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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
MARCH 18, 1996
Present: George "Bud" Gates
Johnnette Phillips
Bob Loeffler
Sara J. Fisher
Assistant County Attorney
Clerk to the Board
Absent: James Johnson, Jr.
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented
to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration:
Consent Calendar
Chairman Gates stated the first item on the agenda was the consent
calendar as follows:
A) Bill paying for week of March 18, 1996
B) Agreement between Horse Mountain Ranch, LLC and Eagle County
regarding Horse Mountain Ranch Metropolitan District
C) Transportation Services Agreement between Eagle County and the
Town of Avon.
Bob Loeffler stated item C was put on the agenda by Mr. Hartman however
he is not here today to present the item. Mr. Loeffler stated he knows of
corrmunications Mr. Hartman has had with the Town of Avon but he is not sure
that this has been worked out fully. Mr. Loeffler further reviewed the
course of events thus far.
Commissioner Phillips asked if Mr. Loeffler had read the memo from Mr.
Hartman to the Board.
Mr. Loeffler stated he had not read the memo but would presently.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the Consent Calendar as
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting corrmissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
corrmissioner Johnson was attending a transportation hearing today in
Corrmissioner Phillips moved to adjourn as the Board of County
Corrmissioners and reconvene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority.
Corrmissioner Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting
Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous.
Taste of Vail
Earlene Roach, Liquor Inspector, presented a Special Events Permit for
Taste of Vail, Inc. She stated this event is to be held on AprilS, 1996
from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Vail Mountain. This is the Taste of Vail 1996
event. All documentation is in order and all fees have been paid. Staff
recommended approval.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the Special Events Permit for
Taste of Vail, Inc.,
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Mary Jo Be renat 0 , Deputy County Attorney, presented a petition for
abatement, schedule number P022480, John & Janice Cardinale. She stated the
assessors office is recommending a partial approval in 1993 of $1406.33 and
for 1994 in the amount of $1424.24. The petitioner was present for the
hearing and agreed to the partial abatement.
Commissioner Phillips moved to partially approve a petition for
abatement, schedule number P022480, John & Janice Cardinale.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Allen Black, Eagle County Assessor, presented a petition for abatement,
schedule number 30252, William A. Stephens. Curtis Belcher was present
representing the petitioner. Staff recorrmended an abatement for $745.53.
Mr. Belcher spoke to the issue and the sale of this parcel to Mr.
Stephens. The concern was the location of the sewer systems. He explained
this is a boundary line adjustment and their understanding was there are two
parcel numbers on that land and it does not exist as a 1.98 acre parcel. He
stated Mr. Stephens does not have a separate parcel for sale. They asked
this be brought into value with the original piece of property.
Mr. Black stated for 1995 it existed as a separate parcel and will be
assessed at the same rate regardless of inclusion or not.
Mr. Belcher contends it should be considered a separate parcel but they
feel it should be valued as residential.
Corrmissioner Phillips asked what this would sell for.
Mr. Belcher explained it is not for sale and they will be looking to
rezone the property for corrmercial development. Mr. Belcher stated they have
no desire to sell the separate parcel.
Mr. Black stated the property sold in September of 1991 for $28,800.
Mr. Belcher stated it was purchased when the Forest Service bought the
property behind. Mr. Belcher explained Mr. Stephens claims to have purchased
the property for $3,500.00. He bought it for his concern for the sewer
system. He would like to see this 1.98 acres included with Mr. Stephens
other property.
Mr. Black stated it is too late for 1995 as the tax rate is out there
but given the time in 1996 they will do so. Mr. Black stated the assessment
rate will not change but it will be included with the other area.
Chairman Gates asked if the petitioner would accept the assessor's
Mr. Belcher stated again, his client paid only $3,500.00 and perhaps
there was a typo from the Clerk's office in the doc fee.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve a partial abatement, schedule
number 30252, William A. Stephens in the amount of $745.53 for tax year 1995.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Allen Black presented a petition for abatement, schedule number 17187,
William A. Stephens. Curtis Belcher is present representing the petitioner.
Mr. Black stated there are two separate opinions one for 1994 (E) and one for
1995 (F). The reasoning is the same for both. Mr. Black stated this is the
easterly portion of the gravel pit.
Corrmissioner Phillips moved to approve a partial abatement, schedule
number 17187, William A. Stephens in the amount of $3448.68 for 1994.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners the
vote was declared unanimous.
Mr. Black stated for 1995, schedule number 17187 was withdrawn by the
Mr. Belcher stated he did not withdraw because of the request to
transfer the 1.98 acres of property previously mentioned and chose to do so
at this time.
Mary Jo Berenato presented a petition for abatement, schedule number
24011 for 1994 in the amount of $4224.93.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the petition for abatement,
schedule number 24011 for 1994, William A. Stephens.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting corrmissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Mary Jo Berenato presented a petition for abatement, schedule number
24011 for 1995 in the amount of $829.63.
Mr. Belcher explained the petitioner'S standpoint and stated they have
been leasing the property for grazing. The value is solely from the sheep
being run there and it is no longer a natural resource.
Chairman Gates asked how many years it had been grazed.
Mr. Black stated until Mr. Belcher made this issue, they had no notice
FORM 50 HOECKEt:S 387869
ot a desire to claim the land as agricultural. They have not seen it being
grazed. The statues require it having been used for two years and does not
fit this property.
Ms. Berenato explained they are seeing one copy of a check in 1995.
Mr. Belcher stated there was ag classification previously.
Mr. Black clarified on this particular parcel there was no agricultural
classification. In schedule number 24011 there is no agricultural
classification according to the assessor's office.
Mr. Belcher stated it went from ag to natural resource.
Ms. Berenato stated in 1993 and 1994 it was not classified as ag and can
not be classified as ag in 1995. In 1997 they can come back in for
Mr. Belcher stated they are looking at two schedule numbers but at one
piece of property.
Ms. Berenato stated if it was not classified as ag in 1993 and 1994, it
can not be classified as ag in 1995.
Mr. Black reiterated the need for use to be shown in 1993 and 1994. He
explained how the separate uses influenced the different schedule numbers.
They did so because there was a court order. To get them back together he
must do so by petitioning into the WEOVIRD and a court order be issued.
Mr. Belcher stated a minimal value that reflected the non-salability of
the 63 acres would be acceptable.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the petition for abatement,
schedule number 24011 for 1995 in the amount of $829.63 for William A.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Mary Jo Berenato presented a petition for abatement, schedule number
24011 for 1993, Two Rivers Investment. The Assessors Office is recorrmending
an abatement in the amount of $1352.60 for 1993.
Commissioner Phillips moved to partially approve the petition for
abatement, schedule number 24011, Two Rivers Investment in the amount of
$1352.60 in 1993.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Mary Jo Berenato presented a petition for abatement, schedule number
41638, Fred P. Kenny.
Mr. Black stated this is a parcel where they inadvertently put a house
on it but there is not one. The Assessors Office is recorrmending an
abatement in the amount $1072.37 for 1995.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the petition for abatement,
schedule number 41638, Fred P. Kenny.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Mr. Black presented a petition of abatement, schedule number 39833, Gary
& Margie Plath. He stated the Assessor's Office had misclassified the
residential construction quality. This assessment is considered an over
valuation due to this entry error and should be abated in part. The
Assessors Office is recommending an abatement of $2,861.30 for 1994.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the petition for abatement,
scheduler 39833, Gary & Margie Plath.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Mary Jo Berenato presented a petition of abatement, schedule number
R039689, Country Club of the Rockies. The Assessor's office recommended an
abatement in the amount of $4736.73 for tax year 1993.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the petition for abatement,
schedule number R039689, Country Club of the Rockies.
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners,
the vote was declared unanimous.
Resolution 96-25
Karen Sheaffer, Eagle County Treasurer, presented Resolution 96-25,
ordering the cancellation of certain uncollectible taxes. She explained the
resolution requesting they be deleted from the tax roles. Ms. Sheaffer
stated this write off list is made up of business that have closed, mobile
homes that have left the area and a few Treasurer errors. They are striking
two mobile homes from the list which will be attached to the resolution as an
exhibit. They are M019093/94 and M005489. She will have to recalculate the
figures. The Treasurer will give an amended exhibit A.
Mr. Black thanked Karen for her efforts in getting this list together in
a speedy manner.
Commissioner Phillips moved to approve Resolution 96-25, ordering the
cancellation of certain uncollectible taxes with the new exhibit A as
Chairman Gates seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners the
vote was declared unanimous.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board the
meeting was adjourned until March 19, 1996.
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Attest: ~
Clerk to t e Board