HomeMy WebLinkAboutR16-008 Appointments R16-002 Amendment Commissioner 0�,j,a_ - moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2016- Q() 6 RESOLUTION AMENDING AND RESTATING RESOLUTION NO. R16-002 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLACEMENT ALTERNATIVES COMMISSION WHEREAS, on January 5, 2016, a resolution(Resolution No. R16-002) concerning Appointments to the Placement Alternatives Commission was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners, County of Eagle, State of Colorado (the"Board"); and WHEREAS, staff identified an error in the name of one of the appointees and the Board wishes to correct that error with this Resolution; and WHEREAS, this Resolution is intended to, and shall, supersede and replace in its entirety Eagle County Resolution No. 2016-002; and WHEREAS, in order to provide access for families to alternative services to prevent continued involvement with the county department child welfare system, counties are encouraged to appoint a Placement Alternatives Commission for the purpose of preparing a multi-year plan for the provision of such alternative services; and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to appoint a new Placement Alternatives Commission for Eagle County; three of the members to consist of the individual commissioners for Eagle County (the"commissioner members"), and three of the members to represent the private sector(the "private members"); and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to adopt by-laws for the Placement Alternatives Commission,which bylaws will specify that pursuant to C.R.S. § 19-1-116, the primary goal for the Placement Alternatives Commission will be to prepare and review a multi-year plan for the provision of child welfare services to prevent imminent placement of children out of the home and to reunite children who have been placed out of the home. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO: THAT, in addition to the three Eagle County Commissioners, the Board hereby appoints and confirms the following additional three private members to serve as members of the Eagle County Placement Alternatives Commission for the term of two years to continue until replacements have been duly appointed: B lititeitraP 2,1.4. Eagle County •. t:rney's Office By:—_ _ Eagle County Commissioners' Office Name Title Organization Email Sheri Mintz, LCSW Executive Bright Future sheriAmybrightfuture.org Director Foundation Jacqueline Regional Mind Springs Health JSkramstad( ,mindspringshealth.org Skramstad Director Josh Rusk, MD Physician Mountain Family jruskAmfhc.onmicrosoft.com Health Centers THAT,the Eagle County Placement Alternatives Commission Bylaws, attached hereto as Exhibit A are hereby approved and adopted. THAT, appointments set forth herein do not constitute contractual obligations of the Board or the appointee; the Board in its sole discretion,may change, add, or abolish such appointments and designations, and fill vacancies as it sees fit. THAT, the Board of County Commissioners finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 2(p day of JK►uuta-(_ti , 201(a COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its tAct c BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS r o ATTEST: �i W *Clerk to theBoard of anne McQuee y County Commissioners hair 401" ��,; -.., . pwpviu / r/ 1 Jill' 0 H. Ryan l• issi• / ' �,� ♦ �wG‘ . LLIL.. ._/ Al r%7.t' Kathy if andler-Henry Commissioner 2 Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called,the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney bd.-it Commissioner Ryan Commissioner Chandler-Henry This resolution passed by ! vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado 3 EXHIBIT A EAGLE COUNTY PLACEMENT ALTERNATIVES COMMISSION BYLAWS Article I: Purpose and authority Section 1 —Purpose: Pursuant to Section 19-1-116, Colorado Revised Statutes, the Placement Alternatives Commission will prepare a multi-year plan for the provision of services. The primary goals under the plan shall be to prevent imminent placement of children out of the home and to reunite children who have been placed out of the home with their families. Section 2—Authority The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado,hereinafter referred to as the Board, pursuant to Section 19-1-116, Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, hereby adopts these Bylaws for the Eagle County Placement Alternatives Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Placement Alternatives Commission. Section 3 —Name The name of this advisory body shall be the Eagle County Placement Alternatives Commission, which shall be referred to and defined herein as the Placement Alternatives Commission. Section 4—Year The Placement Alternatives Commission shall operate on the calendar year beginning with the first day of January and ending at the close of the last day of December of the same year. Article II: Definitions As used in these Bylaws, the following words and phrases are defined as: Board of County Commissioners: means the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. The Board of County Commissioners may be referred to herein as the Board. Placement Alternatives Commission: means an advisory body appointed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-1-116, C.R.S. The Placement Alternatives Commission may be referred to herein as the Commission. County: means the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Department of Human Services: means the Eagle County Department of Human Services. 4 Article III: Members Section 1 —Number of members: The Commission shall consist of not less than six (6)members. At least three(3)members shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in C.R.S. 19-1-116(2) (a) and shall represent the private sector. The three members of the them current Board of County Commissioners will serve as the additional three(3)members. Section 2—Reappointment and term of membership: The term of each private member of the Placement Alternatives Commission shall be two years from the date of appointment. The term of each commissioner member shall coincide with the commissioner's term of office. The reappointment of any current member of the Placement Alternatives Commission shall be subject to such members' lawful eligibility to serve as determined pursuant to Section 19-1-116, C.R.S. There shall be no limit on the number of terms a private member may be appointed and serve. Section 3 —Compensation: Service on the Commission is strictly voluntary, and no member shall receive nor be entitled to receive any compensation or other benefits from the County for service on the Placement Alternatives Commission. Section 4—Eligibility for service and selection of members: All members of the Panel must be residents of Eagle County. Pursuant to Section 19-1-116 (2) (a), the three non-commissioner positions shall be selected by the Board of County Commissioners, "consisting, where possible, of a physician or a licensed health professional, an attorney, representatives of a local law enforcement agency, representatives recommended by the court and probation department,representatives from the county department of social services, a local mental health clinic, and the county, district, or municipal public health agency, a representative of a local school district specializing in special education, a representative of a local community centered board, representatives of a local residential child care facility and a private not for profit agency providing nonresidential services for children and families, a representative specializing in occupational training or employment 5 programs, a foster parent, and one or more representatives of the lay community. At all times, at least fifty percent of the commission members shall represent the private sector." Section 5 —Resignation: A member of the Commission may resign at any time by submitting his or her resignation with the Director of the Department of Human Services. Such resignation shall be effective upon receipt by the Director. Section 6—Vacancy: Within one month of notice of resignation of a member, the Board shall appoint a new member to fill any vacancy on the Commission. The term of any such new appointment shall be the balance of the term remaining for the member whose position became vacant. Article IV: Duties and meetings Section 1 —Duties of the Placement Alternatives Commission The Placement Alternatives Commission shall prepare multi-year plans for services. The multi- year plans may be amended annually for budgetary or programmatic changes that are necessary to enhance service delivery or as otherwise deemed necessary to accomplish the goals of the plan, which reasons shall be set forth in state board rules. Counties shall submit the multi-year plans for approval by the state board. If a county provides services to children who, without intervention,risk continued involvement with the child welfare system, the county shall include in the plan the goals to be achieved by providing said services. The plan shall be prepared using all available sources of information in the community, including public hearings. The plan shall specify the nature of the expenditures to be made and shall identify the services which are intended to prevent or minimize placement out of the home and to what extent. The plan shall contain, whenever practicable, a vocational component to provide assistance to older children concerning a transition into the work force upon completion of school. Upon approval of the plan by the county commissioners, the counties shall submit the plan to the department of human services. The Placement Alternatives Commission shall review, on an ongoing basis, the effectiveness of programs within its jurisdiction which are designed to prevent or reduce placement and shall report its findings to the county commissioners annually. Section 2—Quorum: The Placement Alternatives Commission shall only conduct its affairs in the presence of a quorum. The presence of a majority of the members appointed and eligible for membership on the Commission shall constitute a quorum, provided that at the time of the meeting the number of the members appointed and eligible for members on the Panel is at least six (6). 6 Section 3 —Compliance with Colorado open meeting law: Notice of any meeting shall be posted according to the requirements of the Colorado Open Meetings Law, and all meetings of the Commission shall be open and public. Section 4—Conduct of the meetings: There shall be a chairperson to be elected by the members of the Placement Alternatives Commission at the annual meeting. The Chairperson shall serve for up to two years,until a successor is appointed. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Placement Alternatives Commission. Section 5 —Annual meetings: The Placement Alternatives Commission shall be expected to have one (1)regular meeting during the year. This regular meeting will occur in July or August of each year to review the plan, as referenced in Article IV, Section 1 of this document, and this said plan will be drafted by Eagle County's Child Welfare CORE Administrator. Meetings of the Placement Alternatives Commission, whether regular or special, shall be held at an Eagle County facility, as may from time to time be determined by the members of the Placement Alternatives Commission and as specified in the notice of meeting. Article V: Changes to the bylaws The Placement Alternatives Commission and/or Department of Human Services may periodically suggest changes, amendments, or other modifications to these Bylaws to the Board of County Commissioners,but only the Board of County Commissioners has the authority to change, amend, or otherwise modify these Bylaws. The Board of County Commissioners may so periodically change, amend, or otherwise modify these Bylaws by a simple majority vote. 7