HomeMy WebLinkAboutR02-089 Airport infrastructure bank loanCommissioner moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 02 -� EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT REQUEST FOR A COLORADO STATE INFRASTRUCTURE BANK LOAN WITH THE COLORADO AERONAUTICAL BOARD WHEREAS: 1. The General Assembly of the State of Colorado declared in Title 43 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, Article 10, 1991 ( "the Act ") in C.R.S.43 -10 -101 "...that there exists a need to promote the safe operations and accessibility of general aviation in this state; that improvements to general aviation transportation facilities will promote diversified economic development across the state; and that accessibility to airport facilities for residents of this state is crucial in the event of a medical or other type of emergency...." 2. The Colorado State Infrastructure bank (COS1B) was developed as part of a federal pilot program and 3. The Applicant, Eagle County, is a public - accessible airport and has filed an application with the Division of Aeronautics and the Aeronautics Board and 4. The Bank is authorized to assist only those entities that request assistance by means of an application which must contain a resolution passed by the governing board of the entity and forwarded to the Division and 5. The Applicant is committed to complying with all terms and conditions of the application and all guidelines, policies, procedures and requirements if a loan is approved. b. The Applicant owns and operates the Eagle County Regional Airport which is a public - accessible airport and has filed an application with for a Colorado State Infrastructure Bank (COSIB) Loan to be used solely for aviation purposes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Eagle County as the duly authorized governing body of the loan applicant, hereby formally requests assistance from the Colorado State Infrastructure Bank in the form of a loan. Eagle County states that such loan shall be used solely for the purposes generally described in the Application and more particularly described here as construction of a permanent control tower at the Eagle County Airport. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: Eagle County hereby accepts all guidelines, procedures, stnadards, and requirements described in the application during al terms and conditions contained therein. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State olorado, at its regular meeting held the ?�JC &d day of , 2002. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 2 C C �f - .- • mp .. Arn M. Mencom Commissio-ter Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. a roll having been called, the vote was as follows. Commissioner Tom C. Stone Commissioner Michael L. Gallagher Commissioner Am Menconi This Resolution passed by C) vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 2 TI ,ansm i ss i on Report ` Date /T #me Local ID LOCat Name Company Logo Tn i s document Was confirmed_ (reduced sample and details below) Document size Letter-s EAGLE BOARD Or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA REQUEST 8 STAFF RECOMMENDATION FORM TITLE: Resolution Requasdng a Colorado State Infrastructure Bank Loan with the Colorado Aeronautical Board LOCATION: Eagle County Airport STAFF CONTACTIPRESENTER: Eddie F. Storer, Airport Manager DEPARTMENT., Eagle County Airport REQUESTED HEARING DATE E12 a162_0ST CHOICE)l (2ND CHOICE) CHECK ONE: CONSENT CALENOAR`ON THE RECORD xxx WORK SESSION LENGTH OFTIMF REQUESTEDIREQUIREO i THE DOCUMENTS TO BE SIGNED HAVE BEEN REVIEWED & APPROVED BY THE COUNTY ATTORNEY Attorney IF THIS IS A CONTRACT OR OTHER ITEM REQUIRING AN EXPENDITURE, IS THE FULL ANOUNTTO COVER THIS REQUEST IN THE CURRENTAPPROVED BUDGET? Yas PROJECTICONTRACT DESCRIPTION: The Eaglo County Airport is requesting a loan from the Colorado Aeronautics Board for construction of a CnntMI tower facility. This Resolution will complgtg the loan application, STAFF RECOMMENDATION, Approval and execution BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION: The Application for a State Infrastructure Gbank Loner requires an executed Recolution requesting f€runelxl assistance. This Resolution will be included in the Loan Application. PROPOSED MOTION: I move that the Board approve and executa the Resolution requesting a Colorado State Infrastructure Bank Loan and forward to the Colorado Aeronautics Board. (ATTACH ALL BACK UP DOCUMENTS TO THIS FORM) Rz ors Jack Ingstnd. CountyArlmhtisUak>r Total Pages Scanned _ 3' Total Pages Confirmed . 3' 6-- 1 7 -02 ; 1 0: 1 6AM 9705248247 EAGLE COUNTY AIRPORT 'r* Notes ** EC: Error Correct RE: Resend PD: Polled by Remote N,B: Receive to Maiioox E;C: Broadcast Send NIP: Multi —Poll PG: Polling a Remote CF' P1 Power Interruption : Completed RM: Receive to Memory OR: DOCument removed TM: Terminated by user LS: L,OcaI scan LP: LOCa1 Print FO: Forced Output WT: Wa1tfng Transfer