HomeMy WebLinkAbout1017FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 2.5" USGLO BRASS CAP ON 1" IRON PIPE STAMPED APPROPRIATELY FOR CLOSING CORNER NORTH LINE SEC. 5 ON TRACT 49 1918 ti ss. �. f:� K BOOK 275 Yx. PAGE 1000 `. Cr ' :ff ti / ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY STAR ROUTE PARCEL PORTION OF SECTION 5, BOOK 5 SOUTH,) RANGE 86 WEST, 6TH PM EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1.5" ALUM MO CAP ON REBAR STAMPED LS 4551 DEEP WATER LI +� DoouTTL.E TRACTS BOOK 286 PAGE 909 SET SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 2" ALUMINUM CAP ON No. 1.5" ALUMINUM CAP ON 5 REBAR STAMPED LS 37902 : 4t REBAR STAMPED LS 4551 ry IOW wMNESS 0ORNER , C S23'40'"1N 0.37' FROM CORNER -01 10 x .N Go 2 FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1.5" ALrMIMWNJM CAP ON REBAR STAMPED LS 9337 ^I MANHOLE 3r a' U.S.G.L.O. FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT FOUND TMONUMENT TRACT 49 2.5" USGLO BRASS CAP 2.5 ALUMINUM CAP ON ON 1" IRON PIPE STAMPED NO. 6 REBAR APPROPRIATEL STAMPED APPROPRIATELY PLS 2M44 rdo CORNER 4 TRACT 40 PO OF 1919 (S 89-51 W 953.70') BEGINNING S 89'28'00" W 241.10' SET SURVEY MONUMENT BASIS OF BEARING wTNESS CORNER WATER PPE o 2" ALUMINUM CAP ON STRUCTURE No. 5 RE8AR {VALVE), STAMPED PLS 37902 G� 3.00' FROM 5/49 ON LINE 0117 ES'SING CORNIER IN RIVER y U.S.G.L.O. TRACT 40 Irl uT1UTY POLE (TVP) B.L.M. RECEPTION No. 883174 / X13'23'25" • R =1206.00 SET SURVEY MONUMENT L =281.85 2" ALUMINUM CAP ON Ton =141.57 No. 5 REBAR CB- S78'58'43"W STAMPED PLS 37_ CD= 281.20 FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1.5' ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR STAMPED LS X n it GRAPHIC SCALE 30 a ai so 100 'go D1 Fur 1 inah = 50 IL stanCE. AocardMg to Colorado law must eommance any legal action based upon andyshdscthet in this survey within three any more than ton , are fr�om�aottei of certification shown nn any ant Is prepared survey be commenced the sae purpose of use by the parties stated harem. The improwmento are generally situated as shown and only apparent (debt* at the time of 1Mldwwk) knprovements and enaroadsnants are noted Arahbeque Land Consulting, Ltd.. Ire owner(s) and empioyso(s) will not be debt for man than the cost of this document, and than only to the parties spocHically shown hereon. Acceptance and /or use of this document for any purpose constitutes acknowledgement end agreement to all terms stated heroin. U Sol STAR ROUTE PARCEL 8.25 ACRES 0 3575 N� E 5A. To Eagle County: This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2011 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1, 4, 7,16, and 21, of Table A thereof. The field work was completed July, 2011. FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT Zr USGLO BRASS CAP ON 1" IRON PIPE STAMPED APPROPRIATELY FOR CORNER 6 TRACT 49 1919 RUDOLF NEUMAYR \ LOT 2 NEUMAYiIti•BROWN RE- SUBDIVISION ` BOOK 406 PAGE 765 s F i=8i 6'35" R =1206.00 L =174.21 PLATTED Ton =87.26 A- 21.40'00" CB =S89'4$'42nW R- 1206.00 L- 456.06 ?) YIEL L *119 FO M UND SUR�VE�Y� M10NUMENT 1.200 RED -ASM C REBAR STAMPED LS 2W26 0 1'.c��c t►PP �,( c N�� E.� pop 15• N,� � � p t� d�' R�CtI,►� 1 Theodore J. ArddbeIII�ne, PLS 37902 Professional Land Surveyor State of Colorado s� F (n?) FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1.25" RED PLASMIC CAP ON REBAR STAMPED LS 26626 CD =174.06 S 03657'00" W SET SURVEY MONUMENT 1500' Y ALAIMMNUM CAP ON No. FOUND SURVEY MONIIA ENT 5 REBAR STAMPED LS 37902 I.r ALWAR Mrs CAP ON REBAR STAMPED LS 9337 65' .50 SIGN - FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT 1.5s ALUMINUM CAP ON REBAR STAMPED 9337 UNITS OF ASPHALT oN� DOTSERO MINI - STORAGE LOT 1 NEUMAYR-BROWN RE-SUBDIVISION BOOK 406 PAGE 765 (s ya s? I (BEARING DISTANCE') = DIMENSION FROM PLAT OF RECORD INCLUDING U.S.G.L.O. PLAT ACCEPTED JUNE 20, 1922 AND NEUMAYR DOTSERO PROPERTY PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 1 PAGE 91, EAGLE COUNTY LAND SURVEY PLAT DEPOSITORY fat PED. iN 86'03'oo- w N 861W800" �.._..._ SIGN MAIL BOS SIGN J •�• US HIGHWAY 6 ,ell VARYlp o WIDTH R,awr _ OF. WwY U.S.P.W. HtaHwwr PtECT NRH 240,,E �.•� STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS • �- RECEPTION No. 167432 SET SURVEY MONUMENT 3" AL1MiIMUM CAP ON Nor 6 REBAR STAMPED APPR�OPRIAMELY 2ot1 PLS 37902 — CORNER 6 OF TRACT 49 (sE� u 425. A parcel of land situate in Section 5, Township 5 Souttlr Range 86 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, being a por ion of Tract 49 of said Township and Range and bring the same lands as dnose conveyed in urtr ument recorded as Reception No 866909, in the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recordelr, County of Eagle; State of Colorado, being name particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point being Corner No. 5 of said Tract 49, froth which, and all bearings contained herein based upon, Comer No 4 of said Tract 49 Beats S89°28'00"W, 956.48 feet thence upon 5.4 line of said Tract 49 S89"28'00"W, 241.10 feet to the centerline of the Colorado River, thence departing said 54 line and along said Centerline the following 2 courses. 1) N26'33154% 263.73 feet; and 2) N33.41'24"E, 209.81 feet; thence dep&I said centerline Sb6°18% $, 88.66 Beet to the Southwest Corner of lands defaced in Book 266 at Page 909, a.k.a. Doolittle Tract; ounce upon the South line of said Doolittle Tract SMOW4M 177.65 feet to the Southeast corner of said Doolittle Try thence upon the East line of said Doolittle Tract N23°51'20"E, 24.91 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Neumayr -Brown as record in Book 406 at Page 765; the=nce upon the Southwesterly line of said Neumayr-Brown Re-Subdivision the following 4 courses: 1) S49a56'309E, 330.13 feet; 2) SW41'30"E, 97.87 feet; 3) 562°5831 "E, 323.53 feet; 4) S0(i°4a!W W, IX07 feet to the North line of US Highway 6; thence along said North line the following 4 courses: 1) N86003'00"W, 426.13 feet; 2) 903057'00"W,15.00 feet; 3) N86W WW, 65.50 fib 4)174.21 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1206.00 feet, a central angle of 08'16'35 ", the chord of which bears SW48'4M,174.06 feet to the 6,5 line of said Tract 49; thence upon said 6.5 line N420IW, 279AS feet, to Conn 5 of said Tract 49, also being the Point of Beginning. Containing 8.25 Acres more or less. SET SURVEY MONUMENT 2" ALUMINUM CAP ON No. 5 REBAR STAMPED LS 37902 ih o * o V r- 3 3 g s M o FOUND No, 4 REBAR C 0 UPGRADED WITH A SET SURVEY MONUMENT U)2* ALU MINUM CAP ON No. 5 REBAR STAMPED LS 37902 UA+fITS OF�---- ASPHALT COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Deposited this _ day of _.._ - _ -_ -- _ . 20---, at .M in Book _ of the Eagle County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/Rights-cif-Way Surveys at Page/Oil Reception Number County Surveyor SURVEYORS NOTES: 1) Survey Date: July, 2011. 2) Basis of Bearing S 8902M W between found survey morn nnents marking Angie Point No. 5 and 4 Tract 49, as shown and described hereon. 3) Record regal description and Ememmb along with the location of reseed lino.,, emenlients and tanprovarnems shown shown he+ean are based an Deed recorded as Reception No. 496611, in Book 602 at Pop 524, the Iietitage Title Conparry, Inc. title oomm�itanelmt order No 454- 1Mff42D4*0.MM, Anurkhnent No 2, dated Jane M 2011 and survey morumna>Its rho" and described hec+ein. 4) In regards to the above referenced We eoecniftnent Schedule IM Item 11 Parcel is subject to the Terms described in deed recorded at Reception Number 17M, Book 2Z Page 100, Holy Cross Sect* Association, Rat of way. No other• mans on add canilnimnent werr researched by the surveyor. 5) The subject parcel n a Vaunt Lot and No address is posted. 6) Timm was no evidence observed of current earth moving work, building coristructiort or building additiom 7) This parcel described hereon is subject to riparian land law and thus areas and boundary are subject to dump based on accrebed, relieted, and /or eroded lards over time. 8) Due to the Colorado River being at.flood stW during the thane of this survey, the West boundary of subject parcel being the Medial line of the River was not able to be defined. The West boundary down was derived from the "BoundarySite Plan" PW performed by office and &?oaftd in the Eagle County'Dnd Survey Plat Depository in Book I Page 91- 9) The Survey 1Nlonmient set narking Angle Point 6 of Tract 49 was established using the C,rant &xmdaYy Method between found USCW monuments at Angle Points 8 and 4 Tract 49. 10) This ALTA /ACSM Land Title Survey was prepared for the exdusive use of those parties cla ti ied to herein,, and is valid only if print has original seal and signature of surveyor. veyor. 11) Lineal Units of the U.S. Survey Foot were used herein. Archibeque Land Consul ting, Ltd Professional Land Surveying 8c Mapping 105 011i010 9trw4 Seib 5 - P.O. ftoc 3N3 Eagle, Colorado 81631 970.328.6970 9fffCe 970.328.6021 loot ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY STAR ROUTE PARCEL PORTION OR SKenoN' 5, TOWNSHIP 5 SOtM4v RANSK W W=r, GTH PM EAcaEhx CouNw, Col.lo�eAOo ►wee BY: MSS 30111 11125 DRAVIM NAM 21,125 SHAT 1 of 1 d„E 47- 14--11 ,,,,. T'JA