HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/21/98 e BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 21, 1998 Present: James Johnson, Jr. George "Bud" Gates Johnnette Phillips James Hartmann Earlene Roach Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Johnson stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Approval of bill paying for weeks of December 21 & 28, 1998, subject to review by County Administrator B) Approval of payroll for December 31, 1998, subject to review by County Administrator C) Approval of the minutes of the County Commissioners meeting for December 14, 1998 D) Retainer Agreement between Eagle County Board of Social Services and Board of County Commissioners for representation of the Eagle County Department of Health and Human Services by the Office of the Eagle County Attorney E) Addendum to MOU with State Department of Human Services F) 1999 Colorado Division of Aeronautics Internship Contract G) Consent to hire Airport Operations Manager in 1998 H) Agreement with Danco Building Systems for coating Eagle County maintenance hangar roof with elastomeric roofing systems I) Agreement between Eagle County and Aviation Systems Maintenance, Inc., for navigational and maintenance J) Agreement between Eagle County and Wilderness Construction Company for Eagle County Regional Airport maintenance hangar door replacement and exterior painting K) Resolution 98-156 and power of attorney conferring authority on Attorneys Office to draw on Letter of Credit No. S800292 in the amount of $6,297.50, to expire 12-31-98, Kevin & Tammy Tucker, Triple T Enterprises, EI Jebel Gas & Tire L) As Used Contract for employee assistance services between Eagle county and Colorado West Regional Mental Health Center, Inc for evaluation, counseling and referral services for County employees and their dependents M) Resolution 98-157 authorizing the Chairman to the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State Department of Transportation, Division of Transportation Development, for the provision of Public Transportation Services in non-urbanized areas N) Change Order Number 2 to the 1998 Centerline marking Contract 0) Intergovernmental Agreement between County of Eagle and Town of Vail for animal control servIces P) Intergovernmental Agreement between County of Eagle and the Town of Eagle concerning the authority and business signs for the Eagle 1-70 Interchange Q) Resolution 98-158 setting the amount of surety bond for the Office of County Treasurer. Commissioner Gates asked to discuss item H and what the weather should be for this application. Jim Elwood, Airport Manager, stated he suspects this will be a spring time operation. Commissioner Gates asked if the Board was comfortable with the agreement on item P. Chairman Johnson stated the Town of Eagle wanted to have the signs on the highway and did not want to annex that property due to the expense of annexation. He stated it was decided the Board would enter into an 1 e z: .P;)JlO~U! ;)q Ol lunoum lBl{l S;)A;)!pq ;)l{ P;)lBlS;)H .s.rnlIoP uo!II!w 17 l;)AO S! P;)lB~!PU! ;)ABl{ p!l}S!a h.!;)l;)W;);) WlllUrW ;)1Il S;)nU;)A;)l ~1Il P;)lBlS;)H .~~Bld JO lno S! M~l mw 13 J! 813l{ pmos: ;)l{l Al!lOl{lnB ;)l{l P~uoHs;)nb uosuqof UBWl!Bl{;) .p.rnos: ;)1Il10J SP!llS!P lIB 10J S;)!A;)I mw ;)l{l PB;)l ;)l{S .S~!A;)I mw JO UOHB~Y!ll;):) ;)1Il P;)lU;)S;)ld 'lU;)WllBd;)a ;):)UBU!d ';)SSBS S!ll{;) S3!A3'1 mw JO UOnU~!J!J.l3;) .snow!UBun P;).rnP;)P 813M ;)lOA ;)l{.L .UO!lOW;)lIl P;)PUO~;)S S;)lBD l;)UO!SS!WWO;) .I01lUO;) IBW!UV AlunO;) ;)18133 ;)lIllB S;):)!Al;)S AmU!l;)l;)A JOJ .W.A.a ~~uu!nD p!ABa pUB AlunO;) ~I8B3 U;)~Ml~q l:)B1lUO:) ~l{l ~A01ddB Ol P;)AOW sdm!l{u l~UO!SS!WWO;) .IBW!UB ~lIlldopB Ol PlOJJB UB:) ~Ido~d ;)l;)l{M lU!od 13 lB ~q Ol P;)~U S;)~J ~1Il P;)lBlS sd!II!l{u l~UO!SS!WWO;) .:)l;) 'SlOl{S 'S;)~J UB!.rnU!l~l;)A ';);)J 8u!p.rnoq ;)l{l Sl;)AO:) l! P;)lBlS summM:\ .JW .Sl~AO:) ;);)J UO!ldoPB ;)l{llBl{M P;))]:SB sdm!l{u J;)UO!SS!WWO;) .10J p!Bd;)q lsnw Sl!S!A ~solll pUB UB!.rnu!l~l~A 13 Ol U~~l;).rn sJ13w!UB ;)l{l P~lBlS ~H .S;)PU~8B 1;)l{1O UBt{ll;)t{8!l{;)q PInoMJ! S;)~J P;)SOd01d ;)SOlll ;)AOqB s~08 AlunO;) ;)lIlJ! P;)lBlS sum!II!1\\. .1W .SlSO:) ;)1Il1;)AO:) AIIBnPB OO.~L$J! pUB s~~J uOHdoPB ~1Il P;)UO!lS;)nb uosuqof UBWl!Bl{;) .W.A.a ';)~uu!nD p!ABa P;)PU;)WWO:);)l pUB sPN ;)l{l P~M;)!A;)l ~H . AlunO;) ~I8B3 10J s~:)!Al;)S AmU!l;)l;) A JO UOH:);)PS 813M Bpu;)8B ;)t{l uo W;)l! lX;)U ;)1Il p~lBlS summ!1\\. Alsn~ S<l~!A.I<lS A.lUU!.I<lJ<l A JO UOn~<lI<lS .snOW!UBun p;)mp;)p 813M ~lOA ;)l{.L .uoHow ;)l{l P;)puo:);)S sdm!l{u l;)UO!SS!WWO;) . mpU;)lB:) lU;)SUO:) ;)1Il UO I W;)l! ;)A01ddB Ol P;)AOW S~lBD l~UO!SS!WWO;) .pB1lUO:) ~1Il ~A01ddB pUB .rnpu~J13:) lU;)SUO:) ~l{l UO I W;)l! Ol Wlll~l Ol p.rnos: ~1Il p~)]:SB ;)Zl!ld W!f OJUO:J .IUPU<lI8:J JU<lSUO;) .UOHB1;)P!SUO:) s,p.rnos: ~l{llOJ suoHnIos;)110 SlBId ou ~.rn ~1~1Il P~lBls 'l~UUBIu 'uunH lO:)S ~U!U~!S uOnnIos<ll[ 1f/ J8Id .snow!UBun P~.rnP;)P SBM ~lOA ~l{.L .uoHoW ~l{l uo uOHs~nb ;)l{llOJ P~IJ13~ uosuqof UBWl!B'l;) .lU;)S;)ld S! l;)~YJO IOllUO~ J13w!UB UB !!lun UO!lBnl!S ~t{l ;)IpUB'l Ol 8u!08 ;).rn lU~wll13d~a ~:)!Iou I!B A ;)1Il 'J;)A;)MOH "j[R'l 13 pUB mOll UB ~~l mM l! lJ13SBS: U! ~.rn Sl~:)YJO ~t{lJI .s~lnU!W OS lnoqB ;)~l PInoM l! B;).rn ~I8B3 ~'ll U!;).rn Sl;)~YJO lIB pUB IJ13:) 13 S! ;)l;)lIlJI :I!BA U! ~W!l JO lunoum U!13ll;):) 13 spu~ds l13l{ll~:)YJO UB S! ;)1;)1Il P;)lBlS 'l~:)YJO IOllUO;) J13W!UV 'summ!i\\ Alsn~ .I!BA Ol ~WH ;)SUOdS;)l ;)lnu!w OS 13 8u!lloHS;)nb '0 W~l! UO lU;)W;);)1813 ;)1Il P;)UO!lS~nb UosuqOf UBWl!13'l;) 'Uo!ssn:)s!p UI .UO!lOW ;)1Il P;)PUO:);)S S;)l13D J;)UO!SS!WWO;) .1 ill;)l! 8umnd 'P;)lU;)S;)ld SB mpU;)J13:) lU;)SUO~ ;)1Il ;)A01dd13 Ol P;)AOW sd!ll!t{u l;)UO!SS!WWO;) .p;){qnop u~~q 813t{ l~mSB;)l.L ;:)t{llOJ puoq Al;:)ms ~'ll P~l13lS sdm!l{d l;)UO!SS!WWO;) .p~lInd ~q Ol P;)P;);)U I W;)l! P;)lBlS 'A;)WOllV AlunO;) '~Zl!ld W!f .P;)A!~:);)l U;);)q lOU S13'l l!P;)l:) JO l;)ll;)I M;)U 13 P~lBlS 'A~WOllY AlunO;) .lSSY ')]::)13IS: ;);)U~~ .)1 W~l! P;:)uoHs;)nb sdm!'lu l;)UO!SS!WWO;) .~:)!Al~S lno'll!M AlunO;) ~'ll ;)A13'l lOU Ol S13M lU;)W;):)13Id~l 13 puy Ol Sl{lUOW X!S Ol dn AlunO;) ~1Il 8ll!A!8 IIHs pUB 'auqBU!Wl;:)llUB:)!Idd13 ;)'lllOJ lU;)lU! ;:)'ll P;)lBlS;:)H .P;)AOW;)l U;};)q 813t{ ;)SnBp A13P OZI ;)1Il P;}l13lS pOOMI3 .lW .~sn13p A13P OZ 1 ;)1Il P;}uoHs;)nb OSI13 ~H .~WH13lB m;)A ;)UO P131lUO:) AIuO UB:) p.rnos: ;)1Il1~'ll~'lM pUB I W;)l! P;)uoHs;)nb uosuqof UBWl!13'l;) .MOU I13np!A!pU! l13'll ;)1!'l Ol ;))]:!I PInoM pUB lUB:)!Idd13 q1~dns 13 punoJ p13'l;)'l P;)lBlS pOOMl3 .JW ..rn;)A S!l{llOJ p~l;)8pnq lOU S13M l~ll13W S!t{l SB 13pu;)8B ;)1Il uo W;)l! s!l{l ~~BId Ol pOOMI3 .lW P;))]:813 ~t{ P;)lBlS 'lOl13llS!U!WPY AlunO;) 'UUBWll13H S;)umf ..rnPU;)IB:) lU;)SUO:) ;)t{l uo 8u!~q 3 W;)l! P;)uoHs;)nb uosuqof UBWl!B'l;) .)]:l~l;) ~'ll Ol W;}lIll!wqns mM pUB S;}lnU!W ;)'ll Ol SUO!P;)Jlo:) S13'l ;)'ls P;)l13lS sdm!'lu l;)UO!SS!WWO;) .su8!s l!;)l{l ~:)13Id Ol W;)'ll MOIIB Ol UMO.L;)lIl 'll!M lU~W;);)18V J13lU~WW;)A081;)lUI <,---#' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL:S 387869 Commissioner Phillips stated the Cedar Hill Cemetery District is higher. Commissioner Gates stated Minturn Cemetery District at one time did not even realize they were a special district. He stated maybe these funds are requested to improve the cemetery. Ms. Sasse stated she complies the information submitted and she cannot verify if the information is correct. Mr. Fritze suggested this matter be continued and the Board review the submitted documents. The Board concurred. Commissioner Phillips moved to continue the certification of mill levies until 11 :45 a.m. today. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Request for Resolution, Tax Write Off Karen Sheaffer, Eagle County Treasurer, presented a request for a resolution to write off prior year taxes. She explained the proposal to the Board. She stated the Board has a list of the taxes to be written off. Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the treasurer to proceed. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Consent, Letter of Intent, Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation Jim Elwood, Airport Manager, presented the consent to the Letter ofIntent between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and the Vail Valley Jet Center for the sale of Terminal B at the Eagle County Airport. Mr. Fritze stated he has the proposed Letter ofIntent and stated Eagle County will agree to take those steps necessary to complete this transaction. He stated the Vail Valley Jet Center will sell the terminal operation of the Jet Center, Terminal B, and Eagle County will purchase that operation for the sum of 6 and 1/4 million dollars to occur next year. The Letter ofIntent is subject to the issuance of bonds to pay the purchase price. Chairman Johnson asked if those would be revenue bonds. Mr. Fritze stated this would be structured the same as with Terminal A and is through the corporation so the taxpayers of Eagle County are not at risk. Mr. Elwood stated the normal operation of an airport is to own the commercial operations. He stated Eagle County is the only airport he knows of that has a private commercial operation at the terminal. Mr. Fritze stated this transaction will lead to one entity operating the Airport which will avoid problems. Chairman Johnson questioned the number and would those be sufficient to cover the costs. Mr. Fritze stated financial consultants have run the numbers and this is a financially feasible program. He stated there are some private leases that have to be negotiated and renewed. He stated the ultimate test is the County will have to show they have a sufficient number of those leases. There are a number leases that do not expire but the proposal will still be sound. He stated currently there is also an interest rate cap. Chairman Johnson stated Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation can sign some ofthe contracts without authority from the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to consent to the Letter of Intent between Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation and the Vail Valley Jet Center for the sale of Terminal B at the Eagle County Airport to the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. E.B Chester, Vail Valley Jet Center, stated they are in support ofthis action. He commended staff on their efforts to this solution. He stated the general ownership of an airport is always better. He stated they have found they can adequately operate a terminal but it is difficult to do so with two terminals at the same location. He stated the public should see Eagle County as one terminal. Mr. Fritze stated the improvements to the FBO were outstanding and commended the Vail Valley Jet Center for their efforts. Commissioner Gates clarified this is only a Letter ofIntent and a February date will be decided on for the finalization. Mr. Fritze spoke to legal descriptions and the final contract and protecting everyones interests. Chairman Johnson called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 3 '- 17 '~PP;)P Ol S}lllO;) ;)'lllOJ lPI ~q PInoM l;)ll13W S!'ll P;)lBlS;)H 'q8nou;) S! ;):)UB!IdWO::l 113!lU13lsqns P;)llll ~A13q SllllO;) ;)l{l ~l~qM S;:)SB~ ~.rn ;:)l~ql pmos: ~ql P~S!AP13 ~H 'A}unO;) ~'ll Aq p~lBIn8~11OU S! SJ!BJJV I13::l01:JO lU~wll13d~a ;)'ll P;)lBlS ~zl!l.1 'lW 'P!llS!a h.I~l~W~;) ~'lllOJ lOII13q 866 I ;)'ll uo UO!lS~nb ~'ll p~uo!ls~nb uosuqof UBWl!13'l;) 'P!llS!a h.I~l~W~;) UIDlU!W ~t{llOJ M~I mw ~ql uo UO!l13WlOJU! p1BOS: ~ql p~pU13q ~SS13S s!lt{;) Sa!Aa'1 mw JO UOnU;)!J!J.la;) 'snOW!UBun p~mp~p SBM ~lOA ~q.L 'uO!lOW ~t{l p~pUO::l~S S~l13D l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'l!P~l;) JO l~ll~1: ~'ll JO ld!~::l~l uodn lU;)W;);)18y SlU;)WMOJdwI UO!S!A!pqnS 'lloq u8!s Ol P~Z!lO'llnB ~q OSI13 1I13'ls UBWl!13'l;) ;)'l.L 'p~A!~::l~l U;)~q S13l{ I131;)l131I0:) U;)'lM l13Id ~t{l u8!s Ol p~z!lot{lnB ;)q IIB'ls UBWl!13'l;) ;)'l.L 's8u!puy JJBlS 8uH1310WO::lU! '17t 8u!l!d 'UO!S!A!pqns 131~mp10;) '6ZOOO-.1ad: l~qwnU ~IY ~A01dd13 Ol P;)AOW sdm!l{d: l;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'P;)Ap::l~l U~;)q S13'l IB1~l131I0:) ~ql mun lBId ;)'ll u8!s lOU lnq WId ;)t{l ;)A01dd13 UB:) p.rnos: ;)t{l P;)l13lS u~J.rnD 'sw 'I;)::l.rnd w~t{lnos ~t{l S13M lBql P~l13ls 1;}8p13H 'lW 'ql!M sW~:)UO::l pBq ;)UO;)WOS l13'll All;)dOldJo ;)::l;)!d l;)'llOUB S13M ;)l;)t{lJ! P~UO!lS~nb uosuqof UBWl!B'l;) 'p;;JA01ddB AIsno!A~Jd Sl!un ;)'llJo UO!llod 13 SlU;)S;}ld;)llBld S!'ll p;;Jl13lS J;)8p13S: 'JW 'Sl!Ull JO l;)qwnU ~ql 8U!SB~1::lU! lOU S! lUB:)!Idd13 ;)ql P~lBlS sdm!'ld: l;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'S;}A P;)l;)MSUB u~J.rnD 'sw 'Sl!un IBUO!l!PP13 ;)1Il JO I13A01ddB 10J )]:::lBq ~wo~ Ol ~A13'l PlnoM lW~!lddB ~'ll J! PU13 Sl!un JO l~qwnU ;)'ll p;;JUO!lS;)nb S~l13D l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'Allu~llll:) P;)lB8 S! l! P~lBlS ~H 'pBO~ )j"~;)J;) t{SlllS: WOl] SS;):)::l13 OU ~q mM ;)l~t{l P~l13lS 1;)8p13S: 'lW 'pBO~ )]:;);)1;) 'lSlllS: JO JJO SS;):)::l13 P;)UoHS;)nb sdm!'ld: l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'A}l;)dOld ;;J::l!Al;)S lS~lO.1 Ol SS~:)::lB :)!Iqnd 8U!P!A01d ~q mM A~t{l p~lBlS;;JH 'Spun01-B-Wlll10J SlU;)W~l!nb~l wnW!U!W ;)qll;};)W Ol p~u8!s~p ;).rn S::l13s-;)p-In:) ;)'ll p~l13lS;;JH '8U!~UB'l::l p;;J~U lB'll SW~l! ;);)S A;;J'll ';)W!l J;;JlJ13 ;;JW!l ~l!S ;;J'll8u!l!S!A;;JJ pUB lOT 13 8u!l!s l~Y13 P;)l13lS;)H ';)A!la OUU~.1 uo SB Sln::l d;);)lS ~'lllU13M lOU P!P A;)'ll P;)lBlS;)H 'S::l13s-~p-In:) ;)qllOJ UOS13;)l ~'ll p;;Jssn::ls!p pU13 'I13l;) ';)J!IPI!M ~'ll P;)JJB lOU op s;)8UB'l:) ~t{l P;)lBlS 'lU13::l!Idd13 ;)ql 8u!lU~S;)ld~J '1;)8p13S: ~::lUB1: 's:)13s-~p-In::l ~'ll P~UO!lS~nb uosuqof UBWl!13'l;) 'l13ld ~'ll U! S~8UB'l~ lno P~lU!od pUB p.rnos: ;)1Il10J d13W ;)1Il p;;JM;)!A;)l u~J.rnD 'sw 'p.rnos: ~'ll JOJ s8u!puy JJ13lS P;)M;)!A;)l ;)'lS 'P;)ll13Id;)q OSIB lsnw S;)!lOl!Jl;).L ~'ll ~.rnM13 S! lUB:)!IddB ;)'ll P~lBlS ;)qS 'B~m S;)!lOl!Jl;}.L ;)'ll S! lBId S!t{l WOl] p;;Jpnpx3 'lU;)wdoPMP ~mltlJ pUB ~::l13ds u;)do lOJ pB1.L U!BlunoW ;)'ll U! PU13IJo sp:).rnd 1~'l1O '.1 t{~nolt{l V l;)ll~I pB1.L Aq AJ:HU;)P! SB n~M SB D p:).rnd: 8u!UUBId: 'PB1.L U!BlunoW SB1;}mp10;) U! sloI AI!umJ ;)I8u!s 6~ 'aUq13;)1::l1131d I13UY lOJ lS;)nb~l 13 S! S!ql P;)lBlS ~qS '17E 8um.1 'UO!S!A!pqnS 131;)mp10;) '6ZOOO-.1ad: l;)qwnU;)IY P~lU~S;)ld 'l;)UUBId: 'u~J.rnD U13;}[ tE ~umJl 'UO!S!A!pqnS u.lamp.lo:) '6Z000- JI([d 'snow!UBun P;).rnP;)P S13M ~lOA ~'l.L 'uoHoW ;)t{l p;;Jpuo:);)S sdm!'ld l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'Sl;)UO!SS!WWO;) A}unO;) JO p.rnos: ~t{l S13 ~U;)AUO:);)l pUB UOH1310WO;) J13U!Wl~.L l!V AlunO;) ~I8133 ;)'ll S13 umOfPB Ol P;)AOW S~l13D l;)UO!SS!WWO;) ';)::lUBlS!SS13 S!t{ lIB 10J l~lS;)t{;) 'lW P;))j"lIDql pOOMI3 'lW 'snOW!UBun p;)mp;)p SBM ~lOA ;;Jt{.L 'UO!lOW ;)ql P;)PUO::l;)S S;)lBD l;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'llOW!V AlunO;) ;)18133 ;)'lll13 s: {13U!Wl;).LJO ;;JIBS ~'lllOJ l;)lU;};) l~[ A;}IIBA I!BA ~l{l pUB uO!l1310rnO;) IBU!Wl;).L l!V A}unO;) ;)18133 U;);)h\l;;Jq lU;)lUIJO J;)ll;)1: ;;J'll ;)AOJddB Ol P;)AOW sdm!'ld: l;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'UO!l13JOWO;) IBU!Wl~.L l!V A}unO;) ~18B3 ~ql OlllOW!V A}unO;) ;)18133 ~lIll13 s: I13U!Wl~.LJO ;)I13S ;)'lllOJ l;)lU;);) l;)f A;)II13A H13A ;)'ll pUB UOq1310WO;) I13U!Wl;;J.L l!V A}unO;) ~I8133 U;);)h\l;)q lU;}luIJo l;;Jll;)1: ;)'ll P;)lU;)S;)ld pOOM13 W!f .IaJua::> Jar AaIIuA I!uA 'JuaJuIJo .Ia>>a'] 'snow!UBun p;)mp;)p SBM ~lOA ~t{.L 'UO!lOW ~1Il P;}PUO::l~S S~l13D l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'UO!l13lOWO;) I13U!Wl~.L l!V A}unO;) ;)I~B3 ~ql SB ;)U~AUO::l;}l pUB Sl;)UO!SS!WWO;) AlunO;) JO pmos: ;)'ll SB umOfPB Ol P;)AOW sdm!t{d: l~UO!SS!WWO;) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL:S 387869 Chairman Johnson stated he does not know the voters of the Cemetery District realized the increase. He stated they are talking about more than a 10 fold increase. Mr. Fritze stated the district is out of land which could be a major expense. Commissioner Gates reiterated the problems in the past. Mr. Fritze stated this process contemplates the Board is not approving the mill levies but rather collecting those mill levies for the Assessor and the Department of Local Affairs. Commissioner Phillips stated she knows additional lands are needed. Chairman Johnson stated he recognizes the need for additional land but the mill levy is forever. Mr. Fritze stated what they choose to levy is less than what was authorized. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the certification of mill levies as presented. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Liquor License Appeal Hearing, Champions Grill Earlene Roach, Liquor Inspector, stated Monet's Tavern, Inc., dba/Champions Grill let their liquor license expire in August of this year. The extension period also expired November 23rd of this year. Therefore, this establishment is currently not selling alcohol. The applicant filed an appeal but after discussion with the County Attorney and the State Liquor Enforcement Division, it was determined the Board of County Commissioners could not proceed. The applicant has withdrawn their appeal. There being no more business to be brought before the Board this meeting was adjounred until January 4, 1999. Attest: d 41 9 Clerk to the Board - ~ airman lcJiL;~ 5