HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/06/96 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Present: George Gates Johnnette Phillips James E. Johnson Jr. GENERAL FUND ASP AAAE ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS ACTION CLOTHING TECHNOLOG ADVANTAGE NETWORK SYSTEM AIR FILTER SALES SERVICE AIRPORT FUND ALAN RICHMAN PLANNING ALLEN BLACK ALPINE ANIMAL HOSPITAL ALPINE BANK/EAGLE CO FAIR AMERICAN CORRECTIONAL AMERICAN EXPRESS AMERICAN PAYROLL ASSOC AMERICAN PUBLIC TRANSIT ANI SAFETY & SUPPLY INC ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF VAIL ANN HELEWINSKI ANN MCCORMACK ANNA CSABA API FUND FOFR PAYROLL ED APPLE CART APPLIED ELECTRONICS ARTHUR AND PERLMUTTER ASSOCIATED BUSINESS ASSOCIATION FOR QUALITY A AT&T AT & T CELLULAR AUDREY MAXWELL A V TECH ELECTRONICS INC AVON BEAVER CREEK TRANSIT AVON TOWN OF B I INCORPORATED BADER AND VILLANUEVA BASALT CHILDENS REC FUND BASALT SANITATION DISTRIC BEASLEYS FOOD TOWN BEN GALLOWAY M.D BERTHOD MOTORS BEST WESTERN EAGLE LODGE BETSY ROSS FLAG GIRLS BFI MEDICAL WASTE SYSTEMS BIG NUGGET SUPPLY BILL BAILEY BOB BARKER COMPANY BRADFORD PUBLISHING COMPA BROWNING FERRIS IND BUTLER RENTS C.A.T.A. CANDACE HOFFMAN CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS CAPSOFT CARPENTER AND JOHNSON CASINO 96 MA Y 6, 2996 PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner James Hartmann James Fritze Sara Fisher SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES/SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES DONATION SERVICES SUPPLIES SERVICES PARTS/SERVICES SERVICES SUPPLIES SERVICES SUPPLIES SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVOCES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICES DONATION County Administrator County Attorney Clerk to the Board 40.09 95.00 10.00 837.38 88.20 368.03 51.14 3,885.00 107.76 15.00 1,500.00 182.25 5,584.21 125.00 139.50 104.35 6,429.00 15.00 88.20 10.00 215.00 12.27 324.37 10.00 242.25 745.00 1,397.55 5.80 25.00 1,863.13 40,014.50 1,136.10 1,977.36 8.00 2,000.00 75.00 744.99 615.00 666.73 130.20 1,074.00 92.89 33.00 35.00 431.08 57.65 68.28 250.00 220.00 131.62 5,107.12 178.00 1.00 250.00 CASTLE PEAK VETERINARY SUPPLIES CCO AND ERA PAYROLL EXPO. CENTER FOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN SERVICES CENTURY PAPERS INC. SUPPLIES CHADWICK, STEINKIRCHNER SERVICES CHARLOTTE PADILLA REIMBURSEMENT CHEMATOX INC. SERVICES CHRIS LEWIS REFUND CHRISTENSEN & JENSEN SERVICES CLE INTERNATIONAL SERVICES CLERK RECORDER EL JEBEL SUPPLIES CO ASSESSORS ASSOCIATION SERVICES CO CORONERS ASSOCIATION SERVICES CO DEPT AGRICULTURE SUPPLIES CO DEPT OF HEALTH SERVICES CO DEPT PUBLIC SAFETY SERVICES CO DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S SERVICES CO FEDERATION PARENTS SERVICES CO HUMAN RESOURCE ASSOC SERVICES CO STATE TREASURER INTEREST CO WEST MENTAL HEALTH GRANT COCA COLA BOTTLING SUPPLIES COLETTE M DIMARCO SERVICES COLLECTO SERVICES COLORADO COMPUTER SYSTEM SERVICES COLORADO GOLF TURF INC SUPPLIES COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE SERVICES COLORADO WEST MENTAL SERVICES COORS WESTERN SLOPE SUPPLIES CORNBEL T CHEMICAL COMPANY SUPPLIES CORNING CLINICAL LAB SERVICES CORPORATE EXPRESS SUPPLIES COVEY LEADERSHIP CENTER SUPPLIES CREDIT BUREAU ROCKIES SERVICES CRS INC SERVICES CSU COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICES DAN SPARKMAN SERVICES DATA GENERAL CORPORATION SERVICES DATACOM PARTS/SUPPLIES DAVID CARTER REIMBURSEMENT DAVID R BRADEN SERVICES DAY TIMERS INCORPORATED SUPPLIES DEB JORDAN REIMBURSEMENT DEENA EATON REIMBURSEMENT DENMAN GREY AND COMPANY SERVICES DENNIS ALLEN INC SERVICES DENVER POST CORPORATION T SUPPLIES DENVER SURGICALfTITUS SUPPLIES DERIK EKREM REIMBURSEMENT DESKTOP PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT DISTRICT COURT TRUSTEE SERVICES DIV OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES DIV PROPERTY TAXATION SERVICES DOCTORS OFFICE THE SERVICES DON PEBBLES SERVICES DONNA BARNES, CORONER SERVICES DOUGLAS L BRYANT, DVM SERVICES DOUGLAS MANLEY SERVICES DUDLEY SPILLER, ESQ SERVICES DUNN ABPLANALP AND SERVICES EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS/SERVICES EAGLE BEND AFFORDABLE SERVICES EAGLE CLERK AND RECORDER SUPPLIES EAGLE CO INVESTIGATIONS REIMBURSEMENT EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS SERVICES EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT SUPPLIES EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFF SERVICES EAGLE COUNTY TREASURER SERVICES 33.99 42,403.46 75.00 1,048.59 12,000.00 25.00 75.00 577.50 10.00 395.00 41.36 30.00 400.00 2,100.00 83.86 66.24 66.50 495.00 18.00 60.05 1,185.00 269.70 15.60 7.50 65.00 22.78 891.00 1,890.00 644.50 3,777.52 254.80 216.00 63.45 15.60 48.00 4,495.85 216.46 240.10 1,375.50 134.26 12.60 22.90 25.00 55.55 1,000.00 28.00 218.40 96.72 96.00 1,264.00 554.01 30.00 30.00 820.00 100.00 287.98 344.00 11.60 24.57 8.00 304.88 18.00 23.67 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 EAGLE EYE PHOTO SUPPLIES EAGLE PHARMACY SUPPLIES EAGLE PRINTING SUPPLIES EAGLE SUMMIT NEWSPAPERS SERVICES EAGLE TOWN OF SERVICES EAGLE VAIL ANIMAL HOSPITA SERVICES EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE SERVICES EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND SERVICES EAGLE VALLEY PET HOSPITAL SERVICES EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING SUPPLIES/SERVICES ECO LAB SERVICES ECONOMICS PRESS SUPPLIES ELAINE WOLF REIMBURSEMENT ELF FIRE SECURITY SYSTEMS SERVICES ELLIE CARYL REIMBURSEMENT ESPINOSA CARTAGE CO SERVICES EVA JO ARCHIBEQUE REIMBURSEMENT EVES PRINT SHOP SUPPLIES/SERVICES EXTENSION PROGRAM FUND SUPPLIES EZ WAY RENTAL INC SUPPLIES FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY SERVICES FAMILY VISITOR PROGRAM GRANT FARMER BROTHERS SUPPLIES FAYE R MCKENNY SERVICES FEDERAL EXPRESS SERVICES FERRELLGAS SUPPLIES FIRST BANK EAGLE COUNTY PAYROLL EXPD. FIRST BANKS SUPPLIES/SERVICES FITZSIMMONS MOTOR COMPANY SUPPLIES FLOYD CRAWFORD SERVICES FONES WEST SERVICES FOOD RESOURCE CENTER GRANT FORENSIC LABORATORIES INC SERVICES FORTUNES RESTAURANT SUPPLIES FOX SIDNEY N REIMBURSMENT FRITZ R KAHN, PC SERVICES FRITZLEN PIERCE BRINER SERVICES GARFIELD CO SNOWMOBILE SERVICES GARFIELD COUNTY HOUSING SERVICES GATES GEORGE A REIMBURSEMENT GAY JOHNSONS INC SUPPLIES/SERVICES GEORGE ROUSSOS REIMBURSEMENT GERLAD D BETTY J SEALE REFUND GLENWOOD MEDICAL ASSOC SERVICES GLENWOOD SHOE SERVICE SUPPLIES GOLD & COMPANY REFUND GRAINGER INCORPORATED SERVICES GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND SUPPLIES GREAT WESTERN AIRGAS INC SUPPLIES GTCO CORPORATION EQUIPMENT GUTHRIE CARPET & TILE SERVICES H V H TRANSPORATION FURNITURE H20 POWER EQUIPMENT INC SERVICES HAJOCA CORPORATION SERVICES HALL KYLE REIMBURSEMENT HANSEN STEVE R REIMBURSEMENT HAPPY TAILS SERVICES HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT HEALTHY BEGINNINGS GRANT HELEN BARTA REIMBURSEMENT HELLO DIRECT INC SERVICES HIGH COUNTRY NEWS SUPPLIES HIGHTECH SIGNS SUPPLIES HOBART CORPORATION SUPPLIES HOLLY T A TNALL REIMBURSEMENT HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC SERVICES IAAO SERVICES 33.85 206.27 168.00 65.10 2,345.05 136.00 2,756.95 60.00 36.00 1,016.28 948.35 24.02 25.00 3,481.50 97.86 24.00 250.00 386.48 138.21 66.00 1,140.00 2,000.00 624.66 23.40 233.00 223.50 233,787.70 12,132.59 39.40 2,322.00 1,358.00 250.00 28.00 10.50 200.00 6,045.83 10.00 7.50 1,028.03 363.97 298.48 13.00 250.00 68.00 310.00 432.00 68.10 6.30 23.87 379.25 10.00 60.02 239.34 248.75 12.38 969.09 70.00 92,776.46 500.00 30.00 762.35 6.20 38.50 350.40 37.04 9,861.79 80.00 IACREOT SERVICES ICBO SUPPLIES ILlRAHIME TUSUNOUIC SERVICES INCENTIVE MARKETING INC SUPPLIES INSIGHT INSTITUTE INC SERVICES INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE SERVICES INTERNATIONAL ASSOC FAIRS SERVICES INTERNET EXPRESS SERVICES J WANDEL PRESS SUPPLIES JACKIES OLD WEST INC SUPPLIES/SERVICES JAMES VAN BEEK REIMBURSEMENT JAN ARNOLD SERVICES JANET KOHL REIMBURSEMENT JANET SHIPKA REIMBURSEMENT JEFFERSON COUNTY SERVICES JENNAH MONTAG DONATION JOAN M MAXWELL RN REIMBURSEMENT JOHN J RUDDY REIMBURSEMENT JOHN M ALEXSON SERVICES JOHN WAYNE MILLER ASSOC SERVICES JOHN WILEY AND SONS INC SUPPLIES JOHNNETTE PHILLIPS REIMBURSEMENT JOHNSON JACK W SERVICES JOHNSON KUNKEL & ASSOC SERVICES JONES MIKE SERVICES JOSE RODRIGUEZ, M.D. SERVICES JOSEPH H STRIEFEL SERVICES JULIE FELDMAN REIMBURSEMENT JULIO CORDOVA SERVICES JUNIPER VALLEY PRODUCTS SUPPLIES KAREN CARTHY SERVICES KEN WILSON SERVICES KEVIN HOFFERBERT REFUND KHTH - 610 AM SERVICES KN ENERGY INC SUPPLIES/SERVICES LAND L SANITATION SERVICES LAKE COUNTY GRANT WRITER CONTRIBUTION LANDS END INCORPORATED SUPPLIES LAURA FAWCETT REIMBURSEMENT LAURIE ASMUSSEN REIMBURSEMENT LAURIE ZEKAN REFUND LAWYERS COOPERATIVE SERVICES LEGACY COMMUNICATIONS INC SERVICES LINDAHL ASSOCIATES SERVICES LK SURVEY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES LORETTA STAYTON REFUND LOWRY SERVICES LP DOCTOR SERVICES LUZ PEREZ REIMBURSEMENT LWVCO EDUCATION FUND SERVICES M EVAN SWEET SERVICES MACHOL DAVIS MICHAEL SERVICES MAGNATAG PRODUCTS SUPPLIES MARGERY STONE REIMBURSEMENT MARGIE EPPERSON REIMBURSEMENT MARK P FIELD SERVICES MARY RUTH ISOM SERVICES MEET THE WILDERNESS GRANT MELISSA TRUJILLO REIMBURSEMENT MICHAEL C RAWLINGS SERVICES MICHAEL WHEELERSBURG REIMBURSEMENT MILAN & MALARA SERVICES MILLAR ELEVATOR SERVICE SERVICES MINDLlNK INC SERVICES MOMS MAGNETS SUPPLIES MONTAG KEITH P REIMBURSEMENT MOORE SUPPLIES MOORE BUSINESS PRODUCTS SERVICES MOORE MEDICAL CORPORATION SUPPLIES 200.00 537.34 8.00 300.61 108.00 270.00 75.00 8.95 985.66 18,069.65 30.80 15.50 23.02 51.03 230.00 500.00 32.56 85.20 7.50 17.60 49.69 168.95 20.00 2,868.75 420.00 950.00 4.40 43.37 2.00 33.80 91.68 100.00 742.40 500.00 6,370.58 180.00 500.00 517.95 25.00 432.50 580.00 377.10 52.30 6.40 82.55 116.00 4,809.00 549.95 288.00 14.50 5.00 32.10 66.62 36.00 30.00 19.50 20.60 500.00 21.02 10.00 61.24 10.00 420.80 159.00 927.00 33.00 68.90 100.43 80.00 FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MOTOR POOL FUND SERVICES MOUNTAIN COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES MOUNTAIN HOTSY EQUIPMENT SERVICES MOUNTAIN MICROFILM SUPPLIES/SERVICES MOUNTAIN MOBILE VETERINAR SERVICES MSEC MANAGEMENT DEV CENTR SERVICES NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES NATIONAL GRAPHICS COMPANY SUPPLIES/SERVICES NATIONAL PROPANE SERVICES NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY SUPPLIES NATIONAL TACTICAL OFFICER SERVICES NEBS SERVICES NEVES UNIFORMS SUPPLIES NEW ENGLAND BUSINESS SUPPLIES NICOLE KNOB SERVICES NOBEL SYSCO FOOD SERVICES SUPPLIES NUMETRICS INSTRUMENTATION SUPPLIES/SERVICES NW COLORADO COUNCIL OF SERVICES OFFICE PAVILION SUPPLIES ORRISON DISTRIBUTING SUPPLIES PA SAFETY CORP SUPPLIES PAINT BUCKET THE SUPPLIES PANORAMA SERVICE & SUPPLY SERVICES PAPER CHASE INCORPORATED SUPPLIES PARAGON SYSTEMS GROUP SUPPLIES PARAMOUNT FABRICS INC. SUPPLIES PATRICIA HIGGINS REIMBURSEMENT PAYCO GENERAL AMER CREDIT SERVICES PC MAGAZINE SUPPLIES PETTY CASH SERVICES PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING SERVICES PHIL FREEDMAN M.D. SERVICES PHYSICIAN SALES SERVICE SUPPLIES PITKIN COUNTY SHERIFF SERVICES PITNEY BOWES SERVICES PITNEY BOWES INCORPORATED SERVICES POSTMASTER EAGLE BRANCH SUPPLIES/SERVICES POWERS LLOYD REIMBURSEMENT PRECINCT POLICE PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT PREMIUM LIVING REFUND PRIMA PAINTING SERVICES PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATES SERVICES PROFESSIONAL ORDNANCE COM SERVICES PROFESSIONAL TREE & TURF EQUIPMENT PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS SERVICES PROTECTORS L TO SERVICES PSS, INC SUPPLIES PTI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES PTL ELECTRIC SERVICES PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY SERVICES QUALITY QUICK PRINT SUPPLIES QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES QUINLAN PUBLISHING COMPAN SUPPLIES R & 0 INDUSTRIES EQUIPMENT RAINBOW SUPPLY SUPPLIES RBJ AUTOMOTIVE INC SERVICES RE-PRINT CORPORATION SUPPLIES REGALIA MANUFACTURING CO SUPPLIES RELIABLE SUPPLIES RESOURCE CTR EAGLE COUNTY GRANT RICHARD YOUNG PRODUCTS SERVICES RNL DESIGN SERVICES ROARING FORK SUNDAY SERVICES ROBERT KRIVICKAS SERVICES ROBERT LOEFFLER REIMBURSEMENT ROBERT TROTTA SERVICES ROBERT WAXMAN PARTS/SERVICES 37,463.40 306.00 98.80 357.50 25.00 125.00 95.00 247.25 224.75 17.06 100.00 256.66 782.45 281.75 3.20 6,439.25 103.50 1,183.95 1,379.13 939.20 418.15 243.54 297.00 102.24 451 .48 510.00 99.85 12.00 39.97 23.93 1,382.70 544.00 849.26 20.30 96.00 193.80 10,811.62 43.89 285.50 127.50 12.00 4.00 69.02 323.84 299.00 300.00 119.95 1,988.97 1,230.65 197.57 110.00 1,356.49 87.81 780.00 8,880.79 50.00 95.16 330.97 24.84 1,250.00 1,013.55 437.02 774.00 10,00 171.89 10.00 588.02 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PRINTER SUPPLIES ROCKY MOUNTAIN REPROGRAP SUPPLIES ROPIR CABLEVISION SERVICES ROSABEL CORDOVA REIMBURSEMENT ROSANNE C STRATTON SERVICES SALLY M LEWIS REIMBURSEMENT SANDYS OFFICE SUPPLY SUPPLIES SARA J FISHER SUPPLIES SATTERFIELD RHODORA REIMBURSEMENT SCHMIDT CECILIA REIMBURSEMENT SCHUTZMAN NBS INC SUPPLIES SCULL YS ART OFFICE AND SUPPLIES SEQUOIA PACIFIC SYSTEMS SUPPLIES/SERVICES SERVICEMASTER OF VAIL SERVICES SHAW CONSTRUCTION REFUND SHAW SPANGLER ROTH SERVICES SHEAFFER KAREN REIMBURSEMENT SHIRKIES RESTAURANT SUPPLIES SIRCHIE FINGERPRINT SERVICES SKAMPS COMPUTER SERVICES SERVICES SKILLPA TH SEMINAR SERVICES SLV AREA COOPERATIVE SERVICES SNOWHITE LINEN SERVICES STEVE CARCA TERRA REIMBURSEMENT STRAWBERRY PATCH SUPPLIES SUMMIT LUMBER SUPPLIES SUN BADGE COMPANY SUPPLIES SUNLIGHT PEAK USERS SERVICES SUSPENSE FUND PAYROLL EXPO. SUSTAINABLE SEATTLE SERVICES TALBOT TOM SERVICES TASERTON INC SERVICES TELEVUE SERVICE COMPANY SERVICES TERRENCE J QUINN -A TTY AT SERVICES TERRY ROUNDS REIMBURSEMENT TINA RUSS REIMBURSEMENT TRANE COMPANY SERVICES TRANSCOR AMERICA INC SERVICES TRI VALLEY JOURNAL SERVICES TRI-H COLLECTORS SERVICES TURNKEY MATERIAL HANDLING SERVICES TUXALL UNIFORM COMPANY SUPPLIES UNITED PARCEL SERVICE SERVICES UNIVERSAL GYM EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SERVICES US WEST CELLULAR SERVICES US WEST COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES UW MADISON SERVICES VAIL ASSOCIATES SERVICES VAIL ELECTRONICS SERVICES VAIL LOCK AND KEY SUPPLIES VAIL MOUNTAIN MEDICAL PC SERVICES VAIL RESORT RENTALS AND SERVICES VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTR SERVICES VAIL VALLEY TIMES SERVICES VALLEY SIGNS SUPPLIES VALLEY WIDE MECHANICAL IN REFUND VIKING OFFICE PRODUCTS SUPPLIES W W GRAINGER INCORPORATED SERVICES WAHRER JENNIE RN SERVICES WALMART /A VON SUPPLIES WALMART /GLENWOOD SUPPLIES WALT DISNEY WORLD DOLPHIN SERVICES WEKA PUBLISHING, INC. SUPPLIES WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY SUPPLIES WESTCOTT COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES WESTERN COLORADO AHEC SERVICES WESTERN COLORADO AREA SERVICES 1,026.79 333.00 51.73 30.00 24.20 27.00 193.57 64.05 30.80 16.87 34.97 177.71 2,526.31 14,296.38 223.20 10.00 56.56 331 .72 82.25 360.00 295.00 100.00 162.26 629.21 190.85 984.48 105.00 150.00 49,148.99 15.00 100.00 157.00 492.08 8.40 393.91 66.30 220.91 2,835.16 84.00 1.60 305.11 716.04 177.22 44.11 70.15 2,509.51 2,718.08 645.00 4,422.25 305.00 12.00 5,208.00 10.00 1,786.46 562.91 79.87 17.50 27.20 778.40 237.90 521.18 67.21 685.00 49.50 917.35 388.00 105.00 525.00 FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS WESTERN COLORADO ASSOCIA T SERVICES WESTERN EAGLE COUNTY SERVICES WESTERN MOBILE/MOUNTAIN SERVICES WILLAMETTE INDUSTRIES INC SUPPLIES WOOD ASSOCIATES INC SUPPLIES WOODWORKERS SUPPLY INC. SUPPLIES WORDPERFECT MAGAZINE SUPPLIES WRIGHT WATER ENGINEERS SERVICES WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SERVICES XELCO COLLECTION SERVICE SERVICES XEROX CORPORATION SERVICES 50.00 25.00 376.50 993.85 2,157.44 12.20 24.00 2,940.74 117.82 4.00 1,855.42 PAYROLL FOR APRIL ROAD & BRIDGE FUND PAYROLL # 8 & 9 339,149.33 1,129,760.55 SUPPLIES/SERVICES PAYROLL EXPO. SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICES SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT PAYROLL EXPO. SERVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES/SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFIT REIMBURSEMENT SERVICES SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES SUPPLIES/SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT SUPPLIES/SERVICES SUPPLIES PAYROLL EXPO. SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES EQUIPMENT REIMBURSEMENT 35.00 21,774.48 5,977.37 10.50 27.75 75.00 600.00 64.88 68.68 84.00 601.25 112.40 22,996.12 750.00 59.28 6,089.69 11,320.86 73.20 250.00 98.11 328.51 4,938.83 10,466.25 75.00 307.47 843.91 4,912.26 24,905.26 10,644.34 6,835.87 5,587.23 3,589.69 174,929.42 89.22 19.96 75.00 APWA WESTERN SLOPE BRANCH SERVICES BOGUE CONSTRUCTION CCO AND ERA CENTURY PAPERS INC. DEEP ROCK WEST DOUG M KIERMAN EAGLE AUTO PARTS EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT EAGLE PHARMACY EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE ELAM CONSTRUCTION FESSLER DON FIRST BANK EAGLE COUNTY FONES WEST GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND HARRYS HEAVY HAULERS HEALTH INSURANCE FUND HIGGINS BRAD JOHN MUIRHEAD LAB SAFETY SUPPLY LANDFILL FUND MOTOR POOL FUND RANDY & SHERRIE SCHLEGEL RANDY SCHLEGEL ROARING FORK RESOURCES SCULL YS ART OFFICE AND SUSPENSE FUND TOWN OF AVON TOWN OF BASALT TOWN OF EAGLE TOWN OF GYPSUM TOWN OF MINTURN TOWN OF VAIL US WEST COMMUNICATIONS WALMART /AVON WILLIE WARE PAYROLL FOR APRIL PAYROLL # 8 & 9 31,924.47 351 ,541.26 SOCIAL SERVICES FUND AT & T SERVICES BEASLEYS FOOD TOWN SUPPLIES BOSSOW RITA R REIMBURSEMENT CCO AND ERA PAYROLL EXPD. CO COUNTY DIRECTORS SERVICES CO DEPT HUMAN SERVICES SERVICES CO WEST MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES CODY LANE GENERAL PARTNER SERVICES COLORADO MOUNTAIN COLLEGE SERVICES DESKTOP PRODUCTS EQUIPMENT DORIS STEADMAN SERVICES EAGLE COUNTY A TIORNEY SERVICES EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT SERVICES EAGLE COUNTY SHERIFFS OFF SERVICES EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING SUPPLIES EVA MARIE LUNDIN REIMBURSEMENT FIRST BANK EAGLE COUNTY PAYROLL EXPD. FONES WEST SERVICES GATES GEORGE A REIMBURSEMENT GENERAL FUND SUPPLIES HEALTH INSURANCE FUND PAYROLL EXPD. IMMUNOLOGICAL ASSN DENVER SERVICES JACKIES OLD WEST INC SERVICES JAMES E JOHNSON JR. REIMBURSEMENT JET CENTER CAFE SERVICES JOAN BALDWIN REIMBURSEMENT JUNIPER VALLEY PRODUCTS SUPPLIES KATHLEEN ROSS REIMBURSEMENT KATHY REED REIMBURSEMENT LANDS END INCORPORATED SUPPLIES LAURA CASTRO SERVICES LINDA MCKEOWN SERVICES LOAF N JUG SUPPLIES/SERVICES LORENZA RAGSDALE SERVICES LYONS KATHLEEN REIMBURSEMENT MICHAEL CLAUSSNER SERVICES MOTOR POOL FUND SERVICES NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY SUPPLIES OFFICE PAVILION SUPPLIES PEPPY MARA KAUFMAN REIMBURSEMENT PTI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES QUILL CORPORATION SUPPLIES RAMADA HOTEL SERVICES SANDY ALFRED REIMBURSEMENT SOCIAL SERVICES FUND SERVICES SST ABS - ATIN R ARAGON SERVICES SUSPENSE FUND PAYROLL EXPD. SUZANNE BERG MSW SERVICES US WEST CELLULAR SERVICES VALLEY VIEW HOSPITAL SERVICES VANASK WAREHOUSE COMPANY SUPPLIES/SERVICES 132.97 10.00 100.80 3,717.36 100.00 79.50 1,280.00 3,365.54 441.00 6,505.00 105.00 1,706.25 1,007.86 80.80 490.40 59.40 15,965.83 48.00 24.00 497.95 8,004.48 62.00 27.75 36.00 18.00 25.50 214.99 33.60 1,062.20 144.85 86.00 367.50 93.11 8.00 66.00 830.00 1,120.78 17.06 262.00 134.09 108.58 282.68 118.00 30.91 40.00 255.00 10,840.36 280.00 113.34 45.00 49.68 PAYROLL FOR APRIL PAYROLL # 8 & 9 20,705.44 81,200.56 RETIREMENT FUND CCO AND ERA EMPLOYERS PORTION 44,309.69 44,309.69 FORM 50 HOECKEI.:S 387869 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS INSURANCE RESERVE FUND AUTO GLASS SPECIALISTS PARTS/SERVICES RBJ AUTOMOTIVE INC SERVICES REY MOTORS INCORPORATED SERVICES TABER AUTO BODY PARTS/SERVICES WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY SERVICES 266.07 50.00 428.50 317.40 3,813.81 4,875.78 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND BAND B COMMUNICATIONS EAGLE SUMMIT NEWSPAPERS VAUGHN CONSTRUCTION YAMPA VALLEY ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES SERVICES EQUIPMENT 640.00 340.20 41,670.00 1,586.40 44,236.60 AIRPORT FUND AAAE SERVICES AMERCIAN RED CROSS SERVICES AMERICAN ASSOC AIRPORT SERVICES BEASLEYS FOOD TOWN SUPPLIES BROWNING FERRIS IND SERVICES CCO AND ERA PAYROLL EXPO. CENTURY EQUIPMENT COMPANY PARTS/SERVICES CO AIRPORT OPERATOR SERVICES COCA COLA BOTTLING SERVICES DISTINGUISHED PROPERTIES SERVICES EAGLE COMPUTER SYSTEMS EQUIPMENT EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT SERVICES EAGLE VALLEY PRINTING SUPPLIES FIRST BANK EAGLE COUNTY PAYROLL EXPO. FONES WEST SERVICES GLENWOOD AUTO ELECTRIC PARTS GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD PARTS GOODYEAR WHOLESALE TIRE PARTS GRAND JUNCTION PIPE AND PARTS HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT HOGAN & HARTSON SERVICES HONEY BUN BAKERY SUPPLIES IRELAND STAPLETON PRYOR SERVICES JIM ELWOOD REIMBURSEMENT KN ENERGY INC SERVICES LEIBOWITZ AIRPORT MGT CON SERVICES MIDWEST AIR TRAFFIC CONTR SERVICES MOTOR POOL FUND SERVICES NORTHWEST AVIATION SERVICES ROARING FORK REDI-MIX INC SUPPLIES/SERVICES SOFTMARTINC SOFTWARE SPORTYS PILOT SHOP SUPPLIES SUMMIT LUMBER PARTS SUNFIRE WEST SUPPLIES SWALLOW OIL COMPANY SUPPLIES TRI COUNTY FIRE SERVICES UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SERVICES VAIL ELECTRONICS SERVICES VAN SANT GROUP SERVICES WALMART /GLENWOOD SUPPLIES WINDOWS MAGAZINE SUPPLIES 845.00 125.00 350.00 37.11 104.27 530.57 532.86 115.00 28.91 8,125.00 3,163.00 9.19 105.00 7,480.06 10.00 188.95 12.00 7.67 146.86 4,254.79 1,760.95 6.50 3,585.71 72.03 1,290.73 24,329.74 12,309.88 592.55 30.00 76.00 253.00 86.90 159.91 25.06 264.38 178.00 147.00 75.00 7,526.47 120.08 16.97 PAYROLL FOR APRIL PAYROLL # 8 & 9 11,544.48 90,622.58 COLORADO NATIONAL BANK DEBT SERVICE FUND-JUSTICE CENTER SERVICES 250.00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE FUND BLACK BOX CORPORATION CP SERVICES INCORPORATED DESKTOP PRODUCTS GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES GTCO CORPORATION NUMETRICS INSTRUMENTATION OFFICE PAVILION R & D INDUSTRIES SCULL YS ART OFFICE AND LANDFILL FUND ACZ LABORATORY ADIRONDACK DIRECT CCO AND ERA CENTURY PAPERS INC. CO DEPT PUBLIC HEALTH & DEEP ROCK WEST EAGLE COUNTY GOVERNMENT FAMILY SUPPORT REGISTRY FIRST BANK EAGLE COUNTY G AND G ROOFING HEALTH INSURANCE FUND KRW CONSULTING INC MILLER WATER MONITOR MOTOR POOL FUND PAK'M SERVICES SUSPENSE FUND PAYROLL FOR APRIL MOTOR POOL FUND 250.00 EQUIPMENT HARDWARE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 149.39 5,100.00 22,891.00 1 09.40 1,921.18 52.00 7,867.11 17,725.00 172.50 55,987.58 SERVICES SERVICES PAYROLL EXPD. SUPPLIES SERVICES SUPPLIES SERVICES SERVICES PAYROLL EXPD. REIMBURSEMENT EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SUPPLIES PAYROLL EXPD. 1,488.00 853.37 913.20 30.13 12,018.75 35.15 28.12 742.14 5,171.56 227.36 2,818.70 841.90 150.00 706.65 960.00 1,200.00 PAYROLL # 8 & 9 7,373.82 35,558.85 APWA WESTERN SLOPE BRANCH SERVICES BERTHOD MOTORS PARTS/SERVICES BILL DOWNS REIMBURSEMENT CAPS AUTO SUPPLY L TD SUPPLIES CCG SYSTEMS SERVICES CCO AND ERA PAYROLL EXPD. CENTURY EQUIPMENT COMPANY PARTS COLLETTS SUPPLIES CURTIS INDUSTRIES INC PARTS DRURY INN SERVICES EAGLE AMOCO SERVICES <:> 35.00 180.76 16.11 38.13 75.00 929.99 105.30 21,955.80 198.16 65.96 200.01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 EAGLE AUTO PARTS PARTS EAGLE PHARMACY SUPPLIES EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND SERVICES ED BOZARTH CHEVROLET & SERVICES ELLIE CARYL REIMBURSEMENT FACTORY SURPLUS SUPPLIES FIRST BANK EAGLE COUNTY PAYROLL EXPD. FONES WEST SERVICES GAY JOHNSON PARTS/SUPPLIES GLENWOOD RADIATOR REPAIR PARTS/SUPPLIES GLENWOOD SPRINGS FORD PARTS/SERVICES HANSON EQUIPMENT PARTS/SERVICES HEALTH INSURANCE FUND EMPLOYEE BENEFIT HONNEN EQUIPMENT PARTS/SERVICES JAY MAX SALES PARTS/SERVICES KAR PRODUCTS INCORPORATED SUPPLIES LIGHTHOUSE, INC., THE PARTS MACDONALD EQUIPMENT CO PARTS MICHAEL WHEELERSBURG REIMBURSEMENT MOTOR POOL FUND SERVICES MOUNTAIN STEEL & WELDING SERVICES NAPA AUTO PARTS - VAIL PARTS OJ WATSON COMPANY INC SERVICES PETTY CASH MOTOR POOL SERVICES POWER MOTIVE PARTS/SERVICES RESPOND SYSTEMS SUPPLIES SUMMIT LUMBER PARTS SUSPENSE FUND PAYROLL EXPD. UNITED STATES WELDING SUPPLIES VAIL VALLEY GARAGE DOOR PARTS VERNON COMPANY SUPPLIES WAGNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY PARTS/SERVICES WALMART /AVON PARTS WESTERN SLOPE CHRYSLER EQUIPMENT WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY EQUIPMENT 2,926.38 9.29 20.00 13.46 8.00 47.96 7,703.50 300.00 1,767.84 365.00 44,992.88 2,535.31 3,111.36 1,208.10 1,214.10 41.70 34.94 497.67 5.00 595.79 23.20 9.88 66.84 161.85 313.06 212.65 9.77 300.00 408.75 1,800.00 69.49 11,830.54 70.69 26,162.00 192.71 PAYROLL FOR APRIL PAYROLL # 8 & 9 11,584.43 144,414.36 HEALTH INSURANCE FUND CONNECTICUT GENERAL LIFE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FIRST BANK OF EAGLE CO. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT 34,221.29 99,884.53 134,105.82 ENHANCEDE~11FUND AT & T LANGUAGE LINE JOHNSON KUNKEL & ASSOC US WEST COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES 50.00 475.00 3,659.48 4,184.48 2,121,048.11 GRANT TOTAL This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Commissioner Johnson was not present at this hearing as he was out of town. Consent Calendar Chairman Gates stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Bill paying for week of May 6, 1996 B) Payroll for May 9, 1996 C) Resolution 96-48, amending the Eagle County Beer and Liquor Code Policies D)Resolution 96-49, reappointing Barbara Forrest and appointing Patricia Fender to the Basalt Regional Library District E) Approval of Letter of Agreement between Eagle County and the Town of Vail regarding the Dowd Junction Bike Trail F) Contract between Eagle County and Halco Patching & Sealing for the 1996 Slurry Seal G) Contract between Eagle County and Harry's Heavy Haulers, Inc. H) Change Order NO.1 to 1996 Chip Seal Contract with Harry's Heavy Haulers I) Approval of Bureau of Land Management right-of-way grant for proposed access road to McCoy Cemetery and Ballfield J) Approval of Service Agreement between Eagle County and the Trane Company for preventive maintenance program for Helical Rotary Chiller K) Agreement between Eagle County and Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc. for photogrammetric services in topographic mapping. Commissioner Gates asked about the change order on item H. Don Fessler, Director of Road & Bridge, stated this brings the bid up closer to the dollar amount and it has been bud$eted for. He stated when they got the bids back two months ago, it came In cheaper. Therefore they included some additional projects. Commissioner Phillips asked about the helical rotary chiller. Paul Gregg, Buildings and Grounds, stated it is the monitor that keeps the building cool in the sumner. George Roussos, County Engineer, stated he does not have item K. The contract will be federal expressed today for signature. He is asking for authorization for the Chairman to sign. Chairman Gates asked if this was budgeted. Mr. Roussos res~onded yes. Commissioner Phlllips moved to approve the consent calendar as presented consisting of items A - K and item K being authorized for the Chairman's signature. Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting corrmissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Johnson was out of town at this time. Town of Gypsum - 1041 per.mit Application Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, presented the completeness hearin$ for the 1041 Permit application from the Town of Gypsum, for a major extenslon of the existing domestic water and sewage treatment systems and the efficient utilization of a municipal and industrial water project. Mr. Merry handed out an updated memorandum with the corrected fees. Staff finds the application complete and have estimated the fees to be $2,025.00 which are subject to change. Commissioner Phillips moved to find the application from the Town of Gypsum complete and the estimated fees to be set at $2,025.00 for the major extension of the domestic water and sewage treatment systems and the efficient utilization of the municipal water project. Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Resolution 96-50, Power of Attor.ney Jim Fritze, County Attorney, presented Resolution 96-50, authorizing drawing on letters of credit, River Forge No. 8848459 for $2,341.40, and Krueger Development Company No. 9360468 for $500.00. He stated the matter wi th River For$e is taken care of. As for Krueger Development Company, the letter of credlt expires on May 12, 1996 and might need to be drawn on if a new letter of credit is not supplied. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-50 and the Power of Attorney authorizing the drawing of collateral as stated above. Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Vail Beaver Creek Jet Center Jim Elwood, Airport Manager, presented a request for approval of the proposed site plan for the vail Beaver Creek Jet Center Aircraft Hangar No. 4. Mr. Elwood stated it is identical to hanger #2 except it does not have an FBO center. The concept meeting held a year ago was the basis for the plan and it is a go from the airport standpoint. Staff recorrmended approval. Chairman Gates asked if the location is still to the east of the hanger that is there. Mr. Elwood responded yes. Bob Loeffler, Ass't. County Attorney, asked about the appearance of the building. Mr. Elwood stated it is identical to the building that is already there. Mr. Loeffler asked about the lease space. Mr. Elwood responded it is within the leased area. He stated there is a question regarding the height and they are reviewing the PUD to verify. Commissioner Phillips asked if the building is too high what about the existing building. Patty Haefeli, Planning Technician, stated she cannot verify what was constructed previously and there were mistakes made in the past. Ms. Haefeli stated the contractor believes the pitch of this building to be less and thus the height would be less. Commissioner Phillips continued discussing door height and some of the history of the project. Chairman Gates suggested the type of aircraft to be stored determines the height needed. Craig Colby, General Manager of the Vail-Beaver Creek Jet Center, stated the first building was before his time. He stated the door alone on the first hanger is 50 feet. He stated if they go any lower, they will be unable to store certain planes. Mr. Colby further explained the needs of the hangers based on the height of the planes. Ms. Haefeli stated this building exceeds the 45 foot building height. Mr. Loeffler asked if the FAA has to approve this application. Mr. Elwood stated they do have to do a 7460 procedure, but they will look at the #2 terminal. He related the 7460 will follow the construction. He stated there is a lamp tower about halfway down. The lights may have to be mounted on the building. Mr. Colby stated they have no problem with mounting the light on their hanger as it makes better sense to do that than to take up driveway area. Mr. Elwood stated they'll go forward thinking they can keep the light pole position but it may have to be moved to the buildlng. Mr. Loeffler asked about the time durin$ construction. Mr. Elwood stated for a several day perlod there will be no problems. Mr. Loeffler asked if Mr. Elwood has reviewed the plans and construction materials to make sure they are compatible. Mr. Elwood responded yes. Mr. Loeffler stated the County is in a position that is awkward because of the PUD guide and the fact the #2 terminal was built higher than documented. Mistakes have been made in the application of the laws in the past. Unfortunately, the fact they've been made is irrelevant then. 2 corrmissioner Phillips stated when you need a 50 foot door, you need a higher building. Mr. Loeffler sug$ested this might have been adopted in 1986 and back then 45 feet seemed hlgher than you would ever need. Corrmissioner Phillips sU$gested the PUD was not given any consideration at the time the hanger was bUllt in 1988. Mr. Loeffler stated they would need to amend the PUD guide and it would be Eagle County's responsibility to do so. Mr. Colby stated they have no problem applyin$ for the amendment, but it would have to be done timely as they must have thelr building complete in November. Chairman Gates suggested it be the County who makes the amendment. Keith Montag, Director of Commmity Development stated an amendment would be in order. The timing is what lS critical as there is a requirement to give public notice. Mr. Montag stated the public notice must be 30 days prior to the hearing. Chairman Gates asked if that is necessary before giving direction and the amendment to be forthcoming. Mr. Loeffler stated the contract requires the Board approve any improvements by the FBO. The Board can approve this subject to meeting the applicable land use regulations. We can amend the PUD to come up with something more consistent. Or they can go to the Zonin$ Board of Adjustment but that may not be an attractive alternative. A buildlng permit cannot be issued until the PUD has been changed. Mr. Montag suggested they could move forward on the footing and foundation permit and begin construction. The applicant is at risk here. Mr. Loeffler suggested that is not the best solution. Ms. Haefeli stated in the building season it is acceptable practice to issue the footage and foundation permits at the applicant's risk. Approval is $iven only by Mike Wheelersburg but it does happen on commercial facllities. Mr. Colby stated they have no problem proceeding with the process because time is so critical. Being held up at a later date could have negative consequences. Mr. Colby stated he needs a 50 foot door just to get a plane in there. Commissioner Phillips still questions the PUD guide and the fact the door in hanger #2 was not done through a PUD amendment. Mr. Loeffler suggested if the Board intends to improve the improvement plans they do so subject to the amendment to the PUD guide. If the a~plicant wants to apply for the footing and foundation permit they can do so wlth Mike Wheelersburg. Mr. Colby stated they do have a real concern with the timing and he is worried about the project being delayed. Mr. Loeffler stated they will have to accommodate this concern. Mr. Colby stated they have been under the impression they were building a building identical to what is there and now they have learned that hanger #2 is too high. Chairman Gates suggested somewhere in the record it must have been referred to. Commissioner Phillips suggested the same and related this building will be identical to #2. She doesn't see it as being the applicant's fault. Mr. Loeffler stated he doesn't see it as a matter of fault but under this Board, they don't have the right to give a variance. Notice will take approximate 1 y 30 days. Chairman Gates asked if they'll be far enough ahead in construction that this will cause a problem. Mr. Colby stated he doesn't know where they will be in 30 days. He does know the contractor is ready to go to work. Mr. Elwood asked about the deadline in the lease amendment requiring the building to be complete in October. Mr. Colby responded that is the date with which he has concerns. Commissioner Phillips suggested they can move this through. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve this plan of improvement for the Vail Beaver Creek Jet Center Aircraft Hangar No. 4 subject to its conformance with the land use regulations. Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. 3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Knapp Road Vacation - Resolution 96-51 Mary Jo Berenato, Deputy County Attorney, presented the Knapp Road vacation Petition No. G81-95, Grant of Easement, Knapp Path No.2. Staff recorrmended approval. Frank Kerwin, representing the applicant, explained the changes in ownership which have taken place. Mr. Kerwin explained today' s procedures. Mr. Kerwin asked for approval of the petition authorizing Chairman Gates to sign the Quit Claim Deeds and to authorize Chairman Gates to sign the resolution that is bein$ prepared by Ms. Berenato Commissioner Philllps moved to approve and sign the vacation for Knapp's roads 1 & 2 and approve the grant of the easement for Knapp Roads 1 & 2. Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Phillips moved to authorized the Chairman to execute the Quit Claim Deeds once prepared. Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until May 7, 1996. L ;Z;;~ Attest, 9. Clerk to the Board ~~.L 4->> ~ 4