HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/22/96
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
APRIL 22, 1996
Present: George "Bud" Gates
Johnnette Phillips
Sara J. Fisher
Clerk to the Board
Absent: James Johnson, Jr.
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented
to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration:
Consent Calendar
Chairman Gates stated the first item on the agenda was the consent
calendar as follows:
A) Bill paying for week of April 22, 1996
B) Payroll for April 25, 1996
C) Resolution 96-34, proclaiming April 21 - 27, 1996 as National
County Government Week
D) Resolution 96-35, approving County investment in certain
Government Investment Pool Trusts
E) Resolution 96-36, removing the Prime Computer System from the
Capital Inventory
F) Approval of Contract between Eagle County and Stan Miller, Inc.
for the site restoration of Lot 25, Highland Meadows, Filing 2
G) Notice of Award for 1996 centerline marking project to Warning
Lites & Equipment, Inc.
H) Assignment of Certificate of Deposit for Charles G. Williams
Construction, Inc., to Eagle County
I) Authorization to draw on Letter of Credit No. 181 for $2,000.00
for Peregrine Construction, if required
J) A;Jreement between Eagle County and Johnson, Kunkel & Associates
for a floodplaln study for the Eagle County Fairgrounds.
Chairman Gates asked about item F, the contract with Stan Miller.
Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Director, stated they have finally gotten a
contract after three years. Everything is now in order and they will begin
work as weather permits.
Commissioner Phillips asked Mike Bradley about the flood plain study.
Mike Bradley, Buildings & Grounds Supervisor, responded it would be the
area from the parkin;J lot to the gravel pit and is part of the master plan.
Commissioner Phlllips moved to approve the consent calendar as
presented, items A - J.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting corrmissioners the
vote was declared unanimous. Corrmissioner Johnson was not present at this
Resolution 96-37 Bond Issue, Eagle Valley Library District
Maria Prevedel, Bond Council for the Library Board, requested approval
of the bond issue for Eagle Valley Library Distrlct. She explained the bond
issue to the Board. She stated the proceeds of this issue along with those
of previous years will be used to construct the library.
Bob Loeffler, Ass't. County Attorney, stated he has reviewed this and
all is in order. He stated toward the end of the Resolution the Chairman is
given authorization to sign on behalf of the Board.
Corrmissioner Phillips moved to approve the bond issue for the Eagle
Valley Library District and authorize the Chairman to sign the appropriate
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Stan Berstein, Counsil for the Library District, gave a brief
presentation regarding the financial status of the Library. He stated they
are in very good shape financially.
Judy Yoder, Library Board, was present to request a waiver of du.rrp fees
for the Eagle Library construction and the Clinic. She stated they will be
able to use the $14,000 or so dollars more effectively.
Chairman Gates asked if she understood the consequences and if it was
one building or two.
Ms. Yoder stated they will know for sure tomorrow ni;Jht.
Mike Bradley stated in waiving the fees, there is stlll some cost to the
Corrmissioner Phillips stated moving of the clinic building will be a
town pickup.
Mr. Bradley stated the Library District will have to contract with a
larger company.
Jim Hartman, County Administrator, stated they are in the process of
evaluating figures for the Landfill and the $13,000 would be good revenue for
the County.
Charlyne Canada, director of the Library, stated the technology bein;J
provided for the computer stations will be supported by the savings of thls
$13,000. The equipment will take a while to secure and the money would
certainly be helpful.
Bob Loeffler asked if this is done for other districts?
Chairman Gates stated he does not believe so, but the wording would have
to be changed to avoid setting a precedent.
Mr. Loeffler stated he is concerned with other districts making the same
type of requests. He believes this should be considered as a grant to
insulate the County.
Ms. Yoder stated it is not unprecedented for the different government's
to assist each other.
Chairman Gates stated if there is a vote at this time, he will vote no.
He suggests it be taken back and reviewed for a different means of providing
the same relief.
Bob Loeffler stated since this is a work session they can postpone this
and try to work out the language and then schedule it for hearing.
Red Rock Ranch Sub
Pattie Haefeli, Planning Technician, presented the amended final plat
for Red Rock Ranch Subdivision, Lot 1. She stated staff is recorrmending
Chairman Gates read Staff findings into the record.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the amended final plat for Red
Rock Ranch Subdivision, Lot 1, incorporating staff's findings.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting corrmissioners the
vote was declared unanimous.
Mary Jo Berenato, Deputy County Attorney, presented a petition for
abatement, schedule number 012972, Tina Estes. She stated this was
previously tabled.
Mark Chapin, Chief Appraiser, stated they are recommending approval as
they have been able to verify that no boarding has taken place on this parcel
and the classification is agricultural land. The total of the abatement for
1993 and 1994 is $5433.69.
Corrmissioner Phillips moved to approve the petition for abatement,
schedule number 012972, Tina Estes.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners the
vote was declared unanimous.
Resolution 96-39, Earth Awareness Week
Ray Merry, Environmental Health Officer, presented Resolution 96-38,
declaring the week of April 22 - 26, 1996 as Earth Awareness Week, and the
annual poster contest awards. Mr. Merry stated as Environmental Health
Manager this has been a real great experience. He feels this is a nice blend
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
and hopefully public health can join in years to come.
Commissioner Phillips read the resolution into the record.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-39, Earth Awareness
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners the
vote was declared unanimous.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the
meeting was adjourned until April 23, 1996.