HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/18/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 PUBLIC HEARING JULY 18, 1995 Present: James Johnson, Jr. Johnnette Phillips Mary Jo Berenato Sara J. Fisher Chairman commissioner Deputy County Attorney Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration: Plat and Resolution Signing Pattie Haefeli, Planning Technician, presented the following plats to be signed: SM-970-95 Berry Creek Ranch, Filin9 1, Lot 30, Block 1. She stated this is a Minor Type "B" Subdivision, resubdlvision of Lot 30 to create Lots 30A and 30B in Berry Creek Ranch, Filing 1. This plat does contain the duplex split caveat stating only one two-family structure may be constructed on the combined area of the lots. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file SM-970-95 Berry Creek Ranch, Filing 1, Lot 30, Block 1. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Johnson stated Commissioner Gates is at a Water Meeting today. SM-977-95 Berry Creek Ranch, Filin$ 4, Lot 4, Block 3. Ms. Haefeli stated this was a Minor Type liB" Subdivislon, a resubdivision of Lot 4 to create Lots 4E and 4W in Ber~ Creek Ranch, Filing 4, Block 3. This plat does contain the duplex SpIlt caveat stating only one two-family structure may be constructed on the combined area of the lots. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file SM-977-95 Berry Creek Ranch, Filing 4, Lot 4, Block 3. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. SM-980-95 Berry Creek Ranch, Filin$ 1, Lot 34. She stated this was a Minor Type "B" Subdivision, a resubdivislon of Lot 34 to create Lots 34A and 34B in Berry Creek Ranch. This plat does contain the duplex split caveat stating only one two-family structure may be constructed on the combined area of the lots. commissioner Phillips moved to approve file SM-980-95 Berry Creek Ranch, Filing 1, Lot 34. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. SM-981-95 Highland Meadows, Filing 2, Lot 28. She stated this was a Minor Type "B" Subdivision, a resubdivision of Lot 28 to create Lots 28E and 28W in Highland Meadows, Filing 2. This plat does contain the duplex split caveat stating only one two-family structure may be constructed on the combined area of the lots. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file SM-981-95 Highland Meadows, Filing 2, Lot 28. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. PD-318-94-F, Eagle Dakota PUD Subdivision Paul Clarkson, Planner, presented file number PD-318-94-F, Eagle Dakota PUD Subdivision. He stated this development proposes 50 multi-family units, 1 23 single family units and open space. He stated nine (9) of those single family units are on 16+ acres in Eagle County and this Final Plat is for that portion. Mr. Clarkson informed the Board the Sketch Plan was approved on March 29, 1994 and the Preliminary Plan with conditions on August 16, 1994. A companion file, 1041-026-94, Mid Valley Metropolitan District, Major Extension of Existing Water and Sewer Treatment Systems for 120 EQR's was approved by the Board on the same day. This Final Plat was brought before the Board on January 3, 1995 but was not signed due to an SIA disagreement which is now resolved. At their Public Meeting of December 22, 1994, the Roaring Fork Planning Corrmission unanimously approved the Chairman'S signature of the plat. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file PD-318-94-F Eagle Dakota PUD Subdivision Final Plat, aka Arnold Meadows. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. commissioner Phillips moved to approve the Subdivision Irrprovements Agreement for PD-318-94-F Eagle Dakota PUD Subdivision Final Plat, aka Arnold Meadows. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Corrmissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. PD-293-95-AF9, Cordillera Subdivision, Filing 9, Lot 21 Pattie Haefeli presented file number PD-293-95-AF9, Cordillera Subdivision, Filin$ 9, Lot 21. She stated the purpose of this application is to amend the buildlng envelope for Lot 21. This is considered a "major modification", or a gross change of greater than 15% as described in the Cordillera PUD Guide. All adjacent property owners have been notified and no objections have been received. Approval has been granted from the Cordillera Design Review Board. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file PD-293-95-AF9 Cordillera Subdivision, Filing 9, Lot 21. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. PD-141-95-AF2, Hanestead, Filing 3, Lot 51 Pattie Haefeli presented file number PD-141-95-AF2, Homestead, Filin$ 3, Lot 51. She stated the purpose of this application is to amend the buildlng envelope to conform with the standard setbacks of Homestead PUD. All owners of any property within 75 feet of the property for which the building envelope amendment, have been notified. This modification has received Homeowner Association aI?proval. Staff recommended approval. commissioner Philllps moved to approve file PD-141-95-AF2 Homestead, Filing 3, Lot 51 including staff's findings. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. ZS-367-95, Holy Cross Electric Transmission Line Pattie Haefeli presented file number ZS-367-95, Holy Cross Electric Transmission line. She stated the applicant is proposing to rebuild an existing 115 kilovolts/67 megawatts power line that runs through Eagle County and continues to the power station at the Aspen Airport. The replacement line will be 115 kilovolts and 145 megawatts. The applicant will be replacing approximately eleven poles within Eagle County. She stated the line is needed to improve the reliability of service to the Basalt area and pitkin County. Staff recommended approval with the fOllowin$ conditions: . 1. All disturbed areas be revegetated with the approprlate seed ffilxtures. Chairman Johnson asked about the increase in wattage. Walt Dorman, Holy Cross Electric, stated it would be increased to 145 megawatts.tChairman Johnson questioned the electric and magnetic fields being reduced. Mr. Dorman stated the magnetic field will be spread out over two lines instead of one. 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Commissioner Phillips questioned mitigation with the citizens and thus assumes there is no controversy from the public. Ms. Haefeli stated staff also recommends the applicant minimize the height of the poles to no more than 30 feet higher than the existing poles and incorporate phase rotation which will reduce the electric magnetic field. Mr. Dorman explained the process of the phased rotation and stated they will do so wherever I?ossible. Commissioner Phlllips moved to aI?prove file ZS-367-95 Holy Cross Electric Transmission Line inco:rporatlng staff's findings and the three conditions stated above. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. SU-31-95-AF, Eagle-Vail Ccmnercial Service Center Paul Clarkson presented file number SU-31-95-AF, 1st Amendment, Eagle- Vail Conmercial Service Center. He stated the applicant is proposing to reali$ll the lot lines in lots 2 through 6 in order to better accommodate existlng as well as proposed development. The western edge of lot six is where Sharon's Gym is located in Eagle-Vail. The concerns of the County Engineer and County Surveyor will be mitigated in a Subdivision Irrprovements Agreement and will also cover sewage and storm sewer. Ms. Berenato asked if the Letter of Credit had been received. Mr. Clarkson responded yes and related Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Phillips moved to aI?prove file number SU-31-95-AF 1st Amendment, Eagle-Vail Conmercial Servlce Center incorporating Staff's findings. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Phillips moved to aPI?rove the Subdivision Irrprovements Agreement and Off-Site Agreement for flle number SU-31-95-AF 1st Amendment, Eagle-Vail Commercial Service Center incorporating Staff's findings. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. ZS-366-95-Camp Jeep Paul Clarkson presented file number ZS-366-95, Carrp Jeep. He stated the applicants are proposing a week-end long festival for Jeep owners at the southeastern end of Carrp Hale on September 8 - 10. He stated the intent is to provide Jeep owners with a 4-wheel drive experience with an emphasis on the environment through education and entertainment. Representing the applicant toda~ are Jay Gordinier of Gordinier & Associates and Sara Scott of Carlson Marketlng Group. Mr. Clarkson stated organized activities will be mountain biking, hiking, 4 X 4 trail trips, 4 X 4 instruction, fly fishing, guest displays such as JeeI? & Mopar products, supplies & engineering, Tred Lightly, u.S. Forest Servlce, Vail Valley Tourism & Convention Bureau, Minturn Flre Department, Red Cross, recycling, Ca1!lI? Hale and Jeep history and a Saturday evening concert. He stated this aI?pllcation and proposal is required by Section 2.06.01(3) (g), Mass gatherlngs which have an expected attendance of more than 500 people in the Resource Zone District. Mr. Clarkson stated Aaron Ortega of the u.S. Forest Service is here to address their concerns. Staff recommended approval of the special use permit for this one time event, provided the following conditions can be met: 1. All water, food service and sanitation, including sewage and trash disposal provisions shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Eagle County Environmental Health Divisions prior to and durin$ the event; 2. Full approval by the u.S. Forest Service (Decislon Memo) including guarantees for on and off site restoration and mitigation, resolution of all wildlife impact issues, a final traffic control and emergency services plan; and an off site impact plan to deal with locals and others attempting to enter/view the site. 3. A fifty (50') foot setback from the Eagle River shall be maintained 3 for any irrprovements; 4. Event organizers shall corrply with building code and safet~ requirements that may apply to buildings or structures erected on-slte (e.g.). 5. Any liability insurance required by the U. S. Forest Service shall include Eagle County held harmless; At their Public Meeting of July 5, 1995, the Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning corrmission unanimously reconmended approval incorporating staff findings and recommended conditions. Aaron Ortega, representing the u.s. Forest Service, stated they are waiting for approval from the National Historic Society and do not feel this use will alter the resource here. With that approval they as well give their approval. Chairman Johnson asked how many invitations would be sent out. Sara Scott stated they have sent out 500,000 already, 200,000 will be sent out in the days to come and another 50,000 will be sent as well. There are also newsletters which encourage participation and attendance. Chairman Johnson asked if people must RSVP. Ms. Scott stated they must register and send money to reserve a spot. She stated people will be allowed to register on site but they don't anticipate many on site reservations. Chairman Johnson asked about the concert and questioned if it was only open to those with reservations. Mr. Gordinier responded they will close down the Carrp Hale road and due to liability the public will not be invited. Ms. Berenato stated Ken Wilson was at the planning commission meeting and related the Sheriff's office feels all local law enforcement is prepared for the traffic concerns and anticipates the needs for control. Discussion continued on the application. Rob Levine, representing Lionshead Merchants, stated he represents 60 some odd businesses and they are all really looking forward to this program. Jim Feldhouse, representing the Vail Valley Tourism and Convention Bureau, stated this organization has been outstanding to work with and the tax dollars this program will bring into the valley will certainly be worth while. Commissioner PhilliI?s moved to aI?prove file number ZS-366-95, Camp Jeep, incorporating Staff findlngs and condltions. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. ZS-368-95, Rocky MOuntain COncrete Pumping Paul Clarkson presented file number ZS-368-95, Rocky Mountain Concrete Pumping. He stated this is a request for a contractors storage yard in the Commercial General Zone district located on Cotton Lane in Dotsero between the Colorado River and the Railroad. He stated the aI?plicant is proposing a central vehicle maintenance facilit~ with related offlce sI?ace and overnight vehicle and equipment parking for hlS concrete pumping bUSlness. The site will be the base of operations for a concrete pumping firm currently consisting of 9 pump trucks and 2 maintenance/service vehicles, each with an operator and 4 office errployees. The trucks will be washed on site through an engineered water reuse system that will capture materials, oils and other lubricants from proper disposal. This system is separate from the on site sewage disposal system. Mr. Clarkson stated this parcel is right next to Aron Design and the area was rezoned in 1984. In 1987 the Commissioners changed Use By Ri$ht to Special Use. He stated there are concerns with visibility but if the ltems can be adequately addressed those concerns will be mitigated. Additionally the concerns with the Industrial and Commercial Performance Standards can be mitigated as well. He stated the County Engineer has identified a couple of issues including a state highway access permit. Errployee housing was not discussed with the Planning Commission and omitted previously, but staff provided the requirements as listed by the Affordable Housing Formula calculating that housing could be provided for 2.4 people. Staff recommended approval with the conditions as stated. At their Public Meeting of July 5, 1995, the Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval incorporating staff findings and 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKE~S 387869 recommended conditions. Kevin Lindahl, representing the applicant, stated they agree with Staff's findings and recommendations. George Russos, County Engineer, stated they have received the drainage study as well as the iI}lf?rovements study regarding Cotton Lane. Commissioner Philllps moved to aI?prove file number ZS-368-95, Rocky Mountain Concrete Pumping, incorporatlng Staff's findings and co~liance with the conditions. The performance bond requirement will be waived lf compliance is fulfilled. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. PD-264-95-A, Edwards Interchange Carmercial Center PD-330-95-P, Northstar Home Center Paul Clarkson presented file numbers PD-264-95-A, Edwards Interchange Commercial Center and PD-330-95-P, Northstar Home Center. He stated a building/home irrprovement center is proposed with Northstar Lumber as the anchor business. He stated other businesses corrpatible with this theme are plumbing, li$hting and electrical, appliance, furniture, cabinetry, yard and garden supplles. Other types of homeowner service businesses will be encouraged to locate at the site. Mr. Clarkson stated two 2 - bedroom and two I-bedroom errployee housing units are also proposed. The existing Edwards Interchange Commercial Center was approved and final platted but never built and is broader in its conmercial nature. He stated this new plan proposes less maximum floor area (45,000 vs. 82,000 sq. ft.). The PD-264-95-A file number is an aI?plication to amend the existing Edwards Interchange Commercial Center PUD zonlng to the Northstar Home Center PUD zonin$. Mr. Clarkson informed the Board the major conformance issue at this tlme is that of errployee housing. The applicant is proposin$ housing for ten errployees. Staff does believe the applicant should provlde employee housing for 27 errployees based on the Arrowhead at Vail Affordable Housing formula. Mr . Clarkson pointed out the preliminary plan is not in conformance with the Sketch plan and information requested or required by the Board upon approving the Sketch Plan. The uses listed in the PUD Control Document are more expansive than allowed by the Board at Sketch Plan approval but it has been demonstrated that doing so is appropriate. At their public meeting of June 21 and July 5, 1995, the Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning commission recommended approval with the conditions as listed in staff's presentation. Terrill Knight, representing the applicant, introduced Charlie Cole and Scott Hovey, owners of Northstar Lumber, as well as vi rouge Hairabedian, architect for the project. Mr. Knight stated the Northstar Lumber Yard and hardware related business are those which are appropriate for the site but they feel that a broader range of businesses is appropriate for this highway related development. Their focus is still on the home irrprovement type business. They have refined their list according to the Planning commissions request and believe they can resolve those concerns. He believes the technical issues have been resolved. Mr. Knight I?resented a site plan and explained it to the board pointing out their shelterlng of the lumber storage yard itself from view of the neighborhood and the highway view corridor. Vi rouge Hairabedian, Architect, described the architectural design of the development and explained the character of the architecture. He referred to it as casual, western st~le. He showed the pedestrian bridge which will be high enough for semi -trallers to drive underneath. The proposed materials are stucco and heavy timber. The pedestrian bridge will be steel but colored to blend with the rest of the facility. Buildings 1 and 2 will be connected by the bridge and ADA ramps will also be available and located as required. Chairman Johnson asked about the southwest picture and the back of the building toward the residential area. Mr. Hairabendian stated the picture shows stucco but their plan is to incorporate wood siding. Discussion followed on the proposal. 5 Charlie Cole, owner of Northstar Lumber, stated they believe they are providing all the housing th~y are,able to on this,site and do~ng so , , appropriatel~. Mr. Cole belleves lf they are requlred to provlde addltlonal housing and lf they have to do so off site, they may need to develop all of their housing off site. Chairman Johnson voiced his appreciation to the developer for incorporating employee housing into this plan. He ~estioned the developer retaining ownership of the housing units and asked lf those units could be deed restricted. Mr. Cole responded there is no reason why they could not do that. Mr. Clarkson sU$gested that be part of the PUD guide. commissioner Phlllips moved to approve file number PD-330-95-P Northstar Home Center with the conditions stated being 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, with approval of the PUD guide and those uses as discussed, as well as approval of the PUD guide by final plat and deed restriction mechanism for the errployee housing units. The motion shall incorporate Staff's findings. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file PD-264-95-A-Edwards Interchange Commercial Center including Staff's findings and conditions as stated in the previous motion. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. PD-293-95-AF3, Cordillera SUbdivision Pattie Haefeli presented file number PD-293-95-AF3, amended final plat for Cordillera Subdivision, Filings #1 and #2, Lot 17. She stated the purpose of this Amended Final Plat is to amend the building envelope for Lot 17. This is considered a "minor modification", or a gross change of less than 15% as described in the Cordillera PUD Guide. All adjacent property owners have been notified and no objections have been recelved. Approval has been granted from the Cordillera Design Review Board. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Phillips moved to aPI?rove file number PD-293-95-AF3-Amended Final Plat, Cordillera Subdivision Fillng One and Two, Lot 17. Chairman Johnson seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners, the vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned until August 1, 1995. 6