HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/13/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEt.:S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 13, 1995 Present: James Johnson, Jr. George "Bud" Gates Johnnette Phillips Sara J. Fisher Chairman Corrmissioner Corrmissioner Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners: Consent Calendar Chairman Johnson stated the first item on the agenda was the consent calendar as follows: 01) Bill paying 02) County Veterans Service Officers Monthly Report 03) Contract with Rocky Mountain HlVIO, Health Care Services 04) Memo of Understanding with Eagle County Skating Assoc. 05) Application for Grant for Community Policing and Domestic Violence. Commissioner Gates questioned item #5. Jeff Beavers, Eagle County Sheriff's Office, stated he was recently appointed to the position of Community Policing. This is an application for a grant in the amount of $195,546.00 to look at domestic violence. This involves the hiring of a project coordinator as well as providing a mobil substation. Then they can service neighborhoods, smaller communities, regarding law enforcement, prevention, intervention. The DA's office, Colorado West, Corrmunity Services, (]IJC have all agreed to work with them in providing the services out in the field. The Eagle County Courts will help in processing. This is targeting victims. This will include weekends and evening hours as well. They will target the areas where there is elevated levels of violence. Commissioner Phillips asked if they have had a grant previously. Jeff Beavers responded they currently have two grants regarding corrmunity policing. This will make a third. The Sheriff's office will not be required to match at all, but they are providing support in other means to the tune of about $25,000. Mr. Beavers reminded the Board this is a rough draft and they are looking for approval to proceed with the application process. Jim Fritze, County Attorney, questioned item #2 and was not sure if their issues had been resolved. Kathleen Fornash, Director of Social Services, responded this is regarding a flu clinic to be held at City Market in El Jebel this weekend. Rocky Mountain HlVIO will provide the services along with the nursing staff. The requirement for insurance coverage and the arbitration clause were questioned. Mrs. Fornash stated this has not been addressed completely because this is a first time, one day contract. She believes they should set up a work session with HlVIO to figure out the specifics for future contracts. Mr. Fritze stated they can provide a certificate of self insurance however, they are unable to provide the required insurance coverage. Corrmissloner Phillips moved to approve the consent calendar as presented. corrmissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Agreement, Town of Vail Sara Fisher, Eagle County Clerk & Recorder, presented an 1 Intergovernmental Asreement between Eagle County and the Town of Vail for purposes of conductlng an election. She explained the agreement to the Board. corrmissioner Gates moved to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between Eagle County and Town of Vail for the purposes of conducting an election. corrmissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Agreement, Xerox Mark Silverthorne, Finance Office, presented the Xerox Order Agreement and competitive equipment replacement agreement for Xerox. He explained the agreement to the Board. corrmissioner Phillips moved to approve the Xerox Order Agreement as presented. Corrmissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Eagle County Budget Allen Sartin, Finance Manager, stated the purpose of this hearing was to obtain public input on the proposed 1996 Eagle County Budget. He stated he has received only one telephone call regarding the budget from a press person who has yet to show up. The availability of the budget to the public was done according to statute and was advertlsed accordingly. Commissioner Gates asked about the heavy equipment that has been requested. Mr. Sartin stated they have made some changes to the budget on the heavy side and they will also be making some rate structure changes. Mr. Sartin stated the Board has not seen the changes yet. Chairman Johnson asked if they could review the changes. Commissioner Gates stated his question is whether the county is still in the construction business. Don Fessler, Road & Bridge Supervisor, responded they have made some changes in their replacement program and they can not get rid of the entire fleet based on who we are and the need to respond to emergencies. They are incorporatins a sweeI?er into this years budget. Discusslon contlnued on the proposed 1996 Budget. Colorado Mountain College Cynthia Heelan, CMC President, gave the yearly update for Colorado Mountain College. She referred initially to their Annual Report Card. Referring to the hand out, she reflected on the grade averages of students who have gone on from their schools to four year colleges. They are planning in the next two years to build eight additional buildings. They are encouragins more of the local students to attend CMC. They believe there are more hlgh school graduates who may attend so they are actively recruiting in the local communities. She referred to the four goals of their mission. She discussed the Gateway program and the 60 students who took part in the program. Eight of those people have graduated Phi Theta Kappa. Referring to a second handout, Mrs. Heelan explained the Eagle County figures. Chairman Johnson asked if there is a breakdown of employers by County. Ms. Heelan stated no. Corrmissioner Gates questioned the transferring of credits. Ms. Heelan stated they have a core of 30 credits which are transferable. Ms. Heelan stated they are developing a fully transferable program with Colorado's four year colleges. They are signing transfer agreements with each college. Commissioner Phillips gave her rendition of the college credit crunch. Chairman Johnson asked about enrollment at Timberline. Ms. Heelan stated they are doing well and the housing is to capacity. She stated one of the new buildings will be built at that location. Ms. Heelan told the Board she is appreciative of their understanding and their knowledge of the college. Ms. Heelan introduced Kay Salsbury, who 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 stated their is a strong message to support K - 12 and stated the Board's support would be greatly appreciated. Partnering with the high schools is very important. partnering with all groups being business, community, etc. The sense is the need to do as much as they can as cost effectively as possible. For the most part, she believes people feel good about what they are doing. The relationships with DU and Regis have been positive. Facllities have been discussed for the future. The sense is that partnering is the major priority and a centralized location. There was a little talk about residential facilities for Eagle County but that was not real strong. They would like to expand but land is the issue there. Chairman Johnson sugsested enrollments will probably go up when there is a good stable transportatlon system in place. Ms. Salsbury stated that is certainly a growing concern. Ms. Heelan asked about the growth in Gypsum. Chairman Johnson reflected Gypsum will grow but from people moving there from other areas of the county. Ms. Salsbury stated they are offering their services through the Eagle Valley High School. Ms. Heelan stated the Board is working very diligently in the advancement of the CMC program in corrmunities they serve. The corrmitment of the Board has been very positive and they are very appreciative. Chairman Johnson asked about the service groups who utilize CMC and suggested perhaps their encouragement of the use of the schools and their programs could encourage more attendance. Discussion continued on the update from Colorado Mountain College. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until November 14, 1995. Attest: ~ C er to ~- It;i t e Boajr ~~~ /f~..;;L/ 3