HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/29/97 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 29, 1997 Present: Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr, George "Bud" Gates James Hartmann Sara 1. Fisher Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Phillips stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Approval of bill paying for week of September 29, 1997, subject to review by County Administrator B) Approval of minutes of the Board of County Commissioners meeting for September 15 & 16, 1997 C) Approval of minutes of the Board of County Commissioners meeting for September 22, 1997 D) Change Order No, 1 between Eagle County and Elam Construction for Bellyache Ridge Paving Contract E) Change Order No, 2 between Eagle County and Elam Construction for Eagle-Vail/West Vail Paving Contract F) Agreement between Eagle County and Urban Analysis Group, Inc, For Tranplan Software License G) Professional Services Agreement between Eagle County and Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc, for laboratory testing on proposed building site for Animal Shelter H) Grant of Easement from Eagle County to Rocky Mountain, Commissioner Johnson asked to pull items B and C for discussion, He explained his corrections to the minutes of the 16th and on the 22nd, Commissioner Gates asked about the easements, Renee Black, Ass't. County Attorney, stated they were housekeeping matters, Chairman Phillips asked about the change orders and if additional information was needed for the record, Don Faessler, Road & Bridge Supervisor, spoke to the change orders explaining that change order #2 represented a savings in another contract. Change order #1 in Bellyache was a decrease in the contract amount, Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the consent calendar as presented with the changes in the minutes, Commissioner Gates seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, Plat & Resolution Signing Scott Hunn, Planner, presented the following plats and resolutions for the Board approval and signature: 5MB-00073, Lot 56, Block 2, Berry Creek Ranch, Filing No.3. He stated this was a Minor Type "B" subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot 56 to create two (2) lots, Lot 56 N and Lot 56 S along with associated access easements, This plat does contain a duplex split caveat stating that only one (1) two-family residence may be built on the combined area of these lots, Commissioner Gates moved to approve final plat file number 5MB-00073, Lot 56, Block 2, Berry Creek Ranch, Filing No.3, Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous, 1 Z '{UAOlddu P:}PU:}UlUlO:J:}l JJUlS 'SlOt OMl :}ql U:}~Ml~q :}u!1101 ~qllsnfpu pU13 V 11O'1 UO :}dO{~AU~ 8u!p{!nq 8u!lS!X~ ~ql JO uO!lu:JO{ ~q:}. ~S!A~l Olls:}nb~l U S13M S!ql P~lUlS:}H 'Z'oN UO!S!A!pqns )}~~l;) S!AUll '~1 ~ t1l0'1 '~ZOOO-ddV l:}qmnU;;)1!J P:}lU:}S~ld q:}!lU)I !qUlul Z .oN: UO!S!A!pqnS }f33.1;) S!A8.1.L 'SZOOO-dilV 'snoUlIUl3un p:}.mp:}p SUM :}lOA ~ql Sl:}UO!SS!UlUlO;) 8U!lOA OMl :}qlJO 'UO!lOUl ~ql p~pUO:J:}S UosuqOf m:}l-Old Ul3Ull!uq;) 's8u!puy JJUlS 8U!lU10WO:JU! 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Mr. Lindahl stated Staff advised the applicant to be present today at 3 :30 p,m, Mr. Clarkson read a letter from Staff indicating all planning files were moved to 3:30 p,m, today, Commissioner Johnson stated the earliest the Board could hear this file would be November 3, 1997, Mr. Fritze advised there was no matter to be heard by the Board at this time, A motion is not needed, There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until October 6, 1997, Attest: Clerk to the Board ,,/\ ,/' I I J \,./", ~hairman V 3