18 3,858.00 346.01 25.00 40.60 89.60 38.51 1,424.96 327.72 9,444.08 1,745.48 35.80 233.25 2,603.01 1,500.00 19,909.47 15.30 57.69 108.45 25.00 1,786.45 558.60 3,370.38 269.16 4,922.12 50.00 1,202.15 7,500.00 1,322.33 5.00 200.00 200.00 1,333.00 579.45 2,450.01 178.82 11.99 15.59 40.00 3,845.00 25.00 37.22 393.62 3,200.00 116.06 55.38 25.00 24.90 3,101.14 6.47 8,723.43 40.00 11 07-01-2003 UNITED STATES WELDING SERVICE 27.54 VAIL TRAIL THE SERVICE 600.00 VERIZON WIRELESS, SERVICE 37.24 WELLS FARGO PAYROLL EXPD 40,962.47 WHITEALLS ALPINE SUPPLIES 106.1 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 38.6" XCELENERGY SERVICE 92.38 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL 12 & 13 101,016.61 240,062.24 SALES TAX E.V. TRAILS ALPINE ENGINEERING SERVICE 28,729.88 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC SERVICE 163.00 COLORADO MOUNTAIN NEWS SERVICE 362.51 COLUMBINE MARKET SUPPLIES 17.94 COPY PLUS SUPPLIES 39.35 EAGLE EYE PHOTO SERVICE 19.10 EAGLE PHARMACY SERVICE 1.23 FEDERAL EXPRESS SERVICE 22.50 FELSBURG HOL T & ULLEVIG SERVICE 6,594.78 HEAL TH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 5.36 MARCIN ENGINEERING INC SERVICE 1,000.00 NOBLE WELDING SUPPLIES 195.00 SUSPENSE FUND SERVICE 137.38 WELLS FARGO PAYROLL EXPD 861.82 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 10.50 YEH & ASSOCIATES INC SERVICE 4,014.91 42,175.. TRANSPORTA. VEHICLE RPLCMT INTERMOUNTAIN COACH SERVICE 38,310.00 38,310.00 AIRPORT FUND AON AVIATION SERVICE 41,107.00 ASMI SERVICE 8,055.00 BERTHOD MOTORS SERVICE 43.28 BRIAN SCHOFIELD SERVICE 999.00 BUREAU OF RECLAMATION SERVICE 500.00 CALOIA & HOUPT PC SERVICE 294.25 CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING SERVICE 57.41 CENTURYTEL SERVICE 25.36 CHEF DE CUISINE SERVICE 1,181.64 CLAUDIA KELLY SERVICE 1,000.00 CO DEPT PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICE 40.00 COLLETTS SUBSCRIPTION 66.32 COLORADO MOTOR PARTS SERVICE 390.49 COLUMBINE MARKET SUBSCRIPTION 9.40 CONTROLPRODUCTSINC SERVICE 40.00 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES 481.4&::: CORY M DICKSON SERVICE 900. DEEP ROCK WEST SERVICE 217.1b 12 07-01-2003 DOLPHIN CAPITAL CORP EAGLE VALLEY TILE CARPET FAIRFIELD INN FIREHOUSE FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS INC GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND GYPSUM TOWN OF HEALTH INSURANCE FUND HELMUT FRICKER HILL & COMPANY HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC IMPACT GRAPHICS & SIGNS INTERFLlGHT JAY MAX SALES KINDER MORGAN INC M & M AUTO PARTS MAIN AUTO PARTS MCI COMMERCIAL SERVICE W MIDWEST AIR TRAFFIC MOTOR POOL FUND MULTI ELECTRIC MFG INC NASCO LLC NEXTEL NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT OJ WATSON COMPANY INC ON TARGET CHALLENGE, INC. ORKIN EXTERMINATING CO SERVICEMASTER CLEAN SHAW CONSTRUCTION SUMMIT LUMBER SUMMITEX, LLC SUSPENSE FUND SWEET PEA DESIGNS VAIL TRAIL THE VAIL VALLEY JET CENTER WELLS FARGO WILLIAM E PAYNE & ASSOC ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE ZEP MANUFACTURING COMPANY SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE PAYROLL EXPD SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 271.78 93.42 1,613.34 52.00 314.66 10.86 344.25 422.05 400.00 300.00 1,950.39 312.00 2,766.40 103.80 576.66 78.03 39.02 148.41 26,350.00 1,487.16 150.18 890.74 546.76 110.78 1,075.00 150.00 1,364.93 1,161.49 336,953.12 12.01 1,418.51 1,996.60 170.50 1,700.00 34.30 10,567.16 6,073.43 154.20 296.24 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL 12 & 13 26,779.65 484,647.59 MICROWAVE MAINTENANCE FUND LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS INC SERVICE 1,492.26 1,492.26 CONSTRUCTION FUND ORKIN EXTERMINATING CO ROSS CONCRETE INC. SNOWBRIDGE ROTO ROOTER SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE 6,250.00 33,368.76 598.00 40,216.76 LANDFILL FUND 13 07-01-2003 BROWNING FERRIS IND SERVICE 40,149.00 CLEAN HARBORS SERVICE 14,866.28 DEEP ROCK WEST SERVICE 105.60 DOWN V ALLEY SEPTIC SERVICE 345. GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND SUPPLIES 370.0v HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT 321.06 JASON DAUBS REIMBURSEMENT 25.00 KRW CONSULTING INC SERVICE 9,832.47 MOTOR POOL FUND SERVICE 46,660.08 OXFORD RECYCLING INC SERVICE 11,900.29 RONALD RASNIC REIMBURSEMENT 150.67 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN SERVICE 1,692.46 SUMMIT LUMBER SUPPLIES 72.39 SUSPENSE FUND SERVICE 1,572.75 TRI-R RECYCLING SERVICE 160.00 VAIL DAILY THE SERVICE 1,000.00 WELLS FARGO PAYROLL EXPD 5,992.44 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL 12 & 13 14,942.05 150,157.54 MOTOR POOL FUND ACTIVE COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE 36.00 AL-JON INC SERVICE 141 .25 BERTHOD MOTORS SERVICE 302.83 BRENT BLAKE REIMBURSEMENT 23.35 BRODY CHEMICAL SERVICE 1 08.40 BURT CHEVROLET, INC SERVICE 70.39 C & H DISTRIBUTORS INC SERVICE 89.: CASTLE PEAK AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 32.1 f CCG SYSTEMS SERVICE 6,000.00 CENTRAL DISTRIBUTING SERVICE 83.32 CENTURY EQUIPMENT COMPANY SERVICE 70.70 COLLETTS SUPPLIES 48,198.94 COLORADO MOTOR PARTS SUPPLIES 1,293.03 CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES 74.90 DRIVE TRAIN INDUSTRIES SERVICE 1,159.96 EAGLE AMOCO SERVICE 164.50 EAGLE PHARMACY SUPPLIES 5.29 EATON SALES & SERVICE SERVICE 276.55 EDDIE VELASQUES REIMBURSEMENT 64.59 FIREBUSTER SOLUTIONS SERVICE 522.50 FITZSIMMONS MOTOR COMPANY SERVICE 54.40 G & K SERVICES SUPPLIES 396.99 G JCT CHRYLSER JEEP DODGE SERVICE 74,360.00 GAY JOHNSONS INC SERVICE 455.40 GOODYEAR WHOLESALE TIRE SUPPLIES 1,824.48 GREGG ROSSI REIMBURSEMENT 35.58 HANSON EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 257.46 HEAL TH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT 287.55 HENSLEY BATTERY SUPPLIES 542.25 HOL Y CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC SERVICE 976.29 HONNEN EQUIPMENT SERVICE 76.46 KEMP AND COMPANY INC SERVICE 7.9(:;. LAWSON PRODUCTS SUPPLIES 756. M & M AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES 36.0", 14 07-01-2003 MAIN AUTO PARTS SUPPLIES 210.18 MERCEDES GARCIA REIMBURSEMENT 16.25 MOTOR POOL FUND SERVICE 7,120.96 NOVUS AUTOGLASS SERVICE 325.00 POWER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SERVICE 589.29 POWER MOTIVE SERVICE 393.07 RELIABLE SERVICE 401 .46 REY MOTORS INCORPORATED SUPPLIES 247.64 SAFETY KLEEN (WHICITA) SERVICE 135.82 SAN DIEGO COUNTY OF THE REIMBURSEMENT 55.38 SERVICEMASTER CLEAN SERVICE 2,289.61 SNAP ON TOOLS SUPPLIES 119.92 SUMMIT LUMBER SUPPLIES 47.97 SUSPENSE FUND SERVICE 2,253.17 UNITED STATES WELDING SERVICE 274.91 UNITED TRUCK & EQUIPMENT SERVICE 233.80 VEEDER-ROOT COMPANY SERVICE 99.00 WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SUPPLIES 962.35 WAGNER RENTS SERVICE 57.95 WEAR PARTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 376.00 WELLS FARGO PAYROLL EXPD 9,846.68 WESTON SOLUTIONS, INC. SERVICE 1,000.00 WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPPLIES 935.73 PAYROLL FOR JUNE PAYROLL 12 & 13 22,483.04 189,261.04 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND DENMAN GREY AND COMPANY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT 1,025.00 MOUNTAIN STATES ADMIN. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT 35,088.06 PROVIDENT LIFE/ACCIDENT EMPLOYEE BENEFIT 3,618.90 UNITED STATES LIFE INS EMPLOYEE BENEFIT 4,338.50 44,070.46 ENHANCED E911 FUND CENTURYTEL SERVICE 179.60 JOHNSON KUNKEL & ASSOC SERVICE 595.00 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES SERVICE 49.75 QWEST SERVICE 2,646.70 3,471.05 REPORT TOTAL 4,138,037.61 Executive Session Chairman Gallagher stated the first matter before the Board was an Executive Session. Commissioner Menconi moved to adjourn into an Executive Session for the purpose of receiving legal advice for negotiations concerning the Compton Property, pursuant to c.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b). Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Stone moved to adjourn from the Executive Session and reconvene into the regular meeting. Commissioner Menconi seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 15 07-01-2003 The time was noted at 9:26 a.m. Consent Agenda Chairman Gallagher stated the next item before the Board was the Consent Agenda as follows: A) Approval of bill paying for the week of June 30, 2003, subject to review by County Administrator B) Approval of the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners meeting of June 17, 2003 C) Intergovernmental Agreement between Eagle County and Upper Eagle Regional Authority for the Miller Ranch Road Bridge project D) First Amendment to the Lease Agreement between Eagle County, Colorado and Vail Valley Jet Center, LLC, dated May 6,2003 E) Memorandum of Agreement with U.S. Customs and Border Protection F) Execution of Easement Agreement with Berry Creek Limited Liability Co, for a storm water drainage system on Tract C, Recreation Parcel of the Berry Creek / Miller Ranch Development G) Memorandum of Understanding - Rural County Child Care Project H) Memorandum of Understanding - Tri-County Child Care Project n Agreement between Eagle County and Youth Zone for services for youth and their families J) Modification of Program and Budget for the Eagle County Tobacco Program K) Agreement for the implementation of a Pavement Maintenance System L) Memorandum of Understanding between US Department of the Interior - Bureau of Land Management and Eagle County. Chairman Gallagher asked the Attorney's Office if there were any changes to the Consent Agenda. Diane Mauriello, County Attorney, stated there are no comments or revisions. Chairman Gallagher questioned item F, Execution of Easement Agreement, Berry Creek LLC. He questioned if the dotted lines on the map represent tract lines, ditch lines or easements and if the circular portion represent the location of the pond. Peter Sulmeisters, Engineering Department, explained the dotted lines are the edges of the easement and solid lines are the edge of the tract itself. The semi-circle is a temporary pond that was constructed to use until the future pond is designed and built. Chairman Gallagher asked if the easement for the pond was temporary. Mr. Sulmeisters stated the easements are permanent but the temporary pond will be removed when the new pond is built. Chairman Gallagher questioned item I, the agreement with Youth Zone. Kathleen Forinash, Director of Health & Human Services, stated this is a non-profit family and youth agency 10cated in Garfield County. This is an individual purchase of service contract for families they are working with. Chairman Gallagher stated it is his understanding that this is an extension of services into the Eagle Valley. Ms. Forinash answered yes and explained this is a new resource. Chairman Gallagher questioned item K, a Pavement Maintenance System. He stated it is his understanding that this is using current software but expanding pavement management. Pete Fralic, Engineering Department, explained the agreement and related they are performing a new road scan with a firm out of Denver. Chairman Gallagher asked how this tied in to the existing road management pIan. 16 07-01-2003 Mr. Fralic stated they will use the current data and add it to the new system. He stated the new system includes the new road scan for all roads including gravel roads. It also includes an updated decision matrix to determine where the budget would be best spent. Helen Migchelbrink, County Engineer, stated Brad Higgins, Director of Road and Bridge, was directed to re-do the roads and what this agreement will do is to allow staff to look at both paved and gravel roads and bring them up to the 2003 standards. When that data is input staff can then come up with a decision matrix, Chairman Gallagher asked if this will cover all roads in the County. Ms. Migchelbrink stated it will cover paved and gravel roads only. Commissioner Stone stated he believed the County already had a pavement management system. Ms. Migchelbrink stated they do but to make that system work, the roads must be re-assessed every three to five years. Commissioner Stone asked if they are purchasing new software or do they already have the software. Ms. Migchelbrink stated they have the software they are going to use. Commissioner Stone questioned the software listed on the agreement. Ms. Migchelbrink explained the software in the agreement was part of the quote. Commissioner Stone stated it is his understanding the County will have to spend this money every three to five years. Ms. Migchelbrink stated that was correct. She stated new roads may be added and traffic will mcrease. Jack Ingstad, County Administrator, stated this was put into the budget. Chairman Gallagher stated he is not sure that they are doing enough. He stated he would like to obtain an estimate on doing the 2477 roads. Commissioner Stone stated he is in support of identifying the 2477 roads but is not sure they need to be on the pavement management system. Chairman Gallagher stated that portion that has the field inventory information; he assumes that is a GIS inventory of roads. He stated they have been a bit slow in coming up with an inventory of roads. Helen Migchelbrink stated they are two different tasks. She stated they are providing them with the roads and the Engineering Department is analyzing the needs. Chairman Gallagher withdrew his suggestion, Commissioner Stone moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented, Commissioner Menconi seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Plat & Resolution Signing Chairman Gallagher stated there are no plats or resolutions for today's agenda. Fixed Base Operator Concession Agreement Diane Mauriello stated the next matter before the Board was the Fixed Base Operator Concession Agreement and Lease between the County of Eagle and Mountain High Aviation, LLC. She requested this matter be tabled or withdrawn. She stated there are some legal issues that must be worked out. Commissioner Stone moved to table the Fixed Base Operator Concession Agreement and Lease between the County of Eagle and Mountain High Aviation, LLC to a date indefinite as to be determined by the Attorney's Office. Commissioner Menconi seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 17 07-01-2003 Other Commissioner Menconi brought to the Board's attention a Memorandum eliciting a response from various Counties for those who might be interested in hosting the Western Interstate Region Conference for 2005. He stated he would be interested in seeing if Eagle County can host this conference. Commissioner Stone stated the Board did consider this matter before but it was determined they did not have appropriate air service. That may not be the case any longer. Chairman Gallagher stated he also supports the effort in reaching out to see if the community is interested in hosting this event. Jon Harrison, Appraisal Coordinator, presented the petitions for abatements concerning the McCoy Peak Lodge. He stated these abatements were continued from June 24, 2003. Bryan Treu stated also shown on the agenda was an abatement for Peter and Judy Frenchman, who have withdrawn their appeal. Mr. Treu stated for the McCoy Peak Lodge units, the petitioner have suggested the personal property valuation should be higher. The schedule numbers are as follows: London Enterprises, LLC R043 047 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-OOl William A. McCoy Trustee of the Wild Bill McCoy Living Trust Legacy Co. LP Richard V. and Patricia A. Allen Alan J, Margols Casper and Irene Lazzara Hana International Corporation Jeremy T. Smith Richard J. Howe Kathryn F, Hubbard Kenneth E. and Nancy A. Deline B&J Holding Co" Inc. Bernard and Suzanne Scarf Geoffrey Grant Charles W.McCall 505 Hamilton Avenue Partners, LP Craig S. & Bonnie S. McGinnis Nancy B. Starnes Michael S. Rosen & Marilyn S. Ro Steven M. Odre Hemsley Overseas Corp. BVI Gomen Texas Corp. David M. and Virginia A. Borel Rev. Trust Rodney A. McLauchlan Colo. Qualified Personal Residence Trust John C. Tolleson Socca Associated Corp. Wartsila, Ltd. Abatements R043048 R043049 R043050 R043052 R043054 R043055 R043057 R043058 R043059 R043060 R043061 R043062 R043063 R043064 R043065 R043066 R043067 R043068 R043070 R043071 R043073 R043074 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-002 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-I01 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-I02 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R -104 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-I06 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-I07 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-201 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-202 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-203 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-204 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-301 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-302 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-303 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-304 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-305 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-306 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-401 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-402 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-404 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-405 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-501 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-502 R043075 R043077 R043078 R043079 18 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-503 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-505 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-601 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-602 07-01-2003 Anne Marie Frigon Revocable Trust R043083 McCoy Peak Lodge Unit R-702 Malcolm Smith and John Lister, Rocky Mountain Property Tax Consultants, were present for the hearing, Mr. Lister stated he handed out a spread sheet showing the valuations as they are currently. He stated there were still furniture packages that are not valued correctly. He explained the values to the Board. He stated two units valued their furniture packages very low and all other furniture packages were valued appropriately. Chairman Gallagher stated he is looking at the second row of numbers on the spread sheet. He asked about the sale price column. Mr. Lister stated that was the sale price of the unit. He pointed out the square footage of that unit and spoke to the value. He stated they believe two owners reported values of furniture packages that were not correct. That has made the value of other units lower. Commissioner Stone stated he felt the problem was the Assessor was taking information from the transfer declaration to come up with the value, which is the correct way to do it. He stated he believed Rocky Mountain Property Tax Consultants were not aware of the information on the transfer declaration. Mr. Lister stated the owners filled out the information on the Transfer Declaration incorrectly. Commissioner Stone stated they cannot tell the owners of the unit what their furniture should be valued at. It is an opinion and a matter of taste. Mr. Lister stated with the back up letter from the property manager, and the letter from Slifer and Associates, that is what the unit should be valued at. Commissioner Stone asked if they are discussing the value shown on the transfer declaration for real or personal property. Mr. Lister stated they believe the value of the furniture is under valued. Commissioner Stone asked how the County is to determine what the value really is. He stated no one but the owner knows what the value of the furniture is. Should it be the County's responsibility to check on all personal property values. Mr. Lister stated if the Board wi11100k at the price per square foot of the unfurnished unit and the price of the furnished unit there is quite a difference Commissioner Stone asked about the under valuation. Mr. Harrison stated the petitioner is stating that the owner of this unit under valued this property. He stated the value is what the new owner values it at. Mr. Smith stated Mr. Harrison spoke to properties being out ofline. He stated they believe these units are out of line. He stated if those units were used to come up with a medium square footage that was In error. Chairman Gallagher asked what Mr. Lister's value would be. Mr. Lister stated the median price per square foot is more in the $700 dollar square foot range. Mr. Harrison stated if they exclude the two sales, they would have a medium of$2,982,600, if they use all six sales the medium would be $2,817,000, Chairman Gallagher asked about the affect on the appraisal. Commissioner Stone stated they would divide those and come up with a square foot modifier. Mr. Harrison stated that was correct and then they would adjust for view and location. Chairman Gallagher stated he has difficulty questioning the owner of the unit. The purchaser puts on paper what they feel it is worth. He stated he is not inclined to change anything. Commissioners Stone and Menconi concurred. Commissioner Stone stated they use the best information possible. Commissioner Menconi moved to deny the petitions for abatement, schedule numbers R043047, R043048, R043049, R043050, R043052, R043054, R043055, R043057, R043058, R043059, R043060, R043061, R043062, R043063, R043064, R043065, R043066, R043067, R043068, R043070, R043071, 19 07-01-2003 R043073, R043074, R043075, R043077, R043078, R043079, R043083, as recommended by the Assessor. Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PDA-00043, Elliott Ranch PUD Joe Forinash, Planner, presented file number PDA-00043, Elliott Ranch PUD. He stated the applicant is requesting this matter be tabled to July 22,2003. Tom Boni, Knight Planning, and Nancy Hasset, applicant, were present for the hearing. Mr. Boni stated the first tabling was due to a sign not being posted in a timely manner. Since that time he was hired and the premise was posted. He stated there was a hearing before the Planning Commission and they have been meeting with the neighbors and the Fire Department to try and solve some of the issues. He stated this is the reason he would request a tabling to July 22,2003. Chairman Gallagher stated there appears to be an on-going violation of the Land Use Regulations. Mr. Forinash stated the applicant did submit an application and staff perceived that as a good faith effort. The violation is still active. Diane Mauriello stated the violation advised the applicant there is the potential for fines and such if imposed. Mr. Boni stated since they received the staffs reports, they have met with the neighbors and have amended the application in an attempt to tie things down. Chairman Gallagher stated he is inclined to grant a three week extension as it appears to be a work in progress. He will not be inclined to grant any further extensions. Commissioners Menconi and Stone concurred. Commissioner Stone moved to table file number PDA-00043, Elliott Ranch PUD, to July 22, 2003 at the applicant's request. There will be no other extensions. Commissioner Menconi seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Hasset apologized for the delays and explained she had hired another firm to help but that did not work out. She stated she is anxious to get this over with. LUR-0038, LUR-0039, LUR-0040, LUR-0041, Housing Regulations Rebecca Leonard, Senior Planner, presented file numbers LUR-0038, LUR-0039, LUR-0040 and LUR-0041, Land Use Regulations Amendments, Local Resident Housing Initiative. She stated the Eagle County Land Use Regulations (ECLUR) consist of a series of Articles which combine to create a document Ato implement the Eagle County Master Plan and to promote the health, safety and general welfare ofthe present and future residents of and visitors to Eagle County@. The LUR=s provide, in a single location, those standards and procedures applicable to development and the use of land in the unincorporated areas of the County. The LUR=s are organized into seven Articles: 1) General Provisions; 2) Definitions; 3) Zone Districts; 4) Site Development Standards; 5) Administration; 6) Nonconformities and; 7) Enforcement. In addition to the seven Articles, the LUR=s also contain six chapters and five appendices. The current LUR=s were originally adopted on March 12,2002. Although a prodigious amount ofthought and detail went into the LUR=s prior to its original adoption, it is necessary from time to time to amend the regulatory language in order to better reflect the original intent; to make the LUR more user friendly; to reconcile unintended discrepancies between sections of the LUR and; to add or subtract regulatory language in order to keep pace with Eagle County=s growth. All proposed amendments are presented to the Board with the intent of furthering health, safety and general welfare of Eagle County. 20 07-01-2003 Proposed are three additions to Article 4 setting out the authority and applicability of the proposed regulations, a few minor changes to Article 5 to accommodate the Local Resident housing Plans and an additional Appendix (Appendix F) of Chapter II of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations (ECLUR) to layout the standards for building, purchasing, and selling Local Resident Housing Units. Each amendment is intended to implement the Eagle County Master Plan and the Eagle County Housing Comprehensive Plan. This amendment package proposes changes in the following areas: Chapter 2: Land Use Regulations Article 4- Site Development Standards Reason for Amendments: To implement the Eagle County Master Plan and Eagle County Housing Comprehensive Plan. The Eagle County Housing Department and Community Development Division have set forth most of the changes within Article 4, of Chapter II of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. The intent is to implement the Eagle County Master Plan and Eagle County Housing Comprehensive Plan by introducing three programs: Inclusionary Housing, Residential Employee/Housing Linkage, and Non- Residential Employee/Housing Linkage. The addition of Section 4-720 (LUR-0039) includes the language depicting the Purpose, Authority, and Requirements associated with Inclusionary Housing, This Section will reference. The proposed Appendix F for further explanation and definition of Local Resident Housing Units. The addition of Section 4-730 (LUR -0041) includes the language depicting the Purpose, Authority, and Requirements associated with Non-Residential Employee/Housing Linkage. This Section will reference the proposed Appendix F for further explanation and definition of Local Resident Housing Units. The addition of Section 4-740 (LUR-0040) includes the language depicting the Purpose, Authority, and Requirements associated with Residential Employee/Housing Linkage. This Section will reference the proposed Appendix F for further explanation and definition of Local Resident Housing Units. Article 5- Administration Reason for Amendments: To make a Local Resident Housing Plan a required piece of all applicable planning applications. The Eagle County Housing Department and Community Development Division have set forth most of the changes within Article 5, of Chapter II ofthe Eagle County Land Use Regulations. The intent is to require a Local Resident Housing PIan for all applicable planning applications. Appendix F: Reason for Amendment: To include the Local Resident Housing Requirements as part ofthe Eagle County Land Use Regulations. The Local Resident Housing Requirements (LUR-0038) clearly define what a Local Resident Housing Unit is, who is eligible to purchase a Local Resident Housing Unit, what the developers responsibilities are, how the prices are determined, etc. Referral responses are as shown on staff report and as follows: The proposed amendment package was referred out to the following agencies: County Engineering Department, County Attorneys Office, County Housing Division, County Building Department, County Environmental Health Division, County Health and Human Services Division, Eco Transit Office, Roaring Fork Transit Authority, Eagle County School District, Roaring Fork School District, Board of County Commissioners, Eagle County Planning Commission, Roaring Fork Valley Regional Planning Commission, Colorado State Division of Local Affairs, Northwest Colorado Council of Govemments, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, FNMAE, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, Bellyache Ridge Metro District, Mid Valley Metro District, Edwards Metro District, Cordillera Metro District, Arrowhead Metro District, Berry Creek Metro District, Bachelor Gulch Metro District, Squaw Creek Metro District, Lake Creek Metro District, Buffalo Mountain Metro District, Eagle-Vail Metro District, Smith Creek Metro 21 07-01-2003 District, Arrowhead Metro District, Knight Planning Services, Isom and Associates, Braun and Associates, Inc" PJA Land Planning, Vail Resorts, Inc., Cordillera, The Land Studio, Sid Fox and Company, Johnson and Kunkel, Vail Valley Chamber of Commerce, Vail Chamber of Commerce, Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce, Basalt Chamber of Commerce, Vail Board of Realtors, Glenwood Springs Association of Realtors, Eagle Valley Home Builders Association, Three Rivers Home Builders, Catholic Charities, Town of Avon, Town of Basalt, Town of Eagle, Town of Gypsum, Town ofMintum, Town of Red Cliff, Town of Va iI, Routt County Planning, Garfield County Planning, Pitkin County Planning, Lake County Planning, Summit County Planning, Grand County Planning. Responses were received from the following agencies, firms or individuals: Gary Wheeler, Basalt Planning and Zoning Commission Chairperson letter dated April 9th, 2002: The referral response favorably suggests that the county=s adoption of such LUR amendments would improve the overall condition of creating affordable housing in the Basalt vicinity as it would minimize Ajurisdiction shopping@ that occurs to date, and that the county include in its amendment language that would require replacement of existing affordable housing, Ross Easterling, Eagle County Environmental Health Department memo dated April 23rd, 2002: Indicates that the Environmental Health Department has reviewed the amendments and has no comment at this time. Colin Laird, Healthy Mountain Communities letter dated April 25th, 2002: Indicates that Healthy Mountain Communities is a regional nonprofit organization working on affordable housing issues in the Aspen to Parachute region and that all the participating municipalities and counties in the Roaring Fork Valley have adopted Inclusionary Housing Programs ranging from 10% to 60%. Aspen, Snowmass, Pitkin County, and Basalt have all adopted Linkage Programs ranging from 20% to 60%. Eagle County=s adoption of these two programs would prevent Ajurisdictional shopping@. Jack Lewis, Vail Resorts Development Company letter dated May 29th, 2002: Indicates that Vail Resorts believes that many affordable housing opportunities have come to the market in the recent past including Buckhorn Valley and Brett Ranch. Many more on their way in Dotsero, Avon and Vail. Believes that developing regulations to assess employee housing for ALL commercial development is needed along with the continued effort of providing incentives to developers and public-private partnerships. Gavin Brooke, WindRiver Development letter brought to Planning Commissioners on May 29th, 2002: Shows how the proposed programs would effect a specific mixed-use development WindRiver is currently planning and designing in the Roaring Fork Valley. He used 10% Inclusionary Requirements and 30% Linkage Requirements in his example. Please see attached referral responses and letters. Staff findings are as follows and as shown on staff report. Pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 1.15.04 Referrals of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations: the proposed amendments HAVE been referred to the appropriate agencies, including the applicable towns within Eagle County, and to the Colorado Division of Local Affairs. Pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 1.15.05 Public Notice ofthe Eagle County Land Use Regulations: Public notice HAS been given. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 5-230.B.2 Text Amendment of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations: (a) The proposed amendments AMEND ONLY THE TEXT ofthe Eagle County Land Use Regulations, and do not amend the Official Zone District Map. (b) Precise wording of the proposed changes HAS been provided. 22 07 -01-2003 Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 5-230.D Standards of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations as applicable: (a) The proposed amendments ARE consistent with the purposes, goals, policies, and Future Land Use Map of the Eagle County Master Plan. (b) The proposed amendments DO address a demonstrated community need. (c) The proposed amendments ARE in the public interest. 1st ROUND OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: RFRPC: After two public hearings (May 2nd, 2002 and May 16th, 2002) the Roaring Fork Regional Planning Commission recommended approval as submitted in the edition dated May 16th, 2002 with minor amendments to Pages 26-28 of the Local Resident Housing Requirements, ECPC: After six public hearings (May 1st, 2002; May 15th, 2002; May 22nd, 2002; May 29th, 2002; June 19th, 2002; and June 26th, 2002) the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval as submitted in the edition dated May 16th, 2002 with minor amendments (identical to those made by the RFRPC on May 16th) to Pages 26-28 of the Local Resident Housing Requirements, and varying percentages as outlined below. Residential Employment/Housing Linkage 20% with maximum on-site incentives 25% with maximum off-site incentives 30% with no incentives or Payment in Lieu Non-Residential Employment/Housing Linkage 15% with maximum on-site incentives 20% with maximum off-site incentives 25% with no incentives or Payment in Lieu Inclusionary Housing 15% with maximum on-site incentives 25% with maximum off-site incentives 30% with no incentives or Payment in Lieu The ECPC also expressed an interest in reviewing the text of the subject LURs every year during a required update of the income limits, construction costs, and purchase price. The ECPC also recommended that stafflook into the County=s clustering option and determine how it could work with the subject housing regulations, Board of County Commissioner Direction: After fourteen public hearings (May 28th, 2002;July 2nd, 2002; July 29th, 2002, August 13th, 2002, September 10th, 2002, October 22nd, 2002, November 12th, 2002, January 7th, 2003, January 21st, 2003, February 11th, 2003, March 11th, 2003, March 25th, 2003, April 29th, 2003, and May 6th, 2003) the Board of County Commissioners gave the following direction: Reduce the required percentage FROM 20% for on-site, 25% for off-site and 30% for Payment in Lieu TO 10% for any location or method of meeting the requirement. Reduce the moderate income level FROM 80%-120% TO 80%-100%. Use the same method for determining the appropriate household size as HUD: 1.5 people per bedroom. This will affect the Maximum Purchase Price and Payment in Lieu ca1culations. Change the appreciation cap FROM a straight 3% compounded annually TO a percent equal to that of the annual wage increase for each year, but must be between 3% and 6%. Exempt units that are originally deed restricted to local residents, but not necessarily appreciation capped, from the requirements. Do not exempt Accessory Dwelling Units, Allow ATransfer@ and ABanking@ of Local Resident Housing Credits. Update Area Median Income figures, interest rates, and market values. 23 07-01-2003 On May 6, 2003, the BoCC remanded the proposed regulations with changes back to the Planning Commissions for their recommendations pursuant to Chapter I, Section 1.15.06 and Chapter II, Section 5-210, G. 3 Substantial Change from Planning Commission Recommendation. Commissioner Am Menconi asked that staff make note of his disagreement with the BoCC=s changes, and his support for the Planning Commission=s original proposal. Minutes from all BoCC hearings pertaining to the proposed regulations were attached to the staff report for the planning commissions. 2nd ROUND OF PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: RFRPC: After one public hearing (June 5th, 2003) the Roaring Fork Regional Planning Commission recommended approval of the BoCC draft with the following conditions: That the percentages be kept as originally proposed in the draft dated May 16th, 2002; and That the banked units must be utilized to meet a requirement within 3 years of the time they are built. ECPC: After one public hearing (June 4th, 2003) the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval of the BoCC draft with the following conditions: That allowances are made that would give the county the ability to defer in the event of a distressed sale (i.e. death in the family) the 1/2% up front fee for the sale of the unit until the sale has been complete; That off-site development of units (except in the case of Non-Residential Linkage) must be built in the same or nearest community center; That the banked units must be built in the same or nearest community center; That units built at the time of the approval of these regulations shall NOT be allowed to be banked; and That the percentages be as follows: Residential EmploYment/Housing Linkage 10% ifbuilt on-site 15% ifbuilt off-site (and must be in the same or nearest community center) 20% if providing PaYment in Lieu Non-Residential EmploYment/Housing Linkage 10% ifbuilt on-site or off-sit in the same or nearest community center 15% ifbuilt off-site in a different community center 20% if providing PaYment in Lieu Inclusionary Housing 10% ifbuilt on-site 15% ifbuilt off-site (and must be in the same or nearest community center) 20% if providing PaYment in Lieu Chairman Gallagher questioned how they arrived at three years. Ms. Leonard stated that is the time frame allowed by statute. The County Regulations allow for five years. Chairman Gallagher stated he remembers that his support of the 10% was based on the target percentage of affordable housing in the community. He stated he remembers they had very nearly reached that with absolutely no regulations. . Ms. Leonard stated they were looking at the proposed but unbuilt units. She stated there is not a target they are looking from. Chairman Gallagher stated he believed there was a target. Commissioner Menconi stated he remembers the Board would pick a target and staff would show what wduld happen if nothing were put in place. Ms. Leonard stated in the year 2020, they have approved approximately 4800 affordable units. Chairman Gallagher stated in the next year or so, as the affordable developments are built, what percentage would there be. 24 07-01-2003 Ms. Leonard by 2005, there will be 12^%. K.T. Gazunis, Housing Director, stated she has three points to make in the future, one of which is the regulations as written do not anticipate very low income. Categories of those who make less than the 50% of the area medium income. The other two issues were technical issues. Commissioner Menconi questioned whether the next step was for them to re-work the draft. Ms. Leonard stated the Attorney's Office and staff will re-word the draft and get those copies to the Board for review. Commissioner Menconi asked if the advisement of the Planning Commission changed the Board's mind in any way. Chairman Gallagher stated he was glad to see the Planning Commission reduce their percentages. He stated he was glad to see the community center verbiage added. Changing the percentage is not a big deal and it can be changed at the last minute. He stated he would like to go back and find the document that says the 10% came about because they are where they would like to be. Ms, Mauriello stated she wanted the Attorney's Office to have direction from the Board. She stated they contemplated continuing working with the draft and making it looking more regulatory. Chairman Gallagher stated those portions have to be enforceable. Commissioner Stone moved the Board table file numbers LUR-0038: LUR-0039, LUR-0040 and LUR-0041, Housing Regulations to August 19,2003, at the applicants request. Commissioner Menconi seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until July 8,2003. Attest. j Clerk to the Bo 25 07-01-2003