HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/11/98 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING MAY 11,1998 Present: James Johnson, Jr. George "Bud" Gates Johnnette Phillips James Hartmann Sara J, Fisher Chairman Commissioner "p""'''''' "'&Mpmissioner I " Cou~ty Administrator ~ Clerk to the Board '\ This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Johnson stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Approval of bill paying for week of May 11, 1998, subject to review from County Administrator B) Approval of the minutes of the Board of County Commissioner meeting for April 27, 1998 C) Resolution 98-61, proclaiming May 18, 1998 as Eagle County Try Transit Day D) Intergovernmental Agreement between Eagle County and the Town of Avon, for animal control servIces E) Resolution 98-62, canceling the Subdivision Improvements Agreement for Cordillera Subdivision, Filing 19 F) Resolution 98-63, regarding the approval of a petition to grant a variance from the requirements of Section 6.06.02 of the Floodplain Regulations in order to proceed with the Two Rivers Village Preliminary Plan and 1041 Permit proceedings prior to obtaining a Floodplain Development G) Contract between Eagle County and T.D. Davis Enterprises, Inc" for the 1998 bridge repairs H) Contract Extension Agreement between Eagle County and the Colorado Department of Human Services to provide affordable early childhood care and education services to Eagle County children through the Child Care Capacity Program I) Contract Change Letter #1 between Eagle County and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, to increase the amount reimbursable fro the State of Colorado under our FY98 Contract for prenatal program and health services J) Agreement between Eagle county and the Resource Center of Eagle county to provide services to the people of Eagle County K) Resolution 98-64, appointing Brad Higgins to the position of Director of the Road and Bridge Department, effective June 19, 1998 L) Change Order No.1 to the contract between Eagle County and Harry's Heavy Haulers, Inc, Increasing the 1998 Chip Seal Contract to $101,659,90, Chairman Johnson spoke to item D and asked it be pulled, Commissioner Gates moved to approve the consent calendar as presented except for item D, Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous, Chairman Johnson asked Rusty Williams, Director of Animal Control, if there is a maximum number of days for the County to cover for the Town of Avon, Mr. Williams stated there was no maximum number. Renee Black, Asst. County Attorney, stated they are required to schedule two weeks in advance, Mr. Williams stated it is to cover vacation time, sick time, holiday time, Chairman Johnson suggested sick time can't necessarily be scheduled, He suggested iftheir Animal Control officer decided to do something different, the cost would be high. Mr, Williams responded the charges are on a per time basis and not for patrolling but for specific calls, Chairman Johnson asked if they would respond to citizen concerns. Mr, Williams responded yes, Discussion continued on this item, Commissioner Gates moved to approve item D on the consent calendar, 1 Z os: ;)l{l Ol ){l;}I;) :lS;}llY '8661 '81 A~W mun p;)umofp~ S~M 8u!l;);)w ;)l{l pmos: ;)l{l ;)lOpq ll{8nOlq ;)q Ol ss;)u!snq 1;)l{lID] ou 8u!;)q :}l;)l{.1 'snow!UUun P;)l~P;)P S~M :}lOA ;}l{.r 'UO!lOW :}l{l P;}puo:):}s S:}l~O l;)UO!SS!WWO;) . 6661-866 I l~;)A I~:)sy 10J :;):)!lsnf I~U!w!l;) JO UO!S!A!G :}l{l wOlJ 8u!Pund dV1IA\ 10J UO!l~::l!Idd~ :}l{l JO UO!ss!wqns ;}l{l ;}AOldd~ Ol P:}AOW sdm!l{d l;}UO!SS!WWO;) 'pmos: ;}l{l Ol wu1801d ;}l{l P:}U!~Idx;) ;}l{S 's:}pu;)8~ l;}l{lO W01J OO'OOO'OZ$ pue ;}:)!lsnf I~U!w!l;) JOUO!S!A!G ;)l{l W01J 00'000'0($ p:}lS;)nb;}l :}A~l{ A:}l{l P;}}UlS :}l{S 'l{lnOA 10J ;}l~llU;)W;}::>~Id dOlp ;)l{l1OJ S! pun lun18 m;}A Pl( ~ S~M S!l{l P:}l~lS 8!~1;) 'sW '8u!PUnd dV1IA\ ;}l{l 8u!Ipunl{ 1:}8~unw '8!~1;) Al{l~;) p;}:)npOllU! ;}l{S 'uo!l~:)!Idd~ ;)l{lJo UO!ss!wqns ;)l{l ;)AOldd~ pmos: ;}l{l p;}lS;)nb:}l :}l{S '00'000'0($ JO lunowu :}l{l U! 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