HomeMy WebLinkAboutR14-072 West End Planned Unit Development Approval of First Extension to Final Plat Commissioner / moved adoption
of the following Resolution:
of the
FILE NO. PR-4952
WHEREAS,on or about June 9,2014,the County of Eagle,State of Colorado,accepted for
filing a request(Eagle County File No.PR-4952)submitted by Edwards West End Holdings,LLC,a
Delaware limited liability company(hereinafter"the Applicant")for a two(2)year extension of the
Final Plat for the West End Planned Unit Development(herein after"the West End PUD Final Plat
for Subdivision"). The West End PUD is a multi-use development consisting of 113 free-market
residential dwelling units,an additional 72 onsite local resident/employee housing units, and up to
85,000 square feet of floor area for"non-residential" commercial office/retail uses on the first and
second levels of the multi-story buildings. Parking consists of both on-grade and underground
parking structures. The subject property is located in the Edwards area of unincorporated Eagle
County, described as follows:
Lot 1, West End PUD Final Plat, Situated in part of the east half of Section 5,
Township 5 South,Range 82 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,County of Eagle,
State of Colorado, containing 5.291-acres+/-; and
WHEREAS,the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter"the Board")
approved the West End Final Plat for Subdivision(Eagle County File No.PDF-00101)for the West
End PUD on April 8, 2008, and it was recorded in the Eagle County real property records at
Reception Number 200914605 on July 14,2009(West End PUD Final Plat for Subdivision attached
hereto as Exhibit `A'), and;
WHEREAS,in accordance with Section 5-280.5.d(1)—Length of Approval,Eagle County
Land Use Regulations(hereinafter"ECLURs"),all Final Plats for Subdivision are valid for five(5)
years from the date of their issuance, and;
WHEREAS,in accordance with Section 5-280.5.d(2)—Infrastructure Installed,ECLURs,if
the infrastructure required to develop at least fifty (50) percent of the lots in a single phase
subdivision or the infrastructure required to develop the first phase of a multi-phase subdivision is
installed, the Final Plat shall remain valid without any further time limitation, and;
WHEREAS,in this instance,the West End PUD Final Plat for Subdivision is a single phase
subdivision. The Applicant has not installed the infrastructure required to develop at least fifty(50)
percent of the lots in a single phase subdivision prior to the date when the West End PUD Final Plat
for Subdivision was to expire, July 14, 2014, and;
WHEREAS,in accordance with Section 5-280.5.d(1)—Length of Approval,ECLURs,the
Board has the option to extend the time period for a Final Plat for Subdivision, and;
WHEREAS,in accordance with Section 5-280.5.d(3)—Extension of Final Plat Approval,
ECLURs, approval of a Final Plat for Subdivision shall be voided and extinguished unless the
applicant can demonstrate by competent substantial evidence that (a) failure to proceed with the
development of the application was beyond the applicant's control; (b)the development complies
with the ECLURs; (c)there is reasonable likelihood the next step in the development application will
be submitted within the next two (2)years, and;
WHEREAS,in accordance with Section 5-280.5.d(3)—Extension of Final Plat Approval,
ECLURs, no request for extension shall be considered unless a written application requesting the
extension is submitted to the Planning Director no later than thirty(30) calendar days prior to the
date the Final Plat for Subdivision is to expire, and;
WHEREAS,the Applicant duly filed a written request for a two (2)year extension for the
West End PUD Final Plat for Subdivision to the Planning Director within such period prior to
expiration of the Final Plat for Subdivision, and;
WHEREAS,at its regular public hearing on July 15,2014,the Board considered the request
for an extension of the West End PUD Final Plat for Subdivision (PR-4952); associated plans,
materials in support of the request and relevant review criteria; and the statements and concerns of
the Applicant, the Eagle County Community Development and Engineering staff, and other
interested persons, and;
WHEREAS, the Applicant, based on the application materials submitted as well as
testimony delivered during the public hearing, did demonstrate by competent substantial evidence
that (a) failure to proceed with the development of the application was beyond the Applicant's
control; (b)the development complies with the ECLURs; (c)there is reasonable likelihood the next
step in the development application will be submitted within the next two (2)years, and;
WHEREAS,any extension period granted shall be based on the original date of West End
PUD Final Plat for Subdivision approval, in this case July 14, 2009, and;
WHEREAS,notice of the extension request was not required by the ECLURs, Section 5-
210.E—Notice of Public Hearings, and;
WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony, exhibits, and study of the Comprehensive
Plan for the unincorporated areas of Eagle County, the Future Land Use Map (the "FLUM") for
Eagle County, and the Eagle County Open Space Plan, as well as comments of the Eagle County
Department of Community Development,comments of public officials and agencies,and comments
from all interested parties, the Board, finds as follows:
1. That,in accordance with Section 5-280.5.d(3)—Extension of Final Plat Approval,ECLURs,
a written application requesting the extension WAS submitted to the Planning Director no
later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date the West End PUD Final Plat for
Subdivision was to expire.
2. That,in accordance with Section 5-280.5.d(3)—Extension of Final Plat Approval,ECLURs,
the Applicant did demonstrate by competent substantial evidence that:
(1) Failure to proceed with the development of the application WAS beyond the
Applicant's control;
(2) The development COMPLIES with the ECLURs and the Comprehensive Plan;
(3) There IS a reasonable likelihood the next step in the development application will be
submitted in the next two years, and;
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the
County of Eagle, State of Colorado:
THAT the request for an extension(Eagle County File No.PR-4952)of the West End PUD
Final Plat for Subdivision (Eagle County File No. PDF-00101), be approved, subject to the
following conditions:
1. Except as otherwise modified by this development permit, all material representations
made by the Applicant in this application and in all public meetings shall be adhered to
and considered conditions of approval.
2. The Applicant agrees to submit a Planned Unit Development Amendment application to
be completed no later than July 14, 2016.
THAT,the West End PUD Final Plat for Subdivision is extended until July 14,2016,or until
such time as the infrastructure required to develop at least fifty(50)percent of the lots in the West
End PUD has been submitted to the County of Eagle, State of Colorado and deemed sufficient by
the Planning Director, whichever comes first;
THAT,the Board directs the Department of Community Development to provide a copy of
this Resolution to the Applicant;
THAT,the Board hereby finds,determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for
the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County.
MOVED,READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County
of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the day of , 2014,
nunc pro tunc the 15th day of July, 2014.
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COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD
By: - •■ r By: /i. `L , /
Teak J. Simonton Jil an H. Ryan, Chairma /
Clerk to the Board of 42/24_9 --�
County Commissioners By:
Sara J. Fish , mmissioner
Kathy Chandler-Henry, Commissioner
Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been
called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Jillian H. Ryan
Commissioner Sara J. Fisher o
Commissioner Kathy Chandler-Henry
This Resolution passed by"0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County
of Eagle, State of Colorado.
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