HomeMy WebLinkAbout1021HISTORIC LEGAL DESCRIPTION (RECEPTION NOs. 135245, 77783, 22204) One square acre of land being and lying in the Northeast comer of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NWT NWJ of Section Twenty (20). Township Five (5) South, Range Eighty —five (85) West of the Sixth (6th) Principal Meridian. Also all ditch and water rights and priorities owned by the grantor for the Irrigation of said tract, with all its appurtenances. LEGAL NOW READS A parcel of land situated Tract 98, Section 20, Township 5 South, Range 85 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, being more particular described as follows: Commencing at a point monumented by a 2 'h" diameter USGLO brass cap marking the Witness Comer for Angle Point number 2 of Tract 98, thence N 00' 00' 00" E 26.40 feet to a point marking Angle Point number 2 of Tract 98, thence N 89' 28' 55" E 1107.22 feet along and coincident with the northerly line of Tract 98 to the True Point of Beginning, thence S 00° 19' 06" W 34.70' to a point at the northwest comer of an ancient fence monumented by a set a 1 ` /2" diameter aluminum cap LS 28267 on a #5 rebar, being a witness comer for the northwest comer of said parcel, thence continuing S 00' 1906" W 176.31 feet along the westerly lice of said ancient fence to the southwest comer of said parcel, being monumented by a set 1 ' /2" diameter aluminum cap LS 28267 on a #5 rebar, thence N 89'28'55" E 206.49 feet along the southerly line of an ancient fence to the southeast comer of said parcel, being monumented by a set 1 '/2" diameter aluminum cap LS 28267 on a #5 rebar, thence N 00° 19'06" E 211.01 feet along the easterly line of an ancient fence to a point on the northerly line of said Tract 98, thence S 89" 28' 55" W 206-49 feet along the northerly line of said Tract 98 to the True Pant of Beginning, containing 1.000 acres more or less. COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Deposited this -477day of 20_L(.O, at M in Book _� of the Eagle County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats /Rights -of -Way Surveys at Page ID11 , Reception Number —J)y County (Surveyor l FINAL PLAT A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED IN TRACT 98, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 85 WEST OF THE SIXTH ANGLE POINT 2 TRACT 98 = O O N z FOUND 272° DIAMETER USGLO MARKING A 26.40' WITNESS CORNER FOR ANGLE POINT 2 TRACT 98 COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Cie- RECEPTION #745906 1107.22' Point of / Beginning I John Robert Curran. a Colorado Professional Land Surveyor. with license number 28267, certify that the Land Survey Plat that I am submitting to be deposited is in eonf rmance with CRS 38- 50-101 and CRS 38-51 -107. Signed Date Company Mailing Address: 4544 County Road 320. Rift Colo. 81650 Email: Vc1andOyo wo com Phone 970 -625 -3365 Page #s Recorded By. INDICATES EXISTING FENCE INDICATES OVERHEAD POWER LINE O TELEPHONE RISER cQ- POWER POLE 4� GUY WIRE ANCHOR Date: SET IW DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP ON A #5 REBAR MARKING A 34.70' WITNESS CORNER s •1e. F SET IW DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP ON A l5 REBAR NOTICE: According to Colorado low you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this survey within three years after you first discover such defect in no event may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. VI CI N TY MAP GRAPHIC SCALE SCALE 1 "= 200' 1 1 to 1 1 TSS, R85W, 6TH P.M. i inch = 20 it. W DAGGET LANE N 89'28'55" E NORTHERLY LINE TRACT 98 1341.11' S 89'2855° W 206.49' S 89'44'02' E 53.43' S 88'49'W E 48.2% N 896'02" E 44.32' S 8918'54' E 39.31' EDGE OF DIRT ROAD EDGE OF DIRT ROAD O n Q O APPROXIMATE - EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM /a GARAGE LOCATION n !o W U � WOdE W SHED U z < 3 cs, O rn 0 O U) J 43,567 sq. ft. 1.000 acres L1 . 1 -1 / O N 1 I m D Lo �z � 1�*1 N I I Q ca 206.49' I z —0 z m ALUMINUM CAP ON I ROM i 1 27. 0' � O D /Vss z a� Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that I 7 this plat is a true, correct and complete Plot of of that certain \ OZ O parcel of land recorded at reception number 135245, as laid out. C3 < platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made I <15 rS supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the n m (v m O I1 I� w - - -� i w t I 1 I to I r I r JL------- - - - -- m EXISTING MOBILE HOME I TH ADDITION J Z ---- - - - - -, r n L - -- II N89'28'55"E ANCIENT FENCE RECEPTION #745906 NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: NOVEMBER 15. 2014 THROUGH MAY 10. 2015 2) ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN US FEET AND DEGREES, MINUTES AND SECONDS. 3) THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO DEFINE THE BOUNDARY OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBERS. 135245. 777834 22204 4) THIS SURVEY WAS BASED UPON THE 00STIIG LOCATION OF THE WESTERLY. SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY FENCES IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH THE HISTORIC BOUNDARIES OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON. 5) HISTORIC LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS ARE RECORDED IN BOOK 45. PAGE 002 ON MARCH 15, 1890„ BOOK 65, PAGE 484 ON JUNE 18. 1903. RECEPTION NUMBER 77783 ON MAY 13, 1949, AND RECEPTION NUMBER 135245 ON APW 2, 1975. 6) BEARINGS BASED UPON A POINT MARKING THE WITNESS CORNER FOR ANGLE POINT #2 OF TRACT 98. BEING A FOUND 2)' DIAMETER USGLO BRASS CAP ON A %" DIAMETER PIPE AND A POINT MARKING THE WITNESS CORNER FOR ANGLE POINT /3 FOR TRACT 99. BEING A FOUND 3►i4" DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP LS 19598 ON A 2' DIAMETER ALUMINUM PIPE. BEING S 27 34'22' E 2869.16'. I . CO Lo O 00 TIN O ° N I 206.49' I ^' z ALUMINUM CAP ON ROM i 1 OIm O D I, JOHN R CURRAN. do hereby certify that I am a Registered Land I z Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that I this plat is a true, correct and complete Plot of of that certain \ OZ O parcel of land recorded at reception number 135245, as laid out. platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made I from an accurate survey of said property by me and /or under my I rS supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets of sold property as the some are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing s& the subdivision of land. m In Witness Whereof, I have set mo,%ftowl od th 22.44' // da of l ��i U �%� i:��� ^044 of C7sl A.O.. 20�(� y 1_ !ib ! =eee z M / I m I M II X r - - -� i w t I 1 I to I r I r JL------- - - - -- m EXISTING MOBILE HOME I TH ADDITION J Z ---- - - - - -, r n L - -- II N89'28'55"E ANCIENT FENCE RECEPTION #745906 NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: NOVEMBER 15. 2014 THROUGH MAY 10. 2015 2) ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE MADE IN US FEET AND DEGREES, MINUTES AND SECONDS. 3) THE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO DEFINE THE BOUNDARY OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBERS. 135245. 777834 22204 4) THIS SURVEY WAS BASED UPON THE 00STIIG LOCATION OF THE WESTERLY. SOUTHERLY AND EASTERLY FENCES IN ORDER TO ESTABLISH THE HISTORIC BOUNDARIES OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON. 5) HISTORIC LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS ARE RECORDED IN BOOK 45. PAGE 002 ON MARCH 15, 1890„ BOOK 65, PAGE 484 ON JUNE 18. 1903. RECEPTION NUMBER 77783 ON MAY 13, 1949, AND RECEPTION NUMBER 135245 ON APW 2, 1975. 6) BEARINGS BASED UPON A POINT MARKING THE WITNESS CORNER FOR ANGLE POINT #2 OF TRACT 98. BEING A FOUND 2)' DIAMETER USGLO BRASS CAP ON A %" DIAMETER PIPE AND A POINT MARKING THE WITNESS CORNER FOR ANGLE POINT /3 FOR TRACT 99. BEING A FOUND 3►i4" DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP LS 19598 ON A 2' DIAMETER ALUMINUM PIPE. BEING S 27 34'22' E 2869.16'. >r fa >0! x ;o zmzz[� �NC+r >O 4of�> a, ti m f � � r r O 0 O � N N J c� <z < c� < O_ z Of wQOrn <M.w1-- ��WU <0_ 00� M U) � M z LLJ OLL U 3: CL I . CO Lo O 00 TIN W N I 206.49' I up SET I DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP ON ROM i 1 Surveyors Certificate 4004 I, JOHN R CURRAN. do hereby certify that I am a Registered Land I z Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that I this plat is a true, correct and complete Plot of of that certain \ OZ O parcel of land recorded at reception number 135245, as laid out. platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made I from an accurate survey of said property by me and /or under my I rS supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets of sold property as the some are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing s& the subdivision of land. W4 S In Witness Whereof, I have set mo,%ftowl od th 22.44' // da of l ��i U �%� i:��� ^044 of C7sl A.O.. 20�(� y 1_ !ib ! =eee >r fa >0! x ;o zmzz[� �NC+r >O 4of�> a, ti m f � � r r O 0 O � N N J c� <z < c� < O_ z Of wQOrn <M.w1-- ��WU <0_ 00� M U) � M z LLJ OLL U 3: CL Z Lo O 0 00 W z Q U) O DLO o F- 'a O 4004 < < z O �W�c; 1-- OZ O m yv� XV W rS -100 Ld O U t=n s& Q Q Z Lo 0 00 W H Q U) DLO o F- 'a O z ^' 4004 Z ro, O �W�c; Q W J U a OZ O W W LL- a XV r z -100 Ld O U � U Q Q �ry Q ~ O W Z t� C) Of Q < ch W m ry- m 9i T B m N X 0 K 0