HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/29/96 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 29, 1996 Present: George "Bud" Gates Johnnette Phillips James Jolmson, Jr. Sara J. Fisher Chairman commissioner Commissioner Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Consent Calendar Chairman Gates stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: A) Bill paying for January 29, 1996 B) Payroll for February 1, 1996 and Social Services payroll for January 31, 1996 C) County Veteran's Service Officer's monthly report for December 1995 D) Approve purchase of one Dump Truck/Plow/Sander 1996 replacement E) Approve purchase of four 1996 4X4 Dump Truck/Plow/Sander replacements. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the consent calendar as presented. Commissioner Jolmson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Agreement, We Recycle Ron Rasnic, Eagle County Landfill, presented an agreement between Eagle County and We Recycle. He explained the agreement to the Board. He asked the Board to keep in mind they are looking for someone to take over the responsibilities of We Recycle and hope to do so by summer's end. There is a 10 day out clause in this contract. The contract lS in the amount of $114,000, with $28,500 being paid out quarterly. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the agreement between Eagle County and We Recycle. Corrmissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Amendment, Existing Passenger Facility Jim Elwood, Airport Manager, presented and amendment to the existing passenger facility charge aPI?lication. He explained the amendment to the Board. This passenger facillty charge will expire next month and they will then begin the second charge. Bob Loeffler, Ass't. County Attorney, stated this has been approved by the County Attorney's office. COmmlssioner Phillips moved to approve the amendment to the existing passenger facility charge application. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Contract, Eagle II Developers Bob Loeffler presented a contract between Eagle County and Eagle II Developers regarding Riverwalk Planned Unit Development. He explained the contract to the Board and the developer's desire is to take reservations for the employee housing units. Commlssioner Johnson moved to approve the contract between Eagle County and Eagle II Developers regarding Riverwalk POD. 1 commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Regional Transportation Authority Linda Johnson, representing the authority, stated the proposed resolution reI?resents the prelimina~ work of the authority. They have discussed hirlng a manager to run thlS authority. She suggests the document should give the l?rovisions as to what it takes to become a member. The Roaring Fork resldents would like to see a separate authority however, she has a different position. As representative of the Roarins Fork district, she believes a sub-committee would suffice. She was thinklng about an lGA and the Roaring Fork Planning Committee providing the services. She feels the "how to do it" meetings are not necessary for the Roarins Fork side because those issues are not going to effect them. She is wllling to attend the RAFTA meetings. commissioner Johnson questioned Jim Fritze on the verbiage of the ballot question and whether it allowed for one or two authorities. Jim Fritze, County Attorney, stated the question discusses the maintenance of a translt system within the county and not two systems. commissioner Johnson questioned Linda Johnson as to her desires. Mrs. Johnson stated the ballot question can not have been written correctly if it refers to only one transI?ortation system. Commissioner Jolmson clarified the lntention of the wordage whether RAFTA receives the monies or not. Mrs. Johnson reiterated her representation will be better served at RAFTA rather than the "how to it" meetings currently planned. She believes representatives from that area are more apt to attend a sub-committee meeting that specifically addresses the needs of the people of that side of the valley. Chairman Gates stated if you have an authority, a sub-committee would not hold the same status but be available to research and recommend to the authority. Mrs. Jolmson stated she does not believe a representative of the Roaring Fork area will be attending all of the meetings on this side of the valley. Mr. Fritze stated the ballot question does require the monies from precinct 7 & 8 being spent on that side of the valley. George Roussos, County Engineer, stated the purpose of this meeting was to define the limits of the authority. Mr. Roussos further stated Mr. Gallagher drafted a proposed resolutlon which he tendered to the Board for their review. There were some items which the authority felt were more specifically retained by the county. Jim Frltze stated any l??wers are subject to the state statute and while they talk about money distrlbution, they must meet the guidelines. He also stated the Roaring Fork portion is not a separate entity. Peter CUnmings, executive director of the Beaver Creek resort Corrpany, stated they have envisioned an agency that has some separation from the County, but are looking to the County Commissioners for some direction. Mr. Fritze stated he does not want this to imply the authority can not bring on specialist as needed. Commissioner Johnson stated the resolution does not take anything away from the Board. Under #7 he would feel more comfortable if the authority made a bi-annual report to the Board of County Commissioners. commissioner Phillips stated she would llke to see the monthly minutes so they will be informed of the actions being taken. commissioner Johnson specified this is specifically relating to the in person meetinss. Mr. CUnmings stated they are at a stale mate at this point. They need to understand the scope of the authority and how they will proceed. Mr. Cummings stated they established a worklng group with those staff members knowledgeable of transportation. They've concluded the authority may need its own person based on the time they have spent in establishing the authority. Jim Fritze stated the County is the designated official and their recommendations, expenditures, etc., must come before the Board of County Commissioners as any other department within the County Government. Mr. CUnmings stated they will put together an operation plan which would 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Mr. CUrrmings stated they will put together an operation plan which would have to be approved by the Board. Commissioner Phillips asked about the sub-committee for the Roaring Fork Valley. Mr. CUrrmings responded Mrs. Johnson's issue may be a little premature as they don't really know where they are going at this point in time. This issue can be taken up in the drafting of the bylaws. Commissioner Jolmson stated they have envlsioned this Authority to have as much autonoI.!IY as possible. He believes the sub-committee could exist with the resPOnsibillty to reI?ort to the Authority and vice versa. Mr. Loeffler asked lf the bylaws will be subject to the Board of County Commissioner's approval? Commissioner Johnson stated they would at least need to be reviewed by this Board if not adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. CUmmings stated they need the Board to take action on a Resolution and asked if there is a time to expect that. Mr. Fritze referred to the Summit County model and sees no reason why this can not be done on an expedited schedule. He figures they will have a draft within two weeks. Commissioner Johnson referred to the resolution and a concern with some of the wordins regarding notices. Mr. CUrrmings asked Mr. Fritze about the transportation manager reporting to the county manager in the Summit County model. He questions contractual employment and the Authority Board having its on staff. Commissioner Jolmson stated he does not see a problem with the transportation authority having the authority. Mr. Fritze stated "who can fire" is a policy decision of the Board. Firing can result in legal action and if done improperly, can result in costs to be incurred. Commissioner Phillips referred to NWCOG and their Board. She questions the Board of County Commissioners role. Mr. Fritze stated there are a couple of issues and he would like to look at the alternatives. Mr. CUrrmings stated the resolution represents the Authorities desire to be as autonomy as possible. Mr. Fritze stated the bylaws should spell out the specifics. Linda Johnson suggested if staff is to be considered a County employee for the purpose of insurance, etc, then they are an errployee of the County. Either this is a department of the County or an indeI?endent entity. Commissioner Phillips suggested they take the tlme to review this before coming up with a draft. Mr. CUrrmings stated the next Authority meeting is scheduled for February 8, 1996 and they would like to have the resolution to discuss at that time. Jim Smith stated he is concerned about a lot of things. He feels the more bureaucracy the bigger the problems. Mr. Smith stated he does not accept the fact this can't be bid out to I?rivate enterprize. Mr. Smith stated he would like to see a transPOrtatlon system that will interconnect with the Roaring Fork valley. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until January 30, 1996. ~~~~.~L 3