HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/28/96 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 28, 1996 Present: George "Bud" Gates Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr. Jim Hartmann Sara J. Fisher Chairman Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Gates stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Approval of bill paying for October 28, 1996, subject to review by County Administrator B) Approval of Amendment No. Twelve to the Contract dated May 24, 1993, between Eagle County and Isbill Associates, Inc. for improvements to the Eagle County Regional Airport C) Approval of the renewal of the Software Service Contract between Eagle County and Data General D) Approval of the renewal of the On-site Service Agreement between Eagle County and Data General E) Approval of the Contract between Eagle County and the Colorado Department of Public Health to provide nutrition and health services through the Women, Infants and Children Program for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1996 F) Approval of the Contract between Eagle County and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to provide prenatal services for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1996 G) Approval of the Contract between Eagle County and Rocky Mountain HMO to enable Eagle County Nursing Service to provide immunization services to persons covered under Rocky Mountain HMO H) Approval of a Joint Resolution 96-138 between County of Pitkin, Eagle, Garfield, Summit and Lake Counties and the Rural Resort Region regarding a policy of collaboration on human needs I) Resolution 96-139 and Power of Attorney conferring Authority on the Eagle County Attorney's Office to draw on Letter of credit for Cordillera Valley Club, Letter of Credit No. 937-0314 LC 54 for $63,463.40, for Filing 23, to expire November 1, 1996 and Resolution 96-140 Letter of Credit No. S800583 for The Springs LLC in the amount of $19,992.72, to expire November 2, 1996. Commissioner Johnson asked items C & D be pulled for discussion. Chairman Gates stated he has a question on item G. He asked about the two different types of coverage being HMO and PPO. He asked if they are both covered. Kathleen Forinash, Health & Human Services Director, stated in terms of the PPO inclusion, Human Resources is working with Sloans Lake, the PPO 1 provider to be sure that coverage would be granted by those. Ms. Fornash stated that has not been finalized. Commissioner Johnson asked about the length of contract for items C & D. Mark Silverthorne, Controller, stated the terms are for one year. Commissioner Phillips asked if that has always been the case. Mr. Silverthorne responded yes. He stated one expires October 31st and one on December 31. Bob Loeffler, Ass't. County Attorney, stated the October 31 date is on there and the December 31 date is also included. Commissioner Johnson stated that is when the present contracts expire. He stated he does not see where the extension date is stated. Commissioner Phillips again suggested they are always renewed for one year at a time. Mr. Loeffler stated it can be supplied by getting a new purchase order that states, "for one year". The form is trying to encourage a longer date than one year. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the consent calendar as presented. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Resolution 96-141, County Landfill Ron Rasnic, Solid Waste Coordinator, presented Resolution 96-141, increasing the tipping fees at the Eagle County Landfill. He explained the Resolution to the Board stating they are proposing a tipping fee increase which would raise the domestic rates to $21.00 a ton, Unseparated Construction waste to $35.00 a ton, and a new category of Separated Construction waste of $23.00 a ton. He reviewed the other fee changes submitted. He stated the special thing about the increase is that C & D waste has the most specific impact. They feel they are justified in these fees. They are proposing the separated option. This would allow them to cover their increases in costs and to plan for the future. Commissioner Phillips asked if Mr. Rasnic had heard from the vendors. Mr. Rasnic stated the trash haulers were interested in the amount of increase, back in July they were looking at 12%. BFI has not shown opposition to the idea but he has not heard one way or another. Commissioner Johnson asked about the fees for seniors, if they were still waived. Mr. Rasnic responded those fees will still be waived. He stated the effective date of changes, if approved, is January 1, 1997. Commissioner Phillips asked if the municipalities have looked at this. Mr. Rasnic responded he did not send this to the municipalities but it was published in the newspaper. Allen Sartin, Finance Director, stated BFI has already raised their rates by 12% in anticipation of this. Chairman Gates asked about notification to the school district. He asked who will notify who. Mr. Rasnic stated they will post the rate changes and he has a press release ready to go. Commissioner Johnson stated all public entities are on the agenda list and have received information accordingly. Russell Forest, environmental planner for the Town of Vail, stated they are in support of the price increases and believe this to be a prudent change. He discussed Mr. Rasnic's effort in studying the plan for waste disposal. They are very interested in construction and demolition materials 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 from all of the redevelopment taking place. This will provide an opportunity for smart growth. Chairman Gates asked if by using the percentages, are the individuals getting their fare shake. Mr. Forest stated they are seeing the greatest fluctuations when they see demolition of existing buildings. Chairman Gates asked if the commercial people pay 43% of the trash, is the private person paying more. Mr. Forest responded that may be true. Mr. Sartin stated the rate is based on tonnage. The domestic rate is much lower than the commercial rate. They are hoping with the new rate they can encourage separation of materials. Mr. Sartin stated domestic disposal is less per ton. Commissioner Johnson stated the domestic trash is 60% lower than construction, unseparated materials. Commissioner Phillips questioned the costs and the equability of other areas. She stated they are making sure what is charged will keep them running and provide funds for financial assurance in the future. Pitkin County is double what Eagle's fees are. Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, stated Eagle County has come up with a plan which encourages the increases to prepare for the future needs. He agrees the cover loads is good as well as separation of materials. He complimented Ron Rasnic on his work. He stated there are bigger items to be alerted to as they discuss this with CCI. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve an amendment to Resolution 94- 185, increasing the tipping fees at the Eagle County Landfill. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until October 29, 1996. ~L-">1-~~t;;) Chair 3