HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/10/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 JULY 10, 1995 PUBLlC H.I!:AHlNG Present: James.l!: Johnson Jr Johnnette Phillips George Gates Chairman Commissioner Commissioner James ~ritze County Attorney Sara ~isher Clerk to the Board G.I!:N.I!:HAL ~UND AT&T GLOBAL lN~OHMATlON AUDH.I!:Y MAXW.I!:LL AVON B.I!:AV.I!:H CH.I!:.I!:K 'l'HANSlT AVON QUICK P1UN'l' BALLOON WHOL.I!:SALEHS lNT.I!:H BASALT LlONS CLUB SUMM.I!:H B.I!:ASL.I!:YS ~OOD 'l'OWN B.I!:S'l' W.I!:S'l'.I!:HN .l!:AGL.I!: LODG.I!: B.I!:T'l'.I!:H WAYS .l!:HGONOMlCS Bl MONl'l'OHlNG COHPOHA'l'lON BLACK BOX COHPOHATION BOB BAHK.I!:H COMPANY BOL.I!:S CUS'l'OM BUILD.I!:H INC BONDI AND COMPANY BHOWNING ~.I!:HHIS IND. BUILDING P.I!:HMITS BULL.I!:'l'IN BUH.I!:AU 0.1<' NA'l'IONAL A~.I<'AlH C & S PHODUC'l'IONS CAPI'l'AL BUSIN.I!:SS SYST.I!:MS CCNA CCO AND .l!:HA C.I!:N'l'.I!:H ~OH UHBAN POLICY C.I!:NTHAL S.I!:HVlC.I!:S/.I!:C C.I!:NTUHY PAP.I!:HS lNC. CHHlS HAL.I!: CI'l'Y O~ GL.I!:NWOOD SPHlNGS CL.I!:HK .l!:AGL.I!: COUN'l'Y COUH'l' CL.I!:HK O~ 'l'H.I!: COUNTY COUH'l' CL.I!:HK HECOHD.I!:H .l!:LJ.I!:B.I!:L CO D.I!:PT O~ AGHICUL'l'UHE SUPPLI.l!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S SEHVIC.I!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S SEHVIC.I!:S SEHVIC.I!:S SEHVlCES SEHVICES HEIMBUHSEMEN'l' S.I!:HVlC.I!:S S.I!:HVICES S.I!:HVICES S.I!:HVIC.I!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S SEHVlCES GHANTS SUPPLI.l!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S SUPPLI.l!:S HEIMBUHS.I!:M.I!:N'l' GHAN'l'S SUPPLIES S.I!:HVlC.I!:S GHAN'l'S SUPPLI.l!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S SUPPLl.l!:S SUPPLl.l!:S SUPPLl.l!:S SUPPLl.l!:S SEHVlC.I!:S S.I!:HVlC.I!:S S.I!:HVlC.I!:S SUPPLl.l!:S S.I!:HVICES S.I!:HVlC.I!:S S.I!:HVlC.I!:S SEHVlC.I!:S PAYHOLL .l!:XPD S.I!:HVlC.I!:S S.I!:HVlCES S.I!:HVlC.I!:S HEIMBUHS.I!:M.I!:N'l' S.I!:HVlCES S.I!:HVIC.I!:S S.I!:HVlC.I!:S S.I!:HVIC.I!:S SUPPLIES 1,467.05 325.00 15.80 1,720.00 10.00 285.00 48.60 1,330.00 114.37 273.75 6.50 1,806.15 13.95 312.00 1. 80 12,471.00 280.50 20.00 1,250.00 144.99 242.25 490.99 340.19 20.00 6,637.00 451.20 135.96 375.00 102.35 645.'75 188.10 381. 93 60.33 38.51 930.60 1,575.00 161.17 64.78 914.02 3,432.00 1,819.75 260.00 26,797.91 32.95 28.89 1,499.89 66.00 25.00 168.81 30.09 40.17 264.00 3-B SILVEHSMITHS 3CMA A 1 COLL.I!:C'l'ION AG.I!:NCY A & 0 NONSTHUCTUHAL ACTlV.I!: COLL.I!:C'l'ION AG.I!:NCY ADAMS MAHK HO'l'.I!:L D.I!:NV.I!:H ADVANTAG.I!: N.I!:TWOHK SYS'l'.I!:MS ALAN HlCHMAN PLANNlNG ALLEN BLACK AM.I!:HlCAN BAH ASSOCIATION AM.I!:HICAN .l!:XPH.I!:SS AM.I!:HlCAN EXPH.I!:SS AM.I!:HICAN M.I!:DIA lNC AMEHICAN PLANNING ASSOC AND.I!:HSON CAMPBELL AND ANlMAL HOSPITAL O~ VALL AH'l'HUH BOWL.I!:S AHTHUH S BAHHOWS ASP.I!:N BASALT CAH.I!: CLlNlC ASSOGlA'l'.I!:D BAG COMPANY ASSOClATED BUSlN.I!:SS AT & 'l' D L GLJ!:NN DAHL, INC. DAJOY J!:NTJ!:HPHI~J!:~ INC DALJ!: CAHNJ!:GIJ!: CJ!:NTJ!:H OF DAHLJ!:NJ!: MJ!:DINA DATA GJ!:NJ!:HAL COHPOHATION DI~THICT ATTOHNJ!:Y~ OFFICJ!: DI~THICT COUHT THU~TJ!:J!: DIVIDJ!: COHPOHATION, THJ!: DOCTOH~ OFFICJ!: THJ!: DONA BUHK DONALD J!: JANKLOW DONNA BAHNJ!:~, COHONJ!:H J!: AND M ~Y~TJ!:M~ J!:AGLJ!: AUTO PAHT~ J!:AGLJ!: CO 4H PHOGHAM l<'UND J!:AGLJ!: COMPUTJ!:H ~Y~TJ!:M~ J!:AGLJ!: COUNTY THJ!:A~UHJ!:H J!:AGLJ!: J!:YJ!: PHOTO J!:AGLJ!: PHAHMACY J!:AGLJ!: PHINTING J!:AGLJ!: ~UMMIT NJ!:W~PAPJ!:H~ J!:AGLJ!: TJ!:LJ!:COMMUNICATION~ J!:AGLJ!: TOWN OF J!:AGLJ!: VALLJ!:Y J!:NTJ!:HPHI~J!: J!:AGLJ!: VALLJ!:Y FAMILY CTH J!:AGLJ!: VALLJ!:Y PHINTING J!:CHO HANCH J!:LJ!:CTION CJ!:NTJ!:H J!:LF FIHJ!: ~J!:CUHITY ~Y~TJ!:M~ J!:LLIJ!: CAHYL J!:HIC MOLDJ!:NHAUJ!:H J!:VJ!:~ PHINT ~HOP FAMILY ~UPPOHT HJ!:GI~THY FAHMJ!:H BHOTHJ!:H~ FAHNUM HOLT FUNJ!:HAL HOMJ!: FJ!:DJ!:HAL J!:XPHJ!:~~ FJ!:DHI~~I GJ!:HALD J DMD PC FJ!:HHJ!:LLGA~ FIH~T BANK J!:AGLJ!: COUNTY FIH~T BANK~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~/~UPPLIJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ GHANT~ GHANT~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ SJ!:HVICJ!:S ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ SUPPLIJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ HJ!:IMBUH~J!:MJ!:NT ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~/~UPPLIJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~/~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ GHANT~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ GHANT~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ HJ!:IMBUH~J!:MJ!:NT ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~UPPLIJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ ~J!:HVICJ!:~ PAYHOLL J!:XPD ~J!:HVICJ!:~ 152.14 5.60 17.50 56.00 455.00 177.50 80.00 31.10 7.12 225.00 1,250.00 2,500.00 56.18 1,414.60 550.00 12.00 2,062.15 49.28 126.14 70.00 2,322.00 10.00 35.70 140.00 9.20 873.49 8.00 950.00 500.00 240.10 93,567.75 369.34 2,868.00 942.50 20.00 4.00 339.90 480.00 65.74 108.51 4,989.05 85.05 41.50 813.26 170.34 1,657.93 702.17 4,550.25 1,049.94 1,250.00 706.83 500.00 150.00 470.56 49.15 4.60 231. 31 292.70 357.32 1,335.00 82.00 99.00 302.10 145,818.90 11,469.70 COCA COLA BO'l"l'LING COLLJ!:CTION CJ!:NTJ!:H COLLJ!:CTO COLOHADO A~~J!:~~OH A~~OC COLOHADO BAH A~~OCIATION COLOHADO COMPUTJ!:H ~Y~TJ!:M~ COLOHADO DJ!:PT AGHICULTUHJ!: COLOHADO DJ!:PT OF HJ!:ALTH COLOHADO GOLF TUHF INC COLOHADO MOUNTAIN COLLJ!:GJ!: COLOHADO WJ!:~T MJ!:NTAL COLOHADO WJ!:~T HJ!:COVJ!:HY COMPU~J!:HVJ!: INCOHPOHATJ!:D COMPU'l'J!:H VISION COHPOHATI CONNJ!:CTICUT GJ!:NJ!:HAL LIFJ!: COOPJ!:H & CLOUGH COHNBJ!:LT CHJ!:MICAL COMPANY COHPOHATJ!: J!:XPHJ!:S~ COUNCIL J!:DUCA'l'ION MANAGJ!:M COUNTY ~HJ!:HIFF~ COLOHADO CHAWl<'OHD FLOYD CHJ!:DIT BUHJ!:AU HOCKIJ!:~ C~U CA~HIJ!:H~ OFFICJ!: C.A.T.A. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 ~LYING COLOH~ HOH~E ~UPPL ~ONE~ WE~'l' ~OOD RE~OUHCE CENTEH ~OO'1'E HEADE COMPANY ~OHEN~IC LABOHA'l'OHIE~ INC ~OH'l'UNE~ HE~TAUHANT ~HEDEHICK OAKE~ JH, MD PC ~HITZE JAME~ H GALL~ INCOHPOHATED GATES Gl!.:OHGl!.: A GENEHAL MEDICAL COHP GEOHGE PENA GLl!.:NWOOD MEDICAL A~~OC GHAND JUNCTION HILTON GHAND JUNCTION PIPl!.: AND GHl!.:AT Wl!.:~Tl!.:HN AIHGA~ INC HALL KYLE HEALTH IN~UHANCE ~UND HEALTHY BEGINNING~ Hl!.:ALTHY HEAH'l' PHOGHAM HELEN BAHTA HELLO DIHECT INC HIGHTECH ~IGN~ HOECKEL~ HOLLY TATNALL HOLY CHO~~ ELECTHIC A~~OC HONEY BUN BAKEHY I CAHD MEHHILL ICBO INTEKNAL Hl!.:VENUl!.: ~l!.:HVICl!.: lNTEHNATIONAL A~~OC ELECT J A ~l!.:XAUEK J B ~MITH JACKIE~ OLD Wl!.:~T INC JAME~ E JOHN~ON JH. JANl!.:T CLOUGH J-C PLUMBING JOl!.:L ~THOUD JOHN C AL'l'HO~1<' JOHN l!.: KElD & A~~OCIATl!.:~ JOHN GULICK JOHN WAYNE MILLEK A~~OC JOHNNETTE PHILLIP~ JOHN~ON AJ JOHN~ON AND HELD L'l'D JOHN~ON KUNKEL & A~~OC K N l!.:NEKGY INC KU~TOM ~IGNAL~ INC LAK~EN AND KOVACEVICH LAUHIE A~MU~~l!.:N LAWYEK~ COOPEHATIVE Ll!.:AVl!.:NWOK'l'H CALOIA PC LEDEHHAU~l!.: EDITH LETN LEWAN AND AS~OCIA'l'l!.:~ LK ~UHVEY IN~THUMEN'l'~ LOHI GODAT LYNN ALTIEHl M J HECKEK MAHGAHET HALL MAHGEHY ~TONE MAHGIl!.: EPPl!.:H~ON MAKI HENZl!.:LMAN MAHY JOANN O~TEK~O~~ MAHY HUTH I~OM ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~ GKANT~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVlCE~ ~EHVICE~ Hl!.:lMBUH~EMENT ~UPPLIE~ Hl!.:lMBUH~EMl!.:NT ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICl!.:~ ~EKVICE~ ~EKVICl!.:~ ~EHVlCE~ ~EHVICE~ Hl!.:lMBUH~EMENT PAYHOLL l!.:XPD GKANT~ ~EKVlCl!.:~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLIE~ Hl!.:lMBUK~l!.:Ml!.:NT ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EKVICE~ ~l!.:HVICl!.:~ ~EKVICE~ ~EHVlCE~ HElMBUH~EMl!.:NT HElMBUHSEMl!.:NT ~l!.:KVICE~ ~l!.:HVICE~ KEIMBUK~EMENT ~EKVICE~ KE~UND ~EHVICE~ KEIMBUK~EMENT Hl!.:lMBUH~EMENT ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EKVICE~ ~UPPLll!.:~ ~EHVICE~ HElMBUH~EMENT ~UPPLIE~ ~EKVlCE~ Kl!.:IMBUH~EMENT ~EHVlCE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICl!.:~/~UPPLlE~ Hl!.:lMBUH~EMENT KElMBUK~EMENT ~EKVICE~ HEIMBUH~l!.:MENT KEIMBUK~EMENT ~l!.:HVICl!.:~ HEIMBUH~EMl!.:NT ~EHVICl!.:~ ~EHVlCE~ 202.00 306.00 250.00 5.60 113.00 15.75 352.00 28.85 28.92 447.15 72.50 500.00 108.00 611.15 16.00 23.50 25.00 80,819.83 1,000.00 15.00 30.00 354.00 220.50 107.32 62.99 6,915.57 10.00 4,078.00 1,272.50 134.54 36.00 280.86 10.00 16,469.00 324.56 235.75 104.00 215.35 74.50 520.00 123.75 10.00 339.56 392.25 470.40 1,481.25 7,854.47 48.43 8.00 189.40 184.92 522.84 93.00T388.00 48.00 22.49 57.00 155.00 10.00 93.00 4.58 30.00 25.30 2.40 10.00 MATTHEW L. GOODSTEIN, MD MAUHEEN AMUNDSON MCCOLLUM PATHICIA MCTHANS CENTEH MICHAEL S POHTEH MICHELLE HIOUX MILLAH ELEVATOH SEHVICE MONICA M HOSE MOOHE MEDICAL COHPOHATION MOTOH POOL FUND MOTOHOLA INCOHPOHATED MOUNTAIN HOSPICE MOUNTAIN MICHOFILM MOUNTAIN HADIO TELEVISION MOUNTAIN STATES EMPLOYEHS NACA '95 NATIONAL COMMISSION ON NATIONAL CHIMINAL JUSTICE NATIONAL SEMINAHS GHOUP NEVES UNIFOHMS NOHDIC HEFHIGEHATION NOHTHWEST COLOHADO NW CO LEGAL SEHVICE PHOJ NW COLOHADO COUNCIL OF ONE COMM COHP OSE CONSULTANTS OVEHLAND AND EXPHESS COMP PAINT BUCKET THE PAM MOHEY PAPEH CHASE INCOHPOHATED PAPEH WISE PAUL GHEGG PAYCO GENEHAL PEAHSON, MILLIGAN, AND P~NNY SAV~H M~DICAL P~T~H HAHHIS HUDY P~TTY CASH PHYSICIANS DESK HEFEHENCE PITNEY BOWES POSITIVE PHOMOTIONS POSTMASTEH EAGLE BHANCH PHOFESSIONAL THE~ & TUHl<' PTI COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HECOHD COHPOHATION PUBLIC SEHVICE COMPANY QUILL COHPOHATION H & D INDUSTHIES HADIO SHACK HAl<'AEL G FEHNANDE~ HAl<"l'A HED TIGEH COLLECTION HEPHINT COHP HE-PHINT COHPOHATION HESOUHCE CTH EAGLE COUNTY HESPONSE HICHAHD COWELL COMPANY HICHAHD YOUNG PHODUCTS OF HMD IAI, % STEPHEN ADAMS HNL DESIGN HOBBIE AHNDT HOBEHT LOEFFLEH HOBEHT WAXMAN HOBIN SANTOHO HOCKWOOD COHPOHATION HOCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS SEHVICES HEIMBUHSEMENT HEIMBUHSEMENT SUPPLIES SEHVICES HEIMBUHSEMENT SEHVIC~S HEIMBUHSEMENT SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES GHAN'l'S SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SEHVICES GHANTS SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES HEIMBUHSEMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES HEIMBUHSEMEN'1' SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES/SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SEHVICES GHANTS SEHVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES GHANTS GHAN'1'S SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES HEIMBUHSEMEN'1' HEIMBUHSEMEN'1' SUPPLIES GHAN'1'S SUPPLIES SEHVICES 744.00 97.50 89.00 760.00 11. 40 20.00 403.06 341. 00 178.73 43,335.17 592.80 375.00 202.50 145.00 3,200.00 885.00 512.00 2,850.00 197.00 2,134.15 101.55 14.00 250.00 262.33 1,000.00 4,770.89 215.00 19.34 61. 60 38.05 4,961.50 76.45 10.00 3.20 438.41 2.50 1,626.31 70.90 384.00 825.15 2,010.63 171.59 9,807.57 495.00 315.88 374.03 750.00 23.90 250.00 37,500.00 10.00 10.40 11. 46 1,250.00 750.00 741. 00 264.36 130.00 1,584.48 13.48 21. 02 112.44 55.00 101. 60 48.00 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 HOCKY MOUNTAIN PHINT~H HONALD HA~NIC HOPIH CABL~VI~ION HO~AB~L COHDOVA ~ACH~ LAWLOH ~ALVATION AHMY ~ANDY~ O~~IC~ SUPPLY SATT~H~I~LD HHODOHA SCULLY~ AHTO~~IC~ AND ~~CH~TAHY O~ ~TAT~ ~~CUHU~, INC ~~HVIC~MA~T~H 01<' VAIL SH~A1<'1<'~H KAH~N SHIHKI~S H~STAUHANT SKYLIN~ SIX AH~A AG~NCY ~OCI~TY ~OH HANG~ MGMT ~OUTHW~~T PUBLIC SA1<'~TY STAT~ 01<' COLOHADO ST~AMBOAT PILOT/TODAY ST~V~ CAHCAT~HHA S'1'HAWB~HHY PATCH SU~ DH~i~H ~UMMIT LUMB~H ~USAN H~~S~H SU~P~NS~ 1<'UND SUSP~NS~ 1<'UND '1'ANN~H BOLT & NUT '1'~CH MANINT~NANC~ SUPPLY T~HH~NC~ J QUINN -A'1'TY AT '1'~HHI GOLD '1'~HHY HOUNDS '1'H~H~SA A PAPPA~ TIMOTHY '1' N~~DAL~ TOPLIN~ PHODUCTS INC TOWN 01<' AVON TOWN 01<' VAIL THANSCOH AM~HICA INC THAV~L VAIL THI-H COLL~CTOH~ UNIT~D PAHG~L ~~KVIG~ UPP~H ~AGL~ VALL~Y U~ CAVALAHY U~ W~ST C~LLULAH US W~ST COMMUNiCATiONS VAIL A~~OCIAT~~ VAIL LOCK AND K~Y VAIL MOUNTAIN M~DICAL PC VAIL ~IGN COHPOHATION VAIL VALL~Y ~QU~S'1'HIAN VAIL VALL~Y GAHAG~ DOOH VAIL VALL~Y M~DICAL C~N'1'H VAIL VALL~Y PLUMBING AND VAL~HI~ 0 N~lL VALL~Y JOUHNAL VALL~Y ~IGN~ VALL~Y VI~W HO~PITAL VINTAG~ HOT~L VIOLA H~HMO~ILLO VMAHK ~01<"l'WAH~ INC W W GHAING~H INCOHPOHAT~D WAHH~H J~NNI~ HN WALMAHT /AVON WALMAHT /GL~NWOOD W~KA PUBLI~HING, INC. W~~T PUBLI~HING COMPANY SUPPLl~S ~~HVIC~~ ~~HVIC~~ ~~HVIC~~ ~UPPLI~~ GHANTS SUPPLI~~ H~lMBUH~~M~NT SUPPLI~~ ~~HVIC~S ~~HVIC~~ ~~KVIC~~ H~IMBUH~~M~NT ~~KVIC~~ ~~HVIC~~ ~~HVIC~~ ~UPPLI~~ S~HVIC~S S~HVIC~~ H~IMBUHS~M~NT S~HVIC~~ S~HViC~~ ~UPPL1~~ H~IMBUK~~M~NT ~~HVIC~S/~UPPLl~S PAYHOLL D~DUCTION ~UPPLl~~ ~UPPLl~~ S~HVIC~~ ~UPPLl~~ H~lMBUK~~MEN'1' ~~HVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLI~~ SEKVICES GHANT~ SEHVICE~ ~EHVIC~~ ~EHVICE~ ~EKVIG.I:!:~ ~EKVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ SEHVICE~ ~~HVIC~~ ~.I:!:KVICE~ ~UPPLl~~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~~HVICE~ ~~KVICE~ ~~KVIC~~/~UPPLIE~ SEHVICES ~~HVICE~ ~~HVICE~ ~KH.V lCE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EKVIG.I:!:~ K~IMBUH~EMENT ~~HVICE~ S~HVICE~/SUPPLIE~ HEIMBUHSEMENT ~UPPLl~~ ~UPPLl.l:!:~ ~~HVIC~~ ~UPPLI.l:!:~ 835.26 440.45 51. 69 30.00 11. 35 750.00 311.93 60.93 302.83 10.00 767.95 12,928.72 28.53 131.69 1,142.20 47.00 644.50 1. 75 48.00 52.72 180.10 20.50 806.90 89.04 418.88 30,402.87 48.09 304.05 2.50 107.70 824.80 4.00 4.10 279.34 1,136.10 4,775.75 1,153.84 578.00 12.00 196.98 34.14 149.75 946.50 2,250.30 75.00 18.00 1,473.00 70.00 500.00 877.50 2,777.01 10.00 250.00 24.00 937.50 355.65 260.00 70.12 110.00 560.32 50.00 197.32 70.94 39.50 511.46 W~ST~HN BUSIN~SS BUILD~HS W~ST~HN ~AGL~ COUNTY W~ST~HN SLOP~ UNIFOHM W~ST~HN STAT~S THANSPOHT WINGS OF ~AGL~ THAVEL & WWIl 50TH ANNIVEHSAHY WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY XEHOX COHPOHATION YAMPA VALLEY ELECTHIC SUPPLIES SJ!:HVICJ!:S SUPPLIJ!:S S~HVIC~S SEHVICJ!:S SJ!:HVI CJ!:S SUPPLIES SEHVIC~S SJ!:HVICJ!:S PAYHOLL FOH JUNJ!: PAYHOLL # 12 & 13 HOAD & BHIDGJ!: BP HJ!:CLAMATION INC CCO AND J!:HA CJ!:NTUHY PAPEHS INC. J!:Z WAY HENTAL INC FIHST BANK EAGLJ!: COUNTY GMCO COHPOHATION GHAND JUNCTION PIPE AND HAHHYS H~AVY HAUL~HS HEALTH INSUHANC~ FUND KOCH MAT~HIALS MOTOH POOL FUND H~LIABL~ OFFIC~ SUPPLY HOAHING FOHK H~SOUHC~S HOXANN~ VIAU S~Ll<' SUSPENSE FUND W~STJ!:HN SLOP~ AGGHJ!:GAT~ WILLIJ!: WAHJ!: OTHEH PUHCHAS~D S~HVIC~ PAYHOLL DEDUCTION SUPPLI~S S~HVIC~S PAYHOLL ~XPD SUPPLIES SUPPLI~S SEHVICJ!:S PAYHOLL ~XPD SUPPLI~S SEHVICJ!:S SUPPLI~S SUPPLI~S SUPPLI~S SEHVICES PAYHOLL DEDUCTION SUPPLI~S SUPPLIES PAYHOLL FOH JUNE PAYHOLL # 12 & 13 SOCIAL SEHVICES FUND AHIZONA D~PT HJ!:ALTH S~HV AHLISS SlMS AHVIN PUBLICATIONS SUPPLIES HEIMBUHS~MENT SUPPLI~S SEHVIC~S S~HVICES S~HVIC~S H~IMBUHSJ!:M~NT H~IMBUHSEMENT HEIMBUHSEMENT PAYHOLL EXPD S~HVICES SEHVICES S~HVICES SEHVICES SEHVlCES SEHVICES PAYHOLL EXPD SEHVICES SJ!:HVIC~S/SUPPLl~S SEHVIC~S AT & T AT & '1' CELLULAH BJ!:ASLJ!:YS FOOD TOWN BOSSOW HITA H CATHEHlN~ CHAIG CATHY HOLM CCO AND J!:HA CENTHAL SEHVICJ!:S/J!:C CODY LAN~ GEN~HAL PAHTNEH EAGLJ!: COUNTY ATTOHNEY EAGLE COUNTY GOVEHNMENT EAGLJ!: COUNTY NUHSING SEHV EAGL~ COUNTY SH~HIFFS OFF FlHST BANK EAGL~ COUNTY GAHFIELD YOUTH SEHVICES GEN~HAL FUND GEOHGE MIZN~H 126.21 150.00 159.08 186.00 358.00 500.00 555.80 1,011.35 9.89 313,407.73 1,007,438.42 26,800.00 3,751.05 69.31 4,365.60 16,470.52 22,709.99 242.00 262.50 9,605.52 32.45 127,719.80 50.61 72.55 49.22 14.97 3,114.01 2,547.72 75.00 37,452.69 255,405.51 9.00 109.43 62.85 4.83 12.55 34.99 30.80 297.34 113.90 2,237.11 579.75 1,689.89 861.25 978.32 1,575.00 87.20 10,448.66 601.00 633.16 3,060.00 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Hl!:ALTH INSUHANCl!: i"UND HOLLl!:NBAUGH GAHY OD JOYCl!: L Hl!:ICHl!: KAHl!:N K V INGl!:NT KATHY Hl!:l!:D KAY VINCl!:NT LYONS KATHLl!:l!:N MAHIAN MCDONOUGH MICHAl!:L CLAUSSNl!:H MONICA M HOSl!: MOTOH POOL FUND NATIONAL CHILD SUPPOHT Oi"i"ICl!: PAVILION POSTMASTl!:H l!:AGLl!: BHANCH PTI COMMUNICATIONS SANDYS OFFICl!: SUPPLY SUSPl!:NSl!: i"UND US Wl!:ST Cl!:LLULAH US Wl!:ST COMMUNICATIONS Xl!:HOX COHPOHATION PAYHOLL EXPD Sl!:HVICl!:S Hl!:IMBUHSl!:MENT Hl!:IMBUHSl!:Ml!:NT Hl!:IMBUHSEMl!:NT Hl!:IMBUHSl!:Ml!:NT Hl!:IMBUHSl!:Ml!:NT Hl!:IMBUHSl!:Ml!:NT Sl!:HVICl!:S Hl!:IMBUHSl!:Ml!:NT Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S FUHNITUHl!: Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S SUPPLll!:S PAYHOLL l!:XPD Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S 7,078.19 200.00 17.05 44.76 3,159.80 134.55 21. 40 151. 20 520.00 30.80 625.28 100.00 1,729.60 24.00 99.50 185.20 3,786.21 517.22 296.17 108.00 PAYHOLL FOH JUNl!: PAYHOLL # 6 22,793.45 65,049.41 Hl!:TIHl!:Ml!:NT FUND CCO AND l!:HA PAYHOLL l!:XPD 27,705.85 27,705.85 INSUHANCl!: HESl!:HVl!: FUND Dl!:SlGN GLASS INCOHPOHATl!:D l!:AGLl!: HIVl!:H AUTO BODY GYPSUM AUTO BODY Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S 285.87 1,006.49 1,177.40 2,469.76 CAPITAL IMPHOVl!:Ml!:NTS FUND BLUl!: LAKE COMMUNITY l!:AGLl!: COMPUTl!:H SYSTl!:MS l!:AGLl!: VALLl!:Y l!:NTl!:HPHISl!: l!:Z WAY Hl!:NTAL GHAND JUNCTION PIPl!: AND JOHN D. Sl!:IPl!:L CONST. CO. KVS INi"OHMATION SYSTl!:MS I LANDMAHK MAPPING LTD. NO NAMl!: AHCHITl!:CTS OFFICl!: PAVILION SCOTT GHl!:l!:N KXCAVATING Sl!:CUHUS, INC SHAW CONSTHUCTION Sl!:HVICl!:S l!:QUIPMl!:NT Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S l!:QUIPMENT Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S FUHNITUHl!: Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S Sl!:HVICl!:S 25.00 14,976.00 92.14 499.00 1,254.00 5,480.00 2,587.50 81. 68 1,936.61 462.40 3,294.00 3,221.96 40,366.00 74,276.29 AIHPOHT FUND ALEXANDEH AND ALEXANDEH I AMEHICAN A~~OC AIHPOHT ANDHEW W. AHM~THONG A~MI BHENT ~EHVICE~ BHOWNING FEHHI~ IND BUHEAU OF HECLAMATION CCO AND EHA CENTHAL ~EHVICE~/EC COCA COLA BOTTLING COUNTHY GENEHAL EAGLE AUTO PAHT~ EAGLE VALLEY PHINTING FIH~T BANK EAGLE COUNTY FONE~ WE~T FOX VALLEY ~Y~TEM~ INC HEALTH IN~UHANCE FUND KN ENEHGY INC LIGHTENING ~EHVICE~ MIDWE~T AIH THAFFIC CONTH MOTOH POOL FUND PTI COMMUNICATION~ HEYNOLD~ DANIEL ~HAWNNA ~LATTEH, AMH ~TEVE~ BAHBQUE ~UNJ.<'IHE WE~T ~WEEP~TEH WYLACO ~UPPLY COMPANY PAYHOLL FOH JUNE DEBT ~EHVICE - JU~TICE CENTEH FUND COLOHADO NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL EXPENDITUHE~ FUND AV TECH ELECTHONIC~ INC EAGLE COMPUTEH ~Y~TEM~ OFFICE PAVILION HAND D INDU~THIE~ LANDFILL J.<'UND CCO AND EHA CENTHAL ~EHVICE~/EC CENTUHY PAPEH~ INC. CO DEPT OF AGHICULTUHE COLOHADO DEPT OF HEVENUE DEEP HOCK WE~T EAGLE ~UMMIT NEW~PAPEH~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ PAYHOLL DEDUCTION ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~/PAHT~ ~KHVICE~ PAYHOLL EXPD ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ PAYHOLL EXPD ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ HEIMBUH~EMENT ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~ 8,100.00 235.00 110.00 5,816.68 161.46 232.53 500.00 503.97 58.51 5.45 58.37 95.94 308.00 2,726.47 10.00 241.18 1,640.15 893.49 37.42 12,309.88 541. 80 698.60 50.00 735.00 365.00 97.25 5,497.00 25.50 PAYHOLL # 12 & 13 6,422.46 48,477.11 ~EHVICE~ 250.00 250.00 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT FUHNITUHE EQUIPMENT 1,746.35 17,252.00 1,363.53 5,040.00 25,401.88 PAYHOLL EXPD ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVIC.E~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVIC.E~ 342.24 22.49 145.66 100.00 100.00 50.85 85.50 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEI:S 387869 EAGLE VALLEY ENTEKPKISE ~IKST HANK EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INSUKANCE ~UNV KIM LYONS KKW CONSULTING INC MILLEK WATEK MONITOK MOTOK POOL ~UND PAK'M SEKVICES KONALD KASNIC SUSPENSE ~UND VAIL VALLEY TIMES SEKVICES PAYKOLL EXPV PAYKOLL EXPD KEIMHUKSEMENT SEKVICES SEKVICES SEKVICES SEKVICES KEIMHUKSEMENT PAYKOLL DEDUCTION SEKVICES 84.00 3,692.40 2,584.63 42.53 4,229.18 1,100.00 41,888.02 640.00 467.69 800.00 48.00 PAYKOLL ~OK JUNE PAYKOLL # 12 & 13 9,919.93 66,343.12 MOTOK POOL 1<'UNV ADAMSON INDUSTKIES AL AUTO ELECTKIC ALPINE TIKE COMPANY HEKTHOV MOTOKS CAPS AUTO SUPPLY LTD CCG SYSTEMS CCO AND EKA CENTKAL SEKVICES/EC CENTUKY EQUIPMENT COMPANY CENTUKY PAPEKS INC. COLLE'!"!'S COLUMHINE ~OKD CUKTIS INDUSTKIES INC DKUKY INN EAGLE AMOCO EAGLE AUTO PAKTS EAGLE PHAKMACY ~IKST HANK EAGLE COUNTY GAY JOHNSON GLENWOOV SPKINGS 1<'OKD GLOBAL COMPUTEK SUPPLiES HANSON EQUIPMENT HANSON ]!;QUIPMENT HEALTH INSUKANCE ~UND HOLLY TATNALL HONNEN EQUIPMENT JJ KELL]!;K AND ASSOCIATES LA QUINTA MOTOK INN MACDONALD EQUIPMENT CO MOTOK POOL ~UND MOUNTAIN KADIATOK SEKVICE POWEK MOTIVE KHJ AUTOMOTIVE INC KELIAHLE O~~ICE SUPPLY K.I!.:SPONV SYS'l'1!:MS KEY MOTOKS INCOKPOKAT]!;V SUMMIT LUMHEK SUSPENSE ~UNV UNITED STATES WELDING WAGNEK ]!;QUIPMENT COMPANY WALMAKT /AVON WILL GK]!;EN WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SUPLIES SEKVICES SEKVICES EQUIPMENT SEKVICES SEKVICES PAYKOLL EXPD SEKVICES SEKVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SEKVIC.I!.:S SUPPLIES SEKVICES SEKVIC.I!.:S SUPPLIES/PAK'l'S SUPPLIES PAYKOLL EXPV PAKTS PAK'l'S SUPPLiES EQUIPM]!;N'l' SEKVIC]!;S PAYKOLL EXPD KEIMHUKSEM.I!.:N'l' S.I!.:KVIC.I!.:S SEKVICES SEKVICES SEKVICES SEKVICES SEKVICES PAK'l'S/S.I!.:KVICES SEKVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLI.l!.:S SEKVICES SUPPLIES PAYKOLL D]!;D SUPPLIES SEKVICES/SUPPLIES SUPPLI.l!.:S KEIMHUKSEMEN'l' SUPPLIES 195.40 567.72 80.00 55,128.60 40.91 50.00 571.76 7.59 52.93 98.93 4,634.01 132.00 226.00 69.43 123.00 3,417.61 12.98 3,524.78 2,265.19 223.07 25.79 46,853.00 4,176.48 2,904.54 16.25 187.54 125.00 56.05 622.70 7,836.46 240.00 137,274.90 80.00 50.62 195.50 110.25 19.26 200.00 215.12 244,727.80 228.31 7.52 208.91 PAYKOLL FOK JUNE PAYKOLL # 12 & 13 8,481.69 526,265.60 HJ:!:AL'l'H lNSUH.ANCJ:!: FUND CONNJ:!:C'l'lCU'l' GJ:!:NJ:!:H.AL LlFJ:!: FlH.ST BANK OF J:!:AGLJ:!: CO. PAYH.OLL J:!:XPD PAYHOLL EXPD 28,775.96 92,036.88 120,812.84 J:!:NHANCJ:!:D J:!:911 FUND PTl COMMUNlCATlONS US WEST COMMUNlCATlONS SUPPLlES SUPPLlJ:!:S 166.70 3,247.23 3,413.93 GHAND TOTAL 2,223,309.72 --------------- --------------- The morning being spent paying bills, the following items were presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration in the afternoon: Consent Calendar Chairman Johnson presented the next item on the agenda, the Consent Calendar as follows: 1) Bill paying, subject to review b~ County Manager 2) Agreement with Wlnterset Productlons, Inc. for entertainment at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 3) Agreement with American Family Talent and Holly Young for entertainment at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 4) Agreement with CSU Judging Team for judging at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 5) Agreement with Skyline Talent and Production, Inc. and Runaway Express for entertainment at the 1995 Eagle Count~ Fair and Rodeo 6) Agreement with Skyline Talent and Productlon, Inc. and Walker Williams Band for entertalnment at the 1995 Eagle County Fair & Rodeo 7) Agreement with Skyline Talent and Productions, Inc., and Texas the Bank for entertainment at the 1995 Eagle Count~ Fair & Rodeo 8) Agreement with Bonnie Coryell for judglng the horse show at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 9) Agreement with Charlotte Whaley for judging of 4-H clothing and fashion review at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 10) Agreement with Linda Long for judging of clothing, knitting and crochet at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 11) Agreement with Wanda Remond for judging of 4-H clothing and fashion review at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 12) Agreement with Bill Ekstrom for judging of leathercraft, shooting sports and general 4-H at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 13) Agreement with Maureen Richardson for judging of foods, 4 - H and open at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 14) Agreement with C & S productions for entertainment at the 1995 Eagle County Fair & Rodeo 15) Agreement with Sharon Nieslanik for judging of foods and food preservation at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 16) Agreement with Rita Herold for judging of general 4-H at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 17) Agreement with Dennis Davidson for judging crops and gardens at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 18) Agreement with Patty Johnson for judging of quilts and needlework at the 1995 Eagle Count~ Fair and Rodeo 19) Agreement wlth Lynn Carroll for judging of crafts, 4-H and open at the 1995 Eagle Count~ Fair and Rodeo 20) A$reement wlth Skyline Talent and Productions, Inc. and Runaway Express TrlO for entertainment at the 1995 Eagle County Fair & Rodeo 21) Agreement with Skyline Talent and Productions, Inc. and Rocky Mountain Banjo'S for entertainment at the 1995 Eagle County Fair & Rodeo 22) Agreement with Skyline Talent & Productions, Inc. and Bonnie Phipps Duo for entertainment at the 1995 Eagle Count~ Fair & Rodeo 23) Agreement with Derringer for entertalnment at the 1995 Eagle County Fair and Rodeo 24) A$reement with Eagle County 4-H for catering the 1995 Eagle County Errployee Plcnic 25) Agreement with Colorado Avalanche Center 26) Pasture Lease with Scott & Tim Nieslanik 27) County Veterans Service Officer's monthly report, June 1995. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the Consent Calendar consisting of items 1 - 27, as presented. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mary Jo Berenato, Deputy County Attorney, pointed out contract #2 had not been signed by Winterset and suggested the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the contract upon receipt of a signed copy. Commissioner Phillips moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract with Winterset upon receipt of the signed copy. commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-141-95-AF1, Hanestead Subdivision, Lot 50 Pattie Haefeli, Planning Technician, presented file number PD-141- 95-AF1, Homestead Subdivision, Lot 50. She stated the pUl:J?Ose of this application is to amend the building envelope to conform wlth the standard setbacks of Homestead PUD. This modification has received Homeowner Association approval. Staff recommended approval. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file number PD-141-95-AF1, Homestead Subdivision Lot 50, incorporating Staff findings. commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Final Settlement, Harry's Heavy Haulers Mary Jo Berenato stated this item was published in the Eagle Valley Enterprize and no claims have been received at this time. She recommended the Board approve final settlement. commissioner Gates asked if the final settlement covers both contracts for March and April. Ms. Berenato replied it did. commissioner Gates moved to approve final settlement with Harry's Heavy Haulers. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 2 SM-972-95, Highland Meadows Filing 2 Kathy Eastley, Planning Technician, presented file number SM-972- 95, Highland Meadows, Filing 2. She stated the purpose of this application is to resubdivide Lot 29 of Highland Meadows, Filing 2 to create Lots 29A and 29B. She stated this plat does contain the duplex-split caveat allowing only one two family home on the combined area of the two lots. Staff recommended approval. commissioner PhilliI?s moved to approve file number SM-972-95, incorporatin$ Staff findlngs. Commissloner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Resolution 95-76, Referee Board of Equalization Mary Jo Berenato presented Resolution 95-76, appointing a referee for the 1995 County Board of Equalization. She related the referee would be Edwin E. Schmale, Jr. Corrmissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 95-76, appointing a referee for the 1995 Ea$le County Board of Equalization. commissioner Philllps seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Contract Amendment, Isbill & Associates Dan ReYnolds, Airport Manager, presented an amendement to the contract between Eagle County and Isbill and Associates. He stated all but a small I?ortion of the fees in this amendment are reimbursable and will be recouped ln March. Mary Jo Berenato stated the total amount of the contract will be $42,400.00. Commissioner Phillips moved to aPI?rove the contract between Isbill Associates and Amendment Number Three ln the amount of $42,400.00. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Phillips moved to adjourn as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Champions Taven1 Earlene Roach, Liquor Inspector, presented a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License with Extended Hours for Monet's Tavern, Inc., dba/Charrpions. She stated also included in this application is a change in the corporate structure and Managers Registration for Dolores Johnson. She stated all fees have been paid. An inspection was made of the premises and all was in order. Ms. Roach stated there is one concern with the application of the new mana$er. She related the applicant, Dolores Johnson, has been charged with thlrd degree assualt and a DUI. Ralph Dockery, applicant, stated Ms. Johnson has not yet been to Court and cannot speak to the charges. Chairman Johnson questioned the number of corrplaints filed by the Sheriff's department. Mr. Dockery stated there have been four instances this last year which is far less than in the past. He related all eIT1I?lo~ees go through the TIPS program or training through the restaurant assoclatlon. He stated that in the past two years they have eliminated many of the problems in that their alcohol sales have reduced and food sales have increased. He too is concerned about overservice and is trying to have zero corrplaints. Chairman Johnson asked if all corrplaints were at the management's request. Ms. Roach indicated two were walk throughs and two were due to fights. Mr. Dockery stated they do call for walk throughs to stop potential problems from developing. Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Dockery to explain eighty sixing. 3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 Mr. Dockery stated eighty sixin$ is to cut people off, remove individuals from the premises and ellminate overservice. Chairman Johnson asked if any individuals had been banned from Charrpions? Mr. Dockery stated they have a hugh list. He related they have tried to eliminate those who are habitual problems and or drunks. Discussion followed on problems at the establishment. Commissioner Gates moved to table the renewal of the Hotel and Restaurant license, Manager's Registration and change in corporate structure until after July 17, 1995. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Beaver Creek Golf Club Bar and Grill Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License with Extended Hours and Optional Premises for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc., dba/Beaver Creek Golf Club Bar & Grill. She related also included in the application is a modification of premises adding an optional I?remise site at the top of Chair 12 and a Managers Registration for Wes Srnithlng. Bob Loeffler, Assistant County Attorney, questioned the location of the optional premise for the Golf Course. Tamara Underwood, Attorney for Vail Associates, stated at the end of the summer they will have a total of eight tennis courts. Commissioner Phillips asked what is currently at the optional premise site or would it be a new building? Ms. Underwood introduced Beth Sloan, Director of Beaver Creek Food Services. Ms. Sloan stated the location of the optional premise will be at the top of Chair 12. Ms. Underwood questioned Ms. Sloan on the proposed optional premises. Commissioner Phillips asked why a facility would not be constructed at that location. Ms. Sloan stated it is such a small operation it would not be appropriate to construct a full facility. Commissioner Gates questioned control of the oI?tional premise. Ms. Underwood indicated the manager, Wes Smithlng, would be on site five days per week and there will be assistant manager's in his absense. She stated with encing si$llage every effort will be made to control the area. Commission Philllps asked lf the requests being made were together or seperate. Mrs. Roach indicated three seperate motions are needed. Mr. Loeffler asked about the lease for the Golf Course and stated he does not find a current lease in the application. Ms. Underwood stated the tennis courts are used during special events and related there is no permanent fencing in place. She indicated they would use plastic snow fencing to create boundries when the courts were in use. Ms. Underwood stated she also does not have an exhibit "a" to her lease and assured the Board those would be sent immediately. She presented a map to Mr. Loeffler showing the relationship of the facilities. Ms. Underwood requested conditional approval upon submitting the lease for Taters. Mr. Johnson asked if there were any questions of Mr. Smithing. Ms. Underwood questioned Mr. Smithlng on time spent with Vail Associates. Mr. Smithing stated he has been at the Clubhouse for five winters. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the manager's registration for william E. Smithing. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the modification of the optional premises with the condition the lease from Vail Associates to Beaver Creek Food Services for the area at the top of chair 12 to be known as Taters and the additional tennis court area be provided. 4 Commissioner PhilliI?s seconded the motion. commissioners Phillips and Gates voting yes and Chalrman Johnson voted no. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve the renewal of the Hotel & Restaurant License with Extended Hours for Beaver Creek Food Services, Inc., dba/Beaver Creek Golf Course. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. commissioners Phillips and Gates voting yes and Chairman Johnson voted no. Ms. Underwood stated the~ had hoped the Board would give clearer direction regarding their deslres concerning optional premises. Chairman Johnson stated once Staff has had the opportunity to discuss optional premise concerns with the parties it effects, the Board would consider a more specific resolution. Wildwood Shelter Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License with Extended Hours for Vail Food Services, Inc., dba/Wildwood Shelter. She stated also included in this application is a modification of premises. She explained the application to the Board. Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal and modification of premise for wildwood Shelter. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. Mr. Loeffler questioned the deliniation of the premises and asked about fencing. Ms. Underwood stated it would be similar to that of Eagle'S Nest and would not be fenced but appropriate sinage would be posted. Mr. Loeffler stated there is no lease showing the entire area being leased. Ms. Underwood stated they would provide a new lease. Commissioner Gates amended his motion indicating approval is conditional upon receiving a new lease from the applicant. Chairman Johnson called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Buss' Place Earlene Roach stated the next item is a renewal of a 3.2% Off Premise Beer License for Robert & Sherry DeHerrera, dba/Buss' Place. She requested this matter be tabled as the applicant was not present. Commissioner Gates moved to table the 3.2% Beer License for Buss' Place. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Corrmissioner Phillips moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned until July 11, 1995. Attest: C 5