HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/10/93 RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM 50 C. F. HOECKEL B. B. & L. CO. PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 10, 1993 Present: George "Bud" Gates Johnnette Phillips James Jolm.son, Jr. Jim Fritze Keith Montag Sara J. Fisher Chairman Comnissioner Comnissioner COlmty Attorney Director, Community Development Clerk to the Board This being a scheduled Public Hearing the following items were presented to the Board for their consideration: PD-293-93-F3, Cordillera, Filing 3 Chairman Gates opened the meeting statins the first item on the agenda was file number PD-293-93-F3, Cordillera, Fillng 3. Keith Montag, Director of Community Development, stated the original plat was approved with plat restrictions on lots 68 through 77. Mr. Montag stated the purpose of the plat today was to release the previous plat note and execute a Subdivision Improvements Agreement and to relocate lot lines. He stated the Subdivision Improvements Agreement and final plat have been reviewed by Staff and no concerns have been established. He continued to explain the final plat to the Board of County Commissioners. Staff recomnended approval. Mary Jo Berenato, DeI?uty County Attorney, stated the plat restriction was on the plat recorded ln 1991, which will be released by Resolution that will corne before the Board at a later date. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file number PD-293-93-F3, Cordillera, Filing 3. Staff findings shall be included with the approval. Comnissioner Jolm.son seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-312-93-S, Kodiak Park Paul Clarkson, Planner, presented file number PD-312-93-S, Kodiak Park. He explained the aI?I?lication was for 199 acre POD Sketch Plan, which will be a private water skllng facility with related services. He informed the Board there is currently a Special Use Permit for this application. Mr. Clarkson stated there are five single family homes being reguested, in addition to the current single family home and guest house. He polnted out on a plat the location of the property and surrounding properties. Steve Isom, I-Plan, inc., explained the application to the Board. He stated there is one lot in the subdivision the applicant will have no control over as it is a privately owned lot. Mr. Isom stated the applicant does not want to plat restrict the use of the property. Jim Fritze, County Attorney, stated if the Master Plan contemplates a certain density the POD will bring certain zoning, and the applicant would have to go before the Board with a POD Amendment to change the number of units. Comnissioner Phillips questioned if the accepted parcel will cause problems with the development. Ace Lane, applicant, stated he did not realize the parcel was an illegal parcel. Mr. Clarkson stated this mayor may not be an illegal parcel. It could be pre-existing. Mr. Isom stated he would give the owner of the lot a call to see if they would agree to coattail this proposal and conform with the surrounding property plans. Mr. Clarkson reviewed Staff findings with the Board and stated Staff recommended approval with the following conditions: 01) The applicant shall pursue a letter of commitment from Mid- Valley for water service to the project. 02) The principals of Blue Ridge and Kodiak Park POD projects and the County shall determine a preliminary engineered alignment of the road that serves the corrmunity and the projects. 03. A traffic study to determine anticipated volumes and impacts on the entire new road. This can be performed in conjunction with the Blue Ridge POD. 04) A drainage study and plan demonstrating that soak-aways are the only reasonable drainage alternative. Run-off shall not be channeled into existing irrigation ditches. 05) Accesses shall intersect the new road at right angles. 06) Proposed open space improvements and maintenance plan shall be submitted. 07) POD Control Document modifications and additions I?ursuant to this document and Public Hearings including the water ski facillty. 08) A concerted effort on the part of the applicant to lnclude the excepted 6.81 acre parcel in the POD. 09) A ditch easement agreement for the Robinson Ditch and suggested ditch easement language shall be shown on the final plat. 10) Investigation by the al?plicant through the pitkin County Open Space/Trail Board to determine a posslble trails easement on an old irrigation ditch. 11) The opinion of the Division of wildlife shall be included with the submittal of the Preliminary Plan. 12) A market study depicting support for this proposal shall be submitted. 13) Fire apparatus access to structures and fire hydrants as outlined by the Basalt and Rural Fire Protection District shall be installed. 14) All material representations made by the Applicant in the application and public hearings shall be adhered to and considered conditions of approval, unless otherwise specifically addressed. 15) Conformance to all other Preliminary Plan requirements. 16) It is recommended the EIS requirement be waived. commissioner Johnson moved to approve file number PD-312-93-S, Kodaik Park, inco::rJ?Orating Staff finding and recommendations and the findings and recommendatlons submitted by the PI arming Commission, with the exception to item number three. Right turn only lanes do not need to be considered until the reali~ent of Willits Lane and Highway 82 intersection. That item needs to be declded by the Traffic Study. corrmissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. BE-51-93, Lot 10, Block 2, Tract J, Filing 4, Beaver Creek PUD Jim Fay, Planning Technician, presented file number BE-51-93, Beaver Creek POD, Lot 10, Block 2, Tract J. He stated this application has been reviewed and approved by County Attorney. Staff recommended the final plat be approved. corrmissioner Phillips moved to approve final plat, file number BE-51-93, Lot 10, Block 2, Tract J, Filing 4, Beaver Creek POD. corrmissioner Phillips moved to approve file number BE-51-93, Lot 10 Block 2, Tract J, Beaver Creek POD. corrmissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. PD-108-92-AF2, Ben:y Creek Ranch, Lot 22, Block 3, Tract C, Filing 3 Jim Fay presented file number PD-108-92-AF2, Ber~ Creek Ranch, Lot 22, Block 3, Tract C, Filing 3. He explained the applicatlon to the Board, changing the density from 40 to 48 multi-family units, as approved by the Board of County Commissioners in February 1992. corrmissioner Johnson moved to approve file number PD-108-92-AF2 Berry Creek Ranch, Lot 22, Block 3, Tract C, Filing C. ' corrmissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. SE-295-93, New Exemption RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS 100 Leaves FORM 5(1 C. F. HOECKEL B. 8. 8: L. CO. Keith Montag presented file number SE-295-93, New Exemption. He stated this ~roposal legalizes a one acre parcel created in 1972, without the beneflt of County approval. Mr. Montag stated the deed provides documentation the parcel was created prior to August 1984, which is the cut off date of when exemption plats can occur. Therefore, this proposal can be considered for an exemption. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve file number SE-295-93, New Exemption, legalizing a 1.22 acre parcel located West of Eagle. The Chairman shall be authorized to sign the plat. Commissioner JOImson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. SU-10S-93-Fl, Highland Woods at Highland Meadows Keith Montag presented file number SU-105-93-F1, Highland Woods at Highland Meadows. Mr. Montag gave background information on the proj ect, stating this matter was heard in August 1993, with only one outstandlng issue, the Subdivision Improvements Agreement, which has been submitted and approved by County Attomey. Staff recommended approval as all issues have been addressed. Commissioner JOImson moved to approve file number SU-105-93-F1, Highland Woods at Highland Meadows. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Plat & Resolution Signing Jim Fay presented file number PD-855-93, Borders Townhomes, final plat. Staff recommended approval. He stated this parcel has legal access, water and sewer. Commissioner Phillips moved to approve final plat file number PD-855-93, Borders Townhomes. Commissioner JOImson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Judy Knight, Ass't. County Attomey, presented Resolution 93-91, aI?proving an exemption to move a boundary line. She stated this boundary llne will not seJ?arate the parcels. Ms. Knight stated this pro~erty is located in the Mlssouri Hei$hts area, along Spring Park Reservolr. She stated this application is In conformance with all Eagle County Land Use Regulations. corrmissioner Jolmson moved to approve Resolution 93-91, approving an exemption to move a boundary line. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Judy Knight presented Resolution 93-92 approving an amendment of a 1041 Pennit, to allow construction of a water pipeline at Dowd Junction, by vail Valley Consolidated Water District. corrmissioner Philli~s moved to approve Resolution 93-92, approving an amendment to a 1041 Permlt, number 104100901, water pipeline. Commissioner JOImson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Board of Equalization Commissioner JOImson moved to adjoum as the Board of County Commissioners and reconvene as the Board of Equalization. Commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mary Jo Berenato presented Resolution 93-E-007, denial of property protest decisions from the Board of Equalization Hearing Officer. She discussed the protests with the Board. Ms. Berenato informed the Board these are recommendation are for denial, with the exception of schedule numbers 39562 and 39546, as established in Exhibit "A". Commissioner Phillips moved to deny all schedule numbers submitted by the Board of Equalization in attached Exhibit "A", with the exception of schedule numbers 39562 and 39546. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Mary Jo Berenato presented Resolution 93-E-008, recommendation from the Board of Equalization Hearing Officer. Commissioner Johnson questioned schedule number 030771, 033730, 030770 and 030332. Ms. Berenato explained those schedule numbers to the Board. commissioner Johnson moved to ap~rove Resolution 93-E-008, accepting the recommendation of the referee, excludlng schedule numbers 030771, 033703, 030770 and 030332. These schedule numbers will be heard at a later date. commissioner Phillips seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. Commissioner Phillips moved to adjourn as the Board of Equalization and reconvene as the Board of County commissioners. Commissioner Johnson seconded the motion. The vote was declared unanimous. There being no further business to be brought before the Board the meeting was adjourned until August 16, 1993. Attest: /! . .1 ft.---/ ~{~,~'51/.<~