HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/23/98 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 23,1998 Present: James Johnson, Jr. George "Bud" Gates Johnnette Phillips James Hartmann Earlene Roach Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Johnson stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Approval of bill paying for week of March 23, 1998, subject to review by County Administrator B) Approval of payroll for March 26, 1998, subject to review by County Administrator C) Approval ofthe minutes of the Board of County Commissioners for March 9 & 10, 1998 D) Change Order Letter #3, increasing the amount of Eagle County's Women's, Infants and Children's (WIC) contract with the State of Colorado, Department of Public Health & Environment E) Contract between Eagle County and John McCormick to provide family preservation services to children and families in Eagle County F) Contract between Eagle County and Jose Banuelos to provide family preservation services to children and families in Eagle County G) Contract between Eagle County and Lola Gilliand to provide family preservation services to children and families in Eagle County H) Agreement between Eagle County and the U.S, Geological Survey, United States Department of the Interior, to operate and maintain a stream flow gaging station on the Cross Creek area of the Eagle River near Minturn I) Delegation of Authority to the Eagle County Health Department to perform certain duties as agent of the Air Pollution Control Division of Eagle County J) Agreement between Eagle County and the Cordillera Valley Club Investors Limited Partnership for subdivision and off-site improvements, Cordillera Valley Club, Filing 2 K) Second Amendment to Subdivision and Off-Site Improvements Agreement for Cordillera Valley Club, Filing 2 L) Change Order No.1 to the Contract between Eagle County and Elam Construction, Inc, for the 1998 paving project M) Resolution 98-39, concerning appointment of James Morter, Thomas Mayhew, Peter Monroe, Andrew Beck, Keith Brent and Dave Stanish to the Building Board of Appeals. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the consent calendar as presented. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous, Plat & Resolution Signing Scot Hunn, Planner, introduced Terri Bernath, the new planner for Community Development. He presented the following plats and resolutions for the Board's consideration: 5MB-00I05, Berry Creek, Filing No.2. Lot 26, He stated this was a Minor Type "B" Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot 26 to create two lots, Lot 26 N and Lot 26 S along with an access easement. This plat does contain a duplex split caveat stating that only one two-family residence may be built on the combined area of the two lots. 1 z U;:l;:lq ~AUq SgdAOldw~ S!q puu ~q P;:llUlS ~H 'poo13 u~~q suq ss~u!snq P~lUlS 'lUB::>!lddu 'ql!M:>ys3 A1.rn'1 'IUAOlddu P;)PU~WWO::>~lJJUlS '.rn~A lsud ~ql13U!mp s~::>UuqmlS!p 10 SlU!Uldwo::> ou sllod~l ~::>YJO SJJ!l~qS ~q.L 'P!Ud u~~q ~AUq S~~J nU pUB l~plO U! S! uoqU::>Hddu ~ql P~lUlS ~qS 'slonbq SP.rnMP3fUqp "::>UI 'slOnbn lUnO::>S!a SP.rnMp3 10J ~SU~::>!l ;:llOlS lOnb!ll!Ul~l U JO lUMdU~l U P~lU~S~ld 'lop~dsUI lOnbn 'q::>UOlI ~U~I.rn3 s.lonb!1: Sp.lBMP3: 'SnOW!UBun p~.rnp~p SUM ~lOA ~q.L 'UO!lOW gql p~pUO::>~S S~lUD l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'Al!loqlny 13U!Su~::>q lOnbq IU::>Ol ~ql SU ~U~AUO::>~l pUB Sl~UO!SS!WWO;) AlUnO;) JO p.rnos: ~ql su umofpu Ol p~AOW sd!lUqd l~UO!SS!WWO;) '13U!stlJUO::> ~m!l U W~~S s~op sS~::>Old ~ql S~Z!IU~l ~q P~lUlS S~lUD l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'SnOW!UBun p~.rnp~p SUM ~lOA ~q.L 'UO!lOW ~ql p~pUo::>gS sdm~d l;)UO!SS!WWO;) 'PU1.L U!UlunoW Ul~mplO;) ;)qllOJ ~~J l!Ull~d gsn IU!::>~ds gql ~A!UM Ol p~AOW S~lUD l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'snOW!UUun pg.rnpgp SUM glOA dq.L 'UO!lOW gql UO uoqs;:lnb ~qllOJ pgnu::> UosuqO[ UUUll!uq;) 'lOU 10 q13n01ql 013 mM P~fOld ~qlJ! MOU:>y lOU op A~ql U~qM ~l~ldwo::> uoqu::>!lddu ~ql puy U~A~ UB::> p.rnos: ~ql MOq P~uO!lS~nb Sl~J!~S 'lW 'Sl~J!gS 'ly\! 10J 13U!.rn~q sS~u~l~ldwo::> ~ql P~U!Uldx~ uosuqO[ UUUll!Uq;) '~lgldwo::> S! UO!lu13q!1 ~qll!lun ~l~ldwo::> UO!lu::>!lddu ~ql Puy Plnoqs p.rnos: ~ql gA~!pq lOU P!P gq p~lUlS ~H 'S.rngA ~AY lsud gqllOJ Uggq suq pUB 13U!013-UO UO!lU13!l!l S! ;)lgql P~lUlS gH 'pgfOld S!ql Aq p~pudw! AI!AUgq SUM gq ~lUlS Ol p~.rn~ddu 'lUdp!S~l Ud.rn 'SlgJ!dS :>y.rnW 'Uo!ssn::>s!p UI 'uoqow ~ql p~pUO::>~S S~lUD l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'Sl;)UO!SS!WWO;) AlunO;) JO p.rnos: ~qllOJ 866 Y '81 AUy\! pUB UO!SS!WWO;) 13u!lilrnld ~qllOJ 8661 '9 AUWJO S~lUp 13U!.rn~q ~A!lUlU~l qS!lquls~ pUB 00'Ot9'I$lU s~~J p~luwqs~ ~qll~s puu PU1.L U!UlunoW Uldll!plO;) ~qllOJ ~l~ldwo::> uoqU:l!lddu dql Puy Ol p~AOW sd!mqd l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'Sl~UO!SS!WWO;) AlUnO;) JO P1UOS: ~ql ~lOJ~q '81 AUW pun UO!SS!WWO;) 13U!UUUld ;:lqllOJ 9 AUW ~q mM S~lUp 13U!.rn~q ~A!lUlU;:l.L 'OO'Ot9'Y$lU s~~J p;:llUUl!lS~ ~qll~s pUB ~l~ldwo::> uoqu::>!lddu ~ql Puy p.rnos: ;:lql p~pU~WWO::>~l JJUlS 'p.rnos: ~ql Ol UO!lU::>!lddu ~ql P~U!Uldx~ ~H 'PU1.L U!UlunoW Ul;:lll!plO;) 10J l~lUM lud!::>!unw JO UO!luz!l!ln lU~PYJd pUB W~lSAS lU~WlU~lll~lUM U JO UO!SU~lX~ lOfuw U 10J l!Ull~d 1 to 1 U 10J 13U!.rn~q SS~U~l~ldwo::> ~ql P~lU~S~ld '~::>YJO qllu~H IUlU~UlU01!AU3 'q~qu)I !qurn.L JJB.I.! U!BJunoW B.lamp.l03 '~u!.IBaH ssauaJaldw03 'snOW!UBun p~.rnp~p SUM glOA ~q.L 'uoqow ~ql p~pUO::>~S sdm~d l~UO!SS!WWO;) JJUlS Aq p~pU~WWO::>~l SU '::>UI 'AUBdwo;) UO!PilllSUO;) :>Y::>01I ~nSU;) 10J lu~w~lll~S IUUY ~AOlddu Ol p~AOW S~lUD l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'IUAOlddu p~pU~WWO::>~l JJUlS 'P~A!~::>~l Ug~q ~AUq SW!UP OU puu p~qs!lqnd SUM l~llUW S!ql P~lUlS 'A~WOllY AlunO;) 'lSSY ':>Y::>UIS: ~~U~lI 'p.rnos: ~qllOJ P~fOld ;:lql P~M~!A~l pOOM13 'lW '00'006$ APlUW!XOlddu 10J ldg::>x~ pgA!~::>~l u~~q ~AUq SlUBl13 nu P~lUlS ~H '99'tZL'881$ JO lunourn ~ql U! S! lU~W~m~s IUuy P~lUlS ~H 'llodl!V lUUO!13~lI AlunO;) ~113u3 ~qllOJ P~fOld uo!sundx~ durnl ~ql 1O~ '::>UI 'AUBdwo;) UO!PilllSUO;) :>y::>01I ;:lnSU;) 10J lU~Wgm~S IUuy pgwgs;:lld 'lg13UUBW llodl!y 'poOM13 W![ AUBdw03 UOHJD.lJsu03 })"JOll anSB3 'Juawalnas IBU!.i[ 'snow!UUun p~.rnp~p SUM ~lOA ~q.L 'UO!lOW ~ql p~puo::>~s s~luD l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'S13U!puy JJUlS 13U!lU10dlo::>u! 'I lO'1 'z 13U!l!~ 'PU~lS~wOH ~q.L 'LO 1 OO-s:WS l~qwnu ~lY lUld lUuy ~AOlddu Ol p~AOW sd!lUqd l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'slol OMl gqlJo Ud.rn P~uNwo::> ~ql uo ll!nq dq AUW d::>Ugp!Sgl Al!urnJ-OMl ~uo AluO luql13uquls lUgAU:l mds x~ldnp U U!UlUO::> s~op lUld S!q.L 'S: I 1O'1 puu Y llO'1 'slol OMl ~lU~l::> OlllO'1JO UO!S!A!pqns~l U 'UO!S!A!pqns "s:" gdA.L lOU!W U SUM S!ql P~lUlS ~H 'I J01: "Z 'ON :Jum.i[ 'p-naJsawoH all.! "LOIOO-gWS 'snow!uuun p~.rnp~p SUM dlOA dq.L 'uoqow gql pgpUo::>gS sdm~d l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'S13U!PUY JJUlS 13uq1310dlo::>u! '9Z lO'1 'z ON 13U!l!~ ':>y~~l;) All~S: '~O toO-S:WS l~qumU ~lY lUld IUuy ~AOlddu Ol p~AOW s~luD l~UO!SS!WWO;) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 diligently working on assuring no alcohol is sold to minors, He reviewed his procedures with the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal of a retail liquor store license for Edwards Discount Liquors, dba/Edwards Liquors. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, EI Jebowl Earlene Roach turned the meeting over to Ed Sands, Prosecutor for the show cause hearing for El Jebowl, Inc. Mr. Sands stated he is an attorney licensed to practice law in Colorado and has been retained as special prosecutor for Eagle County in these proceedings. He requested the show cause notice and proof of mailing be entered into the record, He stated the next issue is to determine if the applicant, El Jebowl, Inc, is going to admit or deny the allegations as contained in the show cause notice, Lawrence Elliott, attorney representing the applicant, stated they will acknowledge the notice of show cause and are denying the allegations, Commissioner Phillips swore in all those wishing to testify, Mr. Sands questioned Ms, Roach on the reason for the show cause hearing, Ms, Roach stated she received two complaints from the public advising her of possible problems with intoxicated individuals. She stated she then spoke to the Sheriff s Office and the applicant about her concerns, The Sheriff's Office received a 911 call from the establishment and found an overly intoxicated individual at the location, Chairman Johnson questioned if the intoxicated individual was at El Jebowl, inside the establishment. Ms, Roach answered yes, She stated the reports are in the Board's packets, Commissioner Phillips questioned if this was hear say evidence, Ms. Roach stated she relied on the Sheriff s reports. She stated the second complaint was the same as the first, over service at El Jebowl. Mr. Sands asked what Ms. Roach did after receiving the complaints. Ms. Roach stated she contacted Glen Harris, owner ofEl Jebowl, who informed her things like that did not happen at El Jebowl. Mr. Sands asked if Ms, Roach had reminded Mr, Harris of the statutory requirements for liquor service, Ms, Roach answered yes and he was aware of those, Mr, Elliott asked how many complaints El Jebowl has had in the past six years, Ms, Roach answered two, the last two. Chairman Johnson asked if there have been three complaints over the past six years. He asked about the dates of the complaints. Mr, Elliott reviewed the dates for the Board. He asked if the Sheriffs Officer has done a breathalyser test on the intoxicated individual. Ms, Roach stated she did not know. Mr, Elliott asked if Ms, Roach gave the same creditability to anonymous complaints, Ms, Roach answered if the complainant will not give their names or put the complaint in writing she will not consider them, But after speaking to the Sheriff's Office they explained the lady had a very good reason for remammg anonymous. Mr. Elliott asked if Ms, Roach was prepared to give the name of the complainant. Ms, Roach answered no. She advised Mr. Elliott the reason the applicant was here today was not because of the public complaints but due to the Sheriff s Office reports on finding two overly intoxicated individuals within a very short period of time. Mr. Elliott advised the Board he should have the right to cross examine those who made the complaints. Chairman Johnson stated the people bringing the charges today are the Sheriffs Officers and Sheriffs Office and those are not anonymous. Still within this process we are satisfying the 6th amendment. Mr. Sands stated for the record, he was bringing in information for background just to show Ms. Roach did have conversations with the licensee. Mr. Elliott questioned if the complainants allege if the people were served in the establishment. Ms. Roach stated the complainants indicated they saw El Jebowl employees helping intoxicated individuals 3 t '13U!WOUl ;:lql U! 13U!)}U~lp pgllUlS lunH 'sW ~lnS SUM SPIOUA~lI 'lWJ! p~:>ySU llO!l13 'lW 'UMOp ~:>yOlq lUql S~U!q::>UW AUB ql!M dpq 'S~yqUl snq 'l;)lunO::> ~ql :>ylOM Ol ~l~M ~lUp lUql uo s~!lnp S!q P~lUlS ~H 'Alm::>UJ ~qllU ~sn l3illp pUB 10qO::>IU ,SP.rnH 'lW ql!M SW~::>UO::> puq ~q P~lUlS ~H '~~AOldw~ p~nuru13S!p U lOU s~ ~q P~lUlS ~H '.rn;:lA lsuI 'S~A pglUlS sPIOUA~lI '.IW 'UO!lUU13!S~l S!q p~l~pU~l ~q ~lOJ~q sp.rnH 'lW puu JpSW!q u~~Ml~q pgU!UllS ~urn::>gq S13U!ql dilll ~l~M l! 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Ol puq gq gsnu:)gq UO~lUU13~Sgl S!q pgll!wqns ;:lq pglUlS;:lH 'utlJ l!~ql ~AUq lU~U1qS!yqulSg ;}ql13U!l!S~A ~ldo~d l~l Oll;}UMO ~ql Aq P~){SU SUM ;:lq P~lUlS sPloUAdlI 'lW '.rnq ~qlJo lno AUlS ollunH 'SW p~:>ysu puq ~q P~lUlS ~H 'suo!l::>u l~q p~q!l::>S~p puu pgW:l~XOlU! ~q Ol pg.rngddu lunH 'SW P~lUlS gH '~W!l pux~ ~qll~qW~W~llOU PIP ~q lnq 13U!WOW ~ql U! gW!lgWOS 13U!)}U!lP P~llUlS lunH 'SW P~lulS sPIOUAglI 'lW '~lUp luql UO IMoq~[ 13lU s13u~u~dduq ~ql ~q!l::>S~p Ol SPIOUA~lI 'lW p~:>ysu SpUBS 'lW 'lunH W!qS ql!M .rn!l!urnJ S! puu 8661 '8 A.rnillq~~ uo Alnp uo SUM pun IMoq~[ 13lU pgAOldwd SUM gq P;:llUlS SPIOUA~lI 'lW 'lXgU SPIOUA~lI ApUUlI P~UO!lSgnb SpUBS 'lW 'OllOU U~lPl!q::> ~qHo lS~l~lU! ls~q ~ql U! SUM l! su lunH 'SW ~13.rnq::> lOU PIP ~q pun moq un ~l~ql u~~q AluO puq Alnp uo l~pUdl.IUq ~ql P~lUlS ~lddoH Alnd~a 'p~lY s~131Uq::> ou ~l~M ~l~ql P~lUlS sd!ll!qd l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'PU!W S!q U! lqnop ou SUM gl~ql P~lUlS ~lddoH Alnd~a 'P~lU::>!XOlU~ SUM ~qs ll~J ~lddoH Alnd~aJ! 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J! p~:>ySU llom3 'lW 'lUUllUM U U!ulqo Ol puq gAUq PlnoM ~q su OU P~lgMSUB glddoH Alnd~a 'PA~lloqo::>lu pooyq l~q ;)U!Ull~l~P OllS~l U JO 1l0S Aun W!qS U~A!13 puq ~qJ! puu 13U!U!Ull S!q lnoqu ~lddoH Alnd~aJ! p~:>ysu llom3 'lW 'U~lPl!q::> ~ql JO lS~l~lU! ls~q ~ql U~ SUM l! lPJ ~q su ~woq l~q ~:>yUll~qlOlq l~q l~l Ol p~pp~p ~q W!qS 13U!lU::>!XOPP UBqll~qlul P~lUlS ~H 'lOU SUM W!qS 'SW lnq ~l~M UBw~nU~13 ~~1ql ~ql P~lUlS ~lddoH Alnd~a 'lu~wqsHqulS~ ~qllU SUM ~lddOH Alnd~a ~l!qM 13U!)}U!lP ~l~M slunp!A!pu! ~s~qHo Aun J! p~:>ysu uosuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) '.rnq ~ql13Um!S AqUqJO :>y::>!S SUM ~q ~snu::>~q UO!lUU13~S;}l S!q p~ll~wqns puq;:lq pglU::>~PU! SPTOUAglI 'lW PdlUlS dH 'W'U 00:01 ~::>U!S 13UPIU!lP puu lU~U1qS!NUlS~ ~qllU u~~q puq W!qS P~lU::>!PU! OqM SPIOUA~lI ApUBlI Ol ~:>yods ~q p~lUlS ~H 'U~lPI~::> nuws OMl ~ql ql!M sw~::>uo::> puq ~q su ldlS!S S!q dn :>y::>!d puu ~wo::> W!q puq puu l~qlOlq S,W!qS p~nu::> A~ql P~lUlS ~H 'l~q ql!M U~lPI!q::> nuws OMl puq OSlu ~qs P~lUlS ~H 'uosuqO[ l~UO!SS!WWO;) su p~stlJuo::> su SUM ~q P~lUlS ~lddoH Alnd~a 'lln::>::>o gql P;:luo!ls;:lnb UOsuqO[ UBUll~Uq;) ')}UPp Ol q::>nw OOl puq OSlu puq S~A~!l~q ~q luql .rnq ~qllu 13U!ll!S u~w~nu~13 ~~1ql oSlu ~l~M ~l~ql P~lUlS ~H 'slunp!A!pu! P~lU::>!XOlU! ql!M ~::>u~pgdx~ pun 13U!U!Ull S!q P~U!Uldx~ ~H '~A!SS~l1313U A1~A SUM pUB 10qO::>IU JO lOpO 13UOllS U puq 'loqs POON ~l~M S~A~ l~q 'l~~J l~q uo ~U!PunlS ~yqnoll13U!Auq SUM 'P~lU::>!XOlU! Ayq!S!A SUM ~qs S~A~~pq ~q P~lUlS ~H 'IMoq~[ 13lU lln::>::>o ~ql WOl] Sl~qW~W ~l~M ;:ll~ql13U!lU::>!PU! 'W!qS p~nu::> APUI U W01J nu::> 116 U P~A!~::>gl puq A~ql P~lUlS ~H 'sPIOUA~lI ApUBlIl~qlullnq IMoq~[ 13lU ql!M g:>yods ~q U!~I:>y::>dlS 'lW lOU SUM l! 'llod~l gql uo ~:>yUlS!W U dPUW puq ~q PdlUlS ~lddOH Alnd;}a 'IMoq~[ 13 W01J nu::> 116 gql Ol ~SUOdSgl gql uo gTddoH ^-lndga P;:luo!lSgnb spunS 'lW 'UO!lUl~P!SUO::> OlU! UO!lUUllOJU! S!ql ~:>yUllOUUU::> p.rnos: gql SS~W!uJ nu U! P~lUlS uosuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) 'u~lpl!q::> ~ql ql!M p~w~::>uo::> ~l~M A~q.L JJo ~A!lp w~ql13U!ll~1 pUB s.rn::> l!~ql Ol BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Mr. Reynolds stated he did not pour the drinks but he did see Ms, Hunt with drinks in her hand. Chairman Johnson asked how Mr. Reynolds knew Shim Hunt and how often she came into the establishment. Mr. Reynolds stated she comes into the center probably three to four times a week. Chairman Johnson asked if Ms. Hunt was frequently intoxicated, Mr. Reynolds answered there are many times when she seems to be intoxicated, Chairman Johnson asked his proximity to the bar, Mr. Reynolds explained the set up of El Jebowl and related it is their jobs to bus the tables and take the empty glasses back into the bar. Chairman Johnson questioned the number of shots Ms. Hunt had. Mr. Reynolds stated he did not know the number of shots, but from 1 :00 p,m, on he did not see her without a drink, He stated it looked like gran marnier, Mr. Elliott asked if during Mr. Reynolds employment if withholding child support from his paycheck was ever an Issue, Mr, Reynolds answered yes, Mr. Elliott asked ifMr. Reynolds had threatened the ownership ofEl Jebowl ifthey withheld the child support, Mr. Reynolds answered no, Commissioner Phillips stated Mr. Reynolds was not the bartender and did not serve Shim Hunt the drinks, Mr. Reynolds answered that was correct. Chairman Johnson asked if Mr, Reynolds drank, Mr, Reynolds stated once in a while yes. Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Reynolds about the frequent drug use at the establishment. Mr, Reynolds stated he spoke to the owner about it and also talked to a Sheriffs Deputy, Mr. Sands questioned why Mr. Reynolds was unhappy at the bowling alley, Mr. Reynolds explained, Mr. Sands made an offer of proof with another incident which the Board has related they want to only hear evidence concerning the 1998 incident. Chairman Johnson stated the Board may consider that if they determine the applicant was in violation ofthe Colorado Liquor Code, Mr. Elliott asked questions of Julie Hurst-Farnham, employee of the establishment, Ms, Hurst-Farnham stated on the date of February 8, 1998 there was a bowling tournament which started at 10:00 a,m, She stated she was a participant in that tournament. She stated she did some prep for the bar before the tournament. She stated she served Shim coffee. Ms, Hurst-Farnham stated Ms, Hunt was bowling in the lane next to her. She stated in the three hour period they bowled next to each other she only witnessed Ms. Hunt drinking coffee. During the rest of the bowling tournament she witnessed Shim have two run and cokes plus her husband bought her a shot of gran marnier. Mr. Sands questioned Ms. Hurst-Farnham about her employment at the bowling alley and the incidents that occurred on February 8, 1998, Ms. Hurst-Farnham explained her duties and indicated Ms. Hunt was a frequent visitor at the establishment. She related Ms, Hunt is very loud and makes her opinions known, She related her behavior is the same when intoxicated or not, but does seem to get a little louder. She stated she did not know the amount of alcohol Shim consumed as she left at 4:00 p,m, Chairman Johnson asked Ms, Hurst-Farnham about Ms. Hunt and asked her to relay what she would call overly intoxicated. Ms. Hurst-Farnham stated with Ms, Hunt's personality, she had had a few drinks but she had not started fighting with anyone so she was not drunk at the time when she left, Chairman Johnson asked ifMs, Hurst-Farnham served cocktails at the bar, Ms. Hurst-Farnham answered yes. She stated two drinks per hour is an okay limit. She classified Ms, Hunt as a moderate to heavy drinker. Chairman Johnson asked if when she starts to drink if she drinks more and more, Ms. Hurst-Farnham stated it depends on what she is doing at the time. Mr, Elliott questioned Gayle Olson, employee of the establishment, 5 9 'lU~wqS!yqUlS~ ~qlJO ~~AOldw~ 'U!~I:>Y::>~lS llUW P~UO!lS~nb llo!l13 'lW 'l~UB~W sl~13 ~qs S! lunH 'sw ql!M P~lU::>!XOlU! Ap~AO pUU P~lU::>!XOlU! lOU 13U!~q U~~Mpq ~::>U~l~JJ!P AluO ~ql p~~l13U oSlu pUB sl~qlo ~ql ql!M ~~l13U PlnoM lnq l~pu~llUq ~lnmsqns U S! ~qs P~lUlS zsulD 'sw 'l~)}UPP AAU~q Ol ~lUl~pOW u S! W!qS S~~l~U uqs.rnW J! p~:>ysu uosuqO[ UBUll!uq;) 'os ~Ag!l~q lOU PIP gqs P~lUlS ZSU1D 'SW '~wn l~qloUB lU lUq ~ql PU!lpq o~ Ol W!qS lOJ ~yq!ssod SUM l! J! 13U!:>ySU 'lU~W~lUlS U~ll!lM l~q lnoqu ZSU1D 'SW p~uoqs~nb sdm~d l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'l! JO ~.rnMU lOU SUM ~qs P~lUlS ZSU1D 'SW '~lOJ~qJpSl~q p~dl~q PUu.rnq ~ql PU!q~q ~U0131~A~ puq UI!qSJ! p~:>ySU SpUBS 'lW ':>yU~lq U ~:>yUllOU PIP ~qs P~lUlS ~qS JpSl~q p~dpq W!qS puu Asnq SUM ~qs P~lUlS ZSU1D 'SW 'lJ~S l;;lq 13u!mp :>yU~lq U u~:>yUl puq ~qs J! uqs.rnW p~:>ysu ~H 'l~~q U JpSldq 13U!Al~S puu.rnq dql PU!q~q 13U!013 W!qS lnoqu p~:>ysu uosuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) 'l~~q AluO P~lUlS zsulD 'sw '13U!WOW ~ql U! p~Al~S ~qs S)}U!lP JO pUPIluqM p~l~qW;:lW~l ~qs J! zsulD 'SW J! p~:>ySU UOsuqO[ UUUll!Uq;) 'l~Y!US U U! ~l~M Aaql P~luls zsulD 'sw 'l~mUS U 10 ssul13l0qs U U! ~l;;lM l~!u.rnW UBl13 OMl ~qlJ! p~:>ySU pUB ZSU1D 'SW UO!lS~nb Ol p~nU!luo::> spuuS 'lW 'ou p~l~MSUU zsulD 'sw 'lJ!qs l~q 13upnp loqo~lu pgAlgS ~sp gUOAUU J! zsulD 'sw p;:l:>ysu spuuS 'lW 'lJ~s l~q l~lJU U! ~urn::> A~ql s~umssu OS u~w~nu~13 ~~1ql ~ql ~gS lOU PIP ~qs P~lUlS ~qS 'P~lU::>!XOlU! .rn~ddu lOU P!P W!qS P~lUlS ~qS 'loqs ~qll~q ~Al~S lOU PIP ~qs P~lUlS ~qS 'l~!u.rnW UBl13 OMl puu Sl~~q oMll~q p~Al~S ~qs P~lulS ~qS 'w'd OO:Z lnoqu mun 13U!)}UPP llUlS lOU PIP W!qS P~lUlS ~qS '13U!)}U!lP P~llUlS ~ldo~d 'w'd 00: 11~lJU P~lUlS ~qS 'loqo::>lu ou lnq l~lUM lOJ U! ~urn::> Ul!qS P~lUlS ~qS 'W'U OO:OllU P;:lllUlS lu~urnumol13u!lMoq ~ql P~lUlS zsulD 'SW 'UO!lS~nb U! AUP ~ql uo s13u!u~dduq ~ql p.rnos: ~ql Ol AUpl Ol zsulD 'SW p~:>ysu llom3 '.IW 'OPUlOIO;) JO SMuI ~ql JO ~.rnMU S! puu S.rn~A 10J llusus: U! lUBmUlS~lI UBd 13U!A1~ ~ql UMO Ol pgsn ~qs P~lUlS zsulD 'SW '8661 '8 A.rnillq~~JO SlU~A~ ~ql UO IMoq~[ 13Jo ~~Aoldw~ 'zsulD uqs.rnW p~uoqs~nb llom3 'lW 'w'd Of: IlU P~!ld~l uosIO 'sw '13u!:>yUPP l!nb uosIO 'sw ~wq lUqM p~:>ysu uosuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) 'OMl P~Hd~l uosIO 'sw 'puq uosIO 'sw sHul:>y:lO::> AUBW MOq p~:>ysu uosuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) 'luql ~:>Y!l SAUMlu S! ~qS 'l~q ~lpuuq Ol ~yqu ~q lOU PlnoM A~ql ~lOW ~uo l~q p~Al~S A~qH! 10 P~lU::>!XOlU~ ApU~lIU l~ql!~ SUM ~qs P~lUlS UOSIO 'SW 'sno!xouqo pUB pnol ApU~lIU SUM gqs gsnu::>aq )}UPp U W!qS ~Al~S lOU PlnoM aqs P~lUpl uosIO 'sw p~lUlS uosuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) 'sno!xouqo pUB pnol OOl ApU~lIU SUM lunH 'SW su S)}UPP glOW l~q ~AlgS lOU PlnoM lunH 'SW P:;)lUlS gqS 'l~UU~W pUB l;:lpnOI slg13lnq P~lU::>!XOlU! U~qM SplOM l;:lq 13U!llnIS lOU SUM lunH 'SW P~lUlS dqS 'lO!AUq~q IUUllOU S,W!qS S! lUql P~lUlS uosIO 'SW 'WOO1qluq SU~W ~ql JO lno lunH 'SW 13umnd P~UO!lS~nb UOsuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) 'p~uoqu~w l~!l.rn~ u~w mOJ ~ql p~U!Of aqs P~lUlS ~qS 'woo1qluq su~w dqlJO lno lunH 'SW IInd Ol puq gqs PdlUlS ~qS 'l;:lql;:l130l )fUPP lOU PIP A~ql P;:llUlS ~qS 'UOOW~lJU ~ql U! ~)f0::> pUB Will ~wos ~AUq P!P lnq slOqs AUBW ~AUq lOU PIP ~qs P~lUlS gqS 'S~A p~l;:lMSUB uosIO 'SW 'l;:l!u.rnW UUl13 JO loqs U dAUq lunH 'SW u~~s puq UOSIO 'sWJ! pg:>ySU SpUBS 'lW 'W'U 00: 1 mun P~U!UWgl pUB :>ylOM Ol 'w'd 00:9lU p~uml~l pUB 'w'd Of:t APlUW!XOlddu lU lJ~1 ~qs P~lUlS uosIO 'sw 'A~nU 13u!lMoq ~qllJ~1 ~qs ~wq ~ql uo uosIO 'sw p~uoqs~nb SpUBS 'lW 'P~lU::>!XOlU! SUM lunH 'sw P~J lOU PIP ~qs OS SplOM l~q 13upIDIS lOU SUM W!qs P~lUlS ~qS ')}U~lp Ol puq lunH 'sw lUqM MOU:>y lOU PIP ~qs P~lUlS ;:lqS 'p~StlJ~l SUM pUB )}UPP U lunH 'sw Anq Ol P~l~JJO ~qs P~lUlS ~qS '13U!WOW ~ql U! lOU P~lUlS uosIO 'sw '13u!Wow ;:lql U! 13U!:>yU!lP W!qS P~SS~ul!M uosIO 'sWJ! p~:>ysu llo!l13 'lW 'AUp ~qHo lSdl gqllOJ W!qSql!M lu~urnwnol dql U! P~lMoq pUB 'W'U 00:01 lU pgA!l.rn ~qs UO!lS~nb U! AUP ~ql uo P~lUlS ~qS 'P~lU::>!XOlU!~.rn OqM SUOllUd 13U!Al~S lOJ A::>!lod g~AOldw~ ~ql P~U!Uldx~ ~qS 'S.rn~A ~ApMllsud ~qllOJ 13U!U!Ull SdU u~:>yUl suq ~qs P~lUlS ~qS 'S.rn~A Z APlUW!XOlddu 10J IMoq~[ 1310J p~:>ylOM suq ~qs P~lUlS uosIO 'sw BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEt:S 387869 Mr, Stecklein stated when a tournament is going it is a very busy place, He related he worked around the front area ofthe establishment during the day. He stated he did not see anything out of the ordinary, Mr. Sands asked if Mr. Stecklein if he noticed Ms. Hunt. Mr. Stecklein answered yes and stated she was boisterous and loud which is her norm, He stated later in the afternoon he noticed she had a drink. Mr. Elliott questioned Bill Stecklein, part owner of the establishment on the day of February 8, 1998, Mr. Stecklein stated he arrived at the bowling alley at about 5:00 p,m, He stated Marsha related to him that Shim had gone behind the bar and helped herself to a beer, He stated he spoke to Shim about going behind the bar, He stated she did not seem intoxicated to him. Mr. Elliott asked about Ms. Hunt saying someone had taken her coat, purse and keys, Mr. Stecklein stated Ms. Hunt has relayed to him those items had been taken by someone, The keys were to her house and her car. He stated later on she telephoned and indicated that someone drove by her house and threw her keys in her driveway, He stated her purse was found behind the front counter. Chairman Johnson asked how her purse got behind the desk in the computer room, He asked ifMs, Hunt thinks she owns the place and can go behind the bar, in the mens room and in the computer room whenever she wants, Mr. Stecklein stated no. He stated the door to the computer room is where you walk into the front desk. He spoke to the policy of over service in the establishment. Mr. Sands asked Mr. Stecklein if he had spoken with Deputy Lawson that he should have kicked her out of the establishment. Mr. Stecklein stated he did not believe she was intoxicated but the next day when she came in she was told she could not come back into El Jebowl and have any liquor. Mr. Sands asked about calling Ms. Hunt's brother to pick her up. Mr, Stecklein stated she called Ms, Hunt's brother to get Shim out of the establishment because she was pestering the other customers. He stated he had only seen Ms, Hunt with the one beer. Chairman Johnson stated it was testified to earlier there was a seating area out front and ifthat could be seen from the bar. Mr. Stecklein explained the arrangement of the establishment. Ms, Grasz stated if you wanted to see that area you would have to turn around and look through the window, She stated sometimes you get busy and don't have time to check through the window at the tables by the restaurant. Deputy Hopple was questioned by Mr. Sands concerning Ms, Hunt. Deputy Hopple stated he is positive Ms, Hunt was intoxicated. Chairman Johnson asked if Deputy Hopple has spoken with Shim before, Deputy Hopple stated this was the first time he had contact with Ms, Hunt. Commissioner Gates questioned the phone call to Ms, Hunt's brother, Deputy Hopple stated the bartender made the call. He stated it was in the best interest of the children, Commissioner Gates questioned the car keys, Deputy Hopple stated had her keys not been lost at the time, he would have definitely taken her keys away from her. Commissioner Phillips questioned Ms, Hunt needing a ride home, Deputy Hopple stated she definitely needed a ride and the children needed supervision. Mr. Sands stated in closing, Ms, Hunt was in the establishment from 10:00 a,m. to approximately 7:00 p,m, To the extent she was intoxicated, she had to come to that condition in this establishment. Based on the testimony presented by the licensee, Ms, Hunt had 2 snifters of gran marnier, 2 beers which may not include the one she helped herselfto, 2 rum and cokes and a shot glass of gran marnier. We have also heard testimony she may have had additional shots, We also learned that she apparently did not consume alcohol in the morning, so all ofthose drinks had to be consumed over a relatively short period of time. He stated the applicants have stated she was not served after 6:00 p,m, He stated there is a substantial likelihood this woman became intoxicated. He stated there was testimony from Deputy Hopple indicating this woman was visibly intoxicated, The standard under the statute is visibly intoxicated. A licensee cannot serve a person who is visibly intoxicated. Mr. Sands stated the licensee would like this Board to believe Mr. Reynolds is a disgruntled employee and has an ax to grind. He stated he had enough concern over the management of this establishment to bring it to the attention of the owner and resigned because of it. Mr. Reynolds testified he saw Ms, Hunt with alcohol most of the day, she had a number of shots and 7 8 'uo!su~dsns JO SAUP ~A!PU dql ~13uuq::> OllOU p~lln::>uo::> p.rnos: ~q.L '~sooq::> os A~qlJ! IU~ddu Ol W~qllOJ ~W!l MOnU Oll~lUIl!lun p~13UBq::> ~q S~lUp SAUP ~A!PU OMl ~ql p~lS~nb~lllO!l13 'lW 'snow~uuun pg.rnp;:lp SUM ~lOA gq.L 'UO!lOW gql uo UO!lS~nb ~qllOJ p~nU::> ~H 'UO!lOW l!gql OlU! l~qlltlJ 13U!qlAUU ~lU10dlO::>U! lOU mM p.rnos: ~ql P~lUlS uosuqO[ UUUll!Uq;) 'UO!lUUllOJU! AUS.rn~q uo SUO!S!::>~p ~ql ~suq lOU oa 'SlU!Uldwo::> ~~1ql uo AUOW!lS~l.rn~q Ol13U!.rn~q ~ql Ol ~urn::> pUB lU!Uldwo::> ~uo ql!M p~Al~S ~l~M A~ql P~lUlS llO!ll3: 'lW 'lU~U1qS!yquls~ ~qllu lunUBw lU;:lWAOldw~ ~ql Ol g:>yods SpUBS '.IW 'UO!Ssn::>s!p uI 'UO!lOW gql p~puo::>~s sd!ll!qd l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'p~lln::>uo::> s~luD l~UO!SS!WWO;) '~::>UBllU~ lUO.y ~qllU pun .rnq ;;lqllU P~lSod SU13!S ~lIl13U!AUq SUM S~lUD l~UO!SS!WWO;) J! P~UO!lS;;lnb UOSuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) 'SU13IS UO!suddsns ql!M SUO!lU::>OI ;:llU.rndgS OMl U! pglSod gq lIuqs lUgU1qS!NUlS~ gl(.L '8661 'ql~Z q::>.rnw AUPSdUpgA\ puu qltZ q::>.rnW 'Aups~n.L ~q nuqs SAUP gA!PU OMl ~q.L 'po!l~d lU~A ~uo U lOJ g::>UBA~qU U! ppq ~q Ol SAUP OMl puu ~A!PU SAUP OMl 'popgd AUP mOJ U 10J "::>uI 'IMoq~[ 13: 10J ~su~::>H lOnb!l ~ql pugdsns Ol p~AOW s~lUD 19UO!SS!WWO;) 'SnOW!UBun pg.rnpgp SUM dlOA gq.L 'uo!lOW gql uo UO!lS~nb ~qllOJ pgnu::> uosuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) ')}U!lP Ol q::>nw OOl puq AI~:>Y!llSOW puq lunH 'sw 'nUl~AO l~A~MOq 'P~AldS l~AO A~ql pgJ lOU op SgApsw~ql SlgpU~lluq ~ql P~lUlS sd!ll!qd 19UO!SS!WWO;) 'lU~U1qS!yquls~ ~qllolluO::> l~ll~q puu ~ldo~d ~Al~S A~ql MOq lU :>yool Ol sp~~u lU~U1qS!yquls~ ~ql P~lUlS ~H ')}UPP Ol q::>nw OOl puq 'I 16 P~IU!P OqM UOSlgd ;:lql SdAg!pq;:lq P~lUlS uosuqO[ UUUll!Uq;) 'uo!ssn::>s!p UI 'UO~lOW ~ql p~puo::>~s sd!ll!qd l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'l~::>YJO 13U!Su~::>n lonbn ~ql Aq p~13.rnq::> su ~PO;) lOnbq oPU10IO;) ~ql JO UO!lUIO!A U! lUB::>~lddu ~ql Puy Ol p~AOW s~lUD l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'g::>UBAgqU U! ppq 13U!~q SAUP OMl ql!M l~plO U! S! 13U!U.IUM U s~A~H~q ~qs P~lUlS ~qS 'UO!lUIO!A U SUM ~l~ql ~A!l!sod ~q lOUUU::> ~qs P~lUlS sd!ll!qd l~UO!SS!WWO;) 'uO!lUIO!A U SUM ~l~ql Puy lSlY lsnw A~ql 'AlIUu~d U ~U!Ull~l~P uu::> p.rnos: ~ql glOpq P~lUlS uosuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) '~::>UUA~qU U! ppq ~q SAUP oMlluql ~.rnp~p Plnoqs ~M puy p.rnos: ~ql p~AOW ~qs 'IMoq;:l[ 13 .1oJ dSUdJJO lSlY dql S! S!ql d::>U!S 'lunH 'SW ql!M lU;:lPpU! 8661 '8 A.rnillqd~;:llp uo U! P;:lOldZ dAUq ~A\ 'UMOl(S dl;:lM SUO!lUIO!A ~~1ql puu p~ll!wqns ~.rn Sllodgl 'dnp IUM~U~l U S! glgql ~snu:l~q P~lUlS sd!ll~d l~UO!SS!WWO;) ':>y::>um 'SW ql!M p~lln::>uo::> ~q P~lUlS SpUBS '.IW 'P~lU::>!XOlU! SUM uosl~d ~qlldql~qM s~ AUpOl gl~q uO!lS~nb ~ql P~lUlS gqS 'llod~l S JJ!l~qS U UO p~suq S! l! su luql ~lUlS Ol ~::>!lou gqllOJ ;:llU!ldOldduu! S! l! p;:lJ lOU s~op ~qs P~lUlS :>y::>ul8: 'sw 'p~Al~S 10 Plos AntlJmM pUB AI13U!MoU:>y ~lUlS s~op ~snu::> MOqS 10J ~::>!lOU ~ql P~lUlS llo!ll3 'lW 'p.rnos: ~qllOJ ~po::> lonb!l ~ql U! UO!P~S ~ql pU~l ~qS 'l~::>YJO 13U!Su~::>n lOnbq ~ql Ol p~ll!wqns llod~l S JJP~qS ~ql uo p~suq S! 13upu~q S!q.L 'lU!Uldwo::> 10 UO!lOW UMO Sl! uo S~U!Ull~l~P p.rnos: ~q.L 'uosl~d P~lU::>!XOlU! Ayq!S!A U ~Al~S ollt1JMulun S! l! SAUS lsnfn 'AntlJmM puu AI13u!MoU:>y ~ql s~pnpu! ~po::> lonb!l ~ql ~A~!l~q lOU s~op ~qs pUB 13U!P~~::>Old IUU!WP::> U lOU SUM s!ql P~lUlS 'A~WOllY AlUnO;) 'lSSY ':>y::>uIS: g~u~lI '~lllltlJ ~ql u~ lUdw~13pnf poo13 13U~Spl~X~ WOl] W~qll~l~p mM S!ql ~:>Y!l pnpuo::> wOlJ s~~su~::>!l qs!und 0.L '~::>UBlS!SSU p~p~~u ~qs ~l~qM PA~1 U p~q::>U~l ~AUq AUW ~qs 'IMoq;;l[ 13Jo pnpuo::> ~ql p~ll!wqns ~H 'P~lU::>!XOlU! SUM OqM ~UOgWOS p~Al~S AntlJmM pUB AI13U!MOU:>y SAUS n 'lUBllOdw! S! ~::>!lou ~ql uo 13U!P10M ~ql P~lUlS ~H 'P~lU::>!XOlU! SUM lunH 'SW ~A~!l~q lOU PIP A~ql13U!lU::>!PU! Sl~pU~l.IUq ~ql W01J AUOUl!lS~l u~~q suq ~l~ql P~lulS ~H '13U!U~A~ luql uo p~qmlS!p SUM lunH 'sw UOSU~ll~A~luqM 10J P~lUlS ~H 'nu::> 116 ~ql ~puw OqM uosl~d ~qllU01JUO::> Ol ~lqu lOU S! lUB::>!lddu gq.L 'lUgS~ld lOU s~ lunH 'SW lnq l~q p~Al~S OqM ~soql W01J p.rn~q ~AUq ~A\ 'lU~Sgld lOU S! lUUU!Uldwo::> ~ql P~lUlS ~H 'lunH 'sw Aq p~umsuo::> ~l~M lunH 'sw Aq pgsuq::>md s)}UPp ~qllIu luql p~qsHquls~ u~~q lOU suq n 'gSP ~Uo~wos pUB JpsmoA 10J )}UPP U Anq pUB 013 olluUlloU S! l! lU~urnumol13U!lMoq ~ql13U!ma 'lunH 'sw Aq p~wnsuo::> ~l~M s)}UPp ~soql13U!)}U!ql p.rnos: ~ql ~Au~l PlnoM luql S)}U!lP JO 19qumU ~ql p~lulnqul suq AlunO;) ~qllOJ lpuno::> pglUlS llO!ll3 'lW 'pglU::>!XOlU! Ayq!S!A SUM oqM UOS1;:ld U ;:lAlgS PIP ~~SU~::>!l ~qlluql pUB '(u)(I)106-Lt-Zl UO!P~S ~lUIO!A PIP lU~U1qS!yquls~ ~ql puy p.rnos: ~ql p~:>ysu ~H 'AUp ~qllnoq8no1ql p~Al~S SUM lnq p~Al~S u~~q ~AUq lOU Plnoqs 'P~lU::>!XOlU! A{q!S!A SUM lUnH 'SW '1~ql~130l ~::>U~p~A~ ~qlJO nu Sd:>yUl p.rnos: ~ql U;:lqM '13U!A~lp;:lq Plnoqs ~qs ~A~H~q lOU PIP puu 'w'd 00:9 l~lJU l~q ~Al~S lOU PlnoM l~pu~lluq ~ql U~A~ luql ~lOU Ol13U~lS~l~lU! S! n 'AUp ~qllnoq13no1ql s)}UPP P~X!W BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a tavern license for El Jebowl, Inc. She stated this application is in order and all fees have been paid. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal of a tavern license for El Jebowl, Inc, Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous, Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners, Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, Appeal of Administrative Decision Paul Clarkson, Senior Planner, presented an appeal of administrative decision regarding the Ogie Mining Claim, He stated this situation arose when staff administratively determined the applicant was not available for exemption, He stated this property is located on Tennessee Pass where there are a lot of mining claims, He explained why staff felt this property was not eligible for exemption, In 1966 some of the property was split off and deeded to another owner. He stated anything less than five acres in 1966 must be approved by the Board, He related any parcel of land not properly subdivided was created illegally, Commissioner Gates stated it appears the time frame is why the decision was made, Mr. Clarkson answered that was correct, He showed the Board a subdivision plat showing the subject property, Fritze Schmidt, representing the applicant, reviewed a paragraph from his notes for the Board, He stated the smaller parcel was left over rather than included in the larger parcel. He stated the smaller parcel was done in 1963 by the old owner. Chairman Johnson questioned the ownership of the remaining parcels, Mr. Schmidt stated all the claims are owned by different owners, He stated the Ogie Mining Claim has existed since 1968, He reviewed prior meetings with the Board, Bob Loeffler, Deputy County Attorney, stated the large chunk was owned by Mr. Dolan in the 1980's, then Yz of Ogie was sold to Mrs. Dolan who was then going to transfer it to these people, Mr. Schmidt stated all Mr. Dolan owned was interest in the mining claims, Commissioner Gates questioned the ownership of the mining claims. Mr, Loeffler stated all claims were owned by Mr. McNight at one time and then sold them to Mr, Dolan and his partners, Chairman Johnson stated McNight owned all of the claims at one time, who sold them to Mr. Dolan in 1988, Mr. Clarkson stated the west 150 feet of claim 6 was not owned by Mr, Dolan in 1988, Mr, Schmidt stated the property is the same today as it was in 1964, Mr. Loeffler drew new maps and explained the ownership of the mining claims, Mr. Schmidt read a letter into the record. Mr. Loeffler stated he would have to disagree with Mr. Schmidt and relayed to the Board it is his opinion this property it is not a subdivision. Commissioner Phillips stated it sounds like Mr. Dolan basically re-drew the mining claims and made lots, Mr. Schmidt stated the property is still mining claims, Mr. Clarkson stated we are concerning ourselves with the Merger Doctrine in the Land Use Regs and the pre-existing use, Mr, Clarkson read from the Land Use Regs for the Board, He stated the split occurred in 1990 and the sale of five of the six claims to one individual also happened at that time, There should have been no remaining portion of the Ogie mining claim, Mr, Schmidt stated the piece of the mining claim was sold in 1963. Discussion continued on the proposal. Mr, Loeffler stated there is some confusion and it may not be relevant. He stated the concern is not the gap between the two Ogies, but rather the remaining portion. Mr. Clarkson explained the exemption process and its intent. He stated staff does not believe the property meets the exemption regulations. Mr. Schmidt stated he still does not believe anything was split off. 9 01 'w~yqold lOpO UB ~q mM ~l~ql ~AgH~q lOU SgOP gq P~lUlS ~H '~::>u~P!S~llSgSOP ~ql pUB SUO!lU::>!lddu ~ql JO UO!lu::>ol ~ql duw U UO p~MOqS ~H 'p~sn ~q lOUUU::> SUO!lU::>!lddu ~ql Al!p!Wnq q13!q S! ~l~ql U~qM SAUP ~ql P~lUlS AlOlS 'lW 'p~sn ~q lOUUU::> sP!lOSO!q gql UdqM SAUP ::>y!::>gds ~l~M ~ldqlJ! pduoqs~nb uosuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) 'SlOpO pgl~P Ol p~sn lu~wd!nbd gql P~U!Uldx~ ~H '%O~ l~AO ~q Ol pgMOnU lOU~.rn A~ql P~lUlS gH 'APlU~ldOlddu P~lpUBq ~q mM SlOpO ~ql pUB p~zmquls S! ~lSUM ~ql P~lUlS AlOlS 'lW 'IOllUO::> lOpO pUB UO!lUZ!I!quls P~UO!lS~nb s~luD l~UO!SS!WWO;) '~sn poo13 Oll! 13umnd pUB ~lSUM ~q ~S!Ml~qlo PlnoM luql SIU!l~lUW 13U!:>yUl ~lU A~ql P~U!Uldx~ 'lUB::>Hddu ~ql13U!lU~S~ld~l 'AlOlS u~nY 'p.rnos: ~ql Ol UO!lU::>!lddu ~ql P~U!Uldx~ ~H 'u~.IV ~J!IPI!A\ ~U!lS!1q;) ~ql U! 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UO!llod luql 'gW!l dUO lU uuloa Aq p~UMO nu SUM AllgdOld ~ql P~lUlS UOsuqO[ UBUll!Uq;) 'UOqUUllOJU! l~qlltlJ 10J p~yqUl ~q 19l1UW S!ql P~ls~1313ns s~luD l~UO!SS!WWO;) '~W!l U lU ~::>~!d ~uo UBqll~qlul All~dOld ~qHo nu 13U!ldw~x~ l~P!SUO::> Plnoqs P1UOS: ~ql ~qAUW P~lUlS uos:>y.rnl;) '.IW BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file number ZS-00026, Basalt Sanitation District Special Use Permit, incorporating staff findings and conditions, Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous, There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until March 24, 1998, Attest: {iLl).. Q Clerk to the Bo Q - ~~- airman kJ.. LA-- 11