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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
MARCH 14, 1994
Present: Johrmette Phillips
James Johnson
George "Bud" Gates
Jack Lewis
Jim Fritze
Earlene Roach
County Manager
County Attorney
Deputy Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented
to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration:
Consent Calendar
Chairman Phillips opened the hearing with the first item on the agenda,
the consent calendar as follows:
01) Bill paying, subject to review by County Manager
02) Bid acceptance for 5800 tons of 3/4 inch roadbase class six,
Fairgrounds Road
03) County Veterans Service Officers monthly report for January
04) Payroll for March 17, 1994, subject to review by County
Commissioner Gates moved to approve items one (1) through four (4) as
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Resolution 94-29
Chairman Philli~s ~resented Resolution 94-29 a Joint Resolution of the
Board of County Comrrussloners from Pitkin, Eagle, Summit, Garfield and Lake
Counties Regarding Rural Resort Regions and policies on Human Needs.
Kathleen Fornash, Director of Social Services, reported the resolution
is a result of several months of work by the five Counties on issues all have
in corrmon.
Discussion followed on the proposed Resolution.
Chairman Phillips asked if Ms. Fornash would like to be the spokesperson
for Eagle County.
Ms. Fornash agreed to be the spokesperson for Eagle County.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 94-29 of the Boards of
County Commissioners of Pitkin, Eagle, Garfield, Summit and Lake Counties,
Rural Resort Region regarding a policy on the provision of Human Needs. The
Chairman shall be authorized to sign said Resolution.
Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Agreement, Valley Resource Management
Jim Fritze, County Attorney, presented an Intergovernmental Agreement
for Valley Resource Management. He suggested the Board table this matter as
Mary Jo Berenato, Deputy County Attorney, could not be present.
Commissioner Gates moved to table the Intergovernmental Agreement for
Valley Resource Management to March 21, 1994.
commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Grant Agreement, Town of GypS'lDIl.
Jeff Shroll, Gypsum Town Manager, appeared and presented a grant
agreement between Eagle County and the Town of Gypsum for a total amount of
Jim Fritze stated the agreement provides a pedestrian/bike path shall be
built parallel Highway 6 from Interstate 70 to Eagle Valley High School.
Mr. Shroll informed the Board this project would cost approximately
$70,000.00 and those contributing are Eagle County, Town of Gypsum and the
State of Colorado.
corrmissioner Gates moved to approve the Grant Agreement between Eagle
County and the Town of Gypsum for a total amount of $19,500.00.
Corrmissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared .
Contract, Department of Health
Jim Fritze presented a contract between Eagle County and the Colorado
Department of Health. He informed the Board the dates on the contract have
changed to April 15, 1994 for a start date and runs through 12-31-94, for a
total amount of $62,500.00.
commissioner Johnson moved to approve the contract between Eagle County
and the Colorado Department of Health, for a total amount of $62,500.00. The
contract commences April 15, 1994 and runs through December 31, 1994.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Gates had left the meeting.
Commissioner Johnson moved to adjourn as the Board of County
conmissioners and reconvene as the Eagle County local Liquor Licensing
Chalrman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Eagle County
Jim Fritze presented a Special Events Permit for Eagle County
Government. He stated all documents are in order.
Jack Lewis, County Manager, stated this application is for the Annual
Oyster Feed to be held at the Eagle County Fairgrounds on April 1, 1994. He
stated the proceeds from this event goes to the purchase of equipment for the
Eagle County Fairgrounds.
Jim Frltze asked what provision had been made to insure non-service to
minors and intoxicated individuals.
Mr. Lewis stated all workers at this event have been informed of the
Colorado Liquor Laws and will be watching for those individuals.
corrmissioner Johnson asked about the licensed premises.
Mr. Lewis stated the entire fairgrounds will be licensed excluding the
rodeo arena. Mr. Lewis corrected the premises map to exclude the rodeo
commissioner Johnson moved to approve the Special Events Permit for
Eagle County Government, to be held April 1, 1994.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting corrmissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
pier 13 Liquors
Jim Fritze presented a transfer of ownership for Thomas J. Domenico,
dba/Pier 13 Liquors. Mr. Fritze guestioned the applicant on Colorado Liquor
Law, experience in the liquor buslness and proposed plans for the
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve a transfer of ownership for Thomas
J. Domenico, dba/Pier 13 Liquors.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the voting Corrmissioners the
vote was declared unanimous.
Whitewater Package Store
Jim Fritze presented a renewal of a Retail Liquor Store License for
Three Seventy six Corparation, dba/Whitewater Package Store. He stated there
have been no corrplaints or disturbances during the past year, and all
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
documents are in order.
conmissioner Johnson moved to approve the renewal of a Retail Liquor
Store license for Three Seventy Six Corporation, dba/Whitewater Package
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Food and Deli
Jim Fritze presented a renewal of a 3.2% Beer license for CUstomer
Corrpany, Inc. dba/Food and Deli. He stated everYthin;1 appears to be in order
and there have been no complaints or disturbances durlng the past year.
commissioner Johnson moved to approve the renewal of a 3.2% Beer license
for CUstomer cO!TIf?any, Inc., dba/Food and Deli.
Chairman Phlllips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Jet Center Cafe
Mary Jo Berenato, Deputy County Attorney, presented a new application
for a Tavern license for Jet Center Cafe, Inc., dba/ Jet Center Cafe. She
informed the Board this is a new application but the applicant is the same as
in previous years. She explained the applicant let the license expire, .
therefore he had to start over and the Board will need to establish the
corrmissioner Johnson moved to establish the neighborhood as the same as
in the previous application, the Eagle County Airpart boundaries.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting corrmissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Ms. Berenato questioned the a~plicant on Colorado Liquor Law, premises,
service of minors and intoxicated lndividuals. She related the a~plicant
would like to request the Commissioners waive the $450.00 processlng fee as
he paid all fees when he first applied for the license and he has had to pay
for a te~orary license in order to continue operations.
Commlssioner Johnson moved to approve the Tavern License for Jet Center
Cafe, Inc., dba/Jet Center Cafe. The Board shall waive the $450.00
processing fees.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Eagle-Vail Cafe
Mary Jo Berenato presented a renewal of a Hotel and Restaurant License
for HAL Construction, Inc., dba/Eagle-Vail Cafe. She stated everYthing was
in order and ap~ropriate fees have been paid. She stated there have been no
corrplaints or dlsturbances during the past year.
Commissioner Johnson moved to a~prove a renewal of a Hotel and
Restaurant license for HAL Constructlon, Inc. dba/Eagle-Vail Cafe.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Eagle'S Nest
Mary Jo Berenato presented a manager's registration for Beaver Creek
Food Services, Inc., dba/Eagle's Nest Restaurant. She stated the new manager
will be Robert Coleman. Ms. Berenato questioned Mr. Coleman on Colorado
Liquor Law and his experience in the liquor business.
commissioner Johnson moved to approve the manager's registration for
Robert Coleman, as manager of Eagle'S Nest Restaurant.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Corrmissioner Johnson moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing
Authority and reconvene as the Board of County commissioners.
Chalrman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Geor;1e Lewis, Agricultural Appraiser, presented a petition for abatement
for Phyllls Johnson, schedule number 20675.
Hugh Warder, Attorney, stated the petitioner is asking for an abatement
for 1989, 1990, 1991 and 1992 as they believe the assessment is illegal
therefore the taxes based on the assessment should be abated. He presented
the Board with the questionnaire filled out by Ms. Johnson and the Assessor's
commissioner Johnson questioned if Form "F" had been submitted.
Mr. Lewis stated the property was re-evaluated according to the
questionnaire submitted by Mr. Warder.
Ms. Berenato stated the Board can only consider an abatement for 1992-
1993, as 1989 and 1990 are too far back and the petitioner appealed the taxes
in 1991, which eliminates that year's taxes.
Discussion continued on the abatement.
Commissioner Johnson moved to table the petition for abatement, schedule
number 20675, Phyllis Johnson, to March 28, 1994.
Chairman Phlllips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Mary Jo Berenato presented a petition for abatement, schedule number
0016322 and 0019828, Allen and Company.
Mr. Lewis stated these ~roperties were removed from the agricultural
classification after an on-slte inspection by Staff. He stated the
petitioner is raisin;1 horses, not selling or breeding, which does not
classify them as agrlcultural. He stated the petitioner appealed the taxes
in 1992 so that year is not applicable.
commissioner Johnson moved to deny schedule number 16322, Allen and
Company, as per the recommendation of the Eagle County Assessor.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
commissioner Johnson moved to deny schedule number 19829, Allen &
Company, as recorrmended by the Assessor.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Jim Fritze presented a petition for abatement, schedule number 0026680,
Benedict Land and Cattle Corrpany.
George Lewis stated this is a 315 acre parcel along Reudi Reservoir. He
stated the applicant raises horses for an outfitting business, which does not
qualify as agricultural use.
Mr. Fritze reviewed a fax received from the ~etitioner for the Board.
Allen Black stated the Assessor's Office belleves this is not an
agricultural property but informed the Board the property value has been
lowered due to several problems.
Discussion followed on the definition of livestock.
Commissioner Johnson moved to table file number 0026680 to March 28,
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Jim Fritze presented a petition for abatement schedule number 06229153,
Climax Molybdenum Company.
Allen Black stated this matter has been tabled several times in the 'past
to make a decision as to the boundary lines.
Jim Fritze stated the County has received a letter from Climax
Molybdenum Corrpany indicated the survey has not yet been performed.
Discussion continued on the boundary line for the mine.
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
conmissioner Johnson moved to table schedule number 06229153, Climax
Molybdenum Corrpany to no later than October 14, 1994.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Allen Black presented petitions for abatement, schedule numbers as
39787, Jose M Gonzales, $439.73
39788, Frederick & Sara Ewald, $500.35
39789, Yellow Bird, Ltd., $1,642.00
39790, Terrance & Gail Ferry, $2,650.48.
Mr. Black stated these properties were moved over by one lot. The
Assessor's Office recommended these petitions be a~proved.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the petltions for the following:
39787, Jose M. Gonzales, $439.73
39788, Frederick & Sara Ewald, $500.35
39789, Yellow Bird, Ltd., $1,642.00
39790, Terrance & Gail Ferry, $2,650.48.
He stated the total abatement amount lS $5,222.56.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
Allen Black presented the following petitions for abatement:
20677, Harlen House, $.67
18883, Dale Beauchamp, $36.62
18884, Larry & Mari Kleiber, $160.26.
He stated the total abatement amount is $197.55. The Assessor's Office
recommended the abatements be approved due to erroneous assessments.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the following schedule numbers:
20677, Harlen House, $.67
18883, Dale Beauchamp, $36.62
18884, Larry & Mari Kleiber, $160.26.
The total amount of the abatements is $197.55.
Chairman Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting Commissioners
the vote was declared unanimous.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board the
meeting was adjourned until March 15, 1994.
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Attest: .A
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