HomeMy WebLinkAboutR14-022 Wildfire Annual Operating Plan, Appendix D Commissioner tau ii �,-noved adoption
of the following Resolution:
Resolution No. 2014 - G Z v
WHEREAS, Section 24-33.5-707 of the Colorado Revised Statutes states each political subdivision
shall be within the jurisdiction of and served by the division and by a local or inter jurisdictional agency
responsible for disaster preparedness and coordination of response;
WHEREAS, Section 24-33.5-707 of the Colorado Revised Statutes states each county shall
maintain a disaster agency or participate in a local or inter jurisdictional disaster agency that otherwise has
jurisdiction over and serves the entire county;
WHEREAS, Section 24-33.5-707 of the Colorado Revised Statute states each local and inter-
jurisdictional disaster agency shall prepare and keep current a local or inter jurisdictional disaster
emergency plan for its area;
WHEREAS, the Eagle County Emergency Y Operations Plan was adopted by
Resolution No. 2013_
104 on November 1, 2013; and
WHEREAS, attached as Appendix D to the Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan is the Eagle
County Wildfire Annual Operating Plan; and
WHEREAS, it is desirous to update and supplement the Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan
through the adoption of an amended and restated Eagle County Wildfire Annual Operating Plan.
THAT,the 2014 Eagle County Wildfire Annual Operating Plan, attached to the Eagle County
Emergency Operations Plan as Appendix D, be adopted in the form attached hereto as Exhibit"A" and
incorporated herein by reference.
THAT, the 2014 Eagle County Wildfire Annual Operating Plan, attached to the Eagle County
Emergency Operations Plan as Appendix D and attached hereto as Exhibit"A", shall be effective as of May
1, 2014.
THAT, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word in this Resolution be declared by a
court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this Resolution as
a whole or any parts thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. For this purpose, this Resolution
is declared to be severable.
THAT,the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the
health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County.
MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State
of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the ( day of I—, 2014.
COLORADO, By and Through Its
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Clerk to the Board of Jil .n H. Ryan
County Commissioners hairman
1/'"1 ---I Vr
Sara J. isher
Com, ission•
i It A A4 L'// �../ ve.c.
Kathy C 7 dler-Henry
Commissioner .F1 S1I--bt-42 seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having
been called, the vote was as follows:
Commissioner Ryan &A.,
Commissioner Fisher k'. . •
Commissioner Chandler-Henry 6_,..
This resolution passed by / 6 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County
of Eagle, State of Colorado
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Conte O is
Interagency Dispatch Centers 6
Interagency Resources 7
Standards 8
Protection Planning 9
Protection Areas and Boundaries 10
Methods of Fire Protection and Suppression 11
Reciprocal (Mutual Aid) Fire Assistance 12
Acq isition of Services 13
Joint rojects and Project Plans 13
Fire P vention 13
Public lUse Restrictions 14
Burning Permits 14
Prescribed Fire (Planned Ignitions) and Fuels Management 14
Smoke Management 15
Fire Notifications 15
Boundary Line Fires 16
Respobse to Wildland Fire 16
Spegial Management Considerations 18
Decision Process 18
Cooperation 19
Communication 19
Cost efficiency 20
Delegation of Authority 20
PreserVation of Evidence 20
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Cost Share Agreement(Cost Share Methodologies) 22
Training 22
Communication Systems 23
Fire Weather Systems 23
Aviation Operations 23
Billing Procedures 25
Cost Recovery 25
Personnel Policy 26
Modification 26
Annual Review 26
Duration of Agreement 27
Previous Agreements Superseded 27
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This loc annual operating plan is prepared pursuant to the statewide annual operating plan,
2013 Colorado Statewide Wildland Fire Management Annual Operating Plan signed and dated
8/9/20131 The 2013 Colorado Statewide Wildland Fire Management Annual Operating Plan
was prepared pursuant to the Master Cooperative Wildland Fire Management and Stafford Act
Response Agreement signed and dated 6/1/2011.
The purpose of this Annual Operating Plan (AOP) is to set forth standard operating procedures,
agreed upon procedures, and responsibilities to implement cooperative wildfire protection on all
lands within Eagle County.
This Annual Wildfire Operating Plan for Control and Extinguishment of Wildland Fires
("Operating Plan") is made and entered into by and between the Eagle County Sheriff's Office,
the Coloriado Division of Fire Prevention and Control, the U.S. Forest Service, and the U.S.
Bureau of Land Management.
All Participants agree to coordinate their wildland fire protection activities as outlined herein. It
is understood by the Participants to this agreement that any resources ordered for a purpose
other thai wildland area fire management through this Plan are the financial responsibility of the
ordering agency.
• Colorado Statewide Cooperative Wildland Fire Management and Stafford Act
Response Agreement Between:
Number F1249110016
• Eagle County, Intergovernmental Agreement for Participation in the Colorado
Emergency Fire Fund, CSFS #108
• Agreement for Cooperative Wildfire Protection in Eagle County, CSFS #109
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1. The parties recognize that the public health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of their
respective jurisdictions will be best served by providing the highest quality of wildland fire control
and extinguishments services, including coordinated back-up services should the need arise.
2. Each party desires to be able to provide assistance to each other party in a coordinated
fashion, and to receive assistance from each other party in a coordinated fashion, in the event
the circumstances of a fire renders the jurisdictional agency unable to timely or effectively
control and extinguish the fire.
3. The Sheriff is the Fire Warden of the county and is responsible for the planning for, and the
coordination of, efforts to suppress wildland fires occurring in the unincorporated area of the
county, outside the boundaries of a Fire Protection District, excluding federal lands, or that
exceed the capabilities of the Fire Protection District to control or extinguish in accordance with
the provisions of section 30-10-513, C.R.S.
4. In performance of those responsibilities, Eagle County has entered into certain agreements
with the State of Colorado, which in turn enters into agreements with the U.S. Bureau of Land
Management and U.S. Forest Service, providing resources for and procedures for coordinating
those resources for control and extinguishments of wildland fires. Through these agreements,
Eagle County secures for the benefit of the parties to this Agreement wildland firefighting and
fire management resources of the Division of Fire Prevention and Control, USFS and BLM.
Hereinafter, these, individually and collectively, are referred to as the "Umbrella Agreements."
5. The parties hereto have firefighting equipment and personnel, including equipment
distributed to them by the State pursuant to its Agreement with Eagle County, and have primary
firefighting responsibility within their respective political boundaries.
6. The parties hereto desire to set forth the terms and conditions by which they will provide and
receive mutual aid to and from each other and to and from the parties to the Umbrella
Agreements to control and extinguish wildland fires and certain non-wildland fires on private
property outside the jurisdictional boundaries of the municipal and fire protection district parties.
Other Definitions
• "Assisting Party" or"Agency" means and refers to the agency party rendering firefighting
assistance outside of its jurisdiction to another agency party to this Operating Plan
pursuant to the terms herein.
• "Jurisdiction" means and refers to the physical boundaries of a party hereto together with
the extra-boundary lands for which it contracts to provide fire protection services.
Jurisdictional boundary lines for USFS, BLM, and Eagle County(state and private lands)
are shown on the USFS White River National Forest Map. Fire protection district
boundaries and Response Areas are shown on FPD maps.
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• "Requesting Party" or"Agency" means and refers to the agency party to this Operating
Plan in need of and requesting firefighting assistance within its jurisdiction.
• "Wildland Fire" means and refers to a forest or prairie fire as referred to in SS30-10-512,
513, CRS.
• "Umbrella Agreements" means and refers to authorities for this plan
Interagency Dispatch Centers
Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center utilizes the Resource Ordering and Status System
(ROSS) to dispatch resources. Resource status and availability may be updated at any time
through IkOSS web status accounts. Eagle County utilizes both the Vail Public Safety
Communications Center(VPSCC) and the Pitkin County Regional Emergency Dispatch Center
(PCREDO). The communication centers shall be used for fire incidents on lands under the
County Sheriff's jurisdiction.
VPSCC,!PCREDC, and the Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center(GJC)will meet
annually Ito discuss dispatch coordination procedures. VPSCC, PCREDC, and GJC will receive
reports Of wildfires and coordinate the notification and/or dispatch of the appropriate
jurisdictional agency and Eagle County Sheriff for ALL wildfires, regardless of location.
The closest forces should be dispatched without regard to jurisdiction, per the interagency
mutual ald provision of this plan. The jurisdictional agency should assume responsibility for
initial response at the earliest possible time, or as otherwise agreed.
Currently, all lands under the Eagle County Sheriff's jurisdiction are managed under a full fire
suppression policy. However, it is recognized that federal agencies may apply"Management of
Multiple Objectives" tactics on lands within their jurisdiction. Agencies taking independent action
within another agency's jurisdiction should notify that agency as soon as possible, in order to
avoid conflicting land management objectives. However, it is agreed that there should be no
delay in initial attack pending determination of the precise location of the fire, land ownership, or
All requeists for additional resources beyond initial attack will be made by the applicable agency
representative, using the ordering procedures outlined above. VPSCC will ensure Eagle County
OEM notification when resources are sent out of county.
It shall be the responsibility of the Upper Colorado River USFS-BLM when responding to a
wildfire On Denver Water lands to order needed assistance, or acquire replacements to relieve
their initial attack crews or the crews of assisting agencies.
All requests by Eagle County agencies for additional resources and assistance beyond initial
attack shall be through VPSCC or PCREDC. It is understood by fire departments in Eagle
County, that all requests for initial attack aircraft assistance (covered by the WERF) on wildfires
will be Made directly to GJC.
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r �
Due to new federal fire reporting requirements, the Upper Colorado Interagency Fire
Management Unit will now require full size-up information for wildland fires originating on county
lands when federal resources are requested for mutual aid. In addition, full size-up information
is required when a county resource provides suppression on federal lands without federal
resources on scene. It is required that the current UCR Incident Organizer be used to report fire
size-up information. Size-up information should follow highlighted items in the UCR
Incident Organizer.
This tool is available on the UCR website in the Guides and Manuals section at:
The VPSCC may be supported in terms of resource ordering by Eagle County Office of
Emergency Management(EC-OEM). The VPSCC may transfer their resource ordering
responsibility to EC-OEM, in the event the Incident Commander will be notified verbally and in
writing a long with the Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch.
In the event the transfer or resource ordering is made to COEM then:
The EC-OEM will manage the resource ordering responsibility until such time that a capable
Logistics Section has been established. Once established the Logistics Section will be
responsible for;
1. Directly ordering resources that are available from GJC;
2. Directly ordering resources that are non-available from GJC from EC-OEM;
Reporting to the EC-OEM any resource order placed with GJC that cannot or has not been filled
in a timely, efficient, or cost effective manner to accomplish the operational objectives;
Reporting to EC-OEM for each operational period the resource ordered from GJC;
The County EM may establish an EOC as necessary to support and coordinate with the
If the fire is on or threatening state or private land, and is expected to exceed the control
capabilities of the county, the DFPC Regional FMO will be notified.
Interagency Resources
Non-federal equipment and personnel will not be dispatched without an approved Colorado
Resource Rate Form (CRRF).
The CRRF is the State of Colorado's only document for a Cooperator to list their equipment and
reimbursement rates for resource mobilization. It also provides information for incident
management teams, and facilitates the entry and maintenance of this information in WebEOC
and ROSS. This document is standardized and stand-alone, and is the only document to be
used for incident reimbursement through the State of Colorado.
Resources available for wildland fire suppression or support are listed by agency or department
on Cooperative Resource Rates Forms. Cooperative Resource Rate Forms (CRRF)will show
the rates of equipment that may be used on a wildland fire. Resources listed on a CRRF are
considered Mutual Aid resources and, as such, will not be billed for during the mutual aid period.
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Cooperating agencies must have an approved CRRF to be available in ROSS for out of local
area dispatch. Resources assigned to a state EFF fire from the cooperating agency without a
current CRRF will be reimbursed using established standard state cooperator equipment rates.
Cooperator equipment should not be signed up using an Emergency Equipment Rental
There may be situations when additional fire personnel are necessary for mobilization and the
need can be filled with supplemental personnel available to the fire departments. Supplemental
fire resources can be hired by local fire entities or DFPC. Federal agencies may hire additional
personnel under the AD pay plan or contracting.
Out of County Assignments
Colorado Resource Rate Forms(CRRF)
Colorado Resource Rate Forms are available on the DFPC Web page at:
The CRFtF's set forth agreed upon equipment rates, conditions of use, and reimbursement
Engine Ebuipping and Staffing
Engines Will be staffed and equipped according to current NWCG standards. Refer to
Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation Operations (Redbook).
Equipment Availability
Cooperator equipment availability status for out of county use is maintained in ROSS.
Cooperators may"self-status" in ROSS by requesting a password from Grand Junction
Interagency Dispatch Center 970-257-4800.
Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center(GJC)will continue to dispatch wildfire resources
for out of county assignments utilizing ROSS. Cooperators must change status in ROSS and
notify GJC of any unexpected status changes.
All personnel will meet standards set-forth in the most current version of NWCG PMS-310-1
(Wildland Fire Qualifications System Guide). NWCG allows for accepting local qualifications
within local jurisdictions during initial attack. All cooperators dispatched outside of their local
jurisdictign who are responding to a federal incident will meet NWCG standards. NWCG allows
agenciee to require more stringent standards than the minimum for their agency-specific
Each agency is responsible for the training and qualification of its personnel for fighting wildfires.
Each agency shall dispatch in a mutual aid response only personnel qualified for the incident. If
it comesto the attention of the jurisdictional agency or multi jurisdiction command, as the case
may be, that a fire fighter is not properly qualified for an incident(or his/her assignment with
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respect to the incident), it may require that the fire fighter be withdrawn from the response or
assigned to tasks for which he/she may be properly qualified.
Incident qualification cards (red cards) may not be required for initial attack of fires within Eagle
County; however, firefighters without red cards may be released from an incident by the
authorized representative of the jurisdictional agency. The authorized representative of the
jurisdictional agency will coordinate the release of assisting agency personnel through the
ranking officer/representative of the assisting agency.
An After-Action-Review of events and actions taken by suppression forces during wildland fires
will be conducted by the jurisdictional agency commensurate with the complexity of the incident.
Due to altered fuel conditions, personnel operating within the bark beetle environment should be
aware of the imminent danger presented by dead and dying trees, falling at an increasing rate
across a broad forested landscape. The USFS-R2 Fire Operations Guidance in Bark Beetle
Stands is in Exhibit D.
Non-federal participants to this Plan may purchase fire suppression supplies through General
Services Administration. Any other loaning, sharing, exchanging or maintenance of facilities,
equipment or support services will be considered on a case-by-case basis as mutually agreed to
by the concerned parties.
Protection Planning
The Chief of the Fire Department in each Fire Protection District in the state is responsible for
the management of wildland fires that occur within the boundaries of his or her district and that
are within the capability of the Fire District to control or extinguish in accordance with the
provisions of section 32-1-1002 (3) (a), C.R.S.
The Fire Chief/ Fire Protection District may utilize mutual aid agreements and unified command
with neighboring Fire Protection Districts to suppress and control fires that cross or threaten to
cross the boundaries of the district.
The Fire Chief/ Fire Protection District may transfer any duty or responsibility the Fire Chief may
assume under this section to the County Sheriff with the concurrence of the Sheriff.
The Fire Chief/ Fire Protection District shall not seek reimbursement from the county for
expenses incurred by the District for their own apparatus, equipment, and personnel used in
containing or suppressing a wildland fire occurring on private property within the boundaries of
the District.
The Sheriff is the Fire Warden of the county and is responsible for the planning for, and the
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' ,
coordin ion of, efforts to suppress wildland fires occurring in the unincorporated area of the
county, utside the boundaries of a Fire Protection District, excluding federal lands, or that
exceed t e capabilities of the Fire Protection District to control or extinguish in accordance with
the provisions of section 30-10-513, C.R.S.
In the case of a wildland fire that exceeds the capabilities of the Fire Protection District to control
or extinguish and that requires mutual aid and outside resources, the Sheriff may direct a unified
command be established to provide the command and management required to manage the
fire. Upoh the transfer of fire management from the Fire District to the Sheriff, the Sheriff shall
upon said transfer assume financial responsibility for firefighting efforts on behalf of the county
and the authority for the ordering and monitoring of resources. The Eagle County Manager or
designee shall be involved in the discussion regarding all financial decisions. The Eagle County
EOC should be activated.
In the case of a wildland fire that exceeds the capability of the county to control or extinguish,
the Sheriff shall be responsible for seeking the assistance of the state, by requesting assistance
from the bivision of Fire Prevention and Control. The Sheriff and the Director of the Division of
Fire Prevention and Control shall enter into an agreement concerning the transfer of authority
and responsibility for fire suppression and the retention of responsibilities under a unified
command structure. A delegation of authority must be prepared and the Eagle County Policy
Group shall be involved in crafting that delegation document. The Policy Group shall include
representatives from; Eagle County Administration, Eagle County Sheriff's Office, the Upper
Coloradd River Interagency Fire Management Unit, The Colorado Division of Fire Prevention
and Control, affected and threatened fire protection district(s), affected and threatened
municipalities and any other entities that may have a financial stake in the incident.
Refer to CDFPC #04 and CDFPC #05.
Preparedness planning for federal agencies will follow guidelines outlined in land and resource
management plans and their local fire management plans.
The UCR is responsible for managing fires occurring on National Forest lands and lands
administered by the Bureau of Land Management.
It is clearly and mutually understood that the Upper Colorado River USFS-BLM will respond to
wildfires end follow through on all necessary suppression actions on Denver Water properties in
Eagle Cdunty.
Protection Areas and Boundaries
The Eagle County Wildland Fire Jurisdictional Boundary map shows jurisdictional boundaries for
the purpose of this Plan and is attached in EXHIBIT A.
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Methods of Fire Protection and Suppression
The Incident Command System will be utilized on all wildfires. All multi-jurisdictional incidents
will utilize unified command. Under unified command affected Federal, State, and County
jurisdictions will provide on scene representation. These designated representatives will
communicate direction and objectives to ONE incident commander who has no collateral duties.
The incident will have ONE fireline operations section chief to implement strategy and tactics.
All requests for fire information will be approved by the IC utilizing a single fire information
A local Multi-Agency Coordination group may be initiated when two or more agencies are
experiencing incidents requiring a significant commitment of county resources. When more
than two Eagle County agencies are experiencing wildfire incidents the County EOC should be
Colorado All-Hazard Incident Management Teams:
Colorado has several Type 3 incident management teams (IMT3) available. These teams which
include the NWIMT can be acquired through the Colorado Office of Emergency Management.
Regional Type 3 Incident Management Teams
Type 3 (local, extended attack) IMT is organized and dispatched for the Upper Colorado River
Interagency Fire Management Unit area through Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center.
This cadre is staffed by NWCG qualified personnel at the Type 3 level from federal, state, and
county agencies in the zone. This IMT is available to assist all jurisdictional agencies within the
area, and is available to staff an incident for up to 7 days. The Type 3 IMT can be used to
handle the coordination of medium-sized incidents, or to serve as an interim team on larger
incidents before a Type 1 or Type 2 IMT can assume management duties.
Type 1 and Type 2 Incident Management Teams (IMT)
For incidents that exceed the capability of Type 4 or Type 3 IMTs. All Eagle County requests for
Type 1 or Type 2 IMTs must be placed through the GJC.
Repair of Wildfire Suppression Damage
Repair of wildfire suppression damage is the responsibility of the jurisdictional agency/agencies
(land manager/owner) unless otherwise agreed to by a unified command group. The state
Emergency Fire Fund (EFF) is strictly a fire suppression fund and cannot pay for rehabilitation.
Repair of damage directly related to suppression, i.e., water bars on dozer lines, may be
authorized by the DFPC Agency Administrator only when part of the Incident Action Plan during
the EFF period.
Repair of wildfire suppression damage on Denver Water lands is the responsibility of Denver
Water, unless otherwise agreed to by the unified command at the time of fire close out. All
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efforts wl be made by agencies involved in suppressive action to minimize damage through the
use of"li ht on the land"techniques, or through rehabilitation activities conducted at the time of
the incident. Examples of these rehabilitation activities would include: water barring firelines;
placemeritt of logs or rocks across firelines; etc.
ReciproOal (Mutual Aid) Fire Assistance
The parties hereto respectively pledge their good faith in attempting to assist each other based
on their needs, requests for mutual aid, and the circumstances of a wildland fire. Each party will
take appropriate actions to manage all wildland fires during the mutual aid time period and
thereafter, and agrees the primary concern is the extinguishing of wildland fires, and none will
delay extinguishment efforts while deciding ultimate responsibility for such fires.
Mutual Aid Time Period
Mutual Aid between Eagle County and Eagle County Fire Protect Districts lasts for the first 24
hours froth the time the first initial attack resource arrives on scene
Mutual Aid between all other parties hereto shall (1) Not exceed 24 hours, and (2)Will end at
midnight of the first burn period when the Incident Commander determines that the fire cannot
be contrdlled within 24 hours of the initial ignition
County-Wide Mutual Aid
Mutual Aid has been established county-wide without regard to jurisdictional boundaries.
Agencies are responsible for their own costs during the mutual aid time period. The BLM
helicopter stationed in Rifle is considered a mutual aid resource, and if not assigned to another
fire, is available without charge to county fire agencies during the mutual aid time period. It is
understood that no agency will be required or expected to commit its forces through mutual aid
to assist nother agency to the extent of jeopardizing the security or responsibilities of its own
jurisdictidn. EXHIBIT B shows mutual aid resources available from cooperating agencies.
Mutual Aid Dispatch Areas
Mutual Aid will be exchanged between the participants regardless of jurisdictional boundary
lines. Each agency or department is responsible for providing Worker's Compensation
Insurance for its own personnel.
County-Federal Mutual Aid
Mutual aid is exchanged between the County, participating municipalities and fire protection
district parties hereto, in the aggregate, and the United States parties. As to such mutual aid,
the jurisdictional boundaries are those on the Fire Protection Area Map, delineating the
boundaries of USFS, BLM and "Eagle County" (representing all state and private lands)without
regard to the boundaries of individual municipalities and fire protection districts. See Exhibit A.
lntra-County Mutual Aid
Mutual ail is exchanged between the County, participating municipalities and fire protection
district p rties hereto. As to such mutual aid, the relevant jurisdictional boundaries are those of
the municipalities, the fire protection districts and the County.
County-Wide Response
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When dispatched, participants will respond to wildfires in the County regardless of jurisdiction.
The level of activity or involvement by assisting agencies making a response may vary. At a
minimum, assisting agencies will send such personnel and equipment necessary to size-up the
fire and report the situation to the jurisdictional agency. Upon arrival, the initial attack incident
commander will determine legal description and the need for appropriate jurisdictional fire
County-wide Initial Attack
The closest forces should be dispatched without regard to jurisdiction. Participants will initiate
suppression activities regardless of jurisdiction when it is within their capability to do so.
Assisting agencies will not initial attack fires on another jurisdiction if initial attack puts personnel
at unreasonable risk, such as a remote fire discovered at night, or if asked to stand down by the
jurisdictional agency. Agencies taking independent action within another agency's jurisdiction
should notify that agency as soon as possible. The jurisdictional agency should assume
responsibility for suppression at the earliest possible time, or as otherwise agreed. No party to
this agreement shall be required to make resources or assistance available to the requesting
party if by so doing would impair the party's ability to provide effective emergency services
within its own service area.
Severity Resources
Severity Resources of the UCR will be available for mutual aid response. This does not include
smoke jumpers, heavy air tankers, or heavy helicopters.
Acquisition of Services
Service paid for by Eagle County must follow Eagle County purchasing and contracting
Joint Projects and Project Plans
The participants to this Operating Plan will cooperate in the development and implementation of
prescribed burning programs and projects including planned ignitions, wildiand fire use and
modified control strategies and tactics applied to fires within remote areas. The Eagle County
Community Wildfire Protection Plan includes prioritized wildfire mitigation project areas.
Wildfires resulting from escaped prescribed fires ignited by a party to this Operating Plan shall
be the responsibility of that party. The party responsible for the prescribed fire will reimburse
other parties to this Plan consistent with the terms and conditions contained herein for costs
incurred in suppression of such fires.
If parties to this Plan conduct a cooperative prescribed fire, details covering cost sharing,
reimbursement, and responsibility for suppression costs, should it escape, shall be agreed upon
and documented in the burn plan.
Fire Prevention
The signatories and Fire Protection Districts agree to cooperate in the development and
implementation of fire prevention programs.
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Each agency will prepare and release fire prevention material and radio/TV presentations
according to their own prevention plans. Coordination with cooperating agencies will be
followed n order to prevent a conflict in released material. All releases for fire prevention will
carry US 7S, DFPC, fire district and County Sheriff acknowledgements. Eagle County Joint
Information System will be utilized to disseminate information, as needed.
Fire prevention signs will be maintained as required by each agency for lands under their
The Grarhd Junction Interagency Dispatch Center(GJC)will monitor local fire danger levels.
GJC will Make fire weather watches, Red Flag warning bulletins and other fire information
available to cooperators via the Internet at:
http://gagc.nifc.gov/rmcc/dispatch centers/r2gic/weather/index.html for Fire weather information
or http://cgacc.nifc.gov/rmcc/dispatch centers/r2gic/fuels firedanger/index.html for fuels and fire
danger information.
Public se Restrictions
The pur ose of fire restrictions and closures is to reduce the risk of human caused fires during
high fire anger and/or burning conditions, and for the protection of human life and property.
Fire rest ictions and closures are invoked on federal, state, county, and private lands under
federal and state laws. Public information about restrictions must be broad-based, clear, and
coordinated. Every attempt will be made to coordinate fire restriction cross political boundaries.
Restrictions governing use of open fires during hazardous periods will be a coordinated effort of
cooperating agencies. A flow chart that outlines the procedures for implementing and
rescinding fire restrictions in Eagle County is attached as EXHIBIT F.
Restriction Information is available on GJC web page at:
http://ga¢c.nifc.gov/rmcc/dispatch centers/r2gic/fireinfo restrictions/fire restrictions.htm
Burning Permits
Parties tO this Agreement have the responsibility of issuing burning permits in their respective
jurisdictigns. The burning permit shall require the holder to notify Vail or Pitkin dispatch of
controlled burning on all land(s) prior to ignition. In addition, all pertinent state regulations will
be followed. Permits require both Eagle County and appropriate fire jurisdiction signatures.
Prescribed Fire (Planned Ignitions) and Fuels Management
Eagle County has developed a Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). This operating
plan will become an addendum to the CWPP, which will have a primary purpose of planning and
prioritizing wildfire mitigation and protection in the county.
The participants to this Operating Plan will cooperate in the development and implementation of
prescrib d burning programs and projects including planned ignitions, wildland fire use and
modifiedl control strategies and tactics applied to fires within remote areas. The Eagle County
Community Wildfire Protection Plan includes prioritized wildfire mitigation project areas.
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Wildfires resulting from escaped prescribed fires ignited by a party to this Operating Plan, shall
be the responsibility of that party. The party responsible for the prescribed fire will reimburse
other parties to this Plan consistent with the terms and conditions contained herein for costs
incurred in suppression of such fires.
If parties to this Plan conduct a cooperative prescribed fire, details covering cost sharing,
reimbursement, and responsibility for suppression costs, should it escape, shall be agreed upon
and documented in the burn plan.
Smoke Management
All prescribed fire and fires managed for benefits will conform to the state standards to minimize
emissions using all available methods that are feasible and economically reasonable in order to
minimize the impact or reduce impacts of air quality standards and visibility goals.
Smoke permits are under the jurisdiction of the State Department of Public Health and
Environment. DFPC follows state and federal regulations managed by the Colorado Air
Pollution Control Division. Federal agencies as parties to this AOP will follow state and federal
regulations managed by the Colorado Air Pollution Control Division.
Fire managers will inform the general public of the status on wildland and prescribed fires
through local press, radio and television to increase public awareness.
Fire Notifications
Assisting agencies making initial attack on fires outside their jurisdiction will ensure, through
VPSCC and/or PCREDC, that the jurisdictional agency is promptly notified. The actual UCR
size up report per 2014 Incident Organizer should be made by the initial attack incident
commander directly to GJC if possible. UCR size up report can be found at:
http://qacc.nifc.qov/rmcc/dispatch centers/r2glc/quides and manuals/index.html
The initial attack incident commander is responsible for ensuring that VPSCC or PCREDC
notifies GJC of all fires reported on USFS, BLM and Denver Water lands.
It shall be the responsibility of the Upper Colorado River USFS-BLM to notify the Division of Fire
Prevention and Control if Denver Water lands are involved or threatened, as soon as practical.
Eagle County or GJC- DFPC must be notified when 1) non-federal wildland fire escapes initial
attack, or 2)threatens structures, or 3) air resources are ordered for non-federal suppression
All reports of actual or potential wildfires will be made to the appropriate dispatch. All wildland
fire reports will be forwarded by the appropriate dispatch to the appropriate jurisdiction and
Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center with a preference to the use of Northwest NET,
with a backup of landline communication.
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The parti ipating agencies that can take the quickest effective fire size-up or appropriate
manage ent action will be dispatched for initial attack. The jurisdictional agency will respond
and este lish command at the earliest possible time. In some cases of fires in remote locations
the response may include request for aerial detection.
Boundry Line Fires
If a fire crosses, or threatens to cross, jurisdictional boundaries and becomes a boundary fire
(see definition below) a Unified Command will be formed. The purpose of the Unified Command
will be to Imeet as a group and identify one common set of objectives for implementation by the
suppression forces. The Unified Command will also determine reimbursement responsibilities
and resobrce sharing between the agencies.
The Unified Command will include representatives from those entities that have financial
responsibilities for the fire. In the event of a fire burning on lands of two or more jurisdictional
agencies'that are normally not dispatched by the same dispatch center, the Unified Command
will coordinate and determine which center will do all dispatching.
Boundary Fires include:
•A fire bi1irning in two or more agency jurisdictions, or will soon burn across the boundary, when
the boundary line is known
• The fire location is known, but the jurisdictional boundary on the ground is unknown, or
• The location of a reported fire is uncertain in relation to the jurisdictional boundary.
Aviation use on boundary fires will be the responsibility of the ordering agency.
Response to Wildland Fire
It shall be agreed that all agencies shall send resources promptly to start suppression action.
Personnel and equipment of an assisting agency shall report to the Incident Commander and
are subject to the IC's orders/assignments within the established Incident Command System.
This may include equipment and firefighter. The Initial Attack IC shall establish an Incident
Command Post location and the involved dispatch centers shall all broadcast this information to
all respoiiding agencies.
Agencies taking independent action within another agency's jurisdiction should notify that
agency as soon as possible. The jurisdictional agency should assume responsibility for
suppression at the earliest possible time, or as otherwise agreed.
No party to this agreement shall be required to make resources or assistance available to the
requesting party if by so doing would impair the party's ability to provide effective emergency
services Within its own service area.
Dispatching and Resource Ordering Procedures:
Page 16 of 47
Once the IC has determined need for additional resources beyond the scope of county
resources, those resources will be ordered through the identified Interagency Dispatch Center in
coordination with Eagle County EOC.
The VPSCC may be supported in terms of resource ordering by Eagle County Office of
Emergency Management(EC-OEM). The VPSCC may transfer their resource ordering
responsibility to EC-OEM, in the event the Incident Commander will be notified verbally and in
writing a long with the Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch.
In the event the transfer or resource ordering is made to COEM then:
The EC-OEM will manage the resource ordering responsibility until such time that a capable
Logistics Section has been established.
The Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement between all Eagle County fire protection districts
allows resources to be dispatched anywhere in the county, at the request of a fire protection
district representative acting as incident commander.
Coordination with Eagle County OEM for additional resources is available and recommended in
order to avoid duplication of resources ordered.
During Initial attack the sequence for requesting wildland resources from outside Eagle
County for an Eagle County incident will be:
Incident Commander-›VPSCC or PCREDC -* Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center
—> Providing Agency Dispatch Center(notify Eagle OEM)
The sequence for requesting air resources will be:
Incident Commander GJC NOTE: GJC will advise VPSCC or PCREDC of air resources in
Eagle County
The sequence for requesting Eagle County resources for an out-of-county response will
Incident Commander -p Their Dispatch Center —* Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center
VPSCC or PCREDC --p Requested resource
Reinforcements and Support
All requests for additional resources beyond initial attack will be made by the applicable agency
representative, using the ordering procedures outlined above. VPSCC will ensure Eagle County
OEM notification when resources are sent out of county.
It shall be the responsibility of the Upper Colorado River USFS-BLM when responding to a
wildfire on Denver Water lands to order needed assistance, or acquire replacements to relieve
their initial attack crews or the crews of assisting agencies.
Page 17 of 47
Special Management Considerations
Aerial Retardant Use and Avoidance—The use of aerial retardants on all lands is restricted
within 303 feet of lakes, rivers and live streams unless there is a an eminent threat to lives and
or property.
Denver Water Board Lands
Notification —When a wildfire occurs on lands owned by Denver Water, the DFPC
representative must be notified, as soon as practical. The DFPC representative will respond, as
needed, to serve as the landowner's representative on the incident and document suppression
Use of Mechanized Equipment— Use of mechanized, earthmoving equipment such as
bulldozerls, graders, etc., will not be permitted on Denver Water lands without the expressed
approval lof DFPC or Denver Water.
Federal Lands
Use of roads on federal lands, presently closed to vehicular travel (outside of wilderness or
wilderness study areas), is hereby authorized to all parties to this Wildfire Annual Operating
Plan as follows:
Access for detection and suppression is allowed on established roads behind locked gates.
Access fOr suppression only is allowed on roads which have been designated as "closed."
Detection and reporting within areas marked as "D polygons" on the White River National Forest
and BLM CRVFO Wildland Fire Response Areas map is authorized. Suppression efforts should
not be taken unless authorized by the Forest Supervisor and or BLM Field Managers.
Detection or suppression within designated wilderness, wilderness study areas and/or
"roadless" areas, as designated on the White River National Forest and CRVFO Wildland Fire
Response Areas map, is authorized as follows:
The use of mechanized equipment (vehicles, chainsaws, pumps, etc.)within wilderness areas is
prohibited', unless specifically authorized by Forest Supervisor and or BLM Field Manager.
Non-mechanized detection and suppression efforts are authorized in those portions of
wilderness areas that are not part of a "D polygon" area.
Detection and reporting only is authorized within wilderness areas that are also within a "D
polygone area. Natural ignitions in these areas will be evaluated for, and may be managed for
multiple Management objectives.
Decision Process
The DFP0 recommends that the Jurisdictional Agency or unified command group complete a
Decision Support System (DSS) assessment for Multi-Jurisdictional and State Fires. Also, the
DFPC recommends that the Jurisdictional Agency or unified command group complete a DSS
assessment for fires.
Federal agencies will complete a Wildland Fire Decision Support System (WFDSS)on all fires
Page 18 of 47
on federal lands or Denver Water lands that escape initial attack to determine appropriate
A Decision Support System (DSS) may be completed for fires that have the potential to be
designated as an EFF fire or that affects multiple jurisdictions and has the potential to go into
extended attack. DFPC may assist with a non-EFF DSS, but has no authority to sign on non-
EFF fires.
DFPC requires that a DSS be completed for all fires that receive a FEMA declaration and
recommends a DSS is completed for all EFF fires. All agencies involved in extended attack on
private and state lands will provide input to the DSS. The DFPC Agency Administrator will
facilitate completion and review of the DSS for these fires.
When a fire is burning on or threatens to burn on multiple jurisdictions, one DSS should be
prepared that considers all jurisdictions and their interests.
DFPC requires that an Emergency Fire Fund Analysis Form (DFPC-01, see EXHIBIT C) be
prepared on all non-federal fires, including fires on Denver Water land, that have the potential to
exceed County control capabilities. The County Sheriff, or his designee, should use this form to
help determine if a fire might be eligible for EFF designation.
The parties to this AOP have developed operating procedures to cover administrative and
jurisdictional responsibilities that provide for:
The Use of closest-forces and total mobility concepts for wildland fire suppression, including
personnel, equipment, and supplies;
Development and use of fire equipment and supply caches compatible with local needs;
Training to mutually agreeable common standards and courses established by the National
Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG);
Mutually acceptable performance qualifications and standards for all fire management positions
as established by NWCG;
The parties work together and particiapte in proactive community projects to reduce wildfire
risks and damages. Where public lands are adjacent to to WUI areas, federal funding may be
available to plan and implement treatments to mitigate risk, for education and prevention efforts
and to complete plans, inventories and assessments.
Coordination occurs at many levels throughout the course of the year. Prior to beginning of fire
season, the UCR partners including the DFPC as well as cooperators from Eagle County
Sheriffs Office and local Fire Protection Districts meet and review the Annual Operating Plans
(AOP's). During the fire season daily coordination is maintained between the Federal Wildland
Fire agencies, the DFPC, the cooperators and the Dispatch organizations and when necessary
Page 19 of 47
meetings!are held to discuss immediate concerns such as the implementation or removal of fire
Cost efficiency
A DSS/WFDSS assessment will always include cost efficiency as a concern in the course of
action deieloped.
Delegation of Authority
In the event initial attack is engaged on or near a jurisdictional boundary, the on scene ranking
officers olf each jurisdictional agency shall convene as soon as practical following initial
dispatch, and mutually agree upon strategy and tactics as well as appoint an Incident
In the event of an extended attack incident, a Delegation of Authority will be provided to the
Incident Commander prior to transfer of command. A written Delegation of Authority will be
issued to the Incident Commander no later than 12 hours after the transfer of command.
Preservation of Evidence
The Participants acknowledge that an accurate origin and cause investigation and determination
is essential to an effective and fair administrative, civil or criminal action. Federal policy requires
Federal agencies to pursue cost recovery for all human caused fires on public land.
DFPC requires a fire cause investigation on all fires where DPFC has assumed or been
delegated management. DFPC will be given a copy of the investigation report for all fires where
DFPC has assumed/been delegated management.
The general origin area of the fire should be immediately identified and protected by the first
Participant to arrive on the scene in order to protect evidence for the fire origin and cause
It will be the responsibility of the jurisdictional agency to take appropriate law enforcement
action. Law enforcement personnel from non-jurisdictional agencies may assist, upon request,
from the jurisdictional agency.
The jurisdictional agency will have responsibility for investigating fires and any civil or criminal
actions t ken. The County will coordinate fire investigation for EFF fires. Assisting agencies
will coop rate with fire investigations, upon request, of the jurisdictional agency(ies). Assisting
agenciea will make every effort to identify, protect and report all evidence to the jurisdictional
agency. Fire cause determination is required for EFF incidents and FEMA incidents.
Eagle County and Denver Water are participants in the State Emergency Fire Fund (EFF)with
DFPC. As a participant to this agreement, the State agrees to come to the aid of Eagle County
should suppression resource needs exceed county capability. Following are the roles and
responsibilities under EFF:
Page 20 of 47
DFPC:A DFPC representative must be on site for an EFF evaluation. DFPC will assist the
county sheriff in the analysis of the wildfire's actual or potential condition to exceed the county's
suppression capability. This information will be provided to the DFPC Director(or designee),
who will make the final decision on EFF applicability. It is the duty of the Regional FMO or their
representative to evaluate and report the situation to the Director of DFPC and to formally
request implementation of EFF.
Eagle County Sheriff as Fire Warden for the County (CRS 30-10-513), the Sheriff will
represent the County in the request for EFF declaration to the DFPC district, and subsequent
delegations and assumptions of duty(DFPC#4, #6). The Sheriff will coordinate other County
entities in his representation. The County Sheriff or his designee is responsible for initiating a
written analysis of the fire to help determine if a request for EFF implementation is warranted.
Eagle County Commissioners: are signatories to the DFPC#4"Assumption of Fire Control
Duty" for fires the DFPC Director approves for EFF. The Sheriff or Emergency Manager will
facilitate obtaining a signature from the County Commissioners. Delay in signing the DFPC#4
may result in increased costs for the county.
Federal Agencies: are almost always involved even when the fire is entirely on private or state
land. Their policies and concerns must be addressed on all fires.
All EFF fires will utilize a Unified Command consisting of, at a minimum, the County Sheriff or
designee and DFPC. If land administered by another agency is threatened or involved, that
agency will provide a member of the Unified Command.
Implementation of the EFF can be done only by the Director of DFPC upon the recommendation
of the local DFPC Regional FMO, following a request from the County Sheriff. For this reason, it
is important that the DFPC Regional FMO be notified immediately of major fires on private/state
lands within the county. Should the fire surpass, or threaten to surpass, the ability of county
resources to contain it, EFF implementation can occur only with a DFPC representative on
All EFF participating Counties must have identified a minimum county commitment to any
incident which has EFF potential. This is not a maximum county resource commitment, and is
not the only resources the county is required to use on the incident in order to request EFF
implementation. If tactics of a given incident make some of this equipment inappropriate,
alternate resources or combination of resources can be negotiated.
Eagle County minimum commitment is:
• County Law Enforcement support to include providing Sheriffs Deputies for traffic control
and evacuation operations.
• County Dozer/Road Grader(s) if necessary
• County Water Tender(s)
• County-owned facilities to aid in providing logistical Support appropriate to fire
complexity and availability of county resources.
Page 21 of 47
4 , A
DFPC wi I transfer command of an EFF fire back to the county when fire spread has been
contain$J, the DFPC Agency Administrator's objectives have been met, and a written plan has
been prepared for the next operational period.
The forms listed above, DFPC#'s 01, 02, 03 and minimum county resource commitment is
shown in'I EXHIBIT C.
Cost Share Agreement (Cost Share Methodologies)
When fire occurs on lands of more than one Jurisdictional Agency and costs are incurred
beyond the scope of Mutual Aid fire protection, costs will be borne by each agency proportional
to the size of the burned area on each agency's jurisdictional area or as mutually agreed upon
by the unified command.
A writterh cost sharing agreement shall be prepared for any mixed-jurisdiction fire that escapes
initial attack, particularly when air resources have been ordered. Cost sharing agreements
should npt influence the suppression of the fire, particularly during initial attack. Cost sharing
agreemelnts should be negotiated by the Eagle County Policy Group before the fire is controlled.
However, such agreements can be updated whenever necessary. Refer to the Cost Share
Agreement Template
Refer to the Cost Share Agreement Template (Exhibit G)for an example of this agreement.
The Eagle county manager or his or her designee needs to be involved.
If the state (EFF) is not involved, it is up to the county(with DFPC assistance)to negotiate cost
sharing On federal/state & private land fires, if any. It is acceptable (and frequent)for each party
to agree'to pay for their own resources.
All costs, beyond the mutual aid period and documented through the resource order process
shall be Considered reimbursable. When a wildfire occurs on lands of more than one agency
and costs are incurred in addition to the initial attack, one of the following options may be used
to deterrtine reimbursable costs to the agencies involved:
a. Each agency assumes its own costs as expended by it in the fire control effort.
b. Division of fire costs based upon ownership and/or acreage percentages.
c. Each agency agrees to a portion of the suppression costs.
Standardized, NWCG approved fire training courses are provided periodically by the fire
districts, UCR, DFPC, and other agencies. As these courses are scheduled, all parties to this
plan should be informed and invited to participate. Local cooperators are encouraged to
participate with UCR training committee.
Page 22 of 47
• f •
Communication Systems
Federal, State, and County radio systems are largely incompatible at this time; however, all fire
agencies in Eagle County are equipped with the Fire Emergency Radio Network (VFIRE-21)
and 800 MHz capabilities. VFIRE-21 (154.2800)and 800 MHz system channels may be used
for interagency communication on a wildfire if one agency's operational channels are not
compatible with another agency's radios.
For the purpose of conducting business authorized by this Operating Plan, all parties to this
Operating Plan agree that assisting agencies may use the jurisdictional agency's radio
frequencies as needed to conduct emergency communications on fires. No participant to this
Operating Plan will use, or authorize others to use, another agency's radio frequencies for
purposes beyond the scope of this Operating Plan.
Radio frequencies specifically authorized for use on wildfires are shown in EXHIBIT B.
Fire Weather Systems
The GJC will provide appropriate fire status/information (updated daily) by maintaining a website
for disseminating the following information: Red Flag notices, fire weather, fire situation, fire
resources, national fire danger(NFDRS) observations, and other wildfire information. The URL
for links to all the above (and more) is: http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/fire/rmacc.html
VPSCC will be notified of Red Flag Warnings by GJC. VPSCC and Eagle County OEM will
notify all fire departments and other appropriate individuals of Red Flag Warnings.
The Fire Danger Operating Plan maintained by the UCR addresses fire danger adjective ratings
and identifies initial actions/responses to be considered with an emphasis on effective public
information and resource availability between federal agencies, cooperating state and county
agencies, private industry and the public.
Aviation Operations
All requests for air support resources should be made to the Grand Junction Interagency
Dispatch Center.
When aircraft is requested by any agency for suppression efforts, the request must include the
➢ Name and agency of person ordering
➢ Name and location of fire, geographical or township/range
➢ Ground Contact with air to ground frequency(FM A/G frequencies)
➢ Resource requested ( Heavy Air Tanker, SEAT, T-2 Helicopter w/tank, etc)
➢ Current threats and values at risk
Additional information that is helpful:
➢ Lat/Long in preferred datum WGS 84 degrees/minutes/decimal minutes
➢ Elevation of fire
➢ Other aircraft in the area, including radio frequencies in use
➢ Aircraft hazards in the area including civilian or fire resource
Page 23 of 47
Personnel whom are ordering aircraft shall utilize the Air Support Request form in EXHIBIT E.
Initial order for aircraft may be authorized by the local on-scene incident commander. Requests
for additi nal air support resources beyond this initial request must be authorized by the
jurisdicti naI agency.
The County Sheriff or his designee will notify the DFPC Regional FMO IMMEDIATELY when
aircraft i$ ordered for a non-federal fire. Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center will make
a courte$y call to DFPC whenever the county orders air support resources.
DFPC Single Engine Air Tankers (SEAT)
Single erpgine air tankers may be pre-positioned Grand Junction Air Center or Rifle SEAT Base
airport when a combination of factors or events warrants having an aircraft in the area.
Requests for pre-positioning will be made by the County Sheriff through the DFPC Regional
FMO. Conditions that may warrant pre-positioning a SEAT include:
> Multiple fire starts within a 72-hour period
> High occurrence of dry lightning
> Persistent Red Flag Warnings
> Local resources are occupied with other assignments
> Other factors as determined by the Sheriff or DFPC Regional FMO
Eagle County airport will not be used for SEAT operations due to performance issues for fully
loaded SEATS maneuvering in the narrow valley near the airport
Heavy air tankers are dispatched with a Ieadplane when one is available. Single engine air
tankers May be dispatched without a Ieadplane if the pilot is initial attack qualified.
Aerial supervision (Air Attack or Leadplane)will be ordered when multiple aircraft are over the
fire at one time or if requested by pilots on scene or anytime aircraft are operating in congested
air space.
Requesifing National Guard Helicopters
Orders fir National Guard helicopters out of Buckley Air Base or Eagle, Colorado for federal
wildland tires or medical extraction will be placed to the Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch
center who will notify the DFPC Regional FMO.
GJC will place the order following established ordering procedures through the Rocky Mountain
Coordination Center who will contact the State Office of Emergency Management.
Aircraft assigned to an incident will have the appropriate radios installed and functional along
with a Iel*er of authorization for the current year signed by the USFS and DOI. Agencies
ordering National Guard resources must assume all cost for that resource.
Wildland Emergency Response Fund
The Wildfire Emergency Response Fund (Ref: Colorado State Statue (CRS 24-33.5-1209)was
Page 24 of 47
created to assist local jurisdictions with initial attack wildland fire response on state and private
lands within the state of Colorado. Any County Sheriff, municipal fire department, or fire
protection district within Colorado may request WERF as the official Requesting Agency. WERF
will reimburse, if funds are available, the Requesting Agency the cost of eligible wildland
firefighting resources.
The DFPC will keep agencies advised on fund status. The fund will be utilized as outlined in the
attached WERF Guidelines, EXHIBIT E
Billing Procedures
Non-reimbursable costs:
Except as otherwise specifically provided for herein, each party hereto agrees to assume
responsibility for its own expenses during the Mutual Aid Period.
Reimbursement Procedures: If reimbursement for any incident is agreed to at the local level,
the Local Response Agency may invoice the Jurisdictional Agency directly
If deemed necessary, the County may aggregate expenses incurred by the County and Local
response Agencies to suppress fires on federal jurisdictions and may present an invoice for
such expenses to DFPC who will then reimburse the County and Local Response Agencies and
subsequently bill the jurisdictional federal agency or agencies.
Federal agencies may submit bills and statements for reimbursements from County and/or
Local Response Agencies for federal suppression on non-federal lands to DFPC. DFPC will
make such reimbursement and subsequently invoice the County or Local response Agency as
The current DFPC Cooperator reimbursement procedures, forms, and examples are available
on the DFPC website for use.
Cost Recovery
Local agencies do not have authority to obligate federal agencies to pay for expenses incurred
in fire suppression (even when on federal lands). Similarly, federal agencies do not have
authority to obligate state or counties to pay for any federal expense incurred in fire suppression
(even when on private and state lands)without an agreement in place.
A written cost sharing agreement is required for any mixed-jurisdiction fire that escapes initial
attack, particularly when air resources have been ordered. Cost sharing agreements should not
influence the suppression of the fire, particularly during initial attack. Cost sharing agreements
should be negotiated by agency administrators before the fire is controlled. However, such
agreements between the state and/or counties and federal land fire managers can be updated
whenever necessary.
All Cooperator requests for fire reimbursement through DFPC will have invoices sent directly to
the DFPC State Office within 30 days after incident resources are released. The DFPC State
Office will attempt to make payment as soon as possible after receiving the invoice. Invoices are
Page 25 of 47
required to have proper documentation supporting expenses before the process for payment
can be completed. Local DFPC Regional FMO is available to assist Cooperators with
submission of reimbursement requests.
Payment for reimbursable costs on Denver Water lands must be coordinated through the local
DFPC District.Office. Contact DFPC Regional FMO for assistance in preparing reimbursement
requests Ifor Denver Water wildland fire suppression response.
Program reviews will be conducted at the annual fire operating plan meeting.
Personnel Policy
Every person employed in or providing services pursuant to this Agreement is the sole
responsibility of the party by whom that person is employed on a full-time, part-time or volunteer
basis, anb no person providing services hereunder shall have any right associated with
employment by or provision of services to another party. No party shall be called upon to
assume eny liability for the personnel performing services hereunder as a result of the
employment or provision of such personnel by another party, or any liability other than that
provided for in this Agreement. No party shall be liable for compensation or indemnity to any
employed or volunteer of another party for injury or sickness arising out of his or her
employment or services rendered under this Agreement.
Pursuant to SS 29-5-109, 110, CRS, all compensation and other benefits enjoyed by every
person employed in their own jurisdiction shall extend to the services they perform under this
Agreemelnt, including, without limitation, worker's compensation coverage and pension fund
benefits end payments.
Personnel Qualifications
Each agency is responsible for the training and qualification of its personnel for fighting wildfires.
Each agency shall dispatch in a mutual aid response only personnel qualified for the incident. If
it comes o the attention of the jurisdictional agency or multi-jurisdiction command, as the case
may be, that a fire fighter is not properly qualified for an incident (or his/her assignment with
respect t the incident), it may require that the fire fighter be withdrawn from the response or
assigne to tasks for which he/she may be properly qualified.
Annual Review
The parties shall meet at least annually, before the beginning of the wildland fire season, to
review and, if appropriate, to propose amendments to this Eagle County Annual Wildfire
Operating Plan, with a goal of having any such amendments or replacement plan formally
renewed not later than May 1 of each year and be coordinated with the Umbrella Agreements.
Page 26 of 47
Proposed amendments shall take effect upon execution by all of the parties hereto. If no
changes are made, a statement letter with signatures of all parties to this operating plan will be
Duration of Agreement
The initial Term of this Operating Plan shall commence on the execution by all parties hereto
and shall end on May 1, 2015, unless sooner terminated as provided below.
Any party may terminate this Operating Plan, without cause, by giving sixty days written notice
to each of the other parties.
A party asserting it is aggrieved by a breach of this Operating Plan may serve on the party
responsible for the alleged breach a written notice describing the breach. If the alleged breach
is not cured within thirty days of giving notice, the aggrieved party may immediately terminate
this Operating Plan by giving written notice to each of the other parties.
Previous Agreements Superseded
Once signed, this AOP supersedes the previous AOP.
Page 27 of 47
Authorized Representatives
4csri/ ,- 3 31--14
gnatur Date
Joseph q. Hoy County Sheriff
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nature Date
Jill Ryan co Board of County Commissioners
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lab IP
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Signatute LORD Date
Teak Simonton County Clerk
Printed Name Title
Page 28 of 47
Signature Date
David R. Toelle Regional Fire Management Officer
Printed Name Title
Page 29 of 47
w r
Ali_zedrA ....g 4 '' A ' .4 -4,--11—
/Signatu e Date
Scott Fit.williams Forest Supervisor
Printed ame Title
U.S. Forst Service-White River National Forest
Federal Agency, Unit
1 41/3/ 11
Signature Date
Steven O. Bennett Field Manager
Printed Name Title
Bureau of Land Management-Colorado River Valley Field Office
Federal Agency, Unit
Signature Date
Stephanie Odell Field Manager
Printed Name Title
Bureau If land Management-Kremmling Field Office
Federal Agency, Unit
Signature Date
Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.
Printed Name Title
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Federal Agency, Unit
Page 30 of 47
Signature Date
Scott Fitzwilliams Forest Supervisor
Printed Name Title
U.S. Forest Service-White River National Forest
ale-e-/ g/-240
Federal Agency, Unit
Signature Date
Steven G. Bennett Field Manager
Printed Name Title
Bureau of Land Management-Colorado River Valley Field Office
Federal Agency, Unit
Signature Date
Stephanie Odell Field Manager
Printed Name Title
Bureau of land Management-Kremmling Field Office
Federal Agency, Unit
Signature Date
Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text.
Printed Name Title
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Federal Agency, Unit
Page 30 of 47
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Page 31 of 47
Exhibit B
PERSONNEL DIRECTORY (all area codes are 970 unless otherwise written)
Grand Junction Office
Sylvan Lake State Park
Dave Toelle, Regional FMO Colorado River Region
Office..., .970-625-0445
Fax 625-1678
Steve Ells, West Area FMO
Office 970-249-8407 x118
Fax 970-249-5718
Rocco Snort, Section Chief-Wildland Fire
Office 303-239-4669
Emergency Operations Line
The New State of Colorado Emergency Operations Line is "the point of contact" for counties to
report wildland fires and/or request assistance with wildland fires, the Wildfire Emergency
Response Fund, or for assistance with Emergency Fire Fund (EFF) analysis or designation"
Upon request, the on-duty communications personnel of the Colorado Department of Public
Safety will dispatch the closest available resource that is capable of providing rapid technical
assistance and support to local agencies and facilitate the Emergency Fire Fund (EFF)
assessmeit and application process.
Joseph DJ Hoy, Sheriff
Mick Mc�William, Undersheriff
Barry Sm th, Emergency Manager 328-3545 Offic
Grand Junction Interagency Dispatch Center
Ross Wilinore, UCR East Zone FMO ..328-5867 (office)
Justin Co#rad, UCR East Zone AFMO 328-5940 (office)
Clay Fowler, UCR Central Zone FMO 625-2872 (office)
Page 32 of 47
. .
Business Office 704-0675
Scott Thompson, Chief
Pete Bradshaw, Deputy Chief
Dispatch WWI=
Karl Bauer, Chief 748-4765 (office)
Todd Marty, Battalion Chief
Chris Sutton, Battalion Chief
Michael Warmuth, Battalion Chief
John Patterson, Chief 328-7244 (office)
Justin Kirkland, Chief .524-7101 Ext 15 (office)
Capt. Daniel Valdez, ROSS/IQS 524-7101 Ext 16 (office)
Duty Officer MMEMI.
Brita Horn, Chief 653-4497
Mark Miller, Chief . 477-3474 (office)
Mike McGee, Deputy Chief 479-2135 (office)
Tom Talbot,Wildland Coordinator Inn
RX Freq.RX Tone TX Freq.TX Tone
V FIRE 21 154.2800 154.2800
V LAW 31 155.475 155.475
Weather 162.550 (Sunlight)
Weather 162.450 (Castle Peak)
Page 33 of 47
Basalt SERural FPD
Basalt&Rural 154.445 100.0 153.770 100.0
V FIRE 21 154.2800 154.2800
V LAW 31 155.475 155.475
Eagle County Sheriff
Direct 8 OMHz
V FIRE 1 154.280 154.2800
V LAW 1 155.475 155.475
Eagle River FPD
Direct 800MHz
V FIRE 21 154.2800 154.2800
Greater*agle FPD
Direct 800MHz
V FIRE 21 154.2800 154.2800
Gypsum FPD
Direct 800MHz
V FIRE 21 154.2800 154.2800
Upper Cdlorado River Interagency Fire Management Unit(all narrow band)
WRF Castle 170.5250 166.6750 127.3
BLM Ca$tle 169.7750 163.1500 162.2
Twilight 169.9250 166.5625 141.3
WRF Vail 170.5250 166.6750 94.8
WRF Ptatinigan 170.5250 166.6750 118.8
WRF Su light 169.9250 166.5625 156.7
V FIRE 21 154.2800 154.2800
V LAW 31 155.475 155.475
Vail Firel,Department
Direct 800MHz
V FIRE 21 154.2800 154.2800
Page 34 of 47
SPRING 2013 Upper Colorado River Interagency Fire Management
Type Name RX TX Tx Tone
BLM COMMAND Lands End (Base Station) 172.1125 172.1125 156.7
GRD & GWS FO Douglas Pass (Repeater) 172.1125 163.0750 , 151.4
Blackridge (Repeater) 172.1125 163.0750 173.8
Gatewa Re eater
y ( p ) ;> 172.1125 163.0750 186.2
Rabbit Valley (Repeater) 172.1125 163.0750 123.0
BLM Sunlight (Repeater) : 169.775 163.1500 156.7
Lookout (Base Station) 169.775 169.775 77.0
BLM Castle Peak (Repeater) . 169.775 163.1500 162.2
BLM Portable (Repeater) 172.1125 163.075 ' ',127.3
USFSCommand Corral (Repeater) 169.9250 166.5625 131.8
WRF FS Sunlight (Repeater) 169.9250 166.5625 156 7
Lake Hill (Repeater) 169.9250 166.5625 123.0
Blue Ridge (Repeater) 1699250 166 561.25 167.9
u Twlight (Repeater) 169.9250 166.5625 141.3
Beetle Juice (Repeater) 169.9250 166.5625 210.7
FS Castle Peak (Repeater) 170.5250 166.6750 127.3
Red Table (Repeater) 170.5250 166.6750 210.7
Lobo (Repeater) 170.5250 166.6750 123.0
Sand(Repeater) 170 5250: F 166 6750 110
Vail (Repeater) 170.5250 166.6750 94.8
Loge (Repeater) 169'.:0250 1'66 5625 136.5
Cliff(Repeater) 170.5250 166.6750 192.8
Ptarmigan (Repeater) 17Q 5250: )66 6750 '1188
TACTICAL WRF Fire TAC 2 163.7125
Simplex Fire Tae-7 169 2875 ' l'
BLM work 168.3500
Page 35 of 47
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Page 36 of 47
. , . ,
Emergency Fire Fund (EFF) Fires
The minimum commitment of county resources to EFF fires in Eagle County is shown
as follows:
Eagle County minimum commitment is:
County Law Enforcement support to include providing Sheriffs Deputies for traffic control and
evacuation operations.
County Dozer/road graders if necessary
County Water Tender(s)
In the event that any of the above items are not needed or requested by the Colorado
Division of Fire Prevention and Control agency administrator during an EFF fire the
minimum commitment will be considered as being met. It is understood that this is a
minimum commitment and a considerably larger commitment may be necessary for
certain fires.
The Following forms are attached for reference:
EFF Analysis Form (CDFPC 01)
Complexity Analysis Guide (CDFPC 02)
EFF Funding Request (CDFPC 03)
Assumption of Fire Control Duty (CDFPC 04)
Delegation of Authority (CDFPC 05)
Return Delegation of Authority (CDFPC 06)
Page 37 of 47
Fire Operations Guidance in Bark Beetle Stands
Due to altered fuel conditions, personnel operating within the bark beetle environment should be
aware of the imminent danger presented by dead and dying trees, falling at an increasing rate
across a broad forested landscape.
Purpose and Intent:
Fire Operations Guidance is mindful of Foundational Fire Suppression Doctrine in the Forest
The first principle is: No resource or facility is worth the loss of human life,however the
wildland fire suppression environment is complex and possesses inherent hazards that can---even
with reasonable mitigation---result in harm to fire fighters engaged in fire suppression
operations. In recognition of this fact, we are committed to the aggressive management of risk.
This guidance provides a collection of potential hazards unique to bark beetle forests, including
appropriate practices that have evolved over time within the wildland fire service. It does not
provide absolute solutions to the unlimited number of situations that will occur.
This guidance within bark beetle stands was provided with the intention of being used in
conjunction with existing fire risk management documents. No further protocols or rules are
necessary to make informed risk management decisions for fire operations in bark beetle stands.
The following hazard guidance is provided:
Tactical Hazards
• Withdrawal and/or reassessment should be considered if any of the following are present:
ThunderStorms in the immediate vicinity.
Wind speeds are strong enough that canopy movement is observedi (Consider that wind speeds
at eye level in sheltered areas may not indicate the much greater winds aloft)
Reliable communication cannot be established with the appropriate Dispatch Center and remain
in place 24/7 when resources are engaged.
Due to li ited ingress or egress in remote areas or in terrain without vantage points, consider
using an erial platform for risk assessment and size up.
Potential Fire Behavior Hazards
Due to increased potential of extreme fire behavior, when ERCs approach the 90th percentile, air
reconnaissance should be on scene within 1 hour of detection.
The following situations, though possible on any wildfire, may be accentuated in bark beetle
Accelerated transition to crown fire(when needles are present)
Increase4l rate of spread (Surface fire)
Resistance to control (Heavy dead and down)
Frequent spotting, including long range (>.25 miles)
Beaufort Scale for Estimating 20-FT Wind speed,2010 IRPG page 7
Page 38 of 47
Wildfire Emergency Response Fund (WERF) 2014
The Wildfire Emergency Response Fund (Ref: CRS §24-33.5-1226) was created to assist local
jurisdictions with initial attack wildland fire response on state and private lands within the state of
Colorado. Any County Sheriff, municipal fire department, or fire protection district within Colorado
may request WERF reimbursement as the official Requesting Agency. WERF will reimburse, if
funds are available,the Requesting Agency the cost of eligible wildland firefighting resources.
Both aerial resource use and hand crew use on the same incident.
First hour of firefighting helicopter rotor time+pilot time
First aerial tanker flight+drop+retardant*
OAS-carded&USFS-carded pilots, if federal resources are involved.
Up to 2 hand crew days within the first 2 operational periods of an
incident,beginning from time of departure to fire.
Type 1, Type 2 Initial Attack, or Type 2 NWCG-qualified crews.
HAND CREW Hand crews should be ordered based on incident needs, crew Type and
capabilities,and proximity to incident. There is a preference for the use and
reimbursement of State of Colorado inmate crews.
Different crews may be used,but only for a total of 2 hand crew days.
There are often additional costs associated with the use of aircraft and hand crews that are not
Fixed wing aircraft reimbursement does not include lead plane or aerial
observer aircraft. _
AERIAL RESOURCES Additional helicopter personnel(helicopter crew).
Ferry time/flight time to bring aerial resource to Colorado.
Fuel truck.
Chase truck.
HAND CREW Travel time to bring hand crews from outside Colorado.
Hand crew logistics costs of lodging, camping, and per diem.
Consult the County Annual Operating Plan for the local, state, and federal dispatch procedures to order
resources eligible for WERF reimbursement. The Requesting Agency must notify the Colorado
Division of Fire Prevention and Control (DFPC) of each WERF reimbursement request. Requests
should be emailed to DFPC at firebill @cdfpc.org within 7 days of resource use and include the
following information: who requested the resource (Sheriff, fire chief, etc.), fire name, incident
number (whenever available), resource name, date(s) of use, and copies of resource orders
(whenever available). Since the DFPC has been tasked by the Colorado State Legislature to
administer and manage this fund, it is critical that DFPC receives notification of any and all WERF
requests to maintain an accurate balance for the fund.
*Any request for a Very Large Air Tanker (VLAT) must be approved by the DFPC Deputy Chief of
Operations or his or her designee prior to use. Rev. 03/07/14.
Page 39 of 47
' r
Aviation Support Request Form
Grand Junction Interagency Fire Dispatch
The County Sheriff or designee, local Fire Dept. Chief or designee or the Incident Commander
will contact Grand Junction Interagency Fire Dispatch directly with their request for aviation
resource. Prior to making that request the following information must be collected.This
information will help facilitate a faster, safer and more efficient response. In order to request
aviation resources call 970-257-4800 and ask to talk with the Aircraft Dispatcher or Floor
IC Name and Agency:
Fire Name/Jurisdiction:
Fire Location: Elev:
(Lat/Long and a geographic location, no addresses. May use IA Zones found on UCR IA Zone
Ground Contact:
(Must be able to TX/RX on air to ground frequency as assigned by GJC Dispatch. This is for pilot
Wind Speed/Direction:
Values at Risk:
Known of Possible Flight Hazards:
(Including but not limited to: power lines, other aircraft, paragliders, etc.)
Time and Date Requested:
Resourc (s) Requested:
Type/Qt : Type I: Bucket Tank Type II: Bucket Tank Type Ill
Type/Qty: VLAT Type I Type II Type II (Scooper) Type Ill (SEAT)
Leaded w/ Retardant Water Foam
Page 40 of 47
Exhibit F
All criteria are met, Two elements are Less than Two
Implement Stage I present, Consider elements are present,
Restrictions Stage I Restrictions No Fire Restrictions
All criteria are met, Two elements are Less than Two
Implement Stage II present, Consider elements are present,
Restrictions Stage II Restrictions Remain at Stage I
• HIGH HUMAN CAUSE RISK means that there is potential for larger than normal
populations active in fire prone areas. Examples would be holiday periods such as
the 4th of July or Labor Day, or during hunting season.
ERC or Energy Release Component is an indicator of the overall fire danger resulting
from local fuel moisture conditions. This component is used in tracking seasonal
trends or communicating expected fire danger.
STAGE I Restrictions
The following acts are prohibited until further notice:
1. Building, maintaining, attending, or using a fire, campfire, coal or
wood burning stove, any type of charcoal fueled broiler or open fire of
any type in undeveloped areas.
2. Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, in a
developed recreation site or while stopped in an area at least 3 feet in
diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable vegetation.
3. Using explosive material: (ie: fireworks, blasting caps or any
incendiary device which may result in the ignition of flammable
4. Welding, or operating an acetylene or other similar torch with open
5. Operating or using any internal combustion engine without a spark
arresting device properly installed, maintained and in effective working
order meeting either:
a. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Standard 5100-1a;
b. Appropriate Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
recommended practice 3335 (b) and 3350 (a).
Possible Exemptions
1. Persons with a written permit specifically authorizing the
otherwise prohibited act or omission.
2� Fires in constructed, permanent fire pits or fire grates within
developed recreation sites.
3. Any Federal, State, or local officer or member of an organized
rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.
4. Mechanical stoves and appliances fueled by bottled or liquid gas
which allow the operator to control or extinguish the flame with
a valve are permitted provided that such devices are approved
by Underwriters Laboratory Inc.
$TAGE II Restrictions
The following acts are prohibited until further notice:
1. Building, maintaining, attending,or using a fire, campfire, coal or
wood burning stove,any type of charcoal fueled broiler or open fire of
any type.
2. Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building.
3. Using explosive material: (le: fireworks, blasting caps or any
incendiary device which may result in the ignition of flammable
4. Welding, or operating an acetylene or other similar torch with open
5. Operating or using any internal combustion engine without a spark
arresting device properly installed, maintained and in effective working
order meeting either:
a. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Standard 5100-la; or
b. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) recommended practice 3335
(b) and 3350 (a).
6. Operating a chainsaw, cutoff saw, or any other mechanical
equipment with potential to produce sparks without a chemical
pressurized fire extinguisher of not less than 8 ounces capacity by
weight, and one size 0 or larger round pointed shovel with an overall
length of at least 36 inches. The extinguisher shall be with the
equipment operator.The shovel may be kept with the fueling supplies
but readily available.
Other possible restricted acts under Stage II
1. Operating a motorized vehicle off designated roads and trails.
2. Operating a chainsaw outside the hours of 5:00 am and 11:00 am.
3. Overnight camping limited to listed campgrounds and recreation
sites. (An attachment of designated sites would be included)
Possible Exemptions
Page 43 of 47
• r
1. Persons with a written permit specifically authorizing the otherwise
prohibited act or omission.
2. Any Federal, State or local officer or member of an organized rescue
or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.
3. Mechanical stoves and appliances fueled by bottled or liquid gas
which allow the operator to control and extinguish the flame with a
valve are permitted provided that such devices are approved by
Underwriters Laboratory Inc.
STAGE III Restrictlona
Stage III restrictions involve prohibited access to designated areas and must
be implemented by the political authority having jurisdiction for the land
areas involved. Stage III restrictions are extremely rare events, and will only
be Implemented in extraordinary situations and only after significant
interagency coordination which will include the Eagle County Board of
Page 44 of 47
a T
Cost Share Agreements
Agency Administrator Guidance:
DFPC does not have a specific format that is recommended but there are several critical elements that .
need to be in the agreement. A format can be found in the red book or the Interagency Incident
Business Management Handbook(IIBMH). Additional guidance can be found in Chapter 80 of the
Critical elements in the agreement:
1. Incident Name and Number
2. Incident Start Date,time, and jurisdiction
3. Incident Cause
4. Date and time agreement starts
5. Date and time agreement ends
6. Mutual aid times
7. Parties involved
8. Costs to be shared and how
Page 45 of 47
See DFPC website for most up to date guidance and copies of forms
Page 46 of 47
1. • •
Page 47 of 47
DFPC#01(Rev. 11/13)
(Complete this form daily,as appropriate,based on the fire situation)
Date: Time: County: Fire name:
Location: Lat/Long Legal: T_R Section(s)
Current Predicted
Yes No Yes No
I. Resources
a. Has the normal mutual aid network been fully
b. Has the County committed all of its wildland
resources defined in the County operating plan?
c. Have aviation resources been ordered?
d. Is the fire beyond the capability of local management
e. Is water supply limiting suppression efforts?
f. Is there a need for Interagency Regional or National
g. Is the availability of additional resources hampering
suppression efforts?
II. Values at Risk
a. Is the general public threatened?
b. Are structures threatened?
c. Are there unusually hazardous firefighting
d. Are historical values at risk?
e. Does the fire involve mixed land ownership?
f. Is critical infrastructure threatened?
III. Fire Behavior
a. Is fire behavior dictating an indirect control
b. Is extreme fire behavior present?
DFPC#01(Rev. 11/13)
Current Predicted
Yes No Yes No
e. Is the 1000 hour fuel moisture below 12%?
4. Is the fuel type and condition conducive to rapid
e. Is accessibility limiting suppression efforts?
f, Is the rate of spread beyond the suppression
capability of local resources?
s. Is fire burning on slope greater than 30%?
IV. Dire Weather
a. Are wind speeds greater than 20mph?
b. Is the temperature above seasonal average for fire
a. Is the RH below 15%?
d. Are there any critical fire weather events?
V. Other Considerations
a. Are there political or economic concerns?
b. Are non-fire incidents occurring which have an
impact on fire operations?
c. Is additional aviation management or oversight
VI. Totals A B c
Current (A) + Predicted (C) _
Current (B) + Predicted(D) =
To qualify for EFF answers must reflect a total local level commitment to the fire.
Total of Columns A+ C must be equal to or greater than 35.
Sheriff or Designee's Signature DFPC Director or Designee's Signature
DFPC#01(Rev. 11/13)
I• .4"
4 sr
Proficiency Demonstration Checklist
Power Point Brief
Welcome Exercise Modules
❑ Administrative Items ❑ Background (on Hazard or Event)
❑ Participant Introductions ❑ Scenario Narrative
❑ Agenda ❑ Maps (if necessary)
EX: location of explosion
❑ Scope
❑ Key Issues
❑ Purpose
❑ General Discussion Questions
❑ Assumptions/Artificialities
❑ Functional Group Discussion
❑ Core Capabilities Questions
❑ Exercise Objectives Summary
❑ Hot Wash
❑ Acknowledgement/Thanks
General Observations
Eight Steps of Exercise Design evident? ❑ Yes ❑ No
HSEEP Exercise Cycle evident? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Visually pleasing? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Professional use of photos/clip art? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Spelling/grammar checked? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Scenario plausible (NO zombie invasions, hurricanes in Iowa)? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Were the EEGs properly structured for a
discussion-based exercise? ❑ Yes ❑ No
y o�
Proficiency Demonstration Checklist
Situation Manual
Exercise Overview
❑ Exercise Name
❑ Exercise Dates
❑ Scope
❑ Missions Area(s)
❑ Core Capabilities
❑ Objectives
❑ Threat or Hazard
❑ Scenario
❑ Sponsor
❑ Participating Organizations
❑ Point of Contact
General Info
❑ Core Capabilities
❑ Exercise Objectives
❑ Participants
❑ Exercise Structure
❑ Exercise Guidelines
❑ Assumptions/Artificialities
❑ Scenario Narrative
❑ Notification/Response
o se
❑ Key Issues
❑ General Discussion Questions
❑ Functional Group Discussion
itfy FEMA
ti f 6 t
Proficiency Demonstration Checklist
❑ Exercise Evaluation Guides
❑ Participant Feedback Form
❑ AAR/IP (Draft if not conducted)
❑ Appendix A: Exercise Schedule
❑ Appendix B: Exercise
❑ Appendix C: Relevant Plans
❑ Appendix D: Acronyms
❑ Appendix E: Site Maps
(for a TTX, a map with room
location, parking information,
etc., is helpful for participants)
❑ Appendix F: Miscellaneous/
Supporting documentation (sign
in sheets, job aids, etc.)