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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
DECEMBER 14, 1998
James Johnson, Jr.
George "Bud" Gates
Johnnette Phillips
James Hartmann
Sara J. Fisher
County Administrator
Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Consent Calendar
Chairman Johnson stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows:
A) Approval of bill paying for week of December 14, 1998, subject to review by County
B) Approval of payroll for December 17, 1998, subject to review by County Administrator
C) Approval of the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners meeting of December 7, 1998
D) Resolution and power of attorney conferring authority on the Attorneys Office to draw on Letter
of Credit No. 101397232 in the amount of $874,495.04 to expire 12-17-98, Cordillera Filing 27, drawn on Norwest
Bank (Mountain Bank) for Stage Gulch Partners (Cordillera)
E) Agreement for excavation services intersection of Lake Creek Road and Highway 6 in west
F) Agreement for construction of bridge abutments and bridge installation, Lake Creek in west
G) New Shoes contract for Christmas Party at 4 Eagle Ranch
H) Animal Shelter Service Agreement between Board of County Commissioners and Mid Valley
Kennel, Inc.
I) Intergovernmental Agreement between County of Eagle and Town of Red Cliff for animal control
J) Intergovernmental Agreement between County of Eagle and Town of Gypsum for animal control
K) Intergovernmental Agreement between County of Eagle and Town of Avon for animal control
L) Intergovernmental Agreement between County of Eagle and Town of Eagle for animal control
M) Intergovernmental Agreement between County of Eagle and Town of Minturn for animal control
N) Intergovernmental Agreement between County of Eagle and Town of Basalt for animal control
0) Contract Agreement between County of Eagle and Castle Peak Veterinary Service for veterinary
animal services
P) Contract Agreement between County of Eagle and Suzanne Barnes, D.V.M. for veterinary animal
Q) Contract Agreement between County of Eagle and Ronald D. Gruber, D.V.M. for veterinary
animal services
R) Contract Agreement between County of Eagle and David Fuinee, D.V.M. for veterinary animal
S) Application for Federal Funds under IDEA, Part C, infant and toddler services and assurances for
federal funds
T) Memorandum of Understanding, Stewardship Trust
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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
Final Settlement, Harry's Heavy Haulers
Chairman Johnson stated the next item on the agenda was final settlement for Harry's Heavy Haulers, Inc.,
for the chip seal project, contract dated May 30, 1998.
Renee Black stated this matter was published and no claims have been received.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve final settlement for Harry's Heavy Haulers, Inc., for the chip seal
project, contract dated May 30, 1998.
Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Resolution 98-153, Supplementary Budget Appropriations
Jim Hartmann, County Administrator, presented Resolution 98-153, adopting a revised budget and
appropriation of unanticipated revenues for fiscal year 1998, and authorizing the transfer of budgeted and
appropriated monies between various spending agencies. He explained the resolution to the Board stating this is the
resolution adopting the supplemental budget and contains all the revisions since July. He stated in this budget they
rerun payroll and make other transfers and request authorizations. He stated there is $2,000,000 for the West Brush
Creek acquisition which will probably be moved into next year's budget. He spoke to the personnel savings and the
adjustments made in this budget as well.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 98-153, adopting a revised budget and appropriation of
unanticipated revenues for fiscal year 1998 and authorizing the transfer of budgeted and appropriated monies
between various spending agencies.
Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Resolution 98-155 setting the 1999 Fiscal Budget Mill Levy
Jim Hartmann presented Resolution 98-155, setting the 1999 Fiscal Budget Mill Levy. He explained the
resolution to the Board and read the mill levies as submitted. He stated they are shown within the resolution and
this year the overall millage will be the same though the distribution is subject to change. He explained further.
Commissioner Phillips reiterated that the mill will remain the same.
Jim Fritze, County Attorney, stated once the budget is set, the mill levy is adjusted as required. Next week
they will adopt the mill levies of all other entities.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 98-155, setting the 1999 Fiscal Budget Mill Levy.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Local
Liquor Licensing Authority.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Sato Sushi
Earlene Roach, Liquor Inspector, presented a new application for a hotel and restaurant license for X-Bar
Fly, Inc., dba/Sato Sushi. This establishment is located at 0105 Edwards Village Blvd in Edwards. This
application is in order and all fees have been paid. The Sheriff's Office reports all applicants to be of good moral
character. Staff recommended approval. Ms. Roach stated Peter Mueller is from the old Hong Kong Cafe in Vail
but since they are changing licensing authorities they have to start over.
Chairman Johnson asked what they will be serving. Sushi was the correct answer. He asked why they sold
the Hong Kong.
Mr. Mueller responded the building was sold.
Commissioner Gates suggested there is a good paper trail with the old establishment.
Chairman Johnson spoke to the reasons stated within the petition.
Ms. Roach stated the first order of business is to define the neighborhood then establish the needs of that
Commissioner Phillips moved to establish the area as being three miles radius from this establishment.
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FORM 50 HOECKEL:S 387869
AFP-00046, SunRiver Condos, First Amendment
Eric McCafferty, Planner, presented file number AFP-00046, SunRiver Condos, First Amendment. He
stated this was an amended plat to clarify legal descriptions for certain areas of Building B. He stated unit B-I0l on
the original plat was shown as containing two units. This plat will designate the lower unit as a separate unit.
Randy Perry was present for the hearing, representing himself and the condominium association. Mr. McCafferty
explained the two units and the conveyance of the upper portion. The units have never been physically connected
and the desire is to amend the final plat to show the two separate units being 101B and BIOI. Staff recommended
Chairman Johnson asked about the location ofthe units.
Commissioner Phillips questioned the numbering.
Mr. Perry explained the desire is to differentiate the lower part and not change the upper part as it is
consistent with the other numbering.
Commissioner Gates asked about the zoning.
Mr. McCafferty stated the zoning is okay. He stated the original surveyor was unable to do this plat and this
was the only process to pursue.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number AFP-00046, SunRiver Condos, First Amendment,
incorporating staff findings and authorizing the Chairman to sign the plat.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
AFP-00051, Mountain Meadows Subdivision
Eric McCafferty presented file number AFP-00051, Mountain Meadows Subdivision. He stated the purpose
of this amended final plat is to replat the lot lines for Lots 27 & 28 and to delete existing Lot 34 and recreate it on a
portion of existing Lot 27. The lot area from the old Lot 34 will then become part of re-platted Lot 27 as well as
open space. Newly constructed Vista Hi Drive will be platted along with a building envelope for Lot 34. He
explained lot 34 is being rearranged with lot 27. He explained it is easy to see on a plat. He stated this amended
final plat is not creating new lots.
Commissioner Phillips asked if they included the 15 foot easements.
Mr. McCafferty stated they are shown on the plat.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number AFP-00051, Mountain Meadows Subdivision,
incorporating staff findings.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
AFP-00039, Eagle-Vail PUD, Filing 1, Block 3, Lots 111 & 112
Terri Bernath, Planner, presented file number AFP-00039, Eagle-Vail PUD, Filing 1, Block 3, Lots 111
&112. She stated this amended final plat adjusts the lot line and utility and drainage easements between Lots 112
and 111. Staff recommended approval.
Larry Eskwith, representing the applicant Tom Matty, was present for the hearing and stated this brings the
lot into compliance
Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number AFP-00039, Eagle-Vail PUD, Filing 1, block 3, Lots
111 & 112, incorporating staff findings authorizing the chairman to sign.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
ZC-00029 & PDA-OOOI7, Donlon Ranch PUD
Terri Bernath presented file number ZC-00029 and PDA-00017, Donlon Ranch PUD. She stated the
applicant proposes to establish clearer guidelines for site development and to more fully define the use by right and
accessory uses on site. Also requested are the addition of accessory units for each of two existing parcels and
significant changes to the building envelope for Parcel A. An amended final plat has been submitted.
Staff did have some concerns regarding water augmentation and fire. Those have been worked out with the
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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
ZC-00027, PDP-OOOI2, Dotsero Ranch PUD
Eric McCafferty, Planner, presented file number ZC-00027 and PDP-00012, Dotsero Ranch PUD. He stated
this was a zone change and preliminary plan review. The PUD proposed 60,000 square feet of commercial
coverage, distributed over three commercial lots with two commencement employee units on each commercial lot.
Tom Boni, representing the applicant, was present and asked this file be tabled to Monday, December 21 if
that is available.
Renee Black spoke to the issue at hand which is the 1041.
Mr. Boni stated January fourth is fine.
Commissioner Phillips moved to table file numbers ZC-00027 and PDP-00012, Dotsero Ranch PUD to
January 4.
Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until December
21, 1998.
Clerk to the Bo