HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/07/97
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
APRIL 7, 1997
Johnnette Phillips
James Johnson, Jr.
George "Bud" Gates
James Hartmann
Sara 1. Fisher
County Administrator
Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Consent Calendar
Chairman Phillips stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows:
A) Approval of bill paying for week of April 7, 1997, subject to review by County Administrator
B) Approval of payroll for April 10, 1997, subject to review by County Administrator
C) Resolution 97-30, correcting certain provisions of Eagle County Resolution 92-46, as concerns
Eagle County's Spring Creek conditional water rights
D) Request to accept proposals for leasing of the Fairgrounds hay meadows
E) 1997 scheduled replacement of unit #6105-7 for the Sheriffs Department, one 1997 four door
utility vehicle
F) Agreement between Eagle County and Mountain States Administration for health insurance
administrative services
G) Agreement between Eagle County and Congress Life Insurance Company for vision coverage,
materials only
H) Agreement between Eagle County and Rocky Mountain HMO for group service
I) Agreement between Eagle County and United States Life Insurance Company for base life
J) Agreement between Eagle County and Sloans Lake Managed Care for exclusive participation
K) Resolution 97-32, final release of collateral and termination of the warranty period for Mountain
Lube, Inc., Construction Improvements Agreement
L) Resolution 97-33, final release of collateral and termination of the warranty period for Arden
Real Estate & Development Co., Inc., Subdivision Improvements Agreement for The River Forge
M) Application for FCC License for use with the Global Position System
N) Agreement between Eagle County and State of Colorado to hold harmless for use of facilities and
equipment at Peterson Air Force Base and Colorado Springs Municipal Airport
0) Agreement between Eagle County and United States Air Force to hold harmless for use of
facilities and equipment at Peterson Air Force Base and Colorado Springs Municipal Airport
P) Notice of Award to Elam Construction, Inc. For the Eagle-Vail/West Vail paving project
Q) Eagle County Regional Transportation Authority 1997 Operations Plan request for approval.
Chairman Phillips asked if any of these items were to be discussed.
Jim Fritze, County Attorney, recommended that on item 0, the hold harmless agreement, that before the
second paragraph the phrase, "to the extent allowed by law" be added.
Commissioner Johnson asked if the same should be done on item P.
Commissioner Gates suggested item N should read the same.
Commissioner Johnson agreed.
Commissioner Gates asked about the Rocky Mountain HMO not covering Medicaid.
Sue Eaton, Human Resources Director, stated that doesn't currently effect County employees. She stated
all HMO's are looking at the expenses occurred by older individuals and that it is too costly.
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'0 pUB N 'w
Sill::ll! Ol ~p'Bill S::l~UBq:J ::lql ql!M P::llU::lS::lld S'B mpu::llu:J lU::lSUO:J ::lql ::lAOldd'B Ol p::lAOill S::llUD l~UO!SS!illillOJ
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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
the access easements. There would be a public fishing easement. The intent is if GOCO makes a recreational trail,
it will bring people in and there will be recreational access. The plan, he stated, is trying to accommodate some of
that. There will be fishing within the property boundaries. Sopris Meadows will allow fishing access as does this
application. It is for the public. Mr. Pratt spoke to the vegetation screening. They will try to utilize the vegetation
and utilize the water in the ditches to maintain the trees there. Agricultural preservation will take place. They are
trying to plan so the permanent state of agriculture remains. They will be working with tax accountants regarding
agricultural easements. The Design Guidelines Outlines speaks to the process and the intent of the guidelines.
They will set the standards on how things in the common areas will be dealt with. Mr. Pratt discussed the other
issues the design guidelines address. Mr. Pratt spoke to the architectural standards on the residences and the out
buildings. The sketch plan issues address soil types and interpretation, flood plain, vegetation, geology, drainage,
wildfire, wildlife, mineral sour of water, and sewage disposal.
Janis Duroux, area resident, read a historical summary into the record regarding the Diemoz family.
Oscar Diemoz, applicant, read a deed into the record between himself and Red Rocks Ranch. He asked if
the Gunthers had signed it. It is recorded at reception # 394698 in Book 498 Page 507.
Ken Sontom, 0210 Horseshoe Drive, asked what the current zoning is on the property.
Doug Pratt responded it is resource zoning.
Mr. Sontom asked if there is size restriction as to the main buildings. He asked what the size is on the main
Mr. Pratt stated a 20,000 square foot envelope has been outlined for the primary residence.
Mr. Sontom stated Mr. Pratt suggested the accessory housing would be affordable. He asked about deed
Mr. Pratt stated they don't have a housing authority put together to be the administrator. There is a size
restriction of 1000 square feet and it has to be attached.
Mr. Sontom stated in living in a rural part of the County, one of the things he tries to balance is the request
for increase for density and increase use of property and weighing that against the public good. What is the public
getting with an increase or a change in use. In looking at this plan he does not see there to be enough public benefit.
He stated there are some good things in terms of public access and preservation of open space. Would those be
enough to persuade him in terms of the request? He stated those are the two public goods that he can see. He
suggested if the Board were to persuade themselves to see additional items, there are instances in land use where the
pubic has received the open space rather than a conservation easement. Another way to preserve the agricultural
space is by putting it to public land. He stated a five foot easement is pretty thin for walking along the river. He
stated the size of the buildings is another critical element. He would like to know how big they are going to be. He
applauds them on trying to make some ofthe housing affordable. He referred to Pitkins standards for diversity. He
stated those are some of the public good items he would like to see to justify and increase in zoning.
Commissioner Johnson stated as far as lands for the public, the developer must initiate the exchange, the
government can't require it.
Mr. Sontom stated he recognizes it is private property. His understanding is the applicant is coming in for a
request to increase density. The public, he sees, is granting something. In return, what is the public good. He was
voicing his thoughts of things the applicant might do.
Willard Clapper, area resident, stated the valley is changing. He grew up in Aspen. He stated the spot is a
beautiful place and Oscar's done a wonderful job. He spoke to his understanding of the rancher's situation. He
stated there comes a time when you have to say you've got to put a stop to things in this valley. This is a time to do
it. He stated for the Commissioner's it must be hard. He is concerned with setting precedent in this situation. He
stated the planning department groups that have reviewed this, all worked very hard in coming up with something.
He said its a good piece of work. He stated they have a done a good job in looking at the area. Of the 26 criteria
considered, only one was conforming. That is what bothers him. The Planning Commissions remarks have been
ignored. He said he is concerned with the density in this area. He claims they are dense enough in that area. The
process itself has some problems. He stated they didn't know it was happening. He stated the Diemoz family
followed everything they needed to do as part of the application. He stated no one knew anything about it. The
times have changed and this part of the world is not the way it was. He said they have vowed to make this area a
better place. He suggested the Commissioners need to stay more in tune with what the people over here want. He
is asking for balance. He would not like to see the 35 acre zoning as established thrown out the window. When it's
gone it is gone. He suggested they divide it in half. There are other considerations to look at. He asks that they
'S~:JOlI p::llI l'B Al!SU::lP ::lqllnoq'B p::l~S'B uosuqof l::lUO!SS!illillOJ
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lU~illdOpA::lp ::lql q'iinOl1{llU::lM A~ql U::lqM P::llUlS::lH . All~dOld ~ql UO I'BS11J~l JO lq'iip lSlY ::lql ::lAUq IIHS A~ql plO:J~l
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SlUBdp!llBd ::lql JO 10 lU::lrun:JOP ::lql JO lU::llU! ::lqllOU S! l'Bql P::llUlS::lH . All::ldOld S!1{l Ol S~illO:J l! u~qM UBld l::llS'Bill
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~ql J! pUBlSl::lpOO Ol ~AUq ~Ido::ld 'sl::l!SSUID ~ql pUB A'BlI ql!M S::l::ll'iiU ::lq p::ll'BlS 'lU::lP!S::ll u~m 'xnoma A01~'l
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S::lS'B::ll:JU! pUB S!ql S::lSS'Bd pmos: ::lql J! P::llS::l'ii'iins::lH 'l'Bllllln:Jp'ii~ pUB U::l::ll'ii l! d::l::l~ 'U::lm ::lUHS!ld ::lql d::l::l~ nOA J! P!'BS
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p::lS!illOld ::ll::lM A::lql P::llUlS::lH 'l! ql!M. ::lA!I l,UB:J A::lql ::lsnU:l::lq S::ll:J'B ~t UBqll::lqlO 'iiU!ql::lillOS 10J p::l~S'B A::lql PIUS
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'lUB:l!ldd'B ::lql ql!M ~lOM Ol ::l~!l PlnoM ::lqs p::lAOldd~
S! UBld s!1{lJ! P!'BS ::lqS 'A'BMU lU~ill::ll!nb::ll ::ll:JU ~t ::lql MOl1{l mM S!ql S::lA::lH~q ::lqS '0'ii'B Sm::lA OMl S::ll:l'B ~t lq~noq
A~ql 'lU::lp::l:J~ld ::lql S! l! lnq lno lq~noql H::lM AJ~A S! UBld ::lql S~!ql ::lqs p::ll'BlS 'lU::lP!S::ll 'B~m 'u!d'B'll::lUBf
'PUBI :JHqnd l! d::l::l~ Ol ::lq H!M. l! l'BqM pUBlSl::lpOO A::lql ~!ql
l,US::lOP ::lqs P!'BS ::lqS '::l:Juds u~do U! ~Wd!:l!llBd Ol ::l{qu 'iiupq :JHqnd ::lqlJo ld~:Juo:J ::lql1{l!i\\. '~S!illOldillO:l S! ::ll::lql
p::llS::l'ii~ns ::lqS . Ampoooq IU:l!1{d'Bl'iiO::l'ii ::lql ::lnuHuo:J mM A::lql s::ldoq ::lqS '~U!UOZ lOds ::lql P::luoHs::lnb ::lqS 'lX::lU l!
op 1::lqloillpUB1'ii l::lq UB:J 'S~illOq lOJ sp:Jmd ~l:lU oMll::l~ UB:J ZOill::l!OJI 's~lru Aq p::lPPlS~l ~q OllUBM l,UOP A::lqllnq
'lU::lilldopA::lp::l1{l ::l~S Ol ::l~H l,US::lOP ::lqs 'S::lp!S qloq ql!M. S::l::ll'iiU ::lqs p::ll'BlS 'lU::lP!S::ll 'B::lm 'l::l!SS'BID ::lldill::ll
'S::lAH l! ::lql ql!M. ~uo l::l'ii Ol 'iiu!AlllSnf
::lm A::l1{l ::lUOAU'B lID1{ Ol ~U!Alll,U::lm ::lldo::ld ::lS::l1{llOOO:l:)'B OlU! ~U!~l P!US ::l1{S 'U! ID::lqll::lY l,Up'Bq Sl::llll::lS l'BU!'iipo
J!::lq A::lql PlnoM ::ll::lqM P!'BS ::lqS '~961 U! ::ll::lq p::lAOill AHumJ l::lq p::ll'BlS 'lU::lP!S::ll 'B::lm 'AUBqlV UBsns
.~su Ol q:Jnill OOl S! ::lSU::ll:JU! %OOt U S~!ql ~qS '::lS!illOldillO:l 'B ::l~ill A::lqllU'Bllodill! 1'B~l S! l! P~l'BlS
::lqS 'UBld l::llS'Bill ::lql 'iiU!pm'ii::ll SW::l:JuO:J ::lql p'B::ll ~qs 'qd'Bl~Umd lsuI ::lql '9 ::l~ud UO '::lA'Bq II!M. S::l'iiUBq:J 'iiU!UOZ ::lql
S::lS'B::ll:JU! Ol p::lll::lpl ::lqS 'lnOpU'Bq SlU~illllBd::lp 'iiU!UUBld ~ql Ol ~~ods 'lU::lP!S::ll 'B~m 'l~dd'BIJ-u!lSnv UUV
'OOl ID::lql JO lS::ll ::lqllnq AHumJ ZOlli::l!a ::lqll::lP!SUO:l A::lql P~~S'B::lH '::lldo~d ~ql pUB J~UMO PUBI
::lql Ol 'ill::lql Ol p::lll!illillO:J ::lm A::lql MOq Ol ::lAUq ~l::lq l~AO ::lIdo::ld 'dnOl'ii JO pu~ dumls l::lqqru 'B ::lq l,UB:J n 'U::lm
::lql ~U!dOpA::lp l'B ~U!~OOI ::lm l'Bql S::lH!umJ l::lqlo AUBill ::lm ::ll::lql P!US::lH ''iiU!pu~s::lm A::lql ::l'ii'BSS::lill ~qllnoq'B ~!1{l
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
Mr. Baker explained saying it averaged a little over 11 acres per lot.
Jeremy Foster, area resident, stated he owns property across from this. He suggested we work hard to strike
a balance and though a lot of work that has gone into the documents, he is concerned with the non-conformance.
He suggested the people don't want to work on the plans if they are just ignored. He stated he hopes the Diemoz
get a fair development out ofthis. He stated the plan doesn't respect the river corridor. He spoke to the riparian
protection and then the mitigation and the preservation of the agricultural land. He stated the river corridor is being
sacrificed. He would like to see the river have more space. He spoke to the clustering. He questioned how having
a house every two hundred feet constitutes a cluster.
Roz Turnbull, a resident outside of Carbondale, stated she grew up outside of Carbondale and thanked Oscar
and others who have kept it beautiful and green. She said she's excited Oscar went to a planner. She said most just
sell to a developer. She suggested the rural look is being provided. She urged them to compromise, saying the
ranchers cannot live here any more.
Billy Bleeker, area resident, said he hates to be a "Not In My Back Yard" person, but he bought 23 acres.
He came from a farming family. He suggested they compromise, but not open the flood gates.
Mark Nieslamik, area resident, stated he served on the planning board. He commends Oscar for going
through this process. He suggested making the decision to sell property, even to a child, is difficult. He said they
must use caution, and be careful of opening the flood gates. He suggested everyone who is classified as
"newcomers", make it difficult, not working with the ranchers. They'll get rich individuals who will build what
they want, despite what the rest of them want. He recommends everyone think about the process and he commends
Oscar and his family for the planning.
Ted Guy, area resident, stated he owns sixty acre across the river. He was Chairman of the Planning and
Zoning that turned down Sopris Meadow and he was part of the master plan. He stated though this is not perfect, it
is a compromise between development and preservation. He quoted from the master plan and the density bonuses.
He said this may not be perfect or the best cluster but this design approach will give them the best answer. He
suggested they have every bit of right to get some value out of the land. A 35 acre cookie cutter is the worst. What
they'll see in ten years are a bunch of monster houses. He said they live right next door to River Ranch. They've
had out of control grass fires and problems with animal control. Cutting the valley up to thirty five acres is the
worst thing. This is not a perfect plan, he voted against Red Rock Ranch. He suggested this should be the standard.
Look at common wells. Look at common septic. Those things are possible and should be looked at the next phase.
Dave Parker, from the G Happy Day Ranch, stated they aren't making any money on ranching. He said they
are very conservation minded and they have seen the design and like it. He appreciates so much large area is being
Met Anderson, area resident, stated she is one of the new people on the block. She stated she commends the
family for what they have done and what they are proposing.
Judy Lindsay, area resident, stated she doesn't see any thing wrong with this but asked what the County
will do as far as helping with roads, irrigation ditches, everything that will happen on this site. She doesn't see any
improvements. She said she would like to see the give and take on both sides.
Commissioner Gates stated if the rancher doesn't have the time to work out the subdivision stuff, he sells to
someone who can afford to subdivide. He stated when you loose the rancher, you get more subdivision.
Ms. Lindsay questioned when do they get to hear what will happen in their neighborhoods. She asked if this
is a final vote.
Chairman Phillips stated tomorrow is the final vote on the sketch plan. She further explained the process
for development of the property.
Ms. Lindsay asked about public notice.
Chairman Phillips stated they have clarified the legal notice issue.
Ms. Clapper asked if tomorrow they are going to approve or disapprove density. She stated the people who
feel this is too dense should speak up.
Ken Sontom asked if the size of the house will be set tomorrow.
Chairman Phillips stated that will come later. The size ofthe lot dictates the size ofthe house.
Mrs. Phillips asked about them requiring the size.
Jim Fritze stated as part of a PUD plan, the landowner could propose the PUD guide to contain the size,
Mr. Pratt stated he wanted them all to see the table of contents because the issues will be addressed.
Howard Gunther asked about the PUD development.
. L661 'g IpdV 'MOllOIDOl ::lp'BID UO!S!:J::lp 'B ::lq PlnoM ::ll::lqllU::lS::lld
::lSOql lJU p::lilllOJU! pUB 'iiU!l::l~ill ::lql 'iiU!PU~llU 10J ::lUOAl~A::l p::l~ql pmoS:::l1U 'lndu! :JHqnd JO PU::l ::lql SBM S!1{l
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. L ::l~'Bd uo lnopUBq SJJUlS U! Up::llp:J ~ql Ol p::lll::lJ~l ~H 'suo!l'Blnll::llI
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lON 'AUBill OOll,US! lq'iip l'Bql P::llS::l'ii'iins ::lqS 'Sl!OO AlOSS::l:J:JU ::lAUq PlnoM A::lql os ::lUOP S'BM l! 'lno l::lS ::ll::lM
A~ql U::lqA\. P!'BS ~qS 'SlOI S::ll:J'B ::lAY Ol OMl OlU! q:JUBl )l ::l{qnoa ::lql p::ldOpA::lp A::lql P~l'BlS 'ii!P::llD ql::lquZH3:
. ::lsnoq lpql JO ::lZ!S ::lql ::lUO::lillOS 'iiUHPl p::llS::l'ii~nS::lH 'l! sAnq OqM l~dopA~p
::lql UBqll::lql'Bl Sm::lA AUBill os 10J ::lsnoq ~ql p::lUMO ~SOqM l::lq:lUBl ::lql 'iiU!AU~P P~uoHs~nb S~lUD UBilll!uqJ
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l'B ~u~ool U! P!'BS::lH '::ll::lqMAl::lA~ A'BM'B 'iiU!O'ii S! ~JH JO AUM l'BllllIn:Jp'ii'B ::lql p::llmS uosuqof l::lUO!SS!illillOJ
''B::lp! poo'ii 'B ::lm l:l::lfold S!ql uo Sl!OO AlOSS::l:J:J'B ::lql p::llmS 'iiU!lqlV uOlI
'S::lu!pp!n'ii l~qlo 'iiu!sn ~Z!S ~ql ::lSOdOld Sl~UMOpUBI ~ql p::ll'BlS ::lZlPd 'lW
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