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FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
FEBRUARY 22, 1994
Johnnette Phillips
James Johnson, Jr.
George "Bud" Gates
Jack Lewis
Jim Fritze
Sara J. Fisher
County Manager
County Attorney
Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented
to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration:
Lease Agreement, WECMRD
Tom Matza, Western Eagle County Metropolitan Recreation District,
appeared and requested approval of a concession stand and restrooms, per the
lease a$reement between Eagle County and WEOVIRD. He stated the concession
stand wlll be a 28' X 32' split face block building. Mr. Matza stated
Gallegos Masonary will be the contractor. He stated the colors will be earth
tones, grays, browns, greens.
corrmissioner Johnson asked about the water supply.
Mr. Matza stated the District has applied to the State for an exempt
well and they will know in approximately forty-five (45) days if that is
Discussion followed on the water supply and meeting with all entities
commissioner Gates moved to approve the Western Eagle County
Metropolitan Recreation District lease agreement, Article 3, Section 1,
restrooms and concession stand.
Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Paul Clarkson, Planner, brought up the sign fees. He reviewed a
I?revious meeting for the Board. He stated Staff would require a permit be
lssued per sign with a one time fee. He related the cost would be $20.00
plus $1.00 I?er square foot for each sign.
Jim Frltze stated at the previous meeting he implied it was not the
intent of the sign code to charge for signs facing out which were not in the
interior of a ball field. He stated those signs facing outward would need to
be permitted and those signs within the playing field would not be regulated
by the County Si~ Code.
Chairman Phlllips stated she understood the District was going to sell
the sign spaces and would not be out any money.
The Board directed Staff to prepare a letter to the District indicating
the Board's decision on the signage.
Commissioner Johnson moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the letter
accepting the concession stand and restrooms and materials to be used for
construction and spelling out the County's requirements for signage, showing
this application does not need to go through the County Sign Code. All fees
established shall be paid and this decision shall be reviewed in three years.
commissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Consent Calendar
Chairman Phillips stated the next item on the agenda was the consent
calendar as follows:
01) Bill paying, subject to review by County Manager
02) Right-of-way easement for OVerhead Primary Electric Line
Relocation West of the Eagle County Fairgrounds.
Corrmissioner Gates moved to approve the consent calendar as presented.
Coomissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Resolution 94-25
Jim Fritze ~resented Resolution 94-25, authorizing a full release of
collateral for GlI L~d Warehouse, CAL Development. He stated the builder
supplied collateral In the form of cash in the amount of $3,690.00, which was
for landscaping improvements. Staff made an on-site inspection, found all
improvements to be complete and recorrmended the Board authorize the release.
Corrmissioner Gates moved to approve Resolution 94-25, authorizing full
release of collateral for Gil Lynd Warehouse, Cal Development.
Conmissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Resolution 94-26
Jack Lewis, County Manager, presented Resolution 94-26, concerning
appointments to the Eagle County Fairboard. He stated the Fairboard is
recorrmending Mike Montag be appointed as the regular member and Christie
Benowitz, Larry Lynch and Randy Cloy be appointed as alternates.
Comnissioner Johnson asked about the terms expiring on a date certain
rather than the Resolution stating end of fiscal year, 1997.
Mr. Lewis suggested the terms end in March rather than January.
Corrmissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 94-26, concerning
appointments to the Eagle County Fairboard.
corrmissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Eby Creek Mesa
Jim Fritze stated the next item on the agenda was a notice of appeal by
Eby Creek Mesa Lirrdted Partnership, of a Community Development decision on
January 10, 1994. He stated the applicant has agreed to table this matter to
March 1, 1994 at 4:00 p.m.
conmissioner Gates moved to table the appeal hearing of Eby Creek Mesa
Lirrdted Partnership to March 1, 1994 at 4:00 p.m.
Coomissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Blue Creek Grill
Corrmissioner Gates moved to adj ourn as the Board of County Coomissioners
and reconvene as the Local Liquor Llcensin~ Authority.
Corrmissioner Johnson seconded the motlon. The vote was declared
Jim Fritze presented an application for a new Hotel and Restaurant
license for Fabulous Foods, Inc., dba/Blue Creek Grill.
Carolyn Fisher, applicant, was present for the hearing.
Mr. Fritze stated the first item of business is to define the
Ms. Fisher informed the Board this is the old Schzwan Chinese
Restaurant, who have surrendered their license.
Corrmissioner Johnson moved to establish the neighborhood as the EI Jebel
voting precinct #8.
Corrmissioner Gates seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Jim Fritze stated the Board will need to address the needs of the
n~ighborhood and determine if the applicants are fit to hold a liquor
Carol~ Fisher presented a petition of 86 names of individuals approving
a liquor llcense at this location.
FORM 50 HOECKEL'S 387869
Chairman Phillips accepted the petition for the record.
Jim Fritze questioned Ms. Fisher on the application for liquor license.
Ms. Fisher stated they plan to be open by March 15, 1994 for dinner from
the hours of 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. She stated breakfast will be served in
a couple of months from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Mr. Fritze continued to question the applicant concerning the
application for hotel and restaurant license.
corrrnissioner Gates moved to recognize the need of the neighborhood.
corrrnissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
The Board questioned Ms. Fisher concerning TIPS courses and hours of the
Mr. Fritze stated notice was published and the premise was posted.
corrrnissioner Gates moved to approve a new Hotel and Restaurant license
with Extended Hours for Fabulous Foods, Inc., dba/Blue Creek Grill.
Corrrnissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
Corrrnissioner Gates moved to adjourn as the Local Liquor Licensing
Authority and reconvene as the Board of County Corrrnissioners.
corrrnissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared
There being no further business to be brought before the Board the
meeting was adjourned until February 28, 1994.