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R10-139 Emergency Operations Plan, Appendix G
Commissioner a " moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, ST ATE OF COLORADO Resolution No. 2010- 1 RESOLUTION ADOPTING EAGLE COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN, APPENDIX G WHEREAS, Section 24 -32 -2107 of the Colorado Revised Statutes states each political subdivision shall be within the jurisdiction of and served by the division and by a local or inter - jurisdictional agency responsible for disaster preparedness and coordination of response; WHEREAS, Section 24 -32 -2107 of the Colorado Revised Statutes states each county shall maintain a disaster agency or participate in a local or inter jurisdictional disaster agency that otherwise has jurisdiction over and serves the entire county; WHEREAS, Section 24 -32 -2107 of the Colorado Revised Statute states each local and inter - jurisdictional disaster agency shall prepare and keep current a local or inter-jurisdictional disaster emergency plan for its area; WHEREAS, the Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan was adopted by Resolution No. 2010 -072 on June 29, 2010; and WHEREAS, it is desirous to update and supplement the Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan through the adoption of various appendices. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, ST ATE OF COLORADO: THAT, the Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan, Appendix G be adopted in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. THAT, the Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan, Appendix G set forth herein shall be effective as of November 16, 2010. THAT, should any section, clause, provision, sentence or word in this Resolution be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of this Resolution as a whole or any parts thereof, other than the part so declared to be invalid. For this purpose, this Resolution is declared to be severable. I THAT, the Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Eagle County. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the 16th day of November, 2010. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF f.AGI c, COLORADO, By and Through Its ATTEST: 4 °; OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Clerk to the Board of By. Sara J. Fish r County Commissioners Chairman 1 11k,. on `tavney o ' issioner Peter F. Runyon Commissioner Commissioner 114 --ki ,--- seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote as as follows: Commissioner Fisher - Commissioner Stavney 44- Commissioner Runyon This Resolution passed by / 0 vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado. i I I j i Appendix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan force, physical interference, or an obstacle and knowingly obstructs, impairs, or hinders the enforcement of a penal law or the preservation of the peace by a peace officer or the prevention, control, or abatement of fire by a fire-fighter. § 18- 8- 104(1)(a), C.R.S." Situation and Assumptions A hazard analysis of Eagle County has identified numerous situations which may prompt the need for evacuation and/or isolation of people in the name of public safety. These situations include but are not limited to wildland fires, hazardous materials incidents, flooding, and winter storms. Some assumptions that can be taken from an examination of historical data on evacuations in the United States are; • Hearing the warning is critical, public information and warning works, as those who feel vulnerable are more likely to take action. • No single information and warning method will reach all segments of the population and all methods will still not reach everyone (Remember special warning needs like hearing impaired, limited English proficiency, etc.). • People must believe that the warning is credible. • People will attempt to confirm that a threat exists from multiple sources before heeding a warning. • People need to be assured that the warning pertains to them so the warning message must provide details (who, what, when, where, why and how). • People may not voluntarily request special assistance with evacuation (functional limitations, lack of transportation, etc.). • People are less likely to evacuate if their companion animals are not provided for. • People are less likely to evacuate if they feel that their property will not be adequately protected (security). • Residents of the County are responsible for preparing themselves, their families and their guests for any emergency, including the possible need to evacuate on short notice. • The County and local jurisdictions will provide education to assist the public in preparing personal emergency plans. Concept of Operations The responsibility for recognition of the need for evacuation or shelter in place rests with the on -scene Incident Commander(s) or the EOC. They will be the ones with the necessary situational awareness to recommend either evacuation or shelter in place options as the preferred method of protecting lives before, during, or after disasters or emergencies. L Page October 2010 Appndix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan , Appendix G Evacuation Plans Ge eral The Eagle County Evacuation Plans operate on the principle that local governments bear the initial responsibility for response to an emergency. As a product of this principle, each level of government will accomplish the functions for which it is statutorily responsible, and will coordinate response and activities with other entities using a National Incident Management System model of Unified Command. Purpose Evacuation plans establish the organizational concepts for an effective system of notifjication, direction and care for those displaced from their home or vehicle due to public safety concerns. scope This' encompasses the following: . Who shall order an evacuation O Responsibilities for those involved • How the evacuation notifications are made . Required information to be included in an evacuation order II Facilities involved • Functionally limited populations and evacuation assistance « When is re -entry authorized and who makes those decisions 1 Authorities While no specific state statute can be found granting the authority for evacuation orders by anyone except the Governor, the following Colorado Attorney Generals ruling of June 26, 2002, seems to convey that authority to any local authority charged with public safer . "Ev cuation orders of the Governor, local authorities, and sheriffs are enforced by crim nal sanctions, and a person disobeys an evacuation order at his or her peril. A person commits the crime of obstructing government operations if, by using or threatening to use violence, force, or physical interference or obstacle, he or she intenktionally obstructs, impairs, or hinders the performance of the governmental function by a public servant. § 18 -8- 102(1), C.R.S. A person commits the crime of obstructing a police officer or fire fighter or other rescuer if the person uses or threatens violence, Page G -1 October 2010 Appendix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan Regardless of which decision is made, to evacuate people, to advise them to shelter in place or no action, the key component of a successful operation is timely and accurate provision of information. The basic information the must be provided includes; • Reason for the evacuation or shelter in place order. • Shelter in place instructions if applicable. • Evacuation routes if applicable. • Instructions for obtaining evacuation assistance. • Area of refuge locations if evacuation routes are not accessible. • Time frame for evacuation (consider staged evacuation orders to limit crowding on roadways). • Evacuation Center location. • The need to check in even if you provide your own alternate shelter. In most situations evacuation orders should be disseminated through ALL available public information and warning channels. These include; • Emergency Preparedness Network (EPN), the 9 -1 -1 call back system. • ECAlert, the text and email messaging alert system. • Emergency Alert System (EAS), which send messages via local radio and possibly through Denver area television stations. • Variable Message Signage (with assistance from the Colorado Department of Transportation). • Low power highway radio system (with assistance from the Colorado Department of Transportation). • Local access television stations (channels 5, 13, 18 and 21). • Emergency vehicle public address systems. Whenever an evacuation order is issued the Incident Commander(s) SHALL identify an Evacuation Center (sometimes referred to as an Evacuation Point) location (preferred location would be County or municipal owned facilities) and assign an Evacuation Center Manager to meet and greet evacuees when they arrive at that location. The Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan defines an Evacuation Center as a temporary short term facility which provides shelter from the elements, restroom facilities and information dissemination, usually for displacements anticipated to be 12 hours or less. The Evacuation Center Manager must have communication with the incident command organization in order to provide timely information to the evacuees. There are several factors which must be considered when planning for an evacuation. Among these are the characteristics of the hazard or threat itself. The magnitude, intensity, speed of onset, duration, and impact on the local community, are all significant elements to be considered. They will determine the number of people to be evacuated, time available in which to effect the evacuation, and the time and distance of travel necessary to insure safety. Page G -3 October 2010 Appendix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan . `. Whejnever possible, specific subdivision level, all hazard evacuation plans will be developed by the appropriate public safety entities with community input based upon the type of potential hazards, and the location. Assignment of Responsibilities Emergency Management Director: • Development and coordination of evacuation plans. •I Assist in dissemination of the warning. • Assist in evacuation within capabilities and as requested. • Active EOC as necessary to provide resource support and to maintain liaison with State and Federal authorities and authorities of other nearby political sub - divisions. Vail Public Safety Communications Center: • Lead agency for dissemination of warnings when directed by the Incident Commander(s). • Notification of Emergency Management any time there is an incident requiring evacuation/relocation of more than 10 people. • Notification of the Salvation Army and American Red Cross any time an evacuation is ordered. Fire Agencies: • Recommending and assisting in evacuation if situation warrants. • Assist in dissemination of warning. • Assist in evacuation within capabilities and as requested. Law Enforcement: • Assist in dissemination of the warning. •I Coordinate transportation to shelters for those who need transportation assistance using busses, EMS or other appropriate vehicles. • Emergency traffic control and crowd control. • Assist in evacuation within capabilities and as requested. • Security of evacuated areas and Evacuation Centers. EMS: • Assist in dissemination of the warning. • Assist in evacuation within capabilities and as requested. Public Works: •, Clearing of debris from roads as necessary to maintain evacuation routes. • Assist in evacuation within capabilities and as requested. Pagel G -4 October 2010 I Appendix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan Transit Agencies: • Providing buses for temporary shelter from the elements as necessary. • Emergency transportation for those in need (coordinated by law enforcement). Eagle County PIO Group: • Assist in dissemination of the warning. • Assist with providing information at Evacuation Centers. The Salvation Army: • Provides staffing and food to evacuees at Evacuation Centers. American Red Cross: • Provides staffing assistance for Evacuation Centers and shelter management and staffing. Evacuation Center Manager: • Receive assignment from Incident Command. • Provide check -in to account for those evacuated. • Provide situation information to evacuees. • Determine need to open Evacuation Shelters. Mass Care General This function deals with the actions that are taken to protect evacuees and other victims from the effects of the emergency situation. These actions include providing temporary shelter, food, medical care, clothing, and other essential life support needs to those people that have been displaced from their homes because of an emergency or disaster threat situation. Purpose Mass care describes the provisions that have been made to provide disaster victims with the appropriate services when at a mass care facility. During the post- disaster period these facilities may be used on a long -term basis to feed, care for, and provide temporary housing to the disaster victims whose homes have been severely damaged or destroyed or cannot return to their homes or continue to their destinations due to weather conditions or damage to or debris on roads. Other long -term post- disaster mass care options may include: kitchens to feed people; water supply stations; first aid stations; temporary housing in rental units, tents, hotels /motels, and mobile homes; hygiene facilities (portable toilets and showers); mail service, etc. Page G -5 October 2010 App - ndix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan , ti Emergency Shelters The agle County Emergency Operations Plan defines an Emergency Shelter as a tem rary longer term facility which provides shelter from the elements, sanitary facilities to incl a restroom and shower facilities, sleeping accommodations, food services and information dissejmination. Situjation and Assumptions The situations requiring mass care are identical to those requiring evacuations. Some assumptions that are relevant to mass care planning are: • People will not desire staying in an emergency shelter if there are other options available to them. • Shelter locations should provide for families with children to be segregated from the general shelter population. a Medical support services and supplies may be needed for functional limitation populations to travel to and after they arrive at the shelter location. Conjcept of Operations The kieed to establish Emergency Shelters should be determined from the information Jeri' ed from the Evacuation Center(s). The American Red Cross will be the lead agency in shelter management. The have the resources, depth of service and most importantly, the agreements in place with the schools and recreation centers which are the only facilities that meet the needs for an Emergency Shelter. Assignment of Responsibilities In addition to the responsibilities listed in the evacuation portion of the plan, the following agencies have the listed responsibilities when providing Mass Care; American Red Cross: • Opening of the facility. •I Staff composition and management structure. • Provisions for registering and tracking location of each evacuee (to be able to respond to inquiries from the evacuee's family, track health concerns, etc.) • Specific services provided to evacuees (shelter, feeding, medical care, etc.). • Ensures each shelter receives the necessary supplies to sustain itself. • Reporting requirements. • Termination of services and closure of the facility. Page G -6 October 2010 Appendix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan Eagle County Health and Human Services: • Provides medical and mental health support to evacuees with the support of the American Red Cross resources on scene. Eagle County Animal Services: • Provides companion animal shelter services, including food, sanitation and other necessities, preferably in a location close to the established Red Cross shelter. • Provides support for care of livestock that may have been relocated due to the incident or event. • Coordinates the actions needed to obtain sufficient personnel to staff animal shelters, as needed. • Ensures each animal shelter has a highly visible identity marker and sign that identifies its location. • Coordinates with the PIO Group to facilitate dissemination of information to the public on the location of the companion animal shelters that will be opened. • Keeps shelters open as long as necessary. • Ensures each shelter receives the necessary supplies to sustain itself. • When appropriate, terminates shelter operations and closes the facility. EMS Agencies: • Provides medical support to evacuees. The Salvation Army (Local): • If appropriate, provides personnel to help staff mass care facilities. • If appropriate, provides food service support to shelters. Non- profit Public Service Organizations: • If appropriate, provide personnel to help staff mass care facilities. Schools: • If appropriate, provides personnel to manage and staff mass care facilities. • Shelters students in school buildings when the situation warrants or when requested to do so by the appropriate authority. Recreation Districts: • If appropriate, provides facilities and personnel to manage and staff mass care facilities. Page G -7 October 2010 Appendix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan Law Enforcement: Provides security at mass care facilities. • Provides traffic control during evacuee movement to mass care facilities. Maintains order in mass care facilities. Pub ic Works: Ensures power, water supply, and sanitary services at mass care facilities are maintained during emergency conditions. Public Information Group: ♦ Makes public announcement about availability of mass care facilities and animal shelters and their locations. CSL1 Extension Service: • Develops and maintains list of local food warehouses and other sources of bulk food stocks. Page G -8 October 2010 c 5 a) 5 5 0 U cn a cl)z a, t tz a I nt z .,.m U P Cid a) rl • z a © 4 1 . o . - c a 0 0 0 o 0 o V o N o Ct u s, 0 E W 0 0 U +4 cat O W U v a) a) W b d a, = z u 6 Clo U a j �I • Appendix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan RE -ENTRY MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS Situation and Assumptions for Re -entry Following a disaster, where evacuation of portions of Eagle County have occurred, roadblocks (traffic control points) will be established restricting re -entry evacuated areas until it has been determined by public safety agencies and damage assessment teams, that it is safe to do so. The following points are essential for Safety during re -entry: • The provision of minimum access on primary roads • Reestablishment of emergency services (police, fire, EMS and medical facilities). • Removing of utility hazards Considerations for Initiating Re- entry: That a situation has affected all or portions of Eagle County that prompted an evacuation. That damage is such that food, water, and/or shelter may not be immediately available. That damage is such that debris may restrict movement along primary road systems. That damage is such that electrical power, gas and or water may not be available. That damage is such that local emergency and public communications may not be available or significantly reduced. That damage is such that health services, medical facilities, and medical transport may not be available. That law enforcement, fire, and EMS services may be hampered. Objective of Re - Entry The objective of post- incident re -entry management is to identify immediate needs of affected areas and once identified, provide a systematic assessment and recovery process. Page G -10 October 2010 i I I i I Appendix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan Re -Entry Procedures There is an absolute need to provide access by clearing debris from primary roadways, to reestablish EMS, police and fire services and, remove and secure utility hazards while establishing a minimum of capabilities, and to assess damages in order to manage an effective response. There is also a recognized need for emergency protection measures. Additionally, many outside services will be needed and outside interests will desire access. Every effort will be made to allow evacuees to return to their homes and businesses. Re- entry to all areas evacuated will be authorized based on public safety and security concerns, the extent of dangers, and operational requirements public safety. The decision to establish general re -entry will be evaluated through continuous coordination among the various municipalities, county, state and federal agencies. This information will be announced over all available media. The Eagle County EOC will receive assessment from all incident command organizations to determine extent of damage and will assist with resource acquisition and management for the re -entry process. Public Works officials will assure that primary roads'are open and bridges are without damage. Public Information announcements will be made regarding the re -entry by all media Restricted re -entry to the damaged area will be at the discretion authority having jurisdiction. Public Information announcements will be coordinated through the Joint Information System. All requests for assistance beyond the capabilities of a municipality or district should be channeled through the Eagle County EOC. Re -entry will be determined by priority scheduled as listed below or at the direction of the controlling authority. 1. Emergency Services, public works, utility and damage assessment officials 2. Resident 3. Non - resident (insurance adjusters, repair personnel, etc.). 4. Unrestricted access Page G -11 October 2010 Appendix G Eagle County Emergency Operations Plan Jurisdictions should develop re -entry vehicle pass systems and individual approval documentation such as wrist bands prior to an incident to ensure they have the app io priate resources available to initiate these systems in a responsive manner. 1 • I Page G -12 October 2010