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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
JANUARY 7, 1997
George "Bud" Gates
Johnnette Phillips
James Johnson, Jr.
James Hartmann
James Fritze
Sara J. Fisher
County Administrator
County Attorney
Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County
Commissioners for their consideration:
Plat & Resolution Signing
Tambi Kateib, Planner, presented the following plats and resolutions for the Board's signature:
5MB-00034, Eagle-Vail Subdivision, Filing No.1, Resubdivision of Lot 70, Block 1. He stated this was
a Minor Type B Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot 70 to create Lots 70A and 70B. This plat does contain a
Duplex Split Caveat, which states only one two family residence may be built on the combined area of these lots.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve final plat file number 5MB-00034, Eagle- Vail Subdivision,
Filing No.1, Resubdivision of Lot 70, Block 1.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
5MB-00029, Berry Creek Ranch, Filing No.2, Block 3, Lot 17. He stated this was a Minor Type B
Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot 17 to create Lots 17 A and 17B. This plat does contain a Duplex Split Caveat
which states only one two family residence may be built on the combined area of these lots.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve final plat file number 5MB-00029, Berry Creek Ranch Filing No
2, Block 3, Lot 17.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Resolution 97-002, file number ZS-380-95, Carol Ann Pit Special Use Permit. He stated this was a
resolution for the conceptual approval of a special use permit for gravel extraction and processing at the Carol Ann
Pitt. This application was presented to the Board on November 19, 1996.
Commissioner Johnson asked about the word conceptual.
Kathy Eastley, Planner, stated it is for the approval of the special use permit however, no activity can take
place until certain conditions are met.
Commissioner Johnson asked ifthey need to come back before the Board.
Ms. Eastley read a portion of the resolution being signed today. Another resolution will then need to be
Discussion continued on the word conceptual. It was agreed to pull the word.
Jim Fritze, County Attorney, stated ifthere is an adjective there it should be conditional. The next
resolution would not be conditional.
Commissioner Johnson stated all resolutions are conditional.
Mr. Fritze stated most resolutions do not contemplate coming back with another resolution.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 97-002, file number 2S-380-95, Carol Ann Pitt
Special Use Permit.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous.
Resolution 97-003, file number PD-142-96-S, Brett Ranch PUD. He stated this was a resolution for the
approval of the Planned Unit Development sketch plan for the Brett Ranch PUD. This application was presented to
the Board on December 10, 1996.
OOS'P 01 P~l!lUH ~q nUl{s 'g~POI U su 01 pgllgJgl ApgUIlOJ "lglUgJ UO!lUg1Jg1" gt[llOJ sgsn pgn!UIlgd gt[l (I
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S3p!n~ 8AON 'V-96-60f-SZ
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.I3JU3;) SS3U!Sng .I3Alli 3nqA\. '.!IV-96-If-nS
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'afld srnn!U!lUOpUO:)
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"ou ~U!lOA uosUt[of
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'afld l{:)un~ n~lS: 'S-96-zpI-ad 19qrnnu ~m 'mO-L6 uO!lnlosg~ ~A01ddu Ol pgAOlU sdm!t[d 19UO!SS!UIUIO:)
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
square feet of the following;
a) one restaurant with up to 50 seats, The restaurant is intended to serve users of Nova Guides site
operations and shall not be open to the general public. A water conservation plan shall be prepared and approved
by the Environmental Health Officer prior to issuance of Individual Sewage Disposal System Permits,
b) Office space, lobby, educational facility, day care, cross country ski facility, inside storage
associated with permitted uses.
c) One employee unit not to exceed 500 square feet.
2) The "recreation center" shall be located as indicated on the revised site plan dated 10-16-96 and shall be
limited in height to 28 feet, and shall be designed to fit the character of the area, Architectural drawings shall be
reviewed by the Colorado Historical Society prior to submittal to Eagle County,
3) The site located between Highway 24 and the railroad tracks shall be limited to storage associated with
permitted uses and outside storage that is screened and limited to 3,000 square feet. The site can be used as a
shop/maintenance facility. The facility shall be limited to 4,500 square feet and shall be a maximum of 28 feet
high, and shall be earth tones with non-reflective surfaces.
4) The building permit application for the "recreation center" shall include details for the parking lot
construction, including but not necessarily limited to non-point source control prepared by a Registered
Professional Engineer or Architect.
5) The site shall be permitted a total of 15 dwelling units, 2 owner occupied single family units, 2 employee
units and 11 cabins, The single family units are to be located within the building envelop as shown on the site plan,
one employee unit is permitted to be located in the area shown as an "existing cabin" on the site plan, the second
employee unit is further limited by condition 1, 5,2 bedroom cabins to be located in the trees on the South side of
the access road, and 6 one bedroom cabins to be located Northwest of the permitted "recreation center",
6) The architecture of all structures built on the site must be similar to the existing cabins with use of natural
materials and colors found in the immediate area, and use of non-reflective materials in the construction, The
cabins to be located northwest of the recreation center shall be limited to a height of 20', as measured to the peak of
the roofs from existing grade,
7) No permits will be issued for this site pending approval of a 1041 permit. Further evaluation of the
70,000 gallon water storage tank will occur through that permit, as well as further evaluation of the location for the
alternating mounds for the recreation center sanitation,
8) A detailed landscape plan prepared by a licensed architect or landscape architect must be submitted with
all building permits on the site to include an equal mix of fir, spruce and aspen of at least 60-80 trees to be placed
along the highway, Landscaping must be provided pursuant to a collateralized construction improvements
9) An amended site plan, showing approved location for physical improvements on the site, must be
submitted one week prior to the Board of County Commissioners adoption of a Resolution granting final approval
for these uses, This site plan must include the snowmobile and A TV storage site on the east side of Highway 24, in
the trees,
10) An amended State Highway Access Permit will be required prior to further construction on the site, The
southeastern access point onto Highway 24 must either be resolved either through issuance of a State Highway
Access Permit or by the closure of that access point.
11) The applicant shall provide notice to the U.S, Army Corps of Engineers prior to any construction and
have the ACOE verify the wetland boundaries,
12) The fuel storage tanks shall be located on the east side of Highway 24 as delineated on the approved site
plan, These 2 tanks shall be limited to 500 gallons each and be placed inside a secondary containment structure
capable of containing 110% of the tank volume, Implementation and compliance of the approved spill contingency
plan shall occur concurrently with the tanks being relocated.
13) Location of the generator and propane tanks, used in association with the temporary recreational center,
shall be permitted as shown on the approved site plan. The removal of the temporary structure must occur prior to a
certificate of occupancy being issued for the center, The generator and propane tank locations for the permanent
structure will be reviewed by the Community Development Department upon submittal of building permit
application for the center.
Tom Boni, Knight Planning, was present for the hearing,
Commissioner Johnson asked for a definition of a bedroom and how many beds it can have,
'gllPOI ~t[l U! l!Un llu!snol.{ U JO s~sn P~X!UI gl.{llnoqu p~)]"su S~lUD unUIl!Ul.{:)
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'uoIlu:)y!.mP lOJ P~)]"su sdHI!t[d 19UO!SS!UIUIO:)
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'UO!lUlU~S~ld S JJU1S
U! pdP~U~l su S# p~pu~um ~q:l q:l!M IUA01ddu S,UO!SS!UIUIO:) ~U!Ulrnld ~q:l Ol P~ll~J~l uosUl.{of 19UO!SS!UIUIO:)
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sgp!nD UAON '~nSS! S!l{lllU!p.mll~l UO!SS!UIUIO:) llU!Ulrnld ~l.{1l.{1IM. SUO!Ssn~s!p ~l.{l P~U!Uldxg !UOs: 'lW
'l!un llu!snol.{ d~AOldUIg ~l.{l P~UOIlSgnb SglUD unUIl!Ul.{:)
'lU!od S!l.{llU lunJ!Iddu ~l.{l JO d1!S~P ~l.{l S! lUl.{l pun l!m!I ~l.{l S!
sp~q 817 10 'Sl!un ~UmgMp Z1 Ol dfl 'UgM su ~u!d~~){~snol.{ S! ){lOM S,AUpOlJO t[:1nw P~lU1S ~H 'Al!IPUJ IUUO!lU~l~~l
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01 p~~u IEM Sld~U!llUg:Jo swo:) AUIJV gl.{llnq l! A.t!lU~P! 01 ~Jqu gq AUUI lunllnsuo~ U P~lulS fu~W 'lW
'l!UIl~d pUUn~M ~l.{llOJ S~!.mpunoq ~l.{l ~lU~U!PP 01 p~Y!Iunb ~q PInoM llgdx~ 19l.{lOUU J! p~)]"su !uos: 'lW
'Al!I!q!lUdUIOJ ~l.{l ssnJs!p
01 gUIIl ~t[l ~q HIM. l!UIlgd I PO 1 ~l.{llOJ UO!lU~!Iddu ~t[l 'u~.m g~UJOls IdllJ gl.{l q:l!M p~w~Juo~ ~lOUI ~l~M momy
pun s~u!ldS opu10lo:) 's~!.mpunoq punll~M ~t[l Aj:Ilu~P! 01 pg~U ~l.{l ~lullgU lOu s~op swo:) ~l.{l Aq 19l1gI ~l.{l 'l!UIl~d
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U S! ~nss! ~l.{l P~lUls ~H 'A.mpunoq ~l.{l Aj:IlUgp! 1,unJ gl.{ p~lmS 'l~JYJO l.{lIUgH ImU~lUU01!AUg: 'fugW AU~
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pun gnss! un lOU S! S!l.{l SpgJ gH 'Ug.m A.mpunoq punndM ~l.{l U!l.{l!M AUM ou U! S! SU!qu:) IUUO!l!PPU XIS ~q:l JO uOIlu:)oI
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'Alupunoq ~t[l UIlYUO:) Ollno ~UIO:) l~A~U SUl.{ swo:) ~t[l 'l!UIlgd swo:) AUIJV un lnol.{lIM. p~~~old Ol ~~lJ ~.m A~q:l
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'UO!lU1P gUOZ gJmOSg1 ~l.{l 01 P~llgJg1 !uos: 'lW 's~P!nD
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~uo gl.{l JO ~uo dlUU~!Sgp 01 p~.md~ld glgM A~l.{l pglUlS ~H 'UO!l!puOJ ~l.{l P~Uo!lsgnb !uos: 'lW 'llu!snol.{ ~~AOIdUI~
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FORM 50 HOECKEi:S 387869
Ms, Eastley stated the intent of Staff is stating it incurs within the recreational facility to minimize the
impacts, Staff s intent was simply to minimize the impacts on the site and did come about after the Planning
Commission hearing. She didn't feel she had the direction from the Planning Commission as to the location,
Mr. Boni concurred and stated due to the Camp Hale aspect of the site, it is quite historical. They believe
the site can accommodate the twelve cabins without appearing over developed.
Chairman Gates asked about wildfire and the photos he reviewed,
Steve Pittell stated they have talked with the Forest Service and they do have some concerns, The closest
fire department is Minturn, They do have water on the property and pumps, Mr, Pittell stated they have metal roofs
and have taken some precautions, They just happen to be in an area where they have to go with the flow,
Chairman Gates asked the Board for questions,
Commissioner Phillips responded it is clear to her and the way she understands it as having been a
suggestion, She feels they are meeting the two employee unit requirement, regardless of where they put them,
Commissioner Johnson asked to discuss condition #6, He stated he doesn't understand the beginning
portion of it. It questions where they will be in twenty years, He asked if the architecture of the buildings is the
most important or the use of the natural materials, He asked if the condition could be the use of natural materials in
future structures, On condition #8, he questions them hiring a landscape architect to design landscaping, He asked
if that is necessary if it is going to be reviewed by staff,
Ms, EastIey responded it is out of the regulations,
Commissioner Johnson suggested they may want to look at that further as they redevelop their regulations,
Mr. Caretto stated they would do it all if they are allowed to,
Commissioner Phillips was suggesting them buying the trees and putting them in themselves,
Commissioner Johnson asked about eliminating condition #11,
Ms. Eastley responded it can be eliminated because it will incorporated in the 1041 permit request.
Mr. Merry asked about the consideration ofthe violations in place now,
Ms, Eastley explained.
Mr. Boni referred back to the licensed architect aspect. He asked if a landscaping plan is submitted is there
an opening through the special use permit, not to require a landscape architect prepare the landscaping plan.
Mr, Fritze stated he will review that part of the regulation,
Chairman Gates stated that leaves it up to the Board and can become very subjective, It can be so far out
there then.
Mr, Boni stated in the screening in the area of the new cabins, the planting of the trees they have committed
to on the plan, They are talking about a buffer oftrees that will be plants that don't require the landscape finesse,
Commissioner Johnson believes it can be reviewed by staff for their approval. Steve Pittell suggested they
are adding fuel to the fire,
Chairman Gates asked if it is a busy time there now.
Steve Pittel responded they have a lot of army troops up there now in training,
Jim Fritze responded there are two sections involved one being with the special use permit itself. Mr. Fritze
read from the special use permit regulations which does not require an architect. The industrial and commercial
performance standards requires the use of a landscape plan by a qualified landscape designer. That is a building
permit submittal. He read from that citation, He stated it always does come back to the Board if the applicant
should feel Staff is being unreasonable if it is left up to staff,
Mr, Fritze suggested they take the word licensed out of the condition,
Commissioner Phillips asked about the collateralized improvements.
Ms. Eastley stated that would still be in effect.
Commissioner Johnson stated they would be taking out "prepared by a licensed architect or landscape
architect" ,
Discussion continued on the landscaping,
Commissioner Johnson asked about limiting the one bedroom cabins to state two visitor beds,
Ms, Eastley asked if they are double or king,
Commissioner Johnson stated just visitor beds,
Commissioner Phillips suggested they already have it limited to 48 beds period,
Ms, Eastley stated the current two bedroom cabins have fold out beds, A one bedroom cabin may have a
pull out couch,
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