HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/25/97 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL:S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 25,1997 Present: Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr. George "Bud" Gates James Hartmann Sara J. Fisher Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Blue Ridge PUD Paul Clarkson, Planning Manager, presented a request to extend approval of Blue Ridge PUD Preliminary Plan. While waiting for the applicant to arrive, he explained the applicants request to the Board. He explained a previous amendment to the PUD. Mr. Clarkson stated the applicant now understands the desires of community development and the concerns with the dead end street. Steve Isom, representing the applicant, Kevin Tucker of Blue Ridge Subdivision, stated its been three years since the preliminary plan was approved. Their problem has been with Willits Lane, but Mr. Lane has been talking with them about doing a project soon. They are asking for an extension ofthree years giving the applicant time to continue on the same plan previously approved. Commissioner Gates asked about the phasing. Mr. Isom responded they have not started any construction on the sight. Jim Fritze, County Attorney, stated good cause must be shown. He asked Mr. Isom to respond. Mr. Isom responded their main water supply comes through Ace Lane's property and not having both on the same water system will not work. They also need the loop road through the property as staff had indicated would be needed to market. Commissioner Gates questioned they can't pre-sell. Mr. Isom stated they were not subdividing but constructing and those they spoke with weren't interested without the loop road. Commissioner Gates asked if they have assurance something will be done. Mr. Isom stated they are meeting on that today to put an agreement together. He reminded the Board of the amendment to the preliminary plan. He stated they would like to see both of them go together. Commissioner Johnson asked Mr. Fritze about the land use regulations and the applicant having needed to apply at least sixty days prior to the expiration. Mr. Fritze responded. Mr. Clarkson stated they received a letter from Steve Isom last fall asking for the extension. He thought that was premature and told the applicant that. In fact, they did receive notice. Commissioner Johnson asked why it wasn't done in the sixty day time period. Mr. Isom stated they sent it in right after the amendment was made which was about nine months ago. He stated there are some ambiguities. Commissioner Gates asked if this fits within the criteria of the sketch plan extension. Mr. Fritze stated the last resolution was the PUD preliminary plan requirements. He further explained. He stated the question is whether their is good cause for the extension. Chairman Phillips stated she doesn't believe the land bank definition would be applicable. Commissioner Johnson stated though some good cause has been shown, he doesn't see it necessary to extend for three years. Kevin Tucker stated they do have banking approval and everything is contingent on Mr. Lane building on his property. 1 z 'snOill!UBOO ::lmp::lp SUM ::llOA ~ql 'UO!lOill ::lql p::lpUO:J::lS S::llUD l::lUO!SS!illillO;) '1 ){:JoN '0 I lOI JO UO!S!A!pqns~l U 't oN 'iiU!I!.'! l{:JUBlI ~::l::ll;) An::lS: '6tOOOO-S:WS l::lqumU ~I!J l'Bld IUuy ::lAOldd'B Ol p::lAOill uosuqof l~UO!SS!illillO;) 'sloI ~S::lqlJo u~m P::lU!qillOO ::lql uo lJ!nq ::lq AUill ~OU~P!S::ll AnurnJ-OMl ::lUO AluO luql S~lUlS qO!qM 'lU~AUO l!lds X::lldnp'B U!'BlUO:l S::lOp l'Bld s!1{l 'MOl pUB 3:01 SlO'l ::ll'B~l:J Ol 011O'lJO UO!S!A!pqns~l U UO!S!A!pqns s: ::ldAllOU!W 'B S'BM S!ql P::ll'BlS::lH 'I }(30IH '01 JO'1JO UO!S!A!pqns3.1 V 't 'ON ~u!I!.il Q3uBlI }(33.1:J A.I.I3H 6tOOOO-HW:S ~U!U~!S uonnlos31I 19 JBld 'snOill!UBOO p::lmp::lp SUM ::llOA ::lql 'UOHOill ::lql p::lpUO:l::lS UosuqOf l~UO!SS!illillO;) 'UO!l'Bl!dX::l JO ::ll'BP ::lql illOl] m::lA ::lUO 10J UBld AmU!ill!I::lld aOd ~md ~!PO)l JO UO!SU::llX::l 10J lS::lnb::ll ::lql ::lAOldd'B Ol p::lAOill s~luD l::lUO!SS!illillO;) G~U!UOZ ::lql S! lUqM 'P~lUU!illl~l ~m SUO!lUln~::ll ~ql JI 'uO!SU~lX::l o!l'BillOln'B UB l~'ii l,UB:J nOA 'su::ldduq luql ::l:lUO MOq pUB ~U!UOZ U! ~~uuqo U P~U!Uldx::l ::lZlP~ 'lW 'lUB:J!ldd'B ~ql ~lUpOillillO:J:lU Ol ::ll!S::lp U ::l::lS UB:J ::lq 'UO!sIlJUo:J ::lql 1I'B ql!M lnq 'PIP l! ~!qll,US::lOp::lq p::ll'BlS uosuqof l~UO!SS!illillO;) 's::lY!I'Bnb S!l{l}! 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He stated this was a resolution for the approval of the amendment of the PUD for the purposes of refining the Amended and Restated Guide for the Planned Unit Development of Berry Creek Ranch Filing nos. 1,2,3, and 4. On January 15, 1997, the Planning Commission recommended approval of this resolution. Commissioner Gates moved to approve 5MB-00049 Berry Creek Ranch Filing No.4, A resubdivision of Lot 10, Block 1. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declare unanimous. Resolution 97-27, 1041-0002 Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank. He stated this was a resolution for the approval of the 1041 permit to construct a major extension of an existing water treatment system and for the efficient utilization of a municipal water project. The Planning Commission recommended approval ofthis resolution on March 5, 1997. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 97-27 - 104l-0002 Vail Meadows Water Storage Tank. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declare unanimous. Resolution 97-28, ZC-276-96 Oleson Ranch at Whisky Creek. He stated this was a resolution for the denial of a Zone District amendment for Oleson Ranch at Whiskey Creek, a proposed minor PUD. The Planning Commission recommended denial of this resolution on November 6, 1996. Mr. Fritze stated the rules of conduct must be outlined. He did so. Mara Kleinschmidt, Attorney representing the applicant, stated the resolution as currently drafted is really a boiler plate. The hearing was held on Dec 10, 1996. This has come before the Board previously and the concern at this stage, is there is nothing in the res9Iuti()i1 that reflects what happened in the hearings. She stated the only reason the sketch plan was denied wet on zoning. She stated that is not clear in the resolution. This is truly an effort designed to be economic and l~gistic. They would like appropriate direction. They ask the resolution be redrafted to reflect the discussions at"the hearing, Commissioner Johnson stated he does agree with her on one spot, under finding #3 on the zone change resolution. He referred to that item. He stated he does know that findings 1,2,4,5,6 a and b, and 7 are consistent with the hearing. Chairman. Phillips stated she has a question with #4. She thought in the hearing the discussion was such that she does not know there was final agreement. Commissioner Johnson referred to the zoning request. Mr. Fritze stated he believes the Board's direction was there be no fees required and a decrease in density. You can't decide the PUD until you've reviewed the application. Discussion continued on item #3. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve ZC-276-96 Oleson Ranch at Whiskey Creek amending the resolution to eliminate condition #3 and changing the numbering. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. Commissioner Johnson and Gates voting aye, Commissioner Phillips abstaining. Resolution 97-29, SU-354-96-S Oleson Ranch at Whiskey Creek. He stated this was a resolution for the denial of a Subdivision Sketch Plan for Oleson Ranch at Whiskey Creek, a proposed minor PUD. The Planning Commission recommended denial of this resolution on November 6, 1996. Mara Kleinschmidt stated she understood the denial to be based solely on zoning. She stated if those findings remain in tack, then they have no opportunity to return for a PUD submittal. She understands there not having the zoning. She stated you would not get zoning at sketch plan. If the denial is based on the fact the zoning is not okay, the way it is currently written, it doesn't make any sense. Commissioner Johnson stated he would eliminate #2. He stated condition #1 is appropriate. Ms. Kleinschmidt stated she doesn't have a problem with the zoning being the issue. The Board's discussion at the hearing didn't go that far. Mr. Fritze suggested regarding item 2 that density was a consideration as well. Chairman Phillips stated she thought they gave guidance for it to come back as a PUD. Mr. Fritze referred to the discussion and the waiver of fees. 3 v P~oljl 0) ""'I;;) ~ry2 15 :)SO))V 'L661 '1 ( q:Jmw moo p::lUIDofp'B S'BM 'iiUH::l~ill ::lql pmos: ::lql ::llOpq lq'iinOlq ::lq Ol sS::lu!snq l~qll11J ou 'iiU!~q ~l~ql 'ou 'iiUHOA sdm!1{d UBilll!UqJ pUB '~AU 'iiUHOA S::llUD pUB uosuqof l::lUO!SS!illillOJ 'UO!lOill ::lql p::lpuo:J::lS uosuqof l~UO!SS!illillOJ ~::l::llJ A::l~S!1{A\ l'B q:JUBlI UOS::lIO 10J UBld q:Jl::l~S UO!S!A!pqns 'B JO 1'B!U::lP ::lqllOJ UOHnIOS::ll 'B '6Z-L6 uOHnlos::llI ::lAOldd'B Ol p::lAOill S::llUD l::lUO!SS!illillOJ '~u!Uoz ::lql uo p~nuHuo:J uo!ssn:JS!a . "UO!S!A!pqns p::lSOdOld ::lqllOJ ~{qul!nS ~q lOU PlnoM UO!lS~nb U! PUBI ::l1{l" ~U!l'BlS UO!l'BpU::lillillO:l::ll S,::lZlPd 'lW lnq 'Z# ::ll::lpP PlnoM::lq p::ll'BlS uosuqof l::lUO!SS!illillOJ 'p::lpnpu! ~q mM l'BqM p::l~S'B S::ll'BD l::lUO!SS!illillOJ 'Al!SU::lP l::lSS::lI lOJ 'iiU!~OOI ::ll::lM A::lql p::ll'BlS uosuqof l::lUO!SS!illillOJ