HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/26/96 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEt:S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 26, 1996 Present: Johnnette Phillips James Johnson, Jr. Jim Fritze Jim Hartman Sara J. Fisher Chairman Pro-tern Corrmissioner County Attorney County AdrrUnistrator Clerk to the Board Absent: George "Bud" Gates Chairman This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Corrmissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Gates stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Bill paying for February 26, 1996 and March 5, 1996 B) Payroll for February 29, 1996 and Social Services payroll for February 29, 1996 C) Resolution 96-20, rescinding the provisions of Eagle County Resolution 95-98, and duties assigned to the Board by that Resolution are now the duties of the County Administrator D) Resolution 96-21, appointing George Roussos as Eagle County's representative the Roaring Fork Railroad Holding Authority E) Approval of Bylaws and Intergovernmental Agreement for Colorado Counties Casualty and Property Pool F) Notlfication of grant award between Eagle County and Skyline Six Area Agency on Aging for funds for a senior wellness program G) Contract between Eagle County and State of Colorado for funds for an immunization action plan H) Application for renewal of the Community Services Block Grant to provide homemaker services to Eagle County citizens. Corrmissioner Johnson moved to approve the consent calendar as I?resented. Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two votlng corrmissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gates was on vacation at this time. PD-254-95-AF, Colorow Subdivision Pattie Haefeli, Planning Technician, presented file number PD-254-95-AF, amended final plat for lot lA, Colorow Subdivision. She explained the application to the Board. Staff recorrmended approval. Corrmissioner Johnson moved to aPI?rove file number PD-254-95-AF, amended final plat for lot lA, Colorow Subdivlsion. Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. SU-110 - 95 -AF, Woods Condaminimns Kathy Eastley, Planning Technician, presented file number SU-110-95-AF, amended final plat, Woods condominiums. She explained the application to the Board. Staff recorrmended approval. Corrmissioner Johnson asked if the manager's unit is held in corrmon. Ms. Eastley responded yes. Corrmissioner Johnson moved to approve file number SU-110-95-AF, amended final plat, Woods Condominiums. Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. 1 Lowry Cauputer Products Dave Holmgren, Information Services, presented the Service A;Jreement between Ea;Jle County and Lowry Computer Products for the printronlx printers currently In use in Eagle. He explained the agreement to the Board. corrmissioner Johnson moved to approve the Service Agreement between Eagle County and Lowry Computer Products. Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to come before this board they adj ourned until the next regular meeting being February 27, 1996. Attest: A~N -1 ,-8 ;tLA/ Chalrman 2