HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/16/97 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 16, 1997 Present: Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr. James Hartmann Sara J, Fisher Chairman Commissioner County Administrator Clerk to the Board Absent: George "Bud" Gates Commissioner This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Phillips stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: 1) Approval of bill paying for week of June 16, 1997, subject to review by County Administrator 2) Approval of payroll for June 19, 1997, subject to review by County Administrator 3) Approval, of minutes of the meetings of The Eagle Board of County Commissioners for June 2 & 3, 1997 4) Resolution 97-68, Subdivision Improvements Agreement for Mountain Meadow Ranch Subdivision, Filing 2 5) Authorization for Release of Deed of Trust for Mountain Meadow Ranch Subdivision, Filing 2 6) Resolution 97-69, terminating the warranty period for McGrady Acres, Nottingham Ranch 7) Resolution 97-70, terminating the warranty period for the East West Inter-Connect Water Main 8) Change Order No, 1 to Colorado River Road paving contract with Elam Construction Company 9) Rejection of bids for the 1997 centerline marking project 10) Resolution 97-71, regarding Bureau of Land Management land transfer application for the Eagle County Landfill 11) Agreement between Eagle County and Bleachers International for portable bleachers at the Eagle County Fairgrounds 12) Agreement between Eagle County and Raptor Education Foundation and Skyline Talent & Events for programming at the Eagle County Fair 13) Agreement between Eagle County and Timothy P. and Rural Route 3 and Winterset Productions, Inc, to perform at the Eagle County Fair 14) Agreement between Eagle County and the Burns Rodeo Company to have a rodeo and bull riding event in the Eagle County Fairgrounds Arena 15) Agreement between Eagle County and Derringer to perform at the Eagle County Fair 16) Agreement between Eagle County and Kirk Aker, Michael A. Hazard, a joint venture regarding provision of professional services for reassessment of the needs and space study (1994) and remodel ofthe Eagle County Building 17) Agreement between Eagle County and Johnson, Kunkel and Associates regarding provision of professional services for 1041 Permit Application and water line design 18) Sale/Maintenance Agreement (#7042) between Eagle County and Xerox Corporation and equipment for Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office 19) SaleIMaintenance Agreement (#5024ZTAST) between Eagle County and Xerox Corporation for equipment for the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office 20) Resolution 97-72 and Power of Attorney conferring authority on the Attorney's Office to draw on Letter of Credit for R & G Excavating, Inc" LOC No, 04075698-04, in the amount of $6,100,00 to expire April 26, 1998 21) Resolution 97-73, amending Resolution 96-155, designating meeting days for fiscal year 1997 1 z 'P:>lsod u:>:>q lOU puq :>S!UI:>ld ~ql AqM p:>)}SU uosUl{of l:>UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'SAUp U~llOJ P:>lSod u:>:>q MOU suq :>S!UI:>ld :>ql. 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'uo!ssn:ls!p 10J UOHOUl ~ql p:>pUO:l:>s sd!IEqd UUUU!uq;) 'P:>lU:>S:>ld su lUpu:>IU:l lU:>SUO:l ~ql :>AOlddu Ol p:>AOUI uosUl{of l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'UO!S!A:>lluqllJU!)}UUI:>lU A:>ql P:>lUlS 'lOlUllS!li!UIpy A:lunO;) 'uuuUIlJUH Ul!f 'AIIU:lP~umu UUl{ll~l{lUl AIIU:l!l:>qul{dIu P~lS!I ~q lUpu:>IU;) lU:>sUO;) :>ql uo SUI:>l! :>l{l :>lUlTIJ :>ql U! lUl{l p~ls:>nb:>l uosUl{of l:>UO!SS!UIUIO;) 's:>:l!Al~S IUUO!SS:>JOld JO UO!S!AOld 1JU!PlUlJ:>l ":lUI 's:>:l!Al:>S uo!p:>dsUI ~u!PEng puu A:lunO;) :>llJU3 u:>:>Ml:>q lU:>UI:>:>llJy (ll BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387889 Ms. Roach explained that the poster was in the Avon office but not picked up by the applicant, Commissioner Johnson moved the Board affirm its action regarding the Special Events Permit for Avon Beaver Creek Resort Association, dba/The Chamber of Commerce for June 25, 1997, Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until June 17, 1997, Attest: d,^. Q !:A, Clerk to the Boar . 3