HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 10/15/96 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 15, 1996 Present: Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr. Jim Hartmann Sara J. Fisher James Fritze Commissioner Commissioner County Administrator Clerk to the Board County Attorney Absent: George "Bud" Gates Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Plat & Resolution Signing Kathy Eastley, Planner, presented the following plats and resolutions to be signed by the Board: 5MB-00004, Elkhorn Lodge, Phase I. She stated this was a Minor Type B Subdivision, a condominium map to create the garage level of the structure and related common elements. The existing zoning is PUD resort commercial. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve final plat file number 5MB-00004, Elkhorn Lodge, Phase I. Chairman Pro-tem Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gates was not present for this meeting. Resolution 96-132, file number ZS-390-96, Alpine Christian Academy, Basalt Bible Church. She stated this was a resolution for the approval of a Special Use Permit for a private educational facility located in the Resource Zone District. This application was heard by the Board on August 20, 1996. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 96-132, file number ZS- 390-96, Alpine Christian Academy, Basalt Bible Church. Chairman Pro-tem Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. 1041-0001, West Edwards Sewer Main Sid Fox, Planning Manager, presented file number 1041-0001, West Edwards Sewer Main Extension. He stated this was a request for a major extension of existing sewage collection lines to serve the residential area along Highway 6, west of the Eagle River Mobile Home Park. The area is currently served by on-site wastewater disposal systems. The area is zoned Residential Suburban Low Density (RSL) and is designated in the Master Plan as part of the Edwards Community Center. Connection to the ERWSD manhole can be made near Hillcrest Bridge. The expected construction period is in the fall of 1996. The wastewater will be treated at the Squaw Creek WWTP and discharged into the Eagle River. Robert Ray, NWCCOG indicated support for the extension. Staff 1 recommended approval with the condition the District shall provide notice to the County Environmental Health Office when sewer taps replace an existing on-site sewage disposal system. Robert Weaver, Hydrosphere Resource Consultants was present. Mr. Weaver pointed out the locations on the maps. He explained the type of the sewer main and its connection to the existing sewer line. He showed the various properties that will be connecting to the line. Some are not required to do so immediately. The district does concur with staff's recommendations. Chairman Pro-tem Phillips stated every time they look at these, afterwards they question the tearing up of the road. She asked if consideration has been given to making it a bike path at that time. Mr. Weaver deferred to Mark VanOsford. He stated the district's primary responsibility is water and sewage. Chairman Pro-tem Phillips stated this is a perfect time for widening the path or creating a bike path. Mr. VanOsford stated they would be happy to work with County Staff as far as where the bike path should be. They are working with CDOT and will work with County Staff to tie into the projects. The district doesn't want to take on the full responsibility. They must work with CDOT. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number 1041-0001, West Edwards Sewer Main Extension, incorporating Staff findings and conditions. Chairman Pro-tem Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. ZS-380-9S, Carol Schmidt Property Kathy Eastley presented file number ZS-380-95, Carol Schmidt Property. She stated this was a request for a gravel extraction and processing on a 30 acre parcel. The applicant is requesting a Special Use Permit for gravel extraction and processing (crushing and screening) on a parcel east of the Town of Gypsum. Also requested is the allowance of importing material to this site for processing, an amount not to exceed 10,000 ton per year. Mike Serrianno, Mayor of the Town of Gypsum, stated this has come before them twice and the two Town councils have come to the consensus this is not a good thing at this time. There are six pits in existence now. The two councils urge this commission to take to heart what the communities want. Lorie Everman, a seven year resident of Gypsum, stated to date there has not been any comment regarding the safety of this issue. The elementary school is less than 1/2 mile from the proposed pit. There are no stop signs or stop lights on highway six. There are five extremely dangerous intersections. The children who live in Eagle River Estates must cross the highway twice. It is her opinion that children five to eleven years old will be endangered. Given the current traffic on highway six and the proximity to the school this should not go in. Jan Heiland, a Gypsum resident for five and a half years, stated in the mid eighties she spoke about Homestead II. "Fun is fun, but fun is done". She stated we cannot continue to solve the problems of the county. There are two schools right there which are the heart and soul of the community. She suggested they come and visit the area during the day and see the traffic concerns and the problems that exist now. She asks about the wear and tear on the roads. Sending the traffic through Eagle is equally as bad. We are a bedroom community, not an industrial park. Gypsum residents rely on Eagle for support and the need to travel between the two is there. Highway 6 is a nightmare. On her way in today she followed a cement truck, a gravel truck, etc. She suggests the Commissioners travel between the two towns and see 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 what is going to happen. She asked them to please spend time on the roads and in the community. Tom Collins, representing the town of Gypsum and residents of Gypsum, summarized by saying Gypsum is not at all in favor of this gravel pit. Safety, traffic impact, with the airport and year round flights, plus the seasonal traffic, will greatly impact the area. He asks the commission to consider these impacts and asks them to look at other alternatives that are available. He suggests they revisit some of the plans brought before them previously. This pit is not what is needed right now. He understands and empathizes with the developers and Carol Ann. For the greater good of the community and the people of Gypsum, we can't afford it. Willy Powell, Town of Eagle, stated this issue is clearly one of cumulative impact regarding traffic, primarily. He thinks one of the distinct problems with this application is if this is to be granted, they can not require B & B shut down their other pit. He suggests the Commissioners state to the applicant in very strong terms, if they are not willing to close the other pit, the new pit should be denied. They need to make gains on the situation. He asks this issue be studied in greater detail and the applicant be required to make a revised application. Rick Huffman, a resident of the Gypsum area, stated the increased traffic and the safety on Highway 6 are of great concern. There will be access problems with the new commercial building on highway 6. He believes by granting new permits to this area they will be impacting the river corridor. He does not believe it appropriate to destroy the area adjacent to the public area. A large pit in a populated area may not be good idea but creating smaller pits result in the same. Randy Statter, Town Planner, Town of Gypsum, stated he is somewhat familiar with the issues of the lower valley having worked in the Town of Vail. He spoke to the fact this valley is continuously under construction. He urged the Board to look at this with a comprehensive plan in mind. There are safety concerns and traffic concerns along this road. There are safety problems. We are a young community and we are trying our best to do things in a safe manner. Scott Hover, General Manger of B & B excavating and author of this application, stated there has been a suggestion we visit the 30 mile pit. He encourages everyone to drive highway six and look at the products. It is sometimes implied that gravel causes growth. This resource is needed and the planning is important. Look at this in a long term view, 50 to 100 years. He stated he would have liked to make his presentation and would ask the folks from the towns to spend some time with him to work with them in a positive manner to get this resource in the future. Staff recommended this matter be tabled to October 21, 1996, tentatively set for 3:30. Commissioner Johnson moved to table file number ZS-380-96, Carol Schmidt Property, as recommended by Staff. Chairman Pro-tem Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. AFP-00001, Berry Creek Ranch Patty Haefeli, Planner, presented file number AFP-00001, Amended Final Plat Berry Creek Ranch, Lot 8, Filing 4. She stated this was a request for a reduced road maintenance easement along the front of the property. All 3 owners of any property within 75 feet of the property have been notified. One resident responded with concern about the view corridor. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Johnson asked about the set backs. Mr. Haefeli discussed the proposed setbacks. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number AFP-0001, Amended Final Plat, Berry Creek Ranch, Lot 8, Filing 4. Chairman Pro-tem Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. LUR-016-96, Eagle River Watershed Plan Ellie Caryl, Planner, presented file number LUR-016-96, Eagle River Watershed Plan Memorandum of Understanding between Eagle County, Town of Avon, Town of Eagle, Town of Gypsum, Town of Minturn, Town of Red Cliff, Town of Vail, Bureau of Land Management, United States Forest Service and the Colorado Division of Wildlife. She stated this was a request for approval of the MOU for these entities to work together to preserve and enhance the Eagle River Watershed. She stated the MOU has made the rounds and will then be delivered further. They now have the Red Cliff signatures. This document reinforces the commitments of the various governments. She stated they have worked together to implement the plan as outlined. This outlines the projects and the way they will work together. They have generated a public education program, school programs, etc. They will see how many they can implement. Another project is correcting two of the drop structures. A recreation access map is being developed and a review of all existing regulations used by the various communities and developing a single set. Then an engineer will not need to work with multiple plans. She asked to meet with the Board in November to discuss their plans for next year. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number LUR-016-96, Eagle River Watershed Plan and the Memorandum of Understanding. Chairman Pro-tem Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County 12997 Budget Jim Hartmann, County Administrator, stated he would like to present the Board with the 1997 budget and capital improvements plan. He stated there will be a public hearing with brief presentations by staff on November 12 at 2:00 p.m. Final adoption will be December 5, 1996. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until October 21, 1996. Attest: Clerk 4,1ffr"t}..-O' t1Xi~ Chairma 4