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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
JUNE 13, 1994
Present: Johnnette Phillips
George "Bud" Gates
James Johnson, Jr.
James Fritze
Earlene Roach
County Attorney
Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented
to the Board of county commissioners for their consideration:
Consent Calendar
Chai:rrnan Phillips opened the meeting with the first item on the agenda,
the consent calendar as follows:
01) Bill paying, subject to review by County Manager
02) Payroll, subject to review by County Manager
03) Airport Improvement proj ect Number 19, Installation of Medium
Intensity Approach Lighting System with Flashers (MALSF)
04) Agreement Between Eagle County and Eagle Telecommunications Inc.
dba PTI Communications for Contribution in Kind
05) Ap~roval of Minutes for May 2 through May 16, 1994
Commissloner Johnson asked item 3 be pulled for discussion.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve items 01, 02, 04 and 05 on the
consent calendar as presented.
commissioner Jormson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Commissioner Johnson raised concern in reference to the setting of a
curfew for night flights at the Eagle County Airport.
Jim Fritze, County Attorney, addressed the issue stating the Board of
County commissioners power to adopt a curfew is limited due to Airport Noise
Act of 1990. .
Dan ReYnolds, Airport Manager, interjected a lightin$ system by itself
would not promote more after dark flying by general aviatlon. He felt it was
reasonable to plan for the future but he could not estimate the usage.
Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chai:rman to si$U the lGA,
installment of approach lighting, including information pertalning to noise
Commissioner Jormson seconded the motion. Commissioners Phillips and
Gates voting yes and commissioner Jormson voting no.
Agreement, State of Colorado
Don Fessler, Road and Bridge Supervisor, presented an Intergovernmental
Agreement Between Eagle County and State of Colorado for maintenance service
of State Patrol Vehicles.
Commissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chai:rman to sign the
Intergovernmental Agreement between Eagle County and State of Colorado for
maintenance services to State Patrol vehicles.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Resolution 94-75
Jim Fritze presented Resolution 94-75, Authorizing the Drawing of
Collateral for a Road CUt Permit Warranty Period for David and Valarie
Commissioner Gates moved to approve and sign Resolution 94-75, Drawing
of Collateral for David & Valarie Peterson.
Chai:rrnan Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous. commissioner Jormson had left the meeting.
Resolution 94-77
Jorm Althoff, Engineering presented Resolution 94-77, Acce~tin$ Certain
Improvements as complete in the Reserve on the Eagle River Subdlvislon and
Authorizing a Partial Release of Collateral.
commissioner Gates moved to approve and sign Resolution 94-77, Accepting
Certain Improvements as Complete in the Reserve on the Eagle River
Subdivision and Authorizing a Partial Release of Collateral.
Chai:rrnan Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Eagle County, property purchase
Mike Bradley, Buildin$ and Grounds Supervisor, presented for signature
the Authorization for Closlng on the Purchase of the Eagle Professional
Building located at 850 Chambers Avenue.
commissioner Gates moved to table this matter until later in the day.
Chai:rrnan Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Board of County commissioners
and reconvene as the Local Liquor Llcensing Authority.
Chai:rrnan Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Linda IS Kitchen
Earlene Roach, County Liquor Inspector, ~resented a new application for
a Hotel and Restaurant license for Linda M. Llttle, dba/Linda's Kitchen. She
stated the first order of business is to establish the neighborhood and need.
commissioner Gates moved to establish the neighborhood as the EI Jebel
voting precinct boundaries.
Chai:rrnan Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting conmissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Ms. Roach informed the Board the applicant did not ~rovide a petition of
signatures of individuals wishing alcohol in this establlshment
Jim Fritze stated evidence of need is required. He informed the Board
the applicant can be sworn and testify as to the needs of the neighborhood.
Earlene Roach, Deputy Clerk to the Board, swore in the applicant to
Llnda Little, applicant, stated selling margaritas is a must with
mexican food and informed the Board she has had alcohol at this establishment
for several years but mistakenly let the liquor license expire. No one was
present to s~eak against the service of alcohol at Linda's Kitchen.
Commissloner Gates moved to establish need utilizing the sworn
statements from applicant and the fact Ms. Little has been in business for
eight years.
Chai:rrnan Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioner
the vote was declared unanimous.
Ms. Roach discussed a list of items not completed as requested by the
County Environmental Health Office, items a through i on the Staff
recommendation sheet.
Commissioner Gates stated he believed these items should be taken care
of before ap~roving this license application.
Commissloner Gates moved to table the ap~lication for Hotel and
Restaurant License for Linda M. Little, dba/Llnda's Kitchen, until items "a"
through "i" are taken care of.
commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous.
Piney River Ranch
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
Earlene Roach presented for a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant license
with Extended Hours and Optional Premises for Piney River Ranch, Inc.,
dba/Piney River Ranch. She stated this application also includes a Manager's
Registration for Eric Potteroff. Ms. Roach indicated all documentation was
in order and the Sheriff's Office reports no complaints or disturbances
during the past year. Staff recommended ap~roval.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve ErlC Potteroff as manager for Piney
River Ranch, Inc., dba/Piney River Ranch.
Chai:rman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve the renewal of a Hotel and
Restaurant License with Extended Hours and Optional Premises for Piney River
Ranch, Inc., dba/Piney River Ranch.
Chai:rrnan Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Buss' Place
Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a 3.2%' Beer License for Robert J.
and Sherry A. DeHerrera, dba/Buss' Place. She requested this be tabled as
State currently has this license listed as an on premises license when in
fact it should be an off premises.
Commissioner Gates moved to table the 3.2%' Beer license for Robert &
Sherry DeHerrera until the type of license can be resolved.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
El Jebel Liquors
Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a Retail Liquor Store License for
Gloria J. Deschamp, dba/EI Jebel Liquors. She stated all documentation is in
order and the Sheriff's Office reports no complaints or disturbances during
the past year. Staff recommended approval.
Commlssioner Gates moved to approve the renewal of a Retail Liquor Store
for Gloria J. De schamp , dba/EI Jebel Liquors.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Earlene Roach presented a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License with
Extended Hours for Stasmore, Inc., dba/The Shortstop. She stated this was a
Notice of Hearing called due to the number of complaints and disturbances
filed with the Sheriff's Office during the past year.
Ms. Roach swore in all those present wishing to testify.
Dean Eberdin$' Eagle County Sheriff's Office, reported the Shortstop was
very cooperative ln notifying the Sheriffs office when special events are to
take place. He stated he did not feel there was a problem with over service
and informed the Board the Shortstop makes every effort to control this
Gary Bates, State Enforcement Officer, spoke to the cooperative nature
of the current owner and stated he believes there currently is not a problem
with over service.
Staff recommended approval.
Commissioner Gates moved to approve renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant
License for Stasmore, Inc., dba/The Shortstop.
Chai:rrnan Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Commissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing
Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Commissioners.
Chal:rman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
County Building Purchase
Mike Bradley presented a request for si~ature authorizing the closing
on the purchase of The Eagle Professional BUllding located at 850 Chambers
Road. He stated this matter was continued from earlier in the day.
Corrmissioner Gates moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the contract
authorizing the closing on the purchase of the Eagle Professional Building.
Chai:rrnan Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board the
meeting was adjourned until June 14, 1994.