HomeMy WebLinkAboutR10-143 Assessor Generated Abatements . • Commissioner moved adoption of the following Res on: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Resolution No. 2010 - /(4 3 RESOLUTION CONCERNING ASSESSOR GENERATED PETITIONS FOR ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS OF TAXES BEFORE THE EAGLE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners for Eagle County, Colorado (hereinafter referred to as the "Board ") is responsible for hearing petitions for refunds or abatement of property taxes pursuant to C.R.S. §§ 39 -1 -113 and 39 -10 -114; and WHEREAS, various petitions for abatement have been submitted to the Board by the Eagle County Assessor (the "Assessor ") for the purposes of correcting erroneous valuations for assessment, irregularity in levying, clerical errors and/or overvaluations discovered by the Assessor; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the recommendations of the Assessor with respect to the abatement petitions submitted by the Assessor, and such recommendations are attached hereto as Exhibit "A," and incorporated herein by this reference. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado, THAT, the Board hereby approves the recommendations of the Assessor for the schedule numbers, the tax years and the reasons set forth in the Assessor's recommendations attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and enters orders with respect to the petitions for abatement in accordance with such recommendations. THAT, for each order issued by the Board in which an adjustment to the respective Petitioners' valuation is indicated, subject to approval by the State Property Tax Administrator where required by the terms of C.R.S. § 39 -1- 113(3), the Board directs the Assessor to adjust the valuation or take such other action as more particularly set forth in the recommendations set forth and attached hereto as Exhibit "A." MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Com issioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado at its regular meeting held the day of �C 2010. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY: ara J. Fisher . i an ATTEST: IA 4on`av• ,C(407 Teak J. Simonto ,Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Peter F. Runyon, Commissioner Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vo e was as follows: Commissioner Sara J. Fisher I / Commissioner Jon Stavney Commissioner Peter F. Runyon i 0 This Resolution passed by /() vote of the Board of County Commissioner of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. 2 1 ABATEMENT RECOMMENDATION ASSESSOR GENERATED X ADMIN CHANGE YES / NO TAXPAYER GENERATED ADMIN- CHANGED BY • DATE CHANGED To: Mark Chapin, Eagle County Assessor From: Lee Martens Date: 9/13/2010 Owner: William Seguin Schedule #: R055954 Parcel #: 2467- 074 -53 -001 The appraisal section has completed its review of the referenced property as of this date and hereby submits it's findings & recommendations as stated below: Denial X Approval as Submitted Abatement /Refund different than requested (Approval in part) Assessment Rate: 29 % Classification: Vacant Land TAX YEAR 2009 TAX YEAR TAC 003 Mill Rate 61.003 TAC Mill Rate Actual Assd Taxes Actual Assd Taxes rig: $492,980 $142,960 $8,721.00 Orig: orr: $394,390 $114,370 $6,976.92 Corr: Abate:$ 98,590 $ 28,590 $1,744.08 Abate: The basis of the recommendation is: This parcel is value by the square foot. Value was adjusted after the part of parcel that is road easement was removed from total square footage. Pursuant to CRS 39 -1 -114, this abatement should be granted due to overvaluation. 1 __:7:4:1__ fi _ • Appraisal Manager Approval: 14 �d �U Assessor Approva �/ r Now G: \DOCS \Forms \ABATREC2.FRM rev. 08/18/09 jmc . ABATEMENT RECOMMENDATION I ASSESSOR GENERATED XX ADMIN CHANGE YES / NO TAXPAYER GENERATED ADMIN- CHANGED BY 0 DATE CHANGED To: Mark Chapin, Eagle County Assessor From: Ruth Berglund Date: 11/08/2010 Owner: Kelly Scott Schedule #: R046656 Parcel #: 2105 021 03 018 The appraisal section has completed its review of the referenced property as of this date and hereby submits it's findings. & recommendations as stated below: Denial XX Approval as Submitted Abatement /Refund different than requested (Approval in part) Assessment Rate: 29% Classification: TAX YEAR 2008 TAX YEAR 2009 TAC SC001 Mill Rate 58.387 TAC SC001 Mill Rate 56.682 Actual Assd Taxes Actual Assd Taxes Orig: 587,420 170,350 9,946.24 Orig: 587,420 170,350 9,655.76 4103 rr: 452,260 131,150 7,657.46 Corr: 452,260 131,150 7,433.84 I Abate: 135,160 39,200 2,288.78 Abate: 135,160 39,200 2,221.92 The basis of the recommendation is: The subject unit at the time of plat had a metal mezzanine storage area. In 2000 the mezzanine was removed from the structure, sold and moved to a new location south of the airport. ISI confirms there is no second level. Removed mezzanine level area to represent the correct square footage of the unit. Pursuant to CRS 39 -10 -114, this abatement should be approved. O e , i 0 .\ • Appraisal Manager Approval: 41 . _ AA 1,;1114 4 Assessor Approval: G: \DOCS \Forms \ABATREC2.FRM ABATEMENT RECOMMENDATION �) ASSESSOR GENERATED X ADMIN CHANGE YES / NO TAXPAYER GENERATED ADMIN- CHANGED BY • DATE CHANGED To: Mark Chapin, Eagle County Assessor From: Lee martens Date: 9/13/010 Owner: Hartell B. Soard Trust Schedule #: R026690 Parcel #: 2469- 071 -00 -002 The appraisal section has completed its review of the referenced property as of this date and hereby submits it's findings & recommendations as stated below: Denial X Approval as Submitted Abatement /Refund different than requested (Approval in part) Assessment Rate: 29 Classification: Vacant Land TAX YEAR 2009 TAX YEAR TAC 004 Mill Rate 55.269 TAC Mill Rate Actual Assd Taxes Actual Assd Taxes Orig: $400,000 _ $116,000. $6,411.20 Orig: •rr: $160,000 $ 46,400 $2,564.48 Corr: Abate:$240,000 $ 69,600 $3,846.72 Abate: The basis of the recommendation is: Value adjustment made due to engineering and county reports of unusable wetlands on the parcel.Pursuant to CRS 39 -1 -114, this abatement should be granted due to overvaluation. Appraisal Manager Approval: A ti O Assessor Approval: // G: \DOCS \Forms \ABATREC2.FRM rev. 08/18/09 jmc