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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
FEBRUARY 11, 1997
James Johnson, Jr.
George "Bud" Gates
James Hartmann
Sara J. Fisher
Chairman Pro- Tem
County Administrator
Clerk to the Board
Johnnette Phillips
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Comprehensive Plan, Town of Avon
Jim Fritze, County Attorney, presented a Resolution, consideration of approval of a comprehensive plan and
transportation plan update for the Town of Avon. He stated the Board received final copies of the comprehensive
and transportation plan last week. Commissioner Johnson was out of state when that was received. He explained
the master plan is to be filed with the Clerk & Recorder if it is approved by the Board of County Commissioners.
He stated the statute speaks to no specific criteria for approval. He referred to the statutes stating the subdivision
within a plan area is to be approved by the planning and zoning if the major street plan is approved, He stated this
is new to them and he doesn't believe they have been asked previously to approve a town master plan outside its
boundaries. He stated files are generally referred by Community Development and their comments are part of the
County process.
John Dunn, Attorney for the Town of Avon, stated he would like to present attested copies of the Town of
Avon's transportation plan and the comprehensive plan and a letter certifying adoption ofthe two plans, As
indicated by Jim Fritze and the purpose today is to ask for the approval for recording of the plans submitted. The
action by the BoCC will implement the statutory authority ofthe Town of Avon to take action on the properties
included in the plans. To them, and describing the three mile area, establishes a means for joint planning. By
submitting their plans, they will be taken into consideration when further County planning takes place. The plans
were adopted by the Avon Planning Commission. They are asking the Board adopt the resolution accordingly.
Chairman Pro- tem Johnson asked about j oint staff review rather than zoning determinations.
Mr. Dunn stated the master plan does provide for joint planning and therefor a plan from them must be in
Commissioner Gates asked about annexation of the properties outside of the boundaries,
Mr, Dunn explained the property to the east of Avon did petition for annexation. That was not successful
and the petition was withdrawn. Whether that is simpler, it is hard to say. It is an alternative.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson stated ifthe resolution is approved today it would give the Town veto power
over the area with in the three mile area.
Mr. Dunn explained the purpose is for the zoning, roadways, public projects, etc. They are limited and most
of what they are doing is subdivision related,
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson asked why they would not just enter into and Intergovernmental Agreement?
Mr. Dunn stated they spoke ofthis about a year ago. Avon would like to consider this, The present council
of the Town does desire to work with Eagle County. This is a possibility which is of interest to the Town. In terms
of joint planning and cooperation, that is something that Avon is interested in doing,
Mike Madzko stated the three mile plan and the statutory authority for that makes concrete the joint
involvement in the planning process.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson asked if this is more binding.
Mr. Madzko stated it is a general policy to review anything that comes in. He asked if an agreement would
be any different.
Mr. Dunn stated the important thing they ask them to keep in mind is they are granted the authority if they
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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
before he would recommend approval of the plans,
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson stated one of the things that makes him uncomfortable is the lack of criteria,
This has not been done in Eagle County previously and would set a precedent. He suggests if the County is going
to take this approach for future plans, they must have criteria in their Land Use Regulations and use that for
decision making. He said it is not just working out the IGA with the Town of Avon but within their own
regulations before making an approval like this,
Mr. Dunn asked for a fifteen minute break.
Mike Madzko suggested to give this the time it deserves, they would like this matter to be tabled and direct
them and staff to come back with a joint recommendation and an IGA.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson asked how long they are requesting a tabling be for.
Mr. Montag stated they definitely need to get together and discuss the parameters and hopefully come up
with an IGA. Mr. Montag suggested they withdraw this application, then they are not under a time frame, and take
the time to sit down, discuss and contemplate what they need to do. He recommends the Town withdrawing it. He
sees discussion involving both the attorney and the planning staff. He is in favor of an IGA but wants them to take
care in the proposal of the language.
Commissioner Gates suggested they have a work session where the details are worked out before hand.
Peter Jamar stated that anything that does take place, any discussions, should involve the landowners and
organizations that have a stake in the planning. They would like to be kept informed.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson stated the input would be necessary and also precedent setting, This should be
undertaken without focusing on any particular development before taking public comment. He agrees with Mr.
Montags suggesting for withdrawal rather than tabled.
Mr. Dunn stated their preference would be a six month tabling and believe they can bring a draft before the
Board in that time. Ifthe six months proves unworkable they could withdraw later.
Mr. Madzko stated they would like them to work together. Tabling shows progress.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson asked if the tabling is to August 5th. He suggested they set a date certain.
Mr. Montag suggested he cannot be sure that what is being presented now will be what is brought back in
the future.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson stated even if something different comes back, the applicant has the right to
withdrawal it or to provide something different.
Peter Jamar respectfully requested the Board follow through and either see this withdrawn or not approved
today. Having this hanging out for the property owners to worry about with no direction is really not fair to those in
the three mile area,
Tom Raggonetti, representing Vail Associates and the Nottingham property landowner, stated he does not
believe this should be tabled. What they come back with may be totally different. Allowing it to hang out there, it
still raises the contemplation of these issues for the landowner,
Commissioner Gates suggested if it is withdrawn it will streamline the process and make it clearer to all
who may be involved,
Mr. Madzko suggested having it tabled will keep this issue in the forefront of the landowner's minds and
knowledge that they are working together to draft the IGA and/or come back with a resolution,
Mr. Dunn stated there is some symbolism here, They feel they are proceeding with state Statute and they
have the right to do so. The discussion this morning has been very fruitful. What they have to deal with in an IGA
is procedural. They think the appropriate and affirmative act is for the Board to table the application to August 5th,
Mr. Raggonetti stated symbolism is what is occurring here, Avon is trying to exert its control outside its
boarders. They believe that tabling has less of a beneficial effect on the landowners.
Mr. Madzko stated he sees the resolution as a commitment to the review process not about annexation.
Mr, Dunn stated any development would be part ofthe town's community plan.
Jack Fawcett, Mayor ofthe Town of Avon, stated he kind of agrees with Mr. Ragonnetti about the
landowners being unsure. The Town of Avon wants to cooperate with the County and the landowners. To facilitate
this process will indicate to the entire community that their staff s are willing to spend the time and the effort to get
a joint resolution completed,
Mr. Dunn requested the application to the Board be withdrawn at this time.
The Board concurred.
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;;)sn PU'BI 10J AU'BdUIO;) pU'B plOJM'Bl;) 'g'.:I: pU'B 4uno;) ~I~'B3 U~;;}M}~q lU;;)UI;;)gl~Y ;;)S'B~'l (.:I:
Ul'Bli3Old d'BlM ;;)Hu~Anf
pU'B UO!l'BAl;;)S;;)ld AJ!lli'BJ ~qll~poo ;;)~!Al;;)S JO Sl;;)P!AOld I'Bnp!A!pu! pU'B SP'BllUO~ l~P!AOld II'BUIS ;;)ln~~xH Ol S~~!Al;;)S
I'BPOS JO lU;;)UIllBd~a AlOOO;) ;;}Ii3'BH JO 10p;;)1!a ;;)ql i3U!Zpoqln'B ~U!p.mi3;;)l 'p 1- L6 uonnlosall (H
III gS'Bqd ''BS~W ~;;);;)l;) Aq3 10J pop;;)d AlU'Bll'BM
;;)qlJo lU;;)lU;;)~U;;)UIUIO~ pU'B I'Bl~l'BIIO~ JO ~S'B;;)Pl I'B!llBd 'B ~U!zpoqln'B ~U!p.m~~l 'fl-L6 uonnlosaH (a
suo!l'BIn~;;)1[ pU'B s;;)In1[ UOp'BllodsU'Bll pOOOlD llodl!y ~U!p.m~~l 'n-L6 uonnlosaH (;)
10l'BllS!U!lUPY AlOOO;) Aq M~!A;;)l Ol p;;)fqns 'L661 'n A.rnruq;;).:I: 10J 1I00A'BdJo I'BAOlddy (g
AlOOO;) Aq M.;;)!A~l Ol p;;)fqns 'L661 '81 pU'B 11 Al'Bruq;;)dJo S~;;)~M.1OJ ~u!A'Bd mqJo l'BAOlddy (y
:sMoIIoJ S'B .mpu~I'B~ lU~SUO~ ;;)ql S'BM 'BpU~~'B ;;)ql uo UI~l! lX;;)U ;;)ql P;;)l'BlS uosuqof UI~l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
.I8pua18:J Juasuo:J
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
of this event will be used for a student trip. Ms, Roach stated the applicant did not post the premises as required by
Section 12-48-106 (2) of the Colorado Liquor Code and County Resolution 92-214, After discussion with County
Attorney, Staff does not believe the Board can waive the requirement for posting.
Jan Abbott, co-president of the PTA, stated it was not clear to her that she was the one to post the premise.
She stated they have never done this before and was new to the process. She stated this is a fund raiser for a 4th
grade trip to a National Monument. She said she didn't understand that she was to pick up the poster. She asked if
they could leave the posting up now and if anyone had a complaint they could discuss it before the license is
The Board concurred there was no legal way to get around the posting requirement, but suggested
alternatives to Ms. Abbott.
Commissioner Gates moved to deny the special events permit for Avon Elementary School Parent Teacher
Association, due to the premise not being posted.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion, Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared
Broken Arrow Cafe
Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a hotel and restaurant license with extended hours and optional
premises for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc., dbalBroken Arrow Cafe. She stated all documentation is in order
and all fees have been paid. Staff recommended approval. The Sheriffs Office reports no complaints or
disturbances during the past year.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal of a hotel and restaurant license with extended hours
and optional premises for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc., dbalBroken Arrow Cafe.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared
EI Jebel Convenience Store
Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a 3.2% Beer License for El Jebel LLC, dba/El Jebel Convenience
Store. She stated all documentation is in order and all fees have been paid. Staff recommended approval. The
Sheriffs Office reports no complaints or disturbances during the past year.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal of a 3.2% Beer License for El Jebel LLC, dba/El Jebel
Convenience Store.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared
4 Eagle Ranch, Inc.
Earlene Roach presented a renewal of an Optional Premise License for 4 Eagle Ranch, Inc., dba/4 Eagle
Ranch. She stated all documentation is in order and all fees have been paid, The lease the applicant has, has an
automatic renewal, but no letter of extension has been received.
Bob Loeffler explained even though there is an automatic renewal included in the lease, the lessor must
submit a letter indicating the lease is still in existence, There is no way for the County to know if it was terminated
without that letter.
Tom Backhus, owner/manager, stated he thought this was behind them, He said he has a ten year lease with
the Denver Water Board. In reading the lease, he said, under lease renewals, the option is his, automatically, If the
Denver Water Board needs that piece of property for water purposes, or if they sell it, they have a cancellation on
his lease. There is something about a four year term, but he doesn't see that as a risk. Mr. Backhus complimented
Earlene on her role in the office. Mr, Backhus stated he spoke yesterday to the Denver Water Board and he
received a message back that the county is screwing with him and did not really need a letter.
Mr. Loeffler stated it would have been simpler ifthey had sent a letter.
Mr, Backhus stated ifhe needs a letter from them, he is sure he can get that.
Ms. Roach stated everyone else has been required to submit letters regardless of whether it is an automatic
P;;).mP;;)P S'BM ~lOA gql Sl~UO!SS!UIUIO;) ~UHOA OM} ;;)ql JO 'UO!lOUI ~ql P;;)PUO~;;)S uosuqof UI;;)l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
'ON ~u!I!d 'q~U'B"}! ~~;;)l;) Au;;)g '!;tOOO-gWS l~qrnnU;;)IY l'BId I'Buy ;;)AOldd'B Ol P;;)AOUI S;;}l'BD l~UO!SS!UIUIO;)
'slOl ;;)S;;)qlJo 'B;;).m P~U!qwo~ ;;)ql uo lHnq ;;)q A'BUI ;;)~U~P!S~l AI!Ul'BJ-OM.l ~uo AIuO l'Bql S~l'BlS q~!llM
l'B;;)A'B;) mds X;;)Idna 'B U!'BlUO~ S;;)OP l'BId S!ql 'MZt pU'B HZt SlO'l ;;)l'B;;}l~ Ol Zt lO'l JO UO!S!A!pqnSgl 'B 'UO!S!A!pqns
s: ~dAl1OU!W 'B S! S!lll P;;)WlS ~H .Zt JO'} 'z }]JOlg't .oN "U!H.tl 'qJU811 }]<l3.1:J A:1.I<lg StOOO-gWS
P;;)l'BP;;)P S'BM. ;;)lOA ;;)ql 'Sl~UO!SS!UIUIO;) i3U!lOA OM} ;;)qlJO 'UOHOUI ;;)ql p~puo~~s uosuqof UI;;)l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
'z ~um.:l: 'SMOp'B;;}W
PU'BIqi3!H 'l'BId UOH~~llO;) 'LOOOO-;)ll;;)qrnnu ~IY l'BId I'Buy ~AOldd'B Ol p~AOUI S~l'BD l~UO!SS!UIUIO;)
'uOH'B~Opl ~U!pnnq Ol ~np UOH'B~OI II'BM Almd'B lsnfp'B Ol S'BM UO!P;;)llO~ S!qlJo lU~lU! ~ql
'9661 'L 11;;)qW;;)~~a uo Sl~UO!SS!UIUIO;) 4000;) JO p.mog ;;)ql Aq P;;)AOldd'B S'BM q~!llM 'I Z lO'l 'z ~Umd 'SMOP'B;;}W
PU'BJq~!H 10J WId UO!S!A!pqns~l ;;)ql uo P;;)lID~~O q~!qM lOll;;) I'B~!uq~~l 'B P;;)llO~ Ol S! l'BId S!ql JO ;;)sodmd ;;)ql
P;;)l'BlS ~H oIZ JO'} JO UO!S!A!pqnS<lll Y 'z "U!l!.tl 'SMOP8<lW PU8IQ"!H 'J81d UOn3<l.l.lO;) LOOOO-:::>J,
:p.mog ;;)ql Aq P;;)U~!S ~q Ol SUO!lnIOS;;)l pU'B Sl'BId ~U!MOIIOJ ~ql P~lU~S;;)ld 'l;;)UU'BId 'q~!W)J NUlBl
~U!U~!S uonnl0S<l1l'S' J81d
p~l'Bp~p S'BM ;;)lOA ~ql Sl~UO!SS!UIUIO;) ~U!lOA OM} ~qlJO 'UO!lOUI ;;)ql P;;)PUO~;;)S UosuqOf UI;;)l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
pl'Bog gql S'B ;;)U;;)AUO~;;)l pU'B 4poqlny ~U!SU~~n 10nbn I'B~O'l gql S'B wnofp'B Ol P;;)AOUI S;;)l'BD 19UO!SS!UIUIO;)
'snoUI!UBOO P;;)l'BP;;)P S'BM. ;;)lOA ;;)ql 'UO!lOUI ~ql P;;)PUO~;;)S UosuqOf l~UO!SS!UIUIO;)
'L661 'tZ A.rnruq;;).:I: Ol SAPp'BdfBqp "Pl'l 'dn01D lU'Bm'BlSg1[ H'BA-;;)I~'BH 10J ';;)pqO
~I'Ba 10J UO!l'BllS!~~l Sl;;)~'BU'BUI pU'B ;;)mpruls ;;)W10dlo~ U! ~~U'Bq~ ;;)ql ;;}Iq'Bl Ol p~AOUI S;;)l'BD l;;)UO!SS!UIUIO;)
'lU;;)S;;)ld lOU S'BM lU'B~Hddu
;;)ql su L661 'tZ A.rnruq~.:I: Ol P;;)Jq'Bl;;)q l;;)ll'BUI S!ql pgpU~UIUIO~~l ;;)qS 'SAPP'BdfBqp "Pl'l 'dnOlD lU'Bm'BlS~"}! J!'BA
-~I~'BH 10J ';;)pqO ;;)I'Ba 10J UO!l'BllS!i3;;)l Sl~~'BU'BUI pU'B ;;)mpruls ;;)l'B10dlo~ U! ;;)i3U'Bq~ 'B P~lU~S;;)ld q~'B01[ gU;;)Il'BH
P;;)l'BP;;)P S'BM ;;)lOA ~ql Sl;;)UO!SS!UIUIO;) ~U!lOA OM} ~ql JO 'UOHOUI ~ql p~pUO~~S UosuqOf UI~l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
'slonbn lOOO~S!a SPl'BM.P3
10J ~SU~~!I ~lOlS lonbn H'Bl;;)1[ 'B JO d!llSl~UM.O JO l~JSU'Bll ~ql ;;)AOldd'B Ol P;;)AOW S;;)l'BD l;;)UO!SS!UIUIO;)
. AU'BdUIO~ 4mq'BH P~l!UIH 'B JO S~A!l!Sod ;;)ql P;;)U!'BIdx~ ql!M.~SH 'lW
'S! ;;)~U'Bq~ ;;)UlBU ;;)ql JO lY;;)U~q ;;)qll'BqM p~~S'B S~l'BD l;;)UO!SS!UIUIO;)
'S;;)l!S~P S!ll p~SS;;)ldx~ pU'B ~U!l'B~q ;;)qllOJ lU~S~ld S'BM ql!M~SH Alm'l
'I'BAOldd'B P;;)PU;;}UIUIO~;;)l JJ'BlS 'P!'Bd Ug~q ~A'Bq S;;);;)J 1I'B pU'B l~plO U! S! UO!l'BlU;;)rnn:)op IIV
'l;;)P'B.mq~ I'B1OUI pooi3 JO ~q Ol P~llod;;)l S! ql!M~SH 'lW 'd!qSl;;)UM.O JO l;;)JSU'Bll ;;)ql snql '1;;)UM.0 M;;)U 'B Sl~P!SUO:) ;;)l'BlS
q~!qM ';;)UlBU uO!l'B1Odlo~ ;;}ql U! ;;}q MOU II!M ;;)SU~~H ;;)qllnq 19UM.O ~ql mlS S! ql!M~SH Alm'l P;;)l'BlS ~qS 'slonbn
lOOO~S!a SPl'BM.pH 10J ;;)SU~~n glOlS lonbn H'Bl;;)1[ 'B JO d!qSl;;)UM.O JO l~JSU'Bll 'B P;;)lU;;)S;;)ld q~'B01[ ;;)U;;)Il'BH
S.lonbn: JunOJS!O Sp.lUMP'3:
P;;)l'Bpgp S'BM ~lOA ;;)ql Sl;;)UO!SS!UIUIO;) ~U!lOA OM} ;;}ql JO 'UOHOW ;;)ql P;;)PUO~;;)S uosuqOf W~l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
'P;;)JJ~ U! S! I'BM~U~l ~!l'BUIOln'B ~ql ~U!UIlyuO~ l~ll;;)I 'B JO ld!;;)~~l ;;)ql uodn AII'BUOmpUO~ q:)U'B1[ ;;)li3'B3 tjBqp
"~UI '1l~U'B"}! ~I~'BH t 10J ;;)SU;;)~H ~S!UI;;)ld I'BUO!ldO U'B JO I'BM.~U;;)l ;;)ql gAOldd'B Ol P;;)AOUI S;;)WD l~UO!SS!UIUIO;)
'I'BUO!l!PUO:) U;;)gq S'Bq I'BAOldd'B ;;)ql ;;)l;;)qM lsud ~lll
U! SUO!S'B~~O U;;)~q ;;)A'Bq ~l;;)ql pU'B ApOqAl;;)A~ lnoq'B lsnfql!M S!ql q~noJql ;;)UO~ ~A'Bq A~ql P!'BS l;;)lJpO'l 'lW
'lOU 10 I'BM;;)U~l
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
5MB-00035 Eagle-Vail, Filing No.1, Block 3, Lot 114. He stated this is a Minor Type B
subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot 114 to create Lots 114E and 114W. This plat does contain a Duplex Split
Caveat which states that only one two-family residence may be built on the combined area ofthese lots,
Commissioner Gates moved to approve final plat file number 5MB-00035, Eagle-Vail, Filing No 1, Block
3, Lot 114.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared
Resolution 97-17, File No. G-00002. He stated this is a resolution for the approval of a vacation of
a public easement for Lot 31, Aspen Mesa Estates, Filing 1, to vacate one of the two equestrian easements that
exist on Lot 31, Aspen Mesa Estates, All abutting or adjacent property owners have been notified and all are in
support of this vacation, Additionally, the Aspen Mesa Homeowner's Association Board of Directors supports this
Commissioner Gates moved to approve File No G-00002, Resolution 97-17,
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion, Of the two voting Commissioner the vote was declared
Mary Jo Berenato, Deputy County Attorney, suggested the petition for abatement schedule number 022036
and abatement schedule number 028468, Gayle Grider McDonald be tabled for six months or to the abatement
hearing in August.
Commissioner Gates moved to table schedule number 028468 and abatement schedule number 028468,
Gayle Grider McDonald for six months or until August.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion. Ofthe two voting Commissioners the vote was declared
Mary Jo Berenato presented a petition of abatement schedule number 024718, Darrell & Shirley Havener,
She stated they received a letter from the applicant requesting a tabling of this file.
Allen Black, County Assessor, asked that the tabling be restricted as he would like to get this resolved.
Commissioner Gates moved to table schedule number 024718, Darrell & Shirley Havener for one month,
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared
Allen Black presented a petition of abatement schedule number 016345, Wayne K. Mann. He stated this a
unique property located near Arrowhead, The Assessor's Office recommended an abatement different than what
was requested, in the amount of$1581.12 having reduced the value per acre. Mr. Black stated last year Mr, Mann
was offered $730,000 for this parcel.
Tim Drisco from the firm of Chapman and Drisco, was present representing the applicant as was Don
Chapman who knows the owner and the property. Mr. Chapman spoke to the inaccessibility during the winter. He
said it is only accessible in the summer, Utilities are not available to the lot at this time. Mr. Chapman spoke to the
comment of an offer having been made by Vail Associates, He stated the parcel does lie in the Arrowhead Ski
Commissioner Gates asked to whom the lot is inaccessible,
Mr, Chapman explained it is accessible by snowshoes or skies. As a residential dwelling unit, it is not
accessible by vehicle year round. He stated where the parcel has legal access, it is debatable as to the terms of the
route of the access,
Commissioner Gates asked ifthe applicant's representative would accept the offer made by the Assessor's
Mr. Drisco explained they would accept a valuation of $340,950. He respecified the concerns they have
with location, comparable sales, etc, They are using sales from January 1993 to June of 1994. He referred to his
sales figures. He suggests a $30,000 per acre valuation for the property and $37,000 total for the cabin. They are
'P~lID~UO~ ~~'BIH 'lW J! P;;)~S'B S~l'BD l;;)UO!SS!UIUIO;)
';;)l'BIn~I'B~ Ol ;;)Jq'BH'BA'B S~Jq'Bl;;)ql ;;)A'Bq l,Up!P ;;}q P~l'BlS Iqupun 'lW
'lOJ ~U!~S'B ~q PInoM A;;)qll'BqM lnO p~m~y A;;)ql J! p~~S'B Ol'BU;;)l~g 'sw
'!;66I pU'B t661 U! p!'Bd ~l~M S;;)X'Bl IItlJ P~l'BlS ~H 'S.m~A OM} SnO!A~ld ;;)ql
lnq 'SqlUOUI tZ SnO!A;;)ld ;;)qllOJ p;;)Sn ;;)q Ap;;)dOld ;;)ql ~l!nb;;)llOU S;;)OP ;;)llll'BlS ;;)ql 's;;)sodmd I'BllllIn~p~'B 10J AJH'Bnb
PInoM All;;)dOld S!ql p;;)ll!UIqns Iqupun'JW 's;;)sodmd I'BmlIn~p~'B 10J p~Sn;;).m S;;)!ll;;)dOld OM} ;;)S~qll'Bql ~~YJO
S.lOSS;;)SS'B ~ql ql!M ;;)~U;;)lID~UO~ S! ;;)l;;)ql P~l'BlS Iqupun 'lW 'A'BPOllU~S;;)ld S! l;;)~'BU'BW q~U'Bl ;;)ql '~~O~U'BH uqof
'q~U'Bl ~UqlOM. l!~ql OlU! W~ql P;;)l'B1Odlo~u! pU'B SI;;)~l'Bd I'BUO!l!PP'B OM.llq~noq A;;)ql t661 pU'B €661 uI . A;;)II'BA ~;;)~l;)
;;)~'l ;;)ql U! ~Ul'BS ;;)ql Op Ol ~U!ldUI;;)ll'B ;;).m A;;)ql P!'BS;;)H 's;;)sodmd I'Bmlln~p~'B 10J pU'B ~~'Bds u~do S'B All;;)dOld JO I'B;;)P
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'UO!l'B~Y!SS'BP;;)llOJ P;;)l;;)P!SUO~ ;;)q Oll~p1O U! I'BmlIn~p~'B S'B Sl'B;;)A OM}lOJ p;;)Sn ;;)q Ol S'Bq All;;}dOld ;;)ql P;;)U!'BIdx;;}
~H 'AU'BdWO;) All~dold ;;)OlUOW 't€L900 l;;)qrnnu ;;)Inp;;)q~s lU;;)UIgl'Bq'B JO UO!lH~d 'B P~lU~S;;)ld ~~'BIg u~IIY
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'!;661 U! I'B;;)dd'B U'B S'BM ~l;;)ql ;;)ZH'B;;)llOU P!P;;)q P;;)l'BlS 'l;;}UO!l!l;;)d ;;)ql ~UnU;;)S;;)ld;;)l A~WOllY 'Jq'BpUn U!A~)I
'l'B~A ~Ul'BS ;;)ql U! ss~,;}old I'B;;)dd'B ~-ql q~noJql
lU;;)M. S!ql ;;}sn'B~;;)q P;;)lU'Bl~ ;;)q U'B~ uO!l!l~d S!ql A'BM ou S! ~l;;)ql P;;)l'BlS ~qS 'I'B!U~P P~PU;;)UIUIO~~l ~~YJO S ,10SS~SSY
~ql 'Mnow'.:[ uqof '!;O!;t 1 0 l;;)qrnnu ;;)Inp;;)q~s lU;;)UIgl'Bq'B JO uO!l!l;;)d 'B P;;)lU~S~ld Ol'BU;;)l;;)g Of A.rnW
P;;)l'BP;;)P S'BM ;;)lOA ;;)ql Sl;;)UO!SS!UIUIO;) ~UHOA OMl ;;)ql JO 'UOHOUI ~ql P;;)PUO~gS uosuqof W~l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
'i3U!UOZ i3U!pUnOlIDS lnoq'B P;;)l~ql'Bi3 ;;)q Ol UO!l'BUIlOJU!
l;;)lllIDJ 10J qluow ;;)UO 10J 'UU'BW ')I ;;)UA'BM. '!;t€91O l;;)qrnnu ~Inp~q~s '~Jq'Bl Ol P;;)AOUI S;;)l'BD l;;)UO!SS!UIUIO;)
'SqluOUI l;;)UIUInS ;;)ql U! ;;)Jq'B;;)sn AIuO S! l! pU'B 4mq'Bsn ~ql S! l'B s~ooI ;;)q i3U!lll ;;)ql 'l~s'Bq~md ;;)ql Aq uodn
P~;;)l~'B ;;)q Ol S~lnOl SS;;)~~'B ~lll ql!M SlU;;)rnn~Op ;;)Soql U! lU;;)UIg;;)li3'B U'B S! ~1;;)q.L 'SS;;)~~'B 10J i3U!MOII'B lU~W~~l~'B U'B
S'BM. ;;)l~ql O~'B S.m~A PIoS A~ql U;;)l{M. 'P'B~qMollV MOU S! l'BqM p~UMO AnUl'BJ S!q pU'B UU'BW ;;)UA'Bi\\ 'AIpuo~~S
'l~l'BM ~!lS~UIOp ou S! ~l~-ql '~;;);;)l~ ;;)-ql U! ;;)so-q 'B ;;)A'B-q A;;)qll~l'BM lU'BM A;;)ql U~qM l;;)UIUInS
~ql UI 'Ol p;;)sn;;)l'B AgqlWqM.lOU S! UI;;)lSAS l;;)l'BM. ;;)ql P~l'BlS;;)H 'si3U!ql ~~Jql uo P;;)lUgUIUIO~ U'BUId'Bq;) 'lW
U'B Ol P;;)l'BdUIO~ S'B slq~p gA!ldp~S~ld U~~M}~q ~~U~l~JJ!P ~qllnoq'B P;;)~SU uosuqof UI~l-Old U'BWl!'Bq;)
'urn !~S ~U!lS!X;;) U'B dn oi3 Ol ;;)A'Bq PInoM A~ql P;;)l'BlS IIo~spa 'lW
'lU;;)UI;;)S'B~ U'B ;;)l!nb~'B
Ol ~A'Bq PInoM. A~ql 'Ap;;)dOld lpql Ol SSg~~'B ~Jq'BUOS'B~l ;;)UO~UIOS AU~P l,U'B~ nOA P~l'BlS Ol'BU;;)l~g 'sw
'SS;;)~~'B ~q l~A;;} lOU A'BUI 10 A'BUI ;;)l;;)ql 'i3U!UOZ i3U!POOOlIDS ;;)qllnoq'B M.O~
Ol ~~H PInoM.;;)q 'UO!SP~P 'B i3U!~UI ~lOJ;;)g 'sUO!P!llS;;)l ;;}UIOS ~.m gl;;)ql P;;)l'BlS uosuqof UI~l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
'p~.md ;;)ql Ol p'BOl ~l'BApd 'B ;;)q l~A~U mM. ~l;;)ql AJq'BqOld u~ql P~l'BlS IIo~spa 'lW
'S! l! l'BqM S! l'Bql ';;}~'Bds u~do p~dOpA~pOO ~q Ol PU'BI JO ~~;;)!d .mIn~!llBd l'Bqll~qUI~UI;;)l A~ql P;;)l'BlS ~~'BIH 'lW
'~nI'BA lU;;)l~JJ!P 'B S'Bq l! '~~'Bds u;;)do S! l! JI 'UOn'BU~!S~P 'B S'Bq I;;)~l'Bd S!lll pooOl'B PU'BI
;;)ql 'and ;;)ql U!ql!M. 'P;;)UMO APl'BApd II'B S! p~.md S!ql puno.m PU'BI ;;)ql P;;)l'BlS uosuqof W~l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
'and ~ql U! p~pnpu! S! S!ql ~ms lOU S!;;)q P~l'BlS IIO~S!la 'lW
';;).mM'B SUM IIo~spa 'JWJ! P;;)~S'B ~~'BIH 'JW
'MO~ lOU s~op ~q P;;)l'BlS 19.m;;)qS 'JW
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'S~!ll;;)dold ~i3!lS~ld APA!l'BPl ~l'B S~!ll;;)dOld ~ql UV 'SdUIO~ ;;)Jq'BH'BA'B ;;)Jq'B;;)sn lSOUI ;;)ql
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'All;;}dold ;;)Iq'BdopA~p Aq p~pOOOlIDS APl~IdUIo~ S! l! ;;)sn'B~~q SS;;)~,;}'B uo sn~oJ l,UP!P Agql P~l'BlS l~l'B~qS 'JW 'l;;)l'BM
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';;)Ul'BS ~ql gl'B W;;)qlJo OM} P;;)l'BlS ~~'BIH 'lW
'~Jq'B.mdUIO~ ;;)qllno ~upn~y U;;)qM p~sn;;)q PInoM S~!ll~dOld lU~l~JJ!P AqM P;;)~S'B uosuqof UI~l-Old U'BUIl!'B-q;)
'S~X'Bl I'BlOl 09!;Z$ JO ;;)~U'BI'Bq 'B 10J OO.t€LZ$ JO gm~y lU~W;;)l'Bq'B U'B ~unS~nbgl
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
Mr. Black stated the assessment date is 12:00 noon January 1, 1994, They did not own the property on that
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson spoke to the logic.
Mr. Lindahl stated the agricultural use is in the summer and it was used that entire summer for agricultural
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson asked what the property was used for before the purchase.
Mr, Lindahl stated they are both vacant parcels.
Chairman Pro-tern Johnson asked what the land is being used for,
Mr. Hancock stated it is for cattle from May to October.
Chairman Johnson asked what they would be doing with the land in January,
Mr. Hancock stated he'd probably be feeding the cattle hay. He said there are many places that don't
operate as such anymore, He stated the territory is pretty rugged. They have used pasture rotation and gravity flow,
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson said they don't have a dispute the land is being used as agricultural purposes.
They are questioning when the clock starts ticking. He asked about case law,
Mr. Lindahl stated the January 1, 1996 date is where they begin. Mr. Lindahl stated it was used 1994 and
1995 because that summer they began installing irrigation and fencing and used the property.
Commissioner Gates asked about water rights,
Mr, Hancock stated he really doesn't know. He arrived in March of 1994, They have had no objections.
Mr, Lindahl stated he understands they have excellent water rights and have put in a great irrigation system,
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson asked Ms. Berenato a hypothetical question about turkeys and buying a turkey
ranch in November of 1994.
Ms. Berenato stated the statute does say for the previous two years, but it does not specify January 1 even
though that is the assessment date. Ms. Berenato stated she does not object to his interpretation, Ms, Berenato
stated it doesn't specify beginning on an assessment date.
Mr, Lindahl stated he feels if it was used in 1994 for agricultural purposes it qualifies, There are many
public policy issues which are legitimate considerations,
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson stated if asked what the land was used for, he would say agricultural.
Mr. Lindahl pointed out the other parcel was purchased in November of 1993 but he did not argue that it
should be reclassified as agriculture.
Ms. Berenato stated the assessment date is not blown out ofthe water. The statute says for the previous two
Mr. Black stated the statute would specify two growing seasons.
Commissioner Gates moved on schedule number 006734, Monroe Property Company that this property be
given agricultural classification and the assessor's office figure the fees accordingly,
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion, Ofthe two voting Commissioners the vote was declared
Allen Black presented a petition of abatement schedule number 006733, Monroe Property Company, He
stated this is a continuation of the prior hearing, He believes they are only dealing with 1996, 1995 was denied.
Mr. Black stated they are requesting an abatement in the amount of$11,001.76,
Commissioner Gates moved to approve an abatement for schedule number 006733, Monroe Property
Company in the amount of$11,001.76
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion. Ofthe two voting Commissioners the vote was declared
Allen Black presented a petition of abatement schedule number 25090, Billy Kelly Pirnie, The petitioner
handed out information to the Board, the attorney and the assessor, The file was tabled for fifteen minutes for
everyone to read the materials,
Commissioner Gates asked ifMr. Black has received the documents he was looking for.
Mr. Black stated the things they have concern with are the soil and conservation plan. He referred to the
document and the statement that erosion control is the primary purpose. Mr, Black stated all through in the plan
they are talking about weed control and then are putting in oats,
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't661 W €661l'B ~U!~OOI ;;).m A;;)ql J! P;;)~S'B uosuqof UI;;)l-Old U'BUIl!'Bq;)
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
Allen Black presented a petition of abatement schedule number 25909, Mirabelles at Beaver Creek
Restaurant. The Assessor's Office recommended approval different than requested in the amount of$3,185,70.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve the petition for abatement, schedule number 25909, Mirabelles at
Beaver Creek, as recommended by the Assessor in the amount of$3,185,70.
Chairman Pro-tem Johnson seconded the motion, Ofthe two voting Commissioners the vote was declared
There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until February
18, 1997,