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100 Leaves
FORM SO C. F. HOECKEL B. B. a L. co.
AUGUST 16, 1993
Present: Johnnette Phillips
James Johnson, Jr.
Absent: George "Bud" Gates
Judy Knight
Sara J. Fisher
Ass ' t. County Attorney
Clerk to the Board
This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented
to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration:
Consent Calendar
Chairman Pro-tern Phillips opened the meeting with the first item on the
agenda, the consent calendar:
01) Bill paying, subject to review by County Manager
02) Hold Harmless Agreement with Colorado Dlvision of Aeronautics
03) Acknowledgement and Disclaimer of Lien by Western Eagle County
Metro Recreation District, Eagle County and Alpine Bank, Eagle
04) Intergovernmental Agreement with the Town of Minturn for Animal
Control Service, per-diem
05) Minutes for June 21 - 28, 1993 and the month of July
06) Payroll for August 19, 1993, subject to review by County
07) Resolution declaring August as Child Support Month.
Commissioner Johnson stated on item number three, he has not seen the
Judy Knight stated she had not had the opportunity to review the
The Board concurred to pull item three from the consent calendar.
Commissioner Johnson stated, item number four, the intergovernmental
agreement with the Town of Minturn, he believes this agreement was previously
Judy Knight stated the original contract did not include specific items
as discussed so this is the redraft of the previous contract.
Commissioner Johnson spoke of changes in the Board of County
Commissioner minutes.
commissioner Johnson moved to approve items 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8 on the
consent calendar as presented.
Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous. Chairman Gates was out of
town at the time of this hearing.
Jebel Capital Corporation
commissioner Johnson moved to adj ourn as the Board of County
Commissioners and reconvene as the Local Liquor Licensing Authorlty.
Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous.
Nick Ireland, representing Jebel Capital Corporation, dba/El Jebeverage,
was present for the meeting. He stated the purpose of this hearing is to
consider a change in corporate structure. He explained the change to the
Judy Knight, Ass' t. County Attorney, questioned the hours the applicant
is open. She stated there have been inquiries as to the hours of operation.
Wayne Almond, Manager of EI Jebeverage, stated the liquor store has new
hours now, from 2:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 2:00 p.m. to
10:00 p.m. on Friday and 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday.
Commissioner Johnson moved to approve the change of corporate structure
for Jebel Capital Corporation dba/El Jebeverage.
Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
Conmissioners the vote was declared nnanimous.
comnissioner Johnson moved to adj ourn as the Local Liquor Licensing
Authority and reconvene as the Board of Connty Comnissioners.
Cha~rman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
Conmissioners the vote was declared unanimous.
Consent Calendar
comnissioner Johnson moved to table item number three on the consent
calendar, Acknowledgment and Disclaimer of Lien by Western Eagle Connty
Metropolitan Recreation District, Eagle Connty and Alpine Bank, Eagle.
Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
Conmissioners the vote was declared nnanimous.
Resolution 93-95, Band Question, Eagle Library District
Judy Knight presented a proposed Resolution relating to the proposed
Eagle Valley Library District, in order to issue debt. She informed the
Board this Resolution authorizes the Board to issue a question on the
November ballot for the Library District.
Stan Bernstein, financial advisor for the Library District, stated the
guestion ~ould allow the Library District to issue bonds but would NOT result
~n a tax ~ncrease.
comnissioner Johnson stated there was not reference in the proposed
question to real ~roperty.
Stan Bernste~n stated the proposed question was general in nature.
Judy Yoder, representing the Library District, informed the Board books
were added to the question to allow the District to spend some of the bond
monies on books if needed.
comnissioner Johnson moved to approve Resolution 93-95, authorizing the
submission of the Eagle Valley Library Bond Question to the voters at an
election to be held on November 2, 1993.
Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
conmissioners the vote was declared nnanimous.
Consent Calendar
Jim Fritze appeared to discuss item number three on the consent
calendar, the acknowledgment and disclaimer for Western Eagle Connty
MetroJ?Olitan Recreation District. He stated the disclaimer states the
Distr~ct does not pay for their lights then Alpine Bank would take them away.
Comnissioner Johnson moved the Board reconsider its vote on tabling the
item numbered three on the consent calendar, acknowledgment and disclaimer
between Eagle County, Western Eagle County Metropolitan Recreation District
and Alpine Bank, Eagle.
Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
comnissioners the vote was declared unanimous.
Comnissioner Johnson moved to approve the acknowledgment and disclaimer
of lien by Western Eagle County Metropolitan Recreation District, Eagle
County and Alpine Bank, Eagle.
Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
Commissioners the vote was declared unanimous.
Treasurer IS Canputer System Purchase
Allen Sartin, Finance Director, presented a contract between Eagle
County and Eagle Corrputer Systems to reI?lace the current Treasurer's system
on the Prime. He informed the Board th~s will be the third prime replacement
system. He stated the Assessor's Office has been converted and corrpleted and
the Clerk and Recorder's Office is currently in the process of conversion.
He explained the proposed system to the Board. As there will be no
previously developed program, Eagle Corrputer Systems will be designing a
specific I?rO$ram for the Treasurer's Office.
Cormuss~oner Johnson moved to authorize the Chairman Pro-tern to sign the
agreement between Eagle connty and Eagle Corrputer Systems.
Chairman Pro-tern Phillips seconded the motion. Of the two voting
Commissioners the vote was declared nnanimous.
100 Leaves
FORM 50 C. F. HOECKEL B. B. & L. CO.
Open Meeting
Dick and Francis Turgeon appeared to speak concerning the lawsuit over
Fulford streets. He stated he has been on the same side as the County and
would like to know how the Commissioners feel about spending taxpayer dollars
to fight this case. He stated the fight is concerning whether certain
streets belong to the property owners or the County.
corrmissioner Johnson asked County Attorney about the winability of this
Jim Fritze stated any decision made on a particular case with a fact
situation does not bind the Board somewhere else on a similar case. He
stated ultimately there will be additional research needed. He stated the
streets have been treated as if there were owned by the Public by the
Conmunity Development Department. Mr. Fritze stated there are two questions,
one concerning a pipeline and one concerning the street.
Dick Turgeon stated there is a pipe that a property owner says is on his
property and has taken adverse hostile possession for the past twenty years.
He stated it is his belief the streets were there when the patent was issued.
He stated the County has always used a 1985 plat for tax purposes and zoning.
Jim Fritze stated the first order of business for the County is
research. He stated the County needs to know what the State and Federal laws
were at the time of platting and dedication.
The Board concurred to research this matter and get back to the
There being no further business to be brought before the Board the
meeting was adjourned nntil August 17, 1993.
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