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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
MAY 14, 1996
Present: George "Bud" Gates
Johnnette Phillips
James Johnson, Jr.
Earlene Roach
Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented
to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration:
PD-108-96-A, Berry Creek, Filing 2
Ellie Caryl, Planning Technician, presented file number PD-I08-96-A,
Berry Creek PUD Amendment, Lots 5, 6 & 7, Block 4, Filing 2, and amend the
PUD Guide for Filings 1, 2, 3 & 4. She stated this was a request to amend
the PUD. She stated the purpose was to construct a one story community
center and to combine the PUD Guides for Filin$"s 1, 2, 3 & 4. Staff
recommended approval with the following conditlons:
1) Submit with the building permit application;
a) final draft of the Use Guidelines for the Community Center
that identifies a maximum building capacity of 150 persons
b) a revised site plan that;
1) defines the final access drive from Stetson Drive onto
the property
2) denotes parking is not allowed on Berry Creek Road and
Stetson Drive for this use
3) shows location of outdoor lighting and indicates that
lighting will shine downward and not toward any adjacent residence. The
applicant is encouraged to limit the amount of outdoor lighting on-site to
only what is necessary for safe site and building access)
4) details landscaping types, size locations and amounts
and includes some additional year round screening type landscaping adjacent
to the parking lot boundaries, indicates that parking will be paved and
5) depicts where trash containers will be located that
will not remove parking space.
2) Improvements identified as necessary through analysis of the
traffic study submitted by the applicant shall be installed prlor to
occupancy of the community center.
The Planning Commission recorrmended approval with the same conditions as
Commissioner Johnson asked about the change in condition number IB1.
Ms. Caryl stated condition number two remains the same. She stated at
this point it is more a technical review.
Terrill Knight, Knight Planning, introduced Adele Williams, Chairman of
the Berry Creek Metropolitan Board.
Ms. Williams stated from the beginning the Board has given 100%
approval. The goal was to develop a place to cover all community residents.
She stated there were only two complaints, access on Stetson Drive and no
glaring lights. Those two complaints have been resolved.
Rick Dominick, Morter and Associates, explained the site plan to the
Board. He discussed the lighting system.
Mr. Knight stated they are in agreement with Staff concerning a revised
site plan. He stated all but one issue has been resolved. He continued to
review Staff recommendations. He requested a waiver of the traffic study but
related if the Board believes it necessary it will be done.
Commissioner Johnson stated the intensity of traffic has been shown.
Ms. Caryl stated the Engineering Department has related there were
omissions in the traffic analysis submitted and would like to see a traffic
study before there is additional traffic on Berry Creek Road.
commissioner Phillips asked if the traffic study discussion could wait
until the next step in the process. She reiterated this was a community
Burt McColl, resident and Board member, stated Berry Creek is the main
road into the community. He stated the impact is minimal and related the
golf course has not created any problems.
Commissioner Johnson asked about the speed limit on Berry Creek Road.
Mr. McColl stated the speed limit is 15 miles per hour, 35 miles per
hour and 25 miles per hour depending on which part of the road you are on.
Mary Cope, resident of Berry Creek, stated the community center is fully
paid for, available through a bond financing. She stated there are no
negative comments from any of the residents. She stated Berry Creek
Metropolitan District has been concerned with safety on Berry Creek Road,
which is the reason the guard rail was installed.
Mike Gruber, Engineering Technician, stated on initial review he
analyzed the impacts, which meant looking at traffic volumes. He stated this
road has high volumes including future build-out. He stated the analysis
determined accell/decell lanes would be needed, reaction times need to be
considered along with stopping distances. He believes a separate traffic
study needs to be submitted.
Phil Scott, Engineering Technician, stated there will be a vehicle up
and down that road every eight seconds. He spoke to reaction times. He
stated the concern is the amount of traffic at build-out.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file number PD-I08-96-A, Berry
Creek PUD Amendment, Lots 5, 6 & 7, incorporating Staff recommendations and
conditions as stated. A traffic study shall be submitted at building permit.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion.
In discussion, commissioner Johnson questioned the letter from the
Chairman Gates called for the question on the motion. The vote was
declared unanimous.
PD-108-96-AF2, Berry Creek, Final Plat
Ellie Caryl presented file number PD-108-96-AF2, Amended Final Plat,
Lots 5, 6, 7, Tract K, Filing 2, Block 4. She stated this was a request to
amend the Filing 2 Final Plat. Staff recommended approval with the same
conditions as stated above.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number PD-108-96-AF2, Amended
Final Plat, incorporating Staff findings and conditions.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Plat & Resolution Signing
Kathy Eastley, Planning Technician, presented the following plats and
resolutions to be approved and signed by the Board:
SM-1030-96. Berry Creek Ranch, Filing 4, Block 2, Lot 10. She stated
this was a Minor Type B Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot 10 to create lots
lOA and lOB. The current zoning is PUD Duplex and the plat does contain a
Duplex Split Caveat.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve final plat file number SM-I030-
95, Berry Creek Ranch.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
SM-1034-96, Riverwalk at Edwards, Phase 4. She stated this is a Minor
Type B Subdivision, a resubdivision of Tract A to create lots 4 and 5 as well
as 14,849 acres of future development.
commissioner Johnson moved to approve final plat file number SM-1034-96,
Riverwalk at Edwards, Phase 4.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Resolution 96-55, PD-347-95-S, Two Rivers R.V. Park. She stated this is
a resolution for approval with conditions, for a PUD Sketch Plan for a mixed
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
use recreational/commercial facility located in Dotsero. She stated this
application was presented to the Board on April 13, 1996.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-55, file number
PD-347-95-S, Two Rivers R.V. Park.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Resolution 96-56, file number Z-273-96, Grant-Smith. She stated this is
a resolution for approval of a Zone District Amendment, from Resource and
Residential Suburban Medium Density to A$"ricultural Residential and
Residential Suburban Medium Density. ThlS application was presented to the
Board on April 30, 1996.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-56 file number ZS-
273-96, Grant-Smith.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the
vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Johnson abstained.
Resolution 96-57, file number PD-340-95-S, Fox Run Meadows. She stated
this is a resolution for approval with conditions of a Sketch Plan of 26 lots
containing 33 dwelling units. This application was presented to the Board on
April 30, 1996.
commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-57, file number PD-
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners the
vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Johnson abstained.
Resolution 96-58, file number PD-139-96, Arrowhead Village Conceptual
Plan. She stated this was a resolution for approval with conditions for a
Development Area Plan in accordance with the Amended and Restated Guide to
the PUD Plan. This application was presented to the Board on April 30, 1996.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-58, file number PD-
139-96, Arrowhead Village Conceptual Plan.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the
vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Johnson abstained.
Resolution 96-59, file number 1041-037-96, Squaw Creek Metropolitan
District and Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District. She stated
this is a resolution for approval of an extension of wastewater collection
and to serve the Bearden Parcel in the Cordillera Subdivision. This
application was presented to the Board on April 30, 1996.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-59, file number
1041-037-96, Squaw Creek Metropolitan District and Upper Eagle Valley
Consolidated Sanitation District.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the
vote was declared unanimous. Corrmissioner Johnson abstained.
Resolution 96-60, file number ZS-232-96-A, Edwards Plaza, Lot 2. She
stated this was a resolution for the approval with conditions of an Amended
Special Use Permit for site plan review of a Commercial General Lot. This
application was presented to the Board on April 30, 1996.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-60, file number ZS-
232-96-A, Edwards Plaza, Lot 2.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners the
vote was declared unanimous. Corrmissioner Johnson abstained.
SE-321-96, Newman Exemption
Kathy Eastley presented file number SE-321-96, Newman Exemption. She
stated this was a request for an exemption plat. Staff recommended approval.
She stated the reason for this application is to legalize this lot. The
current zoning is Resource, which does allow for one single family dwelling.
She read Staff findings for the Board.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number SE-321-96, Newman
Exemption, incorporating Staff findings.
commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
PD-254-95-AF2, Oolorow
Patti Haefeli, Planning Technician, presented file number PD-254-95-AF2,
Colorow at Squaw Creek, Lot 12. She stated this was a re<;IUest for an amended
final plat. She stated the ap~licant is moving the buildlng envelope closer
to the road. She read Staff flndings for the Board. Staff recommended
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file number PD-254-95-AF-2,
Colorow at Squaw Creek, Lot 12, incorporating Staff findings.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
ZS-362-95, Eagle Wings Property-Cooley Mesa
Paul Clarkson, Planner, presented file number ZS-362-95, Eagle Wings
Property-Cooley Mesa. He stated this was a request for a contractor's
storage and auto salvage. He stated this property is accessed from Cooley
Mesa Road and LaGrow Road, which is a private road. He stated there is a
current salvage yard permit on this site which the applicant does intend to
maintain. Mr. Clarkson gave background information of the site to the Board.
The Planning Commission was unable to approve the application in November
1995 as at that time the applicant was unable to demonstrate access. Staff
recommended approval with conditions:
1) the applicant is responsible for the completion of the road
improvements as approved by the County Engineer. A Professional Engineer
licensed to practice in Colorado must certify the road work has been
constructed in accordance with the access schematic and the appropriate
standards for roadways contained in the Land Use Regulations and the sub-
grade is adequate to support the anticipated traffic loads. All notes and
indications on the access schematic dated 05-13-96 shall be complied with by
the applicant.
2) Adequate evidence of the issuance of a legal well permit shall
be submitted to staff no later than December 31, 1996.
3) The applicant shall comply with the County Extension Office's
suggested procedures for reseeding and weed control.
4) All of the conditions of the previous Special Use Permits as
listed in Resolutions 83-40 and 86-13 shall remain in full force and effect.
Chairman Gates questioned watering of the road.
Clark Ewing, applicant, stated watering and mag-chloride have been
applied to the road recently.
Mr. Clarkson stated up until two weeks ago the applicant has not had the
legal right to use the road.
Commissioner Phillips asked if this road was the main source of dust.
Karen Carthy, adjacent land owner, stated there is a lot of dust on the
road. The applicant has watered the road more frequently in the last few
weeks. She stated yes this road is the main source of dust. She asked about
the alignment of the road. She asked about a date in accordance with weed
control. Ms. Carthy stated if the road is completed in a timely manner she
would have no problems and suggested there be a completion date.
Mr. Clarkson suggested the Board ask the ap~licant to have the weed
problem controlled by a certain date but it is hls belief the applicant would
like to start on the road immediately.
Mr. Ewing stated the road will be completed by the end of June.
Commissioner Phillips moved to ap~rove file number ZS-362-95, Eagle
Wings Property-Cooley Mesa, incorporatlng Staff findings and conditions. The
road and weed problem shall be completed by the end of June.
commissioner Johnson seconded the motlon.
In discussion, commissioner Johnson stated he believed the Board could
not approve this application until legal water has been supplied.
Mr. Clarkson stated Staff is confident, after speaking with the water
Attorney, le$"al water will be supplied.
Commissloner Phillips stated legal water has been shown.
Mary Ewing, applicant, stated water has been shown, an Attorney has been
hired and reiterated the completion date of December 31, 1996.
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
Mary Jo Berenato, Deputy COtmty Attorney, asked if the applicant had
something in writing from the Divislon of Water Resources.
Ms. Ewing answered no.
Eileen LaGrow, applicant, stated she deeded enough water to the Ewing's
for two households.
Discussion continued on the motion.
Chairman Gates called for the question on the motion. commissioners
Gates and Phillips voting yes, Commissioner Johnson voting no.
SSA-01-96, Town of Eagle
Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, presented file number SSA-Ol-
96, site approval for construction of a new Town of Eagle waste water
treatment plant. Dave Myers and Willie Powell are present at this hearing.
He stated some of the service area plans include areas up Brush Creek and
along the Eagle River. The Board has an option to sign the state ap~lication
form either with or without corrments, or the Board may recommend denlal.
Staff recommended approval.
Willie Powell, Town of Eagle Manager, stated the Town is planning the
new waste water treatment facility and ending the life of the current
facility. He stated the Town will build a new site doubling the current
facility. He stated the new plant will meet all County and State
regulations. He related the Eagle Corrmunity Plan projects the area will grow
from 2.8% to 5.5%. He stated the new plant life is somewhere between ten to
twenty years. This new plant will be expandable.
commissioner Phillips asked when the new plant will be usable.
Mr. Powell stated the final completion date is somewhere in the third
quarter of 1997.
Mr. Merry stated the purpose of the 201 Plan is to assure municipalities
look for different plans.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number SSA-01-96, site
approval for construction of a new Town of Eagle waster water treatment plant
with the recommended ap~roval box being checked.
Commissioner Philllps seconded the motion. The vote was declared
ZS-382-96, El Jebel MObile Heme Park
Paul Clarkson ~resented file number ZS-382-96, EI Jebel Mobile Home
Park. He stated thls was a request for a Special Use Permit to add six new
mobile home spaces.
Tom Boni, Knight Planning, pointed out on a map the location of the
Mobile Home Park. He stated the applicant is lookin$ at consolidating the
park into the lava hillside. He stated the landscaplng proposed creates a
much better site for the mobile homes.
Terrill Knight, Knight Planning, stated various things have developed In
that area and the Crawford family decided a Master Plan was needed. He
stated the Roaring Fork Valley Planning commission are very supportive of the
proposed Master Plan. Mr. Knight stated they are working with the County
Road and Bridge Department for shop s~ace.
Mr. Boni explained the site speclfics to the Board. Mobile home spaces
range from 6,000 to 9,600 square feet. All spaces require ten foot set
Commissioner Johnson asked if the applicant was requesting the Board
waive the ten foot set back requirement.
Mr. Boni answered yes. He stated one of the successes of the EI Jebel
Mobile home ~ark is management.
Commissloner Johnson asked about the set backs.
Mr. Boni stated there will be seventy to eighty feet between each mobile
home, but the set back will be four feet.
Chairman Gates asked about lot coverage, and the lots are actually not
going to be covered any more than ri$ht now.
Noel Crawford, applicant, explalned the adjacent property to the Board.
Chairman Gates stated there were at least three or four dogs at some of
the trailers.
Mr. Crawford stated there is still a dog problem, which they are trying
to get a hold of.
Mr. Clarkson read Staff findings for the Board. Staff recommended
approval with the following conditions:
1) The County Engineer's concerns as outlined in the April 15, 1996
memorandum shall be addressed.
2) The applicant shall obtain written statements from the water and
sewer provider and the Basalt and Rural Fire Protection District.
3) An adequate grading and drainage plan prepared by a professional
engineer shall be submitted for review.
Robert Loeffler, Ass't. County Attorney, asked about the set back issue.
Mr. Clarkson answered, due to the site design, the set backs are well in
line with the lot size.
Mr. Loeffler questioned fire codes which may affect the set backs.
Mr. Clarkson stated they are dealing more with building codes rather
than fire codes.
Mr. Knight stated the Fire District is more concerned with the distance
between mobile homes rather than lot lines.
Mr. Loeffler asked Staff how the set backs can be waived.
Mr. Clarkson stated Ms. Berenato concurred the Land Use Regulations are
sometimes getting in the way of good land planning.
Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, referred to Section
2.24.01 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations, and the subdivision
Mr. Loeffler stated the Board must find some basis for waiving a part of
the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. He stated the regulations for mobile
home parks are explicit and do not suggest possible waivers.
commissioner Johnson questioned why the Board cannot use section to waive the requirements for this mobile home park. He stated
there was an application a year and a half ago placing a propane tank on a
parcel of land. At that time the Board made a decision it was subdividing
the land. He stated this application does sound like it is a subdivision.
Mr. Loeffler stated he would hesitate to make that kind of leap, but if
the Board agrees with the concept, they approve step one to allow the
applicant to move on to step 2.
Commissioner Phillips asked if the lots were going to be sold.
Mr. Crawford stated they are just making room for additional trailer
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve ZS-382-96, EI Jebel Mobile Home
Park, incorporating Staff findings and conditions.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion.
In discussion, commissioner Johnson asked if at the second stage the
Board would determine if the possible waiver of set back would occur.
Mr. Loeffler stated it can happen at the second stage.
Chairman Gates called for the question on the motion. The vote was
declared unanimous.
Eagle County Air Tenninal
Chairman Gates stated the next item on the a$"enda was the organizational
meeting of the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporatlon.
Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn as the Board of County
Commissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Mr. Loeffler stated it is appropriate to designate a Chairman and a
secretary and instruct the Clerk's Office to maintain a record.
Commissioner Phillips moved to appoint Chairman Gates as the Chairman of
the Eagle County Air Terminal Corporation.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Commissioner Johnson moved to designate Earlene Roach to serve as
secretary for this meeting.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Jack Gardner, Hogan and Hartson, stated certain documents have been
FORM 50 HOECKEL'$ 387869
prepared for this organizational meeting, including a draft of minutes which
will serve as a guideline for this organizational meeting. The Corporation
was formed on April 24, 1996 which is the date the corporation documents were
filed with the Secretary of State's Office. He stated the first order of
business is the formal approval of the Board of Directors.
commissioner Johnson moved to accept the Articles of Incorporation as
accepted by the Board a couple of weeks ago.
Corrmissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Mr. Gardner stated the next step is to ratify the acts of Mr. Fritze as
incorporator of the Co~ration.
Commissioner Philllps moved to approve the acts of County Attorney in
the formation of the corporation on April 24, 1996.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Mr. Gardner stated the next ste~ is to approve the by-laws of the
corporation as discussed in the meetlng of April 23, 1996. He stated there
are two vacancies which will be filled by the Board of County Commissioners
in the future. He stated the officers are president, chairman of the board,
secretary, treasurer. Mr. Gardner stated the Airport Manager is non -voting,
the Cornmlssioners are voting.
commissioner Phillips moved to approve the by-laws of the corporation.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion.
In discussion, Commissioner Johnson asked about the changes. He stated
he would like terms set in the by-laws.
Mr. Gardner stated there were none.
Chairman Gates called for the question on the motion. The vote was
declared unanimous.
Mr. Gardner stated the next item is to approve the corporate seal for
the organization.
Corrmissioner Johnson moved to accept the corporate seal as presented by
Mr. Gardner.
Corrmissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Mr. Gardner stated the next item is appointment of officers. He stated
in order to be an officer of the corporation they do not have to be a
director of the corporation.
Commissioner Johnson moved to appoint Jim Elwood as president.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Commissioner Phillips moved to appoint Jim Hartman as vice president and
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Commissioner Johnson moved to appoint Karen
Treasurer and Public Trustee as treasurer of the
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion.
Commissioner Phillips moved to nominate Bob Loeffler as ass't secretary.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Mr. Gardner stated the next item was a general resolution of appointment
for banking relationships. This resolution enables the officers to select a
bank for the corporation.
Commissioner Phillips moved to authorize the Treasurer, Karen Sheaffer
to select a bank. All officers appointed today will be authorized to sign
the checks in the absence of others.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Mr. Gardner stated the Resolution was to appoint other officers to sign
checks, not just the treasurer.
Commissioner Johnson moved the fiscal year will commence January 1 and
end on December 31 of each calendar year.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Shaeffer, Eagle County
The vote was declared
Commissioner Phillips moved the Eagle County Administration Building be
designated as the legal posting place.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the declaration of intent for
capital expenditures.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Allen Sartin, Finance Director, stated one of the actions will be the
adoption of a trustee to carry out the indenture agreement. Mr. Sartin
recommended Colorado National Bank be selected for further investigation. He
stated this bank has the best interest rates and has worked with the County
in the past.
Commissioner Phillips moved to designate Colorado National Bank as the
indenture trustee.
commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Mr. Fritze stated Mr. Sartin is contemplatin$ the selection of a
bookkeeper and legal counsel and for the corporatlon.
Mr. Sartin asked the directors hold time open every week for the signing
of documents and such until about July.
Mr. Gardner stated the by-laws approved today allow the president to
schedule meetings.
Commissioner Johnson designated Monday, May 20, 1996, 1996 at 4:00 p.m.
as the next meeting of the corporation.
Mr. Elwood stated the selection committee met and received five
proposals from companies with a history of airport construction. He stated
those businesses made very strong proposals. Hazelton, Shaw and Colorado
First were selected to proceed through the next phase. The committee
selected Shaw Construction.
Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn.
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Commissioner Johnson moved to reconvene as Board of County
Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Chairman Gates stated the meeting reconvened for additional hearing, but
there would be public hearing at a later date.
Steve Larsen, attorney for Jet Center, questioned the composition of the
Board of Directors and the Board of County Commissioners, when two other
members were appointed.
commissioner Johnson stated the positions would be advertised and
applications accepted for the position.
Chairman Gates stated the time frame would be the middle of June.
Scott Miller, Ea$le Valley Enterprise, asked about voting members. He
asked if the two appolntees are voting members.
Commissioner Johnson stated there are five voting members and one non-
voting member.
Mr. Fritze stated the Board is not required to fill the two remaining
Commissioner Phillips stated her appreciation for members of the press
being present.
Heather McGregor, Daily Sentinel, asked if the action taken today means
the County is going forward with this.
Chairman Gates stated they are setting things in motion.
Mr. Fritze clarified statlng the Board has a letter of agreement with
American Airlines.
commissioner Johnson stated the agreement sends the County on the way to
build a County owned terminal.
Ms. McGregor stated her readers did not understand the need for the
Chairman Johnson stated the Board's desire for the terminal is to be
self funding. He spoke of renegotiations with the Jet Center
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
commissioners Phillips spoke of the need for improvement at the
terminal. She added the goal is not to burden the taxpayer for funding the
commissioner Johnson stated there has not been an acceptable offer from
the Jet Center to make the current terminal functional.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board the
meeting was adjourned until May 20, 1996.