HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-130.2 Exhibit3.0 PUD GUIDE AND LAND USE RESTRICTIONS Arrowhead River Ranch, formerly known as The Donovan Parcel 11 September 2002 Exhibit C 3.1 Purpose. The primary purpose of this Guide is to reiterate and clarify the standards, restrictions and regulations which govern development and land use - within the Arrowhead River Ranch (see sheet PAZ) and to incorporate into this Guide any amendments hereto approved by the Board of County Commissioners ( "BOCC ") for Eagle County, Colorado. Additionally, the purpose of this Guide is to ensure that Arrowhead River Ranch is developed pursuant to the land uses, as identified in the Preliminary Plan and described herein. The Guide will insure the orderly and compatible development of the property. The Guide supplements the standard zoning provisions of Eagle County with site - specific restrictions that are more appropriate to the specific conditions of lands contained within this development. The Arrowhead River Ranch PUD authorizes a total of 20 Dwelling Units on a parcel of land approximately 9.38 acres an Eagle County, Colorado. Development within the Arrowhead River Ranch PUD is administered by the Eagle County Department of Community Development based on provisions contained within this guide. Building construction within Arrowhead River Ranch PUD is governed by the Eagle County Building Resolution as amended from time to time. In addition, development within Arrowhead River Ranch is controlled by the Arrowhead at Vail — Arrowhead River Ranch Design Guidelines. Prior to the issuance of building permits the Arrowhead Design Review Committee will approve all proposed structures and landscape improvements. Arrowhead Valley Developers hereby makes, declares and establishes the following limitations, restrictions, and uses upon and of all real property contained within the subdivision as a Planned Unit Development Plan (PUD Plan), running with the land and banding upon all future owners of a part of the land within the subdivision, so long as these restrictions and this PUD PIan shall remain in effect: 3.2 Definitions. The following definitions are specific to Arrowhead River Ranch and used throughout the Use and Development Restrictions for various Planning Areas. In addition, items not defined below may be defined in the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. A. "Single- Family Homes" shall mean a building containing a single dwelling unit with one or more rooms in a building designed to be used and occupied by one family living independently of any other family, having not more than one indoor kitchen facility, to be used solely for residential occupancy. B. "Landscape Improvements" shall mean creation of earthen berms, retaining wails, planting of grasses, shrubs, trees and ornamental plants, creation of decorative water features, and installation of irrigation systems. C. "Utilities and Infrastructure" shall mean potable and non - potable water supply systems, sewage disposal systems, storm water management systems, 3.3 and Utility Distribution Facilities. Utilities shall be installed to meet minimum standards of the governing agency. D. "Passive Recreation Amenities" shall mean site improvements made for recreational enjoyment, but specifically do not allow development of sports fields intended for organized sports. Examples of passive recreation amenities include walkways and paths, patios, benches, gazebos, trellises, overlooks, and landscape improvements. E. "Temporary uses" shall mean any use of the land for a period of less than three years unless the duration of the use has been otherwise limited. All temporary uses shall be approved by the Arrowhead Design Review Committee prior to installation. Uses and Development Restrictions Planning Area A — Residential Home Sites a. Approximate Acreage — 5.45 Acres b. Permitted Uses 1. Single - family homes. 2. Roads, parking, and traffic control signage. 3. Entry monuments, gates, signage and exterior lighting. 4. Utility and infrastructure. 5. Temporary construction trailers, construction signs and contractor's storage yard. 6. Temporary real estate sales offices and signage. 7. Passive recreation amenities. 8. Landscape Improvements. 9. Permanent directional, identification and address signage. C. Restricted Uses 1. Outdoor storage of recreational vehicles for a period of more than seven (7) days. 2. Home business. 3. Agricultural uses and livestock. 4. Campground, cemetery or church. d. Density 1. Units: maximum of 20 single - family homes. C. Minimum Building Setbacks — Building setbacks are measured to the face of buildings, excluding roof overhangs less than 24 inches deep: 1 Eagle River High Water Mark: 50' 2 Highway 6 Right-of-Way: 50' 3 Distance Between Buildings: 15' 4. Distance from internal road ROW: 15' f Maximum Building Height. 0 e I Maximum building height will not exceed 35' excluding Chimneys, flues and appropriately screened roof fixtures. Buildings shall be measured vertically from the finished or existing grade at any given point (whichever is greater) two (2) feet away from the house, along each of the principal sides of the structure to the midpoint between the eave line and the peak of the main roof form. The average of the combined heights of all sides of the structure shall not exceed the maximum specified height. Planning Area B — Open Space Buffer a. Approximate Acreage — 1.27 Acres b. Permitted Uses 1 Roads and traffic control signage. 2 Entry monuments, gates, signage and exterior lighting. 2. Utility and infrastructure. 3. Temporary construction trailers, construction signs and contractor's storage yard. 4. Temporary real estate sales offices and signage. 5. Passive recreation amenities. 6. Landscape Improvements. 7. Permanent directional, identification and address signage. 8. Public Bike Trail. C. Restricted Uses 1. Outdoor storage of recreational vehicles for a period of more than seven (7) days. 2. Agricultural uses and-livestock 3. Campground, cemetery or church. Planning Area C — Highway Buffer Zone a. Approximate Acreage — 0.57 Acres b. Permitted Uses 1 Roads and traffic control signage. 2 Entry monuments, gates, signage and exterior lighting. 3 Utility and infrastructure. 4 Temporary construction trailers, construction signs and contractor's storage yard. 5 Temporary real estate sales offices and signage. 6 Passive recreation amenities. 7 Landscape Improvements. 8 Permanent directional, identification and address signage 9 Public Bike Trail. C. Restricted Uses 3 1. Outdoor storage of recreational vehicles for a period of more than seven (7) days. 2. Agricultural uses and livestock. 3. Campground, cemetery or church. Planning Area D — Open Space Buffer a. Approximate Acreage — 0.89 Acres b. Permitted Uses 1 Roads and traffic control signage. 2 Entry monuments, gates, signage and exterior lighting. 3 Utility and infrastructure. 4 Temporary construction trailers, construction signs and contractor's storage yard. 5 Temporary real estate sales offices and signage. G Passive recreation amenities. 7 Landscape Improvements. 8 Permanent directional, identification and address signage. 9 Recreation activities associated with River uses, including catch and release fishing only. C. Restricted Uses 1 Outdoor storage of recreational vehicles fora period of more than seven (7) days. 2 Agricultural uses and livestock. 3 Campground, cemetery or church. Planning Area E — Riverbank Riparian Area a. Approximate Acreage —1.20 Acres b. Permitted Uses 1 Utility and infrastructure. 2 Passive recreation amenities. 3 Landscape Improvements. 4 Permanent directional and identification signage. 5 Recreation activities associated with River uses, including catch and release fishing only. C. Restricted Uses 1 Outdoor storage of recreational vehicles. 2 Agricultural uses and livestock. 3 Campground, cemetery or church. 4 No pets, supervised or unsupervised. 5 No vegetation removal accept as directed by Fire District and County personnel for wildfire management. 4 j No exterior lighting. 3.4 Wildfire Protection. Wildfire protection shall be provided based upon the current Eagle County standards at the time of issuance of the building permit. 3.5 Exterior Lighting. No exterior lighting whose direct source is visible from a neighboring property or which produces excessive glare to pedestrian or vehicle traffic shall be installed. Indirect sources and horizontal cut -off fixtures are recommended to reduce glare and provide general ambient light. Use of other than white or pale yellow exterior light will require specific approval from the Design Review Committee. Final approval of the proposed illumination plan will be required by the Design Review Committee. Uplights shall not be permitted. Lighting of trees, facades, other site amenities, or landscape features shall not be permitted unless in strict compliance with the requirements listed above. Lighting at project entry signage and gate is allowed and subject to review and approval by the Design Review Committee. 3.6 Permitted Signage. 1. Project identification signs, a maximum of two (2), not to exceed 32 square feet and 8 feet in height. 2. Directional signs based upon current Eagle County standards. 3. Temporary Construction signs not to exceed 16 square feet and 8 feet in height. 3.7 Required Maintenance 1. Storm water quality control structures shall be maintained by cleaning and repairs to ensure the design intent of the facility. 2. Landscape and irrigation shall be installed and maintained per the standards of the Arrowhead Design Review Committee and the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District in order to reduce water consumption and use of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. Maintenance shall be the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. 3. Open Space maintenance, including passive recreation amenities and landscape improvements, shall be the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. 3.8 Design Guidelines and Regulations. Development shall occur in compliance with the intent of the Design Guidelines and Regulations prepared for this project, and adopted by and governed by the Arrowhead Design Review Committee. 3.9 Enforcement. If any person shall violate or threaten to violate any of the provisions of this instrument, it shall be lawful for the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado or the Arrowhead Association or the Arrowhead Design Review Committee to bring any proceedings at law or in equity to enforce the . provisions of this instrument, to restrain the person violating or threatening to a violate them, and recover damages, actual and punitive, together with reasonable attorney's fees, for such violations. 3.10 Severability. Invalidation of any one of the provisions of this instrument by court order or decree in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 3.11 Conflict. The regulations outlined in this guide shall supersede those of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations. The provisions of the Eagle County Land Use Regulations shall govern standards not addressed in this Guide. M II I I , I! 1 1 1 f Ca t � e2 1 1 5, Planning , it The graphic drowings contained within this Planned Unit Development are intended !o dept'[ generol locations and IDluslrate concepts of the lextual provisions of this Planned Unit Development, Vorio lions for the purpose of establishing [toil road and troll alignmen ls. Foal corsriguraUOn of lot and tract sixes and shapes. fin building Ixattaas, finol architeclural design, final access and parking local -eons. and final landscaping and grading will be k ollawed. Lmxux ARam= _ _ 1 1' • corporation 1390 Lavrrerxa SS., Suite 700 Demrar, C.olarzda 60204 PWE: 892 -Si88 Fu: JO1- 592 -�98� 1Yn: ....dmlergr,caa / r,Eusc ap DgCldrEr.7 �— � t>rkryx� ry arlivin nx Ee �Nlm m11v -irlM cI l)d�G,y� 4.. Li Q (d 0 > U O o= ❑0 0 U N a> E— W 2i4,£Ci r7uV�R. p {;( 00290.00 7.19.0 aspr *p GB paam+ JT cn.eaea GB WET la:f.. . . Planning Area Zones 0 15 60 120 =ale; I- . 6v 30 SGAi_E: 1 "- S0'�0" s'dEct�hlt�9Ea .. . PAZ SHEET i Of 7