HomeMy WebLinkAboutR10-105 National Suicide Prevention Week Commissioner moved adoption of the following R lution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2010- /O3 Resolution Designating September 5 —11, 2010 as National Suicide Prevention Week WHEREAS, suicide is the 11 leading cause of all deaths in the United States and the 3` leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 15 and 24; and WHEREAS, in the United States, one person completes suicide every 15.2 minutes; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that 4.6 million people in the United States have lost a loved one to suicide; and WHEREAS, 50.2 percent of people who die by suicide use a firearm and guns stored in the house are used for suicide 40 times more often than for self - protection; and WHEREAS, the overall suicide rate in our country has only slightly declined from record highs in recent years, the suicide rate for those 15 -24 years old has more than doubled since the mid- 1950s and the suicide rate remains highest for adults 75 years of age and older; and WHEREAS, the stigma associated with mental illness and suicidality works against suicide prevention by discouraging persons at risk from seeking life- saving help and further traumatizes survivors of suicide; and WHEREAS, statewide suicide prevention efforts should be developed and encouraged to the maximum extent possible; and WHEREAS, organizations such as the American Association of Suicidology and HEARTBEAT, which are dedicated to reducing the frequency of suicide attempts and deaths and the pain of those affected by suicides of loved ones through educational programs, research projects, intervention services and bereavement services urge that we: 1. Recognize suicide as a national and state public health problem and declare suicide prevention to be a statewide priority; 2. Acknowledge that no single suicide prevention program or effort will be appropriate for all populations; 3. Encourage initiatives based on the goals contained in the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: A. Promote awareness that suicide is a public health problem that is preventable. B. Develop broad -based support for suicide prevention. C. Develop and implement strategies to reduce the stigma associated with being a consumer of mental health, substance abuse and suicide prevention services. D. Develop and implement community -based suicide prevention programs. E. Develop and implement community -based suicide bereavement support services. F. Promote efforts to reduce access to lethal means and methods of self -harm. G. Implement training for the recognition of at -risk behavior and for the delivery of effective treatment. H. Develop and promote effective clinical and professional practices. I. Increase access to, and community linkages with, mental health and substance abuse services. J. Improve reporting and portrayals of suicidal behavior, mental illness and substance abuse in the entertainment and news media. K. Promote and support research on suicide and suicide prevention. L. Improve and expand surveillance systems for suicidal behavior. WHEREAS, a great many suicides are preventable; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners hereby designates September 5 through September 11, 2010 as "National Suicide Prevention Week" in the county of Eagle in the Sate of Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, at its regular meeting held the — day of 424 , 2010. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, by and Through Its ATTEST: f eel BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS • Teak J. Simonto * ita J. F Clerk to the Board of" irman County Commissioners 1 Jon '. tavney Co issioner 77. ■ Peter F. Runyon Commissioner / Commissioner seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been .. e . r= called, the vote was as fo ows: Commissioner Fisher Commissioner Stavney / 1 - Commissioner Runyon i" This Resolution passed by vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado.