HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/24/97 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 24,1997 Present: Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator County Attorney Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Phillips stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Approval of bill paying for weeks of February 24, 1997 and March 3, 1997, subject to review by County Administrator B) Approval of payroll for February 27, 1997, subject to review by County Administrator C) Approval of Eagle County of County Commissioners meeting minutes for December 16, 1996 through January 1997 D) County Veterans Service Officer's monthly reports for December 1996 and January 1997 E) Resolution and Power of Attorney conferring authority on Attorney's Office to draw on letter of credit for Vail/Arrowhead, Inc., Bachelor Gulch Filing 2, Loc no. A5950 in the amount of $73,840, to expire February 28, 1997.. F) Resolution and Power of Attorney conferring authority on Attorneys Office to draw on Letter of Credit for Edwards Interchange Limited Partnership, Loc No 9508678, in the amount of $226,396.70. G) Letter of Contract, acceptance of L TD Policy of provident life and accident H) United States Geological Survey Gaging Station Agreement I) Resolution 97-18, authorizing a public auction of personal property of the County of Eagle J) Agreement between Eagle County and Laman Auctions for Auctioneer services for the County Auction to be held on March 8, 1997 K) 1997 Road & Bridge request to purchase one 1997 flat bed trailer L) Notice of Award to Elam Construction for the Colorado River Road paving project M) Resolution 97-19, endorsing House Bill 1250, concerning the establishment ofthe Local Government Growth Assistance Program to provide financial assistance to growth impacted local governmental entities. Commissioner Johnson questioned item G and stated he would like to have this matter tabled until tomorrow. Commissioner Gates mentioned two typographical errors in the Commissioner minutes on December 30, 1996 and January 21, 1997 which need to be corrected. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the consent calendar, items pulling items E & G, tabling item G until February 25, 1997 at 3:45. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. AFP-OOOll, Aspen Mountain View, Lot 5, Filing 3 Pattie Haefeli, Planner, presented file number AFP-00011, Aspen Mountain View, Lot 5, Filing 3, 0270 Sam Grange Court. She stated this was a request to amend an existing building envelope. She stated this lot has a large drainage easement and the Homeowners Association has approved of the amendment. Staff recommended approval. 1 z 'L661 '!;Z A.rnruq~.:[ moo p~wnOfpB S'BM ~U!l~~UI ~ql p.mog ~ql ~1OJ~q lq~nOlq ~q Ol ss~u!snq l~qlIDJ ou ~U!~q ~l~ql 'snoUI!UBOO p~.mp~p S'BM ~lOA ~ql 'UO!lOUI ~ql p~puo~~s S~l'BO l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'Sl~UO!SS!UIUIO;) AlOOO;) JO p.mog ~ql S'B ~U~AUO~~l pU'B Al!loqlny ~U!SU~~n 10nbn I'B~o'l ~ql S'B wnofp'B Ol p~AOUI uosuqof l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'snoUI!UBOO p~.mp~p S'BM ~lOA ~ql 'UOnOUI ~ql p~pUO~~S S~l'BO l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'SAPP'BdjBqp "Pl'l 'dnOlO lU'Bm'BlS~1[ J!'B A -~I~'BH 10J '~pqO ~I'Ba 10J UO!l'BllS!~~l Sl~~'BU'BUI pU'B ~mpruls ~l'B1Od1O~ U! ~~U'Bq~ ~ql ~A01dd'B Ol p~AOUI uosuqof l~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 'I'BA01dd'B p~pU~UIUIO~~l JJ'BlS 'P!'Bd u~~q ~A'Bq s~~J II'B pU'B ~~U'BUIlOJUO~ U! S! UO!l'B~Hdd'B ~ql 'l~P'B.mq~ I'B10UI poo~ JO ~q Ol P~llod~l~.m sl~PIo1pJ~OlS qlog '.m~A lS'Bd ~ql ~u!mp S~~U'BqmlS!p 10 SlU!'BIdUIO~ OU Sllod~l ~~YJO SJJ!l~qS ~q.L 'l~~YJO pU'B l~PI01pJ~OlS 'B S'B UI!q ~UP'BId~l S! 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