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Colorado Department of Transportation Region 3 0 Address: 222 South 6th Street Room 317 MW Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 rte• . _ Phone: (970) 683 -6233 FAX: (970) 683 -6249 Right of Way Survey Unit: Leslie Doehling NOTICE: According to Colorado law you MUST commence any legal action bawd upon any defect in this survey within three years after you Mat dboovered such defeat In no event, may any action bored upon any defect in this swwy be osmmenwd more than ten years from the date of certMcation shown hereon. BASIS OF BEARINGS The basis of bearings are based on a grid bearing of N89'41'19 "W 1325.37 feet from a USDI BLM 3.25" Brass Cap listed as Point No. 5076 and a USDI BLM 3.25" Brass Cap listed as Point No. 154, as obtained from a Global Positioning System (GPS) survey. Said grid bearing is NAD 83 (1992) Colorado State Plane (Central Zone). PROJECT COORDINATE DATUM Coordinates on this project are for the exclusive use of the CDOT and are considered Project Coordinates. Coordinates are based on NADS 83 (1992) State Plane Coordinates are Colorado Central Zone (502) Units are in US Survey Feet (usft) Project ground coordinates are Modified State Plane Combined project scale factor = 0.999511449 Combined project scale factor reciprocal = 1.000488790 Truncation applied to State Plane Coordinates. Northing Reduction 1.000,000 usft Easting Reduction 2,000,000 usft :IeYI� 1. This project survey control diagram is for the use of the Colorado Department. of Transportation personnel. The survey is not a complete boundary survey. A Title Commitment was not used and Title research was not part of the project survey control diagram. 2. This Right —of —Way plan is not a boundary survey of the adjoining property and is prepared for the Colorado Department of Transportation purposes only. 3. This plan set is subject to change and the information contained on the attached drawing is not valid unless this copy bears an original signature of the Professional Land Surveyor hereon named. Olaf ills Sheet Revisions PITKIN CREEK —WEST VAIL PASS anowsom —70 Section 11 and 12 T.5S., R.80W., 6TH P.M. Eagle County, Colorado DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OF COLORADO RIGHT OF WAY PLANS FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. NHPP 0702 - 336 INTERSTATE HIGH WAY 70 EAGLE COUNTY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT CODE NO. 19471 R KIPP LAND Right of Way PI SURVEYING LLC TITLE SHEET Project Number: NHPP 0702 -336 wa' OD m Projoct Location: 1 -70 SOUTH ROW PI wasm4m Pro' t Location: MM 1 1 E 15022- LSP.dwg SHEET N0. SHEET INDEX 1 TITLE SHEET 2 SURVEY CONTROL COORDINATE TABLE 3 SURVEY CONTROL DIAGRAM 4 -5 R.O.W. PLAN SHEETS SITE AREA: 1 -70 SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY— M.M.: 180.0 -180.5 PITKIN CREEK AREA, EAST VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY mm f off OF NAY U* WIT OF NAY UK Si1C11011 UK fDXZK PROPEM LM Deposited this _ I Leon Day of 2015, at _ —_� in Book 1 of the Eagle County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/ Rights —of —Way Surveys at Page _ %__. This Land Survey Plat complies with Section 38 -51 -102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Colorado Department of Transportation Region 3 Address: 222 South 6th Street Room 317 —� Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 Phone: (970) 683 -6233 FAX: (970) 683 -6249 Right of Way Survey Unit: Leslie Doehling PROJECT LOCATION MAP ® Point No. 0000 Point No. 0000 N • cli RIGHT OF WAY 0 MONUMENT MARKER SET VATNESS CORNER %L—Z',7 SET 0 0 ems. ROW PROPERTY PIN FOUND RIGHT OF WAY RIGHT FOUND ow 19ki 1 , , l 2-M 130 mm f off OF NAY U* WIT OF NAY UK Si1C11011 UK fDXZK PROPEM LM Deposited this _ I Leon Day of 2015, at _ —_� in Book 1 of the Eagle County Surveyor's Land Survey Plats/ Rights —of —Way Surveys at Page _ %__. This Land Survey Plat complies with Section 38 -51 -102, of the Colorado Revised Statutes. Colorado Department of Transportation Region 3 Address: 222 South 6th Street Room 317 —� Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 Phone: (970) 683 -6233 FAX: (970) 683 -6249 Right of Way Survey Unit: Leslie Doehling PROJECT LOCATION MAP ® Point No. 0000 Point No. 0000 N • PRIMARY CONTROL RIGHT OF WAY RIGHT OF WAY MONUMENT MARKER SET VATNESS CORNER SET 0 0 ROW PROPERTY PIN FOUND RIGHT OF WAY RIGHT FOUND SIXTEENTH © ' 1 CORNER FOUND SECTION CORNER FOUND Sheet Revisions PITKIN CREEK —WEST VAIL PASS —70 Section 11 and 12 T.5S., R.80W., 6TH P.M. Eagle County, Colorado SURVEYOR STATEMENT (ROW PLAN) L C>��'aOPLI A 38079 NqL LAND SCALE 1 " =8000' I, Randall P. Kipp, a Professional Land Surveyor Licensed in the State of Colorado, do hereby state to the Colorado Deportment of Transportation that based upon my knowledge, information and belief, research, calculations and evaluation of the survey evidence were performed and this Right —of —Way Plan was prepared under my responsible charge in accordance with applicable standards of practice defined by Colorado Department of Transportation Publications. This statement is not a guarantee or warranty, either expressed or implied. Randall P. Kipp PLS No. 38079 KIPP LAND SURVEYING. LLC Mall, OD MIM 15022- LSP.dwg Right of Way Plans RVEY CONTROL DIAG ber. *VP 0702 -336 Sheet Revisions PITKIN CREEK —WEST VAIL PASS KIPP LAND Right of Way Plans Colorado Department of Transportation SURVEYING LLC PLAN SHEET 1-70 Section 11 and 12 PA an + LC Project Number: NHPP 0702 -336 0 Region 222 South 6th Street Room 317 MAMA. 6p� Pro' Location: 1 -70 SW1H ROW PITKIN CREEK Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 T.5S., R.80W., 6TH P P.M. M Phone: (970) 683 -6233 FAX: (974) 683 -6249 150224-SP.dwg Pro' Location: IIM 1 .00- 180.40 EAGLE COUNTY N WWI so a Right of Way Survey Unit: Leslie Doehling Eagle County, Colorado DETA /L 2.79' 9.M �$a � 111 _9VEO / APPARENT £N0R0A0H,1/EN7' S,1 H.4,r0V£D AREA 0 50 100 200 1 inch = 100 ft. -- - RED• k /NTFRSTATF 70 says `�, °_ 0R o-�P6 / (�13Z1 P .44 e R16 W, Ate' WX Y �_ k �� /a 3$ Sri' k �� 11.48/ES Nf nvESS 6LWNER J o. oP �q . �� b GEC ��i �1 4 nPU£ ca R R1; `J�.� PR/ y� /, QF IU' Q. �o DUE rO • �� / Cii 21t} S�'g`� BU /LDYNC ENG7POACH�1/ENT .a A7 tIAEA -S% 3 38079 , o V / 8. �� / � \ SEE DETA /L SHEEr f� �0•.1�'v�' /sue: �`` of e4 / R :2705.00' P� ,10 k P' ����j ••......••5�� 515/31 / S��,�T�!?2" L,,28J -22' /,�9 // ore CN D, Nom" 'V AW Aqw5*5r� 01 �� �£ Qi nciR P� 6 2?Y�i 30'i1.Sj / CaPN£R LO A)76W P� P lN7NESS CLYPNER 1??6 V TRUE CGWNE / P� �Q 1 ssaaZ9 ,�, lox oU£ TO RR nE RETA /N /NC WALL 1`'11k cot ?0 90 ` �Er< X11 P Qr�15 ` 8.