HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/01/94 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MARCH 1, 1994 PUHLlC HEAl:UNG Present: Johnnette Phillips James E Johnson Jr George Gates Chairman Commissioner Commissioner Jack Lewis James Fritze Sara J.<'isher GENEltAL FUND A 1 COLLECTlON AGENCY AHBOTT LAHOltATOltlES AI:~ELMAN LAW OFFlCES ACTlVE COLLECTlON AGENCY AEC TECHNOLOGlES AELE JAlL BULLENTlN ALPHA 3lt SEltVlCE lNCOltPOltATED ALPlNE ANlMAL HOSPlTAL AMANDA SANDOVAL AMEltlCAN ASSOClATlON AlUPOUT AMEltlCAN EXPltESS ANlMAL CAltE EQUlPMENT AND ANlMAL HOSPlTAL OF VAlL VALLEY ANN JOHNSON APCO lNSTlTUTE APPLlED ELECTltONlCS APPltAlSAL lNSTlTUTE AltLENE STAltK QUENON ASPEN TlMES THE AT T AVON MEDlCAL CENTElt AVON QUlCK PltlNT HADElt AND VlLLANEUVA HAltBAltA SCHEY HASALT TOWN OF HEASLEYS FOOD TOWN HEATTlE CHADWlCK BElt'l'HOD MOTOltS HEST GEltALD BFl Hl MONlTOltlNG COltPOltATlON HLACK ALLEN HOAltD 01<' LAND COMMlSSlONEltS HOH HAltKElt COMPANY HONDED HUSlNESS SEltVlCE HltENNEltS HltOWNlNG FEltltlS lNDUS'l'ltlES BltUCE CAH.EY HltUCE MATHEltLY BUHL lNDUSTltlES lNC C UlCHAltD DONOVAN CAHHA CAPlTAL BUSlNESS SYSTEMS CASTLE PEAK VETEltlNAltY SEltVlCE CCAN lNNOVATlON GltOUP CCO AND EltA CDW COMPUTElt CENTEltS CELLULAlt ONE-GOVT ACCOUNTS CENTUUY PAPEltS INCOUPOltATED CF HOECKEL COMPANY CHANNEL 5 TV CHEMATOX CLAUK BOAltDMAN CALLAGHAN CLAY DODSON SEltVlCES SUPPLlES SEltVICES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SEUVlCES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES ltElMHUltSEMENT SEUVlCES SEltVlCES/SUPPLlES SUPPLlES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SUPPLlES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SEltVICES SUPPLlES SEltVlCES ltElMBUUSEMENT SEltVlCES SUPPLlES SEltVlCES SUPPLlES ltElMHUltSEMENT SEltVlCES SUPPLlES ltElMHUltSEMENT SEltVlCES SUPPLlES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SUPPLlES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SUPPLlES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES PAYltOLL EXPD. SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SUPPLlES SEUVlCES SEltVlCES SEltVlCES SUPPLlES SEUVlCES County Manager County Attorney Clerk to the Hoard 7.50 326.00 15.20 12.60 1,491.00 158.00 167.70 48.00 12.59 225.00 1,126.30 214.75 1,455.00 275.00 400.00 123.60 20.00 19.80 52.50 262.37 547.50 1,930.65 10.00 30.80 430.66 66.62 10.00 246.04 15.77 77.89 190.97 26.86 5.00 154.89 10.20 22.99 52.56 34.10 28.60 44.41 10.00 90.00 2,571.35 130.52 1,500.00 21,475.73 1,067.47 17.84 111. 91 269.00 100.00 70.00 111. 83 22.20 1 CLEUK AND UECOUDEU ELJEHEL CLEUK OF THE DlSTUlCT COUUT CO ALTEUNATlVE SENTENClNG COCA COLA HO'l"l'LlNG COLOUADO ASSESSOUS ASSOClATlON COLOUADO ASSOClATlON OF CHlEFS COLOUADO CHAPTEU OF THE lCHO COLOUADO COMPUTEU SYSTEMS COLOUADO COUNTlES lNCOUPOUATED COLOHADO DEPAUTMENT OF UEVENUE COLOUADO DEPAUTMENT OF UEVENUE COLOUADO DEPAUTMENT OF UEVENUE COLOHADO ENVlUOMENTAL HEALTH COLOUADO STATE ASSOC CLEUK AND COLOUADO STATE UNlVEUSlTY COLOHADO WEST MENTAL HEALTH COMMUNlCATlON HUlEFlNGS COMPUSEUVE lNCOUPOUATED COMPUTEUVlSlON COUPOUATlON CONSEUVE A WATT LlGHTlNG CONTlNENTAL COLLECTlON AGENCY COOLEY MESA TOWlNG COUNClL EDUCATlON MANAGEMENT COUNTY SHEUlFFS OF COLOUADO CUEDlT HUUEAU GLENWOOD SPUlNGS CUEDlT HUUEAU OF THE UOCKlES DAHL PLUMHlNG DAUUAH CHAULES DATA COMM WAUEHOUSE DATA UESEAUCH DAY TlMEUS lNCOUPOUATED DENVEU POST THE DlSTUlCT COUUT TUUSTEE DOCTOUS ON CALL DOUlS HAlU DOUGLAS GUAYHEAL DOUGLAS L HUYANT, DVM EAGLE AMOCO EAGLE AUTO PAUTS EAGLE CLEHK AND UECOUDEU EAGLE COMPUTEU SYSTEMS EAGLE COUNTY 4H COUNClL EAGLE COUNTY NUUSlNG SEUVlCE EAGLE COUNTY PUUCHASlNG EAGLE COUNTY SHEUlFFS OFFlCE EAGLE COUNTY TUEASUUEU EAGLE EXPUESS EAGLE PHAUMACY EAGLE PUlNTlNG EAGLE TOWN OF EAGLE VAlL CAFE EAGLE VALLEY CHAMHEU COMMEUCE EAGLE VALLEY ENTEUPHlSE THE EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MlUUOU EAGLE VALLEY PET HOSPlTAL EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY EL PASO DlSTUICT COUUT ELLEN EQUlPMENT COUPOUATION ELLIE CAUYL EVEUGHEEN FOHENSlC LAHS EXAMINlNG HOAHD OF PLUMHEHS EXCLUSl VE LAW ENFOlWEMENT FAHMEH HHOTHEHS }<'AHNUM HOLT FUNEUAL HOME FEDEHAL EXPUESS SEUVlCES SEHVlCES SEUVICES SUPPLIES SEHVlCES SEHVlCES SEHVlCES SEHVlCES SEUVlCES SEUVICES SEHVICES SEHVlCES SEHVlCES SEHVlCES SEHVlCES SEUVlCES SUPPLlES SEHVlCES SEHVICES SUPPLlES SEHVlCES SEHVICES SEUVlCES SEUVlCES SEHVlCES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVlCES SEHVlCES SUPPLlES SEUVlCES SEHVlCES SEHVICES SEUVICES SEHVlCES SEHVICES SUPPLlES SUPPLIES SEUVlCES SUPPLIES SEUVlCES SUPPLIES SEUVlCES/SUPPLIES SEUVlCES PAYHOLL DEDUCTION SEHVlCES SUPPLlES SUPPLIES SEUVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVlCES SUPPLlES SEHVICES SEUVICES SEHVlCES SUPPLlES UEIMHUHSMENT SEHVlCES SEHVlCES SEHVlCES SUPPLIES SEUVlCES SEHVICES 15.30 215.68 30.00 125.25 45.00 1,100.00 105.00 180.16 20,806.00 128.90 25.00 128.90 40.00 450.00 50.00 122.50 104.00 47.20 3,383.60 838.49 17.20 425.00 495.00 70.00 6.00 23.40 420.98 24.00 149.12 95.00 86.33 106.16 688.82 150.00 2.80 7.15 11. 00 12.64 355.94 149.48 1,903.40 243.00 784.00 29.07 23.00 25,900.88 2.50 469.70 45.00 1,249.00 101.97 30.00 1,439.20 100.00 97.00 458.45 214.94 13.80 18.31 56.00 58.00 600.00 120.90 710.00 61. 75 2 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS ~EDEHAL INDUSTHIES ~EDEHAL LAHOHATOHIES ~EDHIZZI GEHALD J DMD PC ~EHHELLGAS ~INANCIAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY FlHST HANK O~ EAGLE COUNTY ~ONES WEST ~OHTUNES HESTAUHANT GALLOWAY HEN MD GAHY HOSS GATES GEOHGE A GATES MAHGE PHN GEOHGE ALLAMAN GIHAHD THOMAS A GLEN WOOD POST THE GOLD AND VANAHIA GOHDON GUMESON & ASSOCIATES GHAND JUNCTION PIPE AND SUPPLY GHEAT WESTEHN AIHGAS GHEEN CLAIHE H GHEG KIHKWOOD DEPUTY GSTN GUAHANTEED SUPPLY INC GYPSUM AUTO HODY HAPPY TAILS HEALTH INSUHANCE ~UND HEHMAN MILLEH INC. HOLLY TATNALL HOLME HOBEHTS OWEN HOLY CHOSS ELECTHIC HOPE HEALTH LETTEH lAAO INMAC INTEHNAL HEVENUE SEHVICE J A SEXAUEH JACK LEWIS JACK W INGSTAD JACKIES OLD WEST INCOHPOHATED JAMES E. JOHNSON, JH. JAMES G ANDEHSON JAMES T ~AY JAY M r'HEEMAN JD PEAHSON JEAN BAHNEH JE~~ ~OHBES JOAN M MAXWELL HN JOHN WALSH JOHN WAYNE MILLEH ASSOCIATES JOHN WILEY AND SONS INC JOHNSON CONTHOLS JOHNSON JACK W JOHNSON KUNKEL AND ASSOCIATES JOSEPH WINSTEAD JUNIPEH VALLEY SIGN SHOP KATHEHINE SCHAHIN KELLEY BLUE BOOK KOHHMANN BOB KHAlGE KINNEY LAPIN HUBHAHD JOHNSON LEADVILLE MEDICAL CENTEH LEU' A NELSON LES STHAND LKl'N LEWAN AND ASSOCIATES LINDA M PEHHYMAN SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SEHVICES PAYHOLL EXPD SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES HEIMBUHSEMENT HEIMBUHSEMENT HEIMHUHSEMENT SEHVICES HEIMHUHSEMENT SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES PAYHOLL EXPD. ~UHNITUHE HEIMBUHSEMENT SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SEHVICES PAHTS THAVEL ADVANCE HEIMBUHSEMENT SEHVICES HEIMBUHSEMENT SEHVICES HEIMHUHSEMENT SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES HEIMBUHSEMENT HEIMBUHSEMEN'l' SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES PAH'l'S HEIMHUHSEMEN'l' SEHVICES HEIMBUHSEMEN'l' SUPPLIES HEIMBUHSEMEN'l' SUPPLIES HEIMBUHSEMEN'l' SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES HEIMBUHSEMEN'l' SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES 187.50 12.15 99.00 476.45 204.50 116,861. 82 272.00 88.85 565.00 24.20 262.55 146.88 10.00 177.99 80.50 18.20 1,240.00 608.09 22.20 2.40 75.00 1,560.00 493.65 57.00 30.00 76,570.51 440.00 88.39 7,814.61 10,386.97 834.60 55.00 98.44 576.00 84.10 300.00 66.00 12,92'7.00 300.00 4.10 121. 59 8.90 20.00 235.00 121. 00 76.63 40.00 1.60 108.34 266.25 6.78 2,404.00 5.00 3'78.10 22.00 49.00 15.96 184.92 10.00 1,715.50 10.00 89.88 388.00 60.00 15.40 3 LINUAHL ASSOCIAT~S LINK TECHNOLOGIES LK SU~VEY INST~UMENTS LOWEN COMPANY INCO~PO~AT~U LYNN PEAV~Y COMPANY MACHOL UAVIS MICHAEL MA~K UONALUSON MA~K H SACK~TT MA~K SILVE~THO~N MA'l"l'H~W H~NUE~ MAU~~~N AMUNUSEN MEINEKE UONNA M~SKIMEN LEWIS MG ASSOCIATES MIC~O WA~~HOUSE MILLA~ ELEVATO~ SE~VICE MONTAG K~ITH l' MOO~E MEUICAL CO~PO~ATlON MOTO~ POOL FUNU MOTO~OLA MOUNTAIN MIC~OFILM MOUNTAIN STATES EMPLOYE~S NATIONAL CASH CO~PO~ATION NATIONAL C~IME P~~V~NTION NATIONAL ~NVI~OM~NTAL HEALTH NATlONAL P~OPAN~ N~TTIE ~~YNOLUS NEV~S UNIFO~MS N~W ~L~CT~IC INC N~W ENGLANU HUSIN~SS S~~VIC~ NIGHTINGAL~ CONANT CO~PO~ATION NO~IEGA MA~GA~~T NO~THSTA~ LUMH~~ COMPANY NO~THW~ST COUNCIL UOVE~NM~NTS NU M~T~ICS NUNN J~AN OFFIC~ SCAP~S O~KIN ~XT~~MINATING COMPANY O~TEN HINUMAN OV~~H~AU UOO~ COMPANY OVE~LANU ANU ~XP~~SS COMPANY PAUL G~~GG PAY L~SS U~UGS P~NNY SAV~~ M~UICAL SUPPLY P~TTY CASH PHILLIPS JOHNNETT~ PITN~Y HOW~S PLANN~U P~THOOU PLUS INC PLANNE~S HOOKSTO~~ POSTMAST~~ EAGL~ H~ANCH P~CA PTI COMMUNICATIONS PTL ~L~CT~IC PUHLIC SAF~TY SUPPLY COMPANY PUHLIC S~~VIC~ COMPANY QUILL CO~PO~ATION ~OHE~T WA~N~~ ~AC T~ANSPO~T COMPANY ~AYMONU ~ HUH~ ~~SOU~CE C~NT~~ ~ICHA~U YOUNG P~OUUCTS OF ~OACH ~A~LENE ~OHE~T LO~FFL~~ ~OHE~'l' LUCIA lWHE~T MATTSON SE~VICES S~~VICES SUPPLI~S S~~VICES SUPPLIES SE~VICES ~EIMHU~SEMEN'l' SE~VIC~S ~~IMHU~SEMENT SE~VICES ~EIMHU~SEM~NT ~EIMHU~SEMENT ~EIMHU~SEM~NT SUPPLIES SUPPLI~S SE~VICES ~EIMHU~SEMENT SUPPLI~S S~~VIC~S SUPPLIES ~QUIPM~NT S~~VICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES S~~VICES S~~VICES ~EIMHU~S~M~NT SUPPLIES ~~FUNU SUPPLIES SUPPLIES ~~lMHU~S~M~NT SUPPLIES S~~VICES S~~VICES ~EIMHU~SEM~NT SUPPLIES SE~VICES S~~VICES SE~VICES SE~VIC~S ~~IMHU~SEMENT S~~VICES SUPPLIES SE~VICES ~EIMHU~SEMENT S~~VICES S~~VICES S~~VICES SE~VICES S~~VICES S~~VICES S~~VICES SUPPLIES S~~VICES SUPPLIES ~EIMHU~S~M~NT SE~VICES ~EIMHU~S~M~NT SE~VICES SUPPLIES ~EIMHU~SEM~NT ~EIMHU~S~MENT ~~IMHU~S~M~NT ~EIMHU~S~MENT 10.00 118.41 37.60 875.98 341. 50 1.60 126.50 6.50 819.08 87.60 53.07 256.33 154.00 8,415.20 1,193.40 382.45 143.62 361. 55 23,912.25 44.52 491.00 25.00 307.50 255.45 60.00 188.78 114.96 433.90 42.50 173.41 44.71 74.80 60.85 20,203.87 7.50 123.20 450.00 98.00 42.40 282.40 204.00 116.77 38.96 300.46 1,662.20 515.81 314.20 100.00 56.95 5,100.00 650.00 8,851.57 687.50 157.38 409.50 1,489.00 55.00 10.00 188.80 3,000.00 3,416.29 66.55 252.92 17.60 13.98 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS HOBEHT MOHHl~ HOBEHT ~OlFEH HOBEHT TETHEH HOBOTHONIC~ lNCOHPOHATED HOCCO LOHIE HOCKY MOUNTAIN NATUHAL GA~ HOCKY MOUNTAIN HECOHD~ HOCKY MOUNTAlN HEPHOGHAPHIC~ HOPlH CABLEVl~ION ~ACH~ LAWLOH ~ANDY~ OFFlCE ~UPPLY ~AHA J FI~HEH ~CHENK KEH~T DEWlNTEH ~COTT DHE~~EL MAHTlN ~COTT MAHTlN ~ECHETAHY OF ~TATE -NOTAHY ~EHVICEMA~TEH OF VAIL ~EHVICEMA~TEH OF VAlL ~EHVING BY lHVlNG ~HAPIHO MEINHOLD ~HEHIFF~ OFFICE ClTY/CO DENVEH ~HEHHY BHANDON ~KYLINE ~IX AHEA AGENCY ON THE ~OUTHEHN ~TEEL COMPANY ~PECTHUM MAINTENANCE PHODUCT~ ~PEED P.H.lNT ~TA.H.BUCK ~U.H.VEYO.H.~ & ENGlNEEH~ ~TATE FOHM~ CENTE.H. ~TATE FO.H.M~ PUBLICATlON~ ~TOFFEL ~EAL~ CO.H.POHATION ~T.H.AWBE.H..H.Y PATCH ~TUVE.H. AND GEO.H.GE ~UMMlT LUMBE.H. ~U~PEN~E FUND TEAM AI.H. EXP.H.E~~ TEAM MANAGEMENT BHIEFING~ TELEVUE TE.H..H.ILL KNIGHT THE CENTEH THOMP~ON PADGETT TINA HU~~ TONJA WiDiCK T.H.ANE PA.H.T~ CENTE.H. THAN~COH AME.H.lCA INCO.H.POHATED T.H.AVEL VAIL THl COUNTY Fl.H.E EXTlNGUl~HEH~ THIAD DEBHIEFING TEAM THUE VALUE HAHDWA.H.E TU.H.NE.H. MEIKLEJOHN TUXALL UNIFO.H.M COMPANY TYHEE AND A~~OCIATE~ UNlTED PAHCEL ~E.H.VICE UPPE.H. EAGLE VALLEY U~ WE~T CELLULA.H. U~ WE~T COMMUNICATION~ U~ WE~T DI.H.ECT VAlL DAILY THE VAlL LOCK AND KEY VAlL ~IGN CO.H.POHATION VAIL VALLEY TlME~ VALLEY JOU.H.NAL VALLEY WIDE MECHANlCAL INC VlOLENT C.H.lME CONFE.H.ENCE VI~A W W G.H.AINGEH INCOHPO.H.ATED HEIMBUH~EMENT ~E.H.VlCE~ HElMBUH~EMENT ~UPPLIE~ .H.ElMBU.H.~EMENT ~E.H.VICE~ ~UPPLlE~ ~E.H.VlCE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLIE~ HEIMBU.H.~EMENT ~E.H.VICE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~E.H.VlCE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~E.H.VlCE~ ~EHVICE~ ~E.H.VlCE~ .H.EIMBU.H.~EMENT ~E.H.VICE~ ~UPPLlE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~EHVICE~/~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~E.H.VICE~ HEIMBU.H.~EMENT .H.EIMBUH~EMENT PA.H.T~ ~E.H.VlCE~ ~EHVICE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVICE~ ~E.H.VlCE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~EHVlCE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~E.H.VICE~ ~UPPLlE~ ~UPPLlE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ H,KFUND ~E.H.VlCE~ ~EH,VlCE~ ~UPPLIE~ 231.00 2.30 69.30 35.00 123.20 10,053.33 15.80 12.00 46.64 11.50 1,568.13 100.88 7.50 202.00 100.00 10.00 12,287.31 12,287.31 10.00 3.20 23.00 7.25 836.80 507.03 330.00 146.00 1,028.00 20.00 2.59 248.00 189.00 24.20 913.14 182.45 159.44 99.00 477.40 41.25 2.40 435.00 15.00 16.50 62.93 2,071.50 1,040.00 573.00 75.00 63.85 7.50 71. 70 4,400.00 180.55 24.27 190.55 2,857.08 45.26 788.18 32.25 54.00 97.60 42.54 102.50 300.00 4,703.92 575.63 5 WALMAHT /AVON WEAHGUAHD WEST PUBLlSHlNG COMPANY WESTEHN COLOHADO CONGHESS WESTEHN EAGLE COUNTY AMBULANCE WESTEHN HECOVEHY WESTEHN SLOPE UNl~OHM WESTEHN STATES THANSPOHT WlLLAMETTE lNDUSTHlES lNC WlLLlAM H DOWHAN WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY XEHOX COHPOHATlON YATES ASSOClATES ZEE MEDlCAL SEHVlCE PAYHOLL ~OK ~EBKUAHY KOAD & BKlDGE AHHOW GAS COMPANY BAND B COMMUNlCATlONS BlG K MANU~ACTUKlNG BKATTON AND SON TKUCKlNG CCO AND EHA DAlLY SENTlNEL THE DENVEH POST THE EAGLE AUTO PAKTS EAGLE COUNTY PUHCHASlNG EAGLE COUNTY TKEASUKEK EAGLE PHAKMACY EAGLE VALLEY ENTEKPKlSE THE ~EHHELLGAS ~lHST BANK O~ EAGLE COUNTY ~ONES WEST GlLSABlND CONVlDAK HEALTH INSUKANCE ~UND lMPEKIAL HEADWEAH, lNC. JUNlPEK VALLEY PHODUCTS KEMP AND COMPANY lNCOKPOHATED LANDS END lNCOKPOKATED MAYNE BLOCK MOTOK POOL ~UND PKYOH HESOUKCES, INC. KOCKY MOUNTAIN SA~ETY SEHVlCE SANDYS O~~lCE SUPPLY SPEED PKINT VALLEY SIGNS VISA WEAK GUAKD COKPOKATION WESTEKN MOBILE WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PAYHOLL ~OH ~EBHUAHY SUPPLlES SUPPLlES SUPPLlES SEKVICES SEKVlCES SEKVICES SEHVlCES SEKVlCES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SUPPLlES SEHVICES SEKVlCES SUPPLIES 66.49 163.98 162.41 50.00 300.00 7.50 100.85 1,619.00 574.80 2.60 68.47 375.71 10.00 399.00 PAYKOLL # 3 & 4 264,328.11 762,305.05 SEKVICES/SUPPLlES SEKVlCES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PAYHOLL EXPD SEKVICES SEHVlCES SUPPLIES SEKVlCES/SUPPLlES PAYKOLL DEDUCTION SUPPLlES SEKVlCES SEHVlCES/SUPPLlES PAYKOLL EXPD SEHVlCES SUPPLlES PAYKOLL EXPD SUPPLIES SUPPLlES SUPPLlES SUPPLlES SUPPLIES SEKVICES SEHVICES SUPPLlES SUPPLlES SEKVICES/SUPPLlES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SUPPLlES SUPPLlES SUPPLlES 91.50 93.75 4,686.33 56.07 3,110.87 106.24 307.68 4.79 42.84 1,924.79 31.59 221.00 103.35 15,697.55 234.00 2,476.80 11,565.99 300.35 16.90 862.30 64.50 4,176.90 78,319.06 390.00 48.62 7.16 466.43 8.50 461.19 763.92 199.54 1,765.54 PAAYHOLL # 3 & 4 35,008.81 163,614.86 6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MOTOH POOL AMEHICAN EXPHESS AV TECH ELECTHONICS BEHTHOD MOTOHS CAHBONDALE AUTO SUPPLY CCO AND EHA CENTUHY EQUIPMENT COMPANY CENTUHY PAPEHS INCOHPOHATED COLLETl'S COLOHADO DEPT O~ HEALTH COLOHADO WEST PETHOLEUM COLUMBIN.E ~OHD DHIVE THAIN INDUSTHIES EAGLE AUTO PAHTS EAGLE COUNTY PUHCHASING EAGLE COUNTY THEASUHEH EAGLE PHAHMACY EAGLE VALLEY GLASS AND MIHHOH ~lHST BANK O~ EAGLE COUNTY ~lTZSIMMONS MOTOH COMPANY ~ONES WEST GLEN WOOD SPHINGS ~OHD GHAY AUTOMOTIVE PHODUCTS GYPSUM AUTOBODY AND ~HAME HANSON EQUIPMENT HEALTH INSUHANCE ~UND IMPEHIAL HEADWEAH, INC. JJ K.ELLEH AND ASSOCIATES KAH PHODUCTS INCOHPOHATED KIESPEHTS THASPOHTATION LANDS END INCOHPOHATED MOTOH POOL ~UND HESPOND ~lHST AID SYSTEMS HEY MOTOHS INCOHPOHATED HOCKY MOUNTAIN ~LEET MANAGEHS SANDYS O~~lCE SUPPLY SPEED PHINT SWALLOW OlL COMPANY THANSPOHTATION SUPPLY INC U.S. WELDING, INC. VALLEY SlGNS VEHNON COMPANY VISA WAGNEH EQUIPMENT COMPANY WALMAHT /AVON WATSON OJ WEAH GUAHD COHPOHATION WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY PAYHOLL ~OH ~EBHUAHY SOCIAL SEHVICES ABC P.EDIATHIC CLINIC ABHA CADABHA AHLISS SlMS AUDHEY MAXWELL CCO AND EHA C~ HOECKEL COMPANY CODY LANE GEN.EHAL PAHTNEHSHIP COLOHADO COUNTY DIHECTOHS O~ CW~C COLOHADO WELFAHE ~HAUD SUPPLIES SEHVICES SUPPLIES PAHTS PAYHOLL .EXPD PAHTS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES PAW!' S PAHTS PAHTS/SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PAYHOLL DEDUCTION SUPPLIES PAHTS PAYHOLL EXPD SEHVICES SEHVICES PAHTS/EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT SEHVICES PAHTS PAYHOLL EXPD SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PAHTS SUPPLIES SEHVICES SUPPLIES PAHTS SEHVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES .EQUIPM.ENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PAHTS PAHTS PAHTS SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT 14.46 12.50 33.06 151.57 539.46 526.69 25.00 16,592.52 20.00 474.00 43.47 136.60 9,690.45 12.58 100.00 12.14 18.00 3,376.41 10.00 30.00 11,470.71 971.25 153.00 90.34 4,739.71 86.69 95.05 212.70 46.24 79.95 2,211.02 295.00 145.60 150.00 4.41 171.56 1,228.55 1,704.97 88.96 22.00 1,689.64 11. 00 1,373.38 29.37 317.57 241.81 689.68 PAYHOLL # 3 & 4 10,565.64 70,704.71 SEHVICES SEHVICES HEIMBUHSEMENT HEIMBUHSEMENT PAYHOLL EXPD SUPPLIES SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES 87.50 45.00 25.92 94.94 1,281.54 145.23 3,269.00 75.00 50.00 7 DSS O~~ICE CHILD CAKE SEKVICES EAGLE CLEKK AND KECOKDEK EAGLE COUNTY PUKCHASING EAGLE COUNTY SHEKI~~S O~~ICE ECHO KANCH EVA MAKIE LUNDIN ~IKST HANK O~ EAGLE COUNTY ~ONES WEST GAK~IELD COUNTY SHEKI~~ GENEKAL ~UND GLEN WOOD MEDICAL ASSOCIATION GKAND COUNTY DEPAKTMENT GKAND JUNCTION HILTON HOLIDAY INN - DENVEK STAPLETON JAMES E. JOHNSON, JK. JUNIPEK VALLEY PKODUCTS KATHY KEED LAKE COUNTY SHEKI~~ LYONS KATHLEEN MEMOHEX COMPUTEK SUPPLIES MONICA M HOSE MOTOH POOL ~UND O~~ICE DISTKICT ATTOKNEY PAM LUHHEHS PETTY CASH ACCOUNTING POSTMASTEK PTI COMMUNICATIONS SANDYS O~~ICE SUPPLY SKYLINE HUSINESS ~OKMS SPEED PHINT SUSPENSE ~UND US WEST COMMUNICATIONS WILLIAM L ~LOOD MD PC PAYKOLL ~OK ~EHHUAKY CAPITAL EXPENDITUKES NU METKICS K AND D INDUSTKIES W A CHAKNSTKOM COMPANY XEHOX COHPOKATION ZENITH DATA SYSTEMS KETIKEMENT CCO AND EKA SEKVICES SEKVICES SEKVICES SEKVICES SUPPLIES HEIMHUKSEMENT PAYKOLL EXPD SEKVICES SEKVICES SUPPLIES SEKVICES SEKVICES SEKVICES SEHVICES KEIMHUKSEMENT SUPPLIES KEIMHUKSEMENT SEKVICES PAYKOLL ADJ SUPPLIES KEIMHUKSEMENT SEKVICES SEHVICES SEKVICES SUPPLIES SEKVICES SEKVICES EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES/SEKVICES PAYHOLL DEDUCTION SEKVICES SEKVICES 39.00 13.59 1,554.99 18.80 31.93 134.58 8,674.13 72.00 7.50 1,572.16 30.00 146.45 45.00 65.00 12.00 16.90 61.60 16.60 500.00 69.36 4.60 374.10 621.32 14.60 50.00 100.00 98.50 233.01 320.11 247.04 716.00 120.84 30.00 PAYKOLL # 2 25,412.99 46,498.83 EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT 600.00 2,850.00 839.01 1,495.00 5,016.00 10,800.01 PAYKOLL EXPD 21,388.21 21,388.21 8 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO FORM 50 HOECKEI:S 387869 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS lN~UHANCE HE~EHVE DE~lGN GLA~~ lNCOHPOHA~ED CAPl~AL lMPHOVEMEN~~ AW lN~EHlOH~ lNC HAND D lNDU~~HlE~ AlHPOH~ AAAE ACZ LABOHA~OHY ADB ALNACO ADB ALNACO AlHPOH~ ~Y~~EM~ lN~EHNA~lONAL AMEHlCAN A~~OClA~lON AlHPOH~ A~Ml AU~OMA~lC EN~HANCE COLOHADO BAND B COMMUNlCA~lON~ BHEN~ ~EHVlCE BHOWNlNG ~EHHl~ lNDU~~HlE~ CCO AND EHA COCA COLA BO~~LlNG COLLE~~~ CON~lNEN~AL HE~EAHCH COHP COOPEH CHOU~E HlND~ DAlLY JOUHNAL ~HE EAGLE AU~O PAH~~ EAGLE COUN~Y AVlA~lON EAGLE COUN~Y PUHCHA~lNG EAGLE VALLEY EN~EHPHlSE ~HE ~lH~~ BANK O~ EAGLE COUN~Y ~ONE~ WE~~ ~HONT HANGE ~lHE APPAHA~U~ HEAL~H lN~UHANCE ~UND HOLY CHO~~ ELEC~HlC HUHD HAHHY INCEN~lVE MAHKE~lNG lN~~HUMEN~ HEPAlH LAB~ JP AVlONIC~ MACDONALD EQUIPMEN~ COMPANY MELANlE WIL~ON MlDWE~~ AIH ~HA~~lC CON~HOL MO~OH POOL 1<'UND NA~lONAL AUDlOV1~UAL CEN~EH NOH~HWE~~ AMEHlCAN A~~OC O~ O~HKO~H ~HUCK COHPOHA~lON P~l COMMUNlCA~lON~ HAC ~HAN~POH~ CO lNC HOCKY MOUNTAlN NA~UHAL GA~ ~PEC~HUM MAlN~ENANCE PHODUC~~ ~PEED PHlN~ ~~HlJPE WHlGH~ ~UMMl~ LUMBEH ~UN~lHE Dl~~HlBU~lNG, lNC. ~WEEP~~EH PAH~~ 197.99 197.99 CAPl~AL lMPHOVEMEN~~ CAP1~AL IMPHOVEMEN~~ 2,885.00 3,440.00 6,325.00 ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ PAH~~/~EHVlCE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVICE~ ~EHVlCE~ ~EHVlCE~ PAH~~ ~EHVlCE~ ~EHVlCE~ PAYHOLL EXPD ~EHVlCE~ ~UPPLlE~ ~EHVlCE~ PAH~~ ~EHVlCE~ ~UPPLlE~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLlE~ SEHVICES PAYHOLL EXPD ~EHVICE~ PAlfl'~ PAYHOLL EXPD ~EHVlCE~ HElMBUH~EMEN~ ~UPPLlE~/~EHVlCE~ ~EHVlCE~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLlE~ HElMBUH~EMEN~ ~EHVlCE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~EHVlCE~ PAH~~ ~EHVlCE~ ~EHVlCE~ ~EHVlCE~ ~UPPLIE~ ~UPPLlE~ ~EHVICE~ ~UPPLlE~ EQUlPMEN~ EQUlPMEN~ 260.00 75.00 1,092.57 85.84 353.03 75.00 2,718.00 2,112.98 160.00 2,476.52 121. 00 438.11 57.10 702.60 134.78 926.71 78.90 29.83 25.00 156.84 98.80 3,870.38 10.00 1,031.94 1,847.79 2,745.65 5.50 285.13 154.10 266.05 36.68 5.19 29,555.54 349.93 310.00 210.00 57.78 1,327.43 101.98 2,916.53 1,450.00 156.86 6,600.00 7.37 3,500.00 5,558.50 9 UPPEH EAGLE HEGIONAL WATEH VAIL ELECTHONICS LTD VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED VISA WHANGLEH ELECTHIC WYLACO SUPPLY COMPANY SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SEHVICES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PAYHOLL ~OH ~EHHUAHY PAYHOLL # 3 & 4 LAND~ILL ACZ LAHOHATOHY CCO AND EHA CENTUHY PAPEHS INCOHPOHATED DEEP HOCK WATEH EAGLE COUNTY PUHCHASING EAGLE COUNTY THEASUHEH ~IHST BANK O~ EAGLE COUNTY HEALTH INSUHANCE ~UND IMPEHIAL HEADWEAH, INC. KIM LYONS MOTOH POOL ~UND HESPOND SYSTEMS HOBEHT LINN SANDYS O~~ICE SUPPLY WEAH GUAHD COHPOHATION SEHVICES PAYHOLL EXPD SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SEHVICES PAYHOLL DEDUCTION PAYHOLL EXPD PAYHOLL EXPD SUPPLIES HEIMBUHSEMENT SEHVICES SUPPLIES HEIM/PHEPAID ACCT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PAYHOLL ~OH ~EBHUAHY PAYHOLL # 3 & 4 LOCAL IMPHOVEMENT DISTHICTS COLOHADO NATIONAL BANK ~IHST THUST N.A. PAYING AGENT ~EES PHINCIPAL/BELLYACHE ENHANCED E911 MIDWEST ELECTHONICS PTI COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT SEHVICES GHAND TOTAL 35.00 375.00 30,000.00 35.15 105.00 40.75 9,619.70 114,749.54 725.00 444.83 20.29 33.60 16.98 1,820.00 3,019.49 1,611.25 61.57 75.00 19,998.92 112.95 36.26 97.42 197.69 5,402.01 33,673.26 250.00 47,040.00 47,290.00 4,641.51 616.00 5,257.51 1,282,804.97 -------------- -------------- 10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 The morning being spent paying bills the following items were presented to the Board of COilllty Commissioners for their consideration in the afternoon: PD-100-93-S, Beaver Creek POD Sid Fox, Planning Manager, presented file number PD-100-93-S, Beaver Creek POO, Upper Bachelor Gulch. He stated Staff has received a letter from the Division of Water Resources and the Division of Wildlife. He stated this application was a sketch plan application for a change from open space recreation to residential low density. The aPl?licant is proposing 100 primary/secondary illlits for fifty lots, which 1S two illlits per lot. He stated in addition, the POO Amendment would allow twenty-five cluster multi- family illlits, being three or four illlits per structure. Mr. Fox stated there are also five moillltain recreation lodging facilities, similar to Trapper's Cabin. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 01) The applicant shall submit to Eagle COilllty as part of the Preliminary Plan, a fully executed wildlife agreement between the applicant and the Colorado Division of wildlife which is in substantial conformance with the "Amended Beaver Creek Master Plan, wildlife Mitigation Plan" dated February 9, 1994. 02) The POO Guide and desi~ guidelines shall include wildfire mitigation guidelines which are sens1tive to potential visual impact. 03) Alternate transit modes (gondola link to Avon) shall be evaluated as part of the Preliminary Plan application. 04) All dwellin9 illlits within the Beaver Creek POO applying for a building permit for dwell1ng illlit construction after October I, 1994 shall . comply with the Eagle COilllty woodburning regulations in effect at the time of building permit application. Until October 1, 1994, the current Beaver Creek woodburning regulation shall apply. 05) The Preliminary Plan shall include standards for building construction which are consistent with the Eagle COilllty Energy and Natural Resource Conservation Building Awards and water conservation standards. Mr. Fox reviewed the letter from Bill Andree, Division of wildlife. Peter Jamar, Peter Jamar and Associates, responded the applicant has been workin9 with the Division of wildlife. He stated the applicant is in agreement w1th all five conditions. Comrrdssioner Gates moved to approve file number PD-100-93-S, Beaver Creek POD, Upper Bachelor Gulch. Staff shall be directed to prepare a Resolution of findings Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Johnson questioned condition number two, asking if the al?plicant was looking into utilizing sprinklers in the structures to m1nimize the removal of vegetation. Mr. Jamar answered yes and stated the applicant is currently working with the Avon Fire Department. Commissioner Johnson stated condition number three should include but not be limited to gondola's. He questioned condition number one, the enforcement of the Memorandum Of Understanding. Mr. Jamar stated if the plans set out in the Memorandum of Understanding are substantially modified, the MOU could then be terminated. Discussion followed on the application and Staff recommendations. Chairman Phillips called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared illlanimous. PD-100-93-P1, Beaver Creek POD, Chair 14 Site sid Fox presented file number PD-100-93-P1, Beaver Creek POD, Chair 14 site. He stated this application has been withdrawn by the applicant. PD-100-93-P2, Beaver Creek POD, Strawbeny Park Sid Fox presented file number PD-100-93-P1, Beaver Creek POO, Strawberry Park. He stated this is a Preliminary Plan requesting a change in land use 11 designation from Open Space Recreation to Residential Low Density. He stated the application currently requests thirty-one primary/secondary lots or sixty-two units. Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 01) The a~plicant shall submit to Eagle County, for approval, as part of its first Flnal Plat for Strawberry Park, a fully executed wildlife agreement between the applicant and the Colorado Division of Wildlife, which is in substantial conformance with the "Amended Beaver Creek master Plan, Wildlife Mitigation Plan", dated February 9, 1994. The wildlife agreement shall be recorded with the first Final Plat within Strawberry Park and a plat note shall refer to the agreement. 02) The POO Guide and desi~ guidelines shall include wildfire mitigation guidelines which are sensltive to potential visual impacts. 03) All dwellins units within the Beaver Creek POD applying for a building permit for dwelllng unit con~truction a~ter.October 1, 1994, ~hall comply with the Eagle Connty woodburrung regulatlon In effect at the tlme of buildlng permit application. until October 1, 1994, the current Beaver Creek woodbuming regulation shall apply. 04) The POO Guide shall refer to standards for building construction which are consistent with the Eagle Connty Energy and Natural; Resource Conservation Building Awards and water conservation standards. 05) The water and sewer line alignment shall be further reviewed at Final Plat and must be located to avoid, the sensitive environmental areas, such as, wetlands, riparian corridors and critical wildlife areas. 06) The water tanks shall be as un-obstructive as possible. The tank shall be constructed of neutral colors and must be landscaped or buried. Compliance with this condition shall be illustrated as part of the building permit application for the water tank. 07) The applicant shall submit evidence, as part of its first Final Plat application for Strawberry Park, the developer/applicant has obtained a Section 404 Permit for impacts to wetlands, if required. 08) Prior to approval of a Final Plat, the geologic stability for Strawberry Park shall be further evaluated by the applicants geologic consultant and submitted to Eagle Connty for possible review by the Colorado Geologic Survey. Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number PD-I00-93-P2, incorporating Staff findings and conditions as stated. Approval shall be given with the condition the Memorandum of Understanding between vail Associates and the Colorado Division of wildlife be executed. Staff shall prepare a Resolution of findings for the Board's signature. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. In discussion, Commissioner Johnson stated he would like the opportunity to review the Memorandum of Understanding between Eagle County and the Division of wildlife. Sid Fox stated Staff could modify the language in the condition to make it clear, once the applicant and the Division of Wildlife reach agreement, it shall be subject to review and approval by the County as part of the final plat review. The Board concurred with the change in the condition. Chairman Phillips called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-100-93-Al, Tract B Six Fox presented file number PD-I00-93-Al, Beaver Creek POO, Tract B. He stated this application is for the Tames Employee Housing site and also has a child care center and resort service operations. Mr. Fox stated the Amended Subdivision Improvements Agreement provides Vail Associates must meet their employee housing needs on-site or off-site. Commissioner Johnson stated the Subdivision Improvements Agreement was amended before the Lake Creek Housing Project. Mr. Jamar passed out the signed copy of the Amended Subdivision Improvements Agreement. He discussed the amendment with the Board. He reviewed the employee housing units. Jack Lewis, County Manager, asked if the applicant were to move the sixty nnits from this parcel would they be moved to another location. . Mr. Jamar stated the applicant must provide sixty employee housing nnlts. commissioner Gates stated he would like to see a trigger mechanism in 12 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 the agreements to start construction of the e111I?loyee housing projects. Sid Fox stated there is a timing element ln the agreement. Jim Fritze stated the asreement addressed the required number of units and how that could be satisfled, but did not address the removal of units and what would occur then. Commissioner Johnson asked about the number of surplus units at Arrowhead. Jack Lewis stated there was not a lot of surplus units included in the original number of errployee housing units for Arrowhead. Commissioner Johnson stated it was his understanding the present housing was not going to be eliminated. He asked if the housins requirement was one from the County or if it came from the S~ecial Use Permt. Mr. Jamar stated the US Forest Servlce has reviewed the proposed amendment and is in support of the proposal. Discussion continued on the errployee housing units. Commissioner Johnson moved the Board ap~rove file number PD-100-93-Al, incorporating Staff findings and recommendatlons. Staff shall prepare a resolution of findings for the Board's signature. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. In discussion, commissioner Gates questioned changing the word required to encouraged. Further discussion followed on the motion and errployee housing units. Commissioner Gates stated he believes the word needs to be changed from required to encouraged and asked if Commissioner Johnson would change his motion. Chairman Phillips called for the motion. commissioner Johnson voting aye and Commissioners Phillips and Gates voting no. Chairman Phillips stated she would like to see additional wording in the motion relating to errployee housing units. Mr. Ragonetti stated the motion could read as follows: "The applicant should be encouraged to maintain at least 60 on-site errployee housing units. If any of the existing on-site units are eliminated and result in a deficit from the number of errployee housing units otherwise required, that deficit will be made up within twenty-four months." Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number PD-100-93-Al, Beaver Creek POD, Tract B, with the wording being changed from required to encouraged as follows: 01) The applicant should be encouraged to maintain at least 60 on- site errployee housing units. If any of the existing on-site units are eliminated and result in a deficit from the number of errployee housing units otherwise required, that deficit will be made up within twenty-four months. Staff findings and recommendations shall be included in the motion. Staff shall be directed to work with vail Associates to amend the Subdivision Irrprovements Agreement to show how units are to be replaced if they are taken out of errployee housing to assure there is no deficit with a replacement mechanism. commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. In discussion, Sid Fox asked if the intent of the motion was to replace those units on-site or off-site or either. commissioner Johnson stated it does not matter as long as the agreement is in place with vail Associates. Chairman Phillips called for the question on the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-100-93-A2, Tract M, Lot 2 sid Fox ~resented file number PD-100-93-A2, Tract M, Lot 2. He stated this applicatlon was a PUD Amendment requesting a change in land use designation from Resort Services to Resort Commercial One. Mr. Fox stated the applicant is requesting thirty-seven (37) dwelling units be constructed on site. Staff recommended approval. Mr. Fox stated Staff was concerned with setbacks and protection of Beaver Creek. These issues have been included in the PUD Guide. Commissioner Gates questioned the difference between Resort Services and Resort Commercial. 13 Commissioner Johnson stated Resort Commercial combines resort commercial with resort services. He stated it was his understanding Vail Associates intends to transition from the present use to a future use of residential. Peter Jamar stated with the change in land use goes the following conditions: 01) Residential density not to exceed 37 dwelling units. 02) When converted from Resort Services/Operations to Residential, no more than 8,500 square feet of mountain support services shall be constructed upon the lot. commissioner Johnson asked if the Board should reference the PUD Guide in a motion. Mr. Fox stated the POO Amendment was structured to include file number A8. He stated the County is protected with the languase in the POO Guide. Jim Fritze stated there are more restrictive condltions in the POO Guide and the guide would have to be amended if there were any changes. commissioner Johnson moved to approve PD-I00-93-A2, incorporating Staff findings and recommendations. Staff shall prepare a resolution reading, "for the intent of approval for this file number, it shall reference back to the POO Guide, as approved by this Board on March I, 1994." Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-100-93-A3, Tract N, Lot 7 sid Fox presented file number PD-I00-93-A3, Tract N, Lot 7. He stated this was an application for a land use change from Resort Services to Resort Commercial One. Mr. Fox stated the land use designation was changed on Tract o to Open Space Recreation. Mr. Fox stated the applicant is reguesting a total of 300 nnits on Tract N, P and Q. There will be no dwelllng units on Tract o. Staff recommended approval. commissioner Gates moved to approve file number PD-I00-93-A3, Beaver Creek POO, Tract N, Lot 7, changing the land use designation from Resort Services to Resort Commercial One, incorporating Staff findings and recommendations and the POO Guide. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-100-93-A4, Tract 0 sid Fox presented file number PD-I00-93-A4, Beaver Creek POO, Tract O. He stated Staff is recommending approval with the followins condition: 01) Prior to issuance of the first building permlt on Tracts 0 or P, vail Associates or its successors shall submit a commitment to construct a trail or widened shoulder across Tract 0 and P. The trail shall be consistent with the Eagle County Trails Plan or the applicable Avon Plan. commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number PD-I00-93-A4, Tract I, incorporating the POO Guide as approve by this Board on March I, 1994, also incorporating Staff's findings and recommendations. Staff shall be directed to prepare a Resolution for the Board's signature. commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-100-93-AS, Tract P Sid Fox presented file number PD-I00-93-AS, Beaver Creek POO, Tract P. He stated Staff recommended approval with the followins condition: 01) Prior to the issuance of the first buildlng pennit on Tract 0 or P, vail Associates or its successors shall submit a commitment to construct a trail or widened shoulder across Tracts 0 & P. The trail shall be consistent with the Eagle County Trails Plan or the applicable Avon Plan. Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number PD-I00-93-AS, Beaver Creek POO, Tract P, incorporating Staff findings and recommendations and the POD Guide. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-100-93-A6, Tract Q 14 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 sid Fox presented file number PD-I00-93-A6, Beaver Creek POD, Tract Q. He stated this parcel is an existing parkin$ lot along Highwa~ 6. He informed the Board the applicant is request1ng a land use des1gnation change from Resort Services to Resort Commercial One. Mr. Fox stated the Planning Commission had a split vote indicating there will be no recommendation from the Planning Commission. Staff recommended approval with the following condition: 01) The applicant must submit a parking plan for Eagle Connty approval prior to redevelopment of the existing parking lots. Mr. Fox stated the Town of Avon had expressed concern with loss of on- site parking. He stated the Town of Avon has now submitted a letter indicating they were now comfortable with redevelopment of parking, after discussin$ the matter with Vail Associates. COmmlssioner Johnson stated he believed there was not a ~arking problem but rather a transportation problem. He stated if Vail Assoc1ates can demonstrate a good parking plan or transportation proposal there would be no parking problem. , Mr. Jamar agreed with Commissioner Johnson and suggested the words "or transportation" be inserted in the condition. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number PD-I00-93-A6, Beaver Creek POO, Tract Q, incorporating Staff findings and recommendation and referring back to the POO Guide as approved by the Board on March I, 1994, with a change in the condition stating "the applicant shall submit a parking and/or transportation plan for Eagle Connty's approval prior to the redevelopment of the existing parking lots." Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-IOO-93-A7, Tract R sid Fox presented file number PD-I00-93-A7, Beaver Creek POD, Tract R. He stated this was a reguest for removal of a condition on the land use designation, which requ1res the develo~ment of an international arts center. He informed the Board the land use des1gnation will remain Resort Commercial with a maximum of eighteen (18) dwelling nnits. Staff recommended approval with no conditions. commissioner Johnson stated the original request was for twenty-four nnits. Mr. Fox stated the POO Amendment is for eighteen nnits. Commissioner Gates moved to approve file number PD-I00-93-A7, Beaver Creek POO, Tract R, incorporating Staff findings and recommendations. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared nnanimous . PD-IOO-93-A8, Beaver Creek PUD Sid Fox presented file number PD-I00-93-A8, Beaver Creek POO Amendments. He stated this application will amend the POO Guide on all previous actions of the Board of Connty commissioners. Mr. Fox discussed a computerized wood buring control device. Mr. Ragonette presented the amended Beaver Creek POO Guide, dated March I, 1994, for the record. Chairman Phillips accepted the amended POO Guide for the record. commissioner Johnson questioned the building height in Resort Commercial One of forty-five (45) feet and thirty-five feet (35) in the rest of the POO, except for Resort Services. Mr. Jamar stated the buildin$ height in Resort Commercial is fifty-four (54) feet, Resort Commercial One 1S forty-five (45) feet and thirty-five (35) feet in the rest of the POO. Commissioner Johnson asked about creating a ski lift in the Bachelor Gulch area in the uses by right in RID zoning. Sid Fox stated RLD does provide for ski lifts located in a duly granted corridor. commissioner Johnson asked if the ski lift should be a use by right or a special use. Mr. Ragonnetti stated ski lifts can only be placed on property owned 15 solely by Vail Associates. He informed the Board if the property was owned in part by another entity the applicant would need to obtain an easement. Discussion followed on the zoning of the property. commissioner Gates moved to ap~rove file number PD-I00-93-A8, Beaver Creek POD, incorporating Staff findlngs and recorrmendations. corrmissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-293-94-AF1, Cordillera Pattie Haefeli, Planning Technician, presented file number PD-293-94- API, Cordillera, Filings #1 and #2, lots 46 and 47. She stated the purpose of the amended final plat is to adjust the cammon lot line to improve access to lot 47. corrmissioner Gates moved to approve file number PD-293-94-AFl, Cordillera, Filings #1 and #2, Lots 46 and 46. Conmissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. 80-316-93-8, Travis Creek SUbdivision, Filing #2 Sid Fox presented file number SU-316-93-S, Travis Creek Subdivision, Filing #2. He stated this is a sketch plan proposal to subdivide 163 acres into sixteen (16) ten acre single family parcels, located North of the Bellyache Ridge Subdivision. He stated Staff was recorrmending denial of this appllcation. Terrill Knight, Knight Planning, appeared and introduced B.B. Anderson, owner, and Bob Young, Geologist, both present at this hearing. He discussed the location of the property, vegetation, geological concems and use of. existing road cuts. Bob Young spoke conceming the geology of the area. Mr. Knight stated when first laying out the project, the applicant looked at the geology, vegetation, water and wildlife. Corrmissioner Johnson asked about the coverage of the study the applicant is considering. James Jouflas, area resident, stated there is approximately 15,000 to 20,000 acres. Discussion continued on the proposal for Travis Creek Subdivision and Sid Fox reviewed public corrment for the Board. Phil Scott, Engineering Technician, questioned movement of the site and informed the Board Highway 6 and Interstate 70 in the proposed area moves yearly. Keith Montag, Director of Corrmunity Development, stated the design is such as proposed it is using the entire 160 acres for lot coverage. He informed the Board Staff wanted to insure the applicant allowed for migration corridors. B.B. Anderson stated the building envelopes are approximately 200 square feet, which is less than an acre. He stated some of the structures are clustered along the road. Terrill Knight stated the lot lines are not allowed to be fenced individually and become open space. Mr. Fox asked if there was a conservation easement associated with the property. commissioner Johnson asked if there could be a plat note stating what the buildin$ envelope was. Jim Frltze stated the Board would want to insure the open space remained open s~ace and not be changed at some future date. Dlscussion continued on the proposal. Richard Dilea, area resident, spoke of cooperation and concem from the applicant. He requested the Board ap~rove the proposal. Jack Berga, RE-SO-J School Distrlct, indicating the school impact fees and mentioned a possible site for a school. Conmissioner Gates asked what kind of school would be built in this area. Mr. Ber$a answered the District would build a 450 student elementary school at thlS location. Keith Montag stated if you look at the future of the Wolcott area, there will ultimately be a Wolcott corrmunity center which will necessitate the need for an elementary school. 16 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HQECKEL'S 387869 commissioner Gates questioned ten (10) acre zoning and the Connty setting a precedent. Mr. Montas stated there are currently 1,500 acres zoned AR, which is a ten acre lot Slze. Commissioner Johnson stated the Wolcott residents have indicated land has been offered to the School District in the past which was turned down. Chairman Phillips questioned hooking onto a current sewer system. Mr. Knight stated the applicant did consider the possibility and informed the Board there was no treatment plant in the area currently, but the applicant believes sewer plants are not efficient in ten acre lots when soil conditions have been proven to be adeguate. Chairman Phillips questioned ensineer1ns concerns with the access. Mr. Knight stated the most sign1ficant 1ssue is with squaring uI? of the intersections. He related the applicant did not have any problems w1th the corrments by Connty Engineer. commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number SU-316-93-S, Travis Creek, Filing 2, including Staff and Planning Commission's recommendations. Deep basements shall be prohibited and a mechanism shall be found to keep open space as open space. Staff shall be directed to prepare findings in Resolution form for the Board's signature. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. ccmnuni ty Service Block Grant Jim Fritze presented the Community Service Block Grant Project Plan. He stated this item was on an earlier agenda but did not get signed. commissioner Gates moved to approve the Community Service Block Grant, in the amonnt of $13,000.00. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared una.I1imous. Plat & Resolution Signing Pattie Haefeli presented SM-897-94, Eagle-Vail Subdivision, Lot 5, Block 1. She stated this was a Type "B" Minor Subdivision. commissioner Johnson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign final plat, SM-897-94, Eagle-Vail Subdivision, Lot 5 block 1. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Haefeli presented Resolution 94-27, approval of Wolcott Village Sketch Plan. Commissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 94-27, approval of Wolcott Village Sketch Plan. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Ms. Haefeli presented Resolution 94-28, approval of PD-231-93-P, Creamery Gulch Ranch Company, Phase II. Commissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 94-28, PD-231-93-P, Creamery Gulch Ranch Company, Phase II. Commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. SM-39-93-AF Old Orchard Plaza Keith Montas presented file number SM-39-93-AF, Old Orchard Plaza. He stated the plat 1S not ready for signature at this time and requested this matter be tabled. Commissioner Johnson moved to table file Plaza, to be rescheduled at the discretion of commissioner Gates seconded the motion. unanimous. number SM-39-93-AF, Old Orchard Staff. The vote was declared 17 Eby ~eek Mesa Appeal . Mary Jo Berenato, Deputy County Attorney, presented the next item on the agenda, a Notice of Appeal of Corrmuni ty Development's Decision from January 10, 1994 hearin~, b:y Eby Creek Mesa Limited Partnership as developer of Eby Creek Mesa Subd1.vis1.on. She stated the Eagle County Land Use Re$Ulations section 1.17.01 allows for an appeal to the Board of County C~ssioners of an administrative decision. Ms. Berenato explained the rules of this procedure. i Keith Montag stated the issue today is an interpretation of an application of the Regulations. He stated Eby Creek Mesa is zoned Residential Suburban Low Density, which occurred in 1974. Mr. Montag stated the original plat was recorded November 4, 1981 and was approved pursuant to the cluster subdivision provision. In otherwords, there were lots approved that' were less than the minimum lot size. He stated on May 10, 1982 there was a modification of the RSL zone district, changing the lot coverage for buildings from 30% to the current 15%. He stated the problem came when building permits were requested for larger than 15% lot coverage. Staff determined the current regulations still apply to the plat. Brien O'Reilly, Attorney representing the applicant, stated the amount of o~n space vastly in excess of what is required. He stated according to sect1.on 2.15.01 of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations the following addresses the application: 01) accept the interpretation in 2.15.01 02) resubmit the problem to Staff with direction 03) find these lots are grandfathered under prior zoning 04) these lots are exempted from subdivision requirements, without setting a precedent . 05) exempt Eby Creek Mesa from the Subdivision Regulations without finding they don't apply 06) deny the entire aI;'plication 07) have the subdivis1.on become a PUD. corrmissioner Johnson stated the Board has the ability to take twenty (20) days to make a decision. He asked if the smallest lots were 10,000 square feet. . Mr. O'Reilly stated there are no lots which are smaller than 10,000 square feet. . Corrmissioner Johnson asked if some of the lots in Phase II were unplatted. i Mr. 0' Reill:y stated the lots are platted as one phase but are being. sold as if the subdiv1.sion were in phases. corrmissioner Johnson stated he preferred to take this matter under advisement and send a written response during that period of time. Chairman Phillips stated she preferred to hear from everyone present before taking this matter under advisement. Ms. Berenato stated zoning does not vest with any particular property. She informed the Board they must either deny or grant the appeal. Mr. O'Reilly stated it is the applicant's argument that zoning does not apply. Terrill Knight, past receiver for the project, stated the circumstances went beyond individual lot owners, liens were being filed and improvements were not being completed. Timothy Stancell, owner of lot 82, stated he bought his lot previously and has been denied a building permit. He stated hardship was brought up to him when his building permit was denied. He stated his lot is approximately 11,000 sguare feet. Cha1.rman Phillips asked Mr. Stancell if he has asked for a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Mr. Stancell answered no. Mary Jo Berenato asked if Mr. Stancell knew when the previous owner purchased the lot and if Mr. Stancell looked into the zoning of the property when he purchased the lot. Mr. Stancell answered no to both questions. Terrill Knight stated the gentleman Mr. Stancell purchased his lot from was one of the ori~inal development plarmers and the lot was originally designated as one 1.n lieu of cash. Brien O'Reilly restated the issues he believed pertain to this matter. Conmissioner Gates moved to take this matter under advisement for a period of twenty (20) days and respond to the applicant in writing within 18 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EAGLE, COLORADO RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869 that period. commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared nnanimous . There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned nntil March 14, 1994. ~~~ 19