HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/29/97 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 29, 1997 Present: Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr, George "Bud" Gates James Hartmann Earlene Roach Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Deputy Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Adams Rib Recreation Area, Waiver Request Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, presented a request for waiver of the sketch plan fee from Adams Rib Recreation Area. He stated the Board has the letter from Mr. Comer in their packets, Charlie Wick, representing Adams Rib, stated the two points are 1) it is unfair that Adams Rib is in the position to have to come back to the Board for this request, and 2) the decision that was made they believe was not the right decision, Commissioner Gates stated when Staff has to put in additional time for review, the applications must pay for themselves, Commissioner Johnson stated there are additional lands being placed in this sketch plan that were not in the original filing, Mr. Wick stated they have payed over $50,000.00 already, Chairman Phillips stated it was her understanding these fees are paid with the submittal of a sketch plan, Commissioner Gates stated if the Board granted this waiver, other applicants would come before the Board to request the same, Commissioner Johnson moved to deny the waiver request by Adams Rib Recreation Area, for waiver of the fees for an updated sketch plan, Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Gates asked Staff to be mindful of what has and has not been reviewed previously, Chairman Phillips called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Berry Creek, 5th Filing, Extension Keith Montag presented an extension request from Berry Creek, 5th Filing Sketch Plan Extension, He stated the applicant is seeking an extension for a period of one year. Rick Plyman, representing Peter Jamar and Associates, stated the sketch plan is slated to expire the beginning of June, A draft preliminary plan was submitted to the Eagle County Recreation Authority which will be heard on May 1, 1997, The applicant plans to submit that application sometime in June, Commissioner Gates asked if there was not an approval of the extension if the applicant could accomplish their goal. Mr. Plyman stated the work is completed and ready to submit with the exception ofthe final preliminary plan, Commissioner Johnson asked how many extension the applicant has had, Mr. Plyman answered one, Staff recommended approval. Bob Loeffler, Asst. County Attorney, reminded the Board they must find the applicant has shown good cause. Mr. Plyman stated the extension is to allow time to prepare the preliminary plan and allow various entities to review the draft plan, 1 Z papadxa aq PInoM l! a1ium:p 'B aq Ol alaM alaql JI 'sasn aql U! sa1iUt!q~ 10J SUt!Id ou am alaql palmS su01I 'lW 'Sl!un aql JO slaAnq a.ItllllJ Aut! Ol UO!W~y!lOU S'B )[lOM PIno~ alOU l'BId aq]. 'AIddns 1al'BM aql uo Ma!Aa11aqllllJ a1!nba1 PInoM sl!Wlad 1iu!PEnq altllllJ Aut! 1iU!l'BlS pa~'BId aq PIno~ q~!qM alOU l'BId 'B 1iupq auo 'suoqdo I'BlaAas am a1aql pal'BlS aqs 'pmos: pUt!l al'BlS aql ql!M SU!'Bma1 ApadOld aql JO d!qs1aUMo aql pal'BlS AaIlS'Bg: 'sw '1786 I U! S'B aums aql am sasn I'B1aua1i aql pal'BlS 'lUt!~Hdd'B 'SU01I A~I;:) '17861 U! a1aql a1aM lmp aIdoad aums aqllou S! n 'pmos: aql a10Jaq sI'Bnp!A!pu! lua1aJJ!p ZZ aq II!M a1aql MON 'PIoS aq Oll!un al'Bmdas q~'Ba 10J MOIre PInoM q~!qM 'paz!mn~!mopUO~ aq Ol Sl!un asaql SMOII'B q~!qM am uO!U'Bdmo~ 'B S! alaql pal'BlS uosuqof laUO!SS!unuO;) '1786 1 a~u!s AIddns lal'BM aums alp. ql!M 1iu!PEnq aums alp. U! uaaq s~q lUt!~Hdd~ aq]. 'asn U! a1iUt!q~ 'B aq PInoM a1aql ssaIun maN old 'B aas lOU saop aqs pal'BlS sdm!qd Ut!Wl!'Bq;) 'asn I~tll~'B U! sa1iUt!lp Aut! 10J ssa::l01d Ma!Aa1 ::lHqnd aqlll'BlS PInoM q~!qM 'l!Wlad 1iu!PEnq 'B la1i Ol aA'Bq PInoM lUt!::lHdd~ aql Sl!un aql JO 1iuHapoma1 Aut! S~M a1aqlJI 'lal'BM al~nbap'B S! alaql pal'B::l!PU! S'Bq al~lS aq]. 'lal'BM al'Bnbap'B S! alaql aU!Wlalap Ol S! 1iU!puy s,pmos: aq]. 'lOU S! l! SA'BS malsAs aql JO a1il'Bq::> U! aq Ol pasoddns S! OqM Ut!maIlua1i aqllnq malsAs 1al~M ::lHqnd ~ S! 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ApadOld aql uo AIluann~ IpM 'B S! a1aql1aAaMoq 'AIddns 1al~M ~Hqnd ~ Ol )[ooq AII~tlluaAa II!M lUt!::>ndd~ alp. samnss~ JJ'BlS pal~ls AaIls~g: 'sw 'malsAs ::lHqnd'B Ol pa)[ooq S~M 1al~M aqlJ! aN'BlloJmO::l a10m paJ PInoM aq palmS uosuqof 1aUO!SS!unuO;) '::lHqnd aql Aq pasn aq Ol paau II!M 1al'BM aql Sl!un put! aIdoad AUt!m l'Bql ql!M pal'BlS sal'BD laUO!SS!unuO;) 'aums alp. uruma1 Ol pal'BIdmaluo::> S! wall~d asn aql pal~ls !uos: 'lW 'am'BS aql U!~ma1 Ol S! 1iu!PEnq aql J! uO!lsanb sdm!qd Ut!UU!'Bq;) 'uOI'BS l!'Bq 'B Aq pa!dn::l~o AIlua.un::> S! Sl!un aql JO auo pal'BlS AaIls'Bg: 'sw 'UO!l~Z!mn!U!mopuO::l lI~laAo palmS !uos: 'lW 'S!S'Bq l!un Aq l~n 'B uo lsnf 10 UO!l'BZ!mn~!mopUO::l lI'BlaAO ut! l'B 1iU!)[OOI S'BM lUt!::lHdd'B aql J! pa)[s'B sdmrqd Ut!UU!~q;) '1iu!PEnq S!ql U! Sl!Un ZZ alaM a1aql amM~ S~M 1a.und 'lWJ! pa)[s~ 1agpol'lW 'AlH!::>~J aql ap!su! lal'BM aA'Bq Sl!Un aql JO OMl AIlua.un;) 'Sl!un aql JO lsom U! suaq::ll!)[ put! S)[U!S ou am a1aql AIluann;) 'SUt!Id amlllJ Aut! U! paAIoAu! aq PInoM Aluno;) aql put! aums aql aq PInoM 1iu!Punq aqlJo amlllJ aq]. 'AIddns lal~M ::l!Jqnd 'B U!'Blqo Ol aA'Bq PInoM Aaql a10m op OllUt!M AaqlJ! PIOl uaaq s~q lUt!::lHdd~ aql palms !uos: 'lW 'AIddns lal'BM ::l!JqndJo uoq~yap aql pau!~Idxa aqs 'uoq'B:J!Jdd'B aql1iU!Ma!Aal aq 1I!M put! Al!Eq!ssod aqlJo amM'B S! 1a::lYJO qlI~aH I'Bluamuol!Aug: A:}.unO;) aq]. 'AIddns lal~M aql JO Ma!Aa1la1{llllJ 10J al~lS aql Ol )[::l'Bq 01i Ol aA~q PInoM lUt!::lHdd~ alp. put! panss! aq lsnm l!uuad 1iu!Punq ~ 'uado PlnoM lUt!m~lsa1 ~ J! pal~ls AaIls~g: 'sw 'amlllJ aql U! lUt!m'BlSal 'B 1iu!uado lnoq'B pa)[s'B uosuqof 1aUO!SS!unuO;) '1iu!PEnq aql az!mn~!mopuo::l OllUt!::l!Jdd'B aql Aq pas'Bq~md S'BM 1iu!Punq aql amsop Sl! lV 'a1OlS aml!UlllJ 'B paU!'BlUO::l 1iu!Punq aql pal'BlS 'lUt!:JHdd~ aql1iu!lUaSa1da1 '!uos: mo]. 'I'BAOldd'B papuaunuO::lal JJ~lS '17861 U! pap11llsuo::> amp11llS ~ U!ql!M paU!'Bluo:J Sl!UTI I~plaunuo::> OZJo drqs1aUMo I~np!A!pu! 10J MOII'B Ol S! lsanbal aql 'am puo::>as aqllod '17861 a::lu!s al!S aql uo palS!Xa s~q q::l!qM 1iu!Punq 1'B!::llaunuO::l 'B JO uoq~z!mn!u!mopuo:J put! al'Bs aqlloJ MOII'B Ol U~ A -al1i~g: U! 9 A~Mq1i!H 1iuOI'B ApadOld pmos: pUt!l aWlS OP'B1OIO;) JO UO!llod 'B l'BId AII'BUUOJ ollsanba1 'B S'BM srql pal'BlS aqs ' 1 'oN 1iU!Ed 'UO!S!A!pqns a::l'BId la)[mw '~toOO-s:WS put! ZOOOO-VWS slaqmnu am paluasa1d 'lamrnld 'AaIls~g: AqW)l smn!u!mopU03 IBp.l3mmo3 33Bld l3}f.lBW 'SlOOO-U:WS I ~umil 'UO!S!AWqnS 33Bld l3}f.lBW 'lOOOO-VWS 'snom!U'Bun pampap S'BM alOA aq]. 'UO!lOm aql papuo:Jas uosuqof 1aUO!SS!unuO;) 'lUt!::lHdd'B alp. Aq UaA!1i suos'Bal1iU!l~lOdIO~U! '8661 'v I aunf Ol '1iU!Ed ql~ ')[aal;) ALIas: 10J UO!SUalXa aql aA01dd'B Ol paAom saWD 1aUO!SS!unuO;) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 to review the water supply, Chairman Phillips stated the idea is to sell the individual units to the current occupants, Mr, Loeffler asked what the plat note would say, Ms, Eastley suggested no permits shall be issued until review by Environmental Health, Mr, Boni suggested any new water fixtures in the building would prompt a review and the plat note would indicate water fixtures, Commissioner Gates moved to continue file numbers SMA-00002 and 5MB-00025 to 11 :45 a,m, today to allow the applicant and County Attorney time to come up with an appropriate plat note, Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, ZC-00005, Shipley Subdivision, Filing 1 Tambi Katieb, Planner, presented file number ZC-00005, Shipley Subdivision, Filing 1. He stated this was a request to consider down zoning from Resource Limited to Resource, in order to confine the impacts of his non- grazing activities to a particular area of the property, He stated the property is located approximately 8 and one half miles from Dotsero on Colorado River Road. Jerry Craighead, applicant, stated he has just acquired an additional 40 acres and to help pay the mortgage he would like to add a couple of rental units to the property, He stated he needs the down zoning to put the two 20 acre parcels back into one parcel and have the non grazing impacts into one area. Commissioner Gates asked if the applicant was still going to use the property for agricultural uses, He questioned the cattle and drainage to the river. Mr, Craighead stated there is a buffer zone which is fully vegetated and absorbs the runoff before it reaches the river, Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number ZC-00005, Shipley Subdivision, Filing 1, incorporating Staff findings. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, ZS-00008, Dotsero-Fiber Optics Regeneration Site Tambi Katieb presented file number ZS-00008, Dotsero-Fiber Optics Regeneration Site, Utility Substation, He stated this was a special use permit application to consider a request for construction of a 38' by 12' building to house fiber optic regeneration equipment. He further explained the application to the Board. Eddie Arnold, S,P. Construction, presented photographs of the area and the building to house the equipment. He explained the network to the Board, He explained the network will run 14,000 miles. The purpose of the building is to house the equipment to regenerate the signal. He explained where additional facilities will be located, The facility will be located off the S.P, right-of-way, He reviewed Staff recommendations, Commissioner Gates questioned access to the site, Mr. Arnold stated access is obtained through Cotton Lane. Mr. Katieb stated access to the site runs along the railroad right-of-way, Mr. Arnold stated the railroad has a small tool shed in the same location and there is a right-of-way available to the building, Commissioner Johnson questioned what the fiber optics will service, Mr, Arnold stated they will service other companies service, Commissioner Gates questioned fees paid by the applicant. Mr. Arnold stated they are a subsidiary to SP Railroad and the conduit was laid several years ago, Commissioner Gates questioned right-of-way if the ownership of the rail lines change ownership, Commissioner Johnson stated Quest does have an existing easement. Mr. Katieb stated the easement does not create a problem. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number ZS-00008, Dotsero-Fiber Optics Regeneration Site, incorporating Staff findings, Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous. 3 17 'SnOUI!UBun p~.rnp~p S~M ~lOA ::nn 'UO!lOUI ~l{l p~pUO~~S uoslIl{of l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) "silu!pug: JJ~lS ilU!l~lOd.IO:)U! '1# iluH!a: 'UO!S!A!pqns ~::l~Id l;))[.rnW 'lOOOO-YWS ~A01dd~ Ol P;)AOUI s~l~D l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'ID::l:)O IHM ~ilUBl{::l ~ U;)l{M 1O J! MOIDllOU S;)OP JJ~lS "PlOM ~l~!ld01dd~ ;)l{l S!J! P;)l~lS l~lJJ;)01: 'lW 'ilu!pnnq S!l{l U! ~ilUBl{::l l;)A~ IHM ~sn ;)l{l uoP~:)!PU! ou S! ;)1~l{l P;)l~lS 'l;):)!JJO l{lI~~H I~lU;)UIU01!AU3: 'Au~W A~lI 'A.rnSS~~;)U U~l{M Ol p~soddo S~ A.rnSS;):);)uJ! plOM ~l{l P;)UO!lS~nb uoslIl{of l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) "Alddns l~l~M ~l~nb~p~ ilU!Ul~:)UO:) UO!SS~S )[lOM ~l{l UIOlJ I~sod01d ~l{l UO p~MOnOJ UO!Ssn::lS!O 'p.rnos: ~l{l Ol UO!SS~S )[lOM pUB UO!l~nU!lUO::l ;)l{l P~U!~Idx~ ;)l{S 'Sum!U!UIOPUO;) I~p1~UIUIO;) ~:)~ld l~)[.rnW pUB UO!S!A!pqns ~::l~ld l~)[.rnW 'lOOOO-VWS pUB ~lOOO-S:WS Sl~qumU ~IY Ol p~UInl;)l A;)IlS~3: Al{lU")I swn!u!WOpUO;) 1fl UO!S!A!pqns <lJ"'ld l<l}}.l"'W 'ZOOOO-YWS 1fl SZOOO-O:WS "SnOUI!UBun p~.rnp~p S~M ~lOA ;)l{l 'UO!lOUI ~l{l P;)PUO::l~S uoslIl{of l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'silu!pug: JJ~lS ilup~lOd.IO:)U! 'l!Ull~d ilu!SnOH A.rnlOdUI~l 'SOOOO-Hl 'L17-L6 uopnlos~"}{ ~A01dd~ Ol p~AOUI s~l~D l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) '~::lUBnSS! ;)l{l UIOlJ .rn~A ~uo JO pO!l~d l!Ull~d l~lol ~ 10J 'Sl{lUOUI X!S U! 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ZOOOO-H.L 09t-L6 uonnlos311 'snOUI!lrnun p~.rnp~p S~M ~lOA ~l{l 'UO!lOUI ~l{l p~pUO::l~S uoslIl{of l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'silu!pug: JJ~lS ilU!l~lOd.IO::lU! 'I ~s~l{d 'p~~l{MO.uv l~ S~UIOl{UMOl ~il~IHA 'L~OOO-S:WS l~qumU ~m l~ld IBug: ~A01dd~ Ol p~AOUI s~l~D l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'lHd pUB 'IHd '17Hl 't:Hl 'lHl 'IHl ilu!pnpu! Yll lO1:l~ Sl!un UIn!U!UIOpUO::l 1~!lU~P!S~19 pUB 'S:ll pUB Yll slOl ~l~~l::l Ol 'll 101: ~P!A!pqns~l Ol S! d~UI um!U!UIOPUO:) S!l{ljO ~sod.Ind ~l{l P~l~ls:)H 'lU3WPU3WY qUM: on :lum.!! 'U"'A J'" p...3qMO.l.lY 'zz JO'lJO UO!S!A!pqnS311'" 01 <ls"'qd-p...3qMO.l.lY J'" S3WOqUMOJ. 3:1"'mA LSOOO-O:WS "SnOUI!uuun p~.rnp~p S~M ~lOA ~l{l. 'UO!lOUI ~l{l p~pUO::l~S s~lUD l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'silu!pug: JJ~lS ilU!l~lOd.IO::lU! '601-;) pUB 801-;) l!Ufl '~llU~;) l~Arn '9~000-S:WS l~qumu ~m l~ld I~ug: ~A01dd~ Ol p~AOUI UOSlIl{O[ l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'Sl!Un ~lU.rnd~s OMl '601-;) pUB 801-;) Sl!Ufl ~l~~l::l Ol801-;) l!UflJo UO!S!A!pqns~l ~ 'UO!S!A!pqns s: ~dA1.10U!W ~ S~M S!l{l P~l~lS ~H 0601-;) l!U(l pu... 801-;) J!Uil 03.1JU3;) .I3A!lI 9S000-O:WS :p.rnOS: ~l{l Aq p~uil!s ~q Ol suopnlos~l pUB Sl~ld ilu!MOnOJ ~l{l P~lU~S~ld q:)!lU")I !quml ~u,u~'S uonnlos3111fl J"'Id BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number 5MB-00025, authorizing the Chairman to sign the plat after the following plat note has been added to the plat: "the subdivision is served by a private water system, The condominium association will own and operate the water system and is responsible for regulating water used or converting to a public water system if necessary," Commissioner Gates seconded the motion, The vote was declared unanimous, There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until May 5, 1997. Attest:. aA- () !i;L Clerk to the Board ~QUtp 5