HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/29/98 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 29, 1998 Present: James Johnson, Jr, George "Bud" Gates Johnnette Phillips James Hartmann Sara 1. Fisher Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Johnson stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Approval of bill paying for week of June 29, 1998, subject to review by County Administrator B) Approval of payroll for July 2, 1998, subject to review by County Administrator C) Approval of the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners meeting of June 15, 1998 - pulled D) Agreement between Eagle County and RxAmerica LLC for management of prescription drug programs/plans and administrative services E) Application and Agreement between Eagle County and Columbine Market for a charge account for the purchasing department F) Agreement between Eagle County and Vail Valley Home Health & Mountain Hospice to provide assistance with start up costs for an adult day care service for Eagle County families G) Approval ofthe Colorado Housing Assistance Corporation Contract for the day to day administration of the Down Payment Assistance Program - pulled H) Agreement between Eagle County and the Bill Hames Show, Inc, To provide amusement rides at the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo I) Agreement between and Bleachers International to provide portable bleachers at the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo J) Agreement between Eagle County and Noah's Ark Petting Zoo to provide a petting zoo at the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo K) Agreement between Eagle county and Glenda Bell or Fisher Bell, Western Entertainment, to entertain at the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo L) Agreement between Eagle County and Cherokee Rose Bank to entertain at the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo M) Agreement between Eagle County and Jeannie May Enterprises to provide roving entertainment, storytelling, balloon sculptures, face painting and a giant bubble show at the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo N) Agreement between Eagle County and Westernaires and Elk River Productions to perform at the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 0) Agreement between Eagle County and the Junior Livestock Sales Commission for the Junior Livestock Auction at the Eagle County Fair and Rodeo P) Approval of the bylaws of the Eagle County Fairboard Q) Lease Agreement between Eagle County and Integrity Plumbing, Inc, of Basalt, for Health & Human Services Office Space in Basalt R) Resolution 98-80, appointing James E, Jonson, Jr, as Eagle County's voting director to the Roaring Fork Transit Authority. Renee Black stated item G is being pulled, Chairman Johnson stated item C has been deleted and item R changed to reflect the resolution above, Jim Hartman stated the original item R will be brought back to the Board at a later date, Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the consent calendar as presented. 1 Z 'snOW!ugun p~mp~p SRM ~lOA ~l{.L 'UO!lOW ~l{l p~puo:)~s sdmNd l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'IpunO;) AlOS!APV ;)V.L V al{l JO SlU~WlU!oddR:;)l pug ugId ~l{l ~AOlddR Ol p~AOW s~lRD l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'l::ll{la~Ol UR S! l! pug S!l{l UO ~U!)[lOM U::l~q SRl{ l:;)IJJ::lOl qos: P~lRlS ugWlIDH W!f 'AI)[o!nb ~SOl{l ::lARl{ ugo A::ll{l p::llRlS )[ORIH ~au~lI ')[ORq ~SOl{l ~u!lla~ pug s~~Rd ~llllRU~!S ~l{llnoqR P~){SR ~l{S 'sdNslaqw~w JO IRMau~l ~ql aARl{ A~l{l P~lRlS ~l{S 'sl~~lunIoA 10J ~U!)[OOI S! al!d pug IRmll lIRSRS: P~lRlS ~l{S 'S;)V.L V l:;)l{lO ~l{l l{l!M SUO!lRpllall~q ~U!l{S!JqRlS~ U! lS~lalU! l!~l{l P~Ypu~P! pug ugld Ipl{l p~laldwoo ~ARl{ A~l{l ~U!l'BlS lU::lW~~l~'B I"BlU::lWUl::lAO~l~lU! ~l{l Ol ~)[ods uaapuns ugN 'I!:JunO;) A10S!APV ;)V.LV JO lUaWlU!oddR-al ::lqlJO IRAOlddR pug ugld RwnRl.L IR!UU~!S: I!ounO;) AlOS!APV Rwnm.L R~1V A~URA )[10.1 8u!l"B01I ~l{lJO IRAOlddR ~l{l palU~S~ld 'lOlRllS!U!WPV AlunO;) 'UURWlIDH W!f Ipuno;) A.IOS!APY lJm08.1). '\3118 A l(.Io.f ~U!.I801I 'snOW!ugun pamp;}p SRM ~lOA al{.L 'uO!lOW ~l{l p~puo:J~s sdm!l{d laUO!SS!WWO;) 'UOP'B~l:)~lI looplno pug S)[l"Bd JO UO!S!A!G oPRlOIO;) '9100-1170 I l~qwnU ~m '178-86 uO!lnIos~lI ~AOlddR Ol p~AOW S~lRD l~UO!SS!WWO;) '9100-11701 'ON ~l!d AlunO;) ~1~R3 'sau!I uopnqplS!p lalRM M~U ~U!PPR pug 's~uH uO!lnq!llS!p l~lRM ~UnS!X~ ~U!:JRldal 'Ram ~~RlOlS ~upds ~UnS!X~ :;)l{llR Al!I!ORJ ~~RlOlS lalRM MR1 UOnR~ OOO'S R JO UO!PrulSUOO ~l{l 'AUR:Jy!oads :)[lRd alRlS ~)["B1 URAIAS lR walsAs uonnq!llS!P pug 'a~Rlols 'lU~WlR~lll~lRM :J!lSaWOp UOnRalo~lI 100plno pug s)[md JO UO!S!A!O OPRIOIO;) al{l JO UO!SUalX::l ug S:;)AOlddR 't8-86 uonnIos31I 'snow!U"Bun p~mp~p SRM ~lOA ~l{.L 'UO!lOW ~l{l p~puoo~s s~lRD l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'PPlS!O ugl!lod01law )[a~l;) ;})["Bl 'L 100-11701 laqwnu am 'f8-86 uOnnlos::lll :;)AOlddR Ol p~AOW sd!ll!l{d l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'L 100-11701 'ON ::ll!d AlunO;) ~I~R3 'UO!S!A!pqns SMOPR:;)W )[~~1;) ~)["B1Jo ZZ lOl UO )[U"Bll~lRM UOUR~ OOO'OOZ punol~lapun ug JO UO!PrulSUOO ~l{l 'AURoyp~ds :walsAs UO!lnq!llS!p pug '~~RIOlS 'lU~WlR~lll~lRM S,PPlS!O ugl!Iodoll~W )[~~l;) ~)["Bl al{l]o UO!SUalX~ ug S:;)AOlddR 'E8-86 UO!lnlos31I 'snOW!ugun p~mpap SRM ~lOA ~l{.L 'UO!lOW ~l{l p~puoo~s sdm!l{d l~UO!SS!WWO;) ')[md 1adum;) '8toOO-SZ l:;)qwnu am 'Z8-86 uO!lnIosall aAolddR Ol P:;)AOW S~lRD l:;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'paY!l"BP uos){ml;) InRd '~)["Bl ugAI!S lR dn S! 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'Al!IPRd ~U!)[md ~ugluoW RII!A '171 100-S:WS laqwnU:;)m lRld IRuy aAolddR Ol paAow s~lRD laUO!SS!WWO;) '~llllorulS wn!U!WOpuo:J pug ~mpruls ~u!)[md ~l{ll{l!M P~lRpOSSR sluawaSR~ sno!l"BA SA~AUO:J pug Sl!un wn!U!WOpuo:J ~:JRds ~u!)[md salR~lO Al!I!oRd ~u!)[md ~ugluoW RII!A ~l{llOJ 'UOS!A!pqns s: ~dA.L 10U!W R 'dRW wn!U!WOpuo:J S!l{l P:;)lRlS ~qS - AlHP8.f :lU!}{.I8d 3U8~UOW 8IUA tnOO-HWS :~llllRU~!S s,pmos: ~l{llOJ suopnIos~l pug slRId ~U!MOUOJ al{l palU~S~ld 'l~UURId 'qlRUl~H !lla.L ~U!U~!S uonolos31I W ~8Id 'snOW!ugun palRpap SRM ::llOA ;}l{.L 'UO!lOW aql papuoo~s s~lRD l~UO!SS!WWO;) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Commissioner Phillips moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority, Commissioner Gates seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, Eagle County Government Earlene Roach, Liquor Inspector, presented a Special Events Permit for Eagle County Government for the 1998 Eagle County Fair, She reviewed the dates for the Board, She stated the entire Fairgrounds will be licensed with the permanent signs posted on the Exhibit Hall and the Barn, She reviewed employees from Vail Associates and the dates and times they will be working, Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Gates asked if there is anything they can do better. Lori Assmussen stated they will continue to work at improving security, Commissioner Phillips stated they did a great job last year, Ms, Assmussen reviewed the hours of operation, Commissioner Gates moved to approve the Special Events Permit for Eagle County Government for the 1998 Eagle County Government. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous. Cordillera Golf Club Earlene Roach presented a modification of premises for GEMSA Corporation, dba/Cordillera Golf Club, She stated the applicant is removing the cabin known as Whittakers Cabin from the optional premises, Staff recommended approval. Ron Hardy, manager, was present for the hearing as was Page Knauer, representing Gemsa Corporation, Mr, Hardy explained the changes to the Board, Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the modification of premises for GEMSA Corporation, dba/Cordillera Golf Club, Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous, South Forty Liquors Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a retail liquor store license for Lake Creek Liquors, Inc" dba/South Forty Liquors. She stated this establishment was closed for service to a minor this year, Since that time there have been no complaints or disturbances during the past year, Staff recommended approval. Cindy Esquith was present for the hearing, Commissioner Johnson asked after Carl. Ms. Esquith stated she usually does this every year but was out of town, Commissioner Johnson stated at the show cause hearing Ms, Esquith stated they had taken some action as far as the employee was concerned, Ms, Esquith stated he is still working one day a week and cards everyone under 100, She stated he was very concerned and is a good employee. She spoke to the committee they would like to have established to review possible fines. She suggested with this other tool there may be another option for first time offenders, Commissioner Johnson suggested with the new law and setting up guide lines for various sanctions on license holders whether there will be industry representatives as well. He suggested Ms, Esquith talk with the Clerk's office, Commissioner Phillips stated she would like that as well. Ms, Esquith stated she would like to serve, Commissioner Gates stated he would like to see staff review that option, Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal of a retail liquor store license for Lake Creek Liquors, Inc" dba/South Forty Liquors, Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, 3 17 Ol SRM lS~i\\. lSR3 'P'Bl.L l'Bl{llOJ l~JJO Ipl{l P~PU!W~l A~l{l '~UOZ PI!nq ou R U! 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UOP~lOS!P s,pmos: ~l{llR aq PInoM l! p~WlOJU! ::ll::lM A~l{.L 'p~nupuoo aq l! p::llS::lnb::ll SRl{ ~l{S pUR S!)[S!Inl .SlW P::lPRlUOO ~OYJO S!l{ P~WlS ~Zl!ld W!f '~SRO ~l{lll!lS S! l'Bl{l S~A~!pq ~l{ P~WlS ~H 'Ul~~UO~ IR:J!P~W 'B pRl{ S~!)[NOSml al{l aW!l al{llR pug O~R l{lUOW R pm~l{ SRM::lm S!l{l palRlS ~H 'OOOUO;)/~JR;) I!RA-~I~R310J uonRo!lddR l!Wl:;)d ~U!PEnq R JO IR!uap al{lJo M~!Aal SRM Rpua~R ~l{l uo W~l! lX~U ~l{l P~lRlS 'l~UURId 10!U~S 'uos)[mI;) InRd 030UO:Jf3J8:J HlJ A -31~8:I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 make it build able and they then had a first right of refusal. Mr. Elkin spoke to the additional uses and the road tracts, They created the separate tract with the understanding that they would have to move the road, He stated it was done in 1992 to address their concerns to make sure they would not be going through a parking lot. Their plan is to make this a parking lot. They did this to create a situation where the orphaned piece would not be built on, The spirit and the intent was for a specific reason. He spoke to the issues of their non-conformance to the special use, He said they can build on this parcel. He stated there is an effect to River Run and handed out a picture, He explained if they have to go through a parking lot, it does effect his property, He spoke to Tract A, Parcel #2 and the odd parcel. They agreed if they weren't going to moved the road, they couldn't build on it. Commissioner Johnson asked ifMr, Lindahl was the County Attorney at this time, Mr. Lindahl said he believes he was but he has no recollection of the file from 1992, Commissioner Phillips asked about the agreement. Mr. Fritze stated whatever contractual rights they have, they will continue to have, He said if the contract says something can't be done they have a right to argue it. Mr, Fritze stated they are being asked by this plat to recognize the exemption, He stated you combine parcels into bigger parcels are not subject to subdivision review, Mr. Lindahl stated it is described as parcel 2 of the previous plat but it is no longer going to be called that. Mr. Fritze stated as long as you have a right to it, you have a right to it. Mr. Elkin asked about the agreement and why that is not taken into consideration, He asked at a minimum they table this to the next meeting, Mr. Fritze stated this body is not the body to enforce the contract. Mr. Elkin asked about his rights, He stated East West has offered to keep them informed, but they have not. He stated this thing was signed on May 28 but yet they told Mr, Lindahl they had nothing, Mr, Wear stated there has been correspondence between Mr. Lindahl and his client, This parcel was divided into three parcels which was inadvertent. The intent was to have an access easement. Mr, Wear stated they reflected the access easement on the plat. He discussed this issue with Bob Loeffler and understood they could come in for the exemption. He referred to the regulations, If Steve and his group feel they are not living up to their agreements, they have a form. They are trying to get a building permit. He stated the original purpose was very well documented and that was not the intent shown on the documents, Commissioner Johnson stated there is really no reason for the Board to take any action on the file, If they are merging a parcel, it's exempt. Mr, Wear stated the certificate acknowledges the fact its exempt. Commissioner Gates asked if there was a violation in notification, Mr. Wear stated it is not required, Commission Phillips asked if the road will stay where it is. Mr, Wear stated at this time they have no desire to change the road, though they do have that ability. Mr. Lindahl stated at a minimum they would like to delay the approval as this plat effects their easement. He pointed out the legal description varies from the original. Commissioner Johnson asked about the legal description and the easement agreement. Mr. Lindahl stated the easement refers to the legal being parcel 2 amended plat Cliff Side village, This vacates that plat and the lot lines created, Their easement was across parcel 2, They have not had the ability to verify, Mr, Fritze stated whatever easement they have, they still have, Mr. Lindahl stated staff stated they didn't have anything on this file and no body has reviewed this, He questions the Board approving this without review, He stated he only got this today at lunch, Mr. Wear stated they are not changing the legal description. They are not asking for approval, just verification it is exempt. He stated they are bringing this in to acknowledge it is exempt. Mr. Fritze stated he does agree and even if the County regulations were otherwise, they are preempted by State Statutes, Mr. Lindahl stated this supports the easement. He stated had they been given the information to review they wouldn't have to wait. Mr. Wear stated they are trying to get the building permit. Mr. Elkin stated they have met, offered scenarios, and offered to participate in moving the road, He stated they are trying to build dormitory type buildings. He stated they have had no good communication, Mr. Elkin stated they have done everything to get around the original agreement. They are here to try to go around the 5 9 Ol ugId R~l\f SpmMPtl ~l{lJO SS::l:Jold al{ll{~nOll{l ~UO~ Allu~O~l ::lARl{ Aal{l palRlS '1~aU!~U3 'llooS l!l{d 'IRAOldd'B papu~wwoo::u JJ"BlS 'SpmMp3: JO lS~M P~lR:JoI S! 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'lW 'aARq Aal{llRl{M ~ARl{ A~l{l P~lRlS s~lRD l~UO!SS!WWO;) ')[::l::lM R l!RM Oll1lll{ Il!M l! lRl{M p~)[se sdm!l{d l:;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'l!Wl~d ~U!pnnq R la8 PIno:J A~l{l ~W!l S,)[a~M R U!ql!M palRlS aH "Ma!Aal ~Z!IRUY Ol S~U!l{l :;)lOW ~Idnoo R sRq all P~lRlS ~H 'lU~w~P~IMolD{oR S!l{llOJ p:;)~u ~l{l JO ~snRo~q S!l{l p::lARpp aARl{ A~l{l P~lRlS 'l~UURld 'uunH 100S ':;):;)ll{l JO PRalSU! pomd ;'}uo S! l! MOU)[ Ol paau Aal{l P~lRlS uos)[mI;) '1Ji\I 'l!Wl~d ~U!pnnq R l~~ ugo Aaql ~lOJ~q P~~P:;)IMoU)[oR :;)q lsnUI S!l{l J! P~)[SR sdm!l{d UO!SS!WWO;) 'l~lU!M al{l U! ~u!Pl!nq aq II!M A~l{llawwns al{l U! ARPp A~l{l )[~~M l{OR~ P~lRlS ~u!lP.L 'lW '~SRO II!M S!ql sW~{qOld lRl{M p:;))[SR sd!ll!l{d l:;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'P~llO:J S! l! lRl{l ams ~q ugo A~l{l os uopd!los~p IR~~I luaw~sRa ssaOOR al{l M::l!Aal Ol aW!l w~ql ~A!~ ~sRaId Ol pa)[SR lqgpun 'lW 'uopow ~l{l p~puoo~s sdm!l{d l:;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'pau~!s ~q lRld UO!ldw~x~ ~l{l ~U!Z!loqlnR pug S~U!puy JJRlS ~U!lR10d10:JU! '~U!SSOl;) )["BAR)! 'SIOOO-3S laqwnu am ~~P~IMOlD{OR Ol p~AOW salRO l;'}UO!SS!WWO;) luaw~p~IMolD{oR 10J ~U!)[SR AluO am A~l{l P~lRlS mai\\. '1Ji\I '::lm A~l{l palRlS m~i\\. 'lW 'uosl~d ~ums ::ll{l Aq p~UMO am sp:Jmd :;)~ll{l al{lJ! P~)[SR UosuqOf l:;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'uO!lRIn~a1lRl{l WOl] pR~l pUB (r)6SO'SrZ Ol ~)[ods UosuqOf laUO!SS!WWO;) 's~AI~sw~ql P~lOld Ol 'I!Rlll~dRd R ~lRal:J Ol P!P A~qllRl{M P!P Aal{l Z66 I U! palRlS U!)[I3: 'lW "proMloJ S!l{l ~u!lq Ol p~~u lOU P!P A~l{.L 'P~llOO ~ro ~Zl!ld '1Ji\I pug m~i\\. 'lW AlIRO!uq:J:;)l P~WlS ~H 'l!ml mlAw R ~lRalo pUB pmMloJ l! ~u!lq Ol S!l{l P!P A~l{l P~ls~~~ns uos)[mlJ 'lW 'pmos: ~l{l aloJ~q ~WO:J Ol Amss~:Jau SRM l! lPJ ~l{J! uos)[ml;) InRd P~)[SR sdm!l{d laUO!SS!WWO;) 'l~AO ~U!qlawos Hnd Ol ~U!A1ll0U ~m pug ~:Jug!ldwoo U! am Aal{l P~J Aal{l P~lRlS ~um~l '1Ji\I 'All~dOld l!~l{l P~lOld OllU~W~~l~R I"Blllnw ~wos 'IOIlUOO ~WOS aARl{ PlnoM A~ql os P!P A~l{llRqM P!P A~ql P~lRlS ~H 'S!l{ Oll~~ Ol All~dOld l!~l{ll{~noll{l o~ A::ll{l al!nb~l PInoM l! pug S::lsn ~U!WlOJUOO-uou ~lR::110 U!M l! P::lU!Rldx~ U!)[I3 'lW . All::ldOld l!~l{l Ol op II!M l! lRl{M P~)[SR ~H 'PugI :;)ql uo ll!nq aq ugo lRqM S~lRlS l! J! pug luawa~l~R al{llnoqR P~)[SR uosuqOf l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'lU~W~~l~R BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL:S 387869 respond to members of the public, He stated this is the first redevelopment in the Edwards Access Control Plan, He stated Mr, Hazelhorst submitted this plan and has followed the suggestions identified in the Control Plan, Mr, Scott stated this subdivision is working toward meeting their goals and they would like to thank Mr, Hazelhorst for his actions and going through the approval process, Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number SMA-00005, Stillwater Subdivision Minor Type A, incorporating Staff findings and authorizing the Chairman to sign the plat. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous, PDF-00021, Miller's Creek Final Plat Terri Bernath presented file number PDF-00021, Miller's Creek Final Plat, She stated this was a request to consider final plat for Planned Unit Development with 50 dwelling units on 13,055 acres, She stated this is a master plan community of residential development consisting of single family duplex units, She referred to the history, She stated all conditions of approval for the preliminary plan have been met. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Gates asked if there is any transportation concerns. Commissioner Johnson stated they use the same access as the reserve, Tom Braun stated they will be constructing improvements at the Bridge and at Highway 6, Those plans have been approved by staff and the State, Ms, Bernath stated there is a SIA she has for the Board's signature and Cash in Leu for School District. Commissioner Phillips asked about Wildlife mitigation fees. Mr. Braun stated there were none, Cynthia Atwood a resident of C 1 04 an end unit at the Reserve stated she has expressed some concerns to Terri and hoped they were passed on to Tom, She suggested it is difficult to catch up with all the planning that has gone, She feels that she was passed over on a significant step, She questioned the access easement and suggested it will provide a two way access into Miller's Creek. She suggested this will restrict the access and parking at the Reserve, She questioned the Reserve not needing to get approval by the owners, She suggested progress is being made where the proper planning isn't in place to ensure it will be completed and be usable to the people of the Reserve, She spoke to a drawing she did see but no support data, She believes they will start digging, rip things up, move manholes and it will become a mess, There are berms that will have to be reshaped and there is nothing that indicates anyone has taken a good look at this, She questions why access is through a private driveway and not through Cemetery Road, She stated the road already exists there, She stated the fifty homeowners will be passing back by buildings A, B, C and out the driveway for the Reserve, She stated she doesn't have all the answers but thinks that a private driveway is just that. It is not a private driveway when it accesses fifty plus units, What they are creating makes it no longer a private driveway and it should not be modified without going through the proper channels, She believes that notice should be given to all members of the Reserve and that posting should be on Highway 6 not on the interior roadway, She would like this continued so they can verify the intent, see if the drawings support the work, and see the design, Commissioner Johnson asked how long Cynthia has been at the Reserve, She responded less than a year, Tom Braun stated the SIA does not collateralize movement through the property but they have collateralized with the Reserve on other matters. Ms, Atwood suggested they should nail down their access. Commissioner Johnson spoke to the rezoning and the proof of adequate legal access. He suggested there was an agreement between the Reserve for access to this parcel and the engineering staff reviewed all the various issues including the grading, access/decelllanes, He stated the approval happened in February for the PUD, The sketch plan was approved in May of 1997. At that time they did go through all the traffic issues, Ms, Atwood stated they did review the traffic on Highway 6, Commissioner Johnson stated they look at all the traffic and how it will effect adjoining roads and what effect it has on other people's access, Ms. Atwood stated traffic is not the primary concern but this piece of the project is being pushed under the rug, They are going to change what currently exists within the Reserve, She doesn't believe it is the right direction for the Reserve. She does not believe that Miller's Creek has the right to modify property owned by every owner within the Reserve without public hearings and comment, It is not appropriate that somebody can modify that. Commissioner Johnson asked about notification at sketch plan and preliminary, Mr, Clarkson stated they were notified as a referral agency but not as a adjacent property owner. 7 8 c>~ '8661 '9 AIn[ mun p;:)Wllofpu SUM ~U!l;:);:)W ;:)ql pmos: :::lql ;:)lOJ:::lq lq~nOlq ;:)q Ol ss;:)u!snq l;:)qtmJ ou ~U!;:)q ;:)l;:)ql 'snow!uuun p:::lmp:::lp SUM ;:)lOA ;:)ql 'uoHow ;:)ql P;:)PUO:l;:)s S;:)lUD l;:)UO!SS!WWO;) 'VIS ;:)ql :::lAOlddu Ol p~AOW sdnnqd l;:)UO!SS!WWO;) 'snow!uuun P;:)lUP;:)P SUM ;:)lOA ;:)ql puu P;:)IIU:l SUM ;:)lOA ;:)ql 'l;:)lU;:)l US! ;:)qs P;:)lUlS IPG,O 'lW 'l;:)lU;:)l U 10 l!un ;:)qlJO l:::lUMO ;:)ql S! :::lqs J! p;:))[SU ;:)ZlPd 'lW 'l! 10J ~U!ql;:)WOS U;:)llO~ ;:)AUq A;:)ql puu l;:)doPA;:)P ;:)ql Aq P;:)lUsu;:)dWO:l ;:)l;:)M A;:)ql 'AI~U!P10:l:lU S~U!l;:);:)W snOl;:)wnu puq puu dnOl~ S!ql ql!M l;:)W ;:)AUq A;:)ql P;:)lUlS;:)H 'moq qlU;:)A;:)P ~qllu MOU ;:)m A;:)qllnq sm;:)A OMlIOJ S!ql UO ~U!)[lOM u;:);:)q ;:)AUq A~ql P;:)lUlS;:)H 'S!ql uo JJo U~!S P!P OqM sl;:)UMoawoq JO wruonb U puq A;:)ql P;:)lUlS ;:)Alas:::llI ;:)qllu l;:)UMO:::lWOl{ U puu pmos: ;:)Al;:)s;:)lI ;:)qlJo l;:)qwaw puu IPG,O uuPS: ":::lW!ll!;:)qllOJ pmos: ;:)ql pa)[UUl{l pOOMlV 'SW 'Ol p;:);:)l~U pUll Aal{lluqM Ol ;:)~uuq:l lOfuw U ~upq l! 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