HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/06/96 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 6, 1996 Present: George "Bud" Gates Johnnette Phillips James Jolmson, Jr. Sara J. Fisher Chai:rman Commissioner Commissioner Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: The Board convened as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Hyatt Regency Earlene Roach, Liquor Inspector, presented a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License with Extended Hours and Optional Premises for Mogul Management, Inc., dba/Hyatt Regency Beaver Creek. She stated all documentation is in order and all fees have been paid. The Sheriff's Office reports no complaints or disturbances during the past year. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Jolmson asked where the optional premise extends. Steve Dewire, Manager of the Hyatt Regency Beaver Creek, explained the optional premise is the south lawn behind the building. He explained the fencing and how they control the optional area. commissioner Jolmson asked if this is where they hold their concerts. Mr. Dewire stated it is separate from Vail Associates. Scott Allen, Director of Food and Beverage was present at the hearing as well. commissioner Phillips asked how many years they have held this license. Mr. Dewire responded this will be thelr sixth year. Commissioner Johnson referred to the concert he attended. Mr. Dewire again explained Vail Associates holds concerts on the west side of chair six and their's are held on the east side. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License with Extended Hours and Optional Premises for Mogul Management, Inc., dba/Hyatt Regency Beaver Creek. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Food & Deli Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a 3.2% Off Premise Beer License for The CUstomer Corrpany, dba/Food and Deli. She requested this matter be tabled to February 27, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. to allow the applicant time to file a change in trade name. Commissioner Jolmson moved to table The CUstomer Corrpany, dba/Food and Deli, to February 27, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Pier 13 Liquors Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a Retail Liquor Store License for Thomas J. Domenico, dba/Pier 13 Liquors. She stated all documentation is in order and all fees have been paid. The Sheriff's Office reports no complaints or disturbances during the past year. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Jolmson stated he feels they have done a very good job since their last meeting and complimented them on the posting and their i.d. procedures. He stated when visiting he has noticed the irrprovements and 1 their efforts to regulate service. commissioner Phillips moved to approve the renewal of a Retail Liquor Store License for Thomas J. Domenico, dba/Pier 13 Liquors. Commissioner Jolmson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Marko's Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a Beer and wine License for Marko's Pizzeria of Edwards, Inc., dba/Marko's. She stated as the applicant was not present and this matter should be tabled to February 27, 1996 at 9:00 a.m. commissioner Jolmson moved to table the renewal of a Beer and Wine License for Marko's Pizzeria of Edwards, Inc., dba/Marko's until February 27, 1996 at 9:00. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Phillips moved to adjourn as Authority and reconvene as the Board of County commissioner Jolmson seconded the motion. unanimous. the Local Liquor License Commissioners. The vote was declared There being no further business to come before this Board they adjourned until February 12, 1996. Attest: ~4.AJ~ al ... 2