HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/01/97 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEl'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING JULY 1, 1997 Present: Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr. George "Bud" Gates James Hartmann Sara J. Fisher Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: LUR-24, Temporary Regulation 2.25.03 Keith Montag, Community Development Director, presented file number LUR-24, Temporary Regulation 2.25.03. He stated this was a request to adopt a Temporary Regulation, pursuant to Section 1.05 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, to amend Section 2.25.03 Hearing Schedule, to allow for the Board of County Commissioners to hear Planning Files on the 2nd Monday or Tuesday following Planning Commission Meetings. He stated the current regulations only allow for Tuesday hearings so this will allow for more flexibility in scheduling. He stated this is temporary and will be followed up with permanent changes at a later date. Staff recommended approval. This did not go before the Planning Commissioner because it is temporary in nature. Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number LUR-24, Temporary Regulation 2.25.03, incorporating Staff findings. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ZC-00007, Spring Creek Terrace, Lot 3 Kathy Eastley, Planner, presented file number ZC-00007, Spring Creek Terrace, Lot 3. She stated this was a request for a zone change from Agricultural Residential to Agricultural Limited to allow for subdivision of a 15 acre lot into 3 parcels. She stated the current zoning, AR requires a minimum lot size of 10 acres and there are three lots within the Spring Creek Terrace Subdivision. The applicant is requesting a zone change for Lot 3 to AL which requires a minimum lot size of 5 acres. The zone change would allow for creation of 2 additional homesites on this parcel. A companion subdivision application has not been submitted at this time. David Faulkenberg, applicant, was present for the hearing and handed out materials to the Board. Mr. Faulkenberg reviewed the information handed out stating the first page summarizes the main focus. He stated at this time he is applying only for the zone change because of the expense of going forward with a subdivision application. He stated it is his desire to show that they meet the requirements for the zone change. Mr. Faulkenberg stated approving this property as AL zone will not change the present use. Only the Type B minor subdivision will allow changes to occur. He stated the planning staffs concerns can be provided for at subdivision application. Mr. Faulkenberg reviewed the concerns as he listed them in his handout being items 1 through 7. Mr. Faulkenberg stated subdividing would make it feasible to bring in lines of fresh water and the opportunity to build a new house. The master plan states the regulations should not preclude reasonable development. He asked the Board of Commissioners for the opportunity to continue this development plan by approving a zone change which is consistent with the master plan and the changes occurring in the airport area. He stated he would address the other issues at subdivision application. Mr. Faulkenberg reviewed the rest of his handout and spoke to environmental quality, justification for increase in density, future land use map, open space plan, visual quality, hazards, wildlife, water and access. He reviewed the Eagle County Open Space Plan, Eagle County Master Plan, and Zone District Amendments. Mr. Faulkenberg concluded stating the approval of this application should be a priority before any development in the Dotsero or State Bridge/McCoy areas. It only makes sense to locate development next to community centers, transportation centers, and make efficient use of existing utilities within the area. 1 Z J~ql!~ IEM A~ql 'UO!lUUIJOJU! ~qllnoql!M IUAOJddu IUUld~~uo~ ~A!8l,un~ A~ql P~lUlS uosuqof J~UO!SS!UIUIO:) 'l!UIqnS~J Ol J~lUI )[~uq ~UIO~ Ol ~AUq pun P~!U~P l! ~AUq JO MUJpql!M OllunM l,USaOp ~q P~lUlS ~J~qu~)[lnUd 'JW '~~unq~ IEM UO!lUPU~UIUIO~~J S JJUlS luql ~~lun.rnn~ ou S! ~J~ql 'U! S! UO!lUUIJOJU! ~ql mun SUO!lUPU~UIUIO~~J J~qlJll] ~)[UUI AIIU~J l, un~ JJUlS '~U!~unq~ S! u~.rn ~ql P~ls~~8ns ~qS 'lJod~J S JJUls U! p~g:!lU~P! ~.rn s~nss! ~soql P~lUlS A~nsua 'sW 'UO!P~J!P .rn~p suq ~qJ! os op PlnoM ~q P~lUlS ~J~qu~)[InUd 'JW 'J~llUUI S!ql ~NUl Ol ~)[H PlnOM lun~Hddu ~qlJ! 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Ms. Eastley stated their discussion has taken place over a one year period Mr. Faulkenberg asked what if the issues raised then are still those being raised today. Annexation to Gypsum was suggested. Jim Fritze stated this matter should only be tabled if the applicant agrees to do so in writing. Continuation can take place if the Board believes they will have the information in due time. Mr. Fritze stated there is a form the applicant can sign if he chooses the tabling. He again referred to the statute. Staff recommended denial. Commissioner Johnson moved the Board deny file number ZC-00007, Spring Creek Terrace, Lot 3, incorporating Staff findings. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Commissioners Johnson and Gates voted aye and Commissioner Phillips voted no. PDA-0004, Cordillera Valley Club Kathy Eastley presented file number PDA-0004, Cordillera Valley Club. She stated this was a request for changes to the Planned Unit Development Guide including redesignating Tract Land M from multi-family to single family use. The applicant is seeking a PUD Amendment to allow for revisions to the PUD Guide which would change the multi-family designation of Tracts L and M to single family. Currently, these tracts are the sole remaining parcels within this subdivision which are designated as multi-family. The applicant is seeking to change the designation in order to clarify the guidelines. There is no increase in density from what is currently approved. Commissioner Gates asked about an increase in density. Ms. Eastley stated the density would notincrease within the total project. She stated any future increase would have to come back before the Board. Mike Mutter, VP of Development of Cordillera, explained the density issue and referred to page 3 of the PUD guide. He stated they are asking for single family designation on the two development areas. They are designing those in the same way they have done previously. They are submitting final plats for tract L as well. He stated this makes everything more consistent. Staff recommended approval and the PUD guide would be recorded along with the Resolution. Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number PDA-0004, Cordillera Valley Club, incorporating Staff findings. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PDF-0007, Riveredge Tambi Katieb, Planner, presented file number PDF-0007, Riveredge. He stated this was a request to create the Riveredge affordable employee housing building on Tract P. The applicant has requested a tabling to July 14 as they haven't resolved their issue with the Army Corps of Engineers. Commissioner Gates moved to table file number PDF-0007 to July 14, 1997. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. AFP-00020, Beaver Creek Subdivision Tambi Katieb presented file number AFP-00020, Beaver Creek Subdivision, 4th Filing, Tract J, Block 2, Lot 9. He stated the purpose of this plat is to amend the building envelope. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number AFP-00020, Beaver Creek Subdivision, 4th Filing, Tract J, Block 2, Lot 9, incorporating Staff findings. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Chairman Phillips asked ifthe neighbors have a problem with the moving ofthis envelope. Mr. Katieb responded they do not. Chairman Phillips called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 3 17 'snoUIruuun pa.rnp~p SUM ~lOA ~ql 'UO!lOUI aql p~pUO:)~S UOSuqOf J~UO!SS!UIUIO:) 'SUO!l!PUO:) pun S~U!PUg: SJJelS ~U!pnpU! t I lOl 'UO!S!A!pqns IEH A~)[S!l{A\ 8tOOO-gWS ~AOJddu Ol p~AOUI S~lUO J~UO!SS!UIUIO:) 'sloI ~s~qlJo u~.rn P~U!qUIO:) ~ql uo lUnq ~q AUUI s~:)u~P!S~J AI!UIUJ-OM} ~uo unql ~JOUI ou lUql S~lUlS q:l!qM le~Ae:) l!Ids x~Idnp e u!elUO:l s~op lUld S!ql 'gn puu vn sloI ~le~J~ Ol n lOlJo UO!S!A!pqnS~J U 'UO!S!A!pqns g ~dAl JOU!W e S! S!ql .tllO'l 'UO!S!A!pqnS lI!H A1l~S!lIA\. 8tOOO-gWS :~lUlUU~!S s,p.rnog ~ql JOJ suo!lnlos~l pun Sluld ~U!MOIIoJ ~ql P~lU~s~Jd q~!lU)J IqUIUl ~U!U~!S uOnnlos1llI '11lluld 'pJUMJOJ S!ql ~U!~upq ~JOpq umsdAO JO UMol ~ql pun lun:l!Iddu ~ql ql!M lno S!ql )[JOM A~ql P~ls~~~ns ~qS 'u~.rn S!ql ~u!pnpu! 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P~PplS~J J~A~U SUM ~dOpAU~ ~ql ~I!l{A\ .~Z!S ~ql ~U!SU~J~U! pun qlnos ~ql Oll~~J 0 I I l! ~U!AOW Aq ;)dOPAU~ ~u!PI!nq ~ql pU~UIU ollS~nb~J U SUM s!ql P~lUlS ~H 'z 'oN ~umd 'I 1O1 'UO!S!A!pqns )[~~J:) S!AeJl '~lOOO-ddV J~qUIllu ~m P~lU~s~Jd q~!lU)J rqUIUl UO!S!A!pqnS ~1l1l.l;) S!AU.I.L 'SIOOO-d.ilV BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEl'S 387869 Resolution 97-83. SUS-OOOOl Sopris Mesa Subdivision. He stated this was a resolution for the approval of the subdivision Sketch Plan for Sopris Mesa Subdivision, located on Missouri Heights. This file was approved by the Board on June 17, 1997. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 97-83, SUS-OOOOI, Sopris Mesa Subdivision. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Resolution 97-84, ZC-00004 Sopris Mesa Subdivision. He stated this was a resolution for the approval of the Zone District Amendment for Sopris Mesa Subdivision, located on Missouri Heights. This file was approved by the Board on June 17, 1997. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 97-84, ZC-0004, Sopris Mesa Subdivision. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Resolution 97-85.1041-0005 Spring Park Meadows. He stated this was a resolution for the approval of the 1041 permit for the construction of a major new water treatment, storage, and distribution system and for the efficient utilization of a municipal water project for Spring Park Meadows. This file was approved by the Board on June 17, 1997. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 97-85, 1041-0005 Spring Park Meadow. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Resolution. PDS-00002 Two Rivers Village. He stated this was a resolution for the approval of the Sketch PUD plan for Two Rivers Village. This file was approved by the Board on June 17, 1997. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 97, PDS-00002, Two Rivers Village. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Johnson stated he would like to see this Resolution reworded so that the conditions are enumerated. He stated there were a number of staff concerns and they should all be outlined. Chairman Phillips asked if there is a concern with doing that. Mr. Katieb stated he can do that. Commissioner Johnson suggested it either be tabled or outlined. Commissioner Gates stated he has no objections to the additions and withdrew the motion. The second concurred. Resolution. ZS-OOOll Temporary Amendment for the Lehmann Pit Special Use Permit. He stated this was a resolution for the approval of the temporary amendment to the Lehmann Pit Special Use Permit. This file was approved by the Board on June 3, 1997. This was the one Ms. Eastley spoke to. Commissioner Gates moved to table the proposed Resolution, file number ZS-OOOII, Lehmann Pit Special Use Permit as requested by staff. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PDSP-00001, Spring Creek Acres ZC-00002, Spring Creek Acres Tambi Katieb presented file numbers PDSP-OOOOl and ZC-00002, Spring Creek Acres. He stated this was a request to subdivide and rezone Lot 3 of O.R.E.O. Acres to create 3 lots for light industrial commercial use, ranching activities and two dwelling units. The Zone Change is accompanied by a combined sketch/preliminary minor PUD application. The three lots created will provide for light industrial/commercial use, ranching activities, and up to three dwelling units. Staff recommended approval. Ken Long, Isom & Associates, stated what the applicant would like to do is put in controlled industrial/storage services. Bob Gallegos is present as being one of the future users. Lot 2 will remain the same. The third lot will be single family homes with open space. Mr. Gallegos has stated that he would like to have more than ten acres. Mr. Long explained. Chairman Phillips stated she has a concern with mixing the residential and industrial uses. Mr. Long explained the commercial industrial will be separated by a large buffer. Commissioner Johnson asked about the two uses with one use being residential. 5 9 'p.rnMJOJ ~AOUI UU:) A~ql puu suo!l!puo:) ~ql U! ~~un~uuI Ajpep Ol p~~u A~ql P~ls~88ns s~luD J~UO!SS!UIUIO:) 's~snJo ~Up~~~UlS ~ql SUM W~:)UO:) J!~ql p~lelS ~H 'lUU:)!Iddu ~ql UIO.I] ~UIU:) lUql p~lelS q~!W)l 'JW 'UlO.I] ~UIU:) J~qUlnu leql ~l~qM p~)[Se ~qS 'SU~)[:)!q:) 08 I ~ql ~)[PlS Ol P~S!A~J ~q UU:) ~P!n~ and ~ql J! P~)[SU ~qS . AUUUI OOl S! J~qumu ~ql p~~J8u sdHEqd UUUIJ!uq:) 'UMOP AUM ~ql lIe Ieplsnpu! l! ~)[UUI Plno:) ~UO~UIOS ~S!MJ~qlO J~JJnq ~ql ~U!A~!q:)U ~.rn A~ql p~lels ~H 'J~JJnq ~ql ~q UU:) u~.rn S!ql P~ls~~~ns ~H 'IeplSnpU! ~:)!AJ~S Ol ~P!SAJlUno:) UIOJJ ~U!O~ lnoqu P~)[SU sO~~IIUD 'JW '~{q!ledUIo:) nu lOU ~.rn s~sn ~s~ql 'Ie!lu~P!S~J puu Ie.ltllln~p8u 'IuPlSnpU! 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Mr. Long suggested they reduce the number to 10. Commissioner Johnson stated he has a concern with 15 animals on lot 2. He suggested they limit the total number of animals on all three of the lots. He stated he does not want the land use to allow for 15 animals on one lot. Mr. Fritze asked if lots 2 and 3 can be a maximum of five animals and they can be whatever. Mr. Gallegos asked if the question is how many animals can the lots sustain. Mr. Eachus stated by feeding the animals they can sustain more than if grazing. He suggested fifteen acres can hold fifteen animals and they are grazing. He thinks the key would be the kind of use. He suggested that no more than fifteen animals on a lot. Staff had disagreed with thirty animals. Commissioner Johnson stated fifteen large animals on fifteen acres is too many. Mr. Gallegos suggested fifteen animals on lot two and five on lot three. Commissioner Johnson stated that is still too many animals. Mr. Gallegos explained they varied uses. Mr. Eachus stated he currently has fifteen animals on 35 acres. Commissioner Gates stated they probably don't get more than four months grazing. Mr. Eachus stated he plants rye. Commissioner Gates suggested someone down the road may try to graze. Commissioner Johnson stated he is still willing to have no more than 15 animals within the PUD. Mr. Fritze asked how that will be governed if the sale of the lots is to two different people. Mr. Gallegos stated five animals per lot. Chairman Phillips stated the motion will include 12 chickens and five animals per lot. Mr. Fritze stated lots one, two, and three will all include paragraph A. Commissioner Johnson asked if they care what kinds of animals they have. He asked if they are limiting it to five horses or cows. Commissioner Gates stated anything bigger than ducks. Mr. Katieb asked for clarification. Commissioner Johnson stated a maximum of five large animals per lot and the twelve poultry on lot two. Chairman Phillips called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Johnson moved to approved PDSP-OOOOl incorporating staffs findings and conditions and the changes within the PUD guide. Commissioner Gates seconded. The vote was declared unanimous. Mr. Gallegos asked if it is alright to do the bond on the landscaping. The Board answered yes. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until July 7, 1997. Attest: Clerk to the Bo 7