HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/28/97 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING JULY 28, 1997 Present: Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr, George "Bud" Gates James Hartmann Sara], Fisher Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled public hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Phillips stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Approval of bill paying for week of July 28, 1997, subject to review by County Administrator B) Approval of payroll for July 31, 1997, subject to review by County Administrator C) Approval of Board of County Commissioner minutes for July 21, 1997, Commissioner Johnson stated he has one correction on the minutes on page two with the incorrect date having been 1976 instead of 1996. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the consent calendar as presented, Commissioner Gates seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, Plat & Resolution Signing Scott Hunn, Planner, presented the following resolutions for the Boards approval and signatures: ZC-00002/PDSPOOOOl Sprinl: Creek Acres Minor Planned Unit Development. He stated this was a resolution for the approval ofthe combined Sketch Plan and Preliminary Plan for Spring Creek Acres P,U,D, The Board approved this resolution on July 1, 1997, Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 97-100, file number ZC-00002 and PDSP00001, Spring Creek Acres Minor Planned Unit Development. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, PDSP-00002 & ZC-00006, Willow Creek PUD Tambi Katieb, Planner, presented file numbers PDSP-00002, Willow Creek PUD, He stated this was a request to subdivide and rezone parcels to provide three residential dwelling units, The existing zoning is RSM which would allow 5 units, however, this site is further restricted by Gore Creek floodplain and wetlands, in addition to setback requirements as imposed by ECLUR. The PUD process is being utilized to address design issues in conjunction with setback issues. The main setback issue being that of the floodplain: the Town of Vail requires a 50 foot setback from the centerline of the stream to which the applicant complies, the County requires a 50 foot setback from the high water mark or the 100 year floodplain, whichever is greater; also to which this proposal complies, However, as the property fronts along the 1-70 CDOT property, a 50 foot front setback exists, A 25 foot front setback is being proposed with this application, which combined with the stream setback, are the defining lines of the proposed building envelopes, Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1) All cash-in-lieu fees to the Eagle County School District RE-50-J are paid by final plat. 2) All off-site road impact fees, as determined by the County Engineer, are paid by final plat. 3) All wildlife mitigation fees, as determined by the CD OW, are paid by final plat. 4) All recommendations of the County Engineer, CDOW, State Forest Service and Holy Cross Electric Association are incorporated into the PUD Guide by final plat. 5) Only 2 units on 2 separate lots be approved for this proposal. 6) The applicant must tear the existing building down before final platting, 1 z 'UO!l13Ind!lS 113U!~!l0 ;}l(llOJ lU;)lli;}l!nb:;)l ;)ql A]Sp13S l! 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Commissioner Johnson stated they aren't sure why the requirement was placed there, He asked if there is a need to put a cap on it again, Mr. Katieb stated the issue then was vehicular traffic. Chairman Phillips asked what type of traffic they generate? Mr, Althoff stated there are 18 to 20 cars per day, There was a stipulation ifit exceed 50 cars there were be something done, He explained they would like to control the losses they will have by having outside storage, They don't anticipate additional traffic, Commissioner Johnson stated with not having to come in for additional square footage, they could almost double it without having to come in, Other commercial general will allow them to do other things, Perhaps they need to place another cap on it to have the review, Mr. Katieb sated the square footage of this proposal will be 16, 720, Chairman Phillips agreed that they should put a cap on it. Commissioner Johnson stated if there is any additional square footage, they should come in for a review, Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number ZS-00016, Aren Design, Inc, Facility, incorporating Staff findings and understanding that any additional square footage development would require a review, Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, AFP-00004, Building Envelope Addition Pattie Haefeli, Planner, presented file number AFP-00004, Building Envelope Addition, She stated this was a request to create a 60' x 75' agricultural building envelope, Staff asked this be tabled to Monday, August 4, 1997 Commissioner Gates moved to table file number AFP-00004, Building Envelope Addition to August 4, 1997, Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, PR-00005, Mountain Lodge Kathy Eastley, Planner, presented file number PR-00005, Mountain Lodge, (Hyatt Vacation Club), She stated this was a request for review of marketing plans and disclosure statement for timeshare, She stated the owner is East West Partners and The Hyatt, Jim Martin with Baker and Hostetler, LLP was not present for the hearing, Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 1) The developer come back through this process if there are any substantial changes to either the disclosure statement or marketing plan, or any information submitted as a part of the review, 2) Approval from the State of Colorado, Department of Regulatory Agencies, Real Estate Commissioner regarding the Certificate of Registration for the property and the developer must be obtained, Bob Loeffler, Deputy County Attorney, asked about a condition that would require the subdivision to be approved, Chairman Phillips asked ifthey will be requesting a subdivision or would they use what they have now, She stated that subdivision would need to be done, Commissioner Gates asked if they will have to come back with another approval later, Ms, Eastley asked about language, Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number PR-00005, Mountain Lodge, incorporating Staff findings and conditions and adding a third condition that would read, " approval of the Board of County Commissioners for resubdivision", Commissioner Gates seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, Work Session - Mountain Mobile Gravel Pit at the Fairgrounds Mike Bradley, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, stated the next item on the agenda was a work session with Western Mobile for the Mountain Mobile Gravel Pit at the Eagle County Fairgrounds, He stated the lease will expire 2001, He explained the permitted area shown on the map to the Board, Terrill Knight was present representing Western Mobile stating they are interested in pursuing additional 3 t 'pll30S: :;)l(llOJ ;}UH ;)S13;)I ;)l(llno P;)lU!od ll(~!U)l 'lW 'l!llil;)d I13U!~!lO ;)lll uo ~U!U!W lOJ P;}l131dw;}lUO::> lOU ;}l;}M Sppg: II13q ;}l(lJo l(lnos 13;}1l3 ;}l(l uomsod SJJ13lS S! l! P;)l13lS 313lUOW 'lW 'SUO!SUBdX;} 3U!W;}:JUO::> UO!SP;}P 13 ;))[l3W UB:J p1l30S: ;}l(l ;}lOpq P;)P;};)U S13M UO!l13llilOJU! P;)l13lS ;}l(S 'Sppg: II13q ;)l(l OlU! UO!SUBdx;} l(l!M W;}Jqold 13 S13l( ;)l(S P;)l13lS ;)l[S 'P;)P;);}U ;)l;}M SlU;)UIlliO::> lPJ ;}l(S P;}l13lS sdm!l(d UBllil!1311J 'PN 10J lnO lnd UO!P131lX;} ;)l(l ;);)S Ol ;}){!I OSI13 PInoM ;}l( P;}l13lS;}H ':J!{qnd ;)l(l Ol Al!U;)W13 UB S;)P!AOld l! l13l(l OS ;}UOP ;)q UB::> UOp13llil3P;)l MOl( ;);)S Ol ;)){!I PlnoM ;}l( P;}l13lS UOSUl(Of l;}UO!SS!llilliOJ 'l!S!A ;}l!S 13 ;})[l3W pll30S: ;}l[l P;}lS;}~~nS ;}l(S ';)l!S ;)l(l uo ;}UOP ;}q AJq!SSOd Plno:J l13l(M ;}q!l:JS;)P Ol P;}!ll ;}A13l( A;)l(l P;}l13lS ';}l!qoW W;)lS;)M.. 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P;)lS;}33ns;)H 'UBld l;}lS13W ;)l(ll(l!M 19: II!M l! MOl( ;);)S OllUBM A;}l(l P;)l13lS;}H 'PU;) W;}lS;}M ;)l(l UO 13;}ll3 ;}l(l3U!W!13P;)1 JO SS;)::>old ;)l(l U! ;}113 A;}l(l P;)l13lS ~UO'1l!l(d 'P;)W!13P;)l U;};}q lOU S13l( l13l(l13;)ll3 lS13A 13 S! ;)l;}l(l P;)lS;}~3ns;}H i,UOp13llil3P;}l ;}l[llnoq13 P;))[S13;)H ';}A!P13 MOU S! l13l(ll!llil;}d ;}l(ll13 ){OOI OllUBM PInoM ;)l( P;)l13lS S;)l13o l;}UO!SS!llilliOJ 'dn S,l!:;)l(l ;}A!~ Ol :;)A13l( PInoM ;)l!qoW W;)lS;}M.. PUBl!llil;)d 13 lOJ AIdd13 Ol :;)A13l( PInoM AUBdwo:J l:;)l(lOUV 'l!llil;}d ;}ql PIol( A;)l(l pUB ;}:J131d U! lU;)W;};)l~13 ;)S13;)I lU;}llll::> 13 ;)A13l( A;}l(ll13l(l S! ;)313lUBAP13 AIuO ;}l(l P;}l13lS A;)Ip131S: ;)){!W 'OS op lOU Ol Sl;)A13dx13l Ollg:;}U;)q ;)l(l ;}q PInoM l13l(M pUB ss;)::>old P!q ;}l(l q3noll(l o~ lOU PlnoM AlunoJ ;)ql Al(M p:;)){S13 uosUl(of l;}UO!SS!llilliO;) 'Sll3;}A mOJ lX;}U ;}l(ll13 3U!){001 pUB ~U!S13;}I pA1313 . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PDSP-00003 & ZC-00008, Webb Crane Minor PUD Paul Clarkson, Senior Planner, presented file number PDSP-00003 and ZC-00008, Webb Crane Minor PUD, He stated this was a request to consider a PUD Sketch/Preliminary/Zoning application for heavy truck and equipment storage, sales, rental and maintenance, He explained the location of the property to the Board, The application is for heavy equipment sales, leasing and maintenance operation, Terrill Knight stated this is a forty acre parcel. He stated the application today is for the first five acres only, which would allow the applicant to get started and develop the additional acres at a later date, coming back before the Board at that time, He stated the area has been designated for this type use, Kevin Williams, applicant, stated Webb Crane started in 1981 in Grand Junction, He stated they supply cranes, trucks, fork lifts, man lifts, etc, He stated the company has been in the Vail Valley for the past 15 years, He stated they need a "home" in Eagle County to continue to supply the area, Tom Boni, Knight Planning, explained the location on the map and the building being proposed, As the planning evolved, it became apparent the need for repair service and supplies were necessary, Initially they were looking only for their own equipment but expanded to include supply storage, Mr, Boni showed where the repair services would take place, He explained the access to the property and the administration offices that would be present for Webb Crane as well as for other contractors looking for office space, The PUD accommodates Webb Crane as well as other similar companies, The plan brings the office and employees into the parking lot. The second road cut would be for heavy equipment. The second story would also accommodate three employee units, Commissioner Gates asked when the employee units would take place, Mr. Boni stated that would be at the construction of the building, He spoke to their compliance with the master plan, This area is designated as a service/commercial area, They are in compliance with the Town of Gypsum's three mile plan, They have reduced the program from the 24 hour fuel wash building, Though it is a needed function on this five acre site it would be difficult to accommodate, They have reduced the size of the building opening up the larger portion of the site for vehicular movement. Secondarily, this arrangement works well and allows for the trucks to move in a north/south direction, They have reduced the size of the program, reduced the size of the envelope and have prepared a detailed drainage report, They have prepared a detailed grading plan and revised the PUD documents accordingly, There are two areas they are not fully in agreement with and one is open space, This project is proposing 20% open space as compared to the 25% that is recommended, PUD's are typically smaller than this project and the need for open space is greater, They have worked with the DOW and met with them on site, They have prepared a letter accordingly, Wildlife habitat in this area is historically good, but on this five acre site, there is currently no wildlife habitat, They would propose to addresses those issues as suggested in Bill Heicher's letter, Commissioner Gates asked about all the thistle, He asked in moving the sawdust pile if they will just be relocating it. Kevin Williams stated currently the seller of the property is hauling a lot of that off. He agrees the thistle problem is something they need to address, Commissioner Gates suggested he has a concern with brining trucks in for repair, He is hoping that they will not have a lot of spare part storage and broken down vehicles there, Mr. Williams stated ifthey have something that cannot be repaired timely that it will be shipped to Grand Junction rather than left on the site, Chairman Phillips asked about the need to contribute to the Wildlife Trust fund if there is impact being made to wildlife on this parcel. Commissioner Johnson stated the DOW has shown no concern with impact on this site, Mr. Boni stated at a recent meeting with staffthey had not yet received the letter from the DOW, He showed visuals of the buildings with the various elevations. There are three different types of signs being requested, There will be signage for Webb Crane and one monument sign (plaza sign) that will identify Webb Crane and the occupants of the building, Mr, Boni showed the floor plan ofthe building and showed where the parking will be on the east and north sides, He stated they started this project in December with a minor subdivision process as was suggested by staff, At this point they have a very tight schedule and will submit the final plat as soon as there is approval. They want to select the architect. They have gone out with a RFP and want to be building as soon as is possible, They would 5 9 S13M UBId I13!l!U! ;)l(J, ';)l13lS1;)lU! ;)qllli01J l;)JJnq Olldlli;}ll13 UB U! S;)UOZ ;};)ll(l P;}l13:;)l:J ;}A13l( A;}l(l 'Ap;)dOld :;)ql OlU! l;}d;};}p ;}AOlli nOA Sy 'SPUBlli;}P UO!PrulSUO::> l!;}l(l U! l;}ll(~n ;)1l3 l13l(l S;}SS;}U!Snq JO l;)qrnnu 13 P;}g:pU;)P! ;}A13l( A;)l(J, ';)I!J S!l(l3U!;};)S UO!SS!llilliO;) ~U!UUl31d ;)l(llnOl(l!M Gnd 13 S13 U! ;)lliO::> OllU13M lOU P!P A;}l(l P;}l13ls ~uos: 'lW 'PIml W'1S: JO ;):J:;)!d 1113lliS 13 S! :;)l:;)qllS13;} ;)ql Ol P;)l13lS:;)H 'S:;)l:J13 ~t S! l(:J!l(M 'Ol;}SlOG pUB llinsdAD U;};}Ml;)q 9 A13Ml(~!H UO 4!I!::>13J 3U!3~oI ;}l!l(Ml;}U13S ;)l(l S! 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'Gnd 10U!W ;}UB1;) qq;}M.. 'toOOO-dSGd l;)qUInU ;}I!J ;)AOldd13 Ol P;}AOlli S;}l13D l;)UO!SS!llilliO;) ';)l;}l( ll3;}dd13 Ol ;)A13q l, US;)OP l! os UO!lnIOS;)l ;}l(l U! ll3;}dd13 1l!M l! P;)l13lS l;}lJpO'1 'lW 'lnoq13 Al~UOllS A.1;)A SP;}J UO!SS!llilliO:J ~U!UUl3Id ~l(ll13ql UO!l!PUO::> 13 S! l13l(l P:;)l13lS UOS){ll3l;) 'lW 'lli;)l(l JO AUB uo U! lli;)l(llnd lOU A;)l(l P;}lS;)33ns uosUl(o f l:;)UO!SS!llilliO;) 'lOU 10 U! lnd S! l! l;}l(l;}l(M ;}l;}l(l S! l! P;}l13lS ll(3!U)l 'lW ';)313n~UBl pll3pUBlS S13 p;)pnpu!;}q PInoM 9 uO!l!puo:J P;)ls:;)~~ns l;)lJpO'1 'lW 'U;};)q ;}A13l( A;)l(l P;}l13lS UOS){ll3l;) 'lW 'l;}lli U;);)q ;)A13l( SUO!l!PUO::> ;}l(l 11'13 J! P;}){S13 uosUl(of l;}UO!SS!llilliO;) 'lU;}llidoPA;}P ;}l(l JO lS~l ;)l(l op A;}ql U;)l(M P;}SS;}lpP13 ;)q II!M l! P;)lS;}3~ns S:;)l13D l;}UO!SS!llilliO;) 'lU;}lli;}l!nb;)l S!l(l ;}:J13Id lOU P!P M..OG ;}l(l P;)lS;)~~ns uosUl(of l;}UO!SS!llilliO;) ';)l!nb;}l Ol 4!I!q13 s,4uno;) ~l(l PUOA;)q ~u!ll;)~ s.l! SP;)J ;}l(S 'UO!l13PU:;)llilliO:J;}l13 AIuO S! l! S;)l13lS M..OG ;)ql 'S!l(l ssn:Js!p A;)l(l ;}lliP Al:;)A;} P;}l13lS sdm!l(d UBllil!13l(;) 'pUt1J lSllll ;}l(llnoq13 P;}){S13 S:;)l13D l:;)UO!SS!llilliO;) 'Imld UO!l13~!l!lli 13 ~U!P!AOld JO n;}!I U! A13d OllU13::>Hdd13 ;)ql SMoll13 lnq UO!lnq!llUo:J A.113l;)UOlli ;)l(l :;)l!nb;)llOU s:;)op AlunO;) ;}l(l P;)l13lS uosUl(of l;}UO!SS!llilliO;) 'All~dOld 1;)l(1O 1113 l(l!M S13l( l! S13 AP!13J P;}Hdd13 U;};}q S13l( M..OG ;}ql Ol uopnq!lluo::> A.113l;}UOlli ;}l(llOJ lU;)lli:;)l!nb;}l ;}l(l P;}l13lS UOS){l13l;) 'lW 'M;}!A:;)l UBId l(:Jl;}){S ;)l(l pUB uO!l13nI13A;) Gnd ;}qll(loq lOJ S~U!puy SJJ13lS P;)M;}!A;}l UOS){ll3l;) 'lW ';)sn UBId l~lS13lli ;}A!P;)JJ;} UB U! ~U!p;};}'Jold S13 S!l(l S;};}S JJ13lS 'l;};}llS ;}l(l SSOl:J13 1O113 S13 IPM 513 ;)llllIlJ ll3;}U ;)l(l U! ~U!lliO:Jl(llOJ ;)q II!M Gnd ;}1::>13 ~t IIIlJ ;}l(l ;):JU;)pg:uo:J JO 113;}P l13;)13 '13 P;}U!13~ S13l( JJ13lS 'UMO Sl! uo PUBls lsnlli pUB Gnd ;)1:J13 ;}Ag: 13 S! S!l(J, ';)313;}1:J13 ;)l(l :;):JUBl(U;) Ol ;}l!S;}P ;}l(l S13 IpM S13 I13sodOld JO ;)dAl ;)l(l UO P;}S13q UO!ld;}::>x;} ;}A!~ II!M l13l(l ;}~13n~UBI ~U!puy 13 ~U!ls:;)~~ns S! JJ13lS ';}::>ImHdlliO::> ~U!puy U! 41n::>YJ!p p13q A:;)ql :;)nss! :;)uo :;)ql S! ;)nss! ;):J13ds u;}do :;)l(.L 'SW:;):JUO:J l!:;)l(l 3U!SS;}lpp13 UO lUB:J!Idd13 ;}l(l p;}lu;)llindlliO:J ;)l( pUB s;)nss! JO l;)qrnnu 13 AJ!lU;)P! P!P JJ13ls P;)l13ls UOS){ll3I;) In13d 'Ap:;)dOld JO ;}:J;)!d 13 JO SlU;)lli;}:JUBl(U;} AU13lli 10J ;)P!AOld Ol S! lU;}lli;}l!nb;}l ;}:J13ds u;)do ;)l(l P;)lS;)~~ns uosUl(of l;}UO!SS!llilliO;) ';}{q!ssod J! Ap130ll13l(l uo ;)msop ;}){!I PInoM A;}l(J, 'A13M JO lq~!llOOJ OL ;)l(l ;}A;}!l(:J13 Ol p1301 ){;};)l;) ~updS uo ;)UH l;}lU;}:J ;)l(lJo JJo 13;)1l3 lOOJ ~t 13l(S!{q13lS;} A;)l(ll13l(l 'p130110P;}1l0:J 13 S13 P;)y!lU;)P! U;};}q S13l( S!ql ;}Sn13:J:;)q '4uno;) ;}l(l OllS;)3~ns Ol ;}){H PInoM A;}l(J, 'P;)AOldd13 S! S!l(l ;}:Juo ;}Inp;}l(:Js l!;)ql MOlloJ Ol ;}){!I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 presented to the County staff, The revised scheme increased the amount of landscaping, they added an access easement to the residential site and they reduced the number of uses they were requesting, The buildings have been enlarged to increase the screening, The part they intend to use has been used historically by the logging operations, The residential units would be along the east side and the south side. From a master plan point of view the Dotsero rural center is designated from the confluence easterly ending at the corner of their proposal. The intent of that map was never considered to be the authority, The impacts of Mr, Vogelman's proposal will be less than what is there now, Mr. Boni read from the master plan in support ofthis application, They feel the master plan supports this type of development allowing for a case by case review specifically mentioning Dotsero, They have provided the buffering required by the master plan, Mr, Boni spoke also to the open space and the desire to maintain appropriate separation between the uses, There are three isles of land area between this property and the town of Gypsum, Much of that land is lower. They feel they are in compliance in that regard as well, Mr, Boni stated they were tabled at the first planning commission meeting but were then approved at a later meeting, They are here in sketch plan only. Mr, Knight stated the planning commission was somewhat skeptical initially, Their concern is the entrance into Eagle County, Mr, Knight stated after a site visit and the planning commissions review, they voted in favor of the project. They were asked to put additional controls in to provide for linear screening by using the buildings property, They think the changes help ensure the site will be used well. They do have design controls and they are committed to building in a good way, Mr. Knight introduced Kurt Vogelman who started Vogelman West in 1981. Mr, Vogelman stated one thing he is hoping to accomplish is to combine all of his business needs into one location and also, he found a site that has already been disturbed in a less than positive way, He intends on leaving the undisturbed area in a natural state, They can do employee housing and really consolidate his business, Commissioner Gates asked if this will be septic for grey water, He asked about potable water, Mr, Vogelman stated they would have wells, Commissioner Gates asked about the clean up of the site, Mr. V ogelman stated he has a contract with Satterwhite to clean it up and he is hoping that will be done in a timely manner. Mr. V ogelman stated he will clean it up ifthe contract isn't fulfilled, Commissioner Johnson suggested they take a walk on this site as well. Mr. V ogelman stated he would be happy to take them on the site, They don't want this to be a sore thumb and though the visibility is limited, they want this to be a nice project. Commissioner Gates asked about employee housing, Mr, Boni stated they originally planned three units, The planning commission asked them to be more aggressive, Mr. Boni stated they would recommend primary/secondary units to be included in any building and three units along the river. Mr. Boni stated they have three different kinds of housing, Staff suggested eleven affordable units may be too much for this site, They would like direction on that from the County, They would like to be required to have five units and perhaps as many as eleven, Commissioner Gates asked about sewage, Mr, V ogelman stated they have done a good study of the property and there is sand under the lava rock. Mr. Knight stated the flexibility will partially be answered with the information they received before preliminary plan. He stated a site visit would be a good idea and they would appreciate a tabling for that to take place, Commissioner Johnson moved to table file number PDS-00004, V ogelman to August 11, 1997 at 4:00 for a site visit and conclude with the hearing the same day, Commissioner Gates seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, Resolution, Petitions to Board of Equalization Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Equalization, Commissioner Gates seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, Mr. Loeffler stated the assessor's office has submitted a report of all of the protests numbering about 4,100, The report includes all of the adjustments made as a result of the protest. Commissioner Phillips asked if there are any to be discussed, 7 8 'L661 't lsn~ny l!lOO p;)WnOfp13 S13M ~U!l:;);)lli ;}l(l pll30S: ;)l(l ;)lOJ:;)q ll(~nOlq ;}q Ol SS;)U!Snq l:;)qllt1J ou ~U!;)q :;)l;)q.L 'SnOlli!UBun P;}ll3J::>;}P S13M ;}lOA ;)l(.L 'UO!lOlli :;)ql P;}PUO:J;)S S:;)l13D l;}UO!SS!llilliO;) 'G pUB ';) Os: 'y Sl!q!l(X:;) :;)ql pIm 13-L6 UOPUIOS~lI ;}AOldd13 Ol P:;)AOlli UOSUl(Of l;)UO!SS!llilliO;) '){;);}M lX;)U l;);)lli A;)ql U;)qM uopnlOS:;)ll13l(llU;)S:;)ld II!M A;)l(l P;)WlS;)H '){;);)M lX;)U 10J S;}IY ;)~ll31 ;}l(l JO ;)lliOS l;}S II!M A;)l(l 's3U!ll3;)l(JO S~l13p ;}l(l PU;}lX;) Ol UO!lUIOS;}l13 pll3MlOJ 3U!~U!lq ;}q II!M A;}l(l P;)l13lS l;}IJJ;}O'1 'lW 'JJO lU:J JO :;)l13P ~l(ll;}lJ13 P:;)IY S13M l! lnq Ap;}dOld ;)l(l ;}P!A!pqns Oll13Id 13 P;)IY A;}l(l P:;)U!13Idx;} l;)ll!1l 'lW 'L6t# lnoq13 P~){S13 UosuqOf l:;)UO!SS!llilliO;) 'UOP13UI13A U! ;}SU;)l:J;)P ;}ql U! 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