HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/19/96 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 19, 1996 Present: George "Budll Gates Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr. Jim Hartmann Sara J. Fisher Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Plat & Resolution Signing Kathy Eastley, Planner, presented the following plats and resolutions to be signed by the Board: SM-1047-96, Eagle-Vail Subdivision, Filing No 1, Lot 83, Block 3. She stated this was a Minor Type B Subdivision, a duplex split of Lot 83 to create Lots 83E and 83W. This plat does contain a Duplex Split Caveat which states two dwelling units may be constructed on the combined area of these two lots. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number SM-1047096, Eagle-Vail Subdivision, Filing No.1, Lot 83, Block 3. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 5MB-00008, Elk Meadows Townhomes, Phase II. She stated this was a Minor Type B Subdivision, the second phase of a town home development located in the Homestead, Filing 3, Lot 5. The intent of this final plat is to create 8 town home units, related common area and future development area for the remainder of the project. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file number 5MB-00008, Elk Meadows Townhomes, Phase II. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 5MB-0001S, Berry Creek Ranch, Filing 1, Lot 36. She stated this was a Minor Type B Subdivision, a duplex split of Lot 36 to create Lots 36A and 36B. This plat does contain a Duplex Split Caveat, which states two dwelling units may be constructed on the combined areas of these two lots. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number 5MB-00015, Berry Creek Ranch, Filing 1, Lot 36. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Resolution 96-148, ZS-OOOOl, Public Service Company. She stated this was a resolution for the approval of an amendment to an existing Special Use Permit within the Resource Zone District in unincorporated Eagle County. The Public Service Company is requesting two additional buildings at their 1 utility substation site northeast of Minturn. This application was heard by the Board on October 29, 1996. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-148, ZS-OOOOl, Public Service Company. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. AFP-00002, Pilgrim Downs Pattie Haefeli, Planner, presented file number AFP-00002, Pilgrim Downs, Lot 18, Filing 8. She stated this was a request for an Amended Final Plat the purpose being to amend the lot line between lot 18 and the common open space by the exchange of parcels of equal area. The Homeowners Association and the utility companies have been notified. These agencies have recommended approval of the amendment. Staff recommended approval. Chairman Gates asked if there had been any public comment. Ms. Haefeli responded they have been notified and there has been no negative response. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number AFP-00002, Pilgrim Downs, Lot 18, Filing 8. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. AFP-00003, Cordillera Valley Club Pattie Haefeli presented file number AFP-00003, Cordillera Valley Club. She stated this was a request for an Amended Final Plat to amend the lot line between lots 4 & 5 in the Cordillera Valley Club, Fourth Filing, to revise the building envelope for lot 5 and to restrict any development on lot 4. The applicant owns all the surrounding land. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file number AFP-00003, Cordillera Valley Club. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. SE-323-96, Public Service Company Pattie Haefeli presented file number SE-323-96, Public Service Company. She stated this was a request for an Exemption Plat from the Subdivision Regulations for an existing parcel created by the sale of land from the Colorado State Land Board in accordance with Section 2.15.03(2). Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number SE-323-96, Public Service Company. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ZS-380-9S, Carol Schmidt Property Kathy Eastley presented file number ZS-380-95, Carol Schmidt Property. She stated this was a request for a gravel extraction and processing on a 30 acre parcel. She stated this file was tabled at the Board of County Commissioners hearing held on October 21, 1996. The applicant had made this request with the intent that meetings with the Towns of Eagle and Gypsum could resolve some outstanding issues that were raised by the Towns. No new 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 information has been received by staff, therefore the findings have not changed from the October 21, 1996 staff report. Ms. Eastley stated staff just received a letter today from the Town of Eagle that they have withdrawn their opposition to the pit but with additional conditions. The Town of Gypsum is present to be heard. stated staff is available for questions. Chairman Gates asked about a copy of the letter. Ms. Eastley read the conditions regarding removal from the Montgomery Pit and a surcharge to be levied. Chairman Gates asked if the surcharge has been done in the past. Ms. Eastley responded no and perhaps the attorney's office could address that. Scott Hoover, General Manager of B & B, stated he does not have much to add. He does believe he has the Town's support. He indicated the Town of Gypsum has some concerns which should be heard. Mr. Hoover responded to the Town of Eagle's concerns. He stated he given all assurances to the Town of Eagle the materials will be removed. have agreed to that and do not believe it to be a condition of a new application. Regarding condition #2 and the surcharge on sales. He understands this 'to have come about in response to another company bidding on the Schmidt property. They have agreed to service only this local market and do not believe it appropriate if the resource is limited to the local market. Jim Fritze, County Attorney, stated in regard to the surcharge issue, if it were a condition that would be okay if the applicant agreed, however, the County does not have the authority to impose such a fee. If it were an impact fee, the County would need to review it as it effects all parties. If it is not an impact fee, it is a tax, and if imposed on all parties, it would be an amendment one issue. He stated he does not believe there to be legal authority for the County to impose it. He stated he spoke briefly with Willy Powell but does not see the powers of the County to allow for the imposition of this specific commodity. Mr. Hoover spoke to the conditions staff has proposed. The first being condition #8 and providing their standard report, not a customized report. Secondly, including the amount of imported material processed annually. Sid Fox, Planning Manager, responded the Mined Land Reclamation Report is specific to those issues. What staff is looking for is a County report that will specifically monitor the conditions of the site plan, the mining plan and the County imposed conditions. Commissioner Phillips asked who else the County requires this report of. Mr. Fox stated he believes it is required of all of the permits either silent or specifically to the conditions. Ms. Eastley stated the annual report is not only limited to gravel operations but also to other recreational facility reports. Mr. Hoover stated he has no opposition in providing compliance, but feels that a site visit might better address the concerns. On the other hand, he does not see how some of the data being asked for is necessary for meeting the conditions of the permit. Chairman Gates suggested they use the state report and add to it what the County is desiring. He asked about #13. Mr. Hoover stated he foresees an enforcement issue and sees as well another vehicle which could produce the desired results. Willy Powell, Town of Eagle, stated currently the state statute requires She has They 3 covered loads. Commissioner Johnson stated the enforcement issue will be difficult to determine whether it comes out of this pit or the Montgomery pit. Chairman Gates asked if it will be demanded of all trucks. Commissioner Johnson stated they may not have the authority but the Town of Eagle may because of the home rule authority. He questioned whether the County would have the authority or not to impose state requirements. Jim Fritze stated there is some state statute authority if you are concerned with the driver or operation spilling loads on the highway. The County has the authority to adopt the uniform traffic code. This condition would be a condition on the land use. The violation would be if you have an independent hauler who does not comply, the owner/operator would be in violation and in penalty. There is a problem with fundamental fairness and who it would be enforced upon. Chairman Gates asked about them selling gravel to individuals. Mr. Hoover responded they would sell gravel if it is going to stay within the area. He stated the market is Eagle/Gypsum. Mr. Fritze passed a copy of the state statute to the Board to review regarding requiring covering of loads. Currently, all law enforcement officials can enforce it. Commissioner Johnson stated 15 & 16 seem to be redundant. Ms. Eastley stated the language can be or should be amended. The conditions were put in at the applicant's request. Mr. Hoover read the language they submitted. Chairman Gates asked for comment from the Town of Gypsum. Jeff Schroll, Town Manager of Gypsum, stated he wanted to discuss first of all the Town Council's view on this pit. He stated they are very grateful for the cooperation Scott Hoover has put forward, he also stated they are not upset with Mrs. Schmidt, nor with her plan. They do see the need for the mining. What the council puts before them is concern with the long range impacts the traffic puts on this road. Mr. Schroll stated they would like the County to take a look at the over all impact they will have along this roadway. They would like the Board to again look at the 13 Mile pit. The Town council is still in opposition to this pit. On October 9th both the Towns of Eagle and Gypsum asked to meet jointly to discuss an 1-70 interchange that may make better sense. They have not yet received a response to that request and asked they consider having those discussions. B & B's pit, by itself, is not a big deal. But, combined with the other pits out there, there are many problems. They do have concerns because this is one of many coming down the line. Commissioner Johnson asked about the Thirty Mile pit proposal. Mr. Schroll stated they did look at it but they did not submit comments at that time. Commissioner Johnson asked if that is a forty year proposal and should they wait that long before looking at the Carol Ann pit. Mr. Schroll stated if the other pits have closed down, there will not be such a strong need for opposition. He spoke to the impacts going on now and the fact these projects are short term and will be completed in the not too distant future. The impacts the town is creating, they are mitigating. This has been a busy summer. They would like to look at the cumulative impacts another pit will have along this corridor. Chairman Gates stated their direction was to look at the small bits of gravel before building over it. Every year we delay there will be more building. Chairman Gates stated the public deserves to have a sense of direction. 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Mr. Schroll stated when the Thirty Mile Pit was discussed two years ago, he hadn't even heard of the Archdiocese. They are trying to stay ahead of the game. There wasn't the demand of the local market that there was two years ago. The need for gravel is only going to continue to grow and perhaps the 13 mile pit can serve those demands. Randy Stadler, Town Planner, Town of Gypsum, stated he is available to answer any questions to his letter. The primary concern is the impact of heavy truck traffic through the town corridor. There are four pits up and down the corridor. Primarily, it is the safety concerns that are an issue. They have stated their conditions, some included in staff's report and some that are not. Chairman Gates stated he doesn't understand the truck traffic because if the gravel is being trucked in, it will have to effect each community. Mr. Stadler stated then each community can address their specific concerns. Commissioner Phillips questioned some of the conditions set by the Town of Gypsum. Mr. Hoover stated his general comment about the letter and his first meeting with the Town of Gypsum in August. To have a new letter and a new set of conditions is inappropriate. He sees no reason to pave into the site when they are going to turn it into pasture land. Mr. Stadler stated they thought the paving would get the berm's and into the active sites before hitting gravel roads. mud is tracked onto the roads so you get a heavy mud layer in dust in dry. Mr. Stadler stated the water rights are just to the land owner. Willy Powell stated it is true the Town did drop their opposition but mainly for the reason they are going to restrict their sales and delivery. He would like to see the Board impose the burden of the annual report which would fall on the permit holder. He stated they need to do some forward planning now and develop some financial resources towards that end. He stated it is unfortunate they can't do the surcharge but they need to figure out a way to finance the reconstruction of Highway 6. Chairman Gates stated they have tried to discuss access off 1-70 to the airport and so far they have not been able to get on the five year plan. Dick Turgeon, area resident, stated he was at the meeting two weeks ago where the Towns agreed to support the gravel pit. Gypsum has since flip flopped over the other way. He asked about this being a sixty six acre parcel and questions how the County has the authority to say yes or no either way. Mr. Turgeon stated it is a resource zone. Commissioner Johnson stated it deals only with subdivision. Mr. Turgeon asked where they get the authority if it is thirty five acres or larger. Mr. Turgeon stated he was under the impression they could not do anything on parcels greater than thirty five acres. He does not believe this Board has the authority to do anything. They would have to go to the state to get a mining permit. Derrick Barrada, a resident of Gypsum, believes this to be a well thought out program by B & B. Regarding enforcement of covering trucks, let's start now. Yes it is a hazard, but if we need pits, we need pits. If the demand is there, it will be met. He asked they do more thinking about the roads, how they will enforce them and the guidelines. He asked why the problems haven't been solved already. Kelly Berretta voiced her opposition to the gravel pit for the traffic trucks past the He stated the wet times and turn back to 5 concerns, the access lanes, the turn lanes, the traffic, the covered or uncovered loads, the noise from the trucks, the safety issues at the schools. She wants to make sure that adequate safety measures are taken. She has concerns about the dust. She spoke to the control of the dust, how does one control that. She is concerned about lighting. The mining will be from 7am to 6am. What about security, flood lights, etc. She questions who enforces the noncompliance. If there are issues, after the fact, how do they get resolved. Mr. Stadler stated the Gypsum Town council did not flip flop on this. At the last meeting there was good discussion and the Mayor of Gypsum stated he might be able to consider support with the reduction in years of mining. He stated with the truck traffic, they can't get paved what they need to get paved. Mr. Stadler stated the gravel goes into developments quicker than it goes into road improvements. There are fixes that can be done to alleviate some of the concerns to both towns. Jim Fritze stated two things left open were the model traffic code which the County does have the right to adopt. The second thing was to read a portion of the statute, to Mr. Turgeon regarding the zoning. The statute provides the County the right to divide the territory into district zones, and is covered by the zoning resolution. Mr. Turgeon responded and asked Mr. Fritze to do more research. Commissioner Johnson asked about condition #12 and the times of operations. He asked if those times were because of impacts to neighbors or where did they come from. Ms. Eastley stated the time periods are to mitigate impacts. Commissioner Johnson suggested the times reflect the hours of operations not the traffic impacts. Mr. Hoover stated it is very difficult because of the short building season. When you get down to the wire and have to shut things off for specific hours it would kill the project. He stated they don't normally operate after dark but occasionally they do. Mr. Hoover stated they need the ability to operate their operations without restrictions as to the hours they are moving the product. Commissioner Johnson stated they are looking for a way to limit the traffic during the busy times. Mr. Hoover stated he understands that but if they have a crew waiting for delivery, it is an extremely expensive proposal. Commissioner Phillips asked about the possibility of having the Montgomery pit closed before the opening of the Carol Ann pit. Mr. Hoover stated he has explained numerous times to Gypsum if they are supplying a local market, there will not be a dramatic increase in traffic. He stated in the last two years with denial in Deep Creek and approval in Edwards, the only resource they have is Montgomery. That facility is a full service facility. The Carol Ann pit is a low impact facility. They will need to have all of the support of the Montgomery pit. Commissioner Phillips asked if they will be mining gravel. Mr. Hoover stated you will see a decrease in production and see more of the final product. Commissioner Phillips asked about condition #6. Ms. Eastley responded it was deleted. Commissioner Johnson asked about #9 and the security lighting and asked if there is a written complaint to the sheriff's office if temporary lighting is provided. Ms. Eastley explained if it is for longer than that, the applicant will have to come to the Board. 6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL:S 387869 Chairman Gates asked Commissioner Johnson the enforcement issues of spillage. Chairman Gates stated at a higher speed there is a greater factor. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number ZS-380-95, Carol Schmidt Property incorporating staff's findings and conditions but eliminating 13A from those conditions. Commissioner Phillips asked about combining 15 & 16. Commissioner Johnson responded the applicant has agreed to that and it should be incorporated. Commissioner Phillips revisited #8 and asked if a specific report would be necessary. Commissioner Johnson stated it would be appropriate. He stated his preference would be for the County to do an annual inspection. Jim Fritze asked if the final adoption will be that of a written resolution. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Phillips said the conditions requested by the Town of Gypsum are included except of 4 & 7. Commissioner Johnson addressed the water rights. Chairman Gates called for the question on the motion. Commissioners Gates and Johnson voting yes, Commissioner Phillips abstained. about #1. stated they the County. can go back to all of the pits and show The key to the enforcement is Signage, Eagle County Airport Jim Elwood, Airport Manager, stated the next item on the agenda was approval of Signage for the Eagle County Airport Terminal. He explained the Signage for the Board and explained the packet received by the Board. He stated they have made every attempt to keep the directional Signage as unobtrusive as possible. The Signage starts on Cooley Mesa Road identifying Terminal A and B, inside the property line there is rental car information and Signage. All of the signs are maintained with the exception of the ground transportation signs within the lots. Commissioner Phillips asked about the curbside check in and if that is the only type of check allowed. Mr. Elwood stated international passengers will do an inside check in as will another airline. Mr. Elwood spoke to one additional sign that says Eagle County Regional Airport. Commissioner Johnson asked about #2 of 2 exterior signs and the one on the lower right hand corner. He asked if Eagle should not be on top of Vail. Mr. Elwood stated he would look into it. Chairman Gates asked if these fall within the sign code. Mr. Elwood responded yes and they were reviewed by Paul Clarkson. Jim Fritze stated most of the signs shown would not be regulated by the sign code. A matter of over caution if anything has been applied. Terminal A is the new facility with Terminal B being the existing jet center. Chairman Gates asked about the highway 6 signage. Mr. Elwood explained there is some directional signage. Mr. Hartmann stated he spoke with Jeff Schroll about the application for Signage. He suggested they take a drive in the "tourists" shoes. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the Signage for the Eagle County Airport Terminal. 7 Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County 1997 Budget Jim Hartmann stated this is a continuation of the public hearing held last Wednesday to discuss the budget. First a recap of the items decided on at the end of last week and then the personnel and capital improvements plan. Mr. Hartmann explained a handout presented which showed the categorization of budget action and whether it was to be placed in a restricted account. Other actions include pending, deletions and a possible add. Mr. Hartmann reviewed the various accounts. Discussion took place on the $1,000,000 funds held in restriction. Commissioner Phillips stated she would like to see it restricted. Mr. Hartmann stated either way the money is there and it will take a Board action to see it moved. Chairman Gates stated he would like to see it restricted. Mr. Hartmann asked about the nutrition site. He referred to a recent letter from the seniors in El Jebel. Commissioner Phillips questioned the $60,000. Allen Sartin stated the $40,000 is already pending. Commissioner Johnson stated if it is not used this year it will roll over. Mr. Sartin questioned if the $50,000 would be designated or put into a specific account. Mr. Hartmann spoke to the Vail Sales Tax refund and the issue being a addition to the revised budget for 1996. Commissioner Johnson asked if it could be budgeted for 1997 and paid in January. Mr. Sartin said, whatever date. Commissioner Phillips asked for an explanation. Mr. Hartmann explained the Town of Vail has requested to them for overpayment to the County for taxes. They are repayment since the beginning. Mr. Sartin explained the state has reimbursed the Town for three months. The Town, however, is asking for repayment since the error occurred. Chairman Gates asked if this will be resolved before the final budget. The Avon roundabout is a large ticket item and Mr. Roussos is doing some research on it. Mr. Hartmann suggested this Commissioner Johnson stated to the taxpayers for money for a and asking for more money. Mr. Hartmann stated the letter recognized the cost would be up to $6,000,000. Chairman Gates spoke to the bridge called Bob and the railroad overpass. Other items referred to small items that have come to the Board's attention in the last few weeks. One of those is Basalt, the issue with Lake County and the transportation authority, and a couple of others that totaled less than $15,000. Next is the railroad attorney. the general fund. Mr. Hartman stated if the issue comes up, we need to be in a position to respond. This can be addressed in a supplemental approach. Mr. Hartman stated if no action is taken they can reduce the funds. monies be refunded asking for may be settled in supplemental next year. philosophically he doesn't understand going project and then going back to the County That was directed to be restricted into 8 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Chairman Gates asked if they have gotten any money back. Mr. Roussos stated they have gotten it back from Town of Vail and the Town of Gypsum. They have not received the funds back from Lake County. Mr. Roussos stated they indicated in their response to Lake County includes staff time and meetings on behalf of Lake county. Commissioner Johnson stated they will do well to spend the monies lobbying the legislature. Commissioner Johnson suggested the moneys be used and any excess saved returned to the general fund. Commissioner Johnson questioned the sale of some of the profile books. Mr. Hartmann stated that was another jurisdiction and the monies would be applied elsewhere. The next issue was the Cowboy Dreams program. Chairman Gates stated he would like to see people raise funds. He thinks it is a good program but after Commissioner Phillips stated they have made a lot program that has proven to be very helpful. Chairman Gates stated if they raised $7,500 perhaps they aren't spending the money right. Commissioner Johnson stated there is another area other than Mr. Sartin stated that item They will put it in 3500. Next being the fair and deleting the stage sound and entertainment. Commissioner Phillips stated she thought they had talked about cutting back, not eliminating the free stage completely. Lori Asmussen, Fair Co-ordinator, suggested they split this in half budgeting $6,000 for entertainment. Ms. Asmussen suggested cutting $1,000 for sound and $6,000 for entertainment. Commissioner Gates and Johnson said they would agree to that. In finance, the copier replacements and the laser printer were deleted. The fire wall server, web server, color laser printer were deleted. The PC Maintenance Contract was not in the budget proposal but an issue that he would like to see included. Mr. Sartin stated they will need to add back about $15,000 in equipment maintenance account. The RFV Railroad Purchase Increase is a situation that is still working itself through. There are some new players at the table who will come forward with some money. The closing date pursuant to the contract is December 31. Funds should be placed into the 1996 revised budget. The dollar amount is $216,000. George Roussos stated to make up the funding shortfall there would be a $214,000 increase. He spoke to Garfield County and their initial investment was actually through grant funds. Commissioner Phillips asked about the $100,000. Mr. Sartin stated that is for the Eagle Valley. This would set aside the funds before the end of the year. He stated the last supplemental will have to be heard before the week of the 9th. Mr. Sartin asked if the money should be put in 1997. Mr. Roussos stated if they put it in 1996 and it needs to be rolled over, they can do that, If they need it in 1996 and it is not there till 1997, they may have some trouble. Chairman Gates stated they feel a little resentful toward the other entities when they have agreed to expending the funds. put forth an the fact. of money and effort to it is a they should leave it human service grants is not in the budget as pending and see if to support it. anywhere currently. 9 Mr. Roussos stated Pitkin has agreed to contribute $500,000 and this evening elected officials up valley are considering the same requests. Commissioner Johnson asked if the closing date is December 31, 1996 when they would need the check. They agreed to putting in 1997. Commissioner Phillips asked if they are agreeing to the $214,000. Mr. Hartmann stated if everyone holds true to their commitment. Commissioner Johnson stated he agrees to it as long as every other entity ponies up. If the state puts in, it should be attributed to all the participants. Garfield's money really came from the rest of the players. Commissioner Phillips asked if the $214,000 includes the 1996. Mr. Sartin stated the total is $375,000. Commissioner Phillips asked about the contribution from the transportation authority. Mr. Roussos stated that remains to be seen. Commissioner Phillips believes the $214,000 is more than she would like to see contributed. Chairman Gates stated he agrees to it if everyone plays ball. Mr. Hartmann stated at closing, they expect to have the money. Mr. Roussos stated another benefit for placing this in 1996 may help to create the momentum to get other entities to get their funds together. It was agreed those funds go into a restricted fund. It was agreed that the general engineering services and aerial mapping would be put under restricted. Mr. Hartmann referred to two additional lists and the summary of personnel requests. He reviewed the personnel requests. Commissioner Phillips asked about the reduction category. Mr. Sartin explained as it related specifically to the Sheriff's Office. Mr. Hartmann further reviewed the personnel requests. The enhanced phone system was discussed. Mr. Sartin stated Mike has some money in his budget for telephone upgrade. It will not cover the whole voice messaging system. Mr. Hartmann stated that can be reviewed as a supplemental. Commissioner Johnson asked in deleting positions last time, they reduced the general fund by about $400,000. Mr. Sartin stated it is $250,000. The major cost savings will come in the capital fund with the reduction of work stations, computers, etc. He reviewed a couple of errors they also found to adjust the figures to correct the deficiencies in the budget. There is $150,000 real savings. Mr. Hartmann stated the airport fund and the issue with security has received attention since the last meeting. Mr. Elwood stated these expenses get rolled back into the landing fees. He stated he got a fax from Ken Wilson today and they have had several discussions with Ken and the FAA. Mr. Elwood explained they are looking at 3 officers at an expense of $146,700. He stated they have had real cooperation from the FAA, thus he sees them going to a single person at the airport. Commissioner Johnson asked how the $146,000 works with the $92,000 that is in the budget. Mr. Elwood stated they started with .5 then budgeted to 1 FTE. They had not added equipment costs or vehicle costs and these new numbers reflect the increase. The manpower would go from 1 FTE to 3 FTE. He stated the FAA seems to be comfortable with the direction in which they are headed. Commissioner Phillips asked about the firefighters. Mr. Elwood stated to separate maintenance from firefighting is important because of the growth. Commissioner Johnson asked instead of $188 that they see within the 10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 change summary, it is about $146. Mr. Sartin stated they will increase the budget about $123,000. Commissioner Phillips asked how many people will be looked at to set up operations. Mr. Elwood stated the people are technically part time. Mr. Sartin stated the total is 15.75 with deputies. Chairman Gates asked about the transportation authority. Mr. Hartmann responded. He reviewed the capital improvements plan. Chairman Gates asked about the results of the election. Mr. Hartmann stated the figures remain the same. Mike Bradley referred to the maintenance projects. He referred to the 5th & 6th street parking, justice center improvements, and ADA upgrades. Mr. Bradley spoke to the animal shelter, the Eagle County building remodel. Those two projects will concluded in 1998. The Old Courthouse remodel has been contracted with Hyder. Fairgrounds signage, the ECR sound system upgrade, dead file storage. It was agreed the sound system will suffice for the next few years. Commissioner Phillips asked about the grandstands. Mr. Bradley stated he does not believe the wooden bleachers to be sound. They are discussing possibly leasing for a couple of years. The number of people seated by the wooden bleachers is 780. The downfall is the bleachers would only be there for the county fair. This is not removing all of the bleachers. Mr. Hartmann suggested this is a temporary solution until a bigger picture is looked at for the fair grounds upgrade. Commissioner Phillips stated she would prefer using the existing bleachers this year, making the needed repairs. Commissioner Johnson stated he would recommend renting the bleachers and reducing the liability. If it will cost $20,000 to do the repairs, we're saving $9,000. Mr. Sartin stated there will be some cost to demolishing the old bleachers. Mr. Hartmann stated they can continue to work on that. He stated the road and bridge building has been moved back a few years and will be determined if the BLM land becomes available. Mr. Hartman asked if the Board is comfortable with this direction. He stated the animal control will get some design and the old courthouse remodel will get the go ahead. Mr. Hartman stated they can then budget for animal control. Commissioner Johnson asked how much has to be transferred into the general budget from the capital plan. Mr. Sartin responded 1.76 mil for 1997, 1 mil for 1998. Commissioner Johnson asked about payback of airport funds. Mr. Sartin stated most of that will go for airport litigation. Mr. Hartmann spoke to the engineering surveying equipment. He stated they have a total station but need to replace that unit. The web server was taken out. Commissioner Phillips asked about the community development trails and land purchase. Mr. Sartin stated this is based on proposals. Mr. Sartin stated they have $350,000 County, $50,000 from GOCO and $100,000 from trail funds. Mr. Sartin further explained. Keith Montag stated relative to the trails aspect they are looking at 11 various segments to implement the plan. They are looking in Edwards and some intersection improvements. They are looking in the Basalt area and also the Town of Gypsum and Eagle extending a trail from the Gateway project east to Eagle. Commissioner Phillips stated those sound like five year projects. Commissioner Johnson stated they would like to have total $300,000 of County money split out 50/50. $175,000 to trails. Commissioner Phillips stated she thinks they should be aggressive with helping with grants and some of the parties pitching in. Commissioner Johnson suggested the Board of Relators may be able to contribute some too. Mr. Hartmann concluded that they will present a revised budget for the Board's adoption next month. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until November 25, 1996. ~fr-;tA"~ 4~&p;r-"p Chairm 12